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Re: Kyrieru's new game!

1. Stealth sections with instant fail-states. (control is taken away via cutscene)

Hm, I guess he's talking about "YOU FAILED THE STEALTH, THE DOOR CLOSED, NOW KILL ALL THE GUYS TO MAKE IT OPEN." Which makes sense: if you failed the stealth, and the only solution is to kill all the guys, then why not just kill all the guys? But the object of stealth is binary, in the end: they either know you're there, or they don't. Unless the "stealth to avoid detection" becomes "stealth to become the hunter and hunt them," then it's a moot point. If you can suddenly go back to being invisible, and everyone is like "OKAY, DON'T SEE NOTHING, LOOKS GOOD, ALL IS GREEN," then the stealthing is also made invalid.

2. Games that force you to switch away from the main protagonist, or the one that you chose. (when the game follows someone else for a while)

Depends on how you do it, but I mostly agree. If you're going to have different characters, then make everything from their perspective.

3. Long games with alternate choices or routes, but not way to access them without replaying everything from the beginning.

A great example of this would be Tactics Ogre, which has a branching point at the beginning of the game that single-handedly changes the entire freaking game for the rest of the game, even changing how the last act works.

But Tactics Ogre also works by giving you so much difference with a single choice. Imagine a game which is the culmination of minute choices along the way. How would you replay it? You can't. Every time would be an organic experience.

4. Escort missions.

Depends: how smart is my escort target, and can they kill stuff/help me in a meaningful way?

5. On-rail shooter sections.

I generally hate "on-rail" anything.

6. Long stretches of walking from place to place in environments that used to contain something, but don't anymore.

Do you mean "sections of game where enemies are removed on the second way through," "backtracking through City of the Ancients/Meteor," or what?

7. Set pieces that are just time consuming. (giant ladders, long hallways)

Muh game extenders. Depends on how scenic these sections are, whether they actually contribute to the mood/expectations/anticipation, etc. Giant set pieces that serve no purpose but to leach development funds for starving graphics artists make me die inside. If it's something like climbing Ganon's Tower, then the hallways are actually really cool time extenders that also help with loading.

8. Animations for mundane or repetitive tasks, that are long and drawn out. (Opening doors)

Yes, a million times yes. If a simpler way exists to do it, especially for something like crafting, then let me create 99 of them at the same time, instead of doing them one at a time.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Well, when I say "time", what I meant was "If you don't do something before doing something else ", multiple conditions and results, basically. For example, if you leave a low level mini-boss roaming around, and then save a particular character, then you get a scene where that mini boss encounters the character. That sort of thing. Or you release a gas into an area, and it mutates a boss into something else, etc. I don't really see myself including literal timed events.

As for backtracking, Noaika has warp points, so there won't be as much backtracking as say, Kurovadis. Even in the demo, I made sure that most of the paths to obtain items looped back around, so that you wouldn't have to go all the way back. (the only one that didn't loop is different now.)
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Ehhhh backtracking can be done well or done poorly, like virtually any other aspect of gameplay. Its just a popular thing to lambaste because it only sticks out when its bad. Lack of variety in gameplay elements (eg. backtracking) can make for an overly generic, hand-holdy and linear game. There's plenty of creative ways to make backtracking add quality to a game, rather than take away from it. Not that its easy to implement, of course. An example: go through forest level. Kill plant boss. Leave plant boss room. Forest is now dead/withering. Some enemies have turned into dead/withering/wicked forms of themselves. Dead vines and trees have changed layout of level.

Its the easiest job in the world to be a critic, which is why I think its somewhat dangerous for a content creator to listen to the fans too much. It might feel safe to do, but it stifles creativity and progress.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Ehhhh backtracking can be done well or done poorly, like virtually any other aspect of gameplay. Its just a popular thing to lambaste because it only sticks out when its bad. Lack of variety in gameplay elements (eg. backtracking) can make for an overly generic, hand-holdy and linear game. There's plenty of creative ways to make backtracking add quality to a game, rather than take away from it. Not that its easy to implement, of course. An example: go through forest level. Kill plant boss. Leave plant boss room. Forest is now dead/withering. Some enemies have turned into dead/withering/wicked forms of themselves. Dead vines and trees have changed layout of level.

Its the easiest job in the world to be a critic, which is why I think its somewhat dangerous for a content creator to listen to the fans too much. It might feel safe to do, but it stifles creativity and progress.

I kind of want a boss you can skip entirely and have that be a condition for a different ending. like if you don't kill it another route is opened but if you don't a different route stays shut, stuff like that
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Kind of cool seeing some of the stuff that never made it into a game. Nice posing on the martial arts game sprites!
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

That's cool to see, but I'd still love to see something come along about the new game. His last few updates have been 3d renders and stuff, and I'd like to see Noakia!
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Eh, it's sort of sad really. Those sprites, and whatever animations he actually did make for them, will probably never see the light of day in a game.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

That's cool to see, but I'd still love to see something come along about the new game. His last few updates have been 3d renders and stuff, and I'd like to see Noakia!

Yeah, every time I see this thread is bumped, I kinda hope that it's about progress with the game. I try not to get too disappointed nowadays, though. ;)

I know it may sound rude when someone says they want to hear about Noaika, but I see it as a testament to how much we enjoy Kyrieru's games.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

Sometimes we must make certain compromises for the sake of the player. I've never encountered mechanics that I've outright hated save for those that take elements of control out of a player's hand. Now there are many, many flawed mechanics that can be downright frustrating and very time consuming; these should be approached with the utmost scrutiny.

Do not put yourself into a prison of ideas that involves personally disliked gameplay; my solution would be to approach it with a different angle. If branching paths are a problem; give the player many opportunities to cross them, if you dislike forced stealth, don't force it. It sounds as though there is a conflict somewhere in the design of the game.

Unused sprites are always interesting to see, thank you for sharing them! I love seeing cutting room floor development.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

well, there was a post about Noaika today, about how H-scenes are going to work.

Choices matter and there seems like a lot of variety.

I dig it.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

honestly. he can make it as hard as he wants to as long as he adds a gallery on completion.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

An interesting and lofty goal. I just hope he isn't biting off more then he can chew here, it's going to require a lot of extra code and sprite-work to make his idea work I'd think..
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

-There is a sort of lab/testing chamber where you can interact with enemies you've unlocked (which must be captured). With certain enemies, there are “research” animations specific to the lab that have a mini game aspect, which rewards you with items and skills.

- In the case of enemies with status effects, the research mini-game it will either result in a cure for the effect, or something that makes it beneficial with drawbacks, depending on how you complete the mini-game.

- You can also do another form of research with any enemy, wherein you fight waves of the enemy until you lose (ending in rape), and the longer you survive, the better the reward is.
This is definitely interesting. Will you be able to toggle a "beneficial with drawbacks" effect on and off, or will you be stuck with it for the rest of the game? Also, I really like the idea of arena survival matches as presented here, it should encourage me to really learn the patterns of enemies more than I might have otherwise.

- Other than enemies, there are some rooms throughout the world that have H-scenes with NPCs. Some of these scenes are prerequisites for certain occurrences, like opening doors, making bosses appear, or causing other events. Chances are they will have dialogue, even in the protagonist doesn't. Some of these scenes are monster-related.
Nice, definitely looking forward to having a bit more story in the next game.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

"of these scenes are prerequisites for certain occurrences, like opening doors, making bosses appear, or causing other events. Chances are they will have dialogue, even in the protagonist doesn't. Some of these scenes are monster-related"

so this game will have story and more H related things? interesting I hope the story isn't too ... um err the character isn't too innocent or we soft hearted demon girls would refuse to do it XD

I'm digging the combat so far in the demo the difficultly is as should I say not as strong as Kurovadis (which makes you want to ignore the H content and kill those annoying enemies) but just right for noobs like me to find it challenging.
.....and for ounce a giant tentacle slime or what ifs didn't kill me off the get go >_> lol
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

I'm sorry for not updating the first post, will fix that soon.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

joking aside will the no vsync version also buyable when the game is finished (or if the game is updated will the no vsync version remain)?
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

"of these scenes are prerequisites for certain occurrences, like opening doors, making bosses appear, or causing other events. Chances are they will have dialogue, even in the protagonist doesn't. Some of these scenes are monster-related"

so this game will have story and more H related things? interesting I hope the story isn't too ... um err the character isn't too innocent or we soft hearted demon girls would refuse to do it XD

Re: Kyrieru's new game!

joking aside will the no vsync version also buyable when the game is finished (or if the game is updated will the no vsync version remain)?
It will just be an option in-game.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

It could just be the fact that I'm trying to access the blog page in the middle of the night on a Sunday, but I keep getting a Not Found Error 404 message when I do. Other authors' pages seem to be working through Blogger, though.
Re: Kyrieru's new game!

It could just be the fact that I'm trying to access the blog page in the middle of the night on a Sunday, but I keep getting a Not Found Error 404 message when I do. Other authors' pages seem to be working through Blogger, though.
the blog works fine for me. Maybe try to use a VPN? sometimes your ISP's DNS screw up and some sites becomes inaccessible

I recommend vpngate, tutorial