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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'd just like to add that there are a lot of people that consider Bestiality to be way less tame than the fairly innocent Sadomasochism (there's a whole spectrum of Sadomasochism though, ranging from light spanking to electrocution) Urophilia and Scat.

A lot of people also seem to not understand that commonly, Bestiality is one of the least tame fetishes out there (unless you consider "tame" to have an entirely different meaning xD) and there is a reason why actual bestiality is illegal in most countries (whereas things like Urophilia and Scat are not)

[Not Tame]

Looking at the list though, I can see why a lot of people here would agree with putting bestiality toward "tame" as it kind of comes with the territory of liking things like tentacles and fantasy sex >_>
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I consider everything on that list except for guro to be tame, i just can't get into death and dismemberment etc.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I think I've been on the internet too long, I consider it all tame >.>
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

question: did you fix graffity for Standhing Picture and can't use Spread Leg by action bugs yet? just wondering
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Thanks for the chart. :)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Thanks for the chart. :)


Uh, that's a hell of a workload.
Still, as it interest me as many person, any idea where the "english translated game release" as a chance to be ?
After the game release I suppose seeing how the translation got delayed a bit.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Judging from the that plan I would estimate that Ill need 3-4 month more to reach the release stage
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Judging from the that plan I would estimate that Ill need 3-4 month more to reach the release stage

I'm sure you know exactly what you're talking about.

Come now, don't be silly, jumping to wild assertions like this.

Back on track; who else is looking forward to playing chaotic evil Miene?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

It seems impossible to imagine Miene as anything but pure good, but that's probably just the limitations of the demo.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'm sure you know exactly what you're talking about.

Come now, don't be silly, jumping to wild assertions like this.

Back on track; who else is looking forward to playing chaotic evil Miene?

That's why its called an "estimate" instead of a certainty. I'm pretty sure he didn't state any facts there.

And nah, never liked chaotic evil alignments. Too edgy.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

And nah, never liked chaotic evil alignments. Too edgy.

I haven't played much D&D, although I have played Planescape Torment, and the chaotic evil mage Ignus was a mostly terrible character who was just plain annoying. Vhailor, on the other hand, was genuinely terrifying, and his alignment wasn't even evil, just lawful neutral.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

It has to be taken in the context of what happens to Miene though, I find it quite legitimate character development that when someone as innocent and inexperienced as Miene gets exposed to all that's set to happen in the story her response ends up (possibly) being just as extreme as the circumstances themselves.

I see it as a form of retribution, where an abused character effectively turns the abusive behavior of her tormentors against them and then doesn't stop there after crossing the boundary.

There's also a lot of nuance and legitimacy to chaotic evil as an alignment that tends to get glossed over, but in the simplest of terms it is a character that goes after that which he/she desires with no regards for others. It often gets misconstrued as meaning some kind of sadist that derives pleasure from harming others and will seek to do so any chance they get (they certainly could be, but it's only one of many possibilities)

And besides, we already know that Miene is largely chaotic more so than good, so that side of her alignment shifting over to evil isn't really much of a large jump. I personally look forward to chaotic evil just because I like to see an abused character be willful and fight to gain control doing whatever it takes to get to that point, even though the rest of the world might brand her as evil for it.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

For a minute, I thought you guys were talking about the Shin Megami Tensei series lol

Which is why I vastly preferred the SMT series over Persona. The law-neutral-chaos alignments based on your decisions, as well as how it affected your access to demons, was incredible.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Well, if we take the D&D alignement system, she start as chaotic good.
For those who don't know => strong individualist, marked by a streak of kindness and benevolence. They believe in the virtue of goodness and right, but have litle use for law and regulation. They have no use for people who "try to push people around and tell them what to do". Their action are guided by they own moral compass.

Chaotic Evil whould be => Character are the bane of all that is good and organised. They are motivated by the desire for personal gain and pleasure. They see absolutly nothing wrong from taking whatever they want by whatever mean possible. Laws & governement are here for the weaklings unable to fend for themself. The strong have the right to take what they want, and the weak are here to be exploited.

Chaotic evil is a bit extreme; but with the D&D system it's the alignement that is nearer one for someone on the path of revenge.
Unless you aim for neutral evil => primaly concerned with themselves and their own advancement. They don't care if the mean are legal or illegal, good or evil. They have no problem betraying friends if needed. They can act alone or work together to archieve their plan.

Guess we'll be better able to tell when we can go futher in the story ;)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

For a minute, I thought you guys were talking about the Shin Megami Tensei series lol
Damn. Satans and Gods are not exist in DnP world.
also Lawful Evil is not extrame maybe them do not raid a shop things.
but I think the house basement of lawful evil person it may be worst place.
horrible. horrible Lawful Evil Lynn...!

also. finally I played Planescape: Torment. story line was very good. battle is not good.
what i think now is...I want to add a Tiefling char.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

If you'd like good D&D combat I'd recommend Temple of Elemental Evil, ILL. Though I don't know if it's in Japanese.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

It seems impossible to imagine Miene as anything but pure good, but that's probably just the limitations of the demo.

Well, considering she's ok with having yuri sex if it was Lynn, maybe someone can earn her trust and corrupt her that way?

Like teaching her that a good way to keep your lover with you is to make sure nobody else will wants her (by means such as scarring her face with fire, cutting off limbs...ugh)

Or maybe after becoming addicted to sex, Miene decides she'd teach all those unfeeling gods the pleasure of the flesh.
(Apparently someone did this in a session before...)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'm sure you know exactly what you're talking about.

Come now, don't be silly, jumping to wild assertions like this.

Back on track; who else is looking forward to playing chaotic evil Miene?

Well, I could explain how I came to that estimated but I don't feel like doing it. So, I make it simple, "Trust me, I am an engineer."
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

And I'm a fairy.

What, don't you believe in fairies?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

If you'd like good D&D combat I'd recommend Temple of Elemental Evil, ILL. Though I don't know if it's in Japanese.

Damn that name brings me back, we played that campaign so many times (or rather, tried and failed so many times)

Anyway back to alignments, I think most people are far too rigid about the alignment descriptions in D&D, you can make the argument for example that a Lawful Good paladin is the most evil alignment you can be, oppressing freedom and liberty for the sake of perceived virtue and leaving no room for dissent (evil => PURGE IT, not following the laws => PUNISH IT) whereas chaotic evil can be a completely valid type of behavior depending on the context; a torture victim getting free and hunting down and killing her captors, despite all law and moral code insisting against that course of actions, while doing so for her own satisfaction her actions also prevent the capture and torture of several dozen others etc.

Then comes things like a Lawful Good paladin born and raised in country A, made to travel to country B where the laws are entirely different, many of the rules and behaviors in country B would be wholly evil compared to country A. Does the paladin follow the law and authority as it is set by country B, or does he insist on the law he knows from country A, committing what country B would consider wholly evil acts in order to do his job as a paladin.

And again, Miene is more defined by chaotic than she is by good (an example here would be how she steals the panties, theft not exactly being excusable on the "good" side of things, but her chaotic nature reigns here) and this penchant toward chaotic is also what makes a change in alignment on the good/evil spectrum much more likely.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to evil Miene :|