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Bad Luck Succubi

Re: Bad Luck Succubi


Looking at the scene you just.. wasn't sure what to do here. Those tentacles were doing quite a good job at what they were doing..
But something in you just.. Got this silly idea. What if, just what if you were to seduce these tentacles? I'm sure they'd appriciate a mighty good looking succubi instead of some plant girl that doesn't even have the shapes to match your curvy body.

"... ooh boy. I must be going nuts."

You slammed the staff on the ground so it stayd up to make a little noise to grab some attention.

The tentacles turned to look at you.
You seductivly moved your hips and your arm.. Slowly moving down to the ground.. Biting your lip.. Raising that toga a bit.. letting those side straps go doooown to reveal that cleavage more and more.

You kept your slow seductive movement go on as you took the "draw me like your french girls" posing, with your toga now so down your breasts were fully visible.

You slowly massaged your own breast and shifted the posture again, raised on your knees, put your legs a bit aside.. while licking your lip and keeping your eyes slightly low lid for that bedroom look.

You slowly rubbed your clit making you feel the heat a bit..

"...mmmhhhmmm.. If I only had something to penetrate and please me with.."

Good grief this sure is some try hard seducion and so, so corny.
Other succubi would be ashamed if they were to see this.

Buuut it seemed to work.

The tentacles let go of the plant girl and began to slowly, naw, fuck that, not even slowly, those things were rushing in! slithering at speed of a horny dog, right towards you!


Before you managed to even shift from your posture you felt a tentacle shoot right up your private hole and other tentacles grapping on to your body!
You were slammed on to the ground, on your back!
Two of the tentacles were just diving into that pussy of yours, relentlessy pushing in!


You grit your teeth as the tentacles kept on pushing deeper and deeper..!
Other tentacles were holding you in place, and few of them were tangling around your breasts, looking to play with them a bit~.

"..Ooh..! ...ooOOHohohooo...!"

The two tentacles had seemingly pushed right through! You could feel them push so deep through your uterus, intensifying the small pushes as they were looking for a good position!


One final grit and closing your eyes as you felt a rushing warm liquids push into your womb..!


A big gush of cum splashed out like a big wave as the tentacles gave their ejaculation.

Holy crap, that was a lot of cum for so small tentacles.

You began to take breath a bit.. Whoa, that was quite a good fuck from such small tentacles. Guess you can't assume and judge by size.


Time went by from this little fuckture going by..
The tentacles had began to get their natural colour and dig into the meaty walls.. The plant girl was slowly recovering and getting back to you..

You too had recovered from that fucking. Cleaning the cum away, you took your staff (Which seemed rather.. Happy?) back from the ground and approached the plant girl.

The plant girl was quite pleased to see you and gave you a hug..!

"...! t-that was sudden..!"

..o-oh my! This plant girls 'skin' was so smooth and silky and soft..! Wow. You could just let her hug you like that forever.. W-wonder if her downstairs is as soft and.. wait what? Why are you thinking this stuff again?

You let gently pushed off the plantgirls hug.

"Don't get too excited now..! Did you really miss me that much? Or was it cause I helped with those tentacles or something?"

The plantgirl looked away a bit shy and nodded. Was she just blushing?

Well she still was ready to follow your lead again.
Did she even get to visit a homeworld or something from that portal ball anyway?

Ah, so much babbling isn't it?

You've got to focus on your objective, girl.
The doors! The two doors that were left that is.
"Tech" and the Blank sign.

A) Take the door with "Tech"
B) Take the door with blank sign
C) Other?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

C. Turn back a little ways and see if there are some more tentacles around to awaken that staff.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


Well, not much of choice here, is there? With a little grunt, you wait for your little buddy and together you walk through the door with the tech sign.


As you go through the door and enter a meaty tunnel, the door shuts down and tendrils close it for good. Seems like you won't be leaving here until, whatever the task here might be is done.

the meaty tunnel came to end to a bit of an octagon like shaped room?
In the room there was a weird machine.. and a lot of wires. The machine had a some sort of a tape on it: "Voodoo 9500 series. Generator at maximun CPU"

"..What the.."

The machine made a lot of sounds and from its back side, extremely thick wires, made of unknown, dark metal were connected around the room. One of them lead to a door that looked like a way out, yet it was closed.

More of the thick wires were also sinking to different parts of the rooms.
One of them was linked to a capsule in the roof with a really nasty looking tentacle monster.. Some were sinking to walls and the walls had some sort of hatches..

"...Uhm.. "

Those really weren't looking too promising.

To the machines, there were some more, less sturdy looking wires attaching to it from the ground.
These wires looked pretty flimsy and you could easily break em if you wanted to.

The wires had numbers and letters on them...

Blue one read "12-74-C"
Green one read "14-76-E"
Red one read "15-77-F"
Yellow one read "19-78-J"

"... Hmm.."

A) Cut the Blue one
B) Cut the Green one
C) Cut the Red one
D) Cut the Yellow one
E) Be reckless, cut all of em
F) Other?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

D too: J isn't supported by hexagonal code color.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


So with a little bit of thinking, you kinda got the feel the yellow one is out of place somehow.


With a bit of tinkering in your mind, you bit your lip and ripped the wire out!
Electrict cracking sounds filled the air and you were already ready to jump if something bad happens..! and the plant girl behind you was pretty tense too..!

The machine hummed and hummed.. And released some steam.
And would you look at that, the door that was so heavily shut actually opened.

...That was easy.

A little bit of shrug and off you go!


The meaty purple tunnel kept on going on.. It felt like it was going on forever.
Untill you arrived at a odd hall what seemed a bit.. Familiar.
But you just couldnt put your finger on it.. Why is this so simili..-

"Well Hello Ladies..!"

Oh boy. Here we go again.

"Seems we have some n- Oh wait, its you two again"


"Uhhh... hold on a bit."
The weird tentacle lady seemed to take some sort of a small book from.. somewhere behind her? Must be one of those odd hammer spaces, unless she took it from her- no. definatly hammer space. yes, hammer space. Don't think about the other possibility.

She was flipping the pages quite quickly..
"Aha..! There we go."

The tentacle girl took a more suggestive, and all show time like posture!

"Welcome again our old contestants for the second wind spin!"

Applouse and whistles echoed through the hall!

"For this is your second time in our game, it means you have survived the hive section! Most impressive feat! Most of the girls usualy have given up by this point. You two must be specially lucky or skilled to have come this far!"

"..Lucky, heh, right.."

The plantgirl gave you a little smug look.

"So you've now won the possibility to get out of this hive..! With a few egg ofcourse, no freebies here, and a spin at the wheel. So which one of you wants to spin the wheel?"

Crowd went wild as the big ol wheel once more appeared to the scene.

"Spin girls, Spin!"

A) Spin it yourself again
B) Have your plantgirl friend spin it
C) Spin it together!
D) Other?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


In that way it will not be completely our fault
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

So im just gona drop by and say that this CYOA is now kinda wrapped up and dead.

i have unfortunantly don't really have the notes on some of the plans I had for this and i cannot really think of a way of writing to continue this anyway.

As final thing on something I remember on planning tho, there was few ending option kind of paths for this:

1. Becoming full pledged succubi. (best?)
Pretty much the path you guys were right now on.

2. Lose demonhood and bad luck, become normal human. (good)
This path would've been unlocked as an option on other worlds rather than this, but eh.

3. Stay as it is. (bad?)
our poor demoness continues her life as it is tossing rocks in the field at boredom hoping she doesnt hit anything big and bad.

4. Live as she is now on other world with possible love interest. (neutral?)
Could've happened in the current path too? idk

but yeah
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

4.- tentacle god at the dress