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RPG RPG Maker [ 虹コム] サバイバルダンジョン RJ097009


Feb 27, 2009
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Another game coming up late July . -. between this and Dungeons & Prisoners July is looking hella delicious (and both trials are still getting updates)

Anyway, on topic of this game.

There's different costumes with different stats, but no clothing destruction.
It has chastity meter, with trackings of cumshots for the 3 holes as well, with different ending based on those.

For the trial, there's 4 scenes total (the rest go into game over or not a sex scene)
In the starting town there's 2:
When you choose to do waitress job at the cafe, after each round go talk to the guy at the counter, and he'll ask if you want to stop working, say no and go around some more.
Eventually she'll have to go on stage and dance, this lead into grope scene (which isn't fully done in term of drawings, but the scene is there)

Another is go to the house at the very south end of town, talk to the guy inside.
Now go out and a bit left of the training field you passed earlier should be a cat, talk to the cat and she'll consider who to have take care of it.
The 'safe' route is to ask the old lady next to the water.
But this is H-game, safe route is for people who want virgin ends.
Go back to the guy in that south house, he'll agree to take care of it if she's willing to model nude for it.
Lead into anal scene (which reduce chastity and remove anal virginity)

That's it for the town right now, you can head to dungeon, losing to each floor boss once for a scene.
First floor is the pig man, second floor is slime queen.
Note that losing to them a second time will be game over.

The author mentioned that he's gonna update the trial again this month, will add more info then.
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Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

I think there might be a new demo, its version 2.11

I have a question for the dungeon though, I defeated the first woman, I defeated the pig, and I also even defeated the chest 3 thingy..

Am currently level 7, with one of those other characters wich is also level 7, cant get out of the dungeon, and cant progress either...

The door after the pig has a woman in it, but wont let me go through, the other way is behind a gate, wich is also closed....
There is the cloaked character, but he only says stuff and doesnt do anything so far.... there is also the 'seller' but he only sells things, do I need to buy maybe that item for 1000?

Or am I missing something else? like a key or item to find in the dungeon wich I missed maybe??

Some help would be greatly appreciated...

Only done the bar scene other then going to the dungeon....

Thanks in advance, realy dont like that I got stuck.... :(
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

version 2.11 is just a bug fix with the nude model event.

As of this trial there's no way to return to town once you go to dungeon (the author mention he might add a way to return at some point in the dungeon, but right now nope)

To get past that door, go buy the silver anal vibrator from the merchant on that floor (should be 1000g item)
The cloaked demon just give you hint that you need to buy that item to get past that door.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

version 2.11 is just a bug fix with the nude model event.

As of this trial there's no way to return to town once you go to dungeon (the author mention he might add a way to return at some point in the dungeon, but right now nope)

To get past that door, go buy the silver anal vibrator from the merchant on that floor (should be 1000g item)
The cloaked demon just give you hint that you need to buy that item to get past that door.

Kay, thanks, I figured that might have been it... xD
Wasnt sure, thus I asked to be sure.....

Realy loving this game so far... hope it wil live up to the 'hype' lets say..
Alot of games seem realy great and then dissapoint unfortunately.... :rolleyes:
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

i already had forgotten about this game.
still a long wait until release though.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Trial 2.12 is available on DLSite now.

It adds one new event in the starting town, finish the art for the bar event, and other bug fixes.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Thanks for the update. I'm really looking forward to this game.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Does anyone know what the new event in the starting town is? The creator's blog mentions that it's some "Brat" event.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

there will be a kid that shows up in the tree to the left sometime, talk to him get new scene.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Thanks! I ended up being able to start the Brat event. Is there a continuation to it?
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Thanks! I ended up being able to start the Brat event. Is there a continuation to it?

'v ' Well, the blog says version 2.5 of the trial is done, so that should get update on DLSite shortly, and the blog image shows what seem to be Prun fighting the kid, so I guess we finally get a continuation of that.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

'v ' Well, the blog says version 2.5 of the trial is done, so that should get update on DLSite shortly, and the blog image shows what seem to be Prun fighting the kid, so I guess we finally get a continuation of that.

Wow, thanks for the info. You must be checking his blog every day lol.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

ver 2.51 of trial is up on DLSite.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Do you know how to get the 2nd brat event? I was reading that he hides in one of the wells, but to no avail.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

You need to visit right lower corner of the starting city, cross the right bridge, then left bridge and visit this building with sword inside(not fighters guild, another one with water around). Then go to the basement, speak with new npc(not sure if it's important), go outside and climd down to the right avail.
I'm dissapointed, btw.
Kinda same scene, no h.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Hmm... I still can't figure it out. I did all of those things, but I don't see the new NPC in the fountain basement for some reason. Anyway, the scene does sound disappointing lol.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Hmm... I still can't figure it out. I did all of those things, but I don't see the new NPC in the fountain basement for some reason. Anyway, the scene does sound disappointing lol.

Just keep going in/out each building to see if he appears, also talk to the green hair NPC on the left of your house.

Another thing is go into the door of the house to your right (that had an NPC standing in front before), there's a scene for that.

If after those there's still no NPC to the left in underground area of the watch tower then you're probably just missing one of the kid's appearance.

If she appears, talk to her twice and you should be able to enter the well on the top-right of the village.

Follow the path and you'll fight the kid, lose to get a scene, return again and the kid will be gone (which I assume might be a flag for future event? Just right now the kid's stuff only go that far)
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

Okay, thanks guys! I finally was able to get the event. I had to run in and out of buildings a lot until he appeared and I had to chase him around. That triggered the new NPC and I was able to enter the well from then on. I hate that damn brat... hopefully, he makes subsequent brat events XD
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

We got some news, finally... Nothing interesting, actually, just a bunch of screenshots and something about release date, but still.
Re: RJ097009 - Survival Dungeon

We got some news, finally... Nothing interesting, actually, just a bunch of screenshots and something about release date, but still.

He already said he moved the release date to ends of September a while ago .- .

Now he's just saying he WILL make it by then, so please wait.