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Amarant: Unknown Path

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

B. We need to ensure we can get to where we're going. For the moment, most everything else is secondary. Afterwards, however, A1, following Raphs advice, then A3, if we have time.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


Well, looks like we're going over to buy a ticket.

Also: What’s this!? A post that isn’t over 1,000 words?

As you think about your options it becomes clear: Nothing else matters as much as procuring another ticket and finding how much time you have here before the next train departs for Bayton. Everything else can be figured out later depending on those two variables. You turn to the left and find yourself only a couple dozen paces from the ticket booth.

As you perceived earlier: It’s a small building that’s open on all sides and octagonal in shape. Small beams span the distance between the countertop and the roof, and inside, attached to the center of the ceiling, is a small board with various names and numbers. You assume these are the locations and times for specific trains. You see three people inside, two of which are talking to customers at the moment. You make your way around to the left and approach the available salesperson, noticing he’s sitting behind a lowered section of the wall designed to accommodate vertically challenged customers

As you get closer you notice he is an elf with short brown hair. Nothing in particular stands out and, in all honestly, he seems rather plain. Still, you’re thankful that all your dealings so far have been with races that lacked a certain… emerald quality to them. He’s also reading a paper of some sort; its parchment is a light grey and it has many different columned sections spread out over the pages. The size of the words vary, with a few lines big in bold lettering and below them, long passages of smaller words. When you approach the counter he folds the paper, setting it down on the countertop, and greets you.

“Hello, Ma’am. You interested in travelin’ today?” he asks, trying his best to seem engaged. You nod and answer:

“Yes, I’m wondering when the next train to Bayton is available.”

He lets out a bit of a sigh and slowly turns around, looking at the board behind him. You start to get that feeling akin to whenever a tourist asks a local: “Do you know where “really obvious landmark” is?” After a few seconds he turns around and responds:

“7:30, little under two hours, Ma’am.”

Two hours? You should be able to take care of what you need before then.

“The next one after that will be tomorrow morning. 3rd class tickets are 50 and 1st class is 125.”

125…!? That’s-”

“What you pay for 1st class.” He says, finishing your sentence.

You’re unsure of what 3rd class would entail. Although you remember that you rode second-class on the way here and are curious as to why it’s gone now.

“What about 2nd class?” you ask, hoping a balance in price and comfort can be struck.

“Sorry. Orders came down from the top earlier in the week: No more 2nd class between Bayton and here. Some say it’s an attempt to force extra money out of all but the poorest travelers and a misguided attempt to keep anyone from Bayton away from any “respectable customers”. He shrugs, “Sorry, but if you don’t mind the lack of comfy seats and maybe a few rough n’ unsavory types it’s not all that bad.”

You have 176 gold in your possession. If you went with 3rd class you’d have the majority of your money left to purchase what you need, but it sounds as though your trip might be a little… “rough”. 1st class would provide a comfortable ride sure, but you’d barely have enough left to take care of Raphael’s request, let alone procure any other supplies.

What do you do?


Primary Vote:

A) Purchase 1st Class ticket.
B) Purchase 3rd Class ticket.
C) Purchase no ticket and leave – You’ll take your chances...
D) Leave, with the intent to come back later.

X) Other? (Replaces A, B, and C option) (Unavailable)

Z) Minor Action? (A small, quick, action that will be done in addition to the Major Choice.
(E.g. = Asking a question, Inspecting an object, using an item, etc.)

Secondary Vote:

Where to head afterwards? Pending Choice: “Flint & Tinder’s”
(Y/N)? If No, select option from below

1. Alchemist’s
2. General Trader.
3. Other.

Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A,B, C, etc). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc than it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.


Current Inventory:

Gold: 176 (Assorted coins and paper notes)
-Unidentified Metallic “Weapon”.
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Note from “J”
-Small Dirk

-Small Dirk Sheathed. (In Bag)

-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Closed/Buttoned.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black.
-Leather boots. Negligible heel. Brown. Laced in front.
-Blouse. White. Metallic (Type:?) brooch on collar.
-Bra. ???
-Underwear. ???
-Stockings. Transparent. Black.

-Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.

Physical Appearance:
-Duster is buttoned close.
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Let Down.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Face: -----

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known. (i.e. At this point in the story you know you are wearing a bra and underwear... but fine details are still, as of yet, unknown)

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

Also: Thank you for the Rep, kind individual.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Didn't we have a 2nd class ticket?(The one that got stolen). Because having a 2nd class ticket, without them being sold here would lead to a near(or completely) void series of cabins, something not a single railroad company would do.

While I personally think third class won't be too much of a problem normally, the suspiciousness of a non-existant second class leads me to believe they're pulling shenanigans on third-class travellers.

After that we still go to Flint&Tinder's, but I suspect that, while they might be able to tell us stuff about our mystery weapon, it doesn't scream "Identify me post-haste or face doom." So if they charge ridiculous funds for telling us about it, we can pack up and leave.

Minor action: Take a good look at our mystery gadget, aimed to discern what on earth it's supposed to do.(Stab, slice, bludgeon, fire projectiles, shoot magic mcguffins at something, or just look pretty.) Since by knowing what type of weapon it is, we can at the least discern if we're interested in keeping it before potentially paying big bucks to find out what it does.

So, to summarize:
Main action: Buy First-Class ticket.
Small action: Take look at mystery weapon.
Secondary objective: Travel to F&T.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Hello, all.

I wouldn't usually do this but considering this is a major plot point I thought I may give you a tiny inside-look. It may be the smallest of spoilers in some fashion but I'd rather have you make an informed decision rather than blindly select a choice and go down a path you wouldn't enjoy. If you do want just a tiny, general description of the paths then click the spoiler. If you want it to be more of a gamble, refrain from doing so.

1st Class is "Easy Mode" but... less content.
3rd Class is "Hard Mode" but... more content.

I wish they had equal amounts of encounters and story, but quite frankly I just noticed how short the 1st class path is. I guess the Demon's/Dark Souls part of me was in the back of my mind pulling the strings. Sorry about this, Rose, as I've noticed you've already put a lot of thought behind your vote, as always.
I would like to believe I'm not... "forcing" anyone's hand, and have you guys lose your agency in the story, but I'd rather have you guys enjoy it as well.

ALSO, I hope you all like the new "Choices" and "Stats/inventory" sections. They're not exactly inspired but it does add quite a bit of polish to the story as a whole.
As well as extending a "Thank you" and "Welcome" to a new voter.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Usually id just read any of the stories here but i gotta put my vote in here
definitely go with B rough n unsavory types sound exactly liek what this story needs right now.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

B, must conserve resources. The only question I'd think to ask was one already asked by the character. Then go on to Flint's. It's also less of a problem if we miss our trip if we buy the cheaper ticket.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Oh, I'm never a fan of "easymode".

Changing vote to "Third Class ticket". Rest stays the same.

I just hope I won't come to regret my vote-switch, it usually ends up taking a chunk out of my leg.

*Out of curiosity: Unless our other tickets then also become 3rd class, or the train ride takes 10+ posts/we get tossed out of the wagon...Does this mean easy/hard-mode for this "chapter" or for the rest of the "game"? Since I do remember having a couple of 2nd class tickets for the other stops.

If it's easy/hardmode per chapter, I'm all up for it. If it's for the rest of the CYOA...I'd be more hesitant to call it a good thing, I've seen my share of poorly handled difficulty levels ending up killing a good game.

Anyways, enough rambling for me; 3rd class&same remainder.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Oh, I'm never a fan of "easymode".
Changing vote to "Third Class ticket". Rest stays the same.

Well, that generated a lot less confusion/trouble than I thought it would.

If it's easy/hardmode per chapter, I'm all up for it. If it's for the rest of the CYOA...I'd be more hesitant to call it a good thing, I've seen my share of poorly handled difficulty levels ending up killing a good game.

It's for the chapter. Think of each journey between the towns as a chapter and every time we're in a town a chapter as well.

As for "Endings/Game Overs/Bad Ends" I've devised a way to have that be a thing - for those that enjoy it - but also not have it permanently end the story. For the most part I think it's "abuse-proof". We'll see how it goes...
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path



Three shall be the class of car thou shalt ride in, and the number of the class of car shall be three. Four shalt thou not ride in, neither ride thou one, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Two is right out. Once the class of three, being the third class thou shalt ride in, then lobest thou thine Holy Hand-Bag of Inventory under thy chair, who not being sat upon shall be found and sat upon, and then thou shalt enjoy thy trip. Amen.

After thinking about it a bit you decide 3rd class will suffice. You want to keep some of your money for additional supplies.

You reach into your bag and pull out 50 gold worth of coin and set it down on the counter.

-50 Gold.

“3rd class, please.” you tell him.

He takes the money and counts it. Once he’s sure of the amount he bends over to the right, dropping it somewhere underneath the counter and then twists back to his left, grabbing a sheet of paper. He takes a quill from a nearby ink pot before looking back up to you.

“Human?” he asks.

Realizing he can’t see your ears you draw your hair back, giving him a better look.

“Elf.” You correct him.

He raises an eyebrow but eventually looks back down and fills in the information in two separate columns. One looks to be your actual ticket while the other appears to be a record of some sort. Once he’s done he grabs the paper and carefully tears your ticket away from the rest of the sheet, sliding it towards you.

“Train Master Wright thanks you for your patronage. Safe Travels.” he says, sounding as though he’s already said it fifty times today.

You thank him and put it into your pocket. As you turn to go, though, you pause and instead opt to put it in your bag: Quick fingers aren’t going to get the best of you this time.

+Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.

With that taken care of you decide to head off towards this “Flint & Tinder’s”. You turn around gazing out across the bazaar and locate the road Lyn pointed out earlier. Destination in sight, you move through the bazaar, keeping your bag close.

You look at the interesting individuals as you weave in and out of the crowd. Tall green-skinned orcs walk alongside elves and goblins amongst dwarves. Your nervousness subsides as you see everyone simply enjoying the goods and services offered by the market. Unfortunately for you, the vast majority of what’s being sold is fruits, vegetables, meats, pastries, and many other assortments of food. You do see other stalls selling other things, but you’re pretty sure you don’t need farming tools, furniture, or anything from the potion vendor who keeps going on about his “Chimera-tail Oil”. Although the jewelry section did catch your attention, as well as the scent of roasting meat over a fire… You might come back here if you have enough time.

You make your way out of the bustle of activity that is the bazaar and step off the main square. The street is dark, hidden from the sun by the tall buildings on either side. You start to head down the street, looking for a “Mint Road”. After a while, though, your curiosity gets the better of you and you open up your bag. You look around to make sure no one else is nearby, an then move the dirk aside and pull out this unidentified weapon. What about this is so dangerous? Why did Raphael send me to find this place because of it? Questions fill your head as you look around and spot a bench off the side of the street. You make your way over to it and sit down.

You study the object, turning it around and upside-down. Left, right, every direction. Eventually you discern two things: that it’s mechanical in some fashion and that the wooden part, opposite the hollow pipe on the end, is the handle. You hold it, still getting used to the weight. It seems too small for your hand, noticing that your pinkie keeps slipping underneath the handle. You quickly realize however that once you move your index finger up, it fits snugly into a ring right below the cylindrical part in the middle, resting on a thin sliver of metal, and allowing the rest of your hand to have a firm grip. You give it a squeeze but it seems loose, almost as though it’s broken. You turn it around, looking down the pipe on the end. It's too dark; you can’t see the end. As you flip it around this time, however, you notice that the part your thumb has naturally migrated to, moves a little bit. You try to pull it back but are met with a bit of resistance, requiring you to grab it with both hands before it gives way and comes to a stop with a satisfying click. As it clicks you also notice the sliver of metal below become tense. How curious. You pull back on the upper lever again and find it can still move back. You pull it back again this time noticing after it comes to a stop, with yet another click, that the cylinder in the middle turned in response. No doubt about it now that this is definitely mechanical.

You have a feeling that this switch will activate whatever is supposed to happen now, almost as though the top lever primed it in some fashion. You put a bit of effort behind your index finger and try to clench your hand together as though you were making a fist. Your finger moves and as the metal bit gives way you hear a loud… SNAP as the top lever flings back to its original position. From what you can discern it serves no purpose than to make noise. You try again, pulling the lever back once, -click-, twice, -click- so that it’s in position with the lower part taut. You turn it around and look down the pipe to see if anything happens inside as you pull the trigger.


Hm, perhaps it’s defective…?” you think to yourself as you lower it back into the open bag on your lap.

“I wouldn't attempt that again if I were you. Well, at least not without my help.”

A deep feminine voice startles you and you look up to see a woman on the opposite side of the street. She has long white hair which flows down and over her shoulders. Garbed in what looks to be a black dress that flows outward well beyond her form, she sits before you, a red mat lying on the ground in front of her.

“Well, don’t be startled now. Please, come here. I have something that may be of use to you, child.”

You are about to protest but you put away the gadget and stand up, seemingly drawn to the strange woman.

“There, there. That’s a good girl. Please, come closer. I promise I won’t bite.”

You feel a bit on edge, but just as quickly as the feelings creep upon you they fade. You walk towards her seeing now that her eyes are a deep crimson. Her mat is littered with what look to be gems of some sort. Red, green, blue, white, they seem to radiate outward with some sort of inherent glow.

As you make it to the other side, you freeze, starring at her long black dress; The lower part bunched up around her legs as she sat, an exorbitant amount of cloth that seemed to swallow her. At first you thought it was the wind, but no, it moved of its own accord. You strain your eyes in the dark and gasp as you see her rise. She ascended upward, soon becoming eye level with you. She did not stop there, however, as she continued upward until your face was level with her waist. You stare up at her, your mouth agape. As you look back down, though, the disturbing truth is revealed.

The woman’s long black dress cascades down her figure and spreads outwards and away from her as it reaches her hips. You look to the edges and find that, underneath the cloth, there are eight slender, black shafts. Their pointed tips balancing on the ground, these... spines seem uncomfortably smooth, possessing a certain dull sheen to them. You can’t believe what you’re seeing. It’s as though this girls legs are these dark spikes. You then catch sight of something else, something big and bulbous, moving behind her, a large black mass that seemed to match her movements. It suddenly dawns on you that this woman’s lower body is that of a spider’s.

You stand there, unable to speak, your mind still trying to comprehend this malefaction against all things natural. The woman finally decides to speak, breaking the silence surrounding your shocked form.

“I apologize. I forget myself sometimes. Please, dear, I mean no harm. Come. Sit with me.”

Her words have a calming effect on you, almost as though you trust her voice more than the one in your head. You slowly move towards her again. Despite the voice in the back of your head screaming in protest, the rest of your mind seems somehow content now with the sight before you, and sit down with your legs to the side, the red mat spanning the distance between the two of you. The woman lowers herself, resting on her “torso”, and folding her legs with an unsettling] smoothness.

“There. Hopefully now you are longer intimidated by my form.”

You shake your head hesitantly, trying to muster up your courage to speak:

“N- No, It’s- I’m just not used to seeing…” You trail off still unsure of how to describe her.

“You’re… who- what exactly are you?” you ask, trying your best to form a coherent question.

She smiles; it's almost intoxicating and terrifying at the same time.

“I am an Arachne. Our kind does not usually come near any cities, opting instead to remain isolated. I myself, however, am a traveling gypsy of sorts. I seek individuals in need of my goods and you, my dear, are one such individual.”

You keep yourself surprisingly composed as you respond.

“Me? How would you know what I need?”

She smiles again and the small hairs on the back of your neck rise up as she does so.

“Just like our webs, we Arachne are intricate in our ways…” She then moves to pick up one of the red crystals in front of her.

“-but also like our webs, we have a pattern hidden within.” She says, twisting the crystal around, all the while gazing at the cracks and lines running through it.

“And you are part of that pattern.” she finishes, putting the crystal back down on the mat.

“Now… look.” She says, pointing down at the crystals.

“These crystals before me are quite unique. Each one is never the same as any other. Each one a different outcome. A different twist of fate.”

She brushes her hand over one of them as though each one were one of her own.

“You’re not so different from them in a way. Even while others, almost everyone in this city is different, none seem to be quite as unique as you.” She says, pointing a thin delicate finger towards you.

“Me? What do you mean?” you respond confused at her riddles.

“Your path is different. Unique. And it’s because of this I selected you. As I said: I seek those in need of what I have to offer and I offer you these.”

She then spreads her arms out over the mat, the glimmering crystals lying before you. They sparkle and seem to glow stronger as your gaze settles on them.

“What exactly are these…?” you ask, still lost.

She picks up two crystals, one in each hand: One white, one red.

“These are Discrete Crystals. Natural wonders of magic, they divert and change fate, redirecting the flow of time, as well as life and death, as those who use them see fit. Your fate has caught my attention, and I wish to offer these to you so that they may help you in your efforts.”

She then sets down the two crystals in front of you, reaching to the mat once again and grabbing two more red ones, setting these down in front of you as well, so that before you lay three red crystals and one white crystal. Hesitantly you pick one red and one white crystal up and examine them.

Their glows seem to flicker, almost as though they sense your touch. You turn and twist them, admiring their beauty.



As you examine them she speaks up again:

“The red Discrete Crystals are the most powerful. I give you three and only three, free. It is likely you shall need them on your journey. When you feel as though your journey will end one will break and you will find your fate renewed. However, you may also shatter one at will, folding your fate in on itself and offering you the chance to experience a different path.”

She then motions to the white one.

“The white discrete crystals however, are much less powerful. They will allow you a glimpse through your fate so that you may better choose what path to take.”

You set the crystal down, trying to process all this information.

“I give these to you.”

You’re stunned. Quite literally. You find yourself unable to move, this mass of knowledge and magic taking its toll on you mentally. You slowly regain yourself, and put the crystals, which now appear smaller than they once were, into your bag. You’re not even sure if any of this will work, but you go ahead with it. You figure you’ll play it safe anyway and try not to rely on this “magic”. Nonetheless you decide to act as though you had just been given a vast fortune.

“Thank you. Truly. I’m really not quite sure of what to say.”

You then stand up and turn to leave but she calls you again.

“You’re welcome, Jacqueline, but please, I can still sell a few. If you care for any more I’d be happy to sell them to you. Arachne, as any other person in a city such as this, need gold as well. My diet is quite… expensive.”

Explanation of Discrete Crystals:

Discrete crystals are a unique idea I had when coming up with mechanics for this game. Some of you may know where I drew inspiration from, but I liked the idea of a lore friendly item that also held an in-game mechanic.

As far as the mechanics go:

Red Discrete Crystals:
These will act as your "lives" in a simple sense. In a more complex way of thinking about them, if you fall in combat one will shatter and put you back to a place in time before the blow was struck. This is it's passive effect. To utilize them actively, you must first declare you want to use it. Two or three (depending on the total number of voters), other voters must also support your decision to use them. Activating them manually will allow you guys to see a "Bad Ending" (Not necessarily death. With the content on this site, you should know what this implies) and then have the story begin again at the point it was "consumed", in the next post. If you choose to activate one, please still make a primary vote in case you are vetoed.

White Discrete crystals
White crystals will provide a cryptic glance into the future. In a more general sense, they'll allow you to have me give a brief description of each of the available choices. This way, you guys can make a more informed decision when faced with a stressful decision or are lacking information.

So, yeah. Red ones are lives which can be shattered to experience a "Game Over" and white ones are a crystal ball look into the future. For all you familiar with string theory out there, the red Crystal is pretty much a "5th Dimension Toolkit".


White Discrete Crystal (Up to 2) ----- 8 gold ea.
Red Discrete Crystal (Up to 1) ----- 15 gold ea.


Buy any combination of crystals, quantity and gold allowing, or no additional crystals, before proceeding to "Flint & Tinder's"

X) Other. Unavailable

Z) Minor Action Available

Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc than it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.


Current Inventory:

Gold: 126 (Assorted coins and paper notes) -50
-Unidentified Metallic “Weapon”.
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class. +
-Red Discrete Crystal x3 +
-White Discrete Crystal x1 +
-Note from “J”
-Small Dirk

-Small Dirk. Sheathed. (In Bag)

-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Closed/Buttoned.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black.
-Leather boots. Negligible heel. Brown. Laced in front.
-Blouse. White. Metallic (Type:?) brooch on collar.
-Bra. ???
-Underwear. ???
-Stockings. Transparent. Black.

-Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.

Physical Appearance:
-Duster is buttoned close.
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Let Down.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Face: -----

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known. (i.e. The character may know they are wearing an item... but fine details are still unknown)

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Cryptic clues, yay!

Since we don't know if/when she returns, or if other people own/sell them, I'd recommend buying at the least the spare red one, and for 8g/piece I trust the combined might of our crypical skills enough to take a chance with those white ones, seeing as using one up before major decisions can give us useful help for what's to come.

Also: Our mystery weapon is a revolver of sorts, going by my meagre knowledge about firearms I'd suspect a simple type, but easily concealable.
Seeing as it spun after every click, the mechanism is in working order.
I'm personally in favor of keeping it, since revolvers are small, easily concealed and often have enough stopping power to make people reconsider their actions when confronted with one.(Besides, third class supposedly contains naughty people, so we need some persuasive power)

Buy all three crystals
No mini-action
Afterwards continue to F&T.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Buy 1 white, 1 red.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


Both of you agreed to buy the red one but each of you decided on a different number of white crystals. I flipped a coin to decide how many to buy and it came up as one.

You think about whether or not you should buy any more of these crystals. If they really do possess the magic she describes, then another red one will not go amiss. The white ones also sound handy but you decide you’ve already spent enough money here and decide to only buy one, saving your coin for later. You ask her for another crystal of each type and open your bag to retrieve your money.

-23 Gold.

She hands you the crystals as you give her the money and then close your bag back up, slinging it over your shoulder. She smiles that same eerie smile from before upon receiving the money.

+Red Discrete Crystal
+White Discrete Crystal

“Thank you. The one I buy with this should feed me for a week.”

She bows as she says this and turns to her right, depositing the gold in a purple silk bag.

You bid her farewell and turn to leave, taking about ten steps before you get an unsettling feeling. You think back to when she offered to sell you the crystals. She knew your name... but you don’t remember divulging that information. You turn back to question her.

“Wait, I never-“

But she’s gone. Mat, crystals, bag, everything. You’re greeted with nothing but the stone walls of the buildings behind where she once was. You glance down the street but discover nothing but an elderly woman walking by. You’re starting to become rather annoyed with these disappearing acts people have a tendency to pull on you. You let out a long breath and then turn back around and make your way down the road.

About five minutes go by before you see a sign, which reads “Mint Road”, on the left. You turn down the path and are almost immediately greeted with a great, red, brick building on your left. You look up above the doorway and see a curved sign, almost like a bloated shield, which reads: “Flint & Tinder’s”. Well, this is the place. You walk up to the door and put your hand on it, taking a breath and then giving a push. The door gives way and you step inside, the door closing behind you... just as a bell in the distance chimes six times.

It takes your eyes a little bit to adjust; the room is dark and only a few sparse lanterns give off any light. A few chains hang from a few support beams overhead but they remain out of reach. The room itself is rectangular, with the door you just came through on the wide end. You can see a counter in front of you but no one is behind it. You take a few more steps forward, gazing around the room, seeing many different metal tools, weapons, and armor lining the walls. Various jars, bags, and metal bits adorn the shelves on the wall facing you. You make it to the counter but still see no one. You wonder if anyone is even here.

“Hello?” You call out, hoping to alert someone to your presence.

You're greeted with more silence.

You start to look around, noticing that a bench behind the counter has an object on it that closely resembles your mystery gadget. It’s in pieces at the moment, the cylindrical middle part standing on its side. A spring as well as a few other small parts lie scattered about as well. You look around again to see if there is a way to get around the counter but notice a door off to the left near where the counter opens up. You’re not too sure you should be going back there but decide that you don’t have the time to spare and walk over to it.

As you step through this one however, you’re greeted with a vast room, the ceiling stretching up at least 4 stories. You find yourself in the left corner of the room, a wooden roof above you spanning only about eight feet out from the wall on the left, leaving the vast space above and to the right to be filled with various support beams, chains, pieces of metal, and pipes. The floor below covered with a wide array of metal, wood, rocks, dirt, and other weird contraptions.

You look forward and see another room, only made such by the planks of wood that are lined around it to separate it from the rest of the vast room. A few of them cut off your view inside, but you can see the flicker of fire from within, the various shadows of the objects inside dance off the wall. You take a step forward but a loud hiss startles you and the room ahead is flooded with an intense light. You cover your ears and step back, startled, accidentally knocking over a few pieces of metal in the process. The clanging sounds echo out and the hissing quickly stops. You freeze in place.

A shuffling sound comes from behind the wall. You tense up hoping your presence won’t anger whoever is there. You continue to listen, ears straining to hear every feint bit of noise. After a few seconds, though, a metal object pops out from behind the wall. You stare at it and eventually realize it’s a helmet of some sort, with a black visor where the eyes should be. It then disappears back behind the wall and you hear a bit more shuffling, a tall man eventually stepping out from around the wall:

He’s big. Really big. He stands well over six and a half feet, his bald head almost skirting the wood above. His ears seem round surprisingly enough. He has a rough complexion as well as a thick, almost square, brown mustache on his upper lip. His arms are huge, his shirt looking as though it’s straining against the mass. He wears a leather apron, its pouches filled with a few tools, and covered with grease and splotches.

He walks towards you and you swear you can feel the floor shake as he does so. He stops just a few feet away from you a stoic expression on his face. You look up at him and can almost feel your sense of balance go awry. The two of you stand there for a bit simply staring at each other. You swallow, trying to calm yourself, before you finally manage to speak.

“H- hello?”

To your surprise the man’s mouth breaks into a huge smile.

“Hello!” he says, in a deep booming voice. He raises his arms outward and startling you int he process.

“Welcome to Flint n’ Tinder’s! Name's Tarmen, but you can call me Tinder! I’m sure ya’ve already met with Flint in front there.” he says, motioning towards the door you just came out of.

“A- actually I just walked in. I’m… sorry if I disturbed you, there just wasn’t anyone in front and I just-“

“Nobody out front!?” he cuts you off. He then turns to his left and walks out into the bigger section of the room, turning to look up above the wooden ceiling. You automatically follow him and look up as well to see about eight rooms, all emanating different shades of orange and red, above the wooden ceiling. A ladder goes up the beam in the middle that separates each set.

“Flint!” He yells, finding yourself pulling away slightly at the sheer volume of his voice.

You continue to look up and eventually see a head poke out from above the highest floor. They really like to do that, you think to yourself. The one above then shouts down.

“Yeah? Whadaya need!?” A high pitched voice calls out. You realize that it’s a girl.

“What are ya doin’ leaving the front empty n’ vulnerable!?”

“I thought you had it!”

“And I thought YOU ‘ad it!”

They go on like this for a while until Tinder eventually calls her down.

“Aye, forget it. Get down here! We have a customer. You’re gonna love ‘er!”


You then see the girl retreat back into the room above, followed by metal apparently being tossed around and items being haphazardly put away. She then jumps from the room onto the ladder, not even bothering with the rungs, and simply sliding down the entire length. Tinder leans over to you and speaks:

“Don’t mind ‘er too much; she’s always takin’ a fancy to those few women who have the same inner’ests she does.”

Flint reaches the bottom of the ladder and you finally get a good look at her: She has orange, shoulder length hair and stands about five and a half feet tall. She has a strong, yet almost alluring face. If it wasn’t for the few spots and smudges she’d be quite beautiful. She’s garbed in brown leather pants and, just like Tinder, wears an apron. Hers, however, seems to be covered not with grease but with burns and black scorch marks. She walks up to you and offers you her hand.

“Hey, welcome to Flint and Tinder’s! You can call me, well, Flint, I guess. I’m sure you’ve already met Tinder here!” she says, motioning towards the huge man on her left.

You take her hand and shake.

“Yes, he’s already introduced himself.” You say, giving a smile and nodding towards him.

He gives a huge smile again, his teeth hidden a bit behind his giant square mustache. Flint then lets go of your hand and looks at you expectantly.

“Well? What do ya need?”

You stammer a bit, forgetting yourself, and then latch open your bag, reaching inside for the gadget.

“Here…” You shuffle through your bag for your quarry. “I was told to tell you that Twitch sent me.”

Tinder then bursts out into laughter. Holding his hand to his forehead he goes on for a while before speaking.

“Twitch!? The little blonde one is still alive, eh? And he sent you to us now, did’e?”

You nod and pull the gadget out of your bag, offering it to them.

“I’m not really sure what this is but I’m assuming this is what he meant when he told me to come to you guys.”

Both of their eyes light up as they see it. Tinder reaches for it but Flint beats him to the punch, grabbing it and then turning it over and examining it. Tinder lets out a “harrumph” and then continues:

“Well, you said you didn’t know what this was? Hm, guess Riff-Raph wants us to teach you how to use it. You can’t be a worse shot than he is. That’s how he got that name, by t’ way: Never could hold still while aimin’.”

“Shot? Aiming?” you ask, perplexed.

Flint, while still examining the device, seems to become slightly less active. Perhaps knowing now that you’re new to all this she’s rather put out.

“Ah, right. Ya see, miss. Whatcha got here is a firearm. A revolver to be precise. Dwarves made the trains and traded away the tech. Now, we got these lil’ gizmos making the rounds around the world as well. Nasty lil’ things; they’re makin’ it so that even a kid with decent aim can take out an experienced fighter.”

Flint continues to examine the object you know now is a firearm. It seems she’s flipped another piece of metal you missed earlier and is now turning the center piece, pushing another tab on the pipe down after each click. Eventually she looks to you and offers you something.

“Here” she says, dropping what looks to be three metal cylinders that round off on one end into your hand.

“You’re lucky,” she says. “For not knowing what this thing was, if you tried to fire it once more you’d‘ve done some damage.

You pocket the three bits of metal and remain quiet as Flint continues to study the revolver, eventually handing it to Tinder.

“It’s a good one. Holds six. Double action. Unfortunately it’s a fixed cylinder; she’s gonna need a bit of time when she’s loadin’. Go ahead and mess with it; thing’s empty.”

Tinder then examines it, turning it around and squeezing the metal sliver on the bottom and messing with the level on top.

“That’s Single action, Flint. You gotta stop mixin’ those up. Gonna sell someone the wrong damn thing.”

Flint rolls her eyes and then turns back to you.

“So, how exactly did you come by this?”

“I’ve actually had it as long as I could remember.” Not a lie, but at the same time not the whole truth.

“I’ve never…” You think back to what Raphael said about Fae and decided to fall back on your usual cover.

“I’ve never left my camp before. When I did leave Raphael told me to come here. He handed me some money. I’m not quite sure what he expected me to do though.

Tinder then sets the firearm down on a nearby workbench and turns back to you.

“Well, his names enough for us to teach you a thing or two. Here, come with me. Flint you get back to the front ya ‘ear?”

Flint sighs, dragging herself out the door.

Tinder then spends the next twenty or so minutes teaching a heavily condensed lesson of all there is to know about firearms and how to properly use one. He tells you how the trigger works, as well as the hammer and the cylinder, and a general idea of the inner workings. He explains how they use ammunition and how it projects a bullet using a powder charge housed inside a case. He also shows you how to load and unload it, flipping back a piece of metal that runs flush with the rest of the frame when it’s closed. He spins the cylinder in his hand and slides back the ejector rod after each click, removing the empty casings he’s using as an example with impressive speed. Before long he’s also taught you about how to safely hold it, cock it, and fire it. You feel slightly embarrassed for what you did earlier right before you met the arachne, knowing very well that you may have injured yourself very badly. Perhaps it was your stupidity that caught the Arachne’s attention.

“Now that ya got a basic handle on it, let me see those three rounds that Flint gave to ya.”

You take them out of your pocket and hand them to him. He starts loading the gun as he suggests that you remove your duster. You unbutton it, eventually taking it off and handing it to Tinder who hangs it on a nearby hook. He then hands you the gun.

“Well then, time to see if you’re any good. Remember what I told ya and aim towards that dirt pile over there.” He points towards the corner of the room and you see a dirt pile about ten feet away.

“Ah, actually wait a sec.”

He then runs out and grabs three thin sheets of metal, placing them in the dirt so that they’re facing you. They’re each a half foot square.

You raise the revolver and level it so that the barrel is aiming towards the corner of the room.

“Alright now make sure to position yourself so that-“

But he is cut off as a loud CRACK! rings out. He begins again.

“Hey! Listen to-“

But he’s cut off again as you cock the hammer back and pull the trigger again.


And then a third time…

CRACK! ... ... ...

Tinder looks angry. It seems he didn’t take too kindly to you firing preemptively.

“I’m… I’m sorry I just… it was, it just happened!”

“What? ALL three shots just happened, huh? Pfft…”

He then turns in a huff and walks back towards the dirt pile. You feel bad. You’re not exactly sure what happened. You simply positioned it to where you felt it had to be and cocked it back and fired. It felt like second nature to you. You wait until tinder returns. He seems to be confused, and as you look down at his hands you see why. The three sheets he had stuck in the dirt beforehand each had a hole in them. You look back up at Tinder and he at you.


You’re surprised. It seems as though he’s speechless for the first time since you’ve met him.

“Well then... er... maybe you should be giving me the lessons. You’re a regular crack-shot!”

You smile, a little bit giddy at the thought of what you’ve just done. But also, slightly disturbed at how easy it was.

“Am I that good? I mean, is it usually hard for beginners?”

Tinder tosses the pieces of scrap aside and goes to retrieve your duster.

“Well, no, not exactly. Hehe, I can see you’re happy, but don’t let it go to yer ‘ead. That was only a couple a feet… And it wasn’t movin’ neither.”

He hands you your duster and beckons you to follow him. He heads towards the door leading out front, having to duck so his head misses the door frame.

Flint looks up from her work. It seems she was putting together the dismantled gun you saw earlier.

“Well!? How’d she do?” she asks, excitedly.”

Tinder practically slams his giant hands down on your shoulders.

“She’s a natural!” he says, same big smile on his face.

Flint’s face lights up as she’s happy to hear the good news.

“Good, good. Always love it when a girl can knock off a block from a couple a dozen feet away.”

“Don’t get too excited, girl; it was only a couple a feet. Still, she hit ‘em hard and true.”

Tinder then walks back behind the counter and motions you to the opposite side so that you look more like you’d expect a regular customer to, that is, instead of shooting scrap in the back room.

“Alright…” Tinder says, sitting down on a stool. “I owe ya three rounds. Those and the shootin’ lesson were my favor to Twitchy. But, now I’m sad to say that I can’t offer you much else in the way of ammunition. Lord Wright bought out most of my supply not too long ago and it’s gonna be a bit before we have much more than rifle ammo.”

+ 3 Revolver rounds

Wright? You’ve heard that name before: He’s the one that removed 2nd class from the trains to Bayton. It seems wherever he’s involved there’s some form of inconvenience for you. Still interested in buying some ammunition for the road, you ask Tinder what he does have.

“Well, I only got a couple rounds I’m willing to part with. Me n’ Flint have to have some of our own, and considerin’ price n’ demand and all that shit, they ain’t gonna be too cheap I‘m afraid. I will tell you what I have heard, though, and that’s that the Lord didn’t clear out every shop around ‘ere. Scarper might have a few left. I don’t like the guy, but I do like you, and I’m not about to keep you from getting getting whatcha need jus' 'cause I got a grudge against the little maggot.”

He then turns, gathering up some items and places them on the counter.

“He owns the general store down near Balkton. As I said: Not much for ‘im but he’s probably got whatcha need. Of course if you’d like to pay us I ain’t got a problem with that, but it'll be more expensive.

He rearranges what’s on the counter so that you can see it more clearly. While you examine the items he also grabs a couple of other things off the walls and adds it to the rest.

“Also, the main reason I think Blondie sentcha to us was the need of a holster. Since you shot so well I’ll give ya a discount on those. Now, there are two types. There’s your normal belt where you can easily grab it at your side, or for a little more subterfuge,” He grins, seemingly proud he knew the word and pronounced it correctly, “there’s a thigh belt; A lil’ tight but it’ll stay hidden until you really need it. ‘Course, it may not be available right quick in a pinch if you’re wearing a skirt such as that. Don’t have much in the way of clothin’ but I’ll do my best.”

You nod and then begin browsing the wares, Tinder answering any questions you have about what they are so you have general idea, but foregoing going into any fine detail.



Revolver Rounds (Up to 5) ----- 16 Gold ea. *(Price influx at current location)*
Short Sword ----- 15 Gold
Rapier ----- 18 Gold
Hatchet ----- 12 Gold
Bow ----- 10 Gold
Arrows ----- 2 Gold ea.
Crossbow ----- 12 gold
Bolts ----- 3 Gold ea.
Grenada (Only 1) ----- 25 Gold

Holsters (Choose One):

Thigh holster ----- 18 Gold
Waist belt w/ Holster ----- 18 Gold


Backpack ----- 12 Gold
-Organized storage. Different compartments for easier access. Can limit movement in some scenarios.

Leather Belt pouch ----- 4 Gold each.
-Can hold small items. Can be latched to secure items. Fast item access. Must be placed on a belt.

Rope ----- 4 Gold
-General purpose rope.

Lantern w/oil ----- 10 Gold.
-Illuminates surrounding area. Limited use.


Sturdy Boots ----- 8 Gold
-Sturdier than current equipment. Better suited for rougher terrain.

Pants ----- 6 Gold
-Tighter alternative to skirt. Allows use of “Thigh Holster”.

Belt ----- 4 gold
-Allows for additional inventory space and easier access of certain items.

Wool Shirt w/ leather vest----- 6 Gold (3 G. Separate)
-Slightly more protection than current equipment.


Buy any combination of items, gold and quantity allowing. Remember to "Shop Smart"

I'll leave this one open for a bit before continuing. Rose, Tassadar, and whoever else votes... discuss it amongst yourselves and come to an agreement on what is needed. (Diplomacy Ho!)

I know it's not the greatest system, but I don't exactly know how to have you guys "vote" on so many items. Especially with it just being the two of you. If you can't reach an agreement, simply list off all the items and post "Yay" or "Nay" next to them, and I'll see what I can do from there.

X) Other. Unavailable

Z) Minor Action Available

Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc than it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.


Current Inventory:

Gold: 103 (Assorted coins and paper notes) -23 Gold
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x4 +
-White Discrete Crystal x2 +
-Note from “J”

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds Six Rounds IDENTIFIED
-Rounds: x3 +
-Dirk. Sheathed. (In Bag)

-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Closed/Buttoned.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black.
-Leather boots. Negligible heel. Brown. Laced in front.
-Blouse. White. Metallic (Type:?) brooch on collar.
-Bra. ???
-Underwear. ???
-Stockings. Transparent. Black.

-Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
-Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder +

Physical Appearance:
-Duster is buttoned close.
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Let Down.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Face: -----

Explanation of Sections:

-Cut to meet "Character Limit"
Last edited:
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Shopping list:


Waist Belt&Holster(18g), since a jacket conceals just as well.
Belt Pouch(4g), where else to put bullets?
Rope x1 (4g), for wrapping up annoying people, or wrapping up stuff.
Total: 26g for starters.

Depending on answers:

Either bullet x3 here, if other shop is too far of a walk, or flint/tinder tells us that owner's a douchebag/sells them for 14g/bullet. or: Bullets x0 if the owner's close, isn't too much of a douche and sells them noticeably cheaper.

Why 3 instead of all 5? One full clip is enough to make people seriously reconsider their actions, and if six shots won't stop an enemy, reloading two more really won't change that.

Shortsword if supplied with scabbard when F&T is willing to buy our butter knife for a few coins.
If they don't supply a scabbard, don't bother since carrying it around without one is asking for trouble.

The armor sounds fancy, but wool and leather won't stop slashing/stabbing weapons, and bullets even less.
Also: Grenades on a train? Sure, if you want to positively murder the entire wagon, self included, then go ahead.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Shopping list:

Depending on answers:

Either bullet x3 here, if other shop is too far of a walk, or flint/tinder tells us that owner's a douchebag/sells them for 14g/bullet. or: Bullets x0 if the owner's close, isn't too much of a douche and sells them noticeably cheaper.

If they don't supply a scabbard, don't bother since carrying it around without one is asking for trouble.

The armor sounds fancy, but wool and leather won't stop slashing/stabbing weapons, and bullets even less.

Also: Grenades on a train? Sure, if you want to positively murder the entire wagon, self included, then go ahead.

-You'll have to find out.

-Scabbard is supplied.

-No, it won't, but we'll get to that later. Besides, your choice of armor now defends, more-so, against a... different kind of attack. There will be other opportunities in later chapters to shop.

-Hey! I love my grenades. I included one ever since the inception of the story just in case there was that one individual that found the need to use it it and create a... unique situation.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Welp, we currently have 103 gold. For starters: Buy the shit out of that grenade, you never know when you'll need to blow some shit up. Go for the belt holster too. It comes with a belt, yes? If so, buy a small belt pouch as well. Some more durable clothing and boots would probably not hurt for those prices, so grab those too. Also, buy an extra bullet.

25 + 18 + 4 + 8 + 6 + 16 = 77 gold.

I am not good at saving money in this CYOAS, apparently.

I am not opposed to buying rope, and that 4 gold could be added to the above total, bring it up to 81.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

That clarifies a lot. Have to sadly enough pass up on the grenade, but after we're in a train-free area I'm sure they'll make a cameo.

Revised list:

Waist Belt&Holster(18g), since a jacket conceals just as well.
Belt Pouch(4g), where else to put bullets?
Rope x1 (4g), for wrapping up annoying people, or wrapping up stuff.
Bullet x3 (48g), because an empty gun is just an ornate club.
Shortsword x1(15g), now with added scabbard.

This makes: 89 gold.
Our meagre amount of funds left: 14.


Mini-Action: Offer the dagger for sale/trade.
If he accepts: either a suitable cash or armor trade, I'm certain that he'll be reasonable.(With a revolver and a shortsword we've got both ranged and close quarters covered, and daggers tend to be notoriously non-lethal during most stabs.

After that: Buy listed shoppinglist.

Then: Return to Trainyard, we've (probably) already spent half our allotted time.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Dawwww, you're no fun.

I would make an itg-esque joke about proper knife usage, but am too lazy to think of one and it probably wouldn't be funny anyway!

I don't think we'll need quite so many bullets, at least not at these prices, so maybe a compromise at 2 more rounds to bring that cost down to 73 before whatever we get for the dagger. I still think we should go for the clothes though, which would be another 6 for the outfit and 8 for the boots, totaling to 14 more, total of 87.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Lurker here, offering a suggestion.
I think spending a ton of money this early on isn't a great idea so I think Rose's first suggestion was for the best, without all the extra stuff.

Since we're already armed, with ammo, we really need only the bare of accessories. We can purchase bullets later, and three are plenty for now considering the main character is an excellent shot.

With all of that said, I think a grenade would come in handy for whatever reason. So,

Waist Belt&Holster(18g)
Belt Pouch(4g)
Rope x1 (4g)
Grenade x 1 (25g)
Total: 51g.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


Items Agreed Upon:
-Gun belt w/ Holster. ----- 18 Gold.
-Small pouch. ----- 4 Gold.
-Rope. ----- 4 Gold.
Total: 26 Gold.

Pending for Rose:
-Bullet x3 ----- 48 Gold.
-Short-sword ----- 15 Gold.

Pending for Tassadar:
-Grenada (2 votes) ----- 25 Gold.
-Sturdy Boots ----- 8 Gold.
-Wool Shirt and Vest ----- 6 Gold.
-Bullet x1 ----- 16 Gold.

Pending for ShantyTsun
-Grenada (2 votes) ----- 25 Gold.

Also: My spellcheck hates Flint and Tinder...

Immediately it’s clear that you need the holster. From what Tinder has described, if you were to find yourself in a compromising position, reaching into your purse, as he called it, would be a bit too slow. You ask for it and he hands it over. The belt is wide, about three, maybe four inches across: nice and sturdy. You take your duster off, laying it down on the counter, and then proceed to wrap it around your waist, so that the holster is on your right side. You loop the belt through the buckle so that it’s snug.

+Belt with Gun Holster

You slip the revolver into the holster and get a good feel for it. You already feel more… Intimidating. You also notice two leather strings on the tip of the holster. Tinder explains how, if you weren't wearing a skirt, they'd be tied around your leg to keep it still and secure. You move it a bit, but it feels fine for the most part.

“Looks good on ya.” Tinder says, slapping his open hand down on the counter in what you guess was a show of approval.

You look back to the pile and think about how you would carry any spare rounds. One of the inexpensive pouches he’s offered seems perfect, as you don’t trust your open pockets to keep them safe. You ask for it, as well, and he hands it over. You temporarily undo your belt and slide it so that it’s in front of your right hip, making sure it’s accessible and comfortable. Tinder looks you over and nods, again in approval.

+Belt Pouch

You have a weapon, two in fact, but lack any tools save your lock-pick; an object given to you with little knowledge of how to use it. You see the rope and think that it may not be that bad to have. You’re not exactly sure how you’ll utilize it but decide you’ll figure it’ll become relevant when you need it.

“Actually, could I also have the rope, please?”

Tinder picks it up handing it to you.

“Aye, the rope! Connor would be proud!”

+Bundle of Rope.

You’re not sure who this Connor is but you take the rope and use one of the loose leather loops on the belt to secure it on your left side. You then continue to look over the supplies he’s laid out for you struggling with what to buy as you’re strained for time. Apparently your anxiousness is noticeable as tinder asks:

“Ya got somewhere to be?”

“Oh, yes” you say, regaining your focus, “I have a train to catch at 7:30”

“Ah, I see,” Tinder says, opening a drawer and then pulling out a circular object with a tiny chain. “Lessee, It’s just a couple ‘til half past six. You got time, no need to get ancy n’ such.”

You make note of the time. You have little over an hour left. You should be able to make it to that trader Tinder mentioned: Scarper. Maybe even the alchemist if you’re quick enough… but you turn back to Tinder and the pile before you, focusing on the matter at hand.

“Will that be all for ya, or’re ya still decidin’?” Tinder speaks up as you continue to browse.

“Well,” you respond, weighing your options, “I’m still not sure about the explosive. It’s capability for destruction is huge, sure, but I’m not sure if I’ll need it or not.”

Tinder lets out a guffaw.

“Ha! You said you were travelin’ by train? Well, if that’s all yer takin’, sure, take it: I'm sure you'll be safe from the blast, haha! But, if you’re going by way of coach through the country or, god-forbid it, through the Hazelands, ye might actually wanna pack a punch. That's not to say your revolver doesn't already, mind ye. Yer choice really.”

You think about what he said and then realize: What would you do if you ran out of rounds? Would the dirk really suffice? He has a short sword for sale, perhaps you could buy that. You think about it and realize two blades would be overkill. A little more thought on the matter, though, and you have an idea.

“Actually, Tinder… do you barter with anything besides gold?”

“Aye,” he says, “What d’ya have in mind?”

You reach into your bag and take out the dirk Lyn gave to you earlier, but before you even get the chance to speak up Flint notices it as she looks up from her work and cuts you off.

“Hey, where’d you get that?” she asks, her eyes a bit wide and a smile on her face.

Confused, you eventually realize what you have has more worth than you first thought..

“From a friend. Why? Is it worth much?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say it’s worth a fortune, but it is dwarven make. Heck, it looks like it could’ve belonged to an aristocrat or some such.”

She swipes the blade form you and partially unsheathes it.

“Yup, definitely worth somethin’. Usually you see Dwarves adorned with gold or other jewels. Everyone knows of Durmand and the other lords, but what the common folk don’t know is how some of the politicians in The Duumvirate like to put onyx on the scabbards.”

“Onyx!?” You ask, perplexed, “I thought that was leather!”

Flint gives out a small giggle.

“Yeah it is, but see here,” she says, pointing to the two hard pieces on the end. “These two pieces here, the locket and the chape are made of onyx.”

“Huh…” you say simply surprised.

Tinder then grabs it from her and examines it.

“You said you wanted to trade this in?”

You nod in response.

“Alright,” he says placing it down on the far side of the counter. “I’ll give ya 20 in credit for it. But only if you spend at least an additional 20 here. Some may call me shrewd but I simply like to call it “creative bargaining”. A giant grin appears on his face.

“Now, what else d’ya want?”

You think about whether or not you have any spare bullets and decide to get some information on this “Scarper”.

“Now, I’d like to buy here, but really I do need to keep my gold as I have a long journey ahead of me. What can you tell about this scarper?”

Fate favors this encounter.

Tinder’s grin shrinks as he slouches down onto the stool. He brings one of his massive hands up to his neck and rubs it, thinking about what to say.

“Well… he’s… Well, he’s a goblin. And some of his business practices are…”

“Tinder hates goblins.” Flint then says, not even looking up from her work.

Tinder turns, looking almost as though he’s about to yell in his defense but he eventually turns back around and shrugs.

“I do. Don’t know what it is. Can’t stand ‘em. I’ll be straight with ya: His prices are lower than mine and while he doesn’t carry any guns, he does have revolver rounds, though he doesn't have any guns." He lets out a huff, pleased with himself as though he's the better salesman for having firearms.

"Well, there’s the truth of it. Doesn’t mean he’s not a bastard, though.”

Flint then looks up at Tinder, setting down her tools and leaning one elbow on the counter.

“Well, maybe if you took the time to talk with ‘em you’d see how nice he is.”

Tinder lowers his head again in defeat.

“Alright, yeah… I mean, you were able to replenish a good portion of our stock from him a couple months ago, and did it while barely paying what half of it was worth. Perhaps he’s not all that bad.”

“So, would he have what I’m looking for? In the way of gear for traveling, clothing, and revolver rounds?”

Tinder lets out a groan, but eventually speak up as Flint glares at him.

“Yeeeeah, he does. As I said: No guns, just rounds.”

“As well as a few potions and other gear” Flint pipes up again. “Not as many as the alchemist but he’ll have ‘em cheaper. Besides, I highly doubt you’re going to need any holy water or poison. He'll have unique odds and ends. Items people trade to 'im he puts on sale as well, so you're bound to find a few interesting pieces.

“Just be cautious: He’s into some shady stuff. Gets his stuff through certain... channels.” Tinder cautions you.

Flint simply rolls her eyes at the notion and turns back to her work assembling the gun.

You try to take everything in, adding the information to what you already know and then continuing to weigh your options on what to buy and whether or not you'll head to Scarper's to find rounds at a cheaper price or the alchemist.


20 Gold in Store Credit available IF 20 regular gold is spent.


Revolver Rounds (Up to 5) ----- 16 Gold ea. *(Price influx at current location)*
Short Sword ----- 15 Gold
Rapier ----- 18 Gold
Hatchet ----- 12 Gold
Bow ----- 10 Gold
Arrows ----- 2 Gold ea.
Crossbow ----- 12 gold
Bolts ----- 3 Gold ea.
Grenada (Only 1) ----- 25 Gold

Holsters (Unavailable):

Thigh holster ----- 18 Gold
Waist belt w/ Holster ----- PURCHASED


Backpack ----- 12 Gold
-Organized storage. Different compartments for easier access. Can limit movement in some scenarios.

Leather Belt pouch ----- 4 Gold each. ONE PURCHASED
-Can hold small items. Can be latched to secure items. Fast item access. Must be placed on a belt.

Rope ----- PURCHASED
-General purpose rope.

Lantern w/oil ----- 10 Gold.
-Illuminates surrounding area. Limited use.


Sturdy Boots ----- 8 Gold
-Sturdier than current equipment. Better suited for rougher terrain.

Pants ----- 6 Gold
-Tighter alternative to skirt. Allows use of “Thigh Holster”.

Belt ----- 4 gold
-Allows for additional inventory space and easier access of certain items.

Wool Shirt w/ leather vest----- 6 Gold (3 G. Separate)
-Slightly more protection than current equipment.

Decide what else to buy with your newfound credit (Good Idea, Rose. I actually had that in there for a while), and what gold your willign to part with for now, as well as decide where to go next.

Primary Vote - Next destination:[

A) Scarper's "General Trader".
B) Alchemist's shop.
C) Head back to the Station and wait for the train to arrive.

X) Other. Available

Z) Minor Action Available

Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc than it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.


Current Inventory:

Gold: 103 (Assorted coins and paper notes) 23 Gold owed.
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x4
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope +
-Dirk -/+ (Up for Trade)

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds Six Rounds
-Rounds: x3 (3 in Cylinder)
-Dirk. Sheathed. (In Bag) -/+ (Up for Trade)

-Belt & Holster +
-Small Belt-Pouch. Empty. +
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Closed/Buttoned.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black.
-Leather boots. Negligible heel. Brown. Laced in front.
-Blouse. White. Metallic (Type:?) brooch on collar.
-Bra. ???
-Underwear. ???
-Stockings. Transparent. Black.

-Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
-Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder

Physical Appearance:
-Duster is buttoned close.
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Let Down.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Face: -----

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known. (i.e. The character may know they are wearing an item... but fine details are still unknown)

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

Also, there ARE erotic scenes in this story. It may seem slow but I promise: You will have your sex scenes soon enough. Received a question from random non-participant and thought I'd clarify.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

How's about we buy an extra bullet with the store credit, and then pay the 2 gold difference for the better outfit?

After that, C. We don't really need anything else.