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Amarant: Unknown Path

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

well we have 80 gold left.

lets grab the sword (15 of our credit)
the sturdy boots (5 credit and 3 gold we need to spend for the deal)
and then end with a bullet and a pouch so we can hold more stuff (16 and 4)
that will be 20 of our credit the 20 we need to spend, and 3 more gold over.

that way we have 4 bullets and a sword for encounters and the boots will ensure we can go where we please.

and finally: A because why waste time waiting at the train yard when we have the chance of finding some cheaper bullets? if they arent cheaper we buy them at the price he has or see what else he has to offer.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Let's see... 1Cyka has a good general plan but I don't see a reason why we should buy a bullet that we may get cheaper at the next store we're going to check out. But anyway,

Rapier (18c). More elegant than a sword, probably deadlier too.
Sturdy boots (2c, 6g). Could come in handy, actually.
Another pouch (4g). Also handy.
Lantern with oil (10g). When it comes down to it, I would rather have our heroine traveling with a lantern than without.
20 credits and 20 gold. Perfect bank.

And then A.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Little compromise time;

2x bullet
Shirt&jacket combo

That'd make 33g, leaving us a fair reserve for whenever.
After that: Return to trainyard and prepare for eventful ride.

Also: Don't get forced to write smut "because we went 10 posts without". There'll be plenty of opportunities to add it, and story-smut>obligatory scene
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Sell the dirk and buy a rapier and full set of available armor and head out to Scarpers. That uses the 20 credit, and 22 gold, a good deal if you ask me.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

EDIT: What perfect timing Angel, hahaha. Reanalysis and assessment incoming! Luckily your votes seem to be mostly in line with everyone else's.
... and it's up!

Also: Don't get forced to write smut "because we went 10 posts without". There'll be plenty of opportunities to add it, and story-smut>obligatory scene

Don't worry I'll stick to the story.

Also, you guys do not make this an easy decision, haha!



1 Bullet: 1
2 Bullets: 2

Shirt/Vest: 2 (3)
S. Boots: 2 (3)
Pants: 0 (1)

Rapier: 1 (2)
Short Sword: 2

Pouch: 2 (3)
Lantern: 1

As you can see there's quite a spread. So, to try and make everyone happy how about this:

-Purchase the Rapier: This will give Rose and Cyka the melee weapon they desire for only 3 gold more as well as give Archangel and Tsun an item they want.

-Purchase the shirt/Vest combo: This will give Rose, Tassadar, and ArchAngel an item they want.

-Purchase the Boots: This will give Tsun, Cyka, and ArchAngel an item they want.

-Purchase at least one bullet: This will give Tassadar and Cyka an item they want and half of what Rose wants.

-Purchase a Pouch so that Tsun, Cyka, and ArchAngel have a little bit more gold added to their requested purchases.

All in all: A value of 49 Gold. (20 Credit, and 29 actual gold.) which, after totaled together with the money we owe from last post we shall go down from 103 gold to 51 Gold.

Rose: 37/53 of requested gold. (70%) As Rose will receive everything on her list but one bullet (Which is worth a whopping 30% of this particular price-tag)
Tassadar: 22/22 of requested gold. (100%) As he didn't ask for much.
Tsun: 30/40 of requested gold. (75%) As the lantern only had one vote.
Cyka: 43/43 of requested gold. (100%) As all her votes fell in line with other people's.
ArchAngel: 36/42 of requested gold. (85%) As all but one of his votes fell in line with everyone else.

And to close out: Our destination was tied but now it looks as though we have a tie-breaker: We shall be heading towards "Scarper's General Trader."

*puts on 1950's radio theater voice:*
"It seems the two newcomers have thrown the two regulars off balance, with the help of "Arch-Angel: Evil Mastermind", capable of tipping the scales against our heroes! Has this sudden tie-breaker caused a rift between these previously content voters? Will a war start in this humble thread? Find out! Next time on: Amarant: Unknown Path!"

I will check this a couple more times tonight before I go to sleep. Once I get back home from a short day of work at around 3:00 PM EST, THEN shall I (probably) set it in stone. Until then:
Feedback, comments, concerns, and discussion are all welcome.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Just wanted to clarify that I did mean rapier and not the short sword. Typing late at night there, but at least my meaning came through. Edited the post.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I find that compromise to be agreeable.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Seems like a reasonable compromise to me, it has my vote.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

“Enough about Scarper. I think I know what I need now. I’ll go ahead and trade you the blade.”

Tinder nods and asks what you want. You point out several items to him and go about putting them on your person.

First is the rapier: You know you need a backup weapon for close-quarters and a fine blade such as this should be more than enough should you find yourself lacking ammunition. He smiles and hands you the fine piece of workmanship.


“Believe it or not, I’ve actually had this one collecting a bit a dust here. No one’s really lookin’ for something with a bit o’ finesse to it these days.”

You take the blade from him and go about securing it to the belt on your left side.

“I will say though that this particular one isn’t as fancy as most it’s type. It’s still got the sweepings to protect your ‘and and all that, but the knuckle bow’s been widened to be more like what you’d see on a cutlass.”

Pushing the rope on your hip back a little bit you position the sheathed blade so that it feels comfortable and is easily accessible, evening out the deadliness on both sides of your belt. With that done, you ask for the shirt and vest. Tinder hands them to you but you find that the shirt’s not all that different from your blouse. At least now I’ll have an extra shirt, you think as you slip into the vest, tying up the strings in front. As you finish tying them you notice how it looks like a less revealing bodice more than anything. Still, it makes you feel a little less vulnerable as well as making your... assets more secure.

+Vest (equipped)

With that done you then ask Flint to hand you the boots over on her side of the counter. She hands them to you and you kneel down, flipping your skirt up and out of the way, and begin to undo the boots you have on now. The ones you currently wear are a bit too fancy; you need something a little bit sturdier, especially if the other cities aren’t all roads of stone.

You finish taking off your old ones and put on the new pair. After tying the strings up the length of the front you stand up and get a feel for them. They’re longer than you expected, going halfway up your calf., but they’re also sturdy, the flat heel and overall design favoring function over form. You stow the extra shoes in your bag.

+Sturdy Boots

You then finish up by asking for an additional bullet and pouch. You repeat the same process as before with the other pouch, this time positioning the pouch behind your right hip, taking its place on just behind the holster.

Tinder then picks up your duster, dropping the bullet into the pocket and then hands it over to you, asking if that will be all for you

+1 Revolver Round.

“Yes, I think that should be it” you say, sliding your arms through the sleeves as you put your duster back on.

And with that the image is complete. You entered a girl with a purse, now? You stand there, boots planted firmly in place, duster draped over your more intimidating form. You may have a skirt yes, but anyone who were to think that a sign of an easy target would find themselves proven quite wrong. With your revolver on one side and blade on the other you feel as though you could cause some significant damage to anyone who now dares to abscond with your possessions. Fastened to your belt, behind your rapier, is also a bundle of rope, ready to tie up said bad guy should you decide to spare their life. On either side of your holster you have a pouch, both empty for now, but also ready to make whatever items you see fit readily available to you. Your vest, while over your breasts a bit, still accentuates your form while also providing a bit more protection than a simple blouse.

Only one item comes to mind as out of place: Your brooch. Armed and supplied it almost seems out of place, and now that you think about it your collar is a bit tight. You reach up and fiddle with it a bit, eventually unhooking the metallic oval and placing it in your bag. You loosen your collar and then decide to go ahead and undo another button or two, revealing a bit of skin below your neck. With this now done, everything comes together in a perfect blend of function, form, and an appearance of competence. You feel as though you could walk from here to Bayton if you so decided to, despite your lack of memories.

[Insert Awesome Piece of Artwork Here] (Sorry =P)

Tinder’s eyebrows raise and his mouth forms a shape as if to say “not bad’. You've captured Flint's attention as well, stopping her work, she leans forward with her elbow on the counter and slowly nodds in approval.

“Ha! The little girl’s all grown up now!” Flint teases

“Aye,” Tinder agrees, “She looks like one of Gendrig’s girls! A delicate flower, but watch out fer the thorns!” He lets out a laugh, nodding in approval like Flint and then moves to come in front of the counter.

He, yet again, almost knocks you down as he sets a hand down on your shoulder.

“Ya feel ready to take on the world, girl?” he asks.

You blush and smile a bit, enjoying the attention.

“The world? No. From here to Respeiro? I think I could manage that though.”

Flint and Tinder laugh a bit more before you pay them. After they have pack up the rest of the items they then follow you outside.

-52 Gold.

“But no seriously, girl, you got everything you need?” Tinder asks again leaning over so he’s more level with you.

“Well,” you start, thinking about the money and time you have left. “I think I may still head on over to Scarper’s. I still have time and he may have a few more items I can use. I’m not sure how prepared I need to be but I’d rather be safe than sorry.” You say, thinking back to the wording used in the note from the train.

Tinder rolls his eyes but surprisingly enough keeps his contempt for the goblin in check.

“Well, good luck to ya then. With everything that is! Hopefully we’ll be seeing ya sometime in the future.” Tinder then turns around and heads back to the door, turning around as he opens it.

“Ya comin’ Flint?”

“You go on ahead. I’ll be in in a bit.”

Tinder then shrugs, giving you one last smile and a wave before he heads back to work, Flint turning back to you once the door closes.

“Wanted to make sure he was inside before I talked about Scarper. Usually any mention of him annoys him.”

She puts her hand on your shoulder and leans in a bit, talking in a softer tone.

“Scarper can be a little… difficult for anyone not used to dealing with him, but someone like you,” she says, leaning back and looking you over. “He’ll be fine.”

She then removes her hand and starts to walk back to the shop, before turning back for a bit.

Have fun.” She says with a wink. “And good luck on your journey.

And with that she turns back around and heads back inside.

Now done with half of your shopping venture you turn back towards the bazaar at a brisk pace, on your way to "Scarper’s General Trader".

Luckily for you, you know where the shop is, Lyn having pointed it out before you left. Better yet, it’s right next to the station. Hopefully you’ll have ample warning if the train is going to depart. You approach the end of the road, the noise of the market square getting steadily louder. You turn to the left as soon as you enter the square, opting this time to avoid the chaotic crowds of those shopping, shaving off a bit more time on your trip. You stay close to the buildings, admiring their architecture; their faces covered with unusual carvings and worn statuettes.

This section of town must be the oldest, you think deduce.

As your walking through the square you reach into your pocket for the bullet Tinder put inside but are surprised when you find two. You wonder if it was some kind of mistake for a second, but smile as you'd rather think that he gave you one free. You discreetly remove your revolver from its holster and flip back the loading gate, holding the trigger down and spinning the cylinder until you've found two open chambers.

+ 1 Revolver Round.

You eventually make it to the end of the massive block and turn left heading down the alley Lyn pointed out before. You continue on and are soon greeted with a rather interesting looking sing:

Beyond the Fence: General Trader

This must be the place. You put your hand to the door and enter…


Current Inventory:

Gold: 51 (Assorted coins and paper notes) -52 Gold.
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x4
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Extra Shirt +
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Dirk: Traded

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds Six Rounds
-Rounds: x5 (5 in Cylinder) +2
-Rapier +

-Belt & Holster.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1 Empty.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2 Empty. +
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Closed/Buttoned.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black.
-Blouse. White. Slightly open.
-Vest. Dark Leather. +
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black.

-Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
-Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder

Physical Appearance:
-Duster is unbuttoned.
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Let Down.
-Height: ~5’ 7”

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

You step inside and a musty scent immediately washes over you; the kind that emanates from antiques and long-idle objects. You close the door behind you and as your eyes adjust to the light you see rows of chest high shelves spread throughout the shop. On them is a myriad of knick-knacks and baubles, spanning everything from brushes to silverware to bottles filled with various colored liquids. Various tools cover the wall as well: yokes for farm animals, old rusted blades, and other instruments that would be utilized by many different trades of artisan.

As you walk a bit more inside you start to hear voices. It sounds like two men, one of which has a slightly higher pitched and ragged voice than the other. You stop near a taller bookcase, interested in what they have to say, but find you can’t understand some of it.

“ -gentlemen under my employ will tuck in a couple of the pigs, and then Gilt will work his charm. Once we’ve had a chat with ‘em-“

“Yeah, I know: we take the ark up by the boarding school, unload the canting crew, have a bit of a hike with the party-goers and then bring Jesse home before the morning drop. Sounds like it’s going to be heck of a dinner-party.”

“Quite. Oh, yes: I also have some more bits to spare if you could have a chat with Ketch, he seems to enjoy his position and has had tea with a couple of my close friends on more than one occasion. I can even spare some of my booze if you can find out to whom I lost my glove to. Just make sure you excuse yourself by the time beef is served.”

“Of course, I’ll see what can be done. Have a good day, and don’t forget to talk with Rounder for the game next week. “

“Will do. Take care, Scarper.”

With that you hear footsteps approaching you. You panic at first not wanting to be caught eavesdropping. You think about a course of action and decide to simply step out and continue walking to the counter as though you had just walked in. You pass the one man who has apparently lost a glove and he smiles and gives a tip of his hat.


You nod in return as you pass him and continue on to the counter.

Behind the counter you see a Goblin standing almost eye-level with you. You eventually realize he’s just under 5 feet tall, given a small boost by the stool he now stands upon. He’s bald and has long pointed ears but his face isn’t as horrid as you thought it might be. His arms and legs are a bit sinewy, thin but still muscular. He's dressed in a suit of sorts, an appearance that, despite all your preconceptions, actually fits the overall image. He smiles as you approach, his teeth only partially stained, and welcomes you.

“Why hello, Ma’am. I shall do my best to make sure your shopping experience here most pleasurable. Please,” he says, extending an upturned palm towards the rest of the store. “take a look around. I promise you that what you’ll find here will be quite tantalizing.”

“Thank you, I shall.”

You begin to look around, and eventually grow uneasy as you feel Scarper’s eyes follow you. You’re not sure whether he’s watching to see if you’ll steal from him or if he’s simply admiring your form. You’re not sure which you’d prefer, either.

You try your best to ignore it and browse the shelves. One section has holes drilled into the wood, allowing flasks and vials of different colored liquids and powders to rest securely. You take a look at the labels and see they read: “Healing Salve, Greyland Perfume, Cat’s Eye, Cat’s Ears, Banshee Powder, Potion of Tongues, Dark Oil, Poison’s Equal, and finally… on the top shelf: Contraceptive.

You move on, looking now to the wall. You find lanterns, belts, pouches… quite a bit of this looks like what Tinder had, but as you look on you see other items. A rack of torches lies on the floor, and above that a small shelf contains a sewing kit, a hook that looks like it can be tied to a rope, a spyglass as you’d expect a nautical captain to have, and a compass. Further up the wall though is a curious display. A glass box, hanging on the wall, holding no more than a simple cloak.

And finally, as you weave your way through the various sections you find another case full of different types of rounds. You’re almost against the class when Scarper calls out to you.

“Ah, someone who likes a little bit of heat in their hand, eh? Well if you’ve got the equipment I can load you up. Each Rifle round is twenty, while the revolvers will set you back ten.”

Reasonable, you think to yourself. Not quite what you had hoped for but it is cheaper. You head back to the counter and discuss the items. Scarper tells you the prices for some of them and your heart sinks.

“40!? For the cloak? What is it made of!?”

“It’s not the material, my dear, it’s the way it works its magic.”

“And that is…?”

“Don’t know. Bought it and I never could figure it out. So, there it stays until someone as dumb as I was a couple years ago decides to come along and pay as much as I did for it.

You continue to go over the prices and you feel even more disheartened. Apparently the potions are a bit pricey and the other items aren’t too cheap either. Some of the things he’s described have miraculous applications sure, but you’ll probably only be able to buy one or two of them. Scarper then notices your expression of concern.

“Are the prices a bit too high for you? I’m sorry, but the local trades and businesses have me changing my prices daily if I’m to always be the most competitive salesman as far as general traders are concerned. There are so many specialist shops that people barely come to a “Jack of all trades” kind of deal, such as myself. If you’d care to come by tomorrow…”

“I can’t,” you reply, “I’ll be leaving for Bayton soon.”

“Ah, the 7:30.” Scarper says, rubbing his chin as he looks at a clock behind him, which reads 6:45.

“Hm, I may have a solution for you if you’re interested. I… have an agreement with some of my others customers. We’ve worked out a deal where if they can pay me by… other means, then I either give them a significant discount or some items free of charge. Nothing too extreme, just a little favor. I can make back the loss through other jobs if you’re concerned for the fate of my store.”

You’re a bit unsettled at how he phrases the proposition, and even more so at how his eyes run over the length of your body.

Unsure of whether you should even inquire as to what his offer even is or spend a fortune on these items. You ponder your options.


Descriptions courtesy of Scarper’s General Trader: Beyond the Fence, “Stock so rare you’d think it was contraband!”


-Healing Salve ----- 12 Gold.
Makes wounds heal significantly faster.
-Healing Potion ----- 15 Gold.
"Drink to rejuvenate yourself! A 3 Meal-day and a good night's rest, all in one bottle!
-Greyland Perfume ----- 18 Gold.
Lulls enemies into a state where they no longer wish to fight you. Merciful!
-Cat’s Eye ----- 14 Gold.
See in the dark! WARNING: Not recommended for use during the day."
-Cat’s Ears ----- 14 Gold.
"Hearing becomes extremely sharp, just don’t use it near anything loud."
-Banshee Powder ----- 12 Gold.
Disable foes temporarily. Just make sure to shut your eyes and cover your ears; she’s a loud one!
-Potion of Tongues ----- 10 Gold.
Understand any language for a whole day!* (*May end after an hour.)
-Dark Oil ----- 12 Gold.
Throw at your foes to blind them! WARNING: Keep away from children.
-Serpent’s Rival ----- 15 Gold.
Snakes can’t even compare! A poison worthy of any assassination attempt!

Miscellaneous Goods:

-Torch ----- 8 Gold.
Light the way! On it a warning label reads: CAUTION: HANDLE WITH CARE. I’M HOT
-Sewing Kit ----- 8 Gold.
Bar-brawls messing up your best suit? Touch it up!
-Hook ----- 10 Gold.
Go fishing for (really big) fish, climb an impenetrable fortress, replace a lost hand!
-Spyglass ----- 10 Gold.
Spy on your enemies… or your neighbor!
-Compass ----- 10 Gold.
Never become lost again!* (*Except Lightning Elementals.)
-MAGIC! Cloak ----- 40 Gold.
What does it do? Buy it and (try to) find out!”
-Lantern w/oil----- 12 Gold.
Light the way! On a warning label reads: CAUTION: DO NOT TIP OVER WHILE LIT!


-Revolver Rounds ----- 8 Gold.
"Pretty self-explanatory."

Decide what to buy with your gold - or by other means - or leave and head to the station.

Primary Vote:

A) Buy your items normally: You know the drill.
B) Inquire as to what this "deal" is.
C) Scarper doesn't deserve a coin of yours. Head back to the station and wait for the train to arrive.

X) Other. Available

Z) Minor Action Available

Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc than it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.


Current Inventory:

Gold: 51 (Assorted coins and paper notes)
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x4
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Extra Shirt
-Leather Dress-Boots.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds Six Rounds.
-Rounds: x5 (5 in Cylinder)

-Belt & Holster.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1 Empty.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2 Empty.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Closed/Buttoned.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black.
-Blouse. White. Slightly open.
-Vest. Dark Leather.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black.

-Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
-Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder

Physical Appearance:
-Duster is unbuttoned.
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Let Down.
-Height: ~5’ 7”

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Hook, compass, and another revolver round would be nice for a total of 28g.

Also, going with B. Never hurts to ask.
Minor actions: Ask Scraper how he got started in the trading business. Examine MAGIC! Cloak.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Buy: 3x Bullet(pay using gold.)
Nothing else fancies me.

For someone who supposedly runs a competitive general store, his stock is...lacking.

Why not B? If we miss our train(expect a 30-min walk), we're in trouble.
Besides, there's nothing really important(that cloak is shenanigans, I can sense it from here).

So: A(3 bullets)
Then: Trainyard ho!
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Buy another 2 bullets, then B plus what Shanty said for minor actions. We've got time before the train leaves, but if we don't then change this to C after buying said bullets.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Hook, compass, and another revolver round would be nice for a total of 28g.

Also, going with B. Never hurts to ask.
Minor actions: Ask Scraper how he got started in the trading business. Examine MAGIC! Cloak.

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path


3 Revolver rounds (Since Rose did not get as many as were requested last time), the hook, and a compass.

Heh. Once again, you’re just in time, ArchAngel.

Fate shows slight favor towards this encounter.

You could always use the ammunition and the compass could come in handy when navigating large cities. You also think back to the hook, with the prongs it has it could have myriad of applications, especially when combined with your rope. Another thought lurks at the back of your mind as to why someone who’s supposedly a “competitive” salesman has such a lackluster inventory. And what about that cloak? You know there’s something to it but you also can’t help but feel it’s something you shouldn’t mess with.

“Well, what’ll it be?” Scarper asks after a while, seeming a bit impatient.

You decide that you’ll at least buy a couple rounds; they’re not only cheaper here but they are also your primary means of fending off anyone, or anything that threatens you. You decide to also see if you could examine the cloak; if you can discern what its ability is you’ll have a much better idea of its value.

“I’ll take three revolver rounds the hook, and a compass, please.”

“Alright, I’ll be right back.”

Scarper then hops down from the stool, dropping a foot in height, and then comes out from behind the counter. He walks past you and heads towards the glass case on the other side of the room to retrieve the items. He takes a ring of keys out from his pocket and starts looking for the one belonging to the glass case full of ammunition. As he does this your curiosity gets the best of you and you lean over the counter a little bit. You decide to engage him in conversation, if only to make him think you’re simply standing there talking instead of poking around.

“So… how did you get started in the trading business?”

He stops flipping through the keys. You hope he doesn’t turn around but he simply looks up as if thinking of what to say.

“Well, when a couple of associates of mine would come across certain items during their… travels, they’d find that nobody would be willing to buy them.” He begins, starting to flip through the keys again, “I was doing other jobs on the side at the time but I always had that entrepreneur spirit. I managed to acquire the deed to this place and I decided to open up a shop here. It’s become somewhat of a life-line for the guys and their businesses. We’re a bit of a family, actually, with me being an uncle of sorts.”

You reply with a simple “Interesting” as you continue to look behind the counter. He continues but is mostly rambling about competitors at this point.

There doesn’t seem to be too much out of the unusual behind the counter. You spot a clock on the opposite wall which reads 6:50 as well as some small instruments that look as though they could repair it. A couple of big tanks look as though they contain bigger doses of the potions you were going over earlier, as well as what looks to be another metal tin containing lamp oil, a bundle of rope, and, if you’re not mistaken, a blue sphere that looks quite similar to the explosive Tinder was selling. You continue to lean over a bit more until you spot a chest poking out from underneath the counter. Perhaps he doesn’t keep all the items on display, you think to yourself. You hear the latch on the case click as he unlocks it and you move back to where you were, hoping he didn’t notice.

“Ah, let’s see… one, two-“ he counts, retrieving the pieces of metal.

“Actually, now that I think about it, may I examine the cloak? Perhaps I could find out-“

“No,” he interrupts, slamming the case shut and twisting the lock with a quick motion, “you may examine it... once you buy it.”

So much for that idea…

Scarper then hops down from the stool and makes his way back over to his spot behind the counter, grabbing the other items from their shelves along the way. He hops back up onto the stool and puts the items down before grabbing a nearby quill and scribbling down a few notes in what looks to be a ledger of some sort. Yet again, you peer over the counter. You see that he has many different items listed on some of the pages. You try to read some of them but he suddenly closes it and looks back to you.

“Hm, ten gold is a bit much for these. Old prices from yesterday. My apologies. The hook and compass will run you six gold each, putting you at a total of 36. Will that be all for you?”

You pull up your bag a bit, about to retrieve your money, but you think about the deal he proposed earlier as well as that chest behind the counter. If you could cut a deal, there’s no harm in asking for the details, is there? Perhaps you could also see a little bit more of his stock.

“I actually have a couple of questions, first…”

“Hm, questions?” he asks, narrowing his eyes a bit. “I may have of answers depending on the nature of them.”

“Yes, I was curious about the deal you proposed earlier, and if you have any other items available? I don’t mean to complain but for someone who runs a competitive general store, your stock is… lacking. Surely, you have other things? Something worth keeping hidden away from your average customer? Items you’d dare not put on a shelf.”

You finish and wait for him to respond but he simply looks at you a bit as if lost in thought. Scarper then reveals his discolored teeth in a crooked smile. You’re not sure if you expected such a reaction.

“Well, let me start by saying that a business is a complex thing to manage. You have goods. Some are worth little, some are worth a lot. They come and go as they’re bought and sold. As you have noticed my normal stock is, as you put it, “lacking”; a very rare occurrence. In contrast, we goblins are such a simple race: We see something shiny, we want it. We see something we want, we take it. Simple. I, however, like to think myself an exception to this stereotype. Gold isn’t all that matters to me. I have many wants and desires. However…”

His eyes start to move down your form and you start to feel uncomfortable with where this is going.

“… As you walk in here, a fine, crimson-haired woman such as yourself, I can’t help but be reminded how, like my store’s stock; these desires have not been replenished in some time. As a humble shop-keep I find myself wanting.

Your mouth hangs open a bit. He’s propositioning you for-

“You’re actually asking if I would… would…“

“No,” he says, “At least not to the extent to which you’re probably thinking. I wouldn’t want to tarnish a jewel such as yourself with such an act. No, something simple would suffice. The eloquence of a woman’s words isn’t the only gift her tongue can possess. If a gem, a red ruby, such as you felt so inclined as to… replenish my stock I would be more than prepared to compensate you.”

You can barely believe you’re hearing such a request.

“You would pay me as though I was some… some whore!?”

You start to walk towards him. Scarper, seemingly unfazed by your towering and armed form approaching the waist-high countertop, calmly proceeds.

“With gold? No. You’re not some cheap harlot from Bayton that would sleep with the local pirates for a coin or two from their latest haul. No, you, my ruby, I would pay with merchandise. I appreciate whatever gold can buy, yes, but not the metal itself. For you, half off everything in the store and-“

“A discount!?” you snap, amazed he would try to win you over with such a thing. “You’d really expect me to-“

“-And… !” he interrupts, “I shall open up my premium stock; a collection of artifacts, magical and mundane, that I’ve happened upon in my travels, as well as certain dealings with other individuals, that I reserve for only for my favorite customers and close business partners.”

He stops, letting his deal hang in the air. A part of you still can’t believe what you are hearing, while another part of you wonders what he has to offer, inventory and otherwise... You shake the thoughts from your mind. You can’t seriously be considering any part of his offer, can you?

“Hm, perhaps something to sweeten the deal even more, then? Fine, as I can see you’re pretty adamant about it, not only would you get to view my best merchandise, all still subject to that nice discount, but an item of your choice, from anywhere in the store, is yours, absolutely free of charge. Perhaps even two depending on how exquisite your talents are. If everything I have planned out for tonight goes well it won’t even be a loss in revenue. I, however, still like to think of myself as a gentleman. If you decide to decline my offer, I will offer you this small token as thanks”

He bends down, reaching under the counter, and produces a myriad of flasks.

“Any choice of one potion or oil, offered to you for simply hearing my lewd request, and at the very least, for simply refraining to threaten me with either of your weapons during the course of this conversation. I’m sad to admit that other business deals such as this ended on… worse terms. So, what shall it be then?”

You barely know how to respond to an offer such as this. A “business deal” he calls it. Most would look at this and call it prostitution. Still, such an offer… would a small hit to your pride be worth what he has for you? With what he currently has on the table, you could easily walk away and come out of all this with a potion just for enduring this lustful little cretin’s offer. The idea of simply killing him and robbing the place flickers into your head but you quickly dismiss it, reminding yourself you’re above any such act. If that’s true, then why do you still entertain this then? Why haven’t you simply refused already? You’re unsure of what you were like before, but you know now that you wouldn’t sink so low as to pleasure a goblin... right?

Decide whether or not you accept Scarper's "deal". (If it couldn't be surmised, he's expecting a blowjob, to put it bluntly.)
If you do accept, you can decide how to go about it: I'm not going to simply flip the "Slut Switch"... Do I even have one of those?

Primary Vote:

A) Refuse. Pay for your items, select a potion or oil if you care for one and then leave for the station.
B) Accept. Agree to pleasure him in exchange for what he has promised.

X) Other.

Z) Minor Action

Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them However much it may pain me to do so...


Current Inventory:

Gold: 51 (Assorted coins and paper notes)
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x4
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Extra Shirt
-Leather Dress-Boots.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds Six Rounds.
-Rounds: x5 (5 in Cylinder)

-Belt & Holster.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1 Empty.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2 Empty.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki.
-Skirt. Down to ankles. Black.
-Blouse. White. Slightly open.
-Vest. Dark Leather.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black.

-Amnesiac: You have lost your memory and have little understanding of the world.
-Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder

Physical Appearance:
-Duster is unbuttoned.
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Let Down.
-Height: ~5’ 7”

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A, chosing a healing potion.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A: I mean, even if our train didn't leave sooner than we could run, we'd have barely any gold for that special stock, assuming he didn't just make that up/it's just old furniture.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I'll have to go with A for reasons Rose mentioned. And then +1 for healing potion.

Minor actions: Tell Scraper that you will keep his "deal" in mind, but you really need to get going. Quickly ask him if he knows of a good place to shop where you're headed.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I'll have to go with A for reasons Rose mentioned. And then +1 for healing potion.

Minor actions: Tell Scraper that you will keep his "deal" in mind, but you really need to get going. Quickly ask him if he knows of a good place to shop where you're headed.

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A, politely, and don't take the potion. She asked, he answered honestly, and in a fairly polite manner to boot.