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ADV (ベルゼブブ / Bellzebub) 自宅警備員 / Homeguard (RJ105046)

Re: Homeguard

Pretty sure that is the version that I already have which is missing v1.14.9.23. Trying a download of just the 14 patch and hoping it is what I am looking for.

Thanks for the assistance anyway, +rep!

You are right, it's 1.13.something instead. :(
Re: Homeguard

Is there a patch from to the lattest version of the game?
Re: Homeguard

Nope and there won't be unless someone else moves it. I'm done with this game so I won't be doing it.
Re: Homeguard

Some scenes like Sayaka sleep teasing and insertion are unvoiced for me. Is it normal or did I installed something wrongly?
Re: Homeguard

If someone were to bribe me high enough, I could upload the complete (base+2 expansions) with latest versions and the "official" guide (with unlock-all patch).

Cash bribes/strippers/escorts only please.

PM for offers :D
Re: Homeguard

Double posting for upload

As (not) promised, here is my attempt to include the complete version (base+2 expansions) of the game.

Download, unrar and start the .exe (not the blue and pink >< 1, that's the patch compiler to "fuse" the different expansions).

In the game title screen, right-most is new game, 2nd right is load and 3rd right is CG mode (should have everything unlocked already)

1st try with Mega for hosting, come cry back if something went wrong.
Re: Homeguard

Tried out your Mega download but it had an unexpected end of archive error message when trying to open it and inside it only listed data.xp3 file inside the folders. No exe's.

Hoping this is an easy fix for you, been looking for the 1.14 version for a while! Does your version work with the partial english patch?
Re: Homeguard

Here's the ported translation from my version to version Omnikuken posted.

1. Delete patch301.xp3
2. Download and Copy Patch202.xp3
3. Play

Since I did this rather fast I might have missed something. I'm gonna fix that as I play and re-upload later new translation. If you find something broken report so I can fix.

Why is everything unlocked in cg gallery and how to change it back?
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Re: Homeguard

Trying to download my own Mega file to check if the rar got effed somehow, but the d/l is stuck at 99% for 20 mins now ........ I hate Mega for that.

As for the perma-unlock-all, open the 回想開放パッチの使い方.pdf in the Guide folder (from my complete edition). It explains something about the patch301 copy-pasting and menu clicking. Dunno much since I can't read anything they wrote and dunno if it'll change anything.
Re: Homeguard

Trying to download my own Mega file to check if the rar got effed somehow, but the d/l is stuck at 99% for 20 mins now ........ I hate Mega for that.

As for the perma-unlock-all, open the 回想開放パッチの使い方.pdf in the Guide folder (from my complete edition). It explains something about the patch301 copy-pasting and menu clicking. Dunno much since I can't read anything they wrote and dunno if it'll change anything.

patch301 isn't even loaded because the game doesn't recognize it as a patch file. The furthest you can go is 202. You need to open initialization.tjs in data.xp3 and add few code lines for game to read patch301, 302...

They way it's set there is that the game only reads patch 101, 102, 201, 202... anything other then does the game just ignores hence why I told you to delete 301 because it does nothing at all.

Beside that patch 301 only contains the CGgallery... I'll try leaving the original CG file maybe that fixes it.


He probably deleted some parts of the code, to "fix" this I would need the original file "回想.ks" which I don't have.

You got maybe the original version without the changes he did?
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Re: Homeguard

Aside redownloading the 3 seperate from Dlsite, that's all I got. And then I can't open files to change stuff in them :(

Tried out your Mega download but it had an unexpected end of archive error message when trying to open it and inside it only listed data.xp3 file inside the folders. No exe's.

Downloaded my own .rar from Mega, got no error when extracting. Maybe try to re-download it, you can get an unlucky corruption out of random. If you still get some error, I'll try to re-upload something.
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Re: Homeguard

Aside redownloading the 3 seperate from Dlsite, that's all I got. And then I can't open files to change stuff in them :(

You downloaded those all directly from dlsite without changing anything?

If that's true then how come whole cg is unlocked? You followed that guide and unlocked it?
Re: Homeguard

Yes I just downloaded them from Dlsite, used the blue-pink arrow .exe to merge them together, put the patch301 from the guide in there and everything was unlocked.

Deleted everything, re-downloaded from Dlsite, re-merged the 3 together, didn't put the 301 in and everything was still unlocked.
Re: Homeguard

Yes I just downloaded them from Dlsite, used the blue-pink arrow .exe to merge them together, put the patch301 from the guide in there and everything was unlocked.

Deleted everything, re-downloaded from Dlsite, re-merged the 3 together, didn't put the 301 in and everything was still unlocked.

Don't merge the last patch, that's the one that's unlocking it most probably.

Try merging only few two patches and start the game.
Don't merge this one ->
Re: Homeguard

^ RJ124332 has just the patch301 and the 2 pdf .....

But here's a new try : jammed all the untouched zip's from Dlsite together. You extract this 1 into 4 different zip and merge them however you like. Hopefully, you can spot what went wrong.

Re: Homeguard

^ RJ124332 has just the patch301 and the 2 pdf .....

But here's a new try : jammed all the untouched zip's from Dlsite together. You extract this 1 into 4 different zip and merge them however you like. Hopefully, you can spot what went wrong.

Thanks, will see ^_^


Took me a while to figure out this merging thing but it's still the same... Every version has unlocked all CG and I have no clue why...


Pffff... Stupid game makes files in my documents to know which scenes to show in CG gallery... Need to go there and delete "ベルゼブブ" folder.
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Re: Homeguard

Are you seeing the gallery menu translated kR1pt0n1t3? In just taking a quick look around it appears that your translation patch is working but when I go into the gallery then nothing is in english like it was for the previous patch version.

Thanks for the translation work as always!
Re: Homeguard

Are you seeing the gallery menu translated kR1pt0n1t3? In just taking a quick look around it appears that your translation patch is working but when I go into the gallery then nothing is in english like it was for the previous patch version.

Thanks for the translation work as always!

Coz I didn't translate that. Had no will to do it yet again.
Re: Homeguard

my perfectionist issues are really bothering me with this game and i'll ask for help now.
Does anyone have a save with most of the schedule unlocked (with normal amount of devices at least)
I want to get most of the important scenes by myself instead of looking at the free gallery since the inmersion matters a lot to me while... ya know.