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RPG [クラブエース] Msr1, Msr2

Re: Msr1 Msr2

is this save msr1?

No the save is for msr3 (checked myself)

So im trying to input spawni's save into Msr3's ''My Saves'' folder, but when i copy his save over mine, nothing happens... Whats up?

the my saves folder are saves that M N M left in their in case anyone wanted to use them. to use the save file just put it the msr3 folder with all the maps and the exe.
Re: Msr1 Msr2

it seems this copy of the game is glitched and flags for later in the game are active

theres a point later in the game once you have a item that stops transformations you have to go back there

it seems some data from then is mixed in with data from now

Ah, should i reroll to an earlier save or continue on the glitched one? How do you get the item that prevents the transformation?
Re: Msr1 Msr2

So im trying to input spawni's save into Msr3's ''My Saves'' folder, but when i copy his save over mine, nothing happens... Whats up?

the fact the save is in a "my save" folder in the first place for one thing
I think those are backups of the uploaders saves
Re: Msr1 Msr2

So im trying to input spawni's save into Msr3's ''My Saves'' folder, but when i copy his save over mine, nothing happens... Whats up?

Yeah I made the folder, the folder is no good in itself. You have to take the saves out of the folder and put them where the saves are. Make sure there aren't any of the same save files. For example If there's a save01 file and you try to replace it with another save01 file it'll ask you to copy it, making it useless. Take out the other saves first then put the ones you want to use in it.
Re: Msr1 Msr2

No the save is for msr3 (checked myself)

how i can pass this room

i run monster and fine room something have barrels and black hole

i can pass this room if have black hole and barrels Impede me :(

i can do this anything In addition to monster kill me and Agreed to black hole

Re: Msr1 Msr2

Was there a part 4 yet? I hope they make one with a male character again. Theres not enough male protagonists in ROR and BF games. The world needs more reverse rape games.
Re: Msr1 Msr2

Don't remember what he said about his plans for this series(if he said anything at all), but I haven't seen a post by him in over a year.
Re: Msr1 Msr2

such wow....

this game just need to play yourself all sector

because this game don't have Gallery

we need walkthrough this game dude

Re: Msr1 Msr2

msr1 has one but the path to it is blocked out till near the end of the game


edit: now i get it it's in first map in prison

final game you see a red hair girls stand still she just talk to you someting and have 3 choice for you

cilck 3nd choice and she gone (and you cannot open door)

go black in prison (first map)

and go the right way you see some prison room have down way is open it

go in the Gallery room now :D

ps: sooy my bad english
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Re: Msr1 Msr2

hay man sorry my double post

i have qustion

how do you guys find this game??

i really need to know it

and who make this game i need blog or fc2 this guys
Re: Msr1 Msr2

surfing around on sites like gameshock.jeez.jp and 2chan

there isn't one to my knowledge.

nope i cannot find about msr in gameshock

and i don't know how to user forum 2chan

only tag is a eroge ( i user google translate :V)
Re: Msr1 Msr2

You can find the author if you google his name and tripcode (クラブエース ◇oT595m18Q6) but like I've said earlier in the thread, I haven't seen a post from him in over a year, and there's a possibility that all of the original links to the game by him are dead now.
Re: Msr1 Msr2

You can find the author if you google his name and tripcode (クラブエース ◇oT595m18Q6) but like I've said earlier in the thread, I haven't seen a post from him in over a year, and there's a possibility that all of the original links to the game by him are dead now.

wow if you say that i think another game this guys is really rare its is?

i really feeling sad :(
Re: Msr1 Msr2

Is the author dead or not? I thought he was dead but I saw (not a game but the circle is the same). Maybe he changed of domain.
(the url in case it's cut off for reasons (I don't know wich one) :hssp://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/hentai-doujinshi-34/japanese-%5B%E3%83%81%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BA%E3%81%9F%E3%81%93%E7%84%BC%E3%81%8D-%E3%81%B0%E3%81%8F%E3%82%84-%5D-%E9%85%94%E3%81%A3%E3%81%B1%E3%82%89%E3%81%84%E3%81%8F%E3%81%95%E3%82%93-%E6%9D%B1%E6%96%B9-348897/)
PS sorry for the resurrect but I wanted to talk about it and there was already a thread.
Re: Msr1 Msr2

Is the author dead or not? I thought he was dead but I saw (not a game but the circle is the same). Maybe he changed of domain.
(the url in case it's cut off for reasons (I don't know wich one) :hssp://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/hentai-doujinshi-34/japanese-%5B%E3%83%81%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BA%E3%81%9F%E3%81%93%E7%84%BC%E3%81%8D-%E3%81%B0%E3%81%8F%E3%82%84-%5D-%E9%85%94%E3%81%A3%E3%81%B1%E3%82%89%E3%81%84%E3%81%8F%E3%81%95%E3%82%93-%E6%9D%B1%E6%96%B9-348897/)
PS sorry for the resurrect but I wanted to talk about it and there was already a thread.

If I'm not mistaken Circle and Author are not the same thing. An author may be in a circle, but if the author leaves the circle, the circle would still be producing content if they have multiple or new authors.

This is assuming said author is or was part of the circle you're listing in the link.
Re: Msr1 Msr2

I tried to open the file with rpg maker 2000 (steam version) but only got blackness and weird symbol. So I suppose you need the japanese version of RPG maker 2000. Anyone has it?
Re: Msr1 Msr2

I have MSR 1 and 3 and can upload them, but I don't have 2 so you'll have to find that elsewhere.

MSR mega.nz/#!lcdgiB6I!rlvJQYiWCyxk4c-lZYYwWJyZXa7-Kvi5wiO8hlaofsc
MSR3 mega.nz/#!pIEF2CLL!Oj6PzkuxxL6Eyl-Qb8VaUehdl_0pntcYp2hDR6VNVEY

EDIT: Aaand the post I replied to was deleted. Oh well, I'll leave these here.
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