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Amarant: Unknown Path

Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Hello, all. I apologize for the lengthy, and unannounced, hiatus; I was occupied with many, many things at work and my dog of 14 years had to be put to sleep. Needless to say... it was a bit traumatizing.

I've taken this time to look back over a lot of my notes involving characters, motives, cultures, cities, the world of Amarant in general, and tweak a few variables and details with the plot of the story. Now that I have an even further view down the road I can set up for, let us say... even more interesting content.

It's good to be back and expect to see an update within the next 72 hours.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Hello, all. I apologize for the lengthy, and unannounced, hiatus; I was occupied with many, many things at work and my dog of 14 years had to be put to sleep. Needless to say... it was a bit traumatizing.

I've taken this time to look back over a lot of my notes involving characters, motives, cultures, cities, the world of Amarant in general, and tweak a few variables and details with the plot of the story. Now that I have an even further view down the road I can set up for, let us say... even more interesting content.

It's good to be back and expect to see an update within the next 72 hours.

Yay, you're back...but the news could not be worse! Sorry to hear things are busy, but such is life, however, I am very sorry to hear you lost a member of your family (I consider pets family...because they are!) :(. I've only ever had one pet, a rabbit, and he was the best companion I could ask for for many years. When he passed I couldn't bring myself to get another pet; I just don't think I could go through that again.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Okay, so maybe a little more than 72 hours... and without a choice at the end to boot... it seems I underestimated my free time this week. You can expect to see the next chapter up on Tuesday.


Dagger w/ sheate

Identify Potions

You stand there in the musty building, looking down at one of many stashes hidden throughout the town, their contents compiled by the woman currently looking out the window. She squats low, one knee to the ground as she scans the road outside for any threats, holding her shotgun in both hands, a powerful instrument of wood and metal. You have seen first-hand at just what it is capable of. Content that Beatrice has the building covered, you sift throughout the items, taking care not to cut yourself on any of the weapons.

You spend the next couple of minutes weighing your options, quite literally as well; you already carry quite a bit as it is and too much could lead to a few issues if you have to fight. After a while you finally decide on only taking a small bit of the collection, making sure to travel relatively lightly:

First, you decide that the potions’ weights are negligible, easily carried within your pouches with little to no fear of them breaking. Next were the leather pieces of armor. You hold your arms close to your chest, softly touching the skin on your bruised forearms. Given their condition the armor is an easy decision. Lastly, as you look at all the grand weaponry lying before you, you find yourself quite conflicted; while the long-sword and the axe are quite tempting you remind yourself of the sword at your side and conclude that they’d be superfluous to your needs. Besides, you’re much more found of fighting from a distance, your last encounter a little too close for your liking.

You pocket the potions, carefully placing them within the pouches at your side, and then go about equipping the armor. They fit for the most part, finding you have to take the straps all the way to the last notch to make them secure. They’re a dark brown, three chevrons of leather overlapping the previous one with a few metal rivets securing each one in place. The vambraces now fastened, you clasp each one with the palm of your hand, smiling as the sore wounds from before barely feel the blow.

Next, you take the gloves and slip them on. While rough, you still feel better having them on, now noticing the strengthened layers along the back of your hand and knuckles. They’re also a bit stiff at first, finding you have to flex your fingers a bit before the leather starts to give. Fortunately, the leather starts to give and you find yourself quite content with the new pieces.

Lastly, you grasp the dagger, the blade still buried in its sheathe, and temporarily undo your belt to slip it in front of your holster. Once done, you pull it free and examine the blade: It’s actually a bit longer than you expected, the blade’s length almost that of a short-sword. You turn it about, end over end and make note that it only holds an edge on one side, the other blunt. Whether by design or wear, you’re unsure.

As you slip the dagger back into its sheathe you look up to see Beatrice approaching you, her large firearm slung back over her shoulder.

Finished”? the tall woman asks.

You look back down to the weapon pile, your eyes glancing over what is left over from your salvage: A few close combat weapons, including a mighty halberd, a crossbow with a few bolts, a chain, and a crowbar. The four potions you pocketed were too small to make much of a difference, and while you’re confident in your aim, you have three blades which you can fall back on just in case. As far the armor, carrying it is a simple matter of wearing it, the pieces of leather proving to be no issue whatsoever. The question of whether you should take anything else from the pile still lingers in your mind though. No, you feel confident with what you have selected, comfortable with what you are carrying and the feeling of being unburdened by excess weaponry.

Yes, I’m ready to leave when you are.” You reply, your eyes moving from the stash to Beatrice.

Good”, she speaks again, picking up a few of the floorboards she removed earlier.

Beatrice begins to replace the floorboards, covering up the hidden weapon cache. Each one falls back into place quickly and easily making you wonder just how many times she’s had need of this supply. You decide not to ask, however, and simply wait until she’s done. You walk over to the window, taking her place from earlier to look for any nearby threats. Luckily, the immediate street seems to be clear, the closest ghoul a couple meters down the road.

You hear each board fall into place, one after another, and continue to keep watch until she’s finished. Clonk, clonk, each one fits into place. The noise stops, and for a second you think she’s done, until you hear one last clonk, a long break preceding it. One last, quick glance in either direction and then you stand up and make your way back to the center of the room. Beatrice has her back to you at first, her form kneeling next to where the hole used to be. As she turns, however, you see one of the stash’s items from earlier in her hand.

Beatrice stands and looks at you, crowbar in hand.

What?” she asks, fastening the piece of steel so that it hangs from her belt. “A crowbar could come in handy, especially against what we’re facing.

You give a slight shrug, not quite sure what she’s getting at, and make ready to leave. As you check your items, though, you are reminded of the potions you picked up and of their unknown nature. Beatrice had mentioned how she had dabbled in the arts of alchemy and hopefully she has enough training to discern their effects.

You open your pouches and retrieve the three unknown vials, leaving the sealing wax inside, the only one to still retain its label. Grabbing Beatrice’s attention, you hand her the three potions and ask her to examine them, waiting as she does so.

Beatrice sets two of the potions down on a nearby piece of furniture and then holds the teal one out at arm’s length. She uncorks the vial slowly and methodically, making sure not to spill any of its contents, a subtle pop sounding from the glass tube. She held the potion out and, instead of bringing it to her nose, cupped her other hand above the open top and wafted the air towards her. She sniffed softly, the intake of air barely audible in the silent structure. She repeated this for a bit before replacing the stopper and turning the vial on its side, watching the liquid slosh from one to side to another. Satisfied, she set the teal potion down and did the same for the black potion, eventually taking care of the last one in the same fashion. As she handed the three containers back you noticed the look on her face was not promising.

Any idea?” you ask her.

Only as far as a general idea of their effects” She replies, taking a breath and letting it out as a sigh afterwards.

She brings a finger to her lips and narrows her eyes as she looks at the vials in your hand.

The teal potion isn’t harmful, I can safely guarantee that. The other two, however, are an issue.” She explains, pointing to each one as she names them.

The dark green is most definitely vile; its effect will most likely severely pain, if not kill, whoever or whatever imbibes it. The black one, though…

She pauses for a minute, as to why, you’re unsure. Her expression is ponderous and unsure.

As for the black one,” she begins again, “I’m afraid I have no idea.

She seems a bit hurt, as though her inability to identify them were a blow to her pride. Still, at least now you have some idea as to what two of them do.

You place the potions back into their pouches and let Beatrice know that you are now truly ready to be underway, reloading your revolver as Beatrice opens the door to outside.

STATS: Jacqueline*

Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in blood.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Sealing Wax. Can be used to fuze or seal objects together.
-Dark Green Potion. Highly negative effect.
-Teal Potion. "Isn't Harmful".
-Black Potion. Unknown effect
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.
-Vial of Holy Water. Fragile. Can be uncorked or throw at enemy.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds six Rounds.
-Rounds: x15 (6 in Cylinder)
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt.
-Short-sword. Has Scabbard. Fastened to left hip.
-Rifle. Bolt Action. Holds one round. Slung across left shoulder.
-Rounds: x1
-Dagger. 9 in. Blade. +

-Belt & Holster. Secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops. Recoverable. Sealing Wax. +
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion, Goblin Potion, Vial of Holy Water, Dark Green Potion, Teal Potion, Black Potion. +
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve. Back covered in Dirt. Blood-stained along the arms and shoulders.
-Skirt. Ends just above the knees. Black.
-Shirt. Buttoned. Small tear above left breast.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Leather Vambraces. Covers the forearms. +
-Sturdy Leather Gloves +
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

- Recovering Amnesiac: You have lost your memory but are becoming more knowledgeable about the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- "Quite the Bust": Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "....."
- Ghoul Anatomy I: "The head is key: destroying it is the only effective way to stop them." -Beatrice

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy. Covered in dirt, especially the back. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Arms are lightly bruised, making the tops of your forearms somewhat sensitive. Swelling has died down significantly.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

STATS: Beatrice*


Current Inventory:

Gold: (?)
-Dried meat (x3)
-Fruit (X1)
-Canteen: Holds water.
-Piece of Chalk
-Parchment. 4 sheets.
-Corked Inkwell
-Lantern Oil. Contained in a ceramic Jar. Corked.
-Three burning rods. Can be lit on fire to produce light.
-Flint & Tinder.
-Canteen: Filled with Water.
-(2x) Vial of Holy Water. Fragile. Can be uncorked or thrown at enemy.
-Blood Stained Blouse. Torn. Has the necklace Inside it.

-Long-barreled Revolver. Single Action. Swing-out Cylinder. Holds five Rounds.
-Rounds: 8 (5 in Cylinder)
-Shotgun. Break action. Two barrels. Holds 2 shells. Slung across left shoulder
-Shells: 7 (2 loaded)
-Pick. Steel. Small. Shaft is 1 foot long.
-Shock Sphere. Throwable. Will explode and stun all nearby enemies.

-Thigh Holster: Holds Long-barreled revolver.
-Blue button up shirt. Buttoned. Long sleeved. Cloth.
-Bandolier. Left Shoulder to Right hip. Contains: 2 Vials of Holy Water, 7 shotgun shells.
-Belt 1. Supports pouch 1. Holds: 8 revolver rounds. Lantern. Crowbar hanging from hip. +
-Belt 2. Supports pouch 2. Holds: Small pick on left hip. Shock Sphere.
-Pouch 1. Contains: Canteen.
-Pouch 2. Contains: -
-Left thigh Belt. Holds: Three burning rods.
-Small vest. Cloth. Ends at waist level. Sleeveless.
-Leather spaulders.
-Leather vambraces.
-Cloth pants. down to ankle.
-Leather chaps. Perfect for riding and adds protection around your legs.
-Sturdy Boots.
-Bra: Grey. Cloth.
-Underwear: Grey. Cloth.
-Backpack: Contains: dried meat(x3), Fruit(x1), Compass, Piece of chalk, Quill, Inkwell, Lantern Oil, Flint & tinder, parchment,

- Artificer: A member of the Artificer's Guild, a guild known for studying magic and lost technology.
- Reclaimer: Reclaimer rank. A hunter of the eldritch, you scour lost ruins and abandoned pieces of civilization for history of old.
- Revolver Training I: "Better... but there's always perfection." -Smith Mordel
- Shotgun Training II: "You're almost as good as me now, 'Trice!" -Flint
- Half-Orc: An orc half breed. Born from the coupling of an orc and a human. You, luckily, got more from your mother's side.
- Meticulous: You are one for planning and preparation, and aren't good at improvising when things don't go as planned.
- Firearm Favored: Confident with a gun in your hand, but you find yourself quite distressed when fighting without one.
- Bayton Raised: Born and raised in the pirate city you learn certain skills and rules... or guidelines, rather.
- Curious of Alchemy: You can't truly make potions, but you can most likely discern potion from poison.
- Bookworm: You not only read, you take pleasure in acquiring any new information.
- Gunsmith/Tinkerer II: Knowledge on how to fix and repair many different types of firearms and mechanical devices.

Physical Appearance:
-Snow-white hair: Slicked back. Cut just above the neck.
-Sharp face, with narrow, green eyes.
-Height: ~6' 2"
-Bullet wound scar on right forearm
-Large blade scar on right abdomen.
-Large blade scar on left thigh.
-Small tusks protruding from lower lips, an inch from the gum-line.
Last edited:
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

You and Beatrice step out of the building and start to make your way towards the catacombs. Staying close to her, you never let your eyes rest on one place for too long, always watching and staying alert for any threats. The mist that hangs overhead obscures your vision slightly but the two of you manage to maneuver your way through the town without drawing attention.

The ambience, or lack thereof, puts you on edge. No sounds of people in the streets, no distant shouts of merchants peddling their goods, or even of any intelligent life; the streets are simply dead, only the sound of wind passing through vacant roads and run-down buildings. You never thought about it before, but you realize that you feel a bit sad, traces of long lost life scattered among the remains of this town now coming to your attention. Each building you pass you gaze inside and see mementos of those who used to live here, which you can’t help but wonder: “Did some leave or have they all suffered this same fate”? You try not to dwell on it, something inside you pushing you to focus on the task at hand.

Your path through the town has been seemingly random, Beatrice leading you to the right, to the left, and then to the left again, sometimes almost turning completely around. You’ve lost all sense of direction now and would probably need to look at your compass again to regain your bearings. You assume this is all part of Beatrice's plan and hope she knows where she is headed.

As the two of you continue on you notice now that you don’t happen to see the occasional, single ghoul anymore, but rather groups of them congregating in one place or roaming together. You look at Beatrice and see that her weapon is still slung across her shoulder, as though she doesn’t expect to fight.

She’s lived here for quite a while; surely that proves her knowledge and capability in navigating and surviving this place, right? you try and assure yourself.

You keep walking, trusting in Beatrice’s intuition. Still, you can’t help but idly lay a hand on the hilt of your sword, ready to fight at a moment’s notice.

Eventually, the buildings peel away and the two of you find the area ahead completely empty, save for tall grass, dirt, and mist. It’s at this point Beatrice crouches further to the ground, and stops. You kneel down with her, the two of you resting against the wall to one the buildings.

This is it: past this point you are locked to my task. Hm, maybe that point was a while ago. Either way, from what you’ve expressed so far I take it your willing to follow me all the way…

Her eyes fall a bit, now staring at the ground, the confidence gone, the look now replaced with one of worry and focus.

I mentioned that there was no back-up plan. In truth, us failing was never an outcome I had considered.

She pursed her lips together, or at least attempted to, her tusks getting in the way.

“My intelligence and confidence have usually seen me through whatever encounter I faced. It is only now do I doubt that those will be enough. You have my deepest gratitude for helping me in this ordeal. If I do succumb to whatever awaits us, please… head to the Artificer’s Guild and let Master Murrin know that...[/I]

The words catch in her throat. She doesn’t seem sad, rather, what she is saying is foreign to her, an idea or concept that she has trouble admitting.

"Nevermind. Just stick close to me. I'm going to assume you know how to fight: I don't care if you're Fae or not, I know what I saw and that's a killers skill. Fae don't wield a blade like that and they certainly don't own a firearm."

You’re not sure what to say: it's apparent now she doesn't believe you're Fae. Whatever the case, her confidence in you and the break in her own was… unexpected. You try to find the words to reassure her but find you barely have time to even nod before she sets off.

Alright, pick up your duster and let’s proceed: we must stay absolutely silent. Stay close.

You nod again and do as she requested, making sure your duster doesn’t drag behind you, and then slowly creep forward, following her through the haze.

The building behind you falls further and further away, eventually disappearing beyond the veil of mist. The fog here is actually much more dense than before. You're not sure if it’s the fact that there are no pieces of terrain you can reference or if it really is so thick you aren’t able to see them.

Step by step the two of you go onward, a slow, mind-numbing pace. Your sense of time is lost. Has it been five minutes or ten, you wonder to yourself. You try and time your steps with each second that passes by to try and get a feeling for how long you’ve been out here but Beatrice’s pace makes it quite difficult, her changes in speed and direction foiling your steps. You wonder if she sees something you don't.

Suddenly, she stops. You have to catch yourself from running into her and are almost caught off guard enough to ask her why she had done so. Your answer comes form the left, naught but five feet away.

Out of the mist, almost as though it were conjured from the haze itself, a ghoul, quite lanky and completely naked, steps forward. You can’t help but gasp at first but stifle it quickly, raising your hands and the bundle that is the tail end of your duster up to your mouth, muffling the sound. Your wide eyes are locked on the face of the monstrosity, its grotesque features unsettling, to say the least. The edges of its eyes are covered with thick, black puss and the whites have become a mottled grey. Luckily, the pupils are pointed straight ahead, away from the two crouching figures int he grass. Its feet keep moving at a sluggish pace, the simple sound of its footfalls sickening for some reason, each determined step it takes offsetting the pounding heartbeat present in your ears.

Your breath is caught within your throat, watching, waiting for the ghoul to make its move. Step by step it takes until it actually passes the two of you, apparently unnoticed by the sluggish foe. Neither you nor Beatrice turn your heads, instead, following the creature with your eyes as it passes beyond the fog and the sound of its steps fall beyond hearing.

You let out a breath, the tension now gone and can see Beatrice’s frame rise and fall as well, her breath soundless. The enemy now gone, the two of you continue onwards again.

Luckily, the rest of the trek through this field of ghouls was uneventful. There were times when you would turn to the left or right and see silhouettes just beyond the veil, shrouded figures that didn’t move but to sway from side to side ever so slightly. You almost had a lapse in faith in Beatrice when she talked to you earlier, but now you find yourself emboldened, her skill quite adept in your eyes.

You’re not sure how much time has passed but eventually you reach a fence. It’s not high, only coming up to your waist, and find that the two of you have no problem climbing it.

Once you’re over, you find yourselves surrounded by many different stones, some rectangular and some tall, some of which possess intricate sculptures. It’s only after you see the faded and worn writing on the side of some of them that you realize you have followed her into a cemetery. Your surprised at first but then roll your eyes at yourself, wondering wherever you expected “catacombs” to be located. You have little time to look and read the headstones however, as Beatrice is already crouched low and proceeding forward. You do the same, making sure to pick up your duster again.

The graveyard puts you even more on edge than the open field, the headstones and statues startling you out of the corner of your eye, your senses strained to distinguish stone from flesh in this distorting haze.

Yet again, Beatrice stops abruptly. This time you’re prepared for it and simply stop. She has taken cover behind a rather large headstone, it’s size providing ample coverage for both you and her. She turns to you, her face expressionless and whispers:

We’re here

She then turns back to her left and motions with her eyes for you to look over the top. You hesitantly shift, setting your legs under you to push yourself up and then give them tension, your bodily slowly rising until your eyes peek above the stone horizon, setting a hand on the top to steady yourself. What you see isn’t quite what you expected.

Off to your left is a small, stone structure. It’s rectangular in shape, with an inclined roof and tiny minarets protruding from the corners on top. It was simple in shape, the building flat on each side and a door placed on the front. The masonry work around the door however, was actually quite beautiful, the intricate designs and careful stonework quite breathtaking, with curves and small chiseled flowers protruding from the wall. It was almost enticing enough that you didn’t notice what was standing in front of it.

Three horrid ghouls loitered in front of the door, each of them actually quite whole, as far as missing limbs and grotesque features go. Their skin was the usual grey you would expect and their eyes were a milky white. Only one of them swayed side to side, the other two simply stood there, almost as though they were asleep. Their expressions were emotionless, as you would expect. Something, however, made you on edge. You’re not sure if it was the ghouls themselves or the cemetery you’re in, but there was an eerie feeling you couldn’t shake. You dip back behind the rock, wiping a cobweb from your hand. Beatrice’s brow is furrowed, her expression one of focus.

Those are in our way. Sneaking is not an option.” she whispered bluntly.

Her eyes didn’t meet yours, instead, they were staring at the ground, thinking of how to proceed.

There are three of them. We can take two down relatively quickly, but the third will be an issue if we aren’t quick. Unfortunately our firearms will probably be unusable until we get deep into the catacombs themselves, as the noise will attract every other one on the surface.

You take in her advice, thinking about how to proceed, and peek out once again to observe the terrain:

The perimeter of headstones that surround the area around the entrance are about fifteen feet from entrance. Each one is separated by about 2-5 feet and is anywhere from two to six feet tall, the taller ones much thinner, with elaborate statues on top that look as though they could be knocked over due to the wear and tear of them. The ghouls themselves are relatively close to the door, one idly leaning against the door itself and the other two slowly meandering about the area in front, tracing rough circles into the ground. The door itself is about five feet wide with an extra foot or so of space on either side before the walls turn, the lengths of the wall on the sides measuring about fifteen feet. You’d venture a guess that the closest stone, that could provide you ample cover, is the one on the far side f the clearing: a perfect spot to ambush them from in melee… if you can get to it unnoticed that is.

Whatever your plan, there are two of you now: Beatrice will act of her own accord but is entirely open to advice and tactics: you are the only person you can really control in this situation. Unless you can communicate with her she’ll act on her own and should keep this fact in mind if you split up or need to remain completely silent.

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

What is your plan of attack?

Discussion post: I assume, by now, that when one person comes up with a good plan everyone will, most likely, bandwagon. When that does happen, discuss it a bit until all of you (or the vast majority) are content with the plan.

Z) Minor Action. Restricted. Certain actions may only be performed before you engage or after combat has concluded.


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...

STATS: Jacqueline

Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in blood.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Sealing Wax. Can be used to fuze or seal objects together.
-Dark Green Potion. Highly negative effect.
-Teal Potion. "Isn't Harmful".
-Black Potion. Unknown effect
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Goblin Necklace. Golden chain. Pendant adorned with runes and a magnificent diamond. Radiates with a magnificent light.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.
-Vial of Holy Water. Fragile. Can be uncorked or throw at enemy.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds six Rounds.
-Rounds: x15 (6 in Cylinder)
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt.
-Short-sword. Has Scabbard. Fastened to left hip.
-Rifle. Bolt Action. Holds one round. Slung across left shoulder.
-Rounds: x1
-Dagger. 9 in. Blade.

-Belt & Holster. Secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops. Recoverable. Sealing Wax.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion, Goblin Potion, Vial of Holy Water, Dark Green Potion, Teal Potion, Black Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve. Back covered in Dirt. Blood-stained along the arms and shoulders.
-Skirt. Ends just above the knees. Black.
-Shirt. Buttoned. Small tear above left breast.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Leather Vambraces. Covers the forearms.
-Sturdy Leather Gloves.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

- Recovering Amnesiac: You have lost your memory but are becoming more knowledgeable about the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- "Quite the Bust": Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "....."
- Ghoul Anatomy I: "The head is key: destroying it is the only effective way to stop them." -Beatrice

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy. Covered in dirt, especially the back. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Arms are lightly bruised, making the tops of your forearms somewhat sensitive. Swelling has died down significantly.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

STATS: Beatrice


Current Inventory:

Gold: (?)
-Dried meat (x3)
-Fruit (X1)
-Canteen: Holds water.
-Piece of Chalk
-Parchment. 4 sheets.
-Corked Inkwell
-Lantern Oil. Contained in a ceramic Jar. Corked.
-Three burning rods. Can be lit on fire to produce light.
-Flint & Tinder.
-Canteen: Filled with Water.
-(2x) Vial of Holy Water. Fragile. Can be uncorked or thrown at enemy.
-Blood Stained Blouse. Torn. Has the necklace Inside it.
-Crowbar. Three ft. long. Steel. Curved hook on one end and a slightly angled tip on the other.

-Long-barreled Revolver. Single Action. Swing-out Cylinder. Holds five Rounds.
-Rounds: 8 (5 in Cylinder)
-Shotgun. Break action. Two barrels. Holds 2 shells. Slung across left shoulder
-Shells: 7 (2 loaded)
-Pick. Steel. Small. Shaft is 1 foot long.
-Shock Sphere. Throwable. Will explode and stun all nearby enemies.

-Thigh Holster: Holds Long-barreled revolver.
-Blue button up shirt. Buttoned. Long sleeved. Cloth.
-Bandolier. Left Shoulder to Right hip. Contains: 2 Vials of Holy Water, 7 shotgun shells.
-Belt 1. Supports pouch 1. Holds: 8 revolver rounds. Lantern. Crowbar hanging from hip.
-Belt 2. Supports pouch 2. Holds: Small pick on left hip. Shock Sphere.
-Pouch 1. Contains: Canteen.
-Pouch 2. Contains: -
-Left thigh Belt. Holds: Three burning rods.
-Small vest. Cloth. Ends at waist level. Sleeveless.
-Leather spaulders.
-Leather vambraces.
-Cloth pants. down to ankle.
-Leather chaps. Perfect for riding and adds protection around your legs.
-Sturdy Boots.
-Bra: Grey. Cloth.
-Underwear: Grey. Cloth.
-Backpack: Contains: dried meat(x3), Fruit(x1), Compass, Piece of chalk, Quill, Inkwell, Lantern Oil, Flint & tinder, parchment,

- Artificer: A member of the Artificer's Guild, a guild known for studying magic and lost technology.
- Reclaimer: Reclaimer rank. A hunter of the eldritch, you scour lost ruins and abandoned pieces of civilization for history of old.
- Revolver Training I: "Better... but there's always perfection." -Smith Mordel
- Shotgun Training II: "You're almost as good as me now, 'Trice!" -Flint
- Half-Orc: An orc half breed. Born from the coupling of an orc and a human. You, luckily, got more from your mother's side.
- Meticulous: You are one for planning and preparation, and aren't good at improvising when things don't go as planned.
- Firearm Favored: Confident with a gun in your hand, but you find yourself quite distressed when fighting without one.
- Bayton Raised: Born and raised in the pirate city you learn certain skills and rules... or guidelines, rather.
- Curious of Alchemy: You can't truly make potions, but you can most likely discern potion from poison.
- Bookworm: You not only read, you take pleasure in acquiring any new information.
- Gunsmith/Tinkerer II: Knowledge on how to fix and repair many different types of firearms and mechanical devices.

Physical Appearance:
-Snow-white hair: Slicked back. Cut just above the neck.
-Sharp face, with narrow, green eyes.
-Height: ~6' 2"
-Bullet wound scar on right forearm
-Large blade scar on right abdomen.
-Large blade scar on left thigh.
-Small tusks protruding from lower lips, an inch from the gum-line.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Play the Last of Us, grab a hefty rock and wait for the ghouls to not be looking in your direction, and then throw it away from ye ambush spot so that you can sneak over. Share this plan with Beatrice. Repeat this process to bring ye ghouls over for the delicious severing of spines. Skulls for the skull throne!
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Play the Last of Us, grab a hefty rock and wait for the ghouls to not be looking in your direction, and then throw it away from ye ambush spot so that you can sneak over. Share this plan with Beatrice. Repeat this process to bring ye ghouls over for the delicious severing of spines. Skulls for the skull throne!

That sounds like a good plan to me. I would also add having Jacqueline and Beatrice grab either end of the rope Jacqueline has and put some distance between the two of them, and use it to trip up/bind the ghouls. Similar to what the snowspeeders do to the AT-AT's in Star Wars if you need a visual reference.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Play the Last of Us, grab a hefty rock and wait for the ghouls to not be looking in your direction, and then throw it away from ye ambush spot so that you can sneak over. Share this plan with Beatrice. Repeat this process to bring ye ghouls over for the delicious severing of spines. Skulls for the skull throne!

Sounds about right. Might want to wait for a moment to see if any others pop up though, don't want to walk around just to see a dozen more of them idling behind the mausoleum or something equally silly.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Hello, all. It's been a while, has it not?

I apologize for my absence, but as I'm sure we're used to with some of our favorite forms of "entertainment" on a site such as this, the author needed to take an extended leave in order to take care of some issues. I have not forgotten about you guys, in fact, nary a day goes by that I'm not thinking about this story. During the months I've been gone I have been researching, writing, and crafting the world that is "Amarant" and am pleased with its state much more than I was back in August.

I also came to terms with another problem that had been bothering me: As I wrote each entry into this story I felt... anxious for some reason. I didn't know what it was at first but I started talking to an old acquaintance of mine who's had a few books of his own published, one of them a CYOA. We agreed to meet and after one of the longest luncheons I've ever had, he helped me pin it down: As all of you made each decision and carried Jacqueline forward, I began to feel as though all the branching paths, the fate of other characters in the narrative, the path of the protagonist, were all being set in stone. I wasn't quite prepared to experience that, and as a writer, someone who invests time and effort into this world I've created, to only have a tenth experienced by an audience... was a little traumatizing. Nonetheless, he helped me come to terms with this and now I no longer have anything to fear. With a bit of his help this is not only no longer a problem but he's given me a few ideas on how to proceed as well and how to not let these ideas go to waste. Also, who ever said I can't retell this story?

I'm sure you could also sense it a bit in my writing, especially in the chapters since we left Beatrice's hideout, but I had also began to become lazy and would shorten quite a few details. I needed to remedy this, and this leave of absence was a necessary evil needed to fix it, although, one I don't plan on repeating until Jacqueline's story is finally done. I hope those of you who were reading before will come back to finish this tale and those that are new, willing to honor this thread with their input. I look forward to the conclusion of this story and am curious to see what path lies ahead.

Thank you, for your patience.

As a small post-script, the sex is there, but it is now no longer always in line with obviously negative choices. No longer will every choice be black and white, but more of a grey. Those who have played "The Witcher" will be quite familiar with this type of morality and decision making...
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

I would call the choices present in The Witcher more of a choose-your-flavor of black than a grey, tbh, but it's a good enough comparator for what you're saying. Where do you plan on going from here then?
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Where do you plan on going from here then?

I shall continue this story. I admit, out of all the paths this is one that wasn't as fleshed out as the others, but I realized the hidden potential it had and the possibility this town could hold. These catacombs can get quite interesting depending on the perception of the voters and their choices, but of course, my best inspiration in these past few weeks have taken form in later chapters. These catacombs only contain a sliver of all that which I have researched and channeled into the story.

Also: "Flavor of black". I like that; perfectly describes why it's one of my favorites.
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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

As one writer who largely works on stories where they aren't entirely in control of their direction to another, I highly recommend limiting your planning to abstracts as much as is realistically possible. Things won't usually go the exact way that you want them to, and such can be very irritating if you end up having to scrap a whole lot of work. It's better to keep an idea of what's happening in the world at large and keeping your ideas without specific characters attached, rather than trying to path out progress exactly as you would in a normal storyline.

Tis a very good game, I'm a big fan and am looking forward to what the makers of it will do with a cyberpunk setting.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

You're back, good to see this one's not abandoned then.

I'm curious as to how you're going to pick up from here, wether you'll keep the story going in solid "routes" or write it on the fly with just a bit of generic guidelines to follow.

Regardless, nice to have you back.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

As one writer who largely works on stories where they aren't entirely in control of their direction to another, I highly recommend limiting your planning to abstracts as much as is realistically possible. Things won't usually go the exact way that you want them to, and such can be very irritating if you end up having to scrap a whole lot of work. It's better to keep an idea of what's happening in the world at large and keeping your ideas without specific characters attached, rather than trying to path out progress exactly as you would in a normal storyline. .

Oh, believe me, I didn't actually write out entire sections, but simply wrote general descriptions. Besides, I can simply recycle undiscovered scenarios into later parts of the story if the situation presents itself.

You're back, good to see this one's not abandoned then.

I'm curious as to how you're going to pick up from here, wether you'll keep the story going in solid "routes" or write it on the fly with just a bit of generic guidelines to follow.

Regardless, nice to have you back.

Nope, I promised this story would end, even if it would take a while. As for how I'm planning this out, I've adjusted my planning and my routes according to what I've learned and now aware of what paths and characters have been "passed over" as it were.

And it's good to BE BACK!

Praise the sun!


Alright, thank you everyone. It's good to be back and now... on with the story!

"Play Last of Us" it is.

You think about your decision

The three ghouls are unaware of you two for now, but you don’t know how long that will last. They seem to be rather inattentive for the most part, but then again so did the ones from before. You look down to your revolver and think of just how easy it would be to kill them, their stone-like forms making almost perfect targets. It would be easy enough: Just have Beatrice and you line a shot up on each and then pull the trigger, taking down the third before he even had a chance to react. Of course, what would happen next? The noise would attract all those that the two of you had just snuck past. No, you need something different, something that won’t make as much noise. You think about the sword and pick that Beatrice and you have, but wonder if you’d be able to… and that it when your eyes casually glance over the rocks at your feet.

There are quite a few of them, ranging in size from that of your fist to your head. You start to get an idea that may allow you to sneak past entirely. It almost seems like something you might have read in a cheap novel… if you could remember it. You pick up one of the smaller stones and place your other hand on Beatrice’s shoulder to grab her attention. She turns to you and then her eyes glance down to the rock.

“Think we can sneak by?” You whisper.

Her eyes narrow and you can see the gears turning as she contemplates your idea.

“Or perhaps use it as a distraction and then cut them down?

At that, she looks back up at you, her brown eyes a little wider now. She holds there for a bit, before returning back to her previous contemplative state. You wonder if she’ll agree.

A few moments later and she turns back to you, a stern expression on her face. At first you think she might reject the idea but you’re happy to see her nod in approval. The two of you then discuss the plan, making sure there are no misunderstandings…

Carved into many various shapes, this field was littered with intricate statues and monuments to those resting here. Effigies of spirits and mothers holding small infants, the workmanship has gone unappreciated for so many years, the neglect ever apparent in their crumbling faces. A thick haze streamed between them, a river of white that obscured the scene. As a final resting place for the dead, the silent creaking of the ghouls that walked about was all that ever threatened the silence. However, submerged in this mist were two figures that slowly moved from one stone to another. From grave to grave they traversed caring not for the burial sites they tread upon; their only concern the three grey figures in front of the central mausoleum.

As one who was familiar with these fiends, the white-haired one lead, her experience telling them when to proceed and when to halt. She was a scholar, one who studied in the eldritch and arcane to further the goals and knowledge of those she worked for. Jacqueline, the fiery-haired one that followed behind her was not as confident but still possessed skills that far surpassed the average individual. Her past lost to her and found stranded and lost, she decided to help Beatrice complete her task here in exchange for safe passage and guidance out of this mist-filled land. Although both were well-armed, they sought to ambush their foes in melee, saving their ammunition and avoiding the attention of any more who wandered this grim place, and claim the object that lay below this haunted place.

Beatrice crept forward, a small rock in one hand and her pick in another. Her gaze shifted between the ground before her and the ghouls on her left, making sure to move silently and avoid anything that might make any unnecessary noise. Jacqueline followed behind her, rock in one hand but weapon still sheathed, not wanting to draw it until they attacked. Jacqueline took a glance towards the mausoleum: The three ghouls, their heads hanging so that their chin met their chest, still stood near the entrance, never having once moved from where the women first saw them; one could almost mistake them as truly dead, their forms simply rooted there by time, a light sway in the breeze the only hint as to their false life.

After what was only a minute of grueling sneaking the pair had finally made it to the stone closest to the central structure. Their plan was now ready. Jacqueline pushed herself up so that she had vision over the large headstone and lobbed a small stone over the heads of the three grey figures, resulting in a satisfying [I[Clack![/I] that echoed in the silence. The two of them held their breath, unsure if it had worked or not. Then, like their head was being lured towards the noise, it rose and turned towards the source. Even without any visible wounds or scars their form, the display was unsettling, the head twisting towards the noise before each section from top to bottom circled around in turn. One by one, the three of them eventually had all pivoted to where the rock landed. Beatrice and Jacqueline then started to slowly creep forward and settle them against the wall of the mausoleum. Fortunately, Jacqueline’s newly cut skirt afforded her enough movement so as not to trip. “So far, so good…” she thought to herself.

Even if they were in a prime spot to attack from, the two instead split up. Beatrice, now able to stand against her cover, began making her way towards the corner on the left, opposite of Jacqueline and the ghouls. She peered around the edge, checking to see if there were any foes that were hidden from them earlier, and then carefully shifted to the other side. Jacqueline, keeping an eye on the three in front, turned back to the other corner, waiting for Beatrice’s signal. She stayed knelt down, glancing back and forth. Eventually she caught sight of a hand in a “thumbs up” shape protruding from the corner. It stayed there a few seconds before holding up three fingers, then two, one, and then a closed fist before receding back behind the wall.

Jacqueline then drew her sword and peered around the corner, catching sight of the ghouls, the three of them having barely moved from their original spot. Taking one last deep breath, Jacqueline let it out and then tapped her blade on the stone base, the metal pang ringing clearly through the air. This time the effect was more immediate as the ghouls heads turned right towards her, the red-head barely having time to retreat back behind the wall. She slowly stood up with her back to the wall and felt a bit of a rush in her head, her heart rate fluttering slightly. She tried to keep control of her breaths, her lips slightly pursed as let out slow rhythmic breaths. She had almost got it under control until she heard the slight sounds of shuffling feet getting closer. She thought she would have to struggle to keep her breath in check but instead found she felt quite excited. She wasn’t sure what it was, but the thought of waiting to ambush someone was almost… exhilarating, almost as though she cherished the moment. She lowered the blade down and grasped it with two hands. She was ready.

You tightened your grip on the blade, ready to strike. The shuffling approached slowly, inch by inch. They needed to make their way back t in front of the door. Right on time and both you and Beatrice can mop them up. You focus and find yourself in an almost trance-like state as you listen to the sound grow closer and closer. You find you don’t even need to look to know when to strike, as you can tell just by the sound that the time to strike is now…!

You step out with your left leg, bringing your sword up and above your shoulder, spinning on the ball of your foot and you can see it now: a pale, grim vision of undeath, its milky-white eyes barely having time to register the assailant in front of it. Your right leg comes around, flying outwards and then planting itself firmly down in front of you, further adding to your momentum when you bring the sword down to cleave at the base of its neck. Your lips part in a grimace of exertion along with the flesh your blade is cutting, the resistance palpable as you feel it all the way down to your fingertips. In an instant the blade has cut through all but the entire base of its neck, your sword coming to rest in the opposite shoulder. Only a small sliver now connects its head to its torso, still more than enough to put an end to the monstrosity.

You rip your sword from its gory resting place and look back up in time to see the other two ghouls just a few feet away. You ready your sword but notice they seem a bit slow, almost as though they still unaware you. You don’t have any time to contemplate it, though, as the sounds of pounding feet is heard on the other side of the mausoleum. Your eyes glance over towards the edge of the structure just in time to see a flash of brown leather and white hair cross its threshold.

Beatrice, with all of her might, ran by the ghoul, the crowbar she was wielding smashing with the side of its head. Thick chunks of red and grey burst from the point of impact, the solid piece of iron leaving a massive valley in the side of the creature’s skull. The ghoul, its head caved in from the massive blow, falls over dead. You see Beatrice attempt to stop once she registers that she hit her target, but notice she’s not the most agile individual, almost falling as a result of her reckless sprint.

With the second ghoul out of the way you look back up towards the final foe. Surprisingly, it doesn’t seem to be enraged like the ones you fought in the town. Instead, it simply keeps shuffling forward, its dejected expression and inattentive eyes not even looking at you as you hold your sword at the ready. You know you should simply be done with it and end the poor thing but something stays your blade. Whatever may have happened next though is unknown, as another object strikes the pale figure from behind. Beatrice, now having regained her balance, has sunk her pick into the head of the last enemy. The face of the ghoul barely changes, even as she rips her weapon away. You watch it fall down, dead.

Now, with these three corpses at your feet, are you actually aware of the state of euphoria that has since greatly faded. You stand there a bit confused, your attention snapping back to reality as you hear a voice.


It’s Beatrice. She wears an expression of both concern and agitation as she looks down at you.

“Are you sure you’re fine? I can’t have someone watching my back if they’re going to freeze out of fear.”

Her words catch you off guard as you try to excuse yourself.

“No, I didn’t- it was… never mind. I’ll be fine from now on.”

You decide to leave it be and simply reassure her. Hopefully, the fact that this ambush worked out perfectly will be enough for her. You turn to her and actually can’t help but laugh a bit as you are reminded of her stunt.

“I think you overdid it with the crowbar there.” You remark, going on about her almost falling over and letting out a small giggle.

Her eyes narrow at first, apparently slightly vexed at your jest. Fortunately, her expression lightens as she then cracks a smile and laughs a bit as well, her petite tusks fully visible.

“Haha, least I didn’t freeze up at the sight of a decomposing old man.”

It was the first time she didn’t seem like “someone on a mission”. It was actually genuinely humorous to see this massive woman, who not only had tusks but towered over you, laughing. Hopefully, the two of you can manage to be able to walk away from this place with that same atmosphere after all is said and done in this place…

After resting for a minute and making sure the scuffle didn’t catch the attention of anything else, the two of you make your way to the door of the mausoleum. Beatrice, pick in hand, grasped the handle to the massive wooden door and yanked back. The heavy door shifted swing slowly outward, seeming to ever cause a bit of trouble for your compatriot. Eventually, the massive piece of wood swung completely ajar, revealing nothing but a set of stairs leading down into darkness.

A lump caught in your throat as you saw them leading down; you were thankful that there wasn’t something else lurking behind it but you had also hoped that it would reveal a small room containing… whatever it was Beatrice is looking for. Well, it was a long shot, but you’re still prepared.

Beatrice reached for the lantern secured to her hip and took a second to light it. An orange glow began to radiate from the brass box, illuminating the slick, stone walls. Soon, a sense of warmth began to fill the room, the lantern’s reflective lining allowing Beatrice to direct most of it down the stairs.

Beatrice then secured her pick to her hip and drew her smaller firearm.

“Ah, much better…” she said, apparently much more comfortable with a ranged weapon. “Go ahead and close that door behind you: we don’t want anything coming in behind us.”

You do what she orders and pull on the door, finally managing to make it budge after a couple of second and then fully shutting it after a couple more. The door hit the stone frame and then the light from outside immediately faded, the only source of illumination being Beatrice’s lantern. You take a deep breath, somewhat n edge about fighting in such an environment, and then step forward, your waning but held firm by the orange glow lighting up the stairs. Although, you do wish you had at least something else that could allow you to see down here.

Beatrice leveled her revolver down over the hand carrying the lantern and then proceeded down the stairs. Not wanting to be left in the dark, you follow closely behind her. You keep your firearm in its holster for now, as the dark won’t afford you much range to acquire a target and you don’t want to risk shooting Beatrice.

Sword in hand you descend the stone steps, many different thoughts and questions bombarding your mind, not the least of which inquiring how any enemies down here will react to the lantern and if they can see without one…

-Chapter 4: The Catacombs-

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Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Fortunately, Jacqueline’s newly cut skirt afforded her enough movement so as not to strip.

Dem Freudian slips!

Oh, believe me, I didn't actually write out entire sections, but simply wrote general descriptions. Besides, I can simply recycle undiscovered scenarios into later parts of the story if the situation presents itself.

Not what I meant, exactly. You've got the idea I was poking at though, I guess.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Little under the weather. Short n' sweet post for now. Unless, you guys prefer this method over all the "fluff".

Step by step you descended the stone stairway. Sword in hand, your eyes remain keenly focused on each set of stone blocks as Beatrice’s lantern reveals each row. A small echo ripples back to you with each one, making the small space feel uncomfortably empty. You try and stay focused by all the questions nagging at your mind draw you away: What exactly was it Beatrice was looking for? Were others looking for it? Is that who she thought I was when we first met? Would it have been easier to have simply attempted to get into Bayton on your own? … Was that last ghoul different from the others? You keep repeating these questions over and over again, finally cutting the silence.

“Beatrice…” you say, trying to get her attention.

She doesn’t respond, her eyes still fixed down the stairway. You decide to ask a bit later, hoping there will be some to place to rest or the two of you make it out of here rather quickly.

You continue on for a while, the stairs seemingly going on forever, until you notice a change in the air; first there’s the smell, something akin to old parchment mixed with… decay. It was unsettling at first, but strangely enough you feel oddly comfortable. You keep sniffing the air and that is when you finally notice it: it is warmer down here. And not just a bit, it is actually genuinely pleasant, the

Beatrice stops then, her head turning a bit as she speaks to you.

“You notice it too, then. I’m not exactly sure if this is normal, you’d probably have to ask a dwarf.”

You know going underground would change the temperature, but you’re not quite sure it would change this much; it is starting to feel like it did back in Novo.

Whatever the reason behind it, Beatrice doesn’t seem to care, or at least won’t let it stop her as she start descending down the stairs again. You start to follow her again, but have to keep yourself from bumping into her as she stops unexpectedly. You are about to ask her what the issue was when you notice that the two of have come to a landing.

Beatrice’s lantern revealed all that was covered in the darkness, the light cascading over the smooth, stone walls. To the left and right lay two passages, the light fading before it could reach either end. Ahead of you, however, was a massive door, its face smooth and almost reflective, the black surface reminding you of onyx. The stone around it looks as though it had a mural carved into it at one time, but now it is faded, nothing more than uneven rock.

“Our destination lies beyond this door” Beatrice says, approaching it.

You’re not sure how she knows but you’re not about to question the woman who has, apparently, lived out here for the past couple of weeks. You are still somewhat curious about lies down the two other passages, however. You may be able to explore them now but you’d have to convince Beatrice to make a small detour. Of course, you could come back on your way out, once everything is done and taken care of…

Decide on a course of action.

Primary Vote:

A) Follow Beatrice through the door.
B) Attempt to persuade her to explore one of the side passages first.

X) Recommend a different course of action

Z) Minor Action. Open


Minor Actions Explanation:
Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A, B, C, etc.). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc then it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
And as always: I retain the right to reject them however much it may pain me to do so...

STATS: Jacqueline

Current Inventory:

Gold: 8
-Ticket from Hangsmire to Novo. 2nd Class.
-Ticket from Bayton to Respeiro. 1st Class.
-Ticket from Novo to Bayton. 3rd Class.
-Red Discrete Crystal x3
-White Discrete Crystal x2
-Note from “J”
-Bundle of Rope with treble Hook on end.
-Metallic Brooch (Type:?)
-Leather Dress-Boots.
-Leather dress Gloves. Brown. Covered in blood.
-Healing Potion. Will heal all but the most brutal of wounds.
-Goblin Potion. Unknown Effect.
-Sealing Wax. Can be used to fuze or seal objects together.
-Dark Green Potion. Highly negative effect.
-Teal Potion. "Isn't Harmful".
-Black Potion. Unknown effect
-Small container of water. Professionally Made.
-Goblin Necklace. Golden chain. Pendant adorned with runes and a magnificent diamond. Radiates with a magnificent light.
-Waterskin. Half filled with some sort of alcoholic beverage. Seems to be wine.
-Vial of Holy Water. Fragile. Can be uncorked or throw at enemy.

-Revolver. Single Action. Single load. Holds six Rounds.
-Rounds: x15 (6 in Cylinder)
-Small skinning knife. 2 inch blade. In belt.
-Short-sword. Has Scabbard. Fastened to left hip.
-Rifle. Bolt Action. Holds one round. Slung across left shoulder.
-Rounds: x1
-Dagger. 9 in. Blade.

-Belt & Holster. Secured on right hip. Knife between buckle folds.
-Small Belt-Pouch 1: Contains - Shards of Metal. Can be used as caltrops. Recoverable. Sealing Wax.
-Small Belt-Pouch 2: Contains - Healing Potion, Goblin Potion, Vial of Holy Water, Dark Green Potion, Teal Potion, Black Potion.
-Duster. Down to calves. Khaki. Cut on right sleeve. Back covered in Dirt. Blood-stained along the arms and shoulders.
-Skirt. Ends just above the knees. Black.
-Shirt. Buttoned. Small tear above left breast.
-Vest. Dark Leather. A bit shrunken.
-Leather Vambraces. Covers the forearms.
-Sturdy Leather Gloves.
-Sturdy Boots. Brown Leather.
-Bra. Black. Silk.
-Underwear. Black lace. Silk.
-Stockings. Transparent. Black. Slightly torn.

- Recovering Amnesiac: You have lost your memory but are becoming more knowledgeable about the world.
- Revolver Training: "It ain't much but you're a natural" -Tinder
- "Quite the Bust": Your vest adds a certain appeal to your bosom.
- "....."
- Ghoul Anatomy I: "The head is key: destroying it is the only effective way to stop them." -Beatrice

Physical Appearance:
-Red/Auburn Hair: Little longer than “Shoulder Length”. Messy. Covered in dirt, especially the back. Bedraggled look.
-Height: ~5’ 7”
-Bullet wound scar on left abdomen.
-Arms are lightly bruised, making the tops of your forearms somewhat sensitive. Swelling has died down significantly.

Crystal explanations can be found in the first post.

Explanation of Sections:
A "*" next to the "STATS" title will denote that there has been a modification since the last post.
A blue + will denote that an item has been gained.
A red - will denote that an item has been lost or destroyed.

Current Inventory: What you have with you.

Weapons: Objects that may be used to inflict harm on opponents. Note, that these are your primary means of damaging an enemy in combat but you may use other items you possess or objects in the environment in creative ways. This includes your bare hands and feet.

Apparel: Clothes that are currently being worn. Any damage will be detailed as well. Clothing not being worn will be held in your inventory. A “???” symbol denotes the knowledge of it being worn, but no specific details are known.

Abilities/Effects: Special abilities possessed by the character. Some may be directly linked with items/pieces of clothing. Also lists passive effects present upon the character, including passive skills and negative conditions.

Physical Appearance: A basic overview of the physical features of your character.
Some aspects may be altered via a minor action if necessary requirements are met (Tying hair up into a ponytail), or against the character’s will depending on the nature of the alteration.

STATS: Beatrice


Current Inventory:

Gold: (?)
-Dried meat (x3)
-Fruit (X1)
-Canteen: Holds water.
-Piece of Chalk
-Parchment. 4 sheets.
-Corked Inkwell
-Lantern Oil. Contained in a ceramic Jar. Corked.
-Three burning rods. Can be lit on fire to produce light.
-Flint & Tinder.
-Canteen: Filled with Water.
-(2x) Vial of Holy Water. Fragile. Can be uncorked or thrown at enemy.
-Blood Stained Blouse. Torn. Has the necklace Inside it.
-Crowbar. Three ft. long. Steel. Curved hook on one end and a slightly angled tip on the other. Slightly Bent.

-Long-barreled Revolver. Single Action. Swing-out Cylinder. Holds five Rounds.
-Rounds: 8 (5 in Cylinder)
-Shotgun. Break action. Two barrels. Holds 2 shells. Slung across left shoulder
-Shells: 7 (2 loaded)
-Pick. Steel. Small. Shaft is 1 foot long.
-Shock Sphere. Throwable. Will explode and stun all nearby enemies.

-Thigh Holster: Holds Long-barreled revolver.
-Blue button up shirt. Buttoned. Long sleeved. Cloth.
-Bandolier. Left Shoulder to Right hip. Contains: 2 Vials of Holy Water, 7 shotgun shells.
-Belt 1. Supports pouch 1. Holds: 8 revolver rounds. Lantern. Crowbar hanging from hip.
-Belt 2. Supports pouch 2. Holds: Small pick on left hip. Shock Sphere.
-Pouch 1. Contains: Canteen.
-Pouch 2. Contains: -
-Left thigh Belt. Holds: Three burning rods.
-Small vest. Cloth. Ends at waist level. Sleeveless.
-Leather spaulders.
-Leather vambraces.
-Cloth pants. down to ankle.
-Leather chaps. Perfect for riding and adds protection around your legs.
-Sturdy Boots.
-Bra: Grey. Cloth.
-Underwear: Grey. Cloth.
-Backpack: Contains: dried meat(x3), Fruit(x1), Compass, Piece of chalk, Quill, Inkwell, Lantern Oil, Flint & tinder, parchment,

- Artificer: A member of the Artificer's Guild, a guild known for studying magic and lost technology.
- Reclaimer: Reclaimer rank. A hunter of the eldritch, you scour lost ruins and abandoned pieces of civilization for history of old.
- Revolver Training I: "Better... but there's always perfection." -Smith Mordel
- Shotgun Training II: "You're almost as good as me now, 'Trice!" -Flint
- Half-Orc: An orc half breed. Born from the coupling of an orc and a human. You, luckily, got more from your mother's side.
- Meticulous: You are one for planning and preparation, and aren't good at improvising when things don't go as planned.
- Firearm Favored: Confident with a gun in your hand, but you find yourself quite distressed when fighting without one.
- Bayton Raised: Born and raised in the pirate city you learn certain skills and rules... or guidelines, rather.
- Curious of Alchemy: You can't truly make potions, but you can most likely discern potion from poison.
- Bookworm: You not only read, you take pleasure in acquiring any new information.
- Gunsmith/Tinkerer II: Knowledge on how to fix and repair many different types of firearms and mechanical devices.

Physical Appearance:
-Snow-white hair: Slicked back. Cut just above the neck.
-Sharp face, with narrow, green eyes.
-Height: ~6' 2"
-Bullet wound scar on right forearm
-Large blade scar on right abdomen.
-Large blade scar on left thigh.
-Small tusks protruding from lower lips, an inch from the gum-line.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A! I guess.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A. But do ask if she knows that the side passages are clear. Last thing we want is to make noise and have a whole horde of those creeps blocking the doorway.
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

A. But do ask if she knows that the side passages are clear. Last thing we want is to make noise and have a whole horde of those creeps blocking the doorway.

I concur, and in fact if Beatrice knows that they aren't clear, or doesn't know if they are clear then I would opt to go down them and make sure.

By the way, welcome back! \[T]/
Re: Amarant: Unknown Path

Just checking in to let you know the next snippet will be written up later today (~9 - 10 Hours or so). I do want to check in and verify that we shall go ahead with option "A" and press onward through the door but not before discussing the two side passages with Beatrice. Correct?

I don't want to jump the gun and go through while her answer may, by the sound of it, affect your decisions. So, just checking in early to verify: another vote after her answer or go for it.