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Bad Luck Succubi

Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C. Go and tell the plant girl what the deal is, so she doesn't think we abandoned her. Then go resupply.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

Hey we had some good luck for once with the investigation. A3 maybe 2 also. who was the secretary. Also i was initially thinking we should go do C real quickly, but only quickly. There's a chance the plant girl may have followed through the portal and just be back wherever she considers home now.
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Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C: better to stay back there.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C if we can come back again after checking in the with plant girl,
A3 if the portal wont let us through again. that or the main hall. Why don't we at least re-stock and take advantage of what we've got, worst case scenario we get sucked back while we're in the middle of something
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

A3 and C sure got a lot of votes.

Seems to be tie but..

C if we can come back again after checking in the with plant girl,

A3 if the portal wont let us through again. that or the main hall. Why don't we at least re-stock and take advantage of what we've got, worst case scenario we get sucked back while we're in the middle of something

A3 - C ?

Your mind and hearth was but puzzled.
Restocking was important but.. The plantgirl. What about her?!
Did you just abonden her? Did she also take the portal and get home temporarely?
You're feeling so unsure now.. It really itches you that you are not sure how the plantgirl reacts to this or what happened to her anyway.

But you really need this chance so..
You decided to do something about this unsureness.

You walked to the old demon to get confirmation on something.

"Hey.. Uhhh Old guy. What happens if I go back now and come back? I can do that right..? I really had a nice.. comrade I want to confirm something with this sudden portal business. "

"huh? going back now? You used a sphere wasn't tha? Yes that what it was, I know that yes. Ahem. Hold on."

The old demon corrected themselves again.

"I don't think so girly. Those spheres tend to be one time use for each person so if you go back now, you won't be able to use it again by yourself. Your comrade maybe, but is this their home? No, probably not. If the dimension you were in were their home they probably couldn't use it anyway."

"oh.. Well damn."

"Fate tends to be like that sometime. Atleast your comrade ain't on hostile ground, right? ehehe."


Well good thing you confirmed that and avoided another unlucky turn.

Seems to be a time for some restocking!

So.. Where to start? Well the obvious would be the succubi living quarters, you guessed. I mean, you're one of them and you already met some nice ones in the beach before.. Could work.

You slowly started your way to the living quarters. Going past the courty yard, taking the small path to the big middle spot with ton of path ways to choose from.

Yep, back at that spot again. The two fiends guarding the barons quarter where still there, this time around with what seemed to be rocky cups with some sort of hot drinks in them. The two just seemed to stare at your nakedness a bit and then trying to cover the fact that they were staring at you in the first place.

They were a bit.. bothered by it it seems, slightly shaky and seemingly otherwise just trying to ignore your presence.

You swiftly covered yourself for a bit, being bothered yourself by it, and quickly jumped to the succubi quarters.
If you werent red like succubis are in the first place, you'd certainly be blushing there.

Sure was an akward moment there.

Well with your staff slithering about and all.. You relaxed your body a bit and moved your hands away from covering your body..

Now you weren't too sure what to do next.
You could go meet the miss japanise swimsuiter but, then again.. You did steal her schoolgirl outfit and all..

And going to a stranger just to ask for free stuff ain't that polite either.
"..Well maybe I should've thought this through.."

As you were trying to get some sense on to this, your tentacle staff started to wiggle wildly! It looked extremely horny! those tentacles were waggling, wigling.. They were going nuts! The staff was vibrating!


The staff send some sort of an invisible pulse through the air!


Suddenly the doors started opening and many succubi started looking at the direction of the staff.

"hey did you sense that. Oh is that..?"

"what was.. oh my!"

"ooohh.. huh. WOW!"

"..hmm hmm.. HHMMM!!!!"

The other succubi were looking at your staff with shining eyes and licking their lips.


before you even knew it they were getting pretty close to you.
The tentacle staff's tentacles were wiggling even more now. It was like it was checking out the other succubi here.

Suddenly you felt someone grope you from behind!


And then few quick swips, swaps..!


And you found yourself in a greece styled little toga outfit. White fabric that clearly didn't like getting wet though, well it was pretty see through to start with. ..And the the toga was quite short, so..


A blonde succubi from behind you started talking to you.

"You like that outfit? Well you can keep it! But trade that staff to me and I'll give you a wardrobe worth of all sort of clothing and outfits. You know this is a good deal, right?"

She gave you a wink.

The succubi you knew from before, the one that gave you the book, now with a black skirted schoolgirl outfit stepped forwards.

"Hah. That's a lame offer. Lay your eyes on this."

The succubi showed you a silver amulet that seemed to have a big sapphire on it.

"This is a mythical sapphire amulet. I'm certain someone with your luck could do with a little balance, this amulet has a magical aura on it that helps on the most worse situations."

A red haired succubi with a golden bikini sized armor pushed the schoolgirl succubi aside.

"Umph! Hey..!"

"Magic, and clothing. Silly silly. Gimme that staff and I'll give you 2000 gold coins. Straight forward offer"

Another succubi tried to make her way through. You could only see her head though behind the other succubi's shoulders. She had glowy green eyes and her hair was brown between her curly horns.

"Hey, why are you all so materialized anyway? I'm sure this unlucky sack could do with something more.. Helpful in general. Hey, gimme that staff and I'll help you unluck some of your natural abilities. My teaching should penetrate any thick skull in mere few hours."


A succubi with long black hair, wearing almost nothing, and generally rather agile build looking one jumped on top of everyone, nearly collapsing the whole succubi meeting here.

"Skills are good, but whats the use of basic shit you can learn naturally anyway? I'll teach you some secret techniques that not all succubi even know about such as invisibility in those mere few hours. All these bitches know I'm the greatest teacher around. "

"Hey, get off of me!"

"Yeah me too you liar! I'm 10 times better at teaching than you!"

"....ach! you're so heavy..!"


The tentacle staff was pleased with what it was seeing with the bodies of these succubi's.
The other succubi's had nothing to offer and they just stay'd back with this nearly collpased succubi tower of the offers and you.

Guess you could consider these offers?

A) Take the clothing collection.
B) Take the amulet
C) Take the money
D) Take the teaching for unlocking your basic abilities.
E) Take the teaching for the few secret abilities.
F) No thanks. Keep your staff.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

Well good thing we were careful about that.

F no way staff will be way more fun, as long as she understands how it works the sex will be voluntary anyway. As long as we keep it we'll probably talk to a succubus afterward, so see if we can get the staff to have sex with the other one, maybe gain something from her if that is possible.
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Re: Bad Luck Succubi

F As tempting as those offers are... I'd rather keep the staff.

Could we read from our book again at some point??:D
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

F is best, but no reason we can't use the staff right now and see what it can do right?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

F It is possible to let the others enjoy the staff powers and thade this service for some help, even a little one?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

Just letting people know the staff can only fire off spells that we ourselves have correctly casted at least once. Before needing a sex charge after a few blasts...
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

If it isn't too late to vote, F.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

F: that's just a big nice dildo, why would anyone trade it?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


My my, so many offers.. but it felt bit fishy.
Could this staff potentially have something more onto it?

You decided to decline these offers.

"Uhh.. Well girls, thanks for the offers but I think I'll hold onto this staff for now. "

"Aww, would've been perfect for my hentai collection"


"oh well I didn't want it anyway"


More grunting and grunting as the succubi crowd broke down and they went back to their rooms.
Judging from the way the staff wiggled a bit, it seemed to be highly disapointed in you.

Well that was bit anticlimatic.

You just stood there for a bit and scratched your head.
Was that it then?

well that was till someone poked your shoulder.

"Hey uhh.. If you're keen on keeping that staff. Could you ever consider borrowing it or using it when you're finished awakening it?"

" uhm, awakening, eh?"

You looked behind you, a succubi that is bit dressed bit like some punk rocker with piercing and skimpy top, super tight leather pants and bright multi colourful hair that covered her other eye was standing behind you.

"Yeah gurl. Nothing tentacle made is just that simple. Having totally contrallable tentacles would be fucking sweet as a party tool."

"..I'll consider it."

"Gooood. Hurry it up and maybe you'll be little less outcast, sadsack"


The succubi touched your nose with her fingertip and gave you a wink with her visible eye which after she walked off to what probably was her room.

Well seems we got outself something to work on here!
..But how the heck do you awaken this thing?!
You really should've asked about THAT before this succubi walked off.

"Aaah! stupid stupid stupid."

Oh well.
No point staying here to pound your head in, you still got some time to waste.

You walked back to the mid section room where the two fiends kept guarding the same old big door to the baron's quarter.
This time around another one of them was playing with some sort of a disc with string on it, let it drop down and then pulling his finger upwards, making the disc go back up, spin, go back down..

Seemed like a weird little time waster to you.

The other fiend seemed to look at you a bit and then look away again.
Guess this new outfit wasn't to their taste that much.

A) Go in the main hall
B) Go in the secretary's office
C) Ask to enter the baron quarters
D) Chat with the fiends about something?
E) We're done here. go back to the tentacle world.
F) Other?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

D. ask the fiends if they know how to awaken Tentacle artifacts.