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Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka harrumphed at the situation and turned to Setsuna, "How should we do this?" he asked, "I'm not the brains of this outfit, you are. Come up with something sneaky before Mina and I just run hollering at them for the hell of it." he grinned. "Tick tock, time's a wasting!" He put his hands on his hips and tapped his foot impatiently.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

"Are you serious?! I may be a shaman, but I'm hardly a strategist. W...Well how about we try this: I launch a shard of ice at one of the unsuspecting guards then the two of you charge the one I don't target so that we can grill him for questions. I figure it's the least we can do to figure out who these men are and who they work for. But we need to sneak over to them first. We need to stay low and get moving." With a little hesitation, the calm shaman would move forward, getting into a sneaking position to cross the water.

(Two Options:

One: Sneak and if not spotted, when in range, spend 15 EP and cast Ice Lance and hurl it at the closest target (Whatever the GM Deems). Allow team mates to do their thing.

Two: If spotted during sneak attempt, still spend 15 EP and use it to attack nearest target, yelling at team to charge the enemy.)
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mina had fallen quiet, the seemingly ever-present smile faltering as she stared at the men pointing and laughing at something. Being the drunkenest Oni in the entire village, the red-skinned woman had been at the receiving end of a fair bit of ridicule, and it was one of the few things that had an impact on her mood. She didn't comment on Setsuna's plan, instead slipping into the water as quietly as possible for a creature as large as her. This far north, the water was biting and icy, driving away her buzz and making her even more upset.

(Sneak across the river. Whether spotted or not, take a swig from the ale to refresh herself afterwards, then close the distance. If there's still time, proceed to execute the Drunken Woodsman on the orc.)
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka nods. "Sounds about right to me," he rumbled and went to following her on silent feet. He picked the human as his target, small and fleshy they would fall easily after being gripped in his powerful arms.

Sneaking, going to attempt to sneak up and grapple (Using Powerful embrace) the human looking one while Mina goes for the Orc.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka: HP = 46/87, PP = 46, EP = 45, TP: 30/40, Stats = a bit wounded

Mina: HP = 87, PP = 45, EP = 46, Stats = fine

Setsuna: HP = 71 , PP = 48, EP = 80/95, Stats = fine

Rolls and stuff:
Mina takes a drink of her ale, which gives her a +4 bonus to attack rolls, melee damage, AV and Grapple, but a -4 penalty to Dodge, and it causes a temporary instance of Tight/Large, and deals a total of 8 Resistance dmg to Mina, bringing her Resistance down to 12/20. Sorry though, Mina can't really take a move action after this unless she uses her standard action, which I'm assuming that you're going to do, so that's what I'm doing if that's alright.

The orc moves in front of the human archer as he goes into full defense, giving him +30 Dodge and +15 Resistance for the round.

Setsuna uses Icy Lance on the orc as he's the closer one: 15 + 48 = 63 attack vs a total of 65 dodge, so Setsuna misses because of the orc's Full Defense.

Taka makes a basic attack against the orc, as the stealth bit didn't work and Chibi didn't really state what to do if stealth failed, so this is the go to when it's not specified what to do when whatever you were trying fails: 68 attack vs 65 dodge, for 8 + 20 + 8 = 36 dmg to the orc, which goes down to 23 dmg to the orc after his 13 AV is factored in.

The human archer fires an arrow at Taka: 74 attack (after he trades 10 points of dodge with Deadly Aim, and loses another 10 dodge from Called Shot) vs 27 Dodge (hit), 7 + 10 + 20 * 2 = 67 dmg to Taka, -31 from Taka's AV for a total of 36 HP dmg to Taka, though the arrow causes piercing dmg so only half of Taka's AV from his armor counts towards his AV total, so he takes 5 extra dmg for a total of 41 HP dmg. Taka's TP on his armor is also down to 30/40.

Also Chibi, Taka's AV total is only 31, I added everything up that is on your sheet that I found that gives a boost to AV and I only came up with that. 2 from Sturdy, 8 from Battle Hardened, 5 from Pain resistant, 10 from chainmail, and 6 altogether from Odd Skin x3. I don't know if you were adding in Oni alcoholism or not with it, but it doesn't factor in unless the Oni drinks first as far as I know. But I didn't see anything else that would give him 4 more AV to make it 35 and Taka didn't take a drink this turn, so... yeah. Also Chibi, I'm not sure why Taka only has 5 denarii when characters start with 50, unless they spend it at character creation that is, but I don't see any enchantments on any of Taka's gear.

[Stealth: failed]

As the trio of Oni attempted to cross the stream to get over to the pair across the water, their attempt at stealth was unfortunately cut short as the human man turned while he laughed and spotted the oni trio crossing the stream towards them. The human man immediately pulled his bow around and strung an arrow and took aim at the three coming across the water, where he fired an arrow down at them, while the orc man made his way over towards the archer man, shouting as he went. "Attack! We're under attack up here!" he shouted, though it was hard to tell just whether or not his cries were heard by whoever his companions were over the hilltop.

The orc managed to move over to take up position in front of the archer ss he went down to one knee and took aim at the oni coming across the water towards them, though he was taking careful aim at them before he shot it seemed. As they approached the duo on the hillside as they moved up the embankment and exited the water, the trio would see that the archer was just a little too far away to reach just yet as they came up, with him being about 50 feet up the hillside while the orc man was only about 30 feet in front of them.

As they came up, with Taka heading towards the archer man, the orc stepped in front of him to cut him off, preventing his making it to the ranged fighter further up the hill, so that left a dangerous foe to rain arrows down on them. When Setsuna prepared her icy lance and hurled it up at the orc man as he was the closer one as he readied himself for the attack, he took a defensive position in front of his friend as if to protect him while at the same time keeping an eye on Taka to prevent him from attacking. The orc ducked under her icy lance as it passed overhead, where it hit a tree and shattered into a thousand pieces. Mina meanwhile managed to keep up with Taka as he moved up the hillside towards their foes, taking a swig of her ale as she went, though she only just barely managed to keep up and wasn't able to swing out her fists at the orc in time.

The archer guy higher up the hillside, from his kneeling position, fired his bow at Taka, where the arrow caught the oni right in the right shoulder, the tip going in deep enough to puncture through and out the other side. The wound, though fairly severe as it pierced his chainmail, didn't hinder his ability to fight much really, as the male oni swung his scimitar at the orc, slashing him across the side, where the orc howled in pain as the blade cut him, though he didn't budge any at all and stood his ground against the oni coming at him. It didn't appear that the friends that the two had heard their shouting, likely from all the excitement that seemed to be going on down on the other side of the hill that the two had been laughing at, though it was hard to tell exactly if help was coming or not at the moment.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

"TAKA! You bunch'a bastards!" Mina growled and took a step towards the orc, only to almost stumble as the booze hit her stomach. "Woops. All three a' you better watch out," the red oni slurred as she unsteadily moves towards the orc. "There isn't NOTHING more dangrrrrous than a tipsy oni!" Damnit, why did they have to fight on a hill? Mina's leg slips out from underneath her... or does it? All out of a sudden, she slams her stray foot down and pushes her leg off the ground, spinning around her own axis as her knee rose to hopefully meet the orc's ugly face.

Drunken Woodsman! To hit = d20+46 Damage = 2d12+19
If this attack hits, Trip automatically hits, dealing 2d12+27 dmg. Opponent is stunned and knocked prone.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka ignored the burning pain in his shoulder as he put his sword away and abandoned all pretenses of stealth. He bared his teeth menacingly, before charging up the hill towards the archer, arms over his head to protect himself. That puny human would never know what hit him as he was crushed into a pulp.

Run, and dat passive powerful embrace thang again if I can reach the archer. Keep running til I do.
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Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

The shaman winced as she saw her companions struggle, and she knew she cold not just sit idly back any longer. The sooner one of these men was dead, the better. Focusing herself, she yelled out at her enemies, focusing specifically on the Orc "Gods damn you! May your blood run as cold as ice!" Finishing her incantation, the shaman unleashed her power, knowing this would at least do something

Action: Use Blood Freeze on the orc for 10 EP but spend the extra 5 to add +10 to the resistance roll, making the resistance roll +18. Also, Blood Freeze will do 4X damage if target passes resistance check. So in all, EP expenditure based on all this is 17 EP
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka: HP = 46/87, PP = 46, EP = 45, TP: 30/40, Stats = a bit wounded

Mina: HP = 87, PP = 45, EP = 46, Stats = fine

Setsuna: HP = 71 , PP = 48, EP = 63/95, Stats = fine

Mina: 8 + 46 = 54 to hit, and she deals 8 + 12 + 27 - 17(AV) = 30 dmg to the orc, and he is also stunned and knocked prone.

The orc can't take actions because of being stunned.

Setsuna: Not even gonna bother showing all the rolls because he's dead as a doornail and can't meet the resistance roll, so the orc is gone, leaving only the human archer.

Taka: Regardless of rolls, which don't matter because he hits no matter what after moving up to the guy, Taka grapples the human archer. Taka deals a total of 35 dmg to the human archer from Powerful Embrace and from his attack.

The human archer pleads for his life.

As the skirmish carried on with the pair, Mina moved in close against the orc before he could get his guard up completely, where she then spun around in mid air and slammed her knee right into the orc's face, knocking him senseless as well as knocking him down. As soon as he was down, Setsuna was quick to follow up on him as she froze his blood cold, stopping his heart as well in the process as her spirit power coursed through her and out at him, leaving him dead as a doornail as they say. Taka ran up the hill at the human archer man who was stringing another arrow when the large male oni fell upon him, pretty much just scooping him up into his powerful arms and into a bear hug, crushing him and forcing the air out of him in the process.

"Oh gods... I... I surrender... j-just let me go and you can take them all on if you want. I... didn't sign on for this, fuck this... I don't wanna die. I'm sorry for shooting you, just please let me go and I won't trouble you anymore," the man said, begging for his life as Taka squeezed it from him, his bow laying discarded on the ground now.

From the sounds coming over the hilltop, the rest of whoever was over there hadn't heard their cries for help and that they were under attack, so they may very well have the element of surprise on whoever was there. The sounds of women screaming was much louder now that they were closer to the camp these two had been at as well, and it was easy to tell what was going on over there... from the sounds of it there were several women being either raped or beaten, or both perhaps.
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Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Setsuna smirked with a level of satisfaction as she saw the orc drop dead as a result of her magics. Seems the elders training had finally paid off. But now they were left with a whimpering human, begging for his life at the hands of a trio of rather disgruntled oni. But the noises only served to peak the magical oni's curiosity even more. "Tell us what's beyond the hill and what is going on over there! Do so or else I'll turn you into an ice sculpture!" She had never been more demanding in her life, despite having to deal with her current company. But she needed answers and she needed them now.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka did not let up his squeezing, "Answer her, or I'll turn you into paste." He was pretty disappointed with the fight, this blubbering grub was a waste of time and effort.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mina pouted as Setsuna stole her victory with her weird icy powery stuff. Shooting her a look, she stepped up towards Taka and put an arm on his bulging biceps. "We DO need him alive," she softly remarked before her hand wandered further upwards, approaching the arrow wound. With a glare towards the archer, she broke the arrow's tip off, throwing it into the snow. "You," she added as she pointed at the archer, "have killed my buzz. If I get a hangover, I get very irritated."
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka: HP = 46/87, PP = 46, EP = 45, TP: 30/40, Stats = a bit wounded

Mina: HP = 87, PP = 45, EP = 46, Stats = fine

Setsuna: HP = 71 , PP = 48, EP = 63/95, Stats = fine

"L-Look, I was just hired to help take the carriage, they didn't tell me I'd be fighting something as powerful as you. I've already gotten my pay, so I don't care what happens to the rest of them. There's a few more humans and a couple of more orcs left. The humans are led by this one badass woman, she hired us to help take that carriage and the noble girl that was riding in it, said she wanted to ransom her out or something I don't know, she just paid me and a couple of the other humans and the orcs to help take the damn thing, not to ask questions. They're over there having some fun with the ones we took captive, the boss took the noble girl from the carriage for herself," the man said, gasping as he tried to catch his breath a moment before continuing. "There were about ten others, but some of them went off to take the ransom to Therion, so other than the two orcs there's only four other humans left minus the boss, she makes seven in total. Please... I don't know any more than that other than the boss lady is a heavy hitter in heavy armor, two of the humans are archers, and the others are sword fighters," he said, still pleading for his life.

If Taka let him go, then the guy would drop to the ground, grab his bow if allowed, where he'd bow his head and thank them for not killing him before running in the opposite direction, where they wouldn't see him stop in a vain attempt to attack them or even alert his old comrades, though it was obviously up to the trio of oni to decide the man's fate in the end.The sounds continued from over the hill as Mina broke the arrow that was in Taka's shoulder and tossed the remains of it away. If they were going to tend to Taka's wound before going in to do anything further, then now would be the time to do so, because they likely wouldn't get the chance to until afterward unless they did so.

If any of the three checked over the hilltop, then they would see both of the orcs holding down an elf woman each, raping them like animals as the elven women kicked and screamed and attempted to fight them off. Two of the human men were both raping another woman... a nymph from the looks of it, one in her pussy and the other in her ass, while a fourth woman, another nymph, was being held back by two human women, her hands tied behind her as they undressed her while she kicked her legs in a vain attempt to get free. As soon as they pulled her robes off of her, any of the three oni would be able to see she was a futanari and the human girl that pulled her robes off looked quite pleased by this, saying something just out of earshot that they couldn't hear as the two of them pulled her to her feet and dragged her off a little ways off through the tree and out of sight. It seemed that someone else was down there and within sight of the bottom of the hill but not from where the oni were a the top of it, likely the boss woman that the man spoke of before.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka dropped the man contemptuously and stomped over to the man's bow to break it into pieces. He then spat on the man and took a long drink. "Get out of here." Then he rubbed at his shoulder wound and turned to the girls with a sheepish smile, "Little help?"
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mina had peeked at the sight over the hill and, upon seeing the futanari woman, felt a tingle taking hold of her. There just was something about a soft body with a hard cock that really got her going. Her mind made up she walked over to Taka and, without much of a warning, yanked out the tipless arrow. "Giddy up! I have a damsel in distress to save," she said with a broad grin. "Hey Setsuna, you got something to tie this up? You might have to use your top," the red oni teased.
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

"You really are insisting on this aren't you? Well, I don't have any bandages in my pack so I may as well give you something. But neither of you are getting a free show. You're going to have to earn that." She said in a very reluctant tone of voice. Thankfully, her outfit was 2 piece and she had her bindings on underneath. Tearing off a part of her top, she'd step over to Taka and swiftly tie the wound up. Hopefully that would keep it from bleeding too much"Now then...we're severely out-numbed. However, we have the element of surprise, so we should be able to catch at least a handful of them off guard. What ones we can kill now will make our lives easier. Also, we need to stick together. We split up, the enemy will overwhelm one of us in no time. And I am not up to being kidnapped today. Are we clear? Move it!" With those words uttered, she'd make her way to the hill top and prepare another spell, knowing they had the element of surprise.

(Actions: Cast Aurora at closest cluster of enemies, paying 7 EP. Also Add any additional cost if any civilians are in cross fire (Extra 1 additional PP per 2 people). Also, these effects are in place as well:

Potent Spirit: Spirit Powers used by the character that require that their target make a Resistance check gain a +8 bonus to their effective Resistance or DC.

Harmful Spirit: For any Spirit Powers that deal damage, the damage rolls for those powers have their minimum value set to 1/2 the max roll of the dice.)
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Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka grinned, "Are you sure I don't need more bandage material?" he teased then sobered, figuratively. "Whatever you think is best, Setuna. You know me, I'm none too smart for plans. I'm pretty good at the squishing though." He grinned at Mina though, "You gonna tend to her wounds and treat her pretty?"
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Mina answered his grin in kind and slapped him on the good arm. "Something like that. So, here's my part of the plan. You and me charge down that hill and kill anything with a weapon in its hand. Sounds good? Sounds AWESOME." She spun on her heel and stared down that hill, giddy excitement twinkling in her eyes. As soon as Setsuna released her spell, Mina raised her fist in the air. "FOR GIRLCOCK," she hollered as she launched herself forward into a mad dash, gravity doing half the work for her. When the hill got steeper, Mina thrust her arms to the side and started to slide down on the snow, laughing out the entire way down. She figured her red skin made her unmissable on the white snow either way.

[Move towards the nearest enemy. If possible, use Shattering Blow.

Shattering Blow
To hit = d20+48+(4*drinks) Damage = 4d12+36+(8*drinks)]
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka gave her a quick answering grin and followed her down. This was going to be exciting!

((Headed to the closest enemy that isn't Mina's it's time for squishing! Grapple and such.

Also, I'm sorry for being a bad player lately))
Re: Punch Drunk Love (Chibichibi, Rule 34, and Aust Nailo) GMed by Mind Flayer

Taka: HP = 46/87, PP = 46, EP = 45, TP: 30/40, Stats = a bit wounded

Mina: HP = 87, PP = 45, EP = 46, Stats = fine

Setsuna: HP = 71 , PP = 48, EP = 54/95, Stats = fine

The nearest set of enemies is the pair of orcs raping the elf women, so Setsuna's target would be them after she moves up, though . Setsuna uses Aurora with 7 EP, using 2 extra EP to keep from hitting the elven women being raped by said orcs and Mina and Taka for a total EP use of 9. The human men were just out of her 30 foot range of Aurora. She deals 21 dmg to both orcs, and also gives them a -14 to attack, dodge, melee/weapon dmg, and base casting whilst they are within the aura. Setsuna's Potent Spirit and Harmful Spirit aptitudes didn't really come into play as she didn't need to roll for dmg because it was fixed, and there was no resistance check caused from Aurora.

Mina has 1 drink in her at the moment, giving her a boost of +4 attack, damage, AV, and grapple, but -4 dodge still. She has nothing blocking her path to the orcs so she is able to get to them, where the closest one is the stronger of the pair. Shattering Blow hits and deals a total of 3 + 11 + 2 + 8 + 40 for a total of 64 HP dmg, killing the stronger orc berserker before he can even pull his dick out of the elf he's raping.

Taka has a fuck ton of speed so he can easily reach the other orc, where he grapples the orc, easily beating the grapple check and grappling the other orc berserker, dealing a total of 23 HP dmg to him thanks to Powerful Embrace.

The two human men notice the oni and both of them release the nymph they were raping and grab their bows laying next to them, calling to their allies in the distance for help in the process.

Also @ Chibi, when you get the chance to do so, change Taka's stats to what they're supposed to be alright, so I don't have to dig through my PM's to find them.

It was about fifty feet or so down the hill towards their foes, and the human men raping the nymph were just outside of the range of Setsuna's aura power she conjured up to combat her foes with, taking care and using a little extra of her reserves to make sure she didn't hurt any of the captive women or her own companions. Mina and Taka were able to cover enough ground however to reach their orcish foes, with Mina slamming her fist into the closest one with enough force to snap his neck as it spun around away from her as he looked up at her as she came in. While Taka scooped the other orc up off of the other elven woman, releasing her from the rape she'd been enduring while the now dead orc was pushed off by the other elf woman, both of them crying still and curling into a ball next to each other at Taka's feet as he crushed the other orc against his chest, forcing the orc to gasp in an attempt to get free.

The men that were having their way with the nymph that they could see on their way down the hill yanked their cocks out of her holes, still glistening with her juices as they yelled for help from their companions as they reached for their bows, having to take the time to pull their pants up before they could do anything really. In the distance about a hundred feet or so away, the three oni could see through the trees the two human women and the other nymph, with one of them having just pulled her pants down just enough to show that she was a futanari and she was about to rape the nymph. A little further on, another woman stood around a couple of tents that was obviously demonic in nature, where she stood with another elven looking woman kneeling at her feet in the nude. As soon as the men yelled for help that they were under attack, the two human looking women and the demonic looking woman all turned to look at them, with the futanari human pulling her pants back up really quickly, having only just started to take them off to take her pleasure with the nymph.

Their enemies were all on alert now and seemed ready for them, but their surprise attack had all but eradicated the orcs from the equation so that would make things somewhat easier on them for the duration of this battle now. The two human women both drew their weapons, while the demon woman spread her wings and backhanded the elven looking woman kneeling at her feet and knocking her down as she rushed up with the human women and prepared to come at the three oni.

[Let me know if I got anything wrong so I can fix it before you all start posting alright.]