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Lord of Walkure


Jungle Girl
Jul 16, 2012
Reputation score
Now I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, and it's more just an inquiry about this game rather than a post to play it, but it appears to be one of those MMO Battle Card Games you get on FB and Smartphones but with Hentai Content.

Can anyone who understands Japanese please confirm this as I tried to Translate the page but there is very little text to translate, most it's pics which of course can't be translated (unless I painstakingly find all the characters and put them into a translator, and I'm too lazy to do that).

So if anyone can confirm what it is and even better if anyone has played it could they post any details, I don't think I'll be able to play it but it is interesting to think that if it what I think it is than well, Japan is all kinds of crazy, in a good way... sorta...

(Also if this is in the wrong place can a moderator please move it).
Re: Lord of Walkure

Now I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, and it's more just an inquiry about this game rather than a post to play it, but it appears to be one of those MMO Battle Card Games you get on FB and Smartphones but with Hentai Content.

Can anyone who understands Japanese please confirm this as I tried to Translate the page but there is very little text to translate, most it's pics which of course can't be translated (unless I painstakingly find all the characters and put them into a translator, and I'm too lazy to do that).

So if anyone can confirm what it is and even better if anyone has played it could they post any details, I don't think I'll be able to play it but it is interesting to think that if it what I think it is than well, Japan is all kinds of crazy, in a good way... sorta...

(Also if this is in the wrong place can a moderator please move it).
It's just as you think, it's a social battle card game. I'm currently playing it myself, there's a little learning curve but it's not very difficult even for a non-Japanese speaker.

The H comes in through evolving girls Uncommon and up to their final form and this actually is pretty damn luck base if you don't spend money to gamble on cards. It's VN style and they try to throw in a lot of comedy...which fails if you can't read it lol.

If it interests you, I highly recommend giving it a shot. All that's required is to make an account with DMM18 and you're in.
Re: Lord of Walkure

Cool, thanks for the info, I might give it a shot.
Re: Lord of Walkure

Cool, thanks for the info, I might give it a shot.

no prob, if you decide to play and need some help figuring out what's what I can provide some screens.
Re: Lord of Walkure

can you re-watch the h-scenes? if yes, how?
Re: Lord of Walkure

can you re-watch the h-scenes? if yes, how?

At the main menu (in town visual) click the book at the top-right hand side. It's a card index. Click on the ++ icon and find your girl, after that just click on the purple box under her stats.
Re: Lord of Walkure

Hello.. I started to Walkure yesterday and kind of liked the gameplay, still I have some questions that making me stuck at the game, I would be glad if you can explain those..

I have a girl card with the blue hair, it's the girl from tutorial, I tried to fed her with my other monster cards, but Unlike the green dressed brown haired girl, the blue one didn't get any + points, and even her level is higher her stats are still worse than brown haired one.

I didn't get how to acquire hentai scenes with the cards, I have it for blue and brown haired girl, also I have a UC+ yellow haired with black horns-like girl but she doesn't have the h-content yet even i fed her with monster cards too..
I would like to learn how the h-content unlock system works.

Also I don't get PvP system, I'm level 9 but still people whose are more than 7 level wins against me always.
And when I win a PvP, 2 blue and 1 red button appears, I don't know what does they do, but whenever I click something again, It appears I'm making another PvP and if I win shows a text like "2" (I think it's a win streak but don't know what it does too)

How to get a sword? I got a staff but it seems so useless now.
And the last thing, I used my all bonus energy pills for energy for dungeons. Will I be able to get something like this again? Or is it just a cash shop feature.

The game is awesome. The gameplay is fun but waiting is kind of frustrating, also I think doing boss several times won't get me anything, I mean the last stages in dungeons. The first complating rewards with me something, but afterwards it does nothing..

The last one; at the first minutes of playing dungeoning was really easy, I was using 1 energy (I think) for each oppent I kill, but now I'm consuming 2~3 (random) for each. Is it because of something? Or dungeon requires it?

I'll be very thankful if I can get answers for those..

Some more edit;

There is a card fusion system, you can combine the same UC card's and they will get +'s (total 2 from what i see for now)
Though it's different for C type cards (?), I could only manage to get it to C+ but not C++ (I got 4 amounts of same type of that card C but combining them just gave me two C+'s)
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Re: Lord of Walkure

Hello.. I started to Walkure yesterday and kind of liked the gameplay, still I have some questions that making me stuck at the game, I would be glad if you can explain those..

I have a girl card with the blue hair, it's the girl from tutorial, I tried to fed her with my other monster cards, but Unlike the green dressed brown haired girl, the blue one didn't get any + points, and even her level is higher her stats are still worse than brown haired one.

I didn't get how to acquire hentai scenes with the cards, I have it for blue and brown haired girl, also I have a UC+ yellow haired with black horns-like girl but she doesn't have the h-content yet even i fed her with monster cards too..
I would like to learn how the h-content unlock system works.

Also I don't get PvP system, I'm level 9 but still people whose are more than 7 level wins against me always.
And when I win a PvP, 2 blue and 1 red button appears, I don't know what does they do, but whenever I click something again, It appears I'm making another PvP and if I win shows a text like "2" (I think it's a win streak but don't know what it does too)

How to get a sword? I got a staff but it seems so useless now.
And the last thing, I used my all bonus energy pills for energy for dungeons. Will I be able to get something like this again? Or is it just a cash shop feature.

The game is awesome. The gameplay is fun but waiting is kind of frustrating, also I think doing boss several times won't get me anything, I mean the last stages in dungeons. The first complating rewards with me something, but afterwards it does nothing..

The last one; at the first minutes of playing dungeoning was really easy, I was using 1 energy (I think) for each oppent I kill, but now I'm consuming 2~3 (random) for each. Is it because of something? Or dungeon requires it?

I'll be very thankful if I can get answers for those..
No problem, I'll answer your questions as they appear.

The blue haired girl, main heroine, is in fact the weakest card you'll ever come across of UC level or higher. There are even C level cards stronger than her, DO NOT waste cards leveling her up just quickly replace her. Keep her though as I'm sure evolving her will probably make her stupidly powerful.

You acquire H scenes when you get the girls to their ++ form, to do so you'll need 4 copies of her. Combining the regular form into 2 + forms, then combining those + forms to make the ++ form. You'll get the scene right after evolving. I said it before but I'll repeat there's only scenes for UC and higher cards. As a good hint, don't bother lvling non-++ cards up. Unless you need card space. It's a waste since they lose the lvls when evolving. Event freebees is a different case since you have to gamble to get other copies, feel free to lvl those.

PvP, the deciding factor of a PvP fight isn't just your cards strength but your MC's strength too. Swords boost regular attacks, Cane's boost magic attacks, some weapons boost both. Armor also have different properties. Sadly, you can't determine how your character or cards attack. Go full physical and they may only use magic attacks in combat and vice versa. However you go, you must lvl up your gear. You do this by going into the character menu (first button usually) and hitting the second button on the gear. The first is to equip. You can only combine gear of the same lvl.
Now how pvp works, you fight 3 rounds. If you win all 3 you get some gear prize. Usually these are better than what you find doing quests. When your opponent is decided you can start the match or choose another to fight (limited)

Getting a sword.....luck. No seriously, it's pure luck. When you do quests, you'll have 3 unlockable items to get. They are sometimes gear and other times cards. You just have to be lucky and a sword is the gear you unlock. By the way, you get an item after every 3 enemy defeats so plan your energy usage wisely. On the left side of the screen you'll see two numbers and a number range. The first number is how much energy per enemy you use, the second is how much exp you'll gain, the range is the amount of gold you may acquire. So if it's a 3 energy cost, make sure you have at least 9 energy. The energy pills, you can obtain some by playing daily. Every day you play, they give you a prize ranging from energy pills, gear combining stones, silver cards you can use to gamble with (only on last), or pvp pills.

Regular bosses? No, they are a one time thing. Raid bosses? Yes, you can defeat them whenever they appear for a prize. Sadly, Raid bosses prizes are random. But it can range from really good gear or UC and higher cards....to really crappy gear and C cards. They take up your pvp energy depending on the boss.

The last answer, as you progress the energy cost and exp gained will increase as well as the gold earned. As I said earlier, you can see the values on the left hand side.

One thing I'll like to add, sometimes when doing a event (which they do back to back) they will add an event dungeon. These dungeons although don't have a boss (from what i've seen, didn't go far) usually offer higher gold rates and better equipment than regular. You can find a +5 or 6 gear sometimes.
Re: Lord of Walkure

Thank you for your answers, I'm currently level 12.
You mentioned event dungeons, do you mean the one which has background now? I thought it was an expansion dungeon or some sort.

Also I don't mean random bosses, I mean whenever you complate a dungeon, at last level, you have to kill a boss in one turn or he will escape. And it's repeatable though, but doesn't give any rewards for repeating it.
Re: Lord of Walkure

Thank you for your answers, I'm currently level 12.
You mentioned event dungeons, do you mean the one which has background now? I thought it was an expansion dungeon or some sort.

Also I don't mean random bosses, I mean whenever you complate a dungeon, at last level, you have to kill a boss in one turn or he will escape. And it's repeatable though, but doesn't give any rewards for repeating it.

Yup, they are event dungeons. They are there until the event is over. You can get special gear from them that goes hand and hand with the event. Now is summer beach event, so the gear you find will follow that theme.

And yup, already answered that too. One time reward.
Re: Lord of Walkure

Thanks for the answer once again.
I'm curious about card types now, I have a R type card. A girl hugs a serpent. I got it when I logged on this morning. It isn't an UC, but I fed her too.
Did I do something bad? Because she has the best stats overall compared to my other cards.
Re: Lord of Walkure

As a good hint, don't bother lvling non-++ cards up. Unless you need card space. It's a waste since they lose the lvls when evolving.
In most card games, leveling up the cards before evolving will give the new evolution better starting stats. But it probably doesn't matter much unless you wanna be a super power gamer and have optimal everything
Re: Lord of Walkure

As a good hint, don't bother lvling non-++ cards up. Unless you need card space. It's a waste since they lose the lvls when evolving. Event freebees is a different case since you have to gamble to get other copies, feel free to lvl those.

Doesn't leveling cards before evolving increase the stats of the evolved version?
Re: Lord of Walkure

Doesn't leveling cards before evolving increase the stats of the evolved version?

Never noticed it, then again I never had 2 of the same ++ to test it on. It's a possibility though. I have one ++ and another + of the same character, I'll give it a test if I find another card to evolve it. Or someone else can and post the stats. I wouldn't mind since that current ++ is my strongest card and if I can make a second of her with even better stats it'll be a plus for me.

Not at all, USUALLY Rs are stronger than UC (my strongest atm though is an UC and I have several Rs and even a SR). Plus she's an event giveaway, the only way I've discovered at getting another card is by using money to buy the golden tickets to gamble for them. May~be~ through the event dungeon, but after going down 8 floors and getting nothing of note from the last event dungeon other than quite a bit of money and some nice...but soon replaced...gear, I stopped going further. SO if she's your strongest boost up as high as you want.
Re: Lord of Walkure

Attempted to create a login+pass, but every time I click the certification link, I just get sent to an error page saying "Be unjust request."
Re: Lord of Walkure

Use some proxy sites for the certification link and it will work.
Re: Lord of Walkure

How to get gatcha points for nomral gatcha?
Re: Lord of Walkure

I have multiple copies of C+ cards, but do not have the option to merge them into C++ cards. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Re: Lord of Walkure

well big events give big rewards of course ! i got mine SR+ with the newest event by using the free event R card + another from the 20 level quest event, and surprise! the card turn into a SR+ when you fusion both also after some quests 17-20 gave uncommon cards so you can easily get ++ from them.
devron >
C cards cannot go to C++ so there is no H-scenes from them
Megas >
log in daily you will gain some rewards, one of them is Normal gacha which can give you some rare cards with luck

i play this game is a little slow to get h-scenes but once you get stronger things become easier, i have a lv 60 there with SR+ and 2 R++ all i can say is always do Events when you can ( on quest menu the first buttom above the red one) if you manage to defeat the event boss ( last quest) you usually get at least a Rare event only Card. also this summer event really gives you a lot of awesome equipment .

about the raid boss i just spammed friend request every 3 days so after some time maybe few of them will accept. Rank 10 or higher is impossible to solo and they give you R and SR cards.
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Re: Lord of Walkure

well big events give big rewards of course ! i got mine SR+ with the newest event by using the free event R card + another from the 20 level quest event, and surprise! the card turn into a SR+ when you fusion both also after some quests 17-20 gave uncommon cards so you can easily get ++ from them.

Really now!? Hmm, guess I should have been a bit more patient with it. but those 8-9 energy per mob was waning on me since I was building up my card limit so I can use all of my more powerful girls. Thanks for the heads up, wish I knew that sooner to get the Clock girl, Dark version of main girl, and the ghost cat girl? up to their SR forms.

The gear sadly, isn't much to me. I got some REALLY lucky drops from raid bosses and gacha and been trying to build up stuff that can even rival them.