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RPG RPG Maker REアニス

Re: REアニス

New upload is up at his blog. Password is in parenthesis there.
Re: REアニス

Pretty bare-bones right now, but it's to be expected. I just hope he continues this instead of dropping off the radar again.

Also, needs more Priss. Always needs more Priss.
Re: REアニス

I feel like he lost most of his motivation when people complained about his new non-RPG formula.
Re: REアニス

Agreed. The latest update looks like a reworking of V2, there's RPG elements again, and levelling is non-standard. Also noticed the lack of a guild.

There currently isn't much, but maybe the complaining did something.
I share the sentiments about V3 being hideously snore-worthy, though. Perhaps it had potential, but calling it "Anise" was the wrong route to take with it.
I like the fact that Priss now tags along on adventures. Needed a permanent mage type.
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Re: REアニス

Calling it "Anise" was fine, if you ask me. Calling it "Anise v3" was not.

If it was called "Anise: Modern Day" or something (preferably better than what I suggested), then I think it would have been more well received.

That said, I think it was a combination of both the backlash of v3, and the fact that his Hard Drive crashed as well. If you read the recent posts in the Hongfire thread, then you probably know that the restart we got was not the restart we were SUPPOSED to get.
Re: REアニス

' 3' New version came out

Mainly adds opening +1 more church scene.
(there's a few others, like talking to Pris now shows her stats...nothing to it atm though)

Since I don't know how many scenes it's got before, here's what I know:

When you go to church, you'll have the options of:
Pray (reduces stress)
Donate (pay money, get exp)

The 3rd option only shows up if either you've got more than 1 'sin' (top-left stat in the sexual stat) or you're 'stressed' (somewhere between 10 and 20 :v I jumped from one to the other and it happened)
If it's the sin option, you'll go straight to torture room, where you get some starting scene then choose one of the 4 torture methods (though the CG shows a few more, maybe it was 'first time' thing .- . the save that come with the upload has done that a few times)

If it's the stress option, you'll get 2 choices between the above and lesbian sex.
Re: REアニス

All these updates and still nothing for Pris.

Damn it.
Re: REアニス

All these updates and still nothing for Pris.

Damn it.

.- .? There's 2 H scenes with Pris involved
Both are results of the flower hunt mini-quest.

Basically if you lose to enemies in the frest, both sisters get raped (GOR)

If you succeed in finding the flower and returns home, turns out it has aphrodisiac effect and they have lesbian sex.

There's also the bit during that area where if you walk to the tower (maybe after getting the flower) they'd go skinny dipping.
Re: REアニス

.- .? There's 2 H scenes with Pris involved
Both are results of the flower hunt mini-quest.

Basically if you lose to enemies in the frest, both sisters get raped (GOR)

If you succeed in finding the flower and returns home, turns out it has aphrodisiac effect and they have lesbian sex.

There's also the bit during that area where if you walk to the tower (maybe after getting the flower) they'd go skinny dipping.

Those are pretty old though. Maybe two updates old. And nah, I was thinking about the ver 2 stuff, with the Pris-side events. Now it doesn't seem like she'll be getting any action besides GoR and sister sandwiches.

Now don't get me wrong, those are good, but the way you slowly turned Pris lewder through her side events was one of the main reasons I played Anise-ver2.
Re: REアニス

I already deleted the file .- . so too lazy to re-download it. But I believe one of the stats shown in Pris's stat (talk to her in the latest version to look at it) is sexual experience.

So eventually there should be Pris's events as well.
Re: REアニス

I already deleted the file .- . so too lazy to re-download it. But I believe one of the stats shown in Pris's stat (talk to her in the latest version to look at it) is sexual experience.

So eventually there should be Pris's events as well.


Well then. Disregard what I said, I suck cocks. Now I'm looking forward to it.
Re: REアニス

can anyone pm me a working version of v2? its already removed from his page TwT
Re: REアニス

I am also looking for a 0415 version of anise, it is suposed to be 700mb I believe but the only versions on his site are like 80mb.

A PM with a location I can get the 0415 or which ever is classed as the most complete would be much appreciated, I have looked everywhere I can think of, sad fact is I did have an okay version but lost it due to human error.
Re: REアニス

The latest version (0524) is 103.8MB, so I'm expecting a bit more content.
calranthe said:
I am also looking for a 0415 version of anise, it is suposed to be 700mb I believe but the only versions on his site are like 80mb.
I have REアニスVer2 1105 (roughly 509MB), if that's any good to you.
Re: REアニス

sorry for reviving a dead thread.
I know i cant ask for link, but does anyone know if Anise the original or V2 is still available in someway? Then i will go back to lurking.
Cause i remeber this game as awesome.
Re: REアニス

sorry for reviving a dead thread.
I know i cant ask for link, but does anyone know if Anise the original or V2 is still available in someway? Then i will go back to lurking.
Cause i remeber this game as awesome.

Yeah, I've been looking for it too. My necromancing skills aren't as developed as yours, though. I thought the game was horribly bad in every aspect, but there was one scene which caught my interest. It's worth the download just for that.

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Re: REアニス

I'm sorry, does anyone still have a copy of REアニスVer2 0415? I had one on my computer and my hard drive crashed unexpectedly and I apparently don't have a back up. This is probably my favorite RPGmaker game and I can't get baidu to let me download it. I got part 4 but all the others are requiring me to log in which I can't do since it wants phone authentication. Thank you in advance if you can PM me a link to a way to get this back.
Re: REアニス

I'm sorry, does anyone still have a copy of REアニスVer2 0415? I had one on my computer and my hard drive crashed unexpectedly and I apparently don't have a back up. This is probably my favorite RPGmaker game and I can't get baidu to let me download it. I got part 4 but all the others are requiring me to log in which I can't do since it wants phone authentication. Thank you in advance if you can PM me a link to a way to get this back.

Here you go
by the way, did anyone remember how to go to this arena... I was open it one... and now I dont know how it work :(


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Re: REアニス

Can naypne please send me a link where i can download all his games? cant seem to find it