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Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Alice listened to what Ariel had to say for a little bit, nodding and letting her finish before saying "Red mist ball you say? A lot of them get out the gauntlet because if their misty nature!", then she noticed Ariel had started to cry and Alice blinked, sitting with her and putting a comforting arm around her and then cuddling with her "Its okay Ariel... coulda been worse..." she tried to reassure her, before standing up with her and saying "How about i help you shower~?" in a caring tone.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Cuddling back against Alice, Ariel nodded her head as the succubus told her reassuringly that it could have been much worse. "Yeah... I suppose it could have been worse. There was this nice plant thing that helped me out a little bit though, it... (sniffles)... slid a vine up inside of me and sucked out all of the seed that red mist ball thing spurted inside of me, so at least there are some good things in this place that'll help me... other than you I mean," Ariel said with a sniffle, telling of the plant that had helped her out a bit in the office building after the red misty ball had ambushed her as she rose to her feet with Alice.

Heading back into the hotel, Ariel graciously accepted Alice's offer of helping her in the shower as she sniffled, trying to dry her tears. "Please, if you don't mind," Ariel said, sniffling a little more as she tried to dry her tears with her right wing, though she stopped when her wing came into view and she saw the dried up slime and dirt on it caked up and nearly burst into tears at the mere sight of her wing in such shape, but barely held it in as her and Alice made their way back up to her room, with Ariel not looking up at anyone they might pass unless need be.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Alice made sure to listen to whatever Ariel had to say as they ascended the stairs once more, providing reassurance and some cuddles to help the angel calm down, when they entered her room Alice opened the door Ariel hadnt looked at yet to reveal a standard bathroom inside, it was one of those baths that also have a shower curtain around them so they could be used as showers, Alice started to run a warm bath for Ariel and for the waiting time decided to clean up Ariel a tad, wetting a flannel and wiping dirt, blood and anything foreign off of the angel girls skin, making sure to be as gentle as possible as Ariel was still hurting slightly from earlier.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

"Thanks Alice, for helping me I mean. I... (sniffles)... didn't expect anyone in this place to... (sniffles)... be willing to help me any," Ariel said as they went up the stairs, sniffling as tears streamed down her cheeks now that the fullness of what all had happened to her today finally hit her now that she wasn't in danger any longer and being attacked. She kept her wings wrapped around her the entire time so as to maintain some modesty at least, so anyone they passed that might be coming out to play might notice them along the way up and see that she was an angel, though Ariel didn't really care about any of that at the moment and only wanted to sit down in the bath and cry for a while before laying down to rest.

The young angel allowed Alice to help her up the stairs the rest of the way and lead her into her room, where she noticed the bathroom in the one last little part of the room that she hadn't really gone to just yet really. She let Alice lead her into the bathroom and once there she finally unfurled her wings from around her so Alice could start wiping her off some while the bath filled up. Anytime Alice got near her crotch area with the cloth she was using to wipe her down with, Ariel would jerk in fear and begin shivering a little bit as she pulled her wings back around herself some, not really wanting anything to touch her there just yet because of what happened earlier. Once she was in the actual bath however and Alice was helping her to get cleaned up, Ariel sat down and wrapped her wings around herself for a minute or so and started crying, but Alice would be able to calm her down fairly easily though when she started washing her off again.

"Thank you again Alice, I don't know what would have happened to me had I not met you earlier," Ariel said to Alice when she began cleaning her after getting into the bathtub.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

After the bath was fully run Alice helped Ariel clean herself fully via kneeling outside the bath as she was certain that getting in with her would probably only make things worse for the crying angel girl, she wiped away some of Ariels tears with the wet flannel and said "I know im a demon but seeing a beautiful thing like you cry gives me the worst feeling..." in a caring tone, after about ten minutes or so of thorough scrubbing and bathing Ariel was ready to get out the bath, Alice popped out the room quickly to get some new clothing ready for the angel girl while she dried herself off.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

As Ariel was helped into the bath, she sniffled a bit more, but looked like she was calming down a little bit when Alice wiped her tears away. When she heard Alice's kind words, Ariel stopped crying for the most part and hugged her again, just sitting there in the bath while Alice sat outside of it for her sake. "Alice... I would like you close with me... please. I want to feel you next to me while you help wash me off, if that's not too much trouble," Ariel would tell Alice before she continued, looking like she was calming down now if Alice got in with her and looking much more comfortable with her in the bath with her.

After that, Ariel would sit there in the bath with Alice for the next ten minutes or so while the succubus scrubbed all of the dirt, grime, and dried cum from the young angel's body and wings, likely being careful as she cleaned Ariel's wings so as not to ruffle any of her feathers. Shortly into the scrubbing process, Ariel had finally calmed down for the most part thankfully and after her wings had been cleaned along with her backside, Ariel leaned back against Alice and relaxed for the most part, though every once in a while she sniffled a little bit, but didn't break down into tears again. As she lay there against Alice, Ariel would flinch slightly when Alice got around to washing her breasts and scrubbing them softly, her nipples almost instantly getting hard from her touch, though she wouldn't do anything to stop her and would tell her to please continue, that she must wash everywhere to ensure that she was clean.

When Alice was done cleaning her and went off to get her some fresh clean clothing, Ariel would get up and take the towel from her and start drying her wings off first, as they were the largest and hardest part to dry when wet and whatnot. Once Alice was back and had gotten some fresh clothing for her, Ariel thanked her again for everything, hugging her tightly as she did. "Alice... were you born a succubus? I'm just curious, because of what you said earlier when we... (blush)... you know," Ariel asked curiously as she exited the bathroom, carrying the clothes with her and setting them on the bed, not feeling like putting them on just quite yet.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Alice nodded as Ariel requested her to remain close to her, getting her own clothing off and setting it in a pile she climbed in with Ariel, making sure to be even more gentle than usual to show she had no malicious intent for doing this, after Ariel was scrubbed as much as possible she helped her out the bath, drying herself and Ariel off before getting her clothing back on and popping out to get that fresh set of clothing for Ariel, she returned with fresh clothing like the ones she had found in the cupboard earlier, after helping Ariel into them she was asked by Ariel whether she was born as a succubus or turned into one, Alice answered with the relatively simple "Yes i was born one!"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... I was wondering because, I've always heard it said that those that turn into demons still retain a bit of their kindness. I had always heard that someone that was born a demon didn't have any kindness in them. I'm glad those rumors were wrong Alice, because you've been so kind to me and patient, nothing at all what I was always taught demons would be like," Ariel said as Alice helped her get the clothes on she'd brought her, sitting down on the bed afterwards as she patted it, offering Alice a place to sit beside her. "Please Alice, sit with me, you're my only real friend here even though I really only just met you. Also... I'm curious. If I hadn't stopped you earlier, would you have not stopped until... well you know, until you turned me?" Ariel added when Alice sat down with her, sounding curious, but not angry, and looking a lot more calmed down now.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Alice smiled and hugged Ariel upon getting the compliments, giving her a nice and firm cuddle as she sat on the bed and motioned for Alice to sit beside her, she did the same as Ariel asked whether the succubus would have kept going until she was corrupted, Alice shook her head and said "Only until you were satisfied or exhausted miss Ariel, i would have stopped at any time! Perhaps we should use a safeword from now on?" the succubus suggested, releasing the hug.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Cuddling back against Alice as they sat down on the bed when the succubus cuddled her, Ariel asked her question of if Alice would have stopped before she corrupted her, and she was quite surprised with Alice's answer to say the least. "W-What if I didn't get satisfied or exhausted before you um... you know corrupted me too much?" Ariel asked, hugging Alice back a little before they pulled away from the hug. "And a safeword huh... or maybe a phrase perhaps instead. Maybe... (blush)... I love you, or something," Ariel added, blushing red as a beet for a moment before putting her hands over her face and shaking her head back and forth a little, so embarrassed that she'd said such a thing.

"Oh gods, I can't believe I said that Alice, j-just forget that one. Maybe please could be our word instead," Ariel said after a few moments, still blushing a bit.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

"Thats highly unlikely miss Ariel!" Alice answered right back, cuddling with the angel girl on the bed now, Ariel was thinking of some safe words when she mentioned one that she found particularly embarrassing and requested Alice to forget that "Yes please works very well~!" she answered in response, cuddling with the angel girl a bit more "Do you require me for anything else? Otherwise i will take my leave!"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Cuddling with Alice as she laid down on the bed, Ariel giggled as Alice told her that please would work well enough for their safe word, blushing a little at the same time. "Hmm... no I can't really think of anything to be honest that I need right now. But... later, if you're not busy that is I mean, you could always come back here and sleep with me, if you want to I mean. I wouldn't mind the company honestly," Ariel said to Alice, blushing cutely as she finished speaking, cuddling with Alice until it was time for her to leave to go and continue with her job here at the hotel.

Once she bid Alice farewell and all, Ariel decided that she would just stay in her room for the night as she went back over to her bed, locking the door before doing so. Checking her swords for any damage done to them by her either dropping them or from the slug touching them or anything, Ariel would then go on to cleaning them properly and oiling them good and sharpening them up with her whetstone from her pouch. While she did that, Ariel would think to herself that maybe she could use a larger bag or backpack of some sort, as that would allow her to carry more, though it would weigh her down a bit more in the process, but from what she could see so far, she could literally outfly most anything in this city, so maybe it was worth the risk. Regardless, it would have to be something for the next day, as Ariel dare not risk going out at night just yet, at least not until she either had to, had Alice with her, or until she was strong enough in her mind that she could handle most anything out there that might attack her.

Once she was done with cleaning and sharpening her swords, Ariel would wash her hands of any oil that had gotten on them before she got the map out of her pouch, setting her bottle of oil and her whetstone back in it for safekeeping. After getting the map out, Ariel would sit down on the bed and set it down on the bed in front of her. Looking over to make sure the bed was set to off just in case, Ariel looked back to the map and began studying it, wondering what it was for and whatnot.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Ariel spent a little time by herself, cleaning her weaponry and inspecting the map she had picked up at the office complex, reading it in detail she noticed it seemed to be a half finished map, it listed the first floor of what looked like a certain building of some kind but it unfortunately didnt list what it was a map for. Maybe she could show it to Alice later, she might know her way around the city that much better.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Looking at the map she'd gotten at the offices, Ariel saw it wasn't completely finished and only had a bit drawn on it, but what there was she saw it seemed to be the first floor of some building that she didn't know unfortunately, and the map didn't tell either so she was at a loss really. Perhaps she could ask Alice what it was about when she saw her next, Ariel thought to herself as she put the map away for now.

Going over to the balcony, Ariel opened the balcony door and stepped out, where she looked out over the city, wondering since it was this close to nightfall if she could see any of the denizens of the city coming out to roam about, as she had nothing really that she could do at the moment other than stay put for the night and rest and recover.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Looking over the city she could see nightfall had started to begin, the balcony had a small table with two chairs leaned up against a wall in case she ever wanted to eat while looking out at the skyline, immediately to her right was a pedestal with a...strange statue on it, seemingly a women in a crouched position, she had what looked like a shackle around her neck and some daemon esque features, like demon wings, horns and a tail, more surprisingly was that the statue was modeled after a naked woman and that it had strange red markings on its legs and face. There was another pedestal to the left of Ariel, presumably for another statue, but this one was completely empty...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

As she stepped out onto the balcony, Ariel saw it was starting to turn night, and that her balcony had a little table and a couple of chairs for her to sit at and relax while looking out over the city, which had a wonderful view to say the least. Glancing over to her right, Ariel noticed the statue of a demon like woman that looked like she was shackled for some reason. Seeing this made Ariel feel a little sad, despite it being just a statue and all, and after she noticed it was in the shape of a naked demon woman, Ariel's loins felt a little twitch in them from where she hadn't shapeshifted her member away. She looked over to the left but didn't see a similar statue on it, and couldn't figure out why there wasn't one there.

"You poor thing, it's horrible for anything to be shackled, no matter what it is. Everybody deserves to be free to choose their own fate," Ariel said aloud, though she knew that the statue of course couldn't understand her any at all. Ariel reached over to the statue woman and attempted to take the collar off of her, not really knowing why she felt the need to do so at the moment.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

The collar around the statue was golden, it was rather surprising considering golds rarity, trying to get the collar off was a futile gesture as it was firmly fastened in place with no lock on it in sight, which perplexed the angel girl a bit. Looking down to the streets Ariel could see that the denizens were coming out, many demons and other humanoids were now travelling the streets as the night sky set in above her, when this happened she heard a very loud yawning noise to her right...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Trying to pull the collar off of the female statue proved useless, as it was too firmly fastened around her neck, and there wasn't anything that looked like a lock for her to use a key on or one she could pick. Feeling a little sad that she couldn't get it off the girl even though she was a statue and couldn't really move or talk or anything, Ariel sighed as she looked out over the the railing into the streets to see some of the people coming out while the sun went completely down behind to horizon in the distance.

As soon as the sun was down all the way, Ariel heard a loud yawning sound over to her right and turned to look what it was, as the sound had startled her a bit. "Who's there?" Ariel asked quickly as she turned to look over to her right.