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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I think he lost interest honestly. It's a damn shame if it's true. What burns me the most is that there simply isn't other games like that anywhere out there (none that I know of). If there was three or four artists who had that kind of style, then yeah, who cares about one of them losing interest, burning out, not giving two shits, or having a crisis as where to go with his game making career?

But because he's the only one, it irritates me that there isn't much else in the pipeline.

Mo-fuckas need to learn to Kyrieru games.

Yes I just called game developers mo-fuckas. Deal with it.

Well, Future Fragments seems to be going well.

Also, I don't get why won't he just open a patreon. He has an actual job right? Considering how popular he is, in a matter of a month he'd probably quit his job and become rich from Patreon alone...
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

That's why I dislike difficulty settings that are implemented purely as a fixed multiplier, it can affect things in silly ways.
I think Eroicu had that problem, actually - on normal against the first basic mob (bunnygirls?) you had to learn the punch-punch-block pattern.
But on easy, they died in two punches, so you could zero them out before they ever got a swipe in, fundamentally changing the encounter.

I figure to design a good difficulty switch, you need to take into account what skill your game scales on, which for platformers is often twitch reactions/timings.
By that measure you can scale player health - experts will dodge more shots than novices - but that doesn't help people on a platforming section with insta-death pits.
But I don't believe in scaling enemy health, unless it's a boss that's going to take many rounds to take down anyway.
Instead, my favorite is scaling game speed - I played Eroicu and Kurovadis in fullscreen, because that slowed down the game to about half on my shitty rig.
That way, I had a bit more time to make a dodge or a jump, which made all the difference in making it through the later levels.
You could also get more creative: Add more checkpoints on easy, infinite lives, more platforms, slower enemy attacks, stuff that rewards slow play, ...
The other way around, it can get frustrating when the game punishes you for screwing up: If taking damage cancels powerups, that makes things harder, which causes more mistakes.

At the end of the day, games should be accessible by many people, even those that suck at extreme mario.
There's a lot of satisfaction to be had in games from that "click" moment where you finally get it and suddenly everything works,
but even then, you're going to have people better or worse at the game.
Of course, doing this balance properly takes some time, so the question is how much time people should divert from making the game to figuring out balance mechanics...
scaling down speed on low difficulty is bad i think. Running low difficulty like this won't increase your skill, in fact it will ruin your timings when you try the normal difficulty. Some people will also become impatient & quit the game because low difficulty is too slow & normal difficulty is too hard for them.

Your other suggestions are mostly good though .. "Add more checkpoints on easy, more platforms, slower enemy attacks, infinite lives"

I'm not agree with this one though ^^; .. "stuff that rewards slow play". If people love to play a slow careful play then just let them be, no need to reward them I think .. you should reward people for doing great things, not the opposite.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Well, Future Fragments seems to be going well.

Also, I don't get why won't he just open a patreon. He has an actual job right? Considering how popular he is, in a matter of a month he'd probably quit his job and become rich from Patreon alone...

Eh, I think that would eat at him since he already knows that his game is WAY past due.

I like him, but I don't think it's going to be finished if I'm being honest. He's going to move to some 3d game or something.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

If you guys don't have anything better to do than trash the dev or discuss what's out, I'd appreciate not bumping the thread.

As far as difficulty: it's hard to make platformers less "difficult" if it's a legit platformer. You can alter lives, health, and ammo, but nothing replaces being able to make the jumps, except for making the jumps easier. Which I doubt is going to happen.

When you're selling a metroidvania, you need wall jumping, make-or-pray verticals, and other staple stuff. I come for the platforming gameplay tied in with good ero content. I don't want it to be easy. I want it to be compelling.

And compelling platforming is difficult movement with solid controls, where failure is always an option, and always your fault.
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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I like this game but its difficulty is pretty high, its not unbeatable but requires quite a bit of skill to get through many of the obstacles that get in your way.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I want to say he offered to refund anyone who emailed him quite a while back, so I assume it still applies now. If it doesn't, don't kill me, Kyrieru (I still have my preorder, honest!).

I can sympathize with the impatience and frustration, I really can, especially since I really enjoyed the demo (good gameplay, good-looking heroine, H-scenes, etc.), but I don't think getting harsh with the complaints is going to do anyone any good. I doubt it's going to make Kyrieru work any faster, at least. Best you can do at this point is wait (or try to get a refund, if you paid already and can't wait any longer). Captain obvious here, I know.

I also know that he had reservations about offering preorders, and I guess I can see why now.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I agree. Metroidvania games have to have that level of difficulty there, regardless of if there is an easy setting or not, otherwise, it is just like a bad flash game.

I remember first playing Kurovadis. The weird mouth enemy blocking the first power up was my bane for about 3 days. it always grabbed me and it instakills, basically, but i learned that it is slow and jumping over it required timing. When I look back at Kurovadis and the Demo enemies in Noaika, most were difficult, til you got their patterns down, now avoiding them is second nature.

I like that in Kyrieru games, and if his 3D stuff works into a game with that same thing, I am all for it.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

For nothing? You told somebody you don't know to get a life, criticize his way of life, criticize his way of making games, criticize him for looking for a diversionary project and then bad mouth him for saying he's burned out.
To be fair, Kyrieru DOES get burnt out and DOES look for diversionary projects, and that whatever approach he's taking that both overworks him AND doesn't get enough done simultaneously DOES deserve criticism, and so follows criticism for his choices and behaviors.

Ya know, maybe it's just a case of language. Maybe you aren't sure how to word your phrases correctly because I get the feeling that English is not your first language...but you definitely, to me, came across as a demanding, condescending prick.
Oh yeah, he was definitely being a condescending prick.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

To be fair, Kyrieru DOES get burnt out and DOES look for diversionary projects, and that whatever approach he's taking that both overworks him AND doesn't get enough done simultaneously DOES deserve criticism, and so follows criticism for his choices and behaviors.
Agreed, as much as I support Kyrieru, even I admit that the method he's taking isn't a productive one and it does indeed deserve criticism and people have to realize this fact. Regardless, no hate on Kyrieru and I wish him the best in his endeavors
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

To be fair, Kyrieru DOES get burnt out and DOES look for diversionary projects, and that whatever approach he's taking that both overworks him AND doesn't get enough done simultaneously DOES deserve criticism, and so follows criticism for his choices and behaviors.
Agreed, as much as I support Kyrieru, even I admit that the method he's taking isn't a productive one and it does indeed deserve criticism and people have to realize this fact. Regardless, no hate on Kyrieru and I wish him the best in his endeavors
However this method is very popular among devs ^^;. A lot of devs has "main project" & one or more "side projects"

these shouldn't be a problem as long as they treat the side projects as just for fun stuff meaning if you're bored then you abandon it/put it in the shelf and do something else (start another side project, go on vacation, etc). It's a stress relieve project after all.

In Kyrieru's case, he's probably start treating the side project as another main project .. .
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I think there's nothing wrong if he wants to do side projects. But posting about them three times in a row created this tension. People want to see progress on his new game not his awesome 3d skill :)
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Here's my question: Did he give a release date for this new game? A hint of one or anything? I never saw anything like that. You may be frustrated by all of this and it's fine to ask questions and stuff but I don't think that criticizing him is necessarily fair. Kyrieru is a member of this site and has already released two games here that for the most part were fantastic games. Also, he didn't seem to mind or throw a fit when his works were eventually passed around like a joint at a Dave Matthews Band concert.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I think there's nothing wrong if he wants to do side projects. But posting about them three times in a row created this tension. People want to see progress on his new game not his awesome 3d skill :)

Yeah, nothing wrong with side projects, but I can't say I'm much interested in seeing him going into 3-D, when his sprite work is already so proficient.

Has he mentioned whether he'd be interested in working with other people? Might be the way to go, if he wants to try different things.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Here's my question: Did he give a release date for this new game? A hint of one or anything? I never saw anything like that. You may be frustrated by all of this and it's fine to ask questions and stuff but I don't think that criticizing him is necessarily fair. Kyrieru is a member of this site and has already released two games here that for the most part were fantastic games. Also, he didn't seem to mind or throw a fit when his works were eventually passed around like a joint at a Dave Matthews Band concert.
there is an article that can explain everything:
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

[...] whatever approach he's taking that both overworks him AND doesn't get enough done simultaneously DOES deserve criticism [...]

We have no way of knowing that his approach is what's causing him to be overworked though; we you can't soundly criticize it.

He's said several times that he has a medical issue.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

He sounds like as if he had a timebomb for a heart, so I wouldn't overstress these details much. That collapsing sensation can overwhelm any psyche.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Kinda hard not to criticize when he decided to allow people to preorder his game thus putting him in a situation where he owes people a product. He should of considered his situation of his medical issues and the way he handles his projects on whether or not he can release a product in a timely manner. Though he admits his own faults in some of his blog posts already addressing this and even offered refunds which was great of him to do, but at the same time some of his rabid troll fanbase won't be satisfied until the game that they preordered is finally released.

Probably shouldn't have allowed preorders in the first place and just took on "its done when its done" attitude. If he needed money maybe he should of just opened up donations and leave it up to his fans whether they would like to donate or not with the understanding that it still won't release the game anytime faster.

Quality takes time and I trust that Kyrieru will make a great game, hopefully his situation on the handling of his projects will improve. Would like to see the game at least by the end of this year, if not the beginning of 2016.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Kinda hard not to criticize when he decided to allow people to preorder his game thus putting him in a situation where he owes people a product.

Like I said earlier....did her ever give a release date? Also, people are preordering a game from a developer of a h-game who does this stuff probably in his free time and hasn't been around all that long.

One reason I hate pre-order stuff...puts so much expectation on the maker and most of the customers act like spoiled little brats when things don't go exactly their way.

He should of considered his situation of his medical issues and the way he handles his projects on whether or not he can release a product in a timely manner.

Yeah lol...because one can expect medical issues :p

Quality takes time and I trust that Kyrieru will make a great game. Would like to see the game at least by the end of this year, if not the beginning of 2016.

Me too! I'm patient though. I've got plenty of other things to worry about...like work, theatre, writing and other games to play.:D
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Like I said earlier....did her ever give a release date? Also, people are preordering a game from a developer of a h-game who does this stuff probably in his free time and hasn't been around all that long.

One reason I hate pre-order stuff...puts so much expectation on the maker and most of the customers act like spoiled little brats when things don't go exactly their way.

He shouldn't even had preorders in the first place if he wasn't prepared to even give an ETA on the release date. Preorders due come with expectations which unfortunately increased hostility to some of his rabid self-entitled fanbase

Yeah lol...because one can expect medical issues :p

Ah I misunderstood, thought Kyrieru had some sort of long existing medical issue similar to ILL(DnP developer).