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London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

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Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Echidna gasps as the sword is pulled from her chest, though she smiles as soon as it is pulled out and nods at Anabelle's instructions. She watches as Anabelle begins heading back toward the other side of the ship and whispers. "I'll be there though I fear you might not make it. May Set smile on your undertakings until then."

She quietly slipped into the water beside the boat as quickly and softly as she had whispered to make her escape. Stalking quietly to where she could catch a glimpse of the other fight she peered over the crates. There stood Muirne looking as though she were in some sort of trance and staring back at her was the nobleman. Similar in appearance to Aethelwulf though far younger in appearance and richer in his dress he seemed to be whispering something to Anabelle's ally as he locked gazes with her. Menyhert was nowhere to be seen though the crate had been loaded aboard the skiff and they seemed to be ready to depart.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"Cho fada cho cuideigin deancum faire," Anabelle muttered to herself as Echidna vanished from the ship. Skulking in the shadows she peered over the crates, and witnessed the trance.

"Ith mo chac," she cursed, and gripped the sword firmly. This man was dangerous, but the time for subtlety was ended. She would not leave Muirne to the machinations of these men.

Running forward she tried to keep as silent as possible, before tackling into Muirne to break her eye contact with the noble, shoulder bashing into her side even as her sword slashed towards the man's face. More to break the connection than anything.

Hopefully it had not yet taken root.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle leaps over the crates in front of her and lands running in a desperate attempt to save her entranced companion. The slick deck poses little challenge for the former crusader as she crashes shoves the scourge aside and turns ever so slightly to swing her sword at the surprised Cainite. He barely even reacts as the tip of the sword grazes his cheek, leaving nothing more than a quickly healing scar.

Hurriedly grasping a battle axe from his belt he bears down on the pair where they landed only a few feet away. Muirne seems to be a bit dazed from the way she is shaking her head but that matters little as Anabelle seems to be the target of the noble's rage. Bringing her blade up at the last second she just manages to halt the vicious chop coming down at her from above and shoves the axehead aside as she scrambles to her feet.

13/15 BP, 4/4 WP, [*][][][][][][]. I really need to remember to put this up when one of you is in a combat or using blood.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

She felt the impact upon the steel of her blade, pushing the axe to the side. As she rose to her feet, she jabbed upwards with her sword, but it was not the true attack. Her rise was accompanied by a hard swift strike, claws arched upwards, to the man's thighs and mid section. Hopefully Muirne would be able to recover before this went sideways.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

While the man recovered his axe for another powerful blow he stared balefully at Anabelle. A furious disdain shown in his eyes as he glared at the pair of Cainites on the ground. As furious as he might be though he was still in complete and utter control of his abilities as he seemed to be attempting to catch her gaze with his own.

Anabelle's attack came swiftly and with surprise, the tall nobleman was just barely able to turn aside her blade with his own at the last second. Her feint had caught him completely off guard tearing through his flesh and garments with incredible ease. Though unlike before he simply shrugged off the wound as though it were nothing. In fact it hardly seemed to have done anything other than tear his clothing.

He tried to catch her gaze and soothingly kept repeating with his heavy Saxon accented English. "Put down your sword and surrender."

No changes. I am curious as to if you have pieced any of what's going on together though. I'm hoping I didn't make the affair to twisty turny to understand.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Eh. I'm a bit dense sometimes. Especially when it comes to playing Anabelle. She's rather... simplistic in her views. But that's okay for me.

So no I've not quite pieced everything together.

"Thalla gu Taigh na Galla. I'm not dropping anything," Anabelle said, keeping her eyes locked to his chest, crouched low and ready to attack again, but holding back for the moment. She didn't though, she knew when to pick her fights, and so long as she could still grab Muirne and get out of her relatively alive she'd call that a night.

"You want to talk, stop with your caochan eye tricks, and talk," she said, putting herself between the noble and Muirne, keeping her sword at the ready, fingers of her left hand curled in and ready to slash and tear and rip.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

A look of utter disdain slid over his face as Anabelle retorted, though she likely missed the look as she ensured that she wouldn't catch his gaze. He did his best to keep her at a distance with the reach of his battle axe and seemed to be fairly adept at the weapons use. "One of the low clans speaking in a low tongue to their betters. I may enjoy breaking your stubbornness and turning you into a useful tool for my lord. You may have dispatched one of my lackeys but you are still hopelessly outnumbered. Menyhert, Muirne take her, but do not put her out of her misery just yet."

Anabelle caught the odd way he said her companions name, but she was more concerned with the sudden looming presence behind her of the same. Of perhaps more concern was the sudden appearance of the same great wolf she had seen the previous evening from behind the cabin, ringing her in own three sides. The beast was perhaps smaller and more human-like than the previous evening but it slavered and snarled the same as it leaned back and gave a long hard howl toward the bright moon above that sent a shiver down her spine.

Fair enough. I didn't exactly expect a worldly genius when you made her. Probably a good thing I gave her a more worldly mentor if she gets stuck.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"NO!" Anabelle screamed when she heard her companion's name. She didn't look, didn't really have to. She just knew, with a dread heart. Charging forward, she slashed, stabbed, and raked with claws and sword at the man. She didn't really care anymore... except that he die, or she go down without becoming some kind of slave.

No more words came from her mouth, only growls, and snarls. She hoped the falcon above would see such tidings, but she knew she was too far in over her head. If this was to be the night of her final death, she would make it a glorious one.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle's ferocious attack caught the lordly Cainite before her by surprise even as the Lupine charged from it's corner and her former ally drew weapon against her. The time for subtle bluffs and feints was gone and she slashed at the noble with every weapon at hand. She slashed his face and chest with sword and fang respectively, barley cognizant of the damage she might be doing.

Her very life threatened as it was Anabelle quickly lost control of her actions to the vicious beast within that she had so long held back. For once it seemed to be more of an ally than a hindrance as she growled with fury and kept up the attack. She barely registered anything except for the enemy before her. The blows from his allies struck and hurt her though she noticed not an instance of pain in her frenzied state.

She lost complete track of all time as the blows went back and forth between her and the many enemies about her. If she had been more in control of her actions she might have noticed that the lupine hurt her not and in fact soon seemed to fade into nothingness, replaced by the Black Wolf, Menyhert. Despite her valiant stand against the odds one final blow to the side of her head sent her reeling to the deck of the ship. She fell into a state of torpor similar to the sleep of the day but far worse. She was vaguely aware of the continued beating she suffered after she fell but not the details.

I was curious but did you notice that your thread in DotD is updated. Also your only in torpor after almost rage killing a Ventrue. 13/15 BP, 4/4 WP, [*][X][X][/][/][/][/]. You should also think of another animal trait to add since you frenzied.
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Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

There was no pain, and even as she descended into the depths of the river she felt not the cold embrace of the water. Only blackness that overwhelmed everything as she sank deeper and deeper until finally she lay upon the bottom. A corpse, with scant few allies, and fewer friends. Images swirled hazily through her brain, as if a dream, but they were memory, twisted and sharpened to cutting edge.


Anabelle opened her eyes.

Suppose I'll take wolf like eyes. Can't really think of much more at this point. Also, left it at her opening her eyes in case she drifted off somewhere in her torpor
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

She wasn't even sure how she had fallen in the water as her body gave out but she sank quickly and deeply before coming to rest on the muddy bottom. The beast faded even as she sank allowing her to feel the pain from the many injuries she had sustained. Broken bones and deep scars riddled her body but they could be healed easily enough though it would likely take a fair amount of her vitae to do so.

Laying on the bottom of the muddy river she tried to piece together what she had seen and what had happened during her blind rage. She felt the tide dragging her along the bottom for what seemed like a distance. But no she was being dragged upwards by someone else. Were her attackers intent on finishing her off or perhaps capturing her and enslaving her like Muirne had seemed to be.

Finally she broke the surface of the river and felt herself dragged across cool mud. A drop of vitae hit her lips and she swallowed without even thinking as a familiar voice reached her ears. "Maybe you won't fail to meet me after all. If you're still alive in there that is."

Echidna! The snake woman had come back for her for some reason.

You already have wolf eyes. Since you can't think of anything else though I'll give you a few choices: thicker untameable hair, non-retractable fangs, some sort of mannerism like dropping to all fours when stalking prey, or depending more on her sense of smell than a normal person would and constantly sniffing the air. I only healed you enough for you to awake so you could decide how much you wished to spend and such. 13/15 BP, 4/4 WP, [*][X][X][/][/][/][].
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

oh,oh,oh! Smell!

"Somehow," Anabelle said in a low whisper as she felt the blood sliding down her throat. She concentrated on letting some of her wounds heal, those that would prevent her from getting away quickly. Now was no longer the time for standing and fighting.

Her claws shrank back to normal fingernails, her eyes once more their natural beastly state. She blinked slowly and looked up at Echidna.

"Did not expect you," she said with a raised eyebrow as she tried to sit up and look around her surroundings. She had to get stock of where she was, what she had left. She would free Muirne, or kill her to prevent her being a slave, collar as real as any band of leather. To do that though, she would need to be alive for the next moon, and she would need whatever strength she could garner.

"Tapadh leat," she said softly, nodding her head to Echidna. "So, I suppose now we can talk."
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Her eyes focused on the now kohl smeared face of her one time foe, Echidna, as she knelt over the Gangrel closing the wound on her wrist with a smile. Anabelle felt strange as she faded back to normal, her senses were no keener than before but she seemed to smell a danger in the air. It was as though she could smell the earlier fights still in the air.

She was under the bridge on a small shoal, the area was much darker and cooler than the already cool fall air. Echidna nodded satisfied that Anabelle wasn't completely dead and looked at her new companion with a shrug. "I didn't think I would come back but I felt compelled after my stupidity earlier. Just because I follow the dark god Set does not mean I am without honor. We should be safe here for a few minutes if you need to rest"

It was strange but Anabelle felt a strange urge of loyalty or even love towards the Setite coming over her as well. Than it occurred to her that they had been bound by the blood they had each drunk of the other. Jourdain had mentioned it long ago on the ship to Malta.

Smell it is then. 5 BP's and a few minutes of rest will heal everything beside the 1 aggravated she took.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Anabelle laughed softly at her mention to her God and shook her head, remember days when she wore the cross. Such beliefs were long since behind her.

"It does not seem to matter what a God's name is, for there are always those with honour, and without who whisper their name. Long gone are the days when I judged a person based on whose name they called in battle... or in bed for that matter," Anabelle said with a shrug as she sniffed at the air, curiously. Something was... different. Perhaps something to do with the beast? Or her clan? Such answers she did not have.

"Who were they? Those on the boat. And why turn from them to help me?" she asked, wondering if there was more than blood involved.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"I would think you naive for not wanting to kill me immediately but since you choose not to judge me, I see no need to judge you." Echidna said plainly as she wiped the dark makeup from her face with the aid of water. The Setite seemed both honest and dishonest at the same time as she spoke. Anabelle had heard of the clan called the Followers of Set but knew next to nothing of them other than their name and that they were typically Egyptian. Her face cleaned Echidna looked back at Anabelle as she asked her question and whispered as she answered.

"I fear I know little about my companions that will be of use, but I do know a large part of their plan. The Ravnos is named Menyhert, he's little more than a smuggler and the source of the bloodroot. He likes to use our fear of lupines and his ghost fire as you no doubt noticed. The other you probably know more about than I, calls himself Aethelwulf. Seems to think he's a rather important member of your prince's court." She looks about to make sure they are still alone as her smooth words explain what she knows. Anabelle having met Aethelwulf earlier in the evening realizes that some one is lying, though who she's not entirely sure.

"Of course the most important bit of knowledge is that he intends to use the bloodroot to weed out undesirables in the city. It's rather harmless to mortals but deadly to our kind and they have quite a bit stockpiled. I suppose my mistake of drinking from you is partially to blame for my turning though it's more the fact that I think Aethelwulf would destroy me just as soon as I was no longer of use." She adds in explanation of the plot.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"If that is indeed even him," Anabelle said with a frown. Deeper she fell into a world that she had no real interest in. With a gnash of her teeth she tossed a stone into the water, a growl of frustration slipping free.

"I met one who called himself Aethlwulf earlier. Unless he can change form, one of the two is lying," she said, taking care not to accuse Echidna. The woman was perhaps her only ally now that Muirne's will was no longer her own. She wasn't even sure how Jourdain would side in all this.

"The plan has to be stopped. I care little if the court survives and who claims power, one seems much the same as the next, but I will not stand by as other die. And I will not let Muirne remain slave as she has in court," the Gangrel said, rising to her feet. She looked down with a frown at her empty scabbard; the sword would be somewhere at the bottom of the river. She would have to find another.

"So what will you do now Echidna. You have helped me, but will you help me further? I understand that this is not truly your fight."
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"Lies are a second nature to the majority of our kind even myself. I doubt everyone and everything I meet and too often I am correct. I have never seen my Aethelwulf change his appearance or even hide in the shadows and I have difficulty picturing a Ventrue lowering themselves to learning the disciplines of a low clan as they put it. However the high clans are typically my best clients so I wouldn't rule it out." Echidna said as she watched the stone splash into the cold, dark water of the Thames. The fact that Echidna seemed to think her Aethelwulf a Ventrue made Anabelle think him lying about his name, unless everyone else had been lying about Aethelwulf's being a Gangrel that is.

"As you have pointed out it is no longer my fight, my former companions likely think me dead at your hands." She paused as she stared at the cold dark waters of the river as though afraid to look at the one she spoke to. "Still I find you to be of much interest, you seem almost a paragon of virtue in this world we live in. Something that appeals to my most basic of natures....I can't guarantee that I will come to your aid should it again be necessary but I think I will keep an eye on you from the darkness all the same. Fare thee well, Gangrel."

With that she quickly slid into the dark waters as quietly as she had once before leaving Anabelle to ponder her parting words. Something about the way she had mentioned keeping an eye on her seemed equally as promising as it did threatening. Now there were more immediate things for Anabelle to turn her attentions to though.

8/15 BP, 4/4 WP, [*][][][][][][].
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

"That I am paragon of virtue should show how little there is in our world," Anabelle said with a twisted smile that held no true humour as she glanced over her shoulder to the other woman. When she announced her departure the Scot slowly nodded her head and watched Echidna slip into the darkness.

"Beannachd leat."

With Echidna gone, Anabelle was alone. She wasn't sure how alone, but she needed to find weapons once again. Looking up to the sky, she tried to gauge how much of the night she had remaining, before slipping out from beneath the bridge. Water dripped from her cloak as she pulled the hood up, the garment hanging in shreds and tatters, making her appear as much a beggar as a wanderer.

It may come in handy. She began to move along the streets, sticking to the shadows, not sure who was watching her, looking for any other of her kind, but more importantly: a blacksmith's shop. One of decent quality.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

Judging from the position of the moon in the clear winter sky Anabelle would guess that she still had at least four hours of night remaining. More than enough time for her to make plans and perhaps find a new weapon.

A brief swim to the shore between two dark buildings and she soon found herself on the streets of London proper once more. Though she likely looked more like a beggar than a wanderer she was truly neither anymore it seemed. She felt more like an animal than she had before as she breathed in deeply and rotten smells of the city filled her lungs. Nothing but a cesspool of corruption ruled over secretly by perhaps the most corrupt creatures on earth but she still could not simply abandon them for some reason.

She sniffed the air and began to follow what seemed the best choice of street on the lookout for either Cainite or blacksmith. She probably didn't have the necessary funds to purchase a weapon if a blacksmith would even sell her one but she had to try.
Re: London Bridge is Falling Down (Anabelle)

ha... buy. Yer funny

Moving down the street and keeping her hood up and cloak tight, she let her eyes shift once more. Seeing as clear as day she moved through the darkness, close to the buildings, shuffling like a beggar. She followed her nose as much as anything, sniffing for coal, steel, and fire. Or the fur of a Lupine.

She felt naked without the sword. Pained by the loss of Muirne's mind. Anger, hatred, swirled in her mind.
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