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Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Ducking into the only open room, Ariel almost immediately bumped into a monster, in this case quite a large slug like creature almost as big as her, its antannea were rather short though, it was in a beige coloring and it seemed to have tiny little arms as well, it immediately made a movement to grab a hold of Ariel, almost instantly clueing her in to this monsters intentions.

[Brown Eater 5/5 HP]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

As Ariel ducked into a nearby room, the only open one around she could duck into, the young angel almost literally bumped into another monster. Grabbing the door again, Ariel yanked it open to give herself an avenue of escape as she drew her swords, figuring it likely would not be a good idea to be fighting this when there was a larger beast of some sort in the nearby stairwell that seemed intent on breaking through. It had reminded her of the growling she'd heard in the street the day before when she was checking out the nightclub.

"Nope, sorry mister slug, can't have any fun with you, I've got somewhere else to be, like... outta here," Ariel said to the slug as she yanked the door open, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind her, though swinging her swords at the thing to make it back off if it prevented her escape for the moment.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

[Ariel fails to flee!]

[Advantage automatically goes to B. eater]

[B. eater 16 vs Ariel 9, AP hit]
[Ariel lost turn due to failed flee attempt!]
[B. eater 18 vs Ariel 13, AP hit]
[Ariel 15-2=13 vs B. eater 20]
[B. eater 16 vs Ariel 7-2=5, AP hit]
[Ariel 12-3=9 vs B. eater 7]
[Final result: 3 AP hits on ariel, 1 HP hit on B. eater]

[Ariel 5/5 HP, 3/10 AP]

[B. eater 4/5 HP]

Trying to escape was easier said than done, squirming out of this things grip was almost impossible as its sticky slime kept her in a firm and unwanted hug with the slug as a small tongue came out of its mouth area, licking Ariel sloppily on her face a few times as she tried to get out of the damn things grip, only managing to nick the thing with a movement of her weaponry.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Struggling to break free from the slug was a bit harder than she imagined it would be, the sticky slime practically holding her in place as she tried to break free. She shuddered a bit as she tried to break free when the thing's tongue came out and licked her on the face a few times. Swinging her swords at the thing she only managed to get a glancing blow on it with her katana as she struggled to break loose from it.

"N-No, let go," Ariel grunted as she struggled to get free from the thing, hacking and slashing her way loose as she swung her weapons at the thing.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

[B. eater 9 vs Ariel 15-3=12]
[Ariel 9-3=6 vs B. eater 1]
[B. eater 6 vs Ariel 11-3=8]
[Ariel 5-3=2 vs B. eater 10]
[B. eater 4 vs Ariel 8-3=5]
[Ariel 19-3=16 vs B. eater 4]
[Final result: 2 HP inflicted on B. eater]

[B. Eater 2/5 HP]

Managing to flail her swords around, she managed to leave a few gashes on the strange slug like creature trying to keep a firm grip on her, this gave enough of a opening for her to jump backwards, her front half was entirely coated in the strange mucus the slug like being seemed to secrete, it made her feel....odd, but in a strange arousing sort of way, a bit like being covered in lube...The slug wasnt lazing about though as it continued to slime forward and try to get a good grip on the angel girl.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Slashing her swords around again, Ariel managed to cut the thing a couple of times while it tried to maintain a tight hold on her, but her attacks gave her the opportunity to get back and away from it as she jumped back. She felt slightly aroused from the slime all over the front of her body, which because she was naked now it was a lot worse than it could have been, she thought, her nipples hard and her pussy wet again.

"G-get away, I don't want to have any fun right now, I've got to get away before that thing comes up here after me," Ariel said frantically, swinging her swords again at the slug, not wanting to kill it, but knowing that it wasn't going to take no for an answer. If she managed to take the slug out with her next attacks, Ariel would wipe as much of the slime off of her as she could before rushing out of the room, frantically searching for an exit from the building on this floor.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

[B. eater 18 vs Ariel 7-3=4m FP hit]
[Ariel 11-3=8 vs B. eater 17]
[B. eater 17 vs Ariel 15-3=12, FP hit]
[Ariel 11-3=8 vs B. eater 14]
[B. eater 2 vs Ariel 3-3=0, FP hit]
[Ariel 10-3=7 vs B. eater 12]
[Final result: 3 FP hits on Ariel]

[Ariel 2/5 HP, 3/10 AP]

Ariel frantically slashed at the approaching slug again, but this was all for naught as it surprisingly dodged most of the attacks, before pulling her into another tight hug, this time however she felt its mouth start to suckle on her head...and gradually pull her upwards, trapping her head in the slug things mouth as it tried to feed the rest of her inside, its intentions seeming to be eating her instead of raping her...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

As Ariel swung her swords again at the slug, the thing managed to somehow evade her attacks, where it grabbed her again with its stubbly little arms. Then, when its mouth opened and started suckling on the top of her head, Ariel shuddered at the strange feeling as it started pulling her up. When her head was trapped in the slug's mouth as it lifted her up, Ariel began panicking as she kicked her legs around, flailing her swords around wildly as she frantically tried to break free, the thought of being eaten alive terrifying her more than being raped as she struggled with all her might to break loose.

"No no no no no, LET ME GOOOOO!" Ariel screamed in the thing's mouth as she tried to get loose.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

[B. eater 8 vs Ariel 12-3=9]
[Ariel 18-3=15 vs B. Eater 19]
[B. eater 14 vs Ariel 2-3=-1, FP hit]
[Ariel 8-3=5 vs B. Eater 6]
[B. eater 11 vs Ariel 14-3=11]
[Ariel 3-3=0 vs B. Eater 1]
[Final Result: 1 FP hit on Ariel]

Ariel was still trying to get herself free from the strange things grip, it continued to feed her into its mouth until she dropped her swords and disappeared into its mouth, the slugs belly bloated as it placed its hands on the bloated part where Ariel was stuck in the things stomach, she fell inside upside down as the walls moved her around, just as sticky as the slimes mucus from earlier, flipped upside down she felt twinges of arousal as the hot and sweaty muscles pressed up against her gradually melting clothing. Turning her body red with both arousal and heat...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Flailing uselessly, Ariel simply couldn't break free from the slimy slug as it swallowed her down its gullet, making her drop her swords along the way where they fell just outside of the creature along with her pouch for holding things, which thankfully still had the map she'd gotten earlier from the plant's room. She fell into the thing's stomach upside down, landing face first against the inside walls of its stomach, Ariel could feel the walls of its stomach writhing around her as it pressed against her body, the slimy substance inside there burning her body up with arousal as her skin blushed and quickly went past pink straight to red as what little remained of her clothing melted away from her body.

Ariel, unable to resist the burning arousal any longer, reached down with one hand and began furiously rubbing her pussy, aching for something to fill it and relieve the burning building within her. "Gods, I'm burning up... n-need relief..." Ariel whimpered inside the thing's stomach, rubbing and fingering her pussy like crazy as she tried to bring herself to release, though if she spotted a tentacle or something inside the thing's stomach that looked like it was about to try and penetrate her, she would spread herself open for it invitingly, letting it have its way with her as she could no longer fight the arousal in her loins, not fighting any at all against it until it was satisfied.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

[Ariel surrendered...]

Submitting to her own arousal, Ariel was left to toil in the slugs stomach for a little while as she tried to desperately find a way to relieve herself from all this arousal that had suddenely invaded her when she was swallowed by the slug, unfortunately there was no tentacle there to help violate her, but the movement of the muscles in the stomach meant that shapeshifting her dick and simply letting it rub up against the walls were good enough to help her out, this continued on for a while as it repeadetely brought the poor immobilised angel to orgasm, before the muscle walls stopped and started to shudder, before closing in on her, squishing her closely to the walls as her dick was now inserted in a small soft part of the stomach which made her feel absolutely divine as the walls started moving about again, stimulating her thick member and rubbing up against her breasts as she released several times, after a hour or so knocking herself out as the muscle walls moved her further down the slugs gullet....

. . .

A few hours later Ariel woke up on the floor, caked in a thick sticky white liquid that kept her pinned to the ground with her legs spread and her fully erect member twitching in the air, her bag and weaponry was nowhere to be seen as she had been taken away from the office complex she was in before...now she was in a underground tunnel of sorts, there was literally no light in this tunnel so she found it hard to get her bearings, and the fluid on her made it quite hard to even stand up...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Fingering her pussy furiously, Ariel saw nothing to fill it with and give her burning loins any relief, so she continued finger fucking herself with her right hand as she shapeshifted her dick out and stroked it with her left hand as the walls of the stomach rubbed against her member, driving her wild. Cumming time and time again, Ariel felt in total bliss as she spurted her seed out with no want to stop as she stroked her meat and rubbed as much of it along the inside of the slug's stomach as possible. Then, after cumming at least three or four times inside the thing, Ariel felt the walls closing in around her and panicked as she thought it was about to kill and digest her or something, she immediately relaxed and moaned as she felt something wrap around her dick, where the stomach's muscles started writhing around again. She thrust her hips as much as she could into whatever was gripping her member, cumming again and again into the thing for the next hour before it knocked her completely out, leaving her hips a little sore by the time it had knocked her out after the magnificent and amazing pleasure it had brought her.


After a time, at least a few hours later, Ariel awakened to find herself in a quite dark and dank tunnel of some sort, where she was pinned to the ground by some sort of thick sticky white liquid. She could tell her legs were spread wide and invitingly to anything that came along and her cock was still so hard it hurt as it twitched. She didn't notice or feel her swords or her bag anywhere nearby, though they were probably still wherever the office building was and she'd need to go back and get them once she came out of here, hopefully they'd still be there though for her to collect them at least, she prayed, because she wanted to know what was on that map and her swords were precious to her and were given to her by her mother when she was only fourteen years old.

"Oh gods, please help me find my way out of this place and get my things back," Ariel prayed in a whisper as she struggled to rise up and get to her feet if possible, though her hips were still quite sore from the bucking inside the slug. She knew that she needed to hurry and get out of these tunnels, because who knew what was down in them. It would be tough to get out of here though she knew, because she was still obviously quite aroused from the looks of it, with her penis still standing erect like it was and all.

As soon as Ariel had managed to get up and freed from the sticky stuff, the young angel would look around to see if she could spot a way out of these tunnels, heading in the only direction presented to her if there was only one way to go, though going up the least foul smelling of whichever of the paths were presented to her if more than one.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Having a gaze around before deciding to move on, the angel girl noticed that there were several piles of liquid like the stuff she was trapped under earlier, meaning that other people who had fallen victim to the slugs were brought here, regardless there was a route leading backwards and a route leading forwards in this tunnel, there was a strange heat coming from down the end of the tunnel and from the route going in reverse she could see what looked like a faint light emanating from around a corner. In the current area of the tunnel she was in she could see many holes on the walls and ground, whatever hid within them she didnt want to stick around long enough to find out, there were small holes in the ceiling which let some beams of light into the tunnel, but they were too small for Ariel to clamber out of.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Looking around at her situation, Ariel saw several other splotches of the same kind of liquid stuff that was all over her when she woke up a few moments before, which told her that others had met the same fate as she had most likely. She saw two directions that she could take before her, one lit up, and one feeling quite warm and friendly. Noticing the light pouring through the holes in the ceiling, she looked up at them, but figured that she couldn't fit through them unfortunately, at least not without losing some weight first. She didn't want to wait and see what was in the holes in the walls and ground, so Ariel decided to head towards the path that led towards light first, stopping at the corner and peeking around to see what was around before deciding what to do next. If there looked to be anything dangerous that she would have to slip past or try and fight, then Ariel would head in the other direction instead towards the strange heat emanating from that path.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

As she took the walk to the area where the light was coming from, she noticed a way out of a tunnel, a small incline leading upwards to the outside world, however there was what looked like a lamia sleeping up against the wall, her upper half completely naked and her nipples only obscured by her crossed arms, the lamia had shoulder length red hair and the lower half was coloured in a sort of light red colour. Deciding to check the other route before she gambled trying to get out Ariel peered round the corner again, this time seeing what looked like a door that was at the end of this tunnel, alongside more of that sticky fluid from earlier, this route was also lit up as there were torches lining the walls around the door, which presumably lead deeper into these tunnels.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Seeing the lamia sleeping against the wall around the corner down the tunnel where the light was coming from as well as what appeared to be a way out of this place, Ariel went on to check the other path first before trying to get out to see what she could see before making an attempt on escaping these tunnels. Creeping back down the tunnel she came to the other end where there was a door and what appeared to be more of the fluid of the slugs. Noting the torches lining the walls around the door, Ariel figured that that path led deeper within the tunnels and thought better of going further in at the moment, at least until she had her weapons back to defend herself with.

Creeping once more back through the tunnels, Ariel made her way back to where the lamia was, peeking around the corner again to see if she was still seemingly asleep. If she was, then Ariel would start to sneak down the tunnel towards the exit leading to the surface, walking as silently as she could past the lamia girl leaning against the wall so as not to wake her in her passing and keeping her wings tucked in against her, as she had no way of defending herself at the moment and didn't want to fight.

"Oh gods, please don't wake up, please don't wake up," Ariel said in her mind, praying that the lamia wouldn't wake up on her and attack.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Ariel hoped and prayed that the lamia would not notice her as she snuck past, starting to get up the incline it seemed like that she made it as she found herself in the sunlight again...having a gaze around she realised that it was getting quite close to night time...and that the entrance to these tunnels were infront of the hotel that she was staying in before, if she looked to the side she could see a sign that said "The Gauntlet", and Alice had just left the hotel intending to find the presumed missing Ariel, however she noticed her and cried out "Ariel~!", she ran up to her and gave her a big hug, pleased to see the angel girl again "I was just about to go looking for you too!" she said, huggling with the safe angel girl and saying "Why didnt you tell me you were visiting the gauntlet~?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Slowly sneaking past the lamia, Ariel made her way up the incline to the surface once more and found the sun shining on her again, though it appeared to be near sundown now she saw. Thankfully she noticed that she was right in front of the hotel building, but she needed to get back to the office building and get her things, Ariel thought to herself as she glanced over and noticed the sign that said the place she seemed to be in was 'The Gauntlet'. Looking past the sign she noticed Alice coming out of the hotel, seeming to be coming out to look for her at just the right time.

"Oh thank the gods, a friendly face," Ariel said after Alice cried out to her and came over, returning Alice's hug and kissing her on the cheek. "Yeah, some things happened. I didn't go down there by choice, I was in an office building down the way there and this slug trapped me in a small room and I couldn't get away, when I woke up I found myself down there in those tunnels, where I saw a lamia just lazing against the wall asleep. Gods I need to get back to that office building so that I can get my things, I dropped my swords and my pouch, which had a map in it that I'd found in there as well, but I didn't get a chance to look at it very good because there was something trying to break into the building and that's when I ran into the slug, while trying to hide from whatever that other things was. I can tell you more as we go, but I need to get my things before someone else or something else decides to grab them, my mother gave me those swords and I don't intend on losing them, and you can tell me what this gauntlet is as well maybe when we get back," Ariel said, giving a quick rundown of what had happened that caused her to be down in the tunnels as she got up and looked around to see if she could spot the office building where her stuff was.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

Alice nodded and listened to the story Ariel had to say, before stating "Yes i do know where they should be! Just give me a moment or two and i think ill be able to get your stuff back!" alice stated, before letting go of Ariel and saying "We manage to pull a lot of the monsters in the city into the gauntlet, like a little attraction for the hotel and city inhabitants! Its sort of like a mini-arena where you can practice without fear of being captured or your species changing!" Alice explained just as quickly "Is the slug thing brought you here then it probably brought your stuff along too since most enemies in the gauntlet are hoarders! I Will be back shortly to retrieve your things miss Ariel!". Alice did a little curtsy before setting off into the tunnels, returning a few minutes later with Ariels gear "Its getting a tad late miss Ariel! You have about a hour or so before night comes. I recommend either a training session or look around the gauntlet, or you return to the hotel to rest and try some..."activities~"" Alices tone of voice became a tad more smooth when she mentioned activities, winking at the angel. "Would you like to ask anything else miss Ariel~?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelic Adventures (Mind Flayer)

"Oh you can get my stuff back Alice? Oh thank you thank you," Ariel said, hugging Alice again. "Maybe I'll try out this gauntlet later, so long as I can find another weapon to do it with that I can afford to lose afterwards just in case," Ariel added as Alice explained that the slug that brought her in had more than likely brought her things along with it.

Ariel sat down to start rest there beside the hotel while she waited for Alice to come back, sitting there with her knees pulled up against her chest with her wings wrapped around her naked and dirty body. A few minutes later, Ariel saw Alice returning with her things in hand, both of her swords and her pouch that held her new map she'd found within. Ariel looked up at her when she came over, where she stood up and hugged her, kissing her on the cheek as well. "Oh thank you again Alice, I don't know what I'd have done if I lost these swords. They mean a lot to me. And I think I should head back inside first... because I kinda need a bath I think," Ariel said to Alice, gesturing at herself a she stood there in the streets of the city, naked as the day she was born and her member still standing quite erect. "But maybe I can try out some of the hotel's activities shortly. Maybe try the gauntlet out tomorrow after some rest so I go in fresh and all you know. Also... there was this other thing that attacked me and... b-beat me, some little red ball that was covered in mist. It stole my virginity too after it beat me," Ariel went on to say, sounding very sad about the loss of her virginity as she hung her head and tears formed in her eyes as she remembered the red ball thing earlier.