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RPG RPG Maker [うさぎめしや / usabox] MaiDenSnow Eve / MaiDenSnow Eve ~さる前夜祭~ (RE115762, RJ115762)

Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Re-downloaded as well,

Paralysis 2!! Yes!! I'm sick of having to farm the ghoul for the few Para1 essences on offer.
Harley, tell me that's a Para 1 + Para 1 ._.
If its a flat para 2, you just broke one of the law of Maidensnow_Eve universe. Status effect essence only comes in Lv1 orange essence. (Red Essence is different though.)

Any one found Magi Equip (+10% damage from magic stats) essence dropping anywhere? Been hunting for those forever, and only saw it once from red essence. Harley and my item/monster close to complete by now, so I am kinda confused.

Rants on Edit Mode:
Silver hair~ silver hair~ I can finally get my silver-haired PC. Back in the original demo, I loved the silver hair PC, and was quite disappointed when she has gold hair in the release. After all, its maiden of snow, hence silver hair is much more suitable. (-> Camouflage)
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Re-downloaded as well,

Harley, tell me that's a Para 1 + Para 1 ._.
If its a flat para 2, you just broke one of the law of Maidensnow_Eve universe. Status effect essence only comes in Lv1 orange essence. (Red Essence is different though.)

Any one found Magi Equip (+10% damage from magic stats) essence dropping anywhere? Been hunting for those forever, and only saw it once from red essence. Harley and my item/monster close to complete by now, so I am kinda confused.

Rants on Edit Mode:
Silver hair~ silver hair~ I can finally get my silver-haired PC. Back in the original demo, I loved the silver hair PC, and was quite disappointed when she has gold hair in the release. After all, its maiden of snow, hence silver hair is much more suitable. (-> Camouflage)

I'm just excited at the possibility of actually getting the damn thing. I'll need to get out from my current predicament at the hollow tree and then do a few runs in the railroad to see if the new drops are on.

Magi Equip: You're not referring to the 魔装 essence which is dropped by the black knight are you? If you are, then I've definitely got one yellow essence in my stash but hunting black knights is not my idea of fun.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Harley, tell me that's a Para 1 + Para 1 ._.
If its a flat para 2, you just broke one of the law of Maidensnow_Eve universe. Status effect essence only comes in Lv1 orange essence. (Red Essence is different though.)

Nope he didn't break anything, it's now in the past. Check out monster book, you'll find a lot of interesting things (like the one in attached screenshot). Not only Para, but Blind and Darkness as well. Don't remember, but I think it applies to other status effects on.

On the other hand, there's other new essence I'm totally wanting to get. It drops from Corruption, and is called '[death1] bone'. I'm not really sure, but I have a premonition that this is an instant death. If so, this will be simply hilarious.

Btw, does anyone know what Pulse essence does? Knockback?

Silver hair~ silver hair~ I can finally get my silver-haired PC. Back in the original demo, I loved the silver hair PC, and was quite disappointed when she has gold hair in the release. After all, its maiden of snow, hence silver hair is much more suitable. (-> Camouflage)
Totally! She looks much cuter with silver hair. A pity though that a lot of customizations are locked for virgin run, because many of them need her to be impregnated.


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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Magi Equip: You're not referring to the 魔装 essence which is dropped by the black knight are you? If you are, then I've definitely got one yellow essence in my stash but hunting black knights is not my idea of fun.

Yes I am, and black knights are gonna be raped 24/7 from now on. After minotaur drop fire 3.
*goes to rape minotaur*
Edit: Looks like I can do both at the same time, underground chapel is definitely my backyard
Edit2: +_+ refer to attached.

Pulse: Its Knockback 2

AND I accidentally did it again, at 78 hp. Over-killed myself with Dawn Star. Did 0 dawn star (no reflect damage) + 68 (paraonia shock) + 19 damage on my PC. Didn't realize I am at 87 damage backlash if a mob gets too close orz. OTOH, my dawn star does MORE damage than a judgement scroll, perhaps a bit too much.

Update: Ok I lied. It does 0 + 89 + 19 damage this time around. 108 damage on a backlash from a single attack. That's MORE THAN 1/2 MY HP DAMN IT orz

Drop Rarity
Normal - No Star (Usual essence drop)
Uncommon - Blank Star (Like lv2 drops from a mob that drops lv1 & lv2)
Rare - Silver Star (i.e. Lv3 Elemental from boss)
Super Rare - Gold Star (i.e. Lv2 magi-tech, pray to RNG god)
Unseen - Red Star (i.e. Lv2 status effect drops. Note: Until one of us managed to get a drop, I will keep it as unseen, similar to max-slotted weapons until someone found one.)

A thing I found out a while ago and recently changed, if you reach a guiding thread before you enter a door, its a +3 floor instead of +1 floor.


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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

The moment I finish the main story of Guided Fate Paradox, this ends up getting an update. No rest for the rogue-likes...

On another note, I think I might try the opposite of a virgin run, and do a 1000% bad habits (Assuming there even is a difference between 100% vs 1000%) and -200+ Morale run on a brand new character. Going to try to intentionally pickup all of the semi-permanent status effects too.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

There's special folder for that, you may have noticed it. There's file, saying that all future patches should go there. It didn't work for me though - lunching game caused some error's, so I just re-downloaded game from DLSite.

The patch system was changed a version or two after the initial release, so versions before the change either load from the same folder as the executable or not at all. It seems he merges the patches into the DLsite files or the newer patch files as he goes too, since the page on the site listing which ones he's released previously states most of the old ones as not really having a point anymore.
As for crashes, my guess would be that one of the DLsite versions had changes one of the later patch files needed, so it errored out when they weren't in the earlier version you had.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Attached must be the game's strongest long sword @ +0
Only thing for other players might be swapping out the magi-equip to a lv2 status effect essence.
Seriously though, the lv3 red essence for attack and defense guarantees this thing to be the strongest ⑨ regardless of situation.

Random comment: Try wearing rabbit underwear with gothic bustier. You will be in for a pleasant surprise.

1) Longsword 2 red essence with 3 slot (Lv3 Str, Lv3 Def)
2) Bonesaw 2 red essence with 3 slot (useless red essence)
3) Essence Fusion - Bonesaw 2 red essence with 3 slot + Lv2 stat essence = Longsword 2 red essence with 4 slots
4) Slot Expansion - Longsword 2 red essence with 3 slot (Lv3 Str, Lv3 Def) + Longsword 2 red essence with 4 slots
5) Add 2x essence, done.
Crafting is NOT useless. Just that getting the right materials is hard as hell.
Looks like to slot expand, the number of red essence in total must be greater than the # of slots you are expanding into (i.e. 2 slot > 3 slot requires 3 red essence)


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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve


really.. im dont know hot to fix this..
already tried change date time.. and its just change error 3HP to 2HP? :confused:

and if im decryt it.. it just blank and shut down?
anyone know how to fix?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

if t.year != y || t.mon != m || t.mday != d || (t.hour < h || t.hour == h && t.min < n - 1)
msgbox_p '2H'+'P'+'よ'+'り'+'最'+'新'+'版'+'を'+'ダ'+'ウ'+'ン'+'ロ'+'ー'+'ド'+'し'+'て'+'く'+'だ'+'さ'+'い', 'も' + 'し' + 'く' + 'は' + '、' + 'e' + 'x' + 'e' + 'の' + '自' + '己' + '解' + '凍' + '機' + '能' + 'で' + 'フ' + 'ァ' + 'イ' + 'ル' + 'を' + '展' + '開' + 'し' + 'て' + 'く' + 'だ' + 'さ' + 'い' + '。'
if t.year > r || t.mon > o || t.mday != a || (t.hour > u || t.hour == u && t.min > i)
msgbox_p '3H'+'P'+'よ'+'り'+'最'+'新'+'版'+'を'+'ダ'+'ウ'+'ン'+'ロ'+'ー'+'ド'+'し'+'て'+'く'+'だ'+'さ'+'い', 'も' + 'し' + 'く' + 'は' + '、' + 'e' + 'x' + 'e' + 'の' + '自' + '己' + '解' + '凍' + '機' + '能' + 'で' + 'フ' + 'ァ' + 'イ' + 'ル' + 'を' + '展' + '開' + 'し' + 'て' + 'く' + 'だ' + 'さ' + 'い' + '。'

Why the hell author do that. protect his game from future? nonsense.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Why the hell author do that. protect his game from future? nonsense.
I guess to force an update?

Finally got my vanguard's lancer slot expanded and found out about how elemental essence fusion works in more detail. Vanguard's Lancer required a total of Lv4 (lv2+lv1+lv1) lightning from a primary gun & red essence. My exact fusion was a limb-fire with 4 slots, Lv3 lightning (3 red essence) + a jade blade with Lv1 lightning. (if Jade blade isn't slotted with a Lv1 lightning then the fusion to vanguard's lancer 2 slot red essence will not appear). Keeping the above in mind, fusion recipe for Night stalker, Fox's Tooth, Granite Blade requires its respective element to a certain level and red essence.

I am now a proud owner of a perfect Vanguard's Lancer+21 & Force Detonator+21 (Refer to Screenshot)


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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Attached must be the game's strongest long sword @ +0
Seriously though, the lv3 red essence for attack and defense guarantees this thing to be the strongest ⑨ regardless of situation.

Personally, I prefer falcon's stake to longsword. It has 1 less slot, but it has attack, comparable with long sword with lvl.2 status effect (100/40 vs 130/20), so it's just 10% difference. Instead, it has stinger (+10% crit and increased attack), step-in attack and stepback, which allows to attack mobs from safe places.
Your example though made me reconsider my policy of selling red-essence weapons even without checking out their stats :D.

Dragonpaladin said:
I am now a proud owner of a perfect Vanguard's Lancer+21 & Force Detonator+21 (Refer to Screenshot)

Woah, that thing is seriously cool :eek: Btw, what's that stat after attack? Defense penetration?

Dragonpaladin said:
I will keep it as unseen, similar to max-slotted weapons

How come max-slotted weapons are unseen? I've got quite a few of them (clear **** long sword, short sword and rapier), but well, they've been useless, so I've sold them (beside rapier, I'm using it to compactly store my essences in chest :D)

Dragonpaladin said:
Random comment: Try wearing rabbit underwear with gothic bustier. You will be in for a pleasant surprise.

Yeah, among all combinations wear/bunny suit, the one with gothic bustier looks the best. probably, because of their matching color (not ears, because they change color, but body part).

Dragonpaladin said:
A thing I found out a while ago and recently changed, if you reach a guiding thread before you enter a door, its a +3 floor instead of +1 floor.

And that's a very nice discovery. I was mad when I accidentally gone to safe zone earlier and mobs from lvl.30 went down to lvl.3 :(

Rant mode:
Kinda took lightly that Headless bastard till he killed Dragger and leveled up to 39 <_<. Still managed to melee kill him, but no drop T_T
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Got a question here. I play a new game on the last version. I found that the memory in Crypt Inner Sanctum is locked because I have already visited The Hollow Tree. Does it matter or anything important? ** also how many keys are there? Where do I have to trigger the switch?
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Does it matter or anything important? ** also how many keys are there? Where do I have to trigger the switch?
2 keys in total, event is different. But boss is the same. The only real difference is you are getting Burial Blade and not crossfire P8. (melee versus range though)

Personally, I prefer falcon's stake to longsword. It has 1 less slot, but it has attack, comparable with long sword with lvl.2 status effect (100/40 vs 130/20), so it's just 10% difference. Instead, it has stinger (+10% crit and increased attack), step-in attack and stepback, which allows to attack mobs from safe places.
Oh yeah, falcon's stake is Harley's favorite as well. Its an extremely effect weapon in terms of getting the first hit in. Only thing it doesn't have is raw damage, but it makes melee cry like a certain skeleton gentleman.
*rages, even though I have 193% to hit with my automatic, I still manage to miss at times*

what's that stat after attack? Defense penetration?
Correct, Vanguard's attack works differently than normal attacks: The defense is calculated as 40% def + 40% res for vanguard, 50% def + 50% agi for force. Plus vanguard is a 4 range penetration and force detonator is a 1 range splash, it makes cleaning up mobs with scatter ammo equipped FASTER than a scroll. At least my dawn star does up to 400+80 damage on regular mobs (Max of 4 hit, they usually die on the first or 2nd hit with 100 or 200 damage, poor things. Oh, if I got caught in it, poor me, I take 100+ damage as well. Not always the case though, some mob are resistant and take much less, and bosses, due to high def/res/agi shurgs it off.)

how come max-slotted weapons are unseen? I've got quite a few of them (clear **** long sword, short sword and rapier), but well, they've been useless, so I've sold them (beside rapier, I'm using it to compactly store my essences in chest )
Used to be unseen, since no one has gotten it back in the original release. At least to us here, until I first got a max slotted collar, and Harley got the first max slotted longsword. After that we figure we just have to be a lv15+ depending on map to get those. The red star essence will be unseen until someone first get it, then I will change it to ultra rare. (No luck so far, except for this attached screenshot)
Max status effect essence and upgrade that rapier, its lmao broken in melee. Harley proved to me that he can run belle much faster AND safer than me due to it.


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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

2 keys on 1st walk through, should be 3. Event is different? maybe for hollow tree and deepest floor of chapel. But boss should be the same. The only real difference is you are getting Burial Blade and not crossfire P8. (melee versus range though)

Wait, was there supposed to be a weapon (crossfire) in Crypt Inner Sanctum (I visited it first)? I didn't get one - does it mean I missed it? So if I want to get it, I need to start over?

Btw, about red star drops - I'm pretty much sure that they are enabled only in Hell mode. Either that, or drop chance is frigging low.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Wait, was there supposed to be a weapon (crossfire) in Crypt Inner Sanctum
There should be a Cross material that's used for the fusion of crossfire P18. If you sold that material (shouldn't be possible) then you need to restart to get it again. Note, the material and Crossfire P8 separates and material disappears on a new game.

PS: PC's room is accessible from the chapel any time now. You can enter/exit it without needing to restart.
PPS: Harley, you need cardinal robe! (Sister robe + sister essence from PC's room) Its a huge improvement from the regular sister robe, and now you can get it without needing to restart. (-1 slot though)
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I still haven't played for a while, but talk of an obtainable cardinal's robe has me excited again.

I'm jealous that a 4-slot rapier has been found. That and a 4-slot limbfire are the only two pieces of equipment I'm still looking for. Now that I know that animal essences are available from getting screwed by Belle, I'll need to do a few grind runs to get the equipment I need, the level3 essences I'll skip until hell mode.

I'm not sure the game developer has enabled level3 status effect essences yet. I know they exist since I've stacked together a level2 and level1 stun essence and seen the description change to devastator. Now that the arachne can drop paralysis 2, I'll have a bit more motivation to do long runs in the hope for better equipment.

Unlike the damage-happy players here, my best stat is 51 to magic with an assortment of +8-+10 equipment so I sacrifice considerable killing power in exchange for crowd control and the ability to do a single run for 3 hours non-stop before having to retreat to a safe zone for repairs.

For the tuxedo skeleton, the reason why many attacks miss is because of his special counter ability and high agility. Although he's resistant to bullets, a few shots from my enchanted limbfire or Crossfire P8 sends him packing. Otherwise my stun-equipped falcon stake works well enough to keep him from attacking me on the counter.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

No lv3 paralysis essence I am afraid. I had a lv2+lv1 and its still lv2.
Same with no lv3 stun, Had Lv1 + Lv1 + Lv1 and is still Lv2 stun. (Devastator is lv2 with 42%)

For the tuxedo skeleton, the reason why many attacks miss is because of his special counter ability and high agility.
I don't have problem with that mob, but it annoys me to miss with such high to hit.

crowd control and the ability to do a single run for 3 hours non-stop
that is something I have to work on. I usually stop at floor 20 or when I get an item I want due to lack of safety on this build. OTOH, I can grind to floor 15 within 15~30 minutes, and then to floor 20 in another 30 minutes. Hence my runs are much faster (unless I mess up and die, and I die off quite often ._.) Usually by floor 20, my items are full so I gotta go back to sell my items.

Single boss dropped Water 3, Purify 1 AND purify 2 (its a status prevention, not apply purify) wow RNG, what did I do to deserve this? (Other than use wand of light core and did 350+ dmg in a single blow to a purified chevalier)
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I can't ....

Well, then you didn't kill all bosses.

Oh, there's a peace of useful information: seems like enhancing item to +25 increases its maximum durability (refer to attached). I have only one such item so I can't confirm if it's a 25% increase or just 3 points.

Also, I've recently noticed a two slotted "Random manastone" at Gazer's drop table at 1/150 chance. Does anyone know what is it?


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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

My apologies, I assumed that players knew that PC's room only opens when all 5 bosses are beaten. Been in endgame for too long...

No idea on manastone, I haven't gotten it to drop. (Mostly due to redemption spamming) Now that I got a full set of just about every essence I use, (missing skill and 3 status effect) I need to fix this habit.

+25 4 Slotted sailor fuku +_+ that's fricken awesome item! (best agi & dodge) I kinda want to see you use it with a mithirl + 3x status effect rapier wonder how much rape that is. I am still digging around for a 2 red essence 3 slot gothic brassier. That and leveling a new set of perfect slotted weapons (granite blade for burial blade, a Lv2 para automatic). (Old ones go into the bank at +15 & 20 respectively) Still need a good dual-wield melee weapon and I am good to go.

PS: You know you do too much damage when your dawn-star one shotted Wild Hunt along with its summons at low floor as well as > 60% of your hp
Current weapon loadout: Vanguard (Lv2 Magi-Equip+Lv3 Ice), Automatic (Lv2 Para, Lv1 Knockback, Lv3 Water), Automatic (Lv1 Dark, Lv3 Skill), Granite (-> Fire 3 Burial).
Missing a dual wield melee, likely 2 slotted jade blade. (Funny thing is, best melee weapon is actually knuckle duster, due to range damage + melee damage at point blank. It results in a max of 4~6 hits + 2 follow ups from elem essence.)

Rants on Divinity:
There's 4 level of Divinity
0) Normal
1) Holy
2) Plasma
3) Holy-Plasma

At Holy-Plasma level, you are doing ~100% damage to all enemies, with only one, its closer to 50~75% (Due to defense) at normal, you are doing ~25% damage on enemies with resistance. (And there's a LOT of resistance on the hard mobs)
Holy-plasma effectively cancels the resistance out, and any weakness captialized. (ie +100% damage on my dawn-star screenshot)

Lv3 Divinity is the mark of any end-game melee weapon, and Lv1/Lv2 divinity (unless you are using mithirl ammo along with a status effect weapon) is necessary for all endgame ranged. Since ammo can take care of the missing holy or plasma.

For default plasma weapon like granite blade, add a elem 3 (any elem will give holy and holy is of a lower rank than plasma because of it) and you are good to go. Essence like mithirl (2x silver) increase durability and gives holy/plasma. Mithirl essence is also best single slotted essence possible for any none default plasma weapon.

Rants on PC's History:
Due to the fact you can enter PC's room without restarting, you can save and load your history. This makes it possible for virgin play through to temporarily take a break in order to get the extra contents. (What I did on Sunday, got every single extra customization except pregnant/futanari unlocked.)
1) Go into PC's room
2) Save
3) Go to bed and save history (for loading, not reading)
4) Load Save, do whatever you need to do
5) Go back to PC's room, and go to desk
6) Load History
Note: This only clears the history and not the fact PC lost chastity, as there won't be a message appearing next time you are raped. Hence:
7) Start new game from bed (strict play)
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