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Re: Rift Touched

E4 - its always good for a rogue to a little extra bang up their sleeve
Re: Rift Touched

Hey there everybody! the next update is here and the results are *drum roll*
C&A and E2
! Thanks for all that voted!
Now, onto the second announcement of the post, and it's an important one. You all know Cevrik777 and "Amarant: Unknown Path" right? Well if not then you should check it out; it's pretty awesome. Anyways, Cevrik777 uses a nifty minor actions system in Amarant and I wanted to do something similar with my own story, but I didn't want to blatantly rip it off so I ask Cevrik777 for permission to use that system in my own story, though tweaked to fit what I have in mind, and was given the green light. So from now on, along with the regular choices, you'll also be able to make your own choice via my Character/Environment Interaction system, which will be explained below. Without further delay, here's the next part!


Explanation of magic crystals, health, ability ranks, etc.

The learning system: What I wanted to do for this is instead of having a level up system, you have a "learning up" system of sorts where you learn by doing. While on our grand adventure there will be many choices, and from these choices you will be able to specify how to deal with these siuations, e.g. sneak up behind evil warlock and stab him through the back with shortsword, or seduce the shopkeeper for a discount or information, blast the cute little bunny with a fireball. In each instance you're using a skill or a weapon, and the more you use it the better you'll be at it. Everything has 4 ranks and they are as follows:

Rank 0/4 - You can't even use it because you suck at it! (Yes I know I said 4, but deal with it!)

Rank 1/4 - Novice level (You can use it, not recommended but given time you'll improve)

Rank 2/4 - Journeyman level (You're pretty darn good. Better than most people in fact)

Rank 3/4 - Expert level (You're a professional and it shows. Others have a hard time keeping up with you as an expert)

Rank 4/4 - Master level (Others are in awe. What you do is second nature and has no equal)

So in short, if you sneak around during options more, or use a bow, or charm, or whatever more often then I'll improve the rank which will make things easier and inevitably change the dialogue to reflect your skill.

Magic Crystals: Magic crystals are my way of introducing magic to the adventure. The only creatures that can use magic without the use of magic crystals are magical beings and magical monsters (tentacle beasts, succubi, incubi, vampires) that absolutely need magic energy in order to survive. Thus if a succubus keeps using fireballs without finding a means to recover their reserves then they are weakening themselves. For non-magical beings such as us, we use magic crystals which are created from magical rifts. They fit in the palm of your hand and, as long as have it on your person, you can call upon the magics inside (kinda like materia for you FF7 fans). Each crystal has 3 charges at rank 1/4 with one spell that uses 1 charge, 4 charges at rank 2/4 that uses 2 charges when used, 5 charges at rank 3/4 with a spell that uses 3 charges, and at rank 4/4 you get a really powerful spell that uses up all the charges.

Now if you've been paying attention (or not, it's okay I understand) I may have mentioned magical reserves, or MR, a few times. Think of MR as mana; after the charges on your crystal are used up then you resort to the natural magics in your body to cast spells. For example, say you have 0/3 charges left on your Red crystal and can't shoot a fireball and have 50/50 MR, well then you're in luck! You can use, lets say, 10 MR in place of a charge which leaves you with 40/50 MR. Be wary, as it takes 1 hour for 10 MR to recharge (if you have Magical Regeneration Decay then it's cut in half).

If a being that needs magic to survive gets your essence (blood or sexes you up) don't worry, you won't lose your MR! Instead it will heal them, e.g. You have 50 total MR then they are healed the equivalent of being in caution level health to barely in fine levels of health, but with Source of Energy this effect doubles, so if you have 50 total MR then it would heal double.

This leads me to my next explanations - Health: Health is pretty simple actually. Think of Resident Evil going from "Fine" to "Caution" to "Danger". Things will get progressively worse for our heroine from there, but I will try to refrain from killing her of and instead treat it as her being knocked out. You get health back by eating, drinking, resting, healing spells, and health potions.

Passives: This one is is what I like to call "passives". These are similar to the powers you chose in the first round of voting in that some effect things in small ways. As you Colette adventures along she may come across people or things, wear certain clothes, etc. that give her passive effects that may last as long as a requirement is met or forever. For example, if Colette wears a corset then she'll have a passive that will lead people to look at her breasts more which would increase her charm, or she could be bestowed a power from a god or goddess that improves her eyesight. They won't be all over the place but they'll be there to get if conditions are met, and some won't be readily apparant.

Inventory/Appearance: I'll list all the things that Colette is carrying and wearing and how she looks at the current moment. Simple as that.

Recharging Magic Crystals: Remember how I said that magic crystals have charges? That doesn't mean that once all the charges are gone then the crystal is useless. It simply needs to be recharge! To recharge a magic crystal you can do one of two things. First: Wait. One charge replenishes itself once every 24 hours due to absorbing the natural magics in the world. Second: Find a magical rift. Get close enough to a magical rift with a magic crystal on you and it will fully recharge a magic crystal. That's all there is to it guys!

These feral goblins could endanger my home and would definitely attack travelers on the road. Since no one else is volunteering, it looks like I'll be the one to take them out. Better ask Horace and Kielra what I'm up against, just to be safe you think.

"Well, since I've left home to find my own path I can probably deal with them. These feral goblins will be a problem for a long time if left alone, and may even be able to endanger our home. If you two could tell me what to expect - what numbers are left and what weapons and tactics they use - then it would help me better prepare and deal with them" you say confidently while maintaining eye contact with Horace and Kielra.

Both Horace's and Kielra's faces brighten at your words, and Kielra pipes up "We wish you luck on your journey, Collete, and we'll do what little we can to help. From what I could see on top of the wagon, while felling the foul creatures, is that there were ten altogether during the attack: two archers with crude shortbows, seven fighters weilding rusty or broken swords and hand-axes, and one larger than the rest which I assume was the leader of the bunch".

Horace lifts me off my feet and pulls me into a bear hug "Our little Colette going off to leave her mark in the world, an' still so young! We'll miss ye dearly, little one that we 'ill" he drops me before continuing "Anyways, back to the business a' hand. What mah wife says be true 'bout the leader a tha group, he was a bigun! Not the biggest I e'er seen, but larger than the other little nasties, and with fancier equipment ta boot! Ya won't have ta worry 'bout dealin' with the entire tribe; I took care uh three of 'em that got too close to me, an' I'm pretty sure that mah dear Kielra got another three wit 'er fine shootin'!" Horace said as he cracked his knuckles menacingly. Kielra nodded and added "I felled both the archers - you should find their bodies hidden amongst the overgrowth if you look - and a fighter".

So only the leader and three fighters remain. Should be easy enough

"If'n yer serious about wastin them good for nothin' vermin then keep heading up the road yonder" Horace stops to point at the next hill along the road "and ye should find our wagon. From there, head west an' keep with that path an' ye should reach where'er tis they be holed up at, seein' as after dey kept me busy long 'nough for a few ta snatch Betta they bolted straight towards where dey came from" Horace pauses then places a hand on your shoulder "an' be careful".

You smile at Horace's concern "Thanks, Horace, I'll be fine - which is more than I can say for those feral goblins when I'm through with them. And you two have a safe trip back home!". You give both Horace and Kielra quick hug and a last look before parting ways. You turn around one last time and wave before continuing onwards.
1:17 pm

After about a half hour of walking you pass over the hill and finally reach Horace's wagon, and what a sight it is. First, you notice two arrows stuck to the bottom right side of the wagon, and then you see the dead feral goblins. The first goblin you notice is lying on his back next to the wagon in a small pool of his own black blood staring straight into the sky with a look of surprise permanently etched on his face, along with an arrow perfectly planted between his eyes. His rusty short sword is still in his hands.

Kielra always was good with a bow you muse, before turning your attention to the other three goblins.

The next goblin you notice is closer to you and is lying on his side, his throat bruised and almost completely crushed and dried blood coming from the sockets of his eyes. The final two are in a heap with one lying on his back with a rusty axe in his chest on top of another goblin, who lies on his back with another rusty axe in the back of his head.

Looks like Horace's work. He may be a big teddy bear, but boy is he a beast in a fight!

Remembering Horace and Kielra's words you head west of the wagon into the thick, grassy overgrowth and sure enough you run into two more feral goblins with arrows between their eyes like the one near the wagon, two crudely made shortbows at their sides and almost empty quivers on their backs. You continue onwards for another twenty minutes and stop suddenly and nearly retch right on the stop.

Oh dear gods, the smell! Well, I guess I know I'm close to their home. Only the home of a feral goblin could smell so ghastly. How they live in such conditions is beyond me. Well, better stay low and see if I can find out where they are. you think while plugging your nose a bit and crouching into the thick grass, continuing to move forward.

Only a short time later you find what you're looking for; a cave entrance in the side of a hill, and outside said cave are two feral goblins, very much alive unlike their kin back at the wagon.

Hmm, they look to be guarding the entrance to the cave. Good thing this grass is so thick, otherwise they would have noticed me already.

You concentrate a little bit on using your unique magical sensitivity to see the magical lifeblood of the world around you. Slowly the world around you changes before your eyes; from the colors of nature to the rainbow of pulsing magic that is present in every living being and infused with every inanimate object in the world. You focus on the two feral goblins ahead of you and observe the thrumming blue radiating from their bodies, but also the faint red fissures that line that blue like cracks on ice.

Typical for those of goblin blood; resistant to ice based magical attacks and weak to fire. Too bad I don't have a red magic crystal. Oh well, healing magic comes in mighty handy in a pinch as well. I'd also probably alert the other two that are still most likely in the cave.

You also notice that they don't seem to be very alert - one feral is leaning on his rusty short sword and the other sitting on a large rock next to the cave looking like he's about to doze off. You also notice a few rocks scattered about your feet which could be used as a distraction.

Alright you think to yourself There's two feral goblins standing guard to their home. I could just run up and attack them, though that might alert whatever feral goblins are nearby. From this short distance I could probably take one, if not both, of them out with my throwing knives. Looking to the rocks at your feet gives you another idea. I could try and distract them by throwing a rock off to their side and, while they're distracted, take one then the other out, or just sneak into the cave itself. Or you shudder slightly I could try and use the goblin's extreme lust against them and distract them with my body, hopefully lowering their guard to deliver killing blows.

Satisfied with your options, you finally decide on a course of action.

A. Charge the goblins! (Specify with what weapons)
B. Sneak attack the goblins. (Specify how and with what weapons)
C. Try to sneak by the goblins. (Specify how you want to do this)
D. Screw that! Head back to the road and continue on your journey.
E. Try to "distract" the feral goblins with your body and deliver killing blows when their guards lower.
X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!



-Gold pouch (Holds 1000)
-750 gold
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing (1/4:Minor Healing) (Charges: 3/3)
-Minor health potion x3
-Water canteen - full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
-Dried Fruit
-Dried Meat
-Small Mirror


-Black Leather Jerkin
-Knee High Brown leather Boots
-Brown Leather Trousers
-Cotton White Socks
-Cotton White Panties
-Cotton White Bra
-White Blouse
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh
-Black Silk Fabric. Tied to Hair.


-Iron Dagger w/4 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot
-Iron Shortsword w/2 foot blade. Sheathed. Belt on left hip.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh.


-Wavy brown hair that goes just past breasts. Tie in a ponytail.
-Currently clean
-Wearing leather armor. Slight strain on bosom which enhances assets


Health: Fine MR: 50/50


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknessess of beings and certain objects while making your erogeneous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and are also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minior health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock out.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpick: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
Last edited:
Re: Rift Touched

E Use her talent of dancing to bring them out of the cave and stab them with your knives.
Re: Rift Touched

E I like Gamefreak's idea, but try to only lure the two standing guard.

If necessary use the old "Come hither" eyes, to lure them where their comrades won't hear you take them out.
Re: Rift Touched

B. Use rocks to lure them to a favorable position, and then stab them from behind. In this case the more dead the better I'd say.
Re: Rift Touched

B. Lob a rock off to the side of the more alert goblin, then sneak up to the sleeping one and slit his throat, then take out the alert goblin with a throwing knife
Re: Rift Touched

B. Use rocks to lure them to a favorable position, and then stab them from behind. In this case the more dead the better I'd say.

This, using the dagger for maximum finesse to find the right spot to stab. Be ready to using the throwing knives if the other notices, otherwise; wash, rinse, repeat.
Re: Rift Touched

Time for the next update everybody! The results are in and you chose to
B sneak attack those suckers using a rock as a distraction, your dagger, and throwing knives (if necessary).
I hope you enjoy!


Explanation of magic crystals, health, ability ranks, etc.

The learning system: What I wanted to do for this is instead of having a level up system, you have a "learning up" system of sorts where you learn by doing. While on our grand adventure there will be many choices, and from these choices you will be able to specify how to deal with these siuations, e.g. sneak up behind evil warlock and stab him through the back with shortsword, or seduce the shopkeeper for a discount or information, blast the cute little bunny with a fireball. In each instance you're using a skill or a weapon, and the more you use it the better you'll be at it. Everything has 4 ranks and they are as follows:

Rank 0/4 - You can't even use it because you suck at it! (Yes I know I said 4, but deal with it!)

Rank 1/4 - Novice level (You can use it, not recommended but given time you'll improve)

Rank 2/4 - Journeyman level (You're pretty darn good. Better than most people in fact)

Rank 3/4 - Expert level (You're a professional and it shows. Others have a hard time keeping up with you as an expert)

Rank 4/4 - Master level (Others are in awe. What you do is second nature and has no equal)

So in short, if you sneak around during options more, or use a bow, or charm, or whatever more often then I'll improve the rank which will make things easier and inevitably change the dialogue to reflect your skill.

Magic Crystals: Magic crystals are my way of introducing magic to the adventure. The only creatures that can use magic without the use of magic crystals are magical beings and magical monsters (tentacle beasts, succubi, incubi, vampires) that absolutely need magic energy in order to survive. Thus if a succubus keeps using fireballs without finding a means to recover their reserves then they are weakening themselves. For non-magical beings such as us, we use magic crystals which are created from magical rifts. They fit in the palm of your hand and, as long as have it on your person, you can call upon the magics inside (kinda like materia for you FF7 fans). Each crystal has 3 charges at rank 1/4 with one spell that uses 1 charge, 4 charges at rank 2/4 that uses 2 charges when used, 5 charges at rank 3/4 with a spell that uses 3 charges, and at rank 4/4 you get a really powerful spell that uses up all the charges.

Now if you've been paying attention (or not, it's okay I understand) I may have mentioned magical reserves, or MR, a few times. Think of MR as mana; after the charges on your crystal are used up then you resort to the natural magics in your body to cast spells. For example, say you have 0/3 charges left on your Red crystal and can't shoot a fireball and have 50/50 MR, well then you're in luck! You can use, lets say, 10 MR in place of a charge which leaves you with 40/50 MR. Be wary, as it takes 1 hour for 10 MR to recharge (if you have Magical Regeneration Decay then it's cut in half).

If a being that needs magic to survive gets your essence (blood or sexes you up) don't worry, you won't lose your MR! Instead it will heal them, e.g. You have 50 total MR then they are healed the equivalent of being in caution level health to barely in fine levels of health, but with Source of Energy this effect doubles, so if you have 50 total MR then it would heal double.

This leads me to my next explanations - Health: Health is pretty simple actually. Think of Resident Evil going from "Fine" to "Caution" to "Danger". Things will get progressively worse for our heroine from there, but I will try to refrain from killing her of and instead treat it as her being knocked out. You get health back by eating, drinking, resting, healing spells, and health potions.

Passives: This one is is what I like to call "passives". These are similar to the powers you chose in the first round of voting in that some effect things in small ways. As you Colette adventures along she may come across people or things, wear certain clothes, etc. that give her passive effects that may last as long as a requirement is met or forever. For example, if Colette wears a corset then she'll have a passive that will lead people to look at her breasts more which would increase her charm, or she could be bestowed a power from a god or goddess that improves her eyesight. They won't be all over the place but they'll be there to get if conditions are met, and some won't be readily apparant.

Inventory/Appearance: I'll list all the things that Colette is carrying and wearing and how she looks at the current moment. Simple as that.

Recharging Magic Crystals: Remember how I said that magic crystals have charges? That doesn't mean that once all the charges are gone then the crystal is useless. It simply needs to be recharge! To recharge a magic crystal you can do one of two things. First: Wait. One charge replenishes itself once every 24 hours due to absorbing the natural magics in the world. Second: Find a magical rift. Get close enough to a magical rift with a magic crystal on you and it will fully recharge a magic crystal. That's all there is to it guys!

1:29 pm

You decide to deal with them now rather than later, but quietly; it would do you no good to charge them and risk alerting the remaining feral goblins that are most likely in the cave, and you can't very well leave and risk others getting hurt, and you most definitely do not want to risk using your body as a distraction, given the nature of feral goblins. With your mind made up you think of a way to remove the problem with as little noise as possible.

Looking back at the goblins, the one leaning on his short sword - while not really paying attention to anything - seems to be the most alert of the two and is the only one of the two that is currently armed and therefore the most dangerous. Hoping to draw only one away - preferably the short sword wielding goblin - you search around your feet for the largest rock possible and palm it in your right hand. You quietly unsheath your dagger from your left boot and hold it in your left hand, ready to spring your plan into action.

You look around for a good spot to toss the rock and spot more thick, grassy overgrowth roughly thirty feet away off to the left side of the cave entrance which is conveniently closer to the more attentive of the two feral goblins.

Watching both goblins intently, making sure that neither will see the rock once it leaves your hand and sails through the air, you toss the rock into the overgrowth which lands with an audible crack, followed by a few more, less audible, cracks as it hit a rock and rolled across a few more before finally coming to a stop.

The effect was almost instantaneous; as soon as the rock landed, the short sword wielding feral goblin's eyes snapped open and his head turned in the direction of the sound that interrupted his reverie. He narrowed his eyes and drew his blade into a defensive posture, then turned back to his unattentive friend.

You curse inwardly as you watch the alert feral walk up to his friend and give him a bonk on the head with the pommel of his sword, rousing him. The now fully awakened goblin gives his offending friend an angry grimace and opens his mouth, presumably to shout, but is interrupted when rusty sword puts a covering hand to his friends mouth and brings his index finger to his own lips in the universal sign of Be quiet, stupid, then points in the direction of where the rock landed.

Nodding in understanding, the goblin shifts his back and looks behind the stone he was dozing on before reaching down and pulling up a short wooden club. Now armed, he gets off his stone and similarly assumes a defensive posture as he follows a few feet behind his friend. When they're both about ten feet away from where the sound originated from, the club wielding goblin stops and watches his friend, and the area where he's headed, with rapt attention. Now, you decide, is the time to strike.

All the while during their slow move towards your distraction you've been quietly moving amongst the green and brown overgrowth, getting as close as possible to your quarry without drawing attention to yourself. With short sword still moving towards the spot of the rock and wooden club wholly absorbed on watching his friend, you stay in a crouched position and quietly step out into the small clearing surrounding the cave and move behind the club wielding goblin, dagger in your left hand ready to strike.

The club wielding goblin never knew what hit him; you cross the short distance between you and him and, once right behind him, you quickly cover his mouth with your right hand and thrust the dagger in your left into the back of his head where the spinal cord and skull meet, severing his brain stem before he can even make a sound. The effect is instant as he goes limp in your hands and, still holding him, you lean his slack body against yours and gently place him on the ground face first and slowly remove your dagger from his head and turn your attention to his unaware friend who is currently peeking into the overgrowth and whacking it with his sword.

You cover about a quarter of the distance between where he is and his friend now lies before he gives up with his search and starts to turn around. Realizing that you won't be able to reach him in time to land a swift killing blow, you reach with your right hand to where your throwing knives are on your right thigh and quickly draw the deadly blade. At this point time seems to slow down for you.

The remaining feral goblin turns around towards his left, spotting his friend lying face down on the ground with blood trickling from the back of his head, his eyes going wide. Then he keeps turning and sees you, crouched down, bloody dagger in your left hand, and winding your right hand up holding a throwing knife. He raises his shocked gaze and locks his dark eyes with your brilliant emerald eyes. His face contorts into a visage of pure rage, his eyes still locked on yours, he opens his mouth to scream in anger but the sound never comes as a split second later, buried almost to the hilt in his left eye, lies the throwing knife you loosed from your hand.

For a moment the goblin looks confused as to why he can no longer see out of his left eye, until he reaches up with his free hand and feels the metal sticking out of his socket. He stumbles forward slightly, still feeling all around the blade that now occupies the space where his eye used to be and then he looks back at you and, with his still good eye, locks it with yours.

The last thing you see of the feral goblin stumbling forward is his face as it goes from one of confusion, to fear as he realizes what happened, to pleading and, for the briefest of moments, you think you see a child beneath his eyes wondering why you would do something like this to him. Then he falls on the hilt of his short sword, which digs the blade into the ground in front of him causing his body to shift and fall onto his side, dead.

With both threats dealt with you stand up and walk towards the recently deceased goblin, kneel down and remove your throwing knife from his eye socket with a sickening schlip and clean it, and the dagger in your left hand, off on his ragged shirt before putting both back in their proper places. You take one last look at his face, frozen in pleading, and then head towards the entrance of the cave.

You gaze inside and see two torches on the walls - one in the middle of the cave, and the other on the other end of the cave, roughly forty feet away that breaks off to a passage on the right - before crouching down again and slowly making your way inside. Once you reach the other end of the cave and reach the passage, you hunker against the wall and slowly peek around the corner.

The first thing you notice is how open the space is; it's almost in a perfect dome, roughly fifteen feet high and twenty feet across. The next thing you notice is Betta - or what's left of Betta - on the far right side of the room, eyes lifeless, both hind legs removed and her innards spilled out in a gory mess from her belly. You continue to survey the room and note a worn wooden footlocker next to a large bed of animal skins directly across from you on the far wall. You gaze to the far left - which contains nine simple bedding of grass and animal furs - and find your final two targets walking from that direction to the direction of Betta.

The first feral goblin you notice, more so because of what he is wearing than anything else, is weilding a cleaver in his right hand and a butcher's knife in the other and wearing a bloody white apron above a simple loincloth, and a chef's hat that's stained in a few places with streaks of blood. It all looks slightly comical on him with his muddy green skin, angular face, and slightly curved, pointy ears. Chef goblin stops in front of Betta's corpse and rubs his two blades together menacingly in a sharping motion and says in a slightly squeaky, high pitched voice "Ahhh, I'msa gonna finish cuttin' you's up real good and make nice dinner outta you's, I will!".

You look towards the second goblin, who stops in front of his footlocker and opens with a key, is big. Standing at roughly 4 feet 7 inches tall and slightly more muscled than his compatriots, he is definitely one of the larger feral goblins you've encountered. You also notice he's wearing a dark green leather vest that's slightly too big for him and covered in blood splotches and tears, and simple, dirty cloth pants. Last, and what gives you some concern, is the double headed axe strung across his back. The bladed sides look dulled, and the shaft and axe-head itself are only a few inches shorter than he is. The big guy finishes whatever he was doing with his footlocker, closes and locks it, then walks over to his chef.

"How much longer you gon' be? I is hungry!" He says impatiently in the same high pitched, almost squeaky voice to his cohort.

"Won't be longs now, boss! Me just need to cut off front legs an' then heat up water and throw it all in" the chef hastily replies. The goblin boss just snorts and continues to watch as the chef starts cutting into Betta's front legs.

Taking a quick breathe you concentrate on the magics in the world and note that, like the two dead feral goblins outside, they are weak to fire and slightly resistant to ice. You withdraw your head and sigh.

Well, so far so good, you think to yourself now how will I deal with both of them? I don't think using a distraction will work as well here as it did outside, but I could still try it. I could launch a sneak attack and might be able to get one of them.

You look back towards the cave entrance, at the torch on the wall.

Might be able to do something with that. Or you mentally shudder I could always use my body.

1:35 pm

A. Pop out and rush them! (specify with what weaponry)
B. Launch a sneak attack on the nasty bastards! (specify how and with what weaponry)
C. Try to distract them like the other two. (specify with what and how)
D.You've done your part, best just to leave while you're ahead.
E. Use that sex appeal you got going for you.
X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!



-Gold pouch (Holds 1000)
-750 gold
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing (1/4:Minor Healing) (Charges: 3/3)
-Minor health potion x3
-Water canteen - full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
-Dried Fruit
-Dried Meat
-Small Mirror


-Black Leather Jerkin
-Knee High Brown leather Boots
-Brown Leather Trousers
-Cotton White Socks
-Cotton White Panties
-Cotton White Bra
-White Blouse
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh
-Black Silk Fabric. Tied to Hair.


-Iron Dagger w/4 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot
-Iron Shortsword w/2 foot blade. Sheathed. Belt on left hip.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh.


-Wavy brown hair that goes just past breasts. Tied in a ponytail.
-Currently clean.
-Wearing leather armor. Slight strain on bosom which enhances assets.


Health: Fine MR: 50/50


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and are also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minior health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock out.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpick: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
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Re: Rift Touched

C I wonder if it will only take one blow to kill these. Get the goblins that you killed and torch them. Smoke the two goblins out and kill them as they come out of the smoke when they are not ready.
Re: Rift Touched

X Sneak back out, collect combustible material(the feral goblins' clothing or twigs, for instance), turn those into makeshift torches(Doesn't need to be craftsmanship, just long enough to be able to burn for a minute without setting ourselves on fire). Pick up one of the existing torches on our way back in, sneak up to where the cook and/or chief is, then set fire to them.

They both are weak to forms of fire, so I'm guesstimating they're weak to any form of fire, not just fire-based magics.
The cook's attire will feed the flames handsomely, cloth being easy to burn.
The chief's leather vest won't burn quickly, but his pants probably will, and his weapon-swinging skills will be severely hampered if his legs are on fire I'd say.

An ideal moment to lighten up their dinner would be when the cook's bringing the meal to the chief, with them both being too preoccupied with fine goblin cuisine to notice a torch-toting rogue sneaking about.
Re: Rift Touched

I'll second that X
Re: Rift Touched

Third'd. Rose's X.
Re: Rift Touched

Fourth...ing(?) Rose's X
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Re: Rift Touched

They both are weak to forms of fire, so I'm guesstimating they're weak to any form of fire, not just fire-based magics.

Right you are, Røse. I think I should have been clearer with this, though it probably just slipped my mind. Anyways, yes you are correct in assuming it is weak to both fire magics and fire in general. So lighting something on fire that is weak to fire magic will be weak to regular fire as well, and take extra fire damage.
Re: Rift Touched

Sorry for taking so long guys. Here's the next update, with the next course of action being...
X Burn baby burn! As per the suggestion of the wonderful Røse.

Here you go! By the way guys and gals, if you could point out any spelling mistakes out for me so I can change them that would be awesome. I sometimes don't pick up on the errors when writing and I'm a bit of a perfectionist.


Explanation of magic crystals, health, ability ranks, etc.

The learning system: What I wanted to do for this is instead of having a level up system, you have a "learning up" system of sorts where you learn by doing. While on our grand adventure there will be many choices, and from these choices you will be able to specify how to deal with these siuations, e.g. sneak up behind evil warlock and stab him through the back with shortsword, or seduce the shopkeeper for a discount or information, blast the cute little bunny with a fireball. In each instance you're using a skill or a weapon, and the more you use it the better you'll be at it. Everything has 4 ranks and they are as follows:

Rank 0/4 - You can't even use it because you suck at it! (Yes I know I said 4, but deal with it!)

Rank 1/4 - Novice level (You can use it, not recommended but given time you'll improve)

Rank 2/4 - Journeyman level (You're pretty darn good. Better than most people in fact)

Rank 3/4 - Expert level (You're a professional and it shows. Others have a hard time keeping up with you as an expert)

Rank 4/4 - Master level (Others are in awe. What you do is second nature and has no equal)

So in short, if you sneak around during options more, or use a bow, or charm, or whatever more often then I'll improve the rank which will make things easier and inevitably change the dialogue to reflect your skill.

Magic Crystals: Magic crystals are my way of introducing magic to the adventure. The only creatures that can use magic without the use of magic crystals are magical beings and magical monsters (tentacle beasts, succubi, incubi, vampires) that absolutely need magic energy in order to survive. Thus if a succubus keeps using fireballs without finding a means to recover their reserves then they are weakening themselves. For non-magical beings such as us, we use magic crystals which are created from magical rifts. They fit in the palm of your hand and, as long as have it on your person, you can call upon the magics inside (kinda like materia for you FF7 fans). Each crystal has 3 charges at rank 1/4 with one spell that uses 1 charge, 4 charges at rank 2/4 that uses 2 charges when used, 5 charges at rank 3/4 with a spell that uses 3 charges, and at rank 4/4 you get a really powerful spell that uses up all the charges.

Now if you've been paying attention (or not, it's okay I understand) I may have mentioned magical reserves, or MR, a few times. Think of MR as mana; after the charges on your crystal are used up then you resort to the natural magics in your body to cast spells. For example, say you have 0/3 charges left on your Red crystal and can't shoot a fireball and have 50/50 MR, well then you're in luck! You can use, lets say, 10 MR in place of a charge which leaves you with 40/50 MR. Be wary, as it takes 1 hour for 10 MR to recharge (if you have Magical Regeneration Decay then it's cut in half).

If a being that needs magic to survive gets your essence (blood or sexes you up) don't worry, you won't lose your MR! Instead it will heal them, e.g. You have 50 total MR then they are healed the equivalent of being in caution level health to barely in fine levels of health, but with Source of Energy this effect doubles, so if you have 50 total MR then it would heal double.

This leads me to my next explanations - Health: Health is pretty simple actually. Think of Resident Evil going from "Fine" to "Caution" to "Danger". Things will get progressively worse for our heroine from there, but I will try to refrain from killing her of and instead treat it as her being knocked out. You get health back by eating, drinking, resting, healing spells, and health potions.

Passives: This one is is what I like to call "passives". These are similar to the powers you chose in the first round of voting in that some effect things in small ways. As you Colette adventures along she may come across people or things, wear certain clothes, etc. that give her passive effects that may last as long as a requirement is met or forever. For example, if Colette wears a corset then she'll have a passive that will lead people to look at her breasts more which would increase her charm, or she could be bestowed a power from a god or goddess that improves her eyesight. They won't be all over the place but they'll be there to get if conditions are met, and some won't be readily apparant.

Inventory/Appearance: I'll list all the things that Colette is carrying and wearing and how she looks at the current moment. Simple as that.

Recharging Magic Crystals: Remember how I said that magic crystals have charges? That doesn't mean that once all the charges are gone then the crystal is useless. It simply needs to be recharge! To recharge a magic crystal you can do one of two things. First: Wait. One charge replenishes itself once every 24 hours due to absorbing the natural magics in the world. Second: Find a magical rift. Get close enough to a magical rift with a magic crystal on you and it will fully recharge a magic crystal. That's all there is to it guys!

1:35 pm

You look back at the torch on the wall in the middle of the passage then peek your head back out towards the feral goblin chef and boss, whom are both engrossed with preparing Betta for their next meal, when a rather ingenious idea hits you. You smile a little at yourself and make yours way back down the passage, passing the torch, and back outside the cave.

"They want a nice home cooked meal? Well, I'll give 'em home cooked meal they'll never forget" you said to yourself with a slight grin on your face.

You take stock of the things you'll need in order put your plan into action. First you look at the brush that surrounds the cave and note the abundance of brown, dried grass mixed in with some slightly healthier, greener large grass. Next, you look for some twigs or branches and are pleased to discover a few twigs littering the ground, but also disappointed with the lack of even a single large branch that would suit your plans. Moving on, you next look towards the remains of the two goblins that you killed only minutes ago, and notice the small club that the first goblin was carrying. Moving closer to the felled goblin, you examine the ragged shirt he was wearing - dark, stained, and smelly - and determine, though barely given the shirts conditon, that it is made of cotton.

They'll be busy trying to prepare their meal you think while looking back towards the cave entrance which should give me enough time to work my magic.

With that you get to work gathering whatever twigs you manage to find and gathering enough dried grass to suit your needs, you remove one of the goblins' shirt and tie it shut on one end. You then stuff the shirt with twigs and dried grass - but not too much - and pick up the small club lying on the ground. Finally, you put the small club into the neck slot of the dirty stuffed shirt and wrap the arms around the club and tie it tightly into place. You wave it in the air a few times then a few practice swings to make sure it won't fall apart.

Satisfied that the makeshift torch won't fall apart you make your way back into the cave and take the already lit torch off the wall as you pass by it, furrowing your brow slightly at the nasty goop that was holding it in place, and making your way back to the entrance of the goblin's den and peek your head once more. You see that the goblin chef has finished removing the bits of Betta that he deems edible and is working on starting a fire with some flint and tinder beneath a large iron pot on a stand in the center of the room that wasn't there when you first arrived. The goblin boss standing next to his chef seems to be even more impatient in the short time you were gone.

"How much long is yous gon' be?!" The feral boss practically shouts out at his subordinate.

"N-n-not m-much longers, boss! I's almost gots the f-fire started. Would you likes me's to go gets Kip and Luj when the food be done, boss?" The feral chef, clearly afraid of his larger counterpart, barely manages to stammer out.

"NO!" The feral chief practically roars "They's be lazy and stupid! They don't get's any food 'tils they learns to listen to me and nots runs and hides! I tells them to clobber big fiery man and little elf and theys is take horse instead! You only gets food 'cause you only one that know hows to cook! NOW HURRY UPS AND COOK FOOD!" Finished with his tirade, the goblin boss is practically purple, in a manner of speaking, and breathing heavily.

"Y-yes, b-boss me h-hurry's n-nows!" The frightened chef practically cries.

What a nice guy sending most of his people to their deaths, and when everything goes wrong "oooh it's not MY fault, it was all YOUR fault". Tch, sounds like Tyson back home always blaming everything on me whenever we got caught sneaking into my father's armory or swiping some of Mr. Nurial's candy from his shop. Little twerp. You think to yourself while watching the one-sided arguement.

Not wanting to draw their attention until absolutely necessary you wait, torch in on hand and jury rigged torch in the other, until the chef finally starts the fire beneath the pot and starts cooking the food. You watch and wait for another ten minutes or so as the goblin chef stirs and tastes the vile stew with an old ladle while the chief hovers over him and asking if it's ready every thirty seconds, growing angier and angrier as time goes on. You have to admit that you've been growing slightly impatient, waiting for your moment to strike. Finally, both you and the chief hear the words that you've been waiting for.

"Is all dones, boss!" The chef happily chirps.

Oh thank gods! I don't know how much longer I could stand the stench of this place you say to yourself as a bit of relief washes through you.

"'bout times you finished, hurry up and gives me a bowl!" The ever angry goblin demands.

You watch as the goblin chef runs over to on of the simple beds and rummages through a small sack and produces a small, dirty clay bowl. He quickly rushes back to the iron pot, grabs the ladle, and starts to pour the Betta soup into the bowl meant for the angry chief.

With the chief's attention locked fully on his incoming meal, and the chef doing his very best not to spill said meal and invoke the wrath of his chief, you seize the opportunity you've been waiting for. You use the already lit torch in your left hand to light the makeshift torch in your right and stealthily slip around the corner and move towards the pair of feral goblins. Their eyes and attention diverted away from you, you get as close as possible without letting the flickering flames of the torch give you away. When you think you've reached the closest point to them you stand up straight and yell right at the two goblins.

"What, no food for me? That's okay I prefer my meat well done!" You shout at the two goblins, before tossing the torch in your left hand right at the feet of the chef goblin and similarly tossing the makeshift torch at the goblin chief.

Colette, you're a genius you mentally praise yourself, both for the plan and the witty one liner.

The two goblins turn their heads and stare in stunned silence for only a moment before the torches reach them, and the effect is glorious. The first torch aimed at the goblin chef catches his apron right above the knee and sets it ablaze. "AAAAIIIEEEEEE!!!!" the flaming chef screams at the top of his lungs, running straight into the iron pot and knocking over the vile stew, trying desperately to pat out the flames on his apron. Likewise, your second torch lands just above the goblin chief's ankles and lights the bottom right sleeve ablaze. You watch as the chief desperately tries to pat down the flame while screaming in agony.

"Yes!" you shout while throwing your fist into the air "that'll teach you dirty feral goblins to mess with my friends, or anyone else for that matter!".

However, unlike the chef, the chieftain is able to pat out the flames on his leg despite almost the entirety of his pants being quickly burned away leaving only a small portion of his left pant leg and the waist remaining intact, not to mention a good deal of his legs being singed. "I IZ GONNA KILLS YOU!" the toasty chieftain roars, before pull out his double-headed greataxe and charging you. Your eyes widen at his charge and you hastily pull out your short sword and duck, nearly losing your head as the goblin reached you and aimed high with the intent of decapitating you. You swipe at his exposed form, catching his chest with the edge of your blade and creating a a nice new tear in his vest, blood seeping underneath.

"AAAAAARRGGGGGHHHHH!!!" The chief bellows in rage, the blow not seeming to faze him in the slightest, before swiping horizontally at your midsection with his axe. You jump back out of the way, but not fast enough as the dull edge of his axe cuts through part of your jerkin and blouse, reaching the skin underneath leaving a large, but not very deep, cut. All the while the goblin chef continued to run around, scream, and flail his arms before finally dropping to the ground and rolling while pulling what little clothes are left off. By the time he got the flames put out his apron was completely gone as was his loincloth, leaving only his chef's hat which was still badly burned.

The crispy goblin chef, barely even alive at this point, reaches out for his cleaver and knife and stands on shaky knees and manages to look at you, if just barely, and readies his weapons. The much better off chieftain on the otherhand screams in rage and stares at you and seems to get angrier by the second.

Clutching your midsection in pain you think Crap, that really hurt! A second later and I might have been disemboweled! What's up with this goblin anyhow; I lit him on fire and left a nasty gash on him, and he just seems to keep getting more pissed off! Is this guy a berserker?

Seeming to confirm your thoughts the chief bellows in anger at you "YOU CAN'T STOPS ME! I'MA BEAT YOU TO A BLOODY PULP, I WILLS! DEN IMMA FUCK YOU SENSELESS, OH YES I WILLS!". You notice at that last statement that in his pants, at least what's left of them, a visible bulge starts to form.

Great, he is a berserker. That's just perfect! I can hurt him, but most of what I do won't even register with him. In fact, it'll make him more pissed off and turned on! you think as you glance towards the heavily burnt goblin chef. I'm surprised his buddy's still standing. It looks like a stray wind will kill him. Bah, no time to dawdle! I need to think of something, and fast!

1:58 pm


A. Stay and fight the two goblins! (Specify with what weapons)
B. Heal yourself!
B1. Dig through your pack and pop a health potion! (Takes a bit of time to open pack)
B2. Use your magic crystal! (1/4:Minor Healing)(Charges: 3/3)
C. Run!
C1. Run away! This fight's too much for you!
C2. Tactical Retreat! Put some distance between you and your foes and think of a plan!
D. Try to use your charm on the two goblins and work out your differences?
E. Surrender to them. Perhaps you'll be spared? (Propably will lead to rape)
X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Since there's a potential for rape in this scenario and I haven't specified if Colette is a virgin or not...

F. Is Colette a virgin?
F1. Yes
F2. No

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!



-Gold pouch (Holds 1000)
-750 gold
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing (1/4:Minor Healing) (Charges: 3/3)
-Minor health potion x3
-Water canteen - full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
-Dried Fruit
-Dried Meat
-Small Mirror


-Black Leather Jerkin. Midsection has noticeable tear.
-Knee High Brown leather Boots
-Brown Leather Trousers
-Cotton White Socks
-Cotton White Panties
-Cotton White Bra
-White Blouse. Midsection has slight tear.
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh
-Black Silk Fabric. Tied to Hair.


-Iron Dagger w/4 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot
-Iron Shortsword w/2 foot blade. Sheathed. Belt on left hip.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh.


-Wavy brown hair that goes just past breasts. Tied in a ponytail.
-Currently clean.
-Wearing leather armor. Slight strain on bosom which enhances assets.
-Black Leather Jerkin has a noticeable tear on its midsection.
-White blouse has a slight tear on midsection. Slight skin exposure.
-Bleeding from large cut on stomach. Not very deep.


Health: Fine MR: 50/50


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and are also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minior health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock out.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpick: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4

There's only one rule you need to know about being a berserker, and that's to be angry. Not just angry, but seriously pissed off. All. The. Time. Berserkers are warriors that channel their rage and bloodlust into fighting to devastating effect. Their rage allows them to shrug off pain and continue to fight when most other fighters would be crying in pain. This doesn't mean they take less damage, it just means damage doesn't register with them. Most would be berserkers die due to inexperience, but those that survive their battles become terrors on the field of battle. They will only get angrier the more damage they take, and the only way for a berserker to stop fighting is death - for the berserker or those in his way, sometimes both. When a berserker is in the full grip of his or her rage then friend and foe alike beware, because to the berserker only their bloodlust matters.
An interesting phenomena with berserkers is that due to their extreme bloodlust, they often get highly aroused during battle. Male berserkers often sport erections, and female berserkers likewise are dripping wet as they cave in the face of their enemies. To the berserker, pain, screaming, blood, and sexual ecstasy are all wrapped in the same package.
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