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Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss growled warningly as Ambalika spoke of no fun and dirty trust-betraying rape-sex, but didn't say anything beyond that. She did not as Kindle gave her thoughts about the lair, and would try to untangle herself from Ambalika as her older kin began to do the same. The mention of fire and food was something Fyriss could agree with right about then. She wouldn't be too happy if Ambalika tried to restrain her, nor did she feel this was the time, so perhaps for once in her life the Naga-like Draconian could restrain herself. The temperamental Draconian didn't have high hopes of it though.

Whether she had to wiggle herself out from Ambalika's coils or not, Fyriss would head back to camp without much delay after the talk with her kin about their situation. As Sophia looked their way when they returned to camp, and began talking about food... Fyriss' eyes glowered briefly as she made her way straight towards the part-demon. Answering aloud for all to hear, and her tone was slightly annoyed at Sophia's hesitance to share the food. "If we hadn't rescued you, there would be no food for anyone, would there? We can hunt tomorrow, but tonight I say we get to eat our share of it.", before Sophia could sit herself down however, Fyriss expression, and tone, softened considerably as she reached her hand out for Sophia, as if asking for her hand. "As for you, Sophia, I wa... I'd like to talk with you...", the Draconian looked over the camp briefly, her gaze ending up on Ambalika. "Alone, without any interruption.", her tone of voice was more towards everyone, but she still hoped to make sure her sister didn't have any more bright ideas. Fyriss' tone of voice was a little uncertain, but also that she'd rather not have to deal with any but's. She just wanted some alone time with the Part-Demon.

[Below is if Sophia comes along with Fyriss]

In the case of Sophia not making a scene and simply following along with Fyriss, the Draconian would lead the part-demon a bit away from the camp. Not far, just to be out of sight. Had Sophia went along with holding the Draconian's hand then Fyriss' hold in turn would've been firm, but not rough. And if all had went well so far the Draconian would stop, turn, and face the Part-Demon. As she spoke quietly, her tone was one of uncertainty, and a bit of regret. "Sophia, I... I know I am not the nicest person to be around at times, and I'm sorry that I vented on you like that earlier...", Fyriss paused briefly, again looking like she was trying to find the words. She wasn't finding them. If she still had Sophia's hand in hers she would squeeze gently. "I... I just hope I still have another chance to prove myself deserving of... your gratitude...", Fyriss gaze lowered, part in regret, and part to stare longingly at Sophia's bust. She wasn't good at this moochy kind of talk, and was likely making things worse with every word uttered.

Stuck between her pride and trying to fix things up with Sophia, this wasn't the easiest situation for Fyriss, nor was it made any easier after Ambalika's warmth and smothering having got her body all riled up either.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Ambalika didn't let either of them go until she'd managed to plant a kiss on both Fy and Kindle's cheeks. After Kindle had slipped out of her hold, she made Fyrisses' especially wet, lips pulling away with a little 'smack', the youngest squeezing her heated body tight around her middle sister..

"Go get 'er, tiger!" She said quietly to Fy, licking her ear. "I'll be cheering for you! Silently! Oh, and remember - all you have to do is let your loving little sister know, and she'll help you with loving the halfie! ♥"

She uncoiled quickly, hurrying after Kindle to remove herself from her temperamental sister's reach as quick as she could, two fists with their thumbs up, and one eye winking as she slithered back into the campsite.

"Iiii agreee withhh my sisterrrr~" Ambalika peeped when the subject of dinner was broached. "I don't see why we shouldn't take some apples, but some -real- food would be preferable. C'mon, c'mon, you've got meat in there, right? How about some eggs?" The serpent found somewhere comfortableish looking to lay down on the forest floor, and did so. "Here, break some out! I'll show you a trick, you can cook them on my abs. And then afterwards, you can lick 'em clean! It'll be awesome!" She then pointed to two of her conjured-up guard-lizards. "You and you, go follow those two. Keep them safe, okay? We can trade afterwards, apples for tasty ab-bacon or whatever."

The Ember slapped her tummy, peering at the group from behind her breasts, which she swayed from side to side a little. "I've got a taaasty tasty beverage here for you all, too, if you all forgot~" The heat from her spell - still going, really - was starting to get to her. Which was good, since they wanted to fuck all these girls stupid anyway - the waiting would just be more fun if she was getting turned on, and she felt her scent intensifying too - the one that made the breeders and her sisters sometimes more receptive to her advances.

MAGIC to have AB COOKING you say. Heat or Torch or whatever on she's abs to produce the desired effect.

Also, maybe Grease for nonstick purposes. It shall be buttery and delicious.
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Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Kindle decided not to weigh in on the matter of their meal, as Fyriss and Ambalika had covered everything that she might have said. Besides, she believed that once they had 'persuaded' the girls to their cause then the draconians would have their pick of the supplies and would be able to hunt and restock the next day. "I will accompany you to collect the apples, Lina," she would end up addressing the night elf before standing up and proceeding to do just that, following the woman to the tree she had seen. It wasn't a matter of being afraid of parting with her pack, however, but rather an effort to get Lina alone.

Once they were at the tree, the draconian would hand her pack off to the night elf and then do her part to make harvesting the fruits easier. Mostly she offered aid by wrapping her arms around Lina and hoisting her up so that she could pick the apples from the higher parts of the tree and drop them into the pack quickly and efficiently. Her efforts to help in gathering their supplemental meal would continue until the pack was filled to near-bursting with fruit. But the spearwoman wasn't ready to return to camp just yet, as she had something to discuss with Lina while they were in relative privacy.

"Lina, I wish to discuss that repayment you offered," she began suddenly, while they were still at the apple tree, despite making no small talk on the way there or as they were gathering the extra food. "I am going to be honest, my sisters and I are here seeking breeders," the draconian explained, completely blunt in her delivery. Perhaps a little too blunt, but Kindle reveled in the opportunity to explain things plainly and in a straightforward manner after so spending so much effort plotting and misleading the others earlier. "My people have been ravaged by the grey invaders, and so we have come this way with the hope of further repopulating our kind and expanding so that our race might survive and flourish again," she further explained. "To that end, you are an impressive woman and I would like to have you as my personal concubine. You would have my protection and my care if you were to accept. Consider it, if you would," there was no threat in the spearwoman's voice--in fact, her tone was a bit plain given the magnitude of the choice she was offering. Of course, whether she could continue to be so cordial with the night elf depended on whether or not Lina took the offer well.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = fine, and a bit warmer now

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 34/43, Status = fine, and a bit warmer now

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = fine, and a bit warmer now

Salamander 1: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 2: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 3: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)

NPC's stats:
Sophia: HP = 52, PP = 65, EP = 46, status = fine

Kyra: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, status = fine

Lina: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 88, status = fine

(I'd already had something in mind for the food Blarg, so I won't take the EP from Ambalika, unless you want her to put a bit of grease onto the women to lube them up later that is. :p)

"Hmm... I suppose that's true Fyriss, but... well... hmm..." Sophia began saying, looking a little troubled about eating some of the food they were supposed to be bringing back as she stared a bit hungrily at it all.

"There were other groups that went out to get some too sis, so I think that we'd be forgiven for eating a bit of it to hold us over until we get back, we'll just have to go out a little sooner the next time is all. No big deal from where I'm sitting really, because it gives us the chance to kill more of those bastard aliens along the way," Kyra said with a shrug of her shoulders, seeming to have already made up her mind as to what they should do as she began looking around in their bags of food they had.

"Mmm... well if you think it'll be alright Kyra then okay, let's get some out and ready then," Sophia replied, nodding her head as she got up to go and help Kyra to look around in the stuff they had and get some out to cook up.

Before she could get up though Sophia's hand was grabbed by Fyriss, which made Sophia blush slightly as Kyra turned her head around to look for a moment, where she smirked for a moment before turning back around to get some stuff out. "I've got this, go and handle whatever you all need to do. And Lina those apples sound wonderful I think if you and Kindle don't mind getting them for us," Kyra said as she pulled out a few potatoes, onions, carrots, and tomatoes that they'd be taking with them back to their hideaway.

Sophia nodded her head to Fyriss and smiled at her, following her over to a corner of the camp so they could be alone without anyone overhearing them. Lina looked to Kindle and nodded in thanks to her as they both got up and went to collect the apples she'd found back nearer to the road. "Thank you miss Kindle, I appreciate the help as it would have taken much longer without you I think," Lina said as they went off to get the apples, leaving just Ambalika, Kyra, and the humans all there, the three men still out cold for now, and when Ambalika ordered a couple of her salamanders to follow Lina and Kindle, they did so without question.

"Hmm... we do have some meat, but no bacon unfortunately. We have a bit of beef, a little bit of sausage, and some ham, but that's it really. I was thinking of whipping us up a quick stew myself, something simple to make that wouldn't take overly long, maybe half an hour to an hour or so, then we could eat, let our food settle a bit, then set a watch and sleep," Kyra responded to Ambalika as she pulled out a small slab of beef wrapped up, where she took it and cut off some, then put the rest back up for now and began cutting what she'd cut off the main bit into chunks for a stew. She looked to Ambalika for a moment, seeing as how she was the only one left with any sense of strength other than herself there at the moment. "Could you maybe take this pot here and fill it up with water for me please Ambalika? I believe there was a stream just down there that you can fill it up in, if I remember correctly about this area on our way through before. And we can't really cook up anything without filling this up first. I only ask because you'd be much quicker than these two, because they're still quite weak and tired from everything earlier," Kyra asked Ambalika, setting out a pot from the back of her pack and handing it to the nagalike draconian as she continued cutting the meat into chunks, pointing Ambalika down into the trees a little from where they were, a little further in from the road.

If Ambalika agreed to go ahead and do this task for her, Kyra would smile and give her a nod of thanks, where she'd soon hear the steady sound of running water, but if she decided not to do it then Shana would go and do it instead for her without saying much about the matter. Regardless, once the pot of water was back, Kyra set it up over their fire and began chopping the vegetables into the pot as it began boiling, where she then dropped the meat in as well, fixing everything into the pot and stirring it up into a nice and simple stew.


Meanwhile over where Fyriss and Sophia were at, Sophia listened to Fyriss talking to her and hung her head a little. As soon as Fyriss was finished talking Sophia looked up and shook her head at the draconian. "No Fyriss, there's nothing to apologize for, I... well we both overreacted a bit to each other I think, and you were obviously under some stress, so I don't hold it against you if you won't hold anything against me," Sophia replied before leaning in and pecking Fyriss on the cheek. "We're both sorry, so we'll leave it at that and start over okay, from scratch. And yes you can grope me all you want, but I think it best to eat something first... so we've got some energy and all if you want to be doing that kind of thing. It'd be nice I think for something that I've chosen instead of the rape those things put me through earlier... hell anything's better than that really," Sophia went on to say, smirking as she noticed Fyriss staring longingly at her chest where she told her that she could grope her all she wanted after they ate, letting Fyriss know she wasn't mad at all about anything that was said as well.


After Lina and Kindle got to the tree that the night elf had mentioned before, she collected the apples from Kindle's arms as she held her up, where she reached up at a low hanging branch and pulled herself up to stand on the draconian's shoulders to get some more, the draconian hopefully being very helpful and letting her do so while she got the apples into her pack, filling it full. Once she was done with that and got down, Lina stopped when Kindle spoke up and mentioned wanting to speak with her alone. She listened to all Kindle had to say with a straight and calm face, letting her finish before replying.

"I see... yes these aliens have ravaged many peoples in their time here. And everyone should have the chance to find themselves I think and repopulate after the devastation that these vile creatures have wrought," Lina said to Kindle, nodding her head slightly. She seemed to be pondering her answer to Kindle's offer for a few moments before she looked back to Kindle, appearing to not be taking anything she'd said wrong or hurtful in any way. "So you wish for me to become yours? To be with no one else but you? If so then I accept that, as I have nowhere else to go really at this point. However I'd like to ask you some things if you would permit me miss Kindle," Lina then asked, telling Kindle of her acceptance of the proposal she'd offered yet wanting to ask some things, though it was up to Kindle if she allowed it or not of course.

If Kindle didn't want to hear anything Lina had to say, then she would merely nod her head and follow Kindle back to camp quietly, however if Kindle didn't mind Lina asking her questions, then the night elf would bow her head a little in thanks before raising back up.

(If Kindle agrees to hear Lina's questions:)
"What of the others back there that you rescued? Do you intend on taking them for yourself as well? Not that I mind or anything, I am merely wondering is all. Also... how far does this protection and care you offer extend? Would you ever beat me for doing something that displeased you or anything like that? And..." Lina would say, looking as if she were hesitant about going further, but she would decide to continue speaking in the end. "And would you listen to me sometimes when I give my opinion and show me some respect just as I would show you miss Kindle?" Lina would then ask hesitantly, but she didn't seem to ask anything more in return than this, and it would of course be up to Kindle should she agree to hear her questions.

Regardless of whether or not Kindle heard Lina's questions, they soon made their way back to camp where Lina handed out some apples, with Shana and Jenna both taking one in each hand and biting into them and savoring every bite, as Kyra took a couple as well, eating one while she stirred the pot of stew she was now cooking up for them to eat. Once Sophia and Fyriss were back they too were given a couple of apples each to munch on whilst the main course was cooking, and Ambalika was given a couple as well to eat.
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"'Fill up this pot from the stream'?" Ambalika said incredulously, giving the pot she'd been given the stink-eye as she held it in one hand. "But that sounds like work."

Giving it a grumpy stare, she plopped the metallic pot on the ground and scrunched her eyes closed and started mumbling. Her horn again started to shimmer, this time taking on a moist look, like it was wet.

A tiny little jet erupted from the ground, as if from a pump shooting straight up. The water leaned in towards the pot, and started to splash messily inside - though all told, the water was perfectly clear, free of the dirt and loam it sprung from. Once the pot filled up as best as it was going to, Ambalika opened her eyes again and flicked her fingers at it dismissively - sending what was left spraying conveniently into the bustiest of the girls that hadn't gone off with her sister's chests. "Wwwhoopsie!" she said, far too innocently, treating herself to an eyeful of wet tunic. Orrrr tunic. Whatever these girls called their clothes. Which, clearly, were overrated.

"If you scoop whatever you don't need into some cups or something we can drink the extra~" she said, "Though of course, there's a totally better drink for us, anyway..." she continued, folding her arms under her big, bared breasts, idly rolling her eyes.

Afterwards, Amba would end up slithering up reeeeally close behind whoever was doing most of the cooking, hovering right over her shoulder, thinking about aaaaaalllll kinds of nasty things she wanted to do to the girls to get her pheromones working their magic, while her heavy tits pressed against the girl's back.

Draw Water (Utility) [This spell draws up a small amount of pure water from beneath the ground. This water can be used however the caster can think to do so.]

Also could I get a recap of uhhh, who's who, re: NPCs.


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss quietly listened as Sophia gave her answer. Relief. Relief was what Fyriss felt when she heard there was still a chance for her. The peck she recieved made her smile a little too, but it only made her want more. As Sophia spoke of waiting until after they had eaten however, something clicked inside Fyriss head. Her body wad been teased by Ambalika not long ago, and the little cheek had only made her want more of Sophia's attention, and now there was talk of waiting who knows how long? Without a word spoken the Draconian reached her arms out, her hands slipping under Sophia's arms, and then pulled the Half-Demon into a tight hug. She then leaned her head forward and to the side to press her warm lips against Sophia's own. She wasn't going to take things further just yet, a heated kiss while tightly embracing Sophia would do to begin with. Whether she was the one to break the kiss, after making it last, or not didn't matter; she would take the opportunity to speak first. "I... I so want to feel my skin against yours, to keep the chilly night air away from you with the warmth of my body... But... But if you'd prefer to wait, I... I will respect your wishes."


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

The spearwoman gave a thin smile, certainly a rare expression for her, at Lina's acceptance. It seemed that the night wasn't going to be so irritating as she initially thought, and might certainly have at least one high point. "You may," she plainly allowed Lina's questions.

To the first question she responded; "Not as concubines, not while our numbers are so small, but I will breed any who we take as lair breeders on occasion. We must produce as many spawn as possible if our kind is to prosper again, and that means breeding as frequently and with as many partners as possible. You may always join me when I do so, if that is your preference," she added, completely missing the point in the process.

"And don't be absurd," she would continue by snapping at the second question. "Why would we beat those who come with us willingly and bear our spawn when they are essential to the survival of our kind? We might as well begin casually beating each other." Kindle would meet Lina's eyes with an even gaze following that. "I have interest in you," she admitted easily. "Your powers interest me, your training interests me, and I believe that you will bear me strong spawn. If you offer respect-worthy words and opinions I promise you that not only will you need not fear me ever raising a hand against you but that I will respect you and your opinions every bit as much as I do my sisters. Simple as that," she concluded. For Kindle, at least, the feeling was probably as close as she ever came to anything resembling traditional love.

With that, she was ready to return if Lina still was. Upon their arrival at the camp Kindle settled near the fire after taking one of the apples that she had helped to gather and then would devour it in short order, with the rather gruesome event taking less than five bites thanks to the nature of her jaw. It probably wasn't the most enticing display she could have put on, especially not in comparison to her sister, but she was hungry and, beyond that, seduction simply wasn't her forte. Still, she supposed she should at least do something to contribute to the group's descent into debauchery. Getting naked would probably help. If nothing else, it would be much easier to mount her partners if she was naked from the start.

"Lina, would you help me remove my armor?" The spearwoman asked the night elf as much because getting at the straps was difficult for her as to see how her intended concubine would respond to the request.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss: HP = 62, PP = 42, EP = 44, Status = fine, and a bit warmer now

Ambalika: HP = 58, PP = 47, EP = 34/43, Status = fine, and a bit warmer now

Kindle: HP = 92, PP = 44, EP = 72, Status = fine, and a bit warmer now

Salamander 1: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 2: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)
Salamander 3: HP = 66, status: fine (body: 36)

NPC's Stats:
Sophia: HP = 52, PP = 65, EP = 46, status = fine

Kyra: HP = 46, PP = 36, EP = 34, status = fine

Lina: HP = 47, PP = 47, EP = 88, status = fine

"Ah thank you, didn't know you knew magics like that. This is great, I wasn't sure that the water from the creek over there would be completely clean," Kyra said when Ambalika brought her the bucket of water she'd brought straight from the ground, flashing her a smile as she took the pot and set it on the campfire to start a boiling. When Amblika flicked the remaining water onto Kyra's breasts and said what she did about there being a better drink, the night elf reached over and lightly slid her index finger across Amba's left breast, going right across her nipple, giving her a wry grin as she did so. "I may have a drink later and then some if Fyriss is satisfied with just sis, though she looked like she wanted me too from the looks of it, but regardless I'm gonna eat some food first, else I won't have the energy to do much of anything. If you could do that again with the water and fill up our waterskins then that'd be great too," Kyra added to Ambalika, winking her way as she turned back to continue cutting up the stuff to cook them a quick stew.

Kyra finished cutting up the meat into chunks and chopped up a few vegetables from their supplies they'd picked up on their way back, which she then dumped into the pot as the water started getting hotter. As she did this while the others were still out or on their way back, Kyra felt Ambalika press her breasts into her back as she bent over the pot and stirred it around a bit, her back stiffening slightly at the nagalike draconian's touch. "I told you I've gotta cook this, so come on and don't poke me in the back with those big tits of yours... it's distracting," Kyra said to Ambalika as she pressed her breasts into her back.


"Oh you'll feel our skin against one another soon enough, because I don't have any clothes to keep the cool night air away and I'll need a nice warm blanket to snuggle up under. And I only wish to wait until I've eaten something, so that I'll have some energy with which to... have fun. Don't you worry about anything, because I've been thinking about it and I feel myself wanting you too. I'm glad though that you wanted to respect my wishes, makes me feel like more than a piece of meat like I was to those things earlier. I mean really, no passion whatsoever in their movements, just... nothing of the sort, they were only thinking of their pleasure and breaking our minds. But you though Fyriss... I'm sure you can move those hips in ways that'll make me just quiver all over," Sophia said to Fyriss after she spoke again when the draconian broke their kiss, because Sophia didn't seem to want to herself.

"What say we head on back, I can't wait for some hot food in my stomach. Gods it'll be like heaven I'm sure. And I'm also sure that you wouldn't mind having some hot food too," Sophia then said, starting to head on back towards their little camp, unless Fyriss wanted to talk some more, then she would stay longer and chat or kiss or whatever.


Lina stood there and listened patiently as Kindle spoke to her, not even flinching when the draconian snapped a bit at the night elf's second question which seemed to have pissed Kindle off a little. When Kindle was through talking, the two started back towards their camp, with Lina glancing over at Kindle and away, as if wanting to say something, but unsure of how to go about doing so or unsure if she should even say it.

"I mean no disrespect in saying it this way miss Kindle, so please don't take it the wrong way. But I shall give like for like when it comes to respect, and I will defend myself if a hand is ever raised against me whether by you or anyone else, but neither will I suffer anyone disrespecting you in any way either or raising a hand against you. And if or rather when we have children then I will help raise them my way as well as yours, so that I may pass on my knowledge to them all so it may survive through the ages. I hope you understand and aren't angered by my words there, it's just... well I was taught by my master to never let myself be pushed around by anyone, no matter who it is," Lina said to Kindle on their way back, not looking scared per se, but looking a bit nervous about what she'd just told Kindle. It was obvious she was wondering what Kindle's reaction would be, but she knew that she'd already said it, so there was little she could do but brace herself for the answer the draconian would give her.

"Also, I've learned some things over the years, that not everyone will ever think the same as you and your kin back there do, and may be hostile even. I mean I don't know much about your people, but I am willing to learn if you would teach me," Lina would say after a minute or so of heading back to their camp, stopping for a moment to speak again if Kindle wasn't too pissed off by what she'd said before to listen that is. If she wasn't or if she didn't stop Lina from speaking at least, then the night elf would either keep walking and talking or would continue after a few moments. "My opinion is you shouldn't just force them into it outright I think without thinking it through first, because it is good to have allies that aren't of your people I think, since having too many breeders without enough people to protect them all would only make them a tasty morsel to the aliens... one that you couldn't protect with just the three of you and a few others against hundreds. And it would be good not to make enemies of everyone is why I say to not take everyone you meet as breeders. Some people may be more willing to comply with being breeders if you show them that they'd be better off living with you, though the way you would go about doing that would be entirely up to you of course. Some that you might choose as allies though may be willing to send some people to be breeders for a time for something in return, such as the strength of a few of your kind to help them fight the aliens back or to protect their homes from them. It'll take a certain finesse when dealing with those kinds of people miss Kindle, the ones that are potential allies, a finesse I would be willing to help you three out with if you want. I would be your... diplomat as it were miss Kindle, that could speak for you to make alliances and whatnot in a land that your people aren't really known of and that you don't know much about. Having strong allies such as you all nearby would certainly make the people around here feel safe and proud to call you friends I'm sure. The rewards may be great in the long term even if they don't seem as such in the short term, making it something to think about in my opinion," Lina went on to say, giving Kindle something to think about as the leader of the draconian group, though it was up to her of course in the end what she decided on this matter. Lina however would seem sincere enough to her, and strong, smart, and capable, so it could be useful to have someone with those sorts of skills.


When everyone was back at camp and began to devour some of the apples while the stew boiled up for them, the sky darkened the rest of the way as Kyra continued tending the food as it cooked, with Sophia's help who was poking a couple of more logs into the fire. Sophia sat next to Fyriss, with Kyra on the other side of Sophia, while Lina sat next to Kindle, and the two human girls sat beside each other next to Ambalika who was on the other side of Kyra. When Kindle made her request to Lina, the night elf nodded to her and moved to help.

"Of course miss Kindle, I would be happy and honored to help," Lina said to Kindle as she began deftly undoing the straps of her armor and sliding it off of her quite quickly, where as soon as she'd gotten it off of Kindle she gently ran her hands down the draconian's back. "Do you require anything else miss Kindle?" Lina asked once she'd gotten the armor off of her.

"Yeah do you want me to help you get your armor off too Fyriss? I'm sure it'll feel wonderful to peel that leather off of you for the night," Sophia asked Fyriss, already moving to help her do so unless she told her not to just yet.

"Well either way the food is almost done, another ten to twenty minutes or so and we can eat. I'll get some bowls out to use real quick," Kyra said, rummaging around through her backpack and pulling out enough bowls for everyone to have one.

Soon after, the food was done and Kyra was dipping some of the stew into bowls for them all, handing some to the human girls first because they looked to need it the most, then she got some for each of the draconians, then for Lina, herself, and Sophia. It was steaming hot and most everyone there save the draconians needed to blow on it and let it cool a bit before they attempted to try and eat any of it. Unless the draconians wanted to chat any during dinner, then it was relatively quiet throughout it, as the human girls were savoring each bit of their stew, getting seconds for it as they quickly finished their first helpings. There was plenty left for everyone to have a second helping should they want it as well, not just for the two human girls.
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Of course it's not clean. Bears poop in it and stuff, that's why you boil it," Amba replied. The elf's suggestive reply when she ran a finger over Ambalika's teat earned her a sly grin as well. "'And then some'? Why, I'm only suggesting you suck on my titties for sustenance, Kyra~ There are better things to do with your mouth if you want to have fun. And I'm sure our sisters will be perfectly okay alone... there's more of me to play with, besides!"

She repeated her spell off to the side, to avoid getting too much water around the ground they were going to be having a ridiculous orgy and then sleeping on later. Even using the bucket, she still felt a chill creep into her as she worked at calling the water - a little bit, like what she needed to fill their cookpot, wouldn't get to her, but more, and it'd start to feel like she was being doused. Which she was - accidentally spraying herself with cold water, the stuff beading off her scaled arms and front. "You owe me for this, you know!" she called when she'd finished, looking grumpy and wet as she slithered back in to look at the pot. "This kind of magic and me don't mix!"

So she in wasn't up to backing off when the little night elf objected to her nearness. "I'm just watching you cooook! How much concentration do you need to chop stuff up and put it in a pot, anyway? And I'm not poking you with them. Okay? I'm squishing them against you. Totally different!"

Amba imagined wrapping her arms around the elf - nibbling an ear while she stuffed her full of dick. That would be pretty nice. And thanks to those pheromones of hers, when she got close and thought about stuff like that, it tended to happen later on, too!

Unless it was with Kindy or Fy, anyway. They usually got mad at her and stuffed her instead. Which, honestly, still was pretty alright.

Hanging out by the fire brought back Amba's good cheer quickly, and getting flanked by either of the two humie-girls quickly got her tail wagging. She coiled her long serpentine body to give them a little 'bench' to sit on, and wrapped her arms around their waists while they waited, drawing them in close.

She gulped her first bowl and didn't slow down much for the second, but when she was staring at her third, she remembered to peek over to the three still-comatose guys laying over to the side. "Uuuuhh... should I save some for those guys?" she asked, stomach grumbling a protest. Like a thousand extra pounds of sinuous muscle made a girl hungry - even if she and her kind could go for weeks without eating.


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Beds are Burning (Smokefish, Hafnium, and Gargantua Blarg) GMed by Mind Flayer

Fyriss' smiled weakly as Sophia answered. The first few sentences had the Draconian looking a little disappointed despite nodding understandingly. The part where Sophia had said 'Don't you worry about anything' made Fyriss look bothered enough to want to cut in. The words right after where Sophia did admit to have mutual desire for the Draconian made her hold her serpentine tongue though. It was visibly hard for Fyriss to keep her tongue in check as the Part-Demon continued talking about past events. And once Sophia finally finished Fyriss hugged her companion closely against her while speaking quietly, "You talk too much Sophia," her voice soft and just a little bit chiding, "And I ain't some hatchling that just cracked out of her shell you know, I'll worry however much I feel I have to," as the Draconian continued to speak her hands began to stroke up and down the Part-Demons back, "And... please, don't ever compare me and the butchers ever again, not even vaguely." The last sentence was a bit stern but it carried no ill will towards Sophia.

Fyriss showed little intent to let Sophia quip in however, and continued speaking, as she moved her head to gently rub her cheek against the Part-Demon's own. "Just... Less talking, okay? I will do my best to listen when you have something you want to say, that I promise, but I am not one for talking when there can be action instead." Fyriss sighed softly, squeezing Sophia gently in their embrace, and then withdrew her arms from her companion. A weak smile on the Draconians lips once Sophia mentioned heading back. "I usually prefer to work up an appetite before my meals... But we'll do it your way this time; I'd prefer if you could keep up with me later on." And almost as an afterthought as the two started heading to the camp Fyriss spoke thoughtfully. "Hey, Sophia? Ya think Kyra would like to join us later? If... if you're okay with it, that is..." Having both Sophia and Kyra be hers would be nice the Draconian thought. If for no other reason than to deny Ambalika an extra hole to fill... That bubbly fool would have the three males after all, and two of the other females, and that wasn't fair in Fyriss' mind. She completely failed to consider Kindle in that equation.

Once they got back to camp and sat down to wait for food Fyriss would be fairly passive. She would however move her tail across Sophia's back, and Kyra's too if the Part-Demon had responded positively to the Draconians earlier question, followed by tugging the girl(s) a little closer towards her. As the offer to help remove her armor came up Fyriss figured she might aswell go along with it... Altho not without afterwards trying to get Sophia to remove at least one piece of her own clothing. Afterwards she would place her discarded attire down and use it to sit upon. Following that she'd huddle down with Sophia while waiting on food. The Draconian would only have one serving of food. And while she hadn't said it aloud she fully intended to work up her appetite with Sophia, and maybe Kyra, before returning to have another serving or two... If any would still remain later.