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ACT RPG Maker [Kemomimi Farm] けもみみ牧場 Freestyle ARPG 攻略されちゃうARPG (RE114697, RJ114697)

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Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

I want to try and take a wack (no pun intended) at this game. But all those menus... I don't want to accidentally f*** something up.

If 2-3 more ppl request it i'll begin a tutorial (SO NOBODY ASK PLEASE!! *just kidding*)
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

If 2-3 more ppl request it i'll begin a tutorial (SO NOBODY ASK PLEASE!! *just kidding*)

Yes, please provide one.

Also, I can't seem to load my saves. The game keeps freezing on me when I try.
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

a tutorial would be awesome!
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

eh.... tutorial please! *smirks*

Yes, please provide one.

Also, I can't seem to load my saves. The game keeps freezing on me when I try.

a tutorial would be awesome!

mmm... is it too late to back down? *just kidding again*

ok, i'll try to make a small tutorial on word (cause notepad sucks, i forgot how to use excel and... fuck i want to use word XD).

@Rolfson: The autor specifies it takes a lot of time to load a file due to the autosave system loading the libraries (depends on pc performance)

Or if you think it's better i can upload here the screenshots with some chance of the images being taken down at some time.
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Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

Any chance of a walkthrough, or at the very least, a basic idea of what to do?
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

I wouldn't want to be the guy in court trying to defend this is not loli.

Just saying.... "I can't believe she was not 18".
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

I wouldn't want to be the guy in court trying to defend this is not loli.

Just saying.... "I can't believe she was not 18".

Although it would be nice if it was the case. The forum floor's been looking a little dusty and needs a bit of sweeping.
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

You guys do know that there is a report button right? I use it whenever I feel like the game is loli.
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

With tits like those no way it is loli.
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

Hi everyone, im back from a trip to funland (the hospital) and totally forgot about this game, is anybody still interested in some tutorial for this or i can consider the topic closed?
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

I, personally, would like to see an explanation of how this game works; I could probably figure it out on my own, but it is perhaps more complex than ROBF, so I'm having difficulties. :/
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

Yes, please explain this game.
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

There you go, it took some time but i hope it helps. Enjoy the game and remember to buy if you like it and can afford it.


  • Captured-Guide.zip
    608.9 KB · Views: 113
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

There you go, it took some time but i hope it helps. Enjoy the game and remember to buy if you like it and can afford it.

Thanks a lot, that's really a big help.
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

more info

  • There are 5 bosses; one for each dungeon. I've only completed the ogre, plant, and wolf areas.
  • To locate the boss of each area ( cave hideout, etc.), you must reach the same area you're taken when you've been captured by the enemy.
  • Bosses are repeatable. I recommend rotating between each boss everyday.
  • After defeating the boss/min, the next area has a treasure room, captive room, and the exit.
  • Treasure room has chests and a note with a password. Password can be entered in the settings menu to receive additional money and experience.
  • Captive room has 2 females. You have 3 options when talking to them. First option is a reward of mpc (money). Second is pp (experience). Third option is to recruit. I recommend recruiting them if you need money since the you can sell them later for a nice amount of mpc.
  • The exit will take you outside of the entrance if you choose the first option.

  • The last selection in the portal list is a small village. It has a pub with npcs that sells skills, an empty shop where you can jump over the counter and check the shelves for items, and another building where you can sell and buy companions.
  • Use consumables to increase mp. There are quite a few that quickly fill 99 when exploring.
  • Pregnancy just leads to giving to birth to new npc which will also become one of your companions.
I have no idea of what items increase EP, and I've already checked all the consumables I have in my inventory. I still can't really equip much.
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Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

It seems that there's no newest version shared,so here it is:

Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

*black robe, ominous looking grimoire, latin chanting*

Ahem. Pardon the necromancy, but I remembered this game and went looking for it again recently only to discover it's all the way up to version 2.03.
Naturally, there's nothing even approaching a recent version on the internet, and I have no cash at the moment. :/

Anyone have it and willing to share?
Re: 攻略されちゃうARPG (RJ114697)

*black robe, ominous looking grimoire, latin chanting*

Ahem. Pardon the necromancy, but I remembered this game and went looking for it again recently only to discover it's all the way up to version 2.03.
Naturally, there's nothing even approaching a recent version on the internet, and I have no cash at the moment. :/

Anyone have it and willing to share?

Here you go:
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