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RPG Patreon Active Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [SHOEGAZER] Dungeons and Prisoners (RJ113419)

Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

And some more; keep in mind that (eval):7:in `make_nickname_patch' repeated a shit ton of times (to the point where the post clocked in at 55350 characters) so I had to cut the error report for it short.
◆ 2014-08-18T16:50:26
■ エラーの種類 :

■ メッセージ :
stack level too deep

■ バックトレース :
(eval):5:in `make_nickname_patch'
(eval):7:in `make_nickname_patch'
(eval):10:in `make_nickname'
■拡張ステータス画面(564):in `draw_nickname'
■拡張ステータス画面(548):in `draw_basic'
■拡張ステータス画面(526):in `refresh'
■拡張ステータス画面(501):in `initialize'
■拡張ステータス画面(1906):in `new'
■拡張ステータス画面(1906):in `start'
Scene_Base(12):in `main'

■ Party
001: [001: Miene]
HP: 218 / 240
MP: 38 / 38
States: [53]
002: [002: Lynn]
HP: 143 / 143
MP: 40 / 40
States: [53]

■ Active_Unit:
Turn: 15
Active_Unit_Name: Miene
Action: 待機
■ Map_Units:
006: [006: Wooden_Door]
States: []

■ Map:
Player_Unit_XY: [6, 11]
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Error appears on the Portal that the maid does (I think everybody got this one)

Also, anybody knows how to 'break' the barrier faster? use the potions with the fairies and get sexual stats right? or the fairies doesn't count?
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Fairies can break the desire barrier, but they can't take your virginity. Plan to die near the exit (and strip yourself before engaging) so you dont lose anythign when you crawl out of the forest.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Are there any new items that can help in the new dungeon? Fighting werewolves with standard long sword and buckler is pretty bad.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Did anyone experience the grey death bug? I mean when the screen becomes a grey blur. You can hear that the game is running but no matter what you do the screen still stays that grey blur.
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Are there any new items that can help in the new dungeon? Fighting werewolves with standard long sword and buckler is pretty bad.

Enchant your weapon with lightning, use attack spells or let Lynn kill 'em. They have about 99% resistance towards non-magic/enchanted weapons.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Are there any new items that can help in the new dungeon? Fighting werewolves with standard long sword and buckler is pretty bad.

You can also buy the same boots Lynn uses in the town with the random dungeon... they give abit better defense... i have Miene on lvl 17 now and she can take damage better then Lynn can.... but Lynn is still a amazing damage dealer.... also the buffs and spells from Miene become pretty strong

I do wonder if the lvl 7 and up spells are not released in the demo? i have some lvl 7 spells since a few lvls now but they just stay grayed out no matter how much i rest

And i wonder which stats do what... i know STR gives more attack and CON gives more hp but i wonder what the others do and if theres extra effects on STR or CON too besides the attach and hp increase... also i wonder what the skills you get to select when leveling up do.... i know some but most i have no clue about... and theres 2 that keeps being grayed out there... like Freedom of movement and some other

And besides that.... i love this demo... its amazing how ILL made the action so awesome!
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Ugh, too many crashes from just random combinations of buttons. Also, all old saves will crash with a stack too deep bug. I'll wait this out a bit.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

And i wonder which stats do what... i know STR gives more attack and CON gives more hp but i wonder what the others do and if theres extra effects on STR or CON too besides the attach and hp increase... also i wonder what the skills you get to select when leveling up do.... i know some but most i have no clue about... and theres 2 that keeps being grayed out there... like Freedom of movement and some other

So, this is based on D&D, so from the top:
STR = Hit with melee weapons, some bonus damage with weapons
DEX = Armor class modifier, Hit with ranged weapons
CON = HP, resistance to status effects (but probably not in this game)
INT = Mage spells per level, some other stuff which probably isn't in this game
WIS = Divine spells per level, Willpower saving throws (I believe it's the stat used for horny-based saving throws)
CHR = Bard spells per level, Probably used for dialog options later on

There's also skills which will use these in D&D, no idea how many of these will make it to D&P. However, Balance/Freedom of Movement do, these require DEX 11/DEX 13 respectively. I expect in the full game there will be more in the full game.

As to what type of spellcaster Miene is.. I have no idea. She behaves most like a Bard-type caster, but Miene has a fairly custom class no matter how you look at it.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Finally. whole of transltaion file was imported. (Map37:childhood dragonbold is missing)
and finally I can support bug report from here. lol really I hadn't time for check here for those days. really.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

2 may-or-may-not-be bugs:
- with the connect skill, you can see the other peoples' stats, but that their portrait in the portrait slot
- You can increase Meine's stats over 99 (with the level up points), but it does not display higher than that, and increasing it over 100 doesn't seem to do anything (done with cheat engine and leveling Meine to 20 and back to level 1 again)
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I noticed most of issues. just I don't keep up fixing it.
1.connect : I have a plan to change the sprite view of it. then I do not fix it a while.
2.stats over flow : I won't forbid cheat. however I do support it? hell no.
heaven : some game system has changed. heaven do not adjust for it yet.
tentacle monster : it is Mind Flayer. however it haven't tantacle penis.
and tentacle penis rape animation is not available yet.
standing sprites : I must modify the animation script. and adjust the sprite posing to two player (in sex, lynn's sprtie hides screen as hell). so then, many sprites are not added yet.
dungeon : now nealy impossible to defeated all party member. but I have a optimize plan for it. really optimize plan.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

well this is odd in the dragon cave when it tells you to go to sleep i can't sleep in the bed.
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

I'm stuck in a place where the spread legs debuff won't go away. XD
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Ill is it possible to make the sex sequences a bit longer?
I mean that the monsters cum just after 2 or 3 turns. 5 or 10 would be much more realistic if you ask me.
No to mention the semen amount. It the diary if the monster cums one the character the semen counter goes up with 6. That shouldn't only go up with 1?
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

you realize that the cheat no longer works.
is quite true that you should avoid the. ^^
but as love potions ec hope. it also where can later buy ^^

an error but I've found.

you may invite stand store but select in the main menu, farmer alls gray marked XD

super the game has even more errors than before.

sex scenes has ended despite the one it.

just keep on running and you can not move and game over no one goes

how cool is the whole ko system defective
bonus level of the demo is no longer playable
and the items disappear is still

the demo mom is scrap
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

o_O Are we playing the same demo Sangoku? Cause I don't experience many of those issues. Yeah there are some times a little glitch in the sex system but otherwise Ill cleaned many of the major bug up if you ask me. Then again its possible that I just didn't run into them. :p
Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

you may invite stand store but select in the main menu, farmer alls gray marked XD
Yep, I noticed the Load Game button is always grayed out as well.
how cool is the whole ko system defective
bonus level of the demo is no longer playable
and the items disappear is still

the demo mom is scrap
On the KO system, I noticed something peculiar as well - it seems the enemies get kinda bored after a while and don't do anything. So you hold S to skip through a whole bunch of turns, and he second Miene stands up, she gets stabbed again. This just keeps happening until you get tired of it. With the amount of times she got stabbed, she really ought to be dead.

The bonus level is no longer playable? Not quite sure exactly what you're talking about. Is too difficult or just not present in your game?

The items disappearing - yes. Very true. My precious Bardiche is no longer. it got unequipped (I decided to see about Heaven). I killed the offending party with my bare hands, picked up the Bardiche and BANG it's not in my inventory, even though I can't change equips during battle.

The demo mom is scrap? Not quite sure about this one.

I had a strange time in Heaven. I break down Joker's door, knowing full well I'm going to lose. His two flunkies went down like fresh dairy cream, then the man himself comes out, knocks me down in two hits (fine, he's strong, no problem there). So he goes right for the main course. ZAP, damage and stunned he gets. I get up, punch him in the hooter, knocked down again. Tries for the snatch again, ZAP and stun. Repeats like this until he's dead and I'm level 4. Joker now seems to no longer use Angel Dust.

After this I proceeded to wipe the rest of the basement prior to recovering my stuff. The Bardiche is still missing, but where the hell did that dagger come from? There's no bandits anywhere in sight but I still can't put anything on. Why does the battle map not deactivate (or initiate a "coast is clear" once you wipe the basement/ground floor) until you go up a floor? Obviously it's safe enough to use the facilities, but not to spend two minutes putting your things back on? I don't quite understand that. It's still part of the Heaven dungeon, I get that. But the coast is clear, so really...

Quick question: Aside from allowing you the check another character's stats, what does the Connect skill actually do?
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Re: RJ113419 - Dungeons and Prisoners

Just a reminder: if you can't replicate the bug by starting a completely new game (no previous save), don't bother reporting it. Replication is basic bug reporting procedure.