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Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 41/43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = fine

Would you guys like me to give a pic as to what this girl looks like? I don't mind doing so if you'd like to know about what I imagine her to look like. Also Haf, let me know when I do anything wrong like not showing rolls when I should or something, since you're a DG GM and all, so you know a helluva lot more than I do about it all, and this way we don't bother Tass so much about it.

When the girl bounced off of Ambalika and started crawling backwards as she asked her questions, she let out a little frightened cry when the snake woman scooped her up in her strong arms and said what she did. The girl struggled a little against Ambalika's grip, but the snake woman was easily able to prevent her from breaking free, though it didn't look like she was trying to get free to get away from them, merely more like so she could simply breathe and talk easier. "T-They're... I d-don't know what they are, they just suddenly attacked us. Please help, they have my sister and... the other four we were with. They... knocked the men out, and..." the girl started frantically as she shook her head back and forth as if trying to remember it all, flinching and trailing off into near gibberish at Fyriss commanding her to speak like she did in such a fierce tone as tears began streaming down her cheeks while she spoke. Either the fact that the ember draconian girls looked quite demonic in origin hadn't really registered yet to the girl in the heat of the moment, or she simply didn't care that they looked like they did.

Ambalika's mine trap spell she'd cast was set right where she'd placed it, though at the moment it didn't seem that anything was particularly close behind the girl if anything was actually chasing her, though that of course didn't mean something hadn't been behind her at some point. Finally calming down enough to talk, which was a bit quicker if any of the draconian sisters tried to help her do so, in which case the girl would wipe her tears away from her eyes and start talking again, though she would just keep crying for a while longer if the girls berated her much if any at all, trying to pull away from Ambalika again in that case if she was one of the ones berating her about answering their questions. "T-Those things... I don't know what they were... b-but they knocked the men out that were with us... I-I think at least, and my sister and another girl are the only women that were in our group. The men, they were escorting us to the north to Lockacre when these things just... attacked us along with some women that were... w-weird and looked strange. P-Please help, I c-can't lose my sister, she's all I have left. Y-You all can f-fight can't you? I can see your weapons, so you must be able to help me, please," the girl managed to say finally after calming down, though it came out quite quickly and the girls would have to pay attention quite well to hear it all as it came out, the girl giving them all a hopeful pleading look. She still looked near tears and like she might start crying again at any moment, so they may want to quickly make up their minds about what to do.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

It's fine, I'll let you know if I see something off. As far as showing rolls, that tends to be GM/Player preference, and if it's auto success it tends not to matter beyond indicating that nothing interrupted the cast. Also, personally I'm good with or without picture.

"Do not beg, human," Kindle suddenly spat, turning an imposing glare on the girl and very likely doing nothing to aid her in not sobbing again. For some reason it annoyed her that the girl didn't even attempt to offer something for their time and the danger to their lives. What odd culture did these creatures live in that they expected some veteran warrior to just show up and risk their own life and limb for free, and not even offer to spawn a few of their repulsive little human offspring for them? She just couldn't wrap her head around it. "We're not going to fight your pursuers for free, and any rescue we may attempt will require payment. As a mark of good faith, I insist that you give us any knowledge you have about caves and other isolated locations nearby, as we will need a suitable base of operations."

"Six humans and these strange women," she continued by grumbling as her sudden flare in temper died down. She mulled over the risk versus the reward for a few moments, and as suddenly as her initial outburst had began she turned toward Fyriss and began to address her sisters as if the woman wasn't even there. "I believe it to be worth the risk, so long as the female agrees to repay us. What say you, sisters?"


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Oop." Ambalika loosened her hold a little bit, letting the girly have some space in her arms to breathe. Additionally, she shifted her grasp, one arm wrapping itself around the girl's waist, while the other let go so she could run her fingers through the girl's hair.

"Mmmm... well, Fy wanted to get into a fight, didn't she? I think our girlie here can tell us at least a little more about this place, and I also think she's adowaboo and I don't like seeing her all distressed and sad."

Ambalika nuzzled her cheek against the human's head, being careful not to poke her with the jagged black crystal that sprouted from her forehead.


Needs to go commit sudoku
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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss showed no regret for what she had done, she blankly stared as the female broke down into a fit of loud sobbing and bawling. Still, the girl had some good news, as there was talk of both males and females. She did share some of Kindles' opinion regarding the lack of reward being mentioned, but hey, they could always help themselves to a reward later.

Fyriss looked to Ambalika, watching as her bubbly sister coddled the scared human, and rolled her eyes somewhat. "Ambalika, you know of healing magic, yes? See if the female is wounded, and patch her up.", she then turned to the female in question, and waited until Kindle had questioned her before asking some questions of her own. "Can you tell us anything more about the 'strange women' as you call them? Surely there must've been something about them you remember?"

Fyriss would be quick to agree with Kindle as her sister inquired about her opinion. "Yes, it does sound worth the risk, Kindle.", she then hissed annoyedly at Ambalika. "Don't mock me, Ambalika! Of course I want to get into a fight! Anything that isn't walking and more walking would be a welcome change!"


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Ambalika stuck her tongue out at Fyriss. "I meant this little girlie, you eggsucker," she said as she waved the human side to side, only slightly unlike a ragdoll.

Not wanting to pass up an opportunity to tease her sister, Ambalika hid a little smile behind her fingers, speaking just loud enough for Fyriss to hear her. "Always so testy..." a little louder, she continued; "Kinda like she's trying to compensate for something. You know we love you, right, Fy? It's okay to only have one dick~"

Once that particular thread of amusement had exhausted itself, she stroked the human's hair and started some more. "I was gonna wait until after we dealt with whatever she was running from, buuuut I guess it doesn't matter. She probably won't run away, right?" She looked down, into the girl's eyes. "Right?"

She then grabbed the girl's head and pushed it onto one of her nipples. "Nn, here, sucky suck. It'll make that cut better~"

She would then slither up off along the trail, dispelling her mine so she wouldn't have to worry about it later. "Well, hurry up, sunlight's a-wastin' and I wanna find someplace for us to bed down once the night starts gettin' cold."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 41/43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = fine

The girl did indeed continue sobbing quite a bit more before she finally finished speaking, shaking her head back and forth and covering her face with her hands as she did so. When she finally did compose herself enough to speak once more and finished, she broke into crying again, though more out of fear of the girls now than anything, each of them could see the fear in her eyes, almost as if she were asking herself what she'd gotten herself into by running into them all.

She seemed to calm down a bit though with almost every little thing Ambalika was doing, looking a bit more comfortable when she relaxed her grip on her. When Ambalika nuzzled her cheek against the girl's, the girl looked a bit astounded, which took her mind off crying any more for the moment from the looks of it. "I... don't have anywhere to run to, and even if I did I doubt I'd make it there, I'm no fighter, I've never even held a blade before. And I... I don't have any money to repay you with, but I can cook, I worked at a n-noble ladies house before and cooked for them, before the aliens attacked, s-so I could cook for you all, a-at least until my sister and I got to Lockacre. A-And my sister knows a lot about plants of all kinds, what kinds are edible and which kinds aren't and such, but other than that we don't really know much about this place, we're not from around here," the girl said, a little frantically as Kindle and Fyriss both pressed her for information rather harshly, stopping to sniffle many times in the process of trying to answer as many questions as she could. "And I... it all happened so fast, the attack I mean. T-They had... s-slime all over them is all I remember, o-one tried to grab me but I managed to slip away because she tripped over a rock. M-My sister said to just run, so I ran, that was like... gods twenty... thirty minutes or so ago, I don't know," she added, looking very unsure of the time and still more than a little sacred of the girls, though Ambalika's cuddling seemed to be calming her just enough to keep her talking, at least for the moment.

When Ambalika grabbed her head and pulled it down to her breast and forced said breast into the girl's mouth, the girl sputtered a little bit at first before she tasted Ambalika's delicious healing milk, where she kind of relaxed in her arms and began suckling on the snake woman's breast. As the girl drank from Ambalika's breast, she relaxed against the snake woman and wrapped her arms around her to hold on to her as she slithered onwards up the road that the girl had come from, disarming her mine along the way.

Assuming the other two followed Ambalika and the girl, they would soon make their way up about a mile and a half or so where they would hear the faint sounds of moans coming from up ahead, though it was hard to tell just how far off the sounds were just yet, but if the girl had been running for nearly half an hour or so, then they should be pretty close considering they'd been going for about twenty minutes give or take. The girl during that whole time had drank from Ambalika's breast for the first minute before stopping, the wounds on her arm and leg sealing themselves up as the flow of blood stopped, where she then lay her head against Ambalika's chest, seeming content with riding like this for now. When she heard the moans though her head jumped up from Ambalika's breast as she let out a gasp.

"T-That's them up ahead. But... there aren't as many moans as last time," the girl said, looking extremely worried as she set her feet down on the ground again and stared ahead, fresh tears forming in her eyes again as she stood there trembling in fear.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Slime? Oooo, slime sounds fun," Ambalika said, slithering a tiny bit faster despite her achy belly muscles. There were a few minutes of silence before she suddenly thought to ask, "What's a Lockacre? Oh, and a Ne also. We saw that on a sign way back down the road and don't know where Ne is."

Approaching the apparent site the girl had fled from, she informed them that she didn't hear as many voices as there should have been... "Well, stay positive. Maybe they slimey people all died, and that's just a bunch of celebratory moaning or something?" Setting the girl down, she waved behind her. "Stay behind us now, okay."

Waving forward, she continued slithering towards their fight. The air around Ambalika grew hot, and as the draconian spoke aloud the strange syllables that formed her spell, her obsidian horn started to glow red, as if it's inside were turning molten. Then, she poked Fyriss, and a flame jumped from her horn and dove into Fy's chest, filling her with vigor. She repeated this with Kindle, and then chanted a different spell - a less powerful one, if the lack of light in her horn's core and the dying shimmers around her as the air cooled around her were anything to go by. She poked Fy again, which was accompanied by no such effects as her last spells had been... though Fyriss noticed that everything looked, smelled, and sounded clearer. "Don't let 'em get the jump on us now, sis!~" Given that Fy was the sharpest of the three sisters, she always tried to make her their watcher. ...Not always a good idea, given her sibling's lack of a cool head, though... ah well.

Target Fyriss: Casting Fireheart (Buff) [May increase Body, Mind, or Resistance.], a level 4 spell, to buff Body. +24 BC due to Fire Mage specialization, +8 to buff due to specialization. Mind/6 = 3, x level 4, final buff to Body should be 20. Costs 6 EP, with 2 EP upkeep.

Assuming we're not on combat-turn-time yet, also casting it on Kindle, for another 6 EP and 2 EP upkeep.

Then, Target: Fyriss, casting the Body spell 'Strength, Least (Buff)' [May increase Body, Perception, or Speed], a level 1 spell, to buff Perception. Level 1, so no cost to MP or upkeep, and no need to roll BC. It adds 3 Perception to she. :V
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Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"The great enemy," Kindle grumbled at the girl's comment about slime. She had allowed everything else to pass without a word, since she knew well that her sisters could find an adequate repayment from the girl, but not her remark on her pursuers. She still remembered the monsters that had almost destroyed her race. The spearwoman would never forget the slime that clung to their skins and even the invaders' servants which had been formed entirely of the stuff, nor how any swath of the stuff removed by her burning spear would be reproduced in moments.

She fell back into silence immediately afterward and remained in such even as they traveled, not paying much attention to the transaction between Ambalika, and expecting that at the rate they were going her kin would have the woman well suited for her new role in life by the time it came up. When they arrived ahead of the apparent enemy encampment and at the sound of moaning, she accepted her sister's boon, reveling in the strength that filled her very being due to Ambalika's arcane prowess, and then used her innate power over fire magics to cast enchantments on her own weapon. First, her left hand would run over the flat part of the head of her dragonglass spear and leave grease upon it in her wake. Afterward she drew in a deep breath and issued forth a small wave of flame over her weapon, igniting the grease and the tip of her weapon.

"They rarely kill their captives" she spoke after her own preparations were complete, aimed toward the human. "But if we wait too long, they will tear their souls from their bodies and make them into slaves. We might not have much time or all of the human captives will be lost to us, sisters," Kindle suggested, once again probably doing very little to aid in Ambalika's efforts to calm the human. As she waited to confirm that her sisters were prepared, her wings extended to their full length as she prepared for the coming battle.

Kindle casts Grease on her weapon's tip first, which is a utility fire spell that basically does nothing in this case until she ignites it. It's level 3 so it requires 4 EP to cast and 20 base casting to succeed, her base casting is 17 so she needs a roll of 3 or higher.

If she, uh, fails the casting roll, then she'll continue trying until it succeeds or the group is attacked.

After grease is successfully cast, assuming they haven't been attacked, she'll use Heat on her weapon, which is a level 2 fire spell (It's touch/heal, as per the rule though she's technically using it to deal damage and forsaking the heal component). Its casting cost is 2 EP and base casting is 10, which means she can't fail unless she takes damage before trying to cast it.

This combination basically means that her weapon deals 2d12 + 3 fire damage in addition to its normal. Also her obsidian spear is ON FIRE. Yay.


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss snapped the air in agitation in Ambalikas direction, hissing lowly in annoyance at her sisters teasing. And the comment about only having one dick made her fume slightly, smoke rising from her nostrils. "One cock is more than enough to get someone like you full of eggs, sister!", Fyriss couldn't restrain herself from snapping back, she had always been a temperamental one after all, why break old habits now?

Ambalikas 'healing' of the girl however, made her sigh in resignation, and apply her palm to her face quite audibly. "Thats not what I meant, Ambalika...", she muttered lowly, but didn't disapprove. Healing was healing, one way or another. And it did let her cool down a little, to listen to the girls tale with mild-at-best interest.

Until the part of slime being mentioned. The cracks across what obsidian-like carapace she had glowed fiercely, even more so than when Ambalika had riled her up. "The butchers!", she snarled angrily at the mere mention of them! "They won't live to see another dawn, even less the setting sun!", furiously, Fyriss swung her mace at the air a few times, at a safe distance from her sisters and the girl travelling with them, as if to warm up for what was to come.

By the time the moans could be heard, Fyriss had pumped herself up, eager to get into a fight! She hissed gratefully as she recieved Ambalikas boon. "Thank you, sister.", she was eager for the fight, but she wouldn't dash headlong into it before getting an idea of the battlefield first. As to Kindles assesment of the enemy, Fyriss would simply nod; she wasn't there when their kin was attacked, decimated... But she had heard the stories, and they drove her almost mad with rage.

As soon as the battle was about to begin however, she would focus inwards; she had some boons of her own to draw upon, and she would infuse herself with the pride of their Great Father, Ashrigaaz.

At the start of the battle, Fyriss casts Dragons Pride with 5EP, giving her an upkeep of 2EP/Turn, and grants her +20 to Dodge/Resistance, and +10 to Perception/Escape Grapple Rolls.

Final Stats after Ambas and her own buffs:
HP: 62/62
PP: 42/42
EP: 39/44

Speed: 25
Dodge: 81
Armor: 5
Resistance: 63
Perception: 44
Grapple: 58, +30 for Escaping Grapples/Bindings/Submission Holds

Mace of Dominance: 2d4+39, +88 to Attack Rolls, The weapon deals 1d6 resistance damage. Characters reduced to 0 resistance by this weapon are knocked unconscious.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 39/44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 29/43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 66/72, Status = fine

I'll note the bonuses to stats if you want me to, but if you all don't mind I won't clog up the thread with it all and will just write it all down elsewhere and look at it when needed.

NPC's stats:
Shana: Status = fine, but terrified
Jenna: Status = looks very exhausted
Lina: Status = looks very exhausted

Part demon girl: Status = ???
Blue skinned night elf girl: Status = ???

Hugh: Status = ???
Frank: Status = ???
Rolan: Status = ???

Not entirely sure if I should bother really making stats for any of them yet until afterwards, but I can if you all would prefer. For now then I will just put question marks since the girls don't really know what their statuses are and wouldn't really until after they checked them

[Spell Casting for Ambalika's Fireheart spells = auto success? (I think)]
[Spell Casting for Ambalika's Strength Least (Buff) spell = auto success]

(Okay from the way I'm reading it for Blarg's Fireheart power after looking at his char sheet, I'm adding up that after all of his extras it puts his base casting over 40, which is what he needs for level 4 spells, so I'm not bothering with rolling those. So Fyriss and Kindle both get +20 body, and Fyriss also gets +3 perception from the other spell and she spent a total of 12 EP, after which she'll have a 4 EP upkeep.)

[Spell Casting for Kindle's Grease spell = success, damn nat 20's again]
[Spell Casting for Kindle's Heat spell = auto success]

(So Kindle now deals 2d12 + 3 extra fire dmg per attack and she spent a total of 6 EP.)

[Fyriss uses Dragon's Pride, spending 5 EP to gain +20 dodge and resistance, and +10 perception and to escape grapples. Her final stats would be what Smoke wrote, so I'll just use that as the reference for the battle and stuff when and if it happens, scrolling back up to look at it when need be. Fyriss's upkeep will be 2 EP.

"Lockacre is a city, which my sister and I have some family in and were moving to live with them," the girl replied to Ambalika's question about what Lockacre was. "Also, I um... my name is Shana by the way. And my sister's name is Jenna. The other girl that was with us was named Lina, she was a night elf with violet skin. The men were mostly humans, save one that was what I believe was a half elf, though I'm not entirely sure as I never asked him, the men's names were Hugh and Frank for the human men and what I assume was a half elf man's name was Rolen. When I left though the men... they weren't even fighting any longer and seemed like they were enjoying themselves, after only half a minute of fighting if that much," the girl went on to say, introducing herself to the girls and telling them her sister's name as well as the other girl that was supposedly with her group and then the names of the men.

As it turned out the girls had plenty of time to prepare themselves for battle as they were still a furlong or more away from where the moans were coming from. Shana followed along beside Ambalika, seeming to be rather calm around her for the most part, as she was the nicest one to her and all before.

"I doubt that the slime monsters died and everyone is celebrating, they surely would have come and found me by now if that were so. Gods please let my sister be okay," Shana said to Ambalika when the snake woman as they made their way closer, whispering a little prayer for her sister's well being. Though when Kindle spoke the girl turned to her with a fearful look. "T-Their souls," Shana added in a frightened tone, obviously worried for her sister.

Moving further up the road with Kindle at the lead, the sounds of moaning now coming considerably louder than before as they were much closer than before, the ember draconian girls soon came to a clearing where there were more people than Shana had mentioned to them earlier, instead of there being only 2 women one human and one night elf, and the 3 men, two human and one night elf like she'd said, there were 2 more women, one night elven woman and one woman that was obviously of demonic heritage, though it was easy to see that she wasn't fully demonic despite having a pair of wings and a succubus tail. Each of the men were all being held down and ridden by one of a pair of slime covered women while the second of the duo sat on their faces and forced them lick their pussies... which the men were doing quite readily and happily at this point, making 3 pairs of slime covered women in total. There was also another slime covered woman wearing some robes that had about a dozen eight foot long tentacles extending from her back that came out from under her robes that she was using to hold down the girl with the demon blood flowing through her veins as a pair of those tentacles pounded her pussy and ass while a third stuff itself down her throat, forcing her to make lewd gulping sounds as she looked to be struggling to break free still.

The demon blooded girl was held down next to the blue skinned night elven woman who was being held down by a large ten foot tall monstrosity with grey slimy skin much like the women riding the men, they stood on 4 spindly legs and had no arms or anything that passed for a head really, and it had a dozen 10 foot long tentacles. The thing was pounding the night elf girl in much the same way that the slime covered woman was doing to the demon blooded girl, both of which were about thirty feet ahead of the ember draconian girls. To the left of them about twenty feet away, there were two more of the large spindly legged tentacle creatures raping the human and other night elven girl, this one with violet skin, both of whom looked totally exhausted and as if almost all of the fight had been taken out of them. The three pairs of women raping the three men were about twenty more feet to the left of the robed woman with the tentacles.

Also standing there as if guarding them all while they went at pretty much directly in between the girls and the captives, there was one of the basic lizard like beings that served the aliens, who noticed the girls and prepared to stand his ground as he growled and let his allies know someone else was there, though the three pairs of slime covered women were all seemingly too busy to really notice. All around the ground, the ember draconians could see bits of armor and weaponry strewn about, and considering that there were bits laying near the men and the demon blooded girl it was obvious who all the equipment belonged to.

"Oh gods, that thing... it's still got my sister. H-Has it been defiling her this whole time?" Shana said in a barely audible whisper, her bottom lip quivering as she stood there behind the girls in her tattered clothes. If any of the girls told Shana to run and hide, she would do just that, taking cover behind a large tree on the outskirts of the clearing, though if they didn't tell her to when the fighting started up she would do so anyway.
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Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

At the sight of the great enemy, and at the prospect of a fight before her, Kindle's interest in the human waned. As such, she ignored the woman's apparently idle question and comments as she grasped her flaming weapon in both hands and leveled it, its deadly tip pointed toward the enemy. She could feel her blood begin to boil as the fury that she had so often weaponized against the grey invaders during the fighting that had all but destroyed her race began to rise.

Without a word to her sisters, Kindle flapped her wings and took to the air, her target the robed woman solely because she had never seen an invader wearing such mortal-styled garb before. Once she had gained some altitude and momentum, her spear's tip led the way as she immediately dive bombed the unusual slimy creature, intent on ending her and preventing her from doing anymore harm to the mortals before her sisters and her could secure them. And if all went as planned, the robed woman wouldn't even have a moment to react before the flaming implement had pierced cleanly through her and pinned her into the ground and she was crushed by several hundred pounds of combined ember draconian, armor, and gear, at which point Kindle would set one foot upon her former target and yank her burning spear free before thrusting it into the air and roaring; "For the Ember Brood!"

This was no rash action on her part though, she very specifically wanted to draw the invaders' attentions, in order to both draw the enemies into range of her and to distract the grey ones so that her sisters could get at the softest targets.

Kindle uses... a lot of things. Rage + Slay + Supreme Might 20:20 + Spirited Warrior x = 10 (Damage). This costs 10 EP (and instills a few penalties which are listed below). She flies and attacks the robed gemini with this unholy combination. She can fly up to 64 feet in order to get at the robed gemini, so yay.

Attack modifier: +55 = 65 [Base] - 20 [Slay] + 10 [Rage] + 20 [Magic Buff] - 20 [Supreme Might]
Damage modifier: 2d10 + 103 = 43 [Base] + 20 [Spirited Warrior] + 10 [Rage] + 10 [Magic Buff] + 20 [Supreme Might]
This damage ignores natural AV (i.e. any AV that comes from sources other than equipment) but non-natural AV (i.e. AV from equipment) is doubled against it, and is multiplied by x2 and then 2d12 + 3 damage is added after that multiplier because of her fire enchant.

Statstuff: 0 Dodge, 37 armor (with +4 from rage), 35 resistance, 27 perception.
Ragestuff: All attacks made against them automatically hit and the character must attack every round. While enraged, they cannot be afflicted with the Horny, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned statuses

Cheat Sheet Stuff
Dealing HP Damage: When dealing damage and wielding a two-handed weapon, she may make a resistance check against any enemy she strikes that has less than 30 HP remaining, that she reduces to less than 30 HP with an attack, or that she deals more than half their maximum HP value to. If her target fails the resistance check then they die or are knocked unconscious immediately, depending on how the attack is fluffed.
Receiving HP Damage in General: She gains 13 non-natural armor from TP = 40, DU = 5 scale armor. Her 20 natural armor is strong against slashing, causing it to be doubled against slashing attacks, and weak against piercing, causing it to be halved. When wounded she takes -8 to stealth due to GLOWY BLOOD.
Receiving Magic-Based HP Damage: When receiving HP damage, she reduces force damage taken by 5. She is immune to fire damage (though still takes resistance damage equal to that, becoming aroused when reduced to 0 resistance or horny if already aroused). When taking cold damage she takes x1.5 damage and a 1d4 is rolled, causing her to become stunned on a roll of 1.

Receiving PP Damage: When at half or lower PP, she becomes aroused (or horny if already aroused). She takes an additional +8 PP damage with heat or warmth is involved (which, given that she's a lava dragon I imagine that has to be some pretty warm warmth). Her stealth is reduced by 8 if her sexual fluids are exposed due to GLOWY FLUIDS.
Pregnancy: She impregnates automatically when cumming inside any fertile orifice, and is automatically impregnated when something cums inside her vagina. She is an egg layer, and can totally oviposit bitches too when she chooses to. Also, she has breeder and as such pregnancy times are halved for those she impregnates or when she herself is impregnated.

Receiving EP Damage: When reduced to 1/2 EP or lower, she gains an instance of weakened.


Needs to go commit sudoku
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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss would barely listen to Shana, as the girl introduced herself as, her blood boiling at the thought of getting to fight the butchers of her people, things she had barely seen, and mostly heard stories of. And once the enemies were in plain sight before her, she roared aloud to make her pressence known, to make the enemies fear the great warrior that she were!

However, after her mighty roar, something caught her eye; the demon-blooded girl, half-blood by the look of it, but the sight of her sent Fyriss heart racing. She had to get that one for herself! "Dibs on the demonling!", she called out without second thought, despite Kindle being the one heading towards her rescue!

And then she dashed forward, as quickly as her feet could take her, her first target the overgrown lizard that had spotted them! Her mace swooshed through the air as rapidly as she stepped about, a dance of fury and blunt trauma as one blow after another rained upon her opponent!

[Action: Full movement towards the LIZARD enemy, followed by Lightning Strikes for a total of three hits at 2d4+33 Damage & +76 to Hit each, apparently you can run at twice speed and attack if movement is in a straight line, so Fyriss uses that]


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Probably~" Replied Ambalika to the little human before she shooed her back off and slithered forward to join her sisters in slaughtering their enemies. She bore the least enmity towards the invaders that had obliterated her race... but then, she did spend the majority of her time within the lair, honing her skills (sometimes) or taking care of the brood (occasionally) or recuperating from a hard day's work (doing stuff was tiring!). Nevertheless, she did like setting them on fire!

Her horn started to glow again as she mumbled a spell, and as her chanting continued, flames slowly ignited and grew along the glassy rock jutting out of her forehead. When she uttered her last syllable, she reached up, placed her palm on the obsidian spike that was her horn... and used it's sharp edge to slice into her hand. The fires on her horn blazed bright when she ran her palm along it's length, gathering up the fire - she held it for but a moment, pouring more of her magic into it, and then she pitched it towards the group of men being raped by the slimy women, using her skill over her magic to keep the fires from incinerating the men. When it reached them, it would explode, bathing everything around it in flames. It was good times whenever she and her sisters had parties, though for everyone that wasn't a Draconian it seemed a little lethal.

Cast fireball! L3 Fire spell. (a ball spell.)
- Use Blood Magic! The spell's total cost is paid half in EP, half in HP. The effect happens as if the spell was a level higher.
- Use Spell Control! Both the double-area effect and the not-hit-people-I-don't-want-to-hit effect. I take -6 to base casting and pay 3 extra EP (2 EP and 1 HP because of Blood Magic), in order to increase the fireball's radius from 5 ft to 10 ft and not hit the men or anyone we're trying to save.

Holder of the Sekrit Fire means I ignore 10 AV and cause targets to become weakened if I hit them for over half their total HP.

Total cost: 4 EP, 3 HP
BC: 1d20 + 32 (14+24-6) VS difficulty 20
To-hit: 1d20 + 42 VS Dodge

Damage: 1d6 + 1 + 3 + 4[focus+specialized] * 4[3+1]

[size=1[Ball (The caster causes an explosion that is within 50 feet of their current position and within line of sight. This explosion deals damage to all creatures within a 5 foot radius of it.) [Deals 1d6 + 1 + Mind/8 damage.]

Chuck it at the duos! Don't burn the mans/peopleIwannarescue/friendlies-in-general!

Area of Effect Attacks

Some powers, spells, and attacks hit multiple creatures within a given radius. The creature making the attack makes a single attack roll that is compared to every creature's Dodge score. Creatures that are in a grapple and lack the Brawler skill take full damage regardless of their Dodge score. Creatures with Brawler in a grapple and creatures not in a grapple who's Dodge score is greater than the attack roll takes 1/4 of the damage rolled for the attack, but creatures hit by the attack take full damage. A character missed by an AoE attack takes no secondary effects from it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 38/42, EP = 43/44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 55/58, PP = 47, EP = 25/43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 56/72, Status = grappled by greater grabber C

NPC's stats:
Shana: Status = fine, but terrified
Jenna: Status = looks very exhausted and laying on the ground, barely conscious
Lina: Status = looks very exhausted and laying on the ground, barely conscious

Part demon girl: Status = On her feet now and fighting, as she's no longer grappled.
Blue skinned night elf girl: Status = ???

Hugh: Status = ???
Frank: Status = ???
Rolan: Status = ???

Alright guys, hopefully I'll get this right, so if I don't tell me and I'll do my best to fix it.

Kindle - hit as she gets more attack in her bonuses than the gemini has dodge, and she deals over a 100 damage on her attack, so the gemini empowered cultist is deader than a doornail, so not even going to bother with showing the total amount of damage and stuff, she spends 10 EP in doing this.

Fyriss - hit with all three attacks on the Hunter, overkilling him with her stuff, so again just as with the gemini empowered cultist I'm not going to bother with showing all of the totals. Fyriss also takes 4 PP dmg from sadist and drains a total of 4 EP from the Hunter

Ambalika - spellcasting success, and she spends 4 EP in doing her spell and hits all three duos of gemini, frying them all and releasing the men from their hold.

Demon blooded girl - grabs her sword which was laying right next to her and attacks Great grabber A, who is raping the blue skinned night elf girl, she rolled high enough to hit the thing, dealing a total of 46 dmg to it.

Greater grabber A - Attempts to grapple the demon blooded girl along with the blue skinned night elf, rolling only a 2 and missing because of it.

Greater grabber B - Drops Jenna and goes after Kindle, attempting to grapple her. it auto succeeds I believe, because Kindle has no dodge anymore, it beats her grapple if I needed to add that in also, grappling her.

Greater grabber C - Drops Lina and goes after Fyriss, attempting to grapple her just as the other did to Kindle. Fyriss's high dodge saves her from getting grappled as well.

As Kindle took to the air at the outset of battle, her wings outstretched and flapping powerfully, taking her into the air. She sped towards the robed slime covered woman raping the demon blooded girl, who just barely managed to turn her head towards Kindle as she swooped down at her. She didn't have time to react though as Kindle's spear pierced through her chest, the tip of it exploding out of her back in a mess of gore as it drove the slime covered woman off of the demon blooded girl and pinned her to the ground. When Kindle roared and shouted what she did, every one of the enemies turned towards her just as Fyriss rushed the Hunter, swinging her mace down on the thing's face, caving its skull in before it even had time to react with her 3 quick blows, the thing falling to the ground dead before it barely even had time to even blink. Ambalika's magic was successful as it scorched every one of the slime covered women that remained, burning them off of the men laying there, though the men didn't move again as her magic fires finished burning.

The tentacled beasts remained still however, but the demon blooded girl was quick on her feet, obviously still capable of fighting as she scrambled to her feet and grabbed the sword that was laying near her in the grass. As the demon blooded girl grabbed her sword, she rushed over to the tentacled beast holding down the blue skinned night elf, ignoring Kindle's very presence it seemed, where she slashed at the thing in an attempt to force it to let her companion go, her blade biting deep into its side before it could react and dodge her incoming attack. The tentacled beast attempted to counter attack her with its tentacles, but she was quicker than it apparently and was able to duck and roll away from it to avoid getting grabbed like the blue skinned night elf was.

The other two tentacled beasts dropped their respective captives and rushed at Kindle and Fyriss, with the one going after Fyriss missing as the ember draconian easily avoided it as it attempted to grab her. Kindle however wasn't quite as lucky as she was grabbed, almost like she wasn't even trying to avoid it in a way, it's tentacles trying to worm their way into her clothing as some coiled around her limbs.

"Sis!" Shana cried as her sister was dropped, still quite scared to move from where she was hiding by the trees, moving around along the outskirts of the battleground towards her sister's location.
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Hmmm..." hummed Ambalika to herself as she glanced over the field. Most of them were dead already! Just... hmm, three of the big tentacley things left, by her watch, and a couple were already cut up! Her sisters even had some help in the form of that tasty looking demoness. Thinking these facts over, Ambalika nodded to herself, and slithered towards the men, muttering a spell, her horn glowing a softer orange than it had before.

When she reached the nearest, she bent over and poked him in the head, the light in her horn flaring up into a steady, bright orange glow, that gave off an intensely warm and soothing heat. If all went well, it should fix him a little bit... she didn't really have the time to milk herself into his mouth right now, so a little less fun, normal magical healing would have to do for now.

She figured her sisters would appreciate getting a little of their frustrations worked out turning those critters into a bloody mess. Meanwhile, she could start tending to their rescuees. If she hurried, she could get first crack at 'em, too! She wondered which one was the human's sister?

Try casting the L2 Fire spell Heat on yon unconscious duderino, using it to heal.

BC, probably easily passable.

{HF} Heat (Touch, Heal) [None]
Touch (The caster must touch their target.) [2d6 + Mind/5.]
2d6 + 4 +4 if you include the 'damage' bonus from Focus, x2.

None of the fancy effects from last time, save maybe the 'damage' bonus.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Kindle was anything but surprised when the grabber managed to get its slimy tentacles all over her. She had never been as graceful or as light on her feet as many of her sisters, and so long ago she had more or less given up on avoiding such attempts by her enemies. Instead, she had trained to keep up the fight even after something seized her.

She dropped her spear, having no use for it in such close quarters, and instead cocked her arm back. The spearwoman next brought her claws together in order to form an improvised point, and then violently punched her arm forward in an effort to impale the alien thing holding her. "Die, wretch," she would announce coldly as she attempted to very personally disembowel her opponent.

It does auto succeed against Kindle 'cos rage.

Also, an opposed grapple roll isn't necessary for the round a grapple was initiated on unless the person being grappled acts afterward (e.g. if Kindle had grappled the grabber, it would still get the chance to win an opposed grapple roll in order to perform whatever action it wanted to do). It's just grapple modifier + d20 + any bonus attack modifiers (e.g.. battle aura's +hit) vs dodge in order to initiate. Every round after this will require an opposed grapple roll, however, and whichever side wins the grapple roll has their action go through.

When any slimy alien successfully grabs someone (or someone grabs them), the resistance damage is done immediately, and Kindle does still take resistance damage despite being enraged both because she can still be hit with aroused during her rage and if her rage wears off and she's at 0 resistance and aroused then she'd still end up horny.

Didn't notice anything that was blatantly incorrect though, just what appeared to be a small mistake on the aphrodisiac slime stuff

Aaand back to the action:

Kindle uses an unarmed attack along with Spirited Warrior x = 10 (into damage) against Greater Grabber C.

Attack: +63 = 53 [Base] + 10 [Rage]
Damage: 2d12 + 54 = 24 [Base] + 10 [Rage] + 20 [Spirited Warrior]
This costs her 10 EP for spirited warrior.

Possibly applicable stats (including WAGE bonuses): 60 grapple (with +10 from rage), 0 Dodge, 37 armor (with +4 from rage), 35 resistance, 27 perception.
Ragestuff: All attacks made against them automatically hit and the character must attack every round. While enraged, they cannot be afflicted with the Horny, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned statuses

Cheat Sheet Stuff
Dealing HP Damage: When dealing damage and wielding a two-handed weapon, she may make a resistance check against any enemy she strikes that has less than 30 HP remaining, that she reduces to less than 30 HP with an attack, or that she deals more than half their maximum HP value to. If her target fails the resistance check then they die or are knocked unconscious immediately, depending on how the attack is fluffed.
Receiving HP Damage in General: She gains 13 non-natural armor from TP = 40, DU = 5 scale armor. Her 20 natural armor is strong against slashing, causing it to be doubled against slashing attacks, and weak against piercing, causing it to be halved. When wounded she takes -8 to stealth due to GLOWY BLOOD.
Receiving Magic-Based HP Damage: When receiving HP damage, she reduces force damage taken by 5. She is immune to fire damage (though still takes resistance damage equal to that, becoming aroused when reduced to 0 resistance or horny if already aroused). When taking cold damage she takes x1.5 damage and a 1d4 is rolled, causing her to become stunned on a roll of 1.

Receiving PP Damage: When at half or lower PP, she becomes aroused (or horny if already aroused). She takes an additional +8 PP damage with heat or warmth is involved (which, given that she's a lava dragon I imagine that has to be some pretty warm warmth). Her stealth is reduced by 8 if her sexual fluids are exposed due to GLOWY FLUIDS.
Pregnancy: She impregnates automatically when cumming inside any fertile orifice, and is automatically impregnated when something cums inside her vagina. She is an egg layer, and can totally oviposit bitches too when she chooses to. Also, she has breeder and as such pregnancy times are halved for those she impregnates or when she herself is impregnated.

Receiving EP Damage: When reduced to 1/2 EP or lower, she gains an instance of weakened.


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss grinned gleefully as her foe laid limp, not to mention dead, at her feet; her blood was starting to pump and boil with excitement, the thrill of battle, the thrill of hurting things, growing within her. And yet, her focus was torn between seeking a new opponent, and watching the Demonling. Fyriss was impressed with how readily the part-demon female got up on her feet, and rushed headlong into battle. Yes, that one would be hers, she wouldn't be happy with anything less than that. "Yes, yes! Cut them, slash them! Bring your fury upon the butchers, demon-girl!", Fyriss cheered for the Demonling, her heart throbbing at the fierceness of her soon-to-be-friend.

She wasn't distracted to such a degree that her new opponent would go unnoticed though, and if anything she was thrilled to have her enemy come to her! With nimble movement, she'd dodge out of the creatures clumsy assault, her eyes flaring up; a burning passion for combat, for hurting things, once more sparking within her. "Missed me, wretch! I'll cave your skull in just like I did to your friend!", with rapid, fluid, movements Fyriss at once burst into action, a barrage of hammering blows delivered from various angles towards the creatures head, chained together with brutal ferocity!

[Action: Fyriss repeats what she did before, using Lightning Strikes for a total of three hits at 2d4+33 Damage & +76 to Hit each]
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 31/42, EP = 43/44, Status = fine

Ambalika: HP = 55/58, PP = 47, EP = 23/43, Status = fine

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 46/72, Status = grappled by greater grabber C (Kindle's resistance: 22/35)

Shana: Status = fine, but terrified
Jenna: Status = looks very exhausted and laying on the ground, barely conscious
Lina: Status = looks very exhausted and laying on the ground, barely conscious

Part demon girl: Status = On her feet now and fighting, as she's no longer grappled.
Blue skinned night elf girl: Status = ???

Hugh: Status = ???
Frank: Status = ???
Rolan: Status = ???

I knew I'd forgotten something Haf, thanks for pointing that out. I remember now that I was looking right at the resistance stuff and was like, "Hmm... I don't need to bother with that because Kindle is in her rage and it wouldn't affect her anyway."

Anyway, it's fixed now Haf, though I don't know if I should put how much resistance Kindle has left or not, so I will put it in just in case. Kindle took 13 resistance dmg by the way from the Greater Grabber that has her. Also I didn't know her resistance went to 35 from Rage, shows just how much I still have to learn.

Kindle rolled a total of 64 on attack, which is only a 54 after the grapple detriment of -10 to attack. Kindle's attack still hits Greater Grabber B though, dealing a total of 76 dmg, 22 from the 2d12 + 54 = 76, killing Greater Grabber B with her powerful attack. She spent 10 EP through Spirited Warrior also.

Ambalika heals the nearest of the guys by 19, though he is still unconscious and looking more than a bit exhausted. She spent 2 EP and easily passed her Base Casting for the spell.

Fyriss attacks Greater Grabber C, and since her attack greatly beats the thing's dodge she deals a total of over a 100 HP dmg, obliterating Greater Grabber C, though she only actually hit the thing twice to kill it so she took a total of 7 PP dmg from Sadist.

The part demon girl attacks the last Greater Grabber with her sword, using the Lightning Strikes skill, rolling a total of 60, 56, and 54 on her attacks, dealing a total of 107 HP dmg to Greater Grabber A, killing it and ending the battle.

Everyone gets 4 EXP, and that was quite an easy fight all things considered. I'll have to think of something to make the next one a little more difficult I believe.

Ambalika quickly moved over while the fighting continued around her in an attempt to heal the closest one of the men that had been there. As she touched his forehead with her horn, her magic spilled out and over his body, healing him of his wounds, though he didn't wake back up and still looked quite exhausted... almost too much so in fact, but only time would tell about that most likely. With him done, Ambalika could move on to the next of the guys or even over to the women to help with healing them even. While Ambalika healed the nearest of the men however, Shana had sprinted around the outer edge of the trees to her sister's side.

"Jenna... Jenna... sis are you okay? Please talk to me," Shana asked hysterically as she fell to her knees at her sister's side, pulling her head up into her lap as tears streamed down her cheeks. Jenna was stirring slightly, looking totally exhausted with a few cuts and bruises on her, but other than that she seemed mostly fine, though her spirit was greatly depleted, though not quite as much as the guys souls were depleted.

As Kindle felt the tentacles of the thing coiling around her, she felt her mind and body starting to relax slightly, though her rage was still burning strongly within her, preventing her from calming down any at all really. Kindle did however manage to maneuver around in the thing's grasp as she dropped her spear, putting her hands together and slamming them through the thing's body, where it's blood spewed out of it and absolutely drenched the ember draconian in the stuff. While Kindle did battle with her foe, Fyriss was easily able to take down the large tentacled beast that came after her, slamming her mace down right onto the thing's back three times in quick succession, where it burst through it, shattering any bones that might have been in there and crushing the beast under her massive assault and killing it.

The part demon girl managed to easily evade the tentacled creature's attempt to grab her, diving to one side where she nimbly sprang back to her feet where she jabbed her sword into the thing three different times, at the base of three different tentacles as she made sure the blade sunk in to the hilt each time. The tentacled creature dropped the blue skinned night elf girl, where the part demon girl dropped her sword and caught her as she fell, falling to one knee as she set her down on the ground.

"Oh Kyra, I'm sorry led us into this. Are you alright?" the part demon girl said to the blue skinned night elf, caressing the night elf's cheek. Kyra the night elf nodded her head weakly, the aphrodisiac slime on her body making her skin shine as the sun beamed down and hit her. When she saw that her companion seemed to be alright for the most part, mostly just severely weakened spirit wise, the part demon girl stood back up and looked around at the ember draconians. "Well now, I suppose I owe you all some thanks for saving us there, I doubt if I'd have been able to handle all of them myself, so thank you. I'm Sophia by the way," the part demon girl said as she bowed her head to the ember draconians, her nude body shining a little from the aphrodisiac slime on her just as it shone on pretty much all of the others that had been there.

The battle done now and all of their enemies laying dead before them, it fell to the ember draconians to decide what to do now. It was obvious that the girls were all much to exhausted for sex for the spoils of battle, and the guys... well it was hard to tell how much they had been drained but it was more than obvious that they had been much too drained as well for any sort of fun. Once Sophia had finished her bows and thank yous to the girls, she sat back down beside Kyra the blue skinned night elf, while Shana was over beside her sister Jenna and the lavender skinned night elf Lina.

"Might I ask what you girls are doing here exactly? I didn't think there were any ember draconians around here," Sophia asked curiously from where she sat, reaching over and gently caressing Kyra's hair out of her eyes.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Aw, dangit. They were already done with them! She'd barely even started going through their rescuees!

Oh well, if there wasn't anything scary around at the moment, then she could get on with her scrape-tending the fun way, so she guessed it worked out in her favor. She also could allow the heat she'd infused her sisters with dissipate. Slithering in-between the other two men, she lifted them up into a sitting position, and then pushed their mouths onto her teats. "Here you go, just drink a little to close up any wounds~"

Finding this not working out so hot due to their... well... total lack of consciousness, however, Ambalika grumbled, laying one back on the ground. With one hand simultaneously holding his head up and also squeezing his cheeks to keep his mouth popped open, she put her teat inside his mouth, and squeezed her breast with the other, pooling milk inside his mouth. She then rubbed his throat until he swallowed, and laid him back down, repeating the act with the other man. This was far less fun than getting her tits sucked normally was, so she only gave them a few mouthfuls before continuing on.

As she fed them, she responded to the demon-woman's query. "Oh, you know, just lookin' for a nice place to bed down~" Ambalika said cheerfully. "Do you girls know of any place nearby? Maybe a nice cave out in the woods or something, where we won't get rained on?"

Once they'd drunk enough that Ambalika was fairly certain they'd be alright, the scaled Ember Draconian snaked over to the sisters and the other girl. "C'mon Shana, you help me get them a-suckin'," she said, poking the human girly they'd first stumbled upon with the end of her long tail. Ambalika slithered over to the third girl, picking her up and going over to Shana's sister, where she would administer more tender-loving-care.

Once they were through, she slithered over to the elf and demon. The demon was able to walk about, so she wasn't too concerned about her - but the elf was exhausted like the rest, so she wanted to make sure she had a good bit of healing to stave off anything bad and help her recover... aaaand, since she was there, the demon might as well have a little, too, right?

With everybody healed, she picked up the demonesses' sword. "D'you mind if I borrow this for a sec, Sophie?"
she asked, not really waiting for answer as she slithered over to the lizard, strategically slicing into it's skin, until she could pull off it's pretty hide. She then used the sword to dig through the other corpses of the Great Enemy, looking for their delicious treasures that she could as reagents when she worked at enchanting stuff. A little grey rock, right next to their hearts, in the case of the turned human girls she'd burnt up... probably in the same place as the tentacled woman Kindy had jumped on, too, though for the big tentacle things, she'd have to do a little digging around inside (ew)...

I just noticed, but were you keeping track of upkeeps? You should totally put down what spells are being maintained in the Status = fine part, along with the total upkeep, so you don't forget. If you weren't, Amba should have 8 less EP right now, I think.

Drop the two Firehearts, but not Fy's Perception buff. Set about titty-heal-molesting the various new peoples, then looting all the things
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Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

It had been a short fight, far too short for Fyriss tastes. But the elated sensation if triumph over the butchers of her kind more than enough made up for the shortness of the fight. Her sisters looked to be doing well, with Ambalika already setting out to do what she did best, and Kindle just done with her opponent. And with her own opponent slain, her eyes wandered after the demonling. Sauntering over towards Sophia, as she had introduced herself as, and the Night Elf named Kyra, Fyriss would smile widely as the demonling spoke of their lives having been saved. That was true, they were indebted to the Draconian sisters. Fyriss would stand by Sophia and Kyra's side, looking down upon them with gauging eyes. Yes, these two would do nicely.

Fyriss hadn't thought much about introducing herself, not until she was asked what she and her sisters were doing here anyhow. "I am Fyriss, and as my sister, Ambalika, have said; We're searching for a suitable lair to call home.", Fyriss would let Kindle introduce herself, and next rose a questioning brow. "You have heard about our kind, Sophia? What do you know of us?", she would crouch down next to the Demonling and the recuperating Kyra, her tail idly moving back and forth a little, and would brush against the Demonling's tail softly every so often if it were within reach. This was the hard part for Fyriss, she still hadn't quite calmed down from the thrill of combat, but as much as she wanted to simply declare Sophia, and maybe Kyra, as her property right then and there, they needed answers first.

[Fyriss deactivates her active spirit powers and such, since the battle is over anyways]
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