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Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

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Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Genevieve peels off her own garments slowly almost as if she were teasing her fellow lasombra with small peaks at her pale flesh. She coos slightly as she feels Eliza begin to help her get into the beautiful white silk of her costume. She leans back against Eliza after she has finished and smiles shyly up at her. "Why what do you mean. I am as innocent as the virgin snow."

She stops and finishes straightening her costume while Eliza begins to change. After her question she walks up behind and helps Eliza change as well. Leaning in close to Eliza;s ear she whispers. "I can't wait myself, I always try to enjoy the best meals myself. You almost look good enough to eat, a shame I can't take a little taste."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Eliza ravished Genevieve with her eyes as her companion disrobed, horribly scandalous images surely swirling through her conniving Lasombra mind while helping Genevieve got into her costume. She replied to Genevieve's feigned innocence with a slap on her behind, lips curling into a sadistic smirk as her fingers pinched. "Of course you are darling. Just do not stay that way too long, or I may grow bored."

When she was finished with Genevieve, Eliza adjusted and fixed her own devil costume, the slit on her red dress scandalously high. She smoothed the silk and adjusted her horns until she was satisfactorily devilish. Hearing Genevieve's sultry words in her ear, she raises an imperious eyebrow and smirks. "That can be arranged," she replies gazing over her shoulder with a seductive smile. "It will have to wait, however, for we will need all of our strength and wits about us for this quest."

Eliza paused then offered her arm for Genevieve to take. "Come my angel. We have a party to crash."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Genevieve whimpers at a bit at the pinch though it's obvious that she is enjoying the attention. She even gives Eliza a little back with a smirk as she helps her into the devil costume. A giddy little giggle issues forth from her lips as she says. "I almost wouldn't mind skipping this masquerade with that offer in mind. It's a good thing we don't that easily anymore or we might have to learn to keep our hands to ourselves."

Locking her arm with Eliza's she says gladly as they exit the back room. The perpetually masked Osgood hands Eliza the invitations on the way out with a bow and the pair are soon on their way down the street for the Castle Bayard. There are no further impediments to their plans until they near the tall walls of the lesser of London's two fortresses.

The path leading to the castle gates is lined with flambeaus every few feet, though the fire is hardly enough to panic either Lasombra they still feel a natural tinge of nervousness as they ride to the gate. Several guards stand at attention in their finest while a young herald stands waiting to introduce the newly arrived for the Queen's birthday masquerade.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Eliza glanced back at Genevieve with a crooked grin as they walk out of the dressing room. "Who said anything about hands darling?" The Lasombra laughed lightly but then recovered enough to nod graciously to Osgood, taking the invitations.

Invitations in hand, the pair headed to the Castle Bayard for the masquerade. Eliza's lips curl into a small scowl from the feel of the fire nearby. It wasn't much, but it was certainly enough to annoy the Lasombra. Nearing the herald though, it occurred to her that it might be a good idea to examine these invitations! She glanced at her's to be sure it at least had a woman's name and looked over to Genevieve. "Everything is in order with your invitation my dear?"

Assuming there weren't any weird issues with the invitations, Eliza would elegantly approach the herald, handing him the invitation. As a former duchess, it only came natural to Eliza to play this part, letting her hair glide over her shoulder, she looked around the surroundings with a suitably pretentious air about her.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Thankfully the invitations seemed as though they were in order as the two Lasombra quickly looked them over. Eliza's was for one Baroness Racchea, a suitable alias if she had ever heard one as it was no doubt some foreign noblewoman like herself. Genevieve gave a nod that hers was in order and they quickly made their way over to the herald who bowed stiffly but perfectly as he looked over the invitations.

"Right this way Baroness. Do you wish me to announce you or would you prefer to go incognito for the evening?"

Everything seems to be working perfect as he leads Eliza and Genevieve through the doors to large and sumptuous main hall of the Castle Bayard. A band of minstrels play and food and drink are scattered throughout the hall on tables as dozens and dozens of noblemen and women dance, gossip, and dally about. To the two Cainites horror the far side of the grand hall is dominated by two large mirrors on either side of the royal throne.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

As she looked down at the invitation, Eliza nodded her approval. Osgood really was quite good at this. She was glad to get to him before Isleena, and she wouldn't show it, but she was relieved that the invitations weren't defective too. That would have been quite the embarrassment.

Eliza didn't pay much heed to the herald other than to stop before him as he bowed. A small smile curled at her lip as she looked at the gathering before her. It was like a devil infiltrating a crowd unsuspecting victims. She gestured vaguely to her horns. "An announcement? I do not think a devil should like to have her presence announced to her victims. Would you?" The way Eliza said it sounded serious enough, but she smiled enough to carry it off before heading into the crowd.

The Lasombra blanched when she saw the mirrors at the back of the room, looming above the throne. Eliza discreetly grabbed Genevieve, pulling her into the crowd with her. "Did you see what I saw? Not being able to approach the throne will be a nuisance. We will have to do our best to avoid giving ourselves away. Perhaps we can lure her into the crowd somehow though. Keep an eye out, but in the mean time, let us find something fun to do." Eliza said as she looked around her surroundings like a predator dressed up in a devil costume.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"As you wish Baroness." The herald said as demurely as possible with another bow before returning the invitations.

Moving through the crowded ball as elegantly as possible Genevieve eyed the other guests in their motley assortment of costumes like a wolf might eye sheep. Until they got to a spot where they could speak privately for a moment. She nodded happily as she continued sizing up opportunities before saying. "Of course I noticed my dear. Mortals tend to seem even more vain than we do at times do they not. If only they understood who their true masters were and the follies of such vanity. However in the mean while I think I'll check out the refreshments, I'm sure they taste much better than those at our court."

The other guests both man and woman took note of the two latest arrivals. Eying the newest guests in much the same way they were eyed up. A gathering of predators being stalked by even more dangerous predators. There were plenty of choices to choose from as Eliza looked over the gathered. Though a young man and woman dressed in matching skeleton costumes seemed particularly intrigued with herself.

Genevieve soon drifted away from Eliza gathering a handful of young suitors to herself as she did so. She smiled and winked as she allowed herself to be dragged away by the nobles arguing for her attentions.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Pale hand gripping her wrist, Eliza pulls Genevieve closer before letting her go, gazing into her eyes with her vibrant kiwi eyes. "Do try not to gorge yourself on the appetizer . . . and remember we have a mission. I will be very pleased with you if things go smoothly Genevieve, but do not disappoint me."

Watching Genevieve go, Eliza frowned slightly, not sure the girl was taking this seriously enough, but then again it was, indeed, a party. No harm in having a little fun. Speaking of which, Eliza noticed the skeleton pair checking her out. Instead of approaching them directly, the Lasombra primogen made a point to disappear herself within the crowd of nobles. Though she walked with an elegant gait, her eyes stalked like a predator, zigzagging through the crowd until appearing behind the skeleton pair. Eliza stroked one of her horns, smiling devilishly as she greeted the skeletons from behind.

"You two must be feeling adventurous tonight to attract the attentions of a devil so. Has not your priest warned you against such dangers?"
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Genevieve merely gives a wink as she moves off with her crowd of quickly gathering suitors. The appraising looks she was giving each of them suggested what the devious little neonate might be planning for the winner.

The ball was the perfect place for their kind to mix with the nobility of Eliza's new home as she surveyed the crowd whilst moving towards her first target. Even if she couldn't get what she was after she wouldn't go hungry she thought as she nearly bumped into a comely young noblewoman.

Eventually she arrived just behind the skeletons and spoke catching the pair off guard judging from the jump the woman gave at Eliza's voice. The nobleman smiled as he bowed politely soon joined by the young noblewoman. "I suppose the priests are always warning us about such things. As you said though we are rather of the adventurous sort. I am Sir Carolan of Grenwich and this is my sister Lillian, one of our good queen's ladies in waiting."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

As she made her way through the crowd, Eliza thought of how delicious some of these patrons must be. Nobles always looked so tasty. It would be easy to become distracted in a place like this, Eliza's eyes lingering longingly behind at least one particular attractive noblewoman.

Eliza managed to focus on her task at hand, however, after reminding herself that ever rarer delicacies might be on the horizon. She smiled crookedly, especially when the lady-in-waiting dressed as a skeleton jumped at her surprise introduction, replying to the man's bow with an elegant curtsy. Eliza laughed lightly as he spoke.

"I fear no one would ever live at all if we were to listen to all those silly admonishments. It is a pleasure to meet both of you. I could tell you were a high standing pair even before we talked, so I am not surprised. I am Racchea, Baroness of Raška."

The Lasombra primogen brushed her long snow white hair over her shoulder as she smiled at the pair, her kiwi eyes gazing deeply into Sir Carolan's eyes and then resting upon his sister's.

"This is quite the happy coincidence. I had been hoping to find an opportunity to meet your Queen. Surely an illustrious pair such as yourselves would have a close relationship with her? I would be honored if you would deign to introduce me to her, darling."

I be dominatin'
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The Castle was certainly decorated to the bounds of mortal decadence as Eliza soaked in ever more of the atmosphere. Still it hardly compared to the sorts of gatherings the undead put on amongst themselves. Often more akin to a visit to the second circle of Hell, assuming the puritanical amongst her clan were not invited.

Almost as many lusty looks were returned to the Cainite as she gave out herself proving how simple it was to control such canaille. Her sights were set on a much higher prize, one well-known for her chastity and virtue. She stole a glance towards her target as Carolan spoke. Queen Matilda managed to look even more virtuous amongst the displays of debauchery put on by her husband King Henry.

Carolan smiled as Eliza's gaze settled on each of them in turn and stepped back as he slurred. "A pleasure, Baroness. I shall return soon. We must have drink so that we may be merry."

He departed into the crowd just as Eliza made her play to meet with the virtuous queen. Lillian couldn't help but look into Eliza's shining kiwi eyes as she spoke perfectly couching her command perfectly so that it seemed like nothing more than curiosity. Lillian nodded as she curtsied, her eyes never leaving Eliza's own as she spoke. "Of course I can, Baroness. It is little trouble for my lady does so love to meet interesting people like yourself. -giggle- I'm sure she will find your costume amusing."

She bit her lip for a second as one of her hands brushed across her stomach as her eyes glanced towards an open door leading to a garden. "Would you like to meet her right away, or perhaps we could get to know each other a bit more while the formal introductions are taking place."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

A smile full of wickedness appeared on Eliza's lovely visage for a brief moment as she stole the quick glance toward her ultimate prey. The queen certainly did not disappoint, looking so innocent and regal, like a queen of the angels. The Lasombra could hardly contain herself at the thought of getting her devilish hands all over that body, drawing soft gasps of desire from the saintly queen whilst sharp fangs rested within her delicate flesh. Fortunately for Eliza, she somehow managed to purge those delicious thoughts from her conniving brain long enough to continue the conversation.

After nodding to Carolan as he left for refreshments, Eliza kept her kiwi gaze steady on Lillian's eyes. The Lasombra smiled knowingly when the woman replied in the affirmative. What choice did the pretty little mortal have after all? Eliza also giggled at Lillian's words, but for an entirely more diabolical reason. "You flatter me dear, but yes I do think Queen Matilda will find me quite fascinating. I have a way about me, or so I am told anyhow."

Watching the girl bite her lip, softly brushing those fingers across her midsection, Eliza smirked. "Of course I would like to get to know you dear. Having come from so far, I have much to learn about these lands. Besides," Eliza finished with a charming smile. "I think I would rather like to meet your Queen in private. Perhaps, you can help arrange that for me after we talk?"
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Lillian nodded as she was captivated by the beautiful Lasombra's kiwi eyes and nodded. "My queen always enjoys getting the chance to meet such emissaries as yourself. She says the Saxons and Normans of our court can be so uncouth in their ways. I will be glad to arrange such an introduction after we've had our chance to get to know one another."

Lillian's soft brown eyes lit up as Eliza, or the Baroness Rachea she was pretending to be, agreed to talk with her in the gardens of the palace. She smiled and blushed softly as she linked arms with her companion and casually began to stroll towards the open door. She shivered a bit as she did so and smiled before asking. "Goodness you are chilled, Baroness. Perhaps it would be better to visit one of the fireplaces to warm you before taking our stroll in the gardens?"

You know I've completely forgotten if Eliza has already spent blood on masquerading for the scene or not. I guess I was to caught up in my current plotting, so if you did just remind me. 12/15 BP, 3/4 WP.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Lead the way darling," Eliza replied elegantly, allowing Lillian to link arms with her, her smile just as devilish as the horns on her head. Her mood quickly soured, however, noticing the girl's reaction to her lifeless body. Eliza cursed herself, quickly focusing, feeling the vitae swirling within her to warm her body, hoping to soothe Lillian's nerves - not that she really cared about the girl, but she was important to her current plan.

Cringing at the thought of having to endure a fireside chat with this mortal girl, Eliza quickly brushed aside that notion. "Oh dear me, no darling. You are all I need to keep warm," the Lasombra replied with a disarming smile. "I much prefer the cool night air, and I simply cannot wait for you to show me the wonders of your majesty's garden. I imagine it is one of your favorite places at the court?"

lol, I forgot, but I'm doing it now!
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"As you wish, Baroness. The garden is a bit more...private so that we can...talk. The garden is one of the better places to visit within the royal residence, though it's a shame you can't see it in summer with the all the flowers in bloom." The young lady-in-waiting is as easy to read as a school primer with her manner of speaking and nervous smile. Who knew their would be such debauchedness in such a virtuous queen's court.

The pair happily continue into the garden leaving the remainder of the nobles to feebly grasp and claw for whatever power they might gain. One might pity their feeble attempts at such fleeting power but not everyone was fit to be perfect after all. The garden is indeed lovely or at least it would be if winter hadn't drawn so near. The hedges were still thick with the snow from the previous evening and a soft breeze sent a chill up Lillian's spine causing her to shiver ever so slightly.

Lillian led Eliza on along a cobbled pathway until they reached a stone bench out of sight of the others. The perfect place for some tryst of the courtiers or in Eliza's case to further her goals.

Yeah we can't forget about that whole pesky being dead bit can we. In that case you have 11/15 BP and 3/4 WP. And yes debauchedness is actually a word trust me I looked it up.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

The royal gardens were indeed lovely, even in their snow-covered state, but Eliza did little to acknowledge it other than a slight nod as they walked down the cobblestone path. She'd never had much of an appreciation for nature's beauty even in her living days. Spending the past three decades as a creature of the night certainly hadn't refined those tastes. Lillian on the other hand... Eliza regarded with a crooked smile. The predator within her rejoiced, especially now that they were alone. She knew that it was only a matter of time until she got her fangs into this girl. Eliza much preferred this kind of hunting, in the gardens of a royal palace rather than the forests of the wilderness. The prey was so much softer in places like this.

"There are always flowers in bloom if one knows where to look darling." As she said it, Eliza practically ravished Lillian's body with her kiwi gaze to emphasize where exactly she was looking. Once they reached the out of the way stone bench, deep within the garden and Lillian was seated, Eliza moved closer. Without further ado, the Lasombra primogen with the snowy white hair elegantly sat down across the girl's lap, kiwi eyes teasing her sultrily, leaning closer. "I do hope you do not mind my little winter flower, but this seat is far more comfortable than that dreadful stone," Eliza purred, brushing her lips against the lady-in-waiting's neck, an arm casually draped around the girl's shoulders.

Softly kissing Lillian's neck, Eliza lightly pricked the girl's flesh with her fangs. She enveloped the trickling crimson with her lips, softly disguising the blood sucking as a passionate, gentle kiss. The Lasombra went nice and slow, savoring the taste but made sure not to take too much. Eliza still had a job to do after all, and so did Lillian, even if she did have a sexy devil on her lap for now.

just taking one BP from the feeding and hopefully disguising it well enough :)
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Lillian turned a few shades of red deeper as Eliza sat across her lap and swallowed her very being with her gaze. She obviously wanted what was coming though she had little idea what exactly was happening as she smiled and simply nodded. She fumbled with her hands as on slowly slid around Eliza's waist to pull her tighter. "Not at all, Baroness. I-I couldn't think of a better seat for you to take."

She gasped as the false Baroness kissed her neck passionately, wincing and gasping louder as she felt the slight prick. Even with taking such a small amount of blood the girl seemed to stiffen and moan as the delicious taste of noble blood found it's way down Eliza's throat. She smiled as Eliza pulled back completely unaware of what the devil in her lap had done, a bit dazed and unable to speak but still awake and ready to do whatever the Baroness asked of her.

Check that puts you at 12/15 BP then.
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Hiding her mischief with a quick flick of the tongue, Eliza smiled at the dazed and confused girl beneath her. She could do this all night long, tasting that delightful vermilion wine, but Lillian was just a mere appetizer to whet the palate for the main course. It would not do to gorge herself on the appetizer, not at all.

Eliza continued to sit across Lillian's lap, letting the girl hold her. "You look simply ravished darling, so adorable. Have you not felt this way before? I wonder if Matilda has ever experienced such feelings."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

Lillian shook of the dazed look in her face and smiled as Eliza mused about her lady, the queen. She smirked as she took a quick look around as though to make sure no one would interrupt their fun and said mischievously. "That was simply amazing, milady. I have to admit I'm not entirely used to such experiences at least not without someone like...you. Though I've often thought about such things, I-I just never thought it would feel as good as it did."

The blush still in her cheeks she leaned her head up against the devilishly dressed baroness and added. "My lady the queen I doubt would understand what such things feel like, she doesn't even flirt with anyone but her husband, King Henry. Even then it isn't really what I would call flirting, though I must admit I have wondered what it would be like to be with her. Though I couldn't picture her being with myself or anyone but the king she is so faithful."
Re: Crashing the Masquerade (Eliza)

"Of course. I tend to have that effect upon people," Eliza remarked, laughing idly whilst slowly brushing Lillian's hair. "One woman alone is lovely, but put two together, and you have a work of art. Especially when one of them is me."

Eliza's smile curled devilishly, kiwi eyes gleaming as she listened to Lillian's description of the queen. It was going to be so satisfying to get her soft little devil's fingers all over that paragon of virtue, to allow the woman to serve her desires, demonstrating just how far beneath her was even the most royal human woman in the kingdom. While she continued to think of ways to make that happen, she considered a new question for Lillian.

"Unfortunate for her then I suppose. Lillian, I imagine as one of the queen's closest ladies in waiting, you know much about her, no? I wish make the best possible impression, both for myself and to bring honor to my wonderful home of Raška. Do you have any suggestions as to how I might impress her, through manner or gifts or other such things?"
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