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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

So just to make sure, the sex now is the bar scene (and the following encounter after that loss) as well as the dragon things in the house? Any others I should be looking for?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Yeah. I'm pretty certain there's nothing else until the expanded demo comes out.

Also, there's a Q&A on the blog. Someone asked about the romanisation of the name and it seems that it's not really that much of a concern for him, although it may change.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

According to the end of the demo he's adding one les scene and two NPC H-scenes to the demo? Derno when that will happen though.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Oh right. Well, strictly speaking yes, you can equip underwear as a helmet. But you must also equip Socks as a shield, Gloves as an Accessory and so on. Essentially, you lose half of your equipment slots - and that gimps you, because that's potentially a lot of stats (although not so much in the demo).

Anyhow, I think I've figured out the problem. I need more features in my translator to fix it, but it is doable.

Also, quite handily, you're wrong on text-images. When I said that the programmer had some serious skills, I meant it. The only text in the demo which is not an editable string in the game somewhere is the help screens you get when pressing F8. Everything else is somewhere in the code. The text you mentioned is scattered across a few of the Ruby scripts.

Incidentally, whilst I didn't try it out myself, someone did mention that you can glitch your way through the fight, by expoiting the fact that the spear/pole-axe type weapon can stab through doors, and bandits can't seem to open doors. However, as you'd expect, the fight is supposed to be unwinnable, so nothing happens even if you do beat them all.

Finally, Minnie's accuracy isn't that bad, I think. The issue is the D&D style rules, where armor causes attacks to miss rather than reducing damage. At least, I think that's what's happening in the code...

Played the Demo a bit and Not quite, while it looks like we play by D&D 3.5e rules, he's using the "Armor as DR" variant rule, where some suits grant Damage Reduction but also boost your AC at the same time.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

OK, so a bit of bad news I guess. I've spoken with the author of the game, and he doesn't want an English translation patch. I've explained that I don't condone piracy etc. but he thinks that an unofficial English patch will increase piracy. Which is probably true, realistically speaking - this community is not known for respecting copyright.

Anyhow, in keeping with my policy of respecting authors wishes, I will not be releasing any translation patches for this game.

On a more interesting note, he has actually read this thread and can answer a question on the D&D stuff: because he's a fan of Baldurs Gate and the other Bioware games, he has been basing the game off D&D mechanics, but he also isn't implementing them fully. So there's no saving throws, for example, and there is armor based DR.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

That's not true. It certainly won't increase the rate of piracy, but it obviously will increase the incidences of piracy because the target audience increases.

In every single culture and species, there is a certain inevitable and allowable amount of "cheaters." That rate doesn't go up or down. If it's released in English, the piracy will go up, but so will the amount of legitimate downloads. That's no reason to not release your product into a bigger pond.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

That's true.

Now, I'm actually in a complicated position. I'm not sure what it is permissable for me to say, but I will be making a patch. I cannot say that this is officially condoned.

The fewer questions asked about why I have changed my mind, the better. I don't think it would be good manners to answer them anyway.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

The thought of someone out there making a patch is more than we deserve, at least in my case.

Patching usually take ages so the game will be "safe" for at least a year.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Patching usually take ages so the game will be "safe" for at least a year.

You sure? There's seems to be quite a lot of unused scripts and stuff in the demo. There's a very real chance that a significant amount of the game menus, popups etc will be translated day 1.

That would make the game highly playable for western audiences, especially combined with translation software for the story.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

That's not true. It certainly won't increase the rate of piracy, but it obviously will increase the incidences of piracy because the target audience increases.

In every single culture and species, there is a certain inevitable and allowable amount of "cheaters." That rate doesn't go up or down. If it's released in English, the piracy will go up, but so will the amount of legitimate downloads. That's no reason to not release your product into a bigger pond.

Its not true, but it fuels the perception.

That said, the "PIRACY IS BAD!" argument has simply become an echo chamber. Sales are down? PIRACY! Sales are up? ANTI-PIRACY EFFORTS MUST BE WORKING!
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

You sure? There's seems to be quite a lot of unused scripts and stuff in the demo. There's a very real chance that a significant amount of the game menus, popups etc will be translated day 1.

That would make the game highly playable for western audiences, especially combined with translation software for the story.

Well, hey! I'm no coder so I was mostly talking hypothetically AKA outta my ass. :p
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

The only place where piracy remains extremely high would be Russia, for a fact.

Publishers actually have to lower prices there down to like 5-10 dollars for a 50 dollar game.
But yeah of course it'll increase piracy... because you're attracting a LARGER audience.

Sacrifice pirated copies for more sales to the dev. I hope you're reading this, developer.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I think the game creator would only have to look at Monmosu Quest to see how an English patch can make your game pretty popular.

Sure, piracy goes up, but frankly, that happens anyway. With a patch, you at least get more happy players who are more likely to buy your product. People are far more likely to just pirate the game if it's untranslated because, heck, why pay money for something you can't understand? They'll just be buying it to fap, and won't really care to pay for that when there's so much free fap material around.

Now, if it has a translation, they may feel far more willing to pay the creator for also providing a good game. I can't imagine Monmosu Quest would've been half as popular if it wasn't for Rogue's outstanding translation job.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

A critical factor on piracy is really convenience. If something is much easier to obtain via pirating, you bet the piracy rate would be much higher then if the purchase option is easy to use.

Hell, often times the pirated version is better then the official version, via say translation / subtitles and a faster release, it's no wonder piracy is so popular. When something is free, more accessible and/or with better features, it's only natural for things to end up that way. The question is then how to resolve that conflict between consumers and producers.

itune, steam and the like has done far more to combat piracy rate then lawsuits and walls. The lesson there is that tactics and distribution design focusing around convenience and accessibility is the optimal way to combat piracy to date.

^ One philosophy focuses on the consumer, and facts will show you that it beats a producer focus every time.

Tactics revolving around walling almost never work, and in fact hurt the product itself. Example: Atrocious DRM? Nope, it will both hurt your product sales (hi ubisoft!), harm your reputation (hi again ubisoft!) and will still get pirated. Take that to it's extreme and you get things like forced-online only stuff like Diablo 3, with all sorts of obvious and hidden cost that came with it (Not worth it, I'm sure Jay agrees secretly).

How would all this this apply to an indie developer listing his hard work on japanese DLsite? Admittedly this is quite a complex and far from simple question. Indie developers hardly have much resource to spend on the subject. There are a few "better then nothing" step to take though that will lower piracy rate and perhaps expand the audience:

1. simultaneous English DLsite and Jap DLsite release. Timing is part of accessibility!
1a. Of course, you need to release your work on English DLsite.
1b. I'll note that some credit cards for some reason don't work on Jap DLsite. I did some quick searches and it's a somewhat common occurrence that foreign credit cards sometimes don't work on Japanese sites (particularly ones with 3 security digits on the back). I haven't found a good explanation as to why yet and it doesn't happen to everyone (which makes it harder to pinpoint). This hurts sales, I know for myself I >Can't< buy games on Jap DLsite because they won't take my cards.

2. Work with volunteer translator to release an english version. If your work is good enough, there will be volunteers. Again, if this can be done along with simultaneous release it would be great. Note: A bad translation is far better then no translation (erotical night). Remember - Accessibility!

3. Openness > Closed in. Open up and get in touch with your potential community wherever they may be, you don't have to constantly stay in touch and maintain things, just drop by all the major congregation point now and share your thoughts. This alone would lower piracy rate by a bit. Build a connection with your fans and you're find more of them wanting to support you.

4. Some form of light DRM is okay, but ONLY if it doesn't damage accessibility and make consumer jump over hoops. It may sound contradicting but well designed light DRM pairs well with games with good accessibility and convenience. Simple CD-key system used by many indie developers aren't even closed to fool-proof, but goes some way of lowering piracy rate. CD-key system has come a long way today from that days where a simple keygen will kill it. Soldak entertainment and Illwinter for example are 1 man indie developers who used non-intrusion consumer oriented DRMs (you won't even notice after the 1st CD key prompt).

Accessibility and convenience include such thing as:
a) How easy is it to obtain the game.
b) The timing of obtaining the game. (JAP DLsite release earlier then Eng DLsite? no no)
c) The language accessibility of the game.

What others said before about wider audience and exposure definitely applies, closing your product in and limiting its exposure is definitely a lose-lose scenario.

Lastly, I glossed over a lot of details and exceptions blah blah blah. It's already a TL;DR monster so I'll stop here.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Nah, you're pretty much spot on with your arguments, as far as I'm concerned.

I have donated to quite a good number of independant game developers in the past, or bought their games, left feedback, encouragements, and what not. I would like to do the SAME for some japanese indy developers and their games, yet (all language barriers put aside) I can NOT.

Some japanese game companies go as far as preventing me from accessing their sites if I don't use a proxy, or refuse to port their games overseas (Atlus anyone ?), even untranslated. How hypocritical is it to cry wolf afterwards in such conditions ? Am I supposed to be a legitimate customer or not ? If not, why call me a "pirate" if I hypothetically started looking for the game ?

As you said, the only way to combat piracy is to make it *more convenient* for people to buy games on the short run (immediately downloading with good speed from a secure server) and on the long run (being able to play with the latest patches) than acquiring them through sources of ill repute. No legalese dumbfuckery, idiotic proxies or passwords, will change that fact. I am convinced of it.

There have never been more efforts on the "Western" side to get h-games translated and out to the "public", and this is mostly done for zero profit. Some gaijin people in the West aren't ready for h-games yet, granted, but others are (if it's not THAT extreme, I guess :eek:).

So why not take advantage of it ? Where is the real issue ?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

So... could people please stop with the piracy debate? It's not particularly relevant here. As I said, a patch will happen.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

The only place where piracy remains extremely high would be Russia, for a fact.

Publishers actually have to lower prices there down to like 5-10 dollars for a 50 dollar game.
But yeah of course it'll increase piracy... because you're attracting a LARGER audience.

And those much reduced price is probably on par with what the US price is for games 6 months after it's out (unless it's a really popular title with insane amount of sheeples to throw money at it)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Hey guys,can anyone post a link to the demo?I'm confused,on his blog i don't see anything about a demo.
And sorry for being lazy. :3
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Hey guys,can anyone post a link to the demo?I'm confused,on his blog i don't see anything about a demo.
And sorry for being lazy. :3

Protip: DLsite has the demos.

Click the DLsite link. Find something that looks like "体験版ダウンロード", which means "Download Demo"
