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Re: Pendulum

This game sounds really interesting but the download link says I need an "decryption key"... What the heck is that? Why can't I just download the demo?

Nevermind, I thought all three links were just one link, and copy/pasted the whole thing as an adress.. Trying the game.

*after playing it*

I like it! The animation/sounds is awesome, and the mysterious voice has the perfect mix of alien and comedic.

My only problem is.. Why is the guy's head so big?..

Other than that, according to what the dev has said regarding future changes, I see this as an off-the-bat classic already.
I'm keeping an eye on this one..
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Re: Pendulum

This game sounds really interesting but the download link says I need an "decryption key"... What the heck is that? Why can't I just download the demo?

Nevermind, I thought all three links were just one link, and copy/pasted the whole thing as an adress.. Trying the game.

*after playing it*

I like it! The animation/sounds is awesome, and the mysterious voice has the perfect mix of alien and comedic.

My only problem is.. Why is the guy's head so big?..

Other than that, according to what the dev has said regarding future changes, I see this as an off-the-bat classic already.
I'm keeping an eye on this one..
Much appreciated.

About the head--because he's tall. That, and for comedy value--people with oversized heads getting hurt still make me smile, for some reason.
Re: Pendulum

Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to bump this to inform you that I've had a chance to set up a blog, check it out at dreamingofcheshirecat.blogspot.com

I'd also like to know if anyone gets any other glitches, like missing sounds during rape, or dialogs starting then ending almost immediately without any sound.
Re: Pendulum

Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to bump this to inform you that I've had a chance to set up a blog, check it out at dreamingofcheshirecat.blogspot.com

I'd also like to know if anyone gets any other glitches, like missing sounds during rape, or dialogs starting then ending almost immediately without any sound.

Re: Pendulum (UPDATED 06/14/13)

New build is up! Check out the first post to see what was added/changed and all. You can fetch download links on my blog: dreamingofcheshirecat.blogspot.com

Criticism and bug reports are much appreciated.
Re: Pendulum (UPDATED 06/14/13)

Yeah, having the same graphics problem where the platforms are invisible, after first death the walls dissappear too. Running win 7 64bit. This is with the new demo btw.
Re: Pendulum (UPDATED 06/14/13)

Yeah, having the same graphics problem where the platforms are invisible, after first death the walls dissappear too. Running win 7 64bit. This is with the new demo btw.

Hmm,I don't have that problem.Running Windows XP SP3 32bit.
Re: Pendulum (UPDATED 06/14/13)

Yeah, having the same graphics problem where the platforms are invisible, after first death the walls dissappear too. Running win 7 64bit. This is with the new demo btw.
This is Game Maker's fault with the way it handles surfaces in graphical memory. Technical babbling aside, I just remembered why I stopped using GM some years ago--it's a lot faster to develop in it than in anything else I know, but as soon as you go beyond the programming-for-dummies phase and use anything more than what is said in the tutorial, it all falls to shit.

It's too late for me to convert the whole code to either C or AS3, so I'll simply have to rewrite a few things. The game will work without error for everybody then, BUT some features I really like will have to go, and the game's size, ram usage, and processing time will skyrocket.
Re: Pendulum (UPDATED 06/28/13)

V3 is up!


As there's not much new 'real' content, this update is directed mostly towards the few people which experienced problems with the previous two releases. It will mean a whole lot to me if you're one of those people and you could just try out this version and drop me a line whether it works for you (if you're just a lurker here, you can comment anonymously on my blog).
Re: Pendulum (V3, UPDATED 06/28/13)

playing the latest version with windows 8,i didnt encounter any glitches or any error at all,but i am only in stage 3 though,need a lot of patience to get past that stage
Re: Pendulum (V3, UPDATED 06/28/13)

Dear god. The 4th level redefines the meaning of masochism. I've played this level for 30 minutes and I still cannot beat it. Beating this level requires the skills of a ninja and the good luck of a .. I don't know just being very fucking lucky. For some reason 2 spiderwomen spawn on top of 2 consecutive plataforms on the same side side of the screen and on the same side of the platform, that's fucking impossible unless you wait long enough for them to move, but the lava keeps rising.
Re: Pendulum (V3, UPDATED 06/28/13)

Now the game keeps crashing because of a missing death sprite or something
Re: Pendulum (V3, UPDATED 06/28/13)

Dear god. The 4th level redefines the meaning of masochism.
No, sir, stage five in brutal mode does. No really, I didn't imagine anyone would actually reach beyond the third stage. Well, at least not before I implement the checkpoint system and respective enemies for each stage beyond the first one. So have faith, it's not a priority right now, but the stages will be balanced out in the end. I mean you will still die a lot, but it'll be manageable.

Now the game keeps crashing because of a missing death sprite or something
Thanks for the report. Silly me forgot to change that. I'll release a minor update later today, once I fix this.
Re: Pendulum (V3, UPDATED 06/28/13)

That is until you try to get the "no miss" achievement. >.<
Re: Pendulum (V3.1, UPDATED 06/29/13)

The 3.1 patch is here--you can grab it at my blog. I really hope the game is now glitch free for everyone.

That is until you try to get the "no miss" achievement. >.<
Oh, I forgot about that :d. Even with the fourth stage having its easily-dodgeable enemy in place, it'll still be pretty hard to finish without deaths, given its length.
Re: Pendulum (V3.1, UPDATED 06/29/13)

The 3.1 patch is here--you can grab it at my blog. I really hope the game is now glitch free for everyone.

Oh, I forgot about that :d. Even with the fourth stage having its easily-dodgeable enemy in place, it'll still be pretty hard to finish without deaths, given its length.

I didn't mean to imply I wanted an easily dodgeable enemy. I just didn't want a literally imposible enemy. Still, the double jump balances things a little bit (I didn't notice I could double jump untill the 4th level).
Re: Pendulum (V3.2, UPDATED 06/29/13)

I uploaded V3.2. It fixes a handful of bugs which spawned during the drawing-engine change.

I didn't mean to imply I wanted an easily dodgeable enemy. I just didn't want a literally imposible enemy. Still, the double jump balances things a little bit (I didn't notice I could double jump untill the 4th level).
I hear ya, though I'll really have to make the enemy for that stage kinda easy to dodge. It's approx. a seven-minute ride with no other than certain-death enemies, so I have to design the stage so that the 'no miss' achievement is, at the very least, feasible to get by the average player. As for double jumping--no wonder, you don't get the ability until stage four. I'll implement some kind of notification once you get it, either with a cutscene, with just a dialog, or both.
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

The game is now up for sale! The full version is only $3.50 and is available through my blog (see signature or first post of this thread).

Also, I'll be submitting the game to curiousfactory (dlsite) later today, for those of you that prefer that over paypal and you don't mind waiting a week for dlsite to finish its verification process.

So anyway, let me know what you think!
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

pretty good game, I'd buy it if not for being so engrossed in my own development but thanks for the free copy anyhow
Re: Pendulum (NOW ON SALE!)

*plays review copy*


level 2 is a bit difficult for me...the best tactic seems to be let the lava stay just below you so you can see whats next...