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Re: Rift Touched

Should have made a molotov....

I feel like these guys can catch up to her if she runs completely away. Run out into the woods and use the trees for cover and think of a way to do another sneak attack.

I feel like losing would mean more if she is a virgin so the protagonist will try harder to fight back. Also this way it won't just be a random rape or sex around every corner.
Re: Rift Touched

Should have made a molotov....

I feel like these guys can catch up to her if she runs completely away. Run out into the woods and use the trees for cover and think of a way to do another sneak attack.

I feel like losing would mean more if she is a virgin so the protagonist will try harder to fight back. Also this way it won't just be a random rape or sex around every corner.

This, but F2. On this site, random sex is kind of the norm.
Re: Rift Touched

This, but F2. On this site, random sex is kind of the norm.

Yeah but I want to be able to see her journey from being innocent to maybe a seductress instead of jumping in midway. I just want to see the whole progression of how she views sex from maybe something that is foreign to her to something that is a necessary evil to survive to something she seeks out.
Re: Rift Touched

Yeah but I want to be able to see her journey from being innocent to maybe a seductress instead of jumping in midway. I just want to see the whole progression of how she views sex from maybe something that is foreign to her to something that is a necessary evil to survive to something she seeks out.

I'll give you that. Won't change my vote, but I'll give you that.
Re: Rift Touched

This, but F2. On this site, random sex is kind of the norm.

Thanks for voting and I hope you like what's going on so far. As for random sex I can't say with certainty but I don't really plan on having random sex, at least for Colette. It really all depends on what you vote for. Right now rape is a possibility because the goblin chief is evil and has those motivations, as will other characters both male and female. There will be evil characters that don't have those motivations. Likewise there will be good characters that, while perhaps not rape, will have sexual motivations and tendencies. Despite this I always want to have an "out" to avoid such situations. That all really depends on what you guys all want though. My plan is to have sex a part of the game, but only if it's chosen or a situation inevitably leads in that direction. If you want sex to be more at the forefront then just let me know and I can switch it up ;)

Edit: Reading it back to myself it seems like there won't be sex in the game. To clarify there WILL be sex in the game, but I don't want to railroad or blindside anyone into a surprise sex encounter. If you want to turn Colette from innocent to seductress then that's entirely possible! You would just need to have more choices focused on using your charms and respond more positively to sexual situations. I would say it's entirely possible to be a seductress and a virgin if options to use Colette's charms and sex appeal to get by are chosen more, but without actually resorting to sex and not being raped. I seem to be getting ahead of myself considering where we're at right now, but there you have it.
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Re: Rift Touched

Thanks for voting and I hope you like what's going on so far. As for random sex I can't say with certainty but I don't really plan on having random sex, at least for Colette. It really all depends on what you vote for. Right now rape is a possibility because the goblin chief is evil and has those motivations, as will other characters both male and female. There will be evil characters that don't have those motivations. Likewise there will be good characters that, while perhaps not rape, will have sexual motivations and tendencies. Despite this I always want to have an "out" to avoid such situations. That all really depends on what you guys all want though. My plan is to have sex a part of the game, but only if it's chosen or a situation inevitably leads in that direction. If you want sex to be more at the forefront then just let me know and I can switch it up ;)

Just the way I like CYOA's.
Re: Rift Touched

"Weak to fire"

Note to self: Rumors of their weakness have been greatly exaggarated.

Moving on.

Disappointment almost tangible, very anticlimactic after putting so much notion on the fact that said goblins are weak to fire, and we should do something with fire, and how sad it was that we didn't get fire magics.

Thus: C. It's not worth the effort to try and go in a fair fight with the chief for now, and hopefully they both don't know enough about burn wounds that they die from infections.

Also, F2 I suppose.
Re: Rift Touched

"Weak to fire"

Note to self: Rumors of their weakness have been greatly exaggarated.

Moving on.

Disappointment almost tangible, very anticlimactic after putting so much notion on the fact that said goblins are weak to fire, and we should do something with fire, and how sad it was that we didn't get fire magics.

Thus: C. It's not worth the effort to try and go in a fair fight with the chief for now, and hopefully they both don't know enough about burn wounds that they die from infections.

Also, F2 I suppose.

Hehe, it may seem that way but I didn't exaggerate it. If you want to know a little about how I'm working the CYOA then I'll put it in a spoiler below.

There are hidden mechanics in the background (that's why I have numbered skill levels) and the goblin chieftain made a really good roll against getting set on fire. He didn't, however, come out unscathed from it. The goblin chef, however, went about as expected. I'm not gonna say he's close to dead, but try not to sneeze on him ;)

Hopefully for those that read in the spoilers it clears things up, and hopefully it doesn't make people upset. Sorry if I disappointed people as well with how some things turned out. I promise to try and do better!
Re: Rift Touched

A. We're probably too locked in battle to run away, especially from an adrenalin surging berserk goblin.

If we can do so relatively quickly toss a throwing knife at the chef, may as well make this a one on one fight as soon as possible.
Then make a small tactical withdrawl, the berserker will only be forcused on killing or fucking us so our best bet would be to run and jump over some debris (which I imagine is all over the place), the fireplace would be best.
This will hopefully trip the berserk chief. Then we deliver a killing blow whilst he's down, or failing that go for a main artery in the armpits, neck, or groin - nick one of those and thanks to Mr. Goblins adrenalin he will bleed out in a matter of seconds.

Of course I'm basing this on real human anatomy and non-animu levels of blood...

F1. I've always found it most interesting when the protagonist has her innocence to protect, fails, then has it taken from her.
Re: Rift Touched

The most votes go to...C2 retreating back outside and hiding amongst the flora and F1 Colette has her virginity intact

Pleasant surprise finding the site back up. Let's keep the ball rolling shall we?

Explanation of magic crystals, health, ability ranks, etc.

The learning system: What I wanted to do for this is instead of having a level up system, you have a "learning up" system of sorts where you learn by doing. While on our grand adventure there will be many choices, and from these choices you will be able to specify how to deal with these siuations, e.g. sneak up behind evil warlock and stab him through the back with shortsword, or seduce the shopkeeper for a discount or information, blast the cute little bunny with a fireball. In each instance you're using a skill or a weapon, and the more you use it the better you'll be at it. Everything has 4 ranks and they are as follows:

Rank 0/4 - You can't even use it because you suck at it! (Yes I know I said 4, but deal with it!)

Rank 1/4 - Novice level (You can use it, not recommended but given time you'll improve)

Rank 2/4 - Journeyman level (You're pretty darn good. Better than most people in fact)

Rank 3/4 - Expert level (You're a professional and it shows. Others have a hard time keeping up with you as an expert)

Rank 4/4 - Master level (Others are in awe. What you do is second nature and has no equal)

So in short, if you sneak around during options more, or use a bow, or charm, or whatever more often then I'll improve the rank which will make things easier and inevitably change the dialogue to reflect your skill.

Magic Crystals: Magic crystals are my way of introducing magic to the adventure. The only creatures that can use magic without the use of magic crystals are magical beings and magical monsters (tentacle beasts, succubi, incubi, vampires) that absolutely need magic energy in order to survive. Thus if a succubus keeps using fireballs without finding a means to recover their reserves then they are weakening themselves. For non-magical beings such as us, we use magic crystals which are created from magical rifts. They fit in the palm of your hand and, as long as have it on your person, you can call upon the magics inside (kinda like materia for you FF7 fans). Each crystal has 3 charges at rank 1/4 with one spell that uses 1 charge, 4 charges at rank 2/4 that uses 2 charges when used, 5 charges at rank 3/4 with a spell that uses 3 charges, and at rank 4/4 you get a really powerful spell that uses up all the charges.

Now if you've been paying attention (or not, it's okay I understand) I may have mentioned magical reserves, or MR, a few times. Think of MR as mana; after the charges on your crystal are used up then you resort to the natural magics in your body to cast spells. For example, say you have 0/3 charges left on your Red crystal and can't shoot a fireball and have 50/50 MR, well then you're in luck! You can use, lets say, 10 MR in place of a charge which leaves you with 40/50 MR. Be wary, as it takes 1 hour for 10 MR to recharge (if you have Magical Regeneration Decay then it's cut in half).

If a being that needs magic to survive gets your essence (blood or sexes you up) don't worry, you won't lose your MR! Instead it will heal them, e.g. You have 50 total MR then they are healed the equivalent of being in caution level health to barely in fine levels of health, but with Source of Energy this effect doubles, so if you have 50 total MR then it would heal double.

This leads me to my next explanations - Health: Health is pretty simple actually. Think of Resident Evil going from "Fine" to "Caution" to "Danger". Things will get progressively worse for our heroine from there, but I will try to refrain from killing her of and instead treat it as her being knocked out. You get health back by eating, drinking, resting, healing spells, and health potions.

Passives: This one is is what I like to call "passives". These are similar to the powers you chose in the first round of voting in that some effect things in small ways. As you Colette adventures along she may come across people or things, wear certain clothes, etc. that give her passive effects that may last as long as a requirement is met or forever. For example, if Colette wears a corset then she'll have a passive that will lead people to look at her breasts more which would increase her charm, or she could be bestowed a power from a god or goddess that improves her eyesight. They won't be all over the place but they'll be there to get if conditions are met, and some won't be readily apparant.

Inventory/Appearance: I'll list all the things that Colette is carrying and wearing and how she looks at the current moment. Simple as that.

Recharging Magic Crystals: Remember how I said that magic crystals have charges? That doesn't mean that once all the charges are gone then the crystal is useless. It simply needs to be recharge! To recharge a magic crystal you can do one of two things. First: Wait. One charge replenishes itself once every 24 hours due to absorbing the natural magics in the world. Second: Find a magical rift. Get close enough to a magical rift with a magic crystal on you and it will fully recharge a magic crystal. That's all there is to it guys!

1:58 pm

You consider your options before taking a quick glance back at the goblin chieftain and the badly burnt chef. The chef you could handle, if he doesn't expire before you have a chance to even attack him that is, but the chieftain is a whole different problem altogether. A berserker, no matter how inexperienced, is bad news and should not be fought head to head if at all possible, and it just so happens that berserkers are right at home in open conflict.

No, if I have to choose then it's better to fight on my own terms, and I desperately need to get away from the smell of filth and charred flesh!

With that thought in mind you do the only logical thing any self-respecting rogue would do; you turn around and hightail it out of there, and not a moment too soon as the goblin chieftain screamed and charged you, axe overhead followed by a violent swing in a downward arc, which bounced off the stone floor where you were only a few moments ago! You don't even look back as you turn the corner and sprint down the passageway of the goblin den and out into the sunlight of the small clearing. You stop for only a brief moment to turn your head to see the goblin chieftain - muscles tense, legs badly burnt, and face distorted with rage - barreling towards you through the passage screaming unintelligble words of what you can only assume to be of hatred and pure rage. Noting the absence of the chieftains chef you turn back around and dart into the overgrowth you hid in earlier and move as quickly and quietly as you possibly can through the brush in a semi-crouched position with the intent of losing him in in the dense thicket, and likewise buying time to think of a plan.

A few moments later you hear what can only be the screaming chieftain enter the high grass. You glance over your shoulder to barely see the top of his head moving in your general direction. Not wanting to be caught in his warpath you hunker down a bit lower and veer towards your left, making your way to the few trees that dot the surrounding area. You reach the first tree you see, slide behind it, and then you wait. You listen - which you find difficult to do as you can barely hear passed your heart thumping in your ears and chest from the recent exertion - for any approaching movement. You hear stomping, grass and bushes parting and breaking, and the never-ending screams of rage from the chieftain and what sounds suspiciously like a temper tantrum, but none of which seems to be moving in your direction. With that in mind you decide to sneak a quick peek and see what he's up to. You slowly peek your head out from behind the tree and see...not a whole lot. Irritated, you pull your head back and raise yourself up a few inches before trying again. You again poke your head out from behind the tree and this time you do see something, and what you see causes you to crack a slight grin.

You see the goblin chieftain, or more precisely the top of his head, and his axe flailing about from time to time over his head, followed by thumps and the parting of rocks as the axe hits dirt and gravel along with the occasional full twist of his head which you can only assume to be his striking at the brush in horizontal swipes. More than what you see, however, is what you can hear; the goblin chieftain continues to growl, curse, scream, and occasionally release pained yelps which you deduce to be his adrenaline and rage subsiding to allow him to feel pain once again. You see him stop once causing you to think he's given up or worn himself out but instead he raises his head and yells.

"You cantz hides from me! When I Findzes you's I'z kill you for what you donezess to my leg!", he says while you notice the top of his head dip down a bit, follow by another pained yelp. "YOU COMES OUT RIGHT NOW!", the last statement coming out as a screaming slur followed by more swinging of his axe, his vigor seemingly renewed somewhat.

Oh my, he's like a child throwing a temper tantrum! Well, a child that wants to kill and rape anything in its way - specifically me, but he's so riled up right now he can't even think properly, and his rage induced stupor seems to be wearing off a bit which is very good news for me; that cut he gave me could have been a lot worse, you think while instinctively clutching your jerkin over the area where the chieftain's axe cut, a small and steady trickle of blood flowing from the wound and staining your blouse underneath.

You think of a few ways to deal with the situation: you could take advantage of the fact that you're hidden and strike now while the goblin's not under the full effects of his bloodlust, although he is still a dangerous foe (you're stomach is testament to that fact). Then again you could easily slip by him unnoticed and escape and continue on your journey, or perhaps make your way back to the cave while the chieftain is preoccupied with himself and perhaps plunder whatever was in his chest.

You take a moment to wipe the sweat from your brow and the blood from your hand onto your trousers before thinking over your options...

2:02 pm

A. Attack the goblin!
A1. Make your presence known and attack him! (specify how and with what weaponry)
A2. Try to attack him while hidden. (specify how with what weaponry)

B. This was more trouble than it was worth! Keep hidden and escape to the road and move on.

C. Silently make your way back to the cave.
C1. Try to break into his footlocker and take whatever's inside.
C2. Set a trap for when the chieftain returns. (specify how and with what weaponry/tools/items)

D. Heal
D1. Use a health potion (Minor Health Potion x3 in pack)
D2.Use Magic Crystal (1/4: Minor Healing) (Charges: 3/3)

X. Other

Z. Character/Environment Interaction

Character/Environment Interaction explanation
The Character/Environment Interaction system allows you to interact with the world around you as well as interact with Colette or other characters in the story. Want to have Colette tie her hair up? Then choose this along with the main choices. Want her to stow away a stone, or tie up a bad guy with a rope? Go right ahead! Maybe you're in the middle of a fight and feel that clothing is too cumbersome. You can put on make-up, put clothes on and take clothes off, kick over a bucket, slap a succubus' ass.
Don't go too crazy, though. If it's a bit outlandish then unfortunately I might not be able to use it. Other than that, be creative guys and gals!



-Gold pouch (Holds 1000)
-750 gold
-Gold Magic Crystal: Healing (1/4:Minor Healing) (Charges: 3/3)
-Minor health potion x3
-Water canteen - full
-Purple blanket w/Red hearts
-Dried Fruit
-Dried Meat
-Small Mirror


-Black Leather Jerkin. Midsection has noticeable tear.
-Knee High Brown leather Boots
-Brown Leather Trousers
-Cotton White Socks
-Cotton White Panties
-Cotton White Bra
-White Blouse. Midsection has slight tear. Small bloodstain on midsection.
-Throwing Knife Sheathe on Right Thigh
-Black Silk Fabric. Tied to Hair.


-Iron Dagger w/4 inch blade. Sheathed. Left Boot
-Iron Shortsword w/2 foot blade. In hand. Some blood along edge.
-Throwing Knife x6. Sheathed. Right Thigh.


-Wavy brown hair that goes just past breasts. Tied in a ponytail.
-Currently sweaty.
-Wearing leather armor. Slight strain on bosom which enhances assets.
-Black Leather Jerkin has a noticeable tear on its midsection.
-White blouse has a slight tear on midsection. Slight skin exposure. Small bloodstain.
-Lightly bleeding from large cut on stomach. Not very deep. Non-life threatening.
- Brown Leather Trousers has light blood smear.


Health: Fine MR: 50/50


Magical Sensitivity: Allows you to see magical strengths and weaknesses of beings and certain objects while making your erogenous zones much more sensitive, increasing arousal and pleasure at a faster pace.

Source of Energy: Magical monsters and beings that feed from your essence (blood and sexual secretions) gain more energy than normal from you and are also suffer a short term power boost.

Dancer: Dancing comes naturally to you and, while it may not have uses in combat or when talking to someone, you find you can learn dances by seeing others dance or learning descriptions of dance.

Mental Quickness: You're a quick thinker when it comes to solving problems and smart to boot! If you're in a pinch you can easily notice potential escape routes, item and weapon combinations, optimal tactics to attack and defend in combat, how best to enter a building, etc. (I'll give helpful information and suggestions on how to handle situations, but not too much).

Charismatic: If you've got it, flaunt it! You know you're pretty, and you've always been a leader. You can use your feminine wiles to seduce both men and women alike and persuade them to your line of thinking, or you can use your natural charisma to rally troops into battle and improve morale with your strong words and character! Heck, you could probably charm the doors of Mordor open and simply walk in! (Increase Charm skill by 1 rank, people will like you more, and desire you more, you will be more inspiring to others when you speak, you're naturally more sexier).

Feedback: When you get too close to rifts there's a chance that you will lose 10 MR and deal minior health damage. Health damage will never kill or knock out.

Virgin: You are currently a virgin. You're hymen is intact and you have no sexual experience.


-Shortbows: 2/4
-Longbows: 2/4
-Crossbows: 2/4
-One-handed Crossbows: 2/4
-Thrown Weapons: 2/4
-Daggers: 2/4
-Short-swords: 2/4
-Rapiers: 2/4
-Hand-to-Hand: 2/4
-Unarmored: 2/4
-Light Armor: 2/4
-Sneak: 2/4
-Lockpick: 2/4
-Charm: 3/4
-Item Enchantment: 1/4
-Identify Enchantment: 1/4
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Re: Rift Touched

A2. Throwing knives, all of them
Re: Rift Touched

A2 I don't think the throwing knives will do much to him. Also we don't know where the butcher is. It would be easier to find him and kill him instead of fighting the chieftain without knowing where the butcher is. Use your sword.
Re: Rift Touched

A2. He's frustrated and confused, it'd be nice if we could sneak up on him and run him through with the sword.
Re: Rift Touched

A2. Top approach, double-strike to eye ridge, slide down between blinded target's rising arms, precision nerve strike to throat, secondary nerve strike to counter blood rage, groin kick to bend target, grip each side of skull, running, leaping, spinning neck-snap. Bonus points if you know what game this comes from.

Or just drop from a tree with the sword and pull a Link. Aim for the back of his neck, the spinal cord or brainstem. I'm assuming as humaniods, goblins have similar anatomy. Berserk rage doesn't counter instant brain death.
Re: Rift Touched

A2. Top approach, double-strike to eye ridge, slide down between blinded target's rising arms, precision nerve strike to throat, secondary nerve strike to counter blood rage, groin kick to bend target, grip each side of skull, running, leaping, spinning neck-snap. Bonus points if you know what game this comes from.

Or just drop from a tree with the sword and pull a Link. Aim for the back of his neck, the spinal cord or brainstem. I'm assuming as humaniods, goblins have similar anatomy. Berserk rage doesn't counter instant brain death.

It's a shame we don't have a bomb then, eh?

sigh, he was my favorite character. Shame he couldn't be a party member in the final game.
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Re: Rift Touched

D1. Maybe I'm over-cautious, but heal first, then act.

A2. Use the rope to lasso his neck, or tie a knife to the rope and try to get him in the leg to trip him, then go for the kill with the shortsword.