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Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Really? Huh... it doesn't really make any sense to me that a place known for being so, well, HOT can get that chilly, even at night! How do they manage alternating between wearing thick clothes and thin ones?! I could only imagine how tedious that gets," said Wenille with a huff. "I'm just glad that it doesn't get that extreme around here. Or even in Talea... d-does it?" She didn't sound quite so sure of herself anymore after hearing her friend's simple comment.

But while Hiri's correction about Deun was taken quite well, her statement about the true origin of silk triggered more than just a skeptical air from her fellow Wind Major. "Wait, silk comes from a WORM?" She gasped in disbelief. "You're kidding, right? Like those things that knave boys find in the dirt and such? There's just no way that something so tiny and filthy could make a material so... well, beautiful! I mean, just look at the sheen and quality of it!" she exclaimed, motioning to the displays. "I could believe it coming from a plant, or maybe the fur of some majestic Honrainese animal, but a worm... just making sure, you are kidding, right?"

Whether Hiri wanted to spend the extra bit of time trying to convince the other girl of it was up to her, but Wenille seemed intent on clinging to her disbelief. Perhaps it was out of the green-haired one's wish to maintain a positive outlook on silk in general, which would likely be making a great deal of contact with her skin tonight if their shopping experience proved a good one.

And so it did. Wenille was quite the careful browser when it came to shopping, and despite the fair amount of bustle in the shop, it would hardly be enough to deter the girl from weighing all of her options carefully. Hiri's comments were also quite helpful in terms of influencing the other wind mage's decisions.

"You're right. I mean, obviously I wouldn't mind something that's at least flattering, but that's probably going a little too far," she added in agreement to the Talean girl's assessment of the somewhat more revealing numbers. "Oh, haha... wow, I bet that was a pretty embarrassing experience for the Deunic noble! I mean, I've heard of some social blunders that some hosts have made during feasts and such, but I'm sure that was quite a surprise for your mother--especially since she's Elynsorian."

She nodded thoughtfully to the comment about the uniforms, pulling her own skirt down a little, perhaps out of self-consciousness. "Well, I try not to think about it too much, but it's been like that since the Academy was founded, or so I've heard... so, yeah. Maybe we can blame it on the founder--you know, that guy who the statue in the second courtyard is modeled after? I mean, it would be nice if they made more revisions to our uniforms, at LEAST every season so they won't look horribly out of style. But I know that's just not going to happen. Oh, well... at least we still get away with gatherings like these so we can at least take the occasional chance to let other people know that we aren't some unfashionable peasants or anything!" remarked the girl with a slight giggle.

Wenille would also give a positive response to Hiri's personal choices. "You're right--the back-revealing one looks reeeal nice on you, if I have to be honest, but I think it's better if we stick with these. Let's see... I think I'll go with this one." She moved to the fitting rooms to model it with the help of some of the shopkeeper's assistants, and came out blushing somewhat. "Okay, I know it's not flat out revealing or anything, but you don't think it's too much... right? Maybe it makes my butt look a little TOO big..." The other Wind Major gave a concerned look, constantly taking glances behind her, but a few kind words from Hiri would be all that it took to get her confidence back up. "You know what, screw it. I'm gonna do it!"

With that, the two girls made their way out of the shop with purchases in hand. Each of them had spent a hundred gold, but it was a good deal for what they got, at least when compared to the other prices on the strip. All that was left now was to head to the party.

~Bragi Hall (Boys' Dormitory) First Floor Lounge~

Hiri and Wenille made their way inside. For a 'lounge', it was a fairly large one, enough so to house the roughly two dozen people that were already mingling within. A long table lay to one end of the room, holding a small selection of snacks, such as slices of fruit, sweet biscuits, wheat crackers, bits of cheese and sliced summer sausage. However, the amount of food available simply paled in comparison to the massive variety of alcoholic drinks that were lined up to another wall, where a makeshift bar fashioned from several shelves and a taller table stood. It was certainly a rich party, in comparison to the more casual ones in Talea. There was much less in the way of food than Hiri was used to, and far more in the way of beverages and fine dress. Still, she could feel assured that her and Wenille's choices were good ones, as already her gown had earned her a few subtle glances, and certainly not those of the bad kind. "First impression, check," whispered Wenille with a wink as she nudged Hiri.

The strawberry blonde-haired girl from earlier, Edelia, could be seen socializing off to one end of the room, but luckily she didn't seem to want to hassle the pair for the time being. It was likely that she hadn't even notice the two yet. It was just as well, since Wenille had taken Hiri by the hand and began introducing her to other groups in short order.

"Ooh, ooh! Tria, Anwen, Frey!" she called out, to three girls dressed in damask, satin, and velvet, respectively. The first, Tria, had a rather bubbly appearance, not unlike that of Wenille's, with shoulder-length pink hair, pale skin and an infectious smile. "Hiya Wenille! Who's this?" she asked, turning her gaze to Hiri but maintaining that ever-present grin.

"This is Hiri! She's the newest transfer student to my class," explained Wenille. "And a Wind Major, like me! And... you, actually, ahheh. I swear it can be so hard to remember peoples' majors sometimes when they aren't dressed in the color-coded skirts."

Tria looked down at her own blue dress and giggled. "Oh, right! Ehehe. It's definitely a good thing though! Not always having to be CLASSIFIED by your major, that is. For once, you can be like, y'know, an actual person instead of a designation! Anyway, nice to meetcha, Hiri. Unique name, easy to remember! So where are you from?"

The second, Anwen, had long, dark brown hair and a black outfit made from satin. Where Tria could be called 'cute', others might call this girl beautiful. She merely nodded and introduced herself. "Anwen," pronounced the girl towards Hiri, a soft smile and piercing stare complementing her graceful voice. "I hope you are finding your stay at the Academy pleasant."

Finally was the third, who had short blonde hair, almost boyish in appearance, though her dark green velvet dress was as feminine an article as any. "Oh. Uh... Frey," she said after an odd pause where the others expected her to do the same. She scanned Hiri up and down, and for a moment it was difficult for the Wind Major to tell if this was a hostile action or a friendly one. "Hum... not bad," was all that she said, folding her arms afterwards and turning her attention elsewhere, or at least pretending to.

"Anyway, hope to see you two around and stuffs! I'm gonna go and see what they have to drink," said Tria. "I guess there are some new beverages that I'm told I absolutely MUST try!" With that, she wandered off towards the bar. Anwen gave a polite nod to Hiri and Wenille as she followed her friend, while Frey gave the half Talean an extended glance before finally turning around and doing the same.

"So those are three of the girls from Class 2-D. They're pretty nice. Reminds me of which," said Wenille. "Do you drink much? There's a guy here who makes the best mixes. Think he's busy right now," she added, looking over to a small cluster of eight people crowded around the bar, "but we can always have him make us something nice later on. Sailors like rum or something, don't they?"
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Talea is tropical. It's warm all year round, except in the mountains on the larger isles. My grandfather has a small estate up high, where we can go to cool off during the heart of the dry season, but not everyone in Talea is so lucky." Hiri said in response to Wenille's question about Talean weather.

The response to silk's origin just made Hiri grin wider and wider.

"Oh? You think bugs can't make pretty things? Don't you have spiders here? They spin webs in all sorts of patterns and shapes. Don't you think that if a spider's web weren't so sticky, maybe someone would have tried making clothes out of it? Well... that's what those worms in Honrai are like. Maybe I'll get papa to find a box of them for you. You can start your own silk business with them!" Hiri smiled and laughed along side Wenille, not so much at the girl, but at the look of disbelief she had worn and perhaps still wore. She didn't press the matter though, simply saying that one day, she would do her best to prove it to Wenille, on her honor, if the Elynsoran girl still had the stomach to look at squishy, disgusting things.

The topics of dresses were much better topics of conversation though, and Hiri made certain to give Wenille as much confidence about her choice as possible.

"Your butt does not look TOO big, Weni... I mean Wenille. Sorry, habit of mine to give nicknames. Anyway... I think it makes you look really attractive, but it's still elegant, you know? I'm sure you'll really drop some jaws for sure in it."

Hiri didn't embellish too much. Wenille had a modest curvature that the dress did accentuate, but according to some the sailor's on her father's ship, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, depending on what a girl was going for.

With their purchases made, Hiri made her way back to the academy, bags in hand, walking besides her classmate and friend. No matter how things turned out from here, Hiri was grateful for that afternoon, and to Wenille for being there to shop with her and give her a real taste of life in Elynsor, and in the inner circle of the capital, where Hiri's own mother had grown up as a child. It was a wonderful memory and she told herself that she would never forget it.

~Bragi Hall (Boys' Dormitory) First Floor Lounge~​

Hiri took a long sweeping gaze around the room, taking in the sight of her first Elynsoran party. So little food and so many drinks! Were they expected to simply get sick and high? In Talea, there was so much emphasis on good food, of a prize beast killed on the hunt being cooked by entire families who would divvy up the different portions to be skinned, cleaned, and roasted with great pots and stews of spices and fruits and creams.

This was certainly a different cultural affair and not one that Hiri was entirely comfortable with.

"Are we supposed to get a drink right away, or are we to talk first?" Hiri asked Wenille, now completely in the other girl's element and perhaps prone to asking the same sort of silly questions that were so obvious to someone who had been there and seen these sort of things before.

"At least we look nice," she agreed with Wenille.

Her friend was quick to introduce her around the room, starting with three girls who were obviously familiar acquaintances.

"Hi Tria, you have a nice name too. Um, I'm from Talea originally, but my mother is from Elynsor and went to school here as well. I like your dress. Blue suits you."

The tanned girl turned to the elegant and traditionally beautiful girl with the dark brown hair who introduced herself as Anwen.

"Nice to meet you. Yes, my stay so far has been excellent. Wenille's been really kind and shown me around a lot."

To the last girl, Frey, Hiri could only make and awkward smile and a "Oh, ah, thanks..." that trailed off as short haired girl seemed to look away, leaving Hiri unsure how to take the compliment, if that's what it was.

After that, Tria seemed to lead the trio away to the drinks and that brought up again the topic of beverages, to which Wenille posed her a question about how often she partook.

"As you could probably imagine, my dad doesn't approve too much of me drinking a lot, and with him being in charge of a ship that I'm on for a month or so at a time, and willing to literally beat up any sailor who tried to get me drunk - I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't know much about alcohol. I've had some wine a bit, when I'm at a dinner with my parents. And I have some cousins at home in Talea who have given me a bit of their drinks, but I don't think it was very good stuff."

Hiri shrugged her shoulders and looked down at Wenille. "I'll just have what you recommend for me. Don't get me drunk though. I don't want to retch up over my new dress!"
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Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Oh, no. There isn't really any um, order... to that in these kinds of gatherings, unlike the nobles' parties that our parents attend and such. It's a little more casual, even if people like to show off their nicer clothes a bit. Though I know a lot of people that like having a drink or two before they can really open up!" explained Wenille cheerfully. "Kinda helps loosen you up, if you're shy. But seriously, don't be." Despite her use of the word 'casual', however, Talean parties certainly had this one beat in a sense.

When Hiri made her replies to the three girls, she was met with kind smiles from the first two and about as positive a response from the third as she could manage to get.

"Oooh, Talea! I thought so," said Tria, only to look down at her own dress after receiving the compliment to her fashion sense. "Thanks! Call it an experiment, I guess, though it was a lot better than the one time I wore purple..."

"Yes, I'm glad that's over with," remarked Frey offhandedly.

Her comments were still taken by the pink-haired one in good humor, however, who was game enough to tease right back. "Oh, just you wait until I convince you to wear something like... orange! Like, a fluffy, fluffy orange number with extra frills. Yessssssssssss."

"I'd rather die," said the blonde flatly.

Anwen stifled a giggle with the back of a long-gloved hand, ultimately resisting the urge to pile another teasing comment onto the third girl.

All in all, the tan-skinned girl's meeting with the trio went off without a hitch. It was but a brief one, but still enough to get a feel for some of those who regularly attended these sorts of parties. As Tria seemed easily distracted, wandering from one place to the other, she soon left and dragged her two friends along, leaving Hiri and Wenille to move on. Beverages were the next option, so it seemed.

The pair looked towards the line for drinks. Not only was a good chunk of those attending the party gathered around the area, but the queue moved very slowly. Wenille looked to Hiri. "Actually, I know what to get, so I'll go ahead and fetch a glass it for both of us so you don't wanna get your feet sore waiting in line, or anything like that! But since there are a lot of people coming in, save a spot for me at one of those tables or couches, okay? There's a nice light drink called Dellin Ale. I'm sure you'll love it and it's got just enough kick to help warm you up without getting you wasted."

With that, Hiri was left with the duty of finding a suitable place to sit. Whether she chose a couch or a table, however, she wouldn't be alone for long. Perhaps it was the look of 'lone girl at a party' that made her more appealing to the boys there... or at least the first one daring enough to make an approach.

He was an average sized guy, standing a few inches taller than her, with short flaxen hair and relatively pale skin. A closer look would show that he was rather unremarkable looking, enough so to blend into nearly any crowd if he so chose. Still, one thing about the stranger was that his level of interest in Hiri was not lacking in the least.

"Man... there are a lot of jerks in this place, aren't there? I mean, I'm just here because my friend invited me, but, honestly, I kinda found out just now that it isn't really my scene. So, where are you from? I'm Trilbin, by the way. I just saw you sitting here and thought you seemed really... well, different. Like someone with actual intelligence--which is better than can be said for a lot of girls around here," said the newcomer. "Mind if I sit here?"
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Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Orange is a popular color for dresses on my home island," Hiri added, as Frey dismissed the color choice as something worse than death. "We wear it at our New Year's rites, and at the Festival of the Elephant. It's considered a lucky and prosperous color. So if you can't convince your friends to wear it, Tria, I'll show you it's not so bad."

Anwen, Frey, and Tria retreated to go get drinks, leaving Wenille and Hiri alone again after the brief but informative encounter.

"They seemed nice," Hiri said plainly, then listened as Wenille took charge of the next step of the party's process. "Something not too strong, sounds perfect. I'll be sitting over there on that couch. Looks more comfortable than the tables."

Having said this, Hiri moved over to that indicated side of the room and sat herself down at the edge of a long couch, big enough perhaps to seat four people comfortably. She adjusted a cushion and placed it on her lap, then set her hands on it to rest and fidget as she waited for her friend to come back with the drinks.

Suddenly a boy appeared before her, average in many respects, with pale skin and flaxen hair. She couldn't help but notice the way he had gravitated directly to where she sat, and how he was looking at her oddly. She didn't know whether it was a positive thing or a negative that he stared at her like that. What he said next didn't fill her with confidence however. It was clear he was trying to compliment her, but at the same time, he was being sort of rude to everyone else.

She wondered if a party like this really wasn't that great a thing like he said. Wenille seemed so keen on it, and her positive attitude had been infectious, such that Hiri was hesitant to think that being here and having gotten dressed up was a waste of her time.

"Jerks? Ah, I wouldn't really know about that. Uh... I'm saving this spot for a friend. Maybe just pull up a chair?"

She crossed her arms reflexively, not knowing where to really put them as this Trilbin gave his flurry of interrogatives.

"Look, I haven't met a lot of the girls here, but some of them are quite nice. I dont... I don't see why you would assume that I'm smarter just because I'm alone. And... if you don't mind me asking, what exactly made you figure this wasn't your scene?"

In the process, Hiri forgot to say her name or tell him where she was from.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Really? Wow!" exclaimed Tria in reply to the bit of information Hiri shared about the significance of the color orange in Talean culture. "But I mean, you've got such beautiful black hair, which definitely goes good with orange. I'm just not sure if any of US could pull it off as well, you know?"

"Nice try at buttering her up," quipped Frey.

"Kyaha! Says the one who--erm... nevermind. Alright, DRINKS!"

With that, the three were off.


"A friend? Oh," he replied, pausing to make a few quick glances around them, as if he were even capable of identifying exactly who this mystery 'friend' was. Or, if Hiri cared to interpret it in such a way, perhaps he thought to check if she was merely making an excuse of sorts.

Regardless of the answer he found in his mind, he continued. "I mean, you just seem less obsessed with... fashion and all that stuff. Not that you don't look nice, of course. Just that based on some of the conversations I've overheard from the others, which all seem to be about alcohol or who's going out with who, I don't feel like anyone else here has too much going on upstairs. Which is really disturbing, if you think about it, considering we're all training to be mages of some sort. You'd think that the primary school for learning magic on this continent would keep higher standards," explained Trilbin. "In my fiefdom, they'd simply put you to work on the fields or doing something else, anything else really, if you weren't up to par."

His statement begged the question of which fiefdom it was, though he didn't wait too long for Hiri to follow up with it if she remained silent, moving on with the answer himself. "You might have heard of it. Garalin Fiefdom? It's famous for producing mages. Should check it out sometime--a lot of people come down to make pilgrimages to Elynsor's most famous territory with regard to the magical arts. We even have our own line of cakes that can help wake you up a bit during those long nights of studying."

As if the situation wasn't awkward enough already, he would pause a bit between every few sentences spoken, as if awaiting a good reaction or emotional response from the bespectacled Wind Major. "So... what are you majoring in? I mean, if I were to guess from the color of your dress, I might say Wind, but obviously that isn't how it works right now, without the uniform colors as indicators," he continued, adjusting the collar of his black suit. "Mine's Fire, though my main field of interest is applied elemental theory. You know, more practical stuff. I feel like it's better to put the skills you've learned to good use instead of trying to pursue something that might never bear any fruit, like enchanting. Some fields of study are just fads and nothing else."

Meanwhile, a glance over to the line for drinks would show that Wenille was still stuck in the middle of it.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Trilbin's comments on fashion had Hiri feeling self-conscious about having spent her whole day and a fair bit of her allowance on shopping for the dress she was wearing now. She didn't know exactly how to feel about the boy's apparent compliments therefore, because she had done every bit as hard to be perceived as fashionable as the other girls had. To have this boy snub what was to her an interesting and worthwhile pastime just felt demeaning. Her opinion of him was cooling rapidly.

"It's just small talk. I don't think it means they're stupid," she said, still with her arms crossed and already looking past him to see where Wenille was in line for drinks. Sadly, she was still nowhere near the front.

"Your fiefdom?" She said, taking the bait, more out of a want of avoiding awkward silence rather than actual interest. "Yeah the name rings a bell. More for the cakes than the magic."

She smirked at her light dig at his fiefdom, though of course it very well could produce the best mages, she had no real idea about the truth behind that boast. She only knew that some sailors on her father's ship had enjoyed eating cakes by that name.

"I decided to wear a dress that was the same as my major - for ease of identification. I'm new to the school so it just seemed easier. So yeah, wind. With the intent of using my talents to help my family's trade business, once I've developed them enough. So what practical use are you planning for your fire magic?"

Hiri kept an eye on Wenille as the boy continued talking. She didn't really want to be rude and tell him to go away, so she figured she would have to wait until her friend came back to rescue her.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"O... Oh," Trilbin stammered at first in response to Hiri's apparent defense of the others, carrying a somewhat confused look. The girl's reply seemed to have stopped him in his tracks, if only for a moment, as the youth found himself unsure on how to respond to such a sentiment.

"Well, uh, yes--the cakes are good," he finally continued. "Though it's usually the other way around for most people living in Elynsor, I swear it!" While his enthusiasm over the supposed fame of his fiefdom seemed unmatched, Hiri's return question about Trilbin's future career caused him to hesitate for reasons unknown to her. He eventually replied in a more explanatory tone. "I mean, as long as you apply it towards something useful. I've been considering mainly metalworking, since fire is practically invaluable in such an application. Wind, huh? That can also be used to power mills and all sorts of things. You know, it really is amazing, the various ways we can use magic... and yet, the majority of our population is still obsessing over the sorts of powers that some god in the sky can grant us. If only we didn't have such people setting us back, I feel that we could make a lot of real progress, don't you think?" For once, she could actually discern a degree of genuine passion in his speech, though whether or not Hiri could bring herself to agree with such a viewpoint, or express her own views at the risk of prompting yet another rant from Trilbin, was another matter.

Another glance in Wenille's direction would show that the line was indeed moving, as she inched forward little by little every few minutes... but even then, the queue wasn't moving nearly fast enough. Not with the consistently judgmental manner in which Trilbin went on. Perhaps his plan was to make Hiri would fall head over heels for his 'intellect' by way of unrelated tangents?

"... and that's why I'm really not your stereotypical guy. It's so easy to be a knuckle-dragging brute, and for that matter it's sort of a shame to see so many mages, who in our society represent the most educated crowd, still fall into such primitive roles and patterns. You'd think it natural for the intelligent people to be the classiest, but even in Elynsor--the bastion of modern civilization--that isn't quite the case," he continued, after several minutes of talking about the lack of standards within the Academy, as well as some of his own convoluted proposals to improve them had he any power to do so. "If I had it my way, the standardized tests would cover a lot more."

He had just finished his most recent in a series of apparent rants when a figure could be seen approaching from Hiri's peripheral vision. It was too tall to be Wenille, without a doubt. No, it was... another male? In stark contrast to Trilbin, this student was well-built, with natural good looks, blonde hair, and dark blue eyes--where the Fire Major was average in many respects, the newcomer was flashy... somewhat impressive, even. However, he only gave the half-Talean a moment's glance at first, as most of his attention seemed directed upon Trilbin instead.

"Cover a lot more of what?" interrupted the taller of the two boys.

Trilbin turned his gaze on him, and his enthusiastic look from before faded almost instantly. "Oh, uh... hey, Brenn."

"Never thought I'd see you at a party like THIS!" exclaimed Brenn. "So, did you tire of Miss Righty or something? Let me ask, though--who invited you here? Just curious, since this's been pretty exclusive."

The flaxen-haired youth made a slight face, hesitating, before finally answering: "Devend did."

"Hah! Devend, huh. I guess it pays to have cool roommates," responded Brenn with a smirk. "I see you're using those well-practiced lines on the new girls. Getting lucky at all? Actually, why don't I just get some first-hand testimonial..."

He looked towards Hiri, feigning a whisper. "So, has Trilbin said anything to really impress you yet? What do you think? You can be honest with me--if he's bothering you, I can just tell him off for you."

Meanwhile, the Fire Major could be seen trembling in anger just slightly, enough so for Hiri to notice--though Brenn certainly didn't. That, or he just didn't care.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Trilbin's emphatic outcry against the faith of Elynsor put Hiri in a position of unease, not really knowing how to respond to him. If the boy had a problem with the organized religion of Erion in his own capital, he would likely hold an equal disregard for the everyday spiritualism that could be found in Talea. Daily offerings of food to ancestor spirits and the lighting of incense were only a couple of examples of a large list of odd traditions to which Hiri had been exposed during her childhood. She was casual about her dedication to religion, but she had a healthy respect for it. To hear Trilbin rail against it as he did made her wary of coming right out and saying that she didn't find it such a big deal.

Unable to offer any particular insight, she only shrugged and glanced away to see how far Wenille had gone in the line. Trilbin seemed only too happy to carry on talking, so Hiri let him hold sway of the conversation while she grew more and more bored. It seemed like Trilbin was trying to espouse all of his opinions to her in one fell swoop, and it really was too many things to process, even if she had been interested in speaking about it. Even then, she doubted she would be able to get a word in edge-wise, considering the unending nature of his breaths.

Then a new figure entered her field of view. A fit young male with classic Elynsoran looks had arrived in front of her, giving here a small glance before moving in front of Trilbin. It took only a few seconds for the bewildered half-Talean to figure out the relationship between these two. She presumed that this Brenn would be one of those 'knuckle-dragging brutes' to which Trilbin had alluded earlier.

She found the display put on by Brenn a bit distasteful. His words were certainly aimed to embarrass the other boy, though Hiri didn't actually think she would end up knowing Trilbin well enough after this for it to matter.

"I don't think impressing me was his goal," Hiri suggested, trying to be diplomatic. "Who are you, exactly?"
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Despite Hiri's hints of disinterest, Trilbin wasn't one to be easily deterred by the subtle clues dropped by the half-Talean beauty. His lack of a sense for such social nuances might have helped in explaining his apparent unpopularity--a status confirmed by the newcomer Brenn, who was more or less the polar opposite of Trilbin, appearance-wise if nothing else. The more fit-looking male seemed more observant of Hiri's body language, perhaps having seen her expressions of disinterest from afar.

Still, his bold yet odd question wouldn't keep Hiri from replying with at least a mildly diplomatic answer, to which he could only chuckle. "Ahahaha... well, if he isn't trying to impress you, I can only imagine he's trying to bore you--and is doing a pretty good job of it, from the looks of things," replied Brenn, causing Trilbin to tighten his jaw even further.

Despite the escalating signs of anger shown by the other male, however, he continued. "But hey, what do I know. I've just never seen him try so -hard- for anything in his entire time here, so this is kind of a new thing for me to see. Admittedly, it's kind of interesting! Never thought I'd see that side of him," explained the blonde-haired youth before turning an eye to Trilbin. "But hey... don't feel too embarrassed, Tril. People hook up at these parties all the time--I mean, it's pretty much the point, heh."

He turned back towards Hiri. "Anyway, my name's Brenn of the Kalenport family. Good to meet you. And you are? Haven't seen you here before. Did you come here alone, or with somebody?"

Before the Wind Major could manage a proper answer, yet another new figure walked up next to the tall, handsome male; this time, a female, a rather stunning blonde who matched up almost perfectly with the one next to her. She gave Hiri a polite yet shallow smile, though the expression faded just as quickly once she set her eyes upon Trilbin. The girl then made a slight face before turning to Brenn. "So, who took care of the invitations?"

Brenn simply shrugged. "I just told everyone who had clearance to bring their friends, but I didn't think--"

The girl huffed in response, as if to cut him off, then turned to Hiri. "I'm Arianne. I was just having my boyfriend Brenn check up on things with the new people... you know, to make sure everyone's having a good time and all, since I help organize these parties. You did come here with someone, right? I'm just making sure, since I don't recognize you and because it is sort of... well, exclusive. Sometimes we get people who aren't even supposed to BE here. So, it's more of a specific group kinda thing, you know?" A bit of emphasis was put on her last statement as she turned her gaze to Trilbin, who was practically seething at that point.

The flaxen-haired youth could hold his tongue no longer, and blurted out his contempt. "Well I guess if this is a party for whores, then you fit right in, don't you?!" His eyes grew somewhat wide, and he went dead silent after saying it, as if in disbelief that he even managed to do so.

Even Arianne couldn't hide her shock at such an insult, and Brenn took a step forward into Trilbin's personal space almost immediately. "Did you just call my girl a whore?"

Trilbin swallowed hard. He looked as though he was ready to respond, but couldn't manage to say the words.

"Yeah, that's what I thought, pussy," scoffed Brenn. "Can never say it to our face, but you'll say it once our backs are turned, huh? Huh... I guess that's just like you," he said dismissively, turning his back to Trilbin afterwards, as he knew full well that the other male wouldn't dare raise a hand to him.

This time around, he assumed wrong. Trilbin balled his right hand up into a fist, and with all his might, took a big, angry swing at the back of Brenn's head.

It delivered a shocking impact, but while the taller mage was momentarily stunned by the surprise attack, he certainly wasn't rendered unconscious like his attacker might have expected. He quickly turned to reveal a furious expression upon his face, and within seconds, the two had come to blows. The fight that unfolded was far from the skilled displays shown between two Kaladors in Hiri's homeland of Talea, or the sessions held between the graceful martial artists of Honrai. It was full of anger, vitriol, and instinct. The bespectacled girl had seen this kind of fight before--more often than not, between sailors, usually drunken ones. Any semblance of technique was nowhere to be found; this was nothing more than a brawl fueled off of sheer emotion. Brenn and Trilbin had each other by the collars, using their free hand to punch the other in the head as many times as possible. This continued over several seconds. Arianne shrieked and took several steps back at the spectacle. Some of the other males thought to intervene, but it was easier said than done--the two proved rather difficult to separate.

It didn't matter, as it wasn't long before the victor could be seen. As he had the undeniable size advantage in a fight devoid of technique, Brenn eventually got the upper hand, with his heavy blows doing much more damage to Trilbin--who quickly acquired a black eye, a bloody nose, and then some. A final blow to the stomach knocked the wind out of the smaller man, and with that he could only wheeze and crumple to the floor. Afterwards, Brenn wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, looking down on his opponent with a frown.

"Oh my GOD! Get him out of here! GET HIM OUT!" cried Arianne in a shrill voice. Three of the other boys standing nearby proceeded to hoist Trilbin up by his arms and move him out of the large gathering room.

Still, the flaxen-haired youth wouldn't stay quiet as soon as he got his breath back. He desperately looked towards Hiri with tears welling up in his eyes. "G-Guhhahh... fakes! These people are all fucking FAKES! Two-faced fake mages!" He hardly possessed the strength to fight against the three who were quietly trying to remove him from the premises, but his loud, angry voice could still be heard even after he was thrown outside.

It was around this time that Wenille finally returned, with a drink in each hand. "Uhm..."

Arianne wrapped her arms around herself, watching Trilbin get escorted out, then looked towards Hiri. "So, you weren't WITH him or anything, were you? Because you won't ever see him again at any party like this."

"Oh, nonono, not at all! She's with me," corrected Wenille, interrupting just in time. "Hey Arianne! You look nice tonight," she complimented, though it didn't do much in the way of cheering the other girl up. "So uh, what just happened? Some random guy just have a meltdown? Fighting over you maybe? Ehehe..."

"As if I would even give someone like him a second look. He wasn't even supposed to be here," Arianne muttered in reply, taking a deep breath afterwards. "I want to know who invited him!"

"It was Davend," said Brenn, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. "Can't believe it myself, but yeah... I'll just tell him that his roommate can't be coming around here anymore. Fuckin' psycho, punching me in the back of the head. Who the fuck does that?"

"G...Geez," said Wenille in a quiet voice, offering a guilty look towards Hiri. "Sorry it took me so long, really. I swear, we really, really don't have this many fights in the Academy! But after catching the tail end of that whole show, I'm about ready for a drink. How about you?" The green-haired girl could only manage a nervous smile and a shrug, holding forward a rather sweet-smelling alcoholic beverage.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"I'm Hiri L --" the Talean began, but was interrupted as Arianne made her appearance. Feeling that she shouldn't butt in to the ongoing conversation, Hiri sat back, adjusted her spectacles and waited for a chance to introduce herself properly to the apparent hostess of the party. She was about to make a comment, but Trilbin upset her plans with his outrageous outburst, which even a girl who had lived her life among sailors found to be far out of line.

She thought at first that Arianne might say something in her own defense, but of course, her athletic boy friend, Brenn, stood up for her instead. She anticipated that he might deck Trilbin right away, but instead he gave the fuming boy a way out. Given the difference in their size, Trilbin would have been wise to take the hint and make good on an exit. Instead, he chose to strike at the boy while his back was turned.

Hiri put a hand to her mouth and curled up her legs on the couch to avoid getting into contact with the fight between the boys, and when she had enough room, she jumped up as well as she could and went to stand beside Arianne as Brenn began to get the best of the smaller boy.

When, as he was being dragged away, Trilbin looked at her with tearful desperation, Hiri turned her face away from him. She was embarrassed that he should even think of appealing to her, considering the cowardly and uncouth way he'd been acting. He hadn't even stopped to learn her name in all that time she'd been listening to him ramble on! She folded her arms self-consciously until he was well out of the room.

After Arianne had turned to her and asked Hiri about the possibility of being with Trilbin, she held up her hands in protest and shook her head. After Wenille stuck up for her, Hiri would add on to her words hastily.

"Never met him until he just started talking AT me. What an ass. Oh hi, Wenille. Thanks, I think I could use a drink after that. Geez."

Brenn came up beside them, rubbing his neck. Hiri joined the murmers of asking him if he was all right after that.

"That was so dumb, him hitting you from behind! I thought you were being generous letting him walk away after that idiotic comment he made..." She looked from him to Arianne, trying to give off a sympathetic look.

To Wenille, Hiri could at least smile. "Don't worry, it's not your fault." She took the drink from the shorter girl and gave a testing sip of the sweet smelling drink. "I just hope I'm not being followed around by bad luck, having to see all these fights. At least this one wasn't too serious. Brenn seems to be okay, right?"
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Hiri's deliberate brushing off of Trilbin's parting insults to the crowd apparently did little to discourage him, and he continued to yell after he was removed from the building, as if increasing his volume in such a manner would somehow get her to hear him and reconsider. "Don't listen to these loose BITCHES! WHORES! I know you're better than tha--gah!"

The party wasn't completely without the youth's cries until he had been chased off by those who had initially escorted him out.

"Yeah, I'm fine," replied Brenn with a nod and a slight grin. "Better me than you."

Arianne produced a small handkerchief from her clutch purse and leaned over to take a closer look at her boyfriend's face. "Did he hurt you?"

The concern that she displayed, however was waved off just as quickly. "Him, hurt me? Hahah... nah. It's nothing."

"Wow, so uhm, now I feel reaaally bad for leaving you all alone like that," remarked Wenille with an apologetic look on her face. She handed Hiri a mug full of a light red liquid, which bore a slightly frosted head but went down very smoothly with minimal bite, if she cared to try it right away. Though the other Wind Major claimed it to be a rather light beverage, Hiri could feel the warmth sinking into her stomach already.

"No, I should be the one apologizing," said Arianne. "Had I known that some loser like him would make it into here, I'd have warned everyone first. Believe me--as the coordinator for these parties, NOTHING like this normally ever happens. But so long as you don't end up causing that much trouble, I think you'll be just fine here. I never caught your name, by the way. You are? I know I said it before, but seeing as I was so rudely interrupted, I am Arianne Teftley."

Wenille allowed Hiri to make her own introductions before chiming in once more. "She's even part of the Leamoss family!" proclaimed the green-haired girl, almost proudly. "Either way, she's still new to the Academy, so I figured we could show her how to have fun around here!"

"Oooh..." Arianne gave a thoughtful look before her lips curled into a smile. "Consider yourself welcome here then, Hiri. Since you're new, why don't I introduce you to some of our regulars, hmm? I'm sure you'll find some men who are actually worthy of your attention. Why don't you two follow us," she added, making her way towards another corner of the room where another group was standing.

Wenille followed along obediently, turning for a moment to beckon Hiri to do the same while wearing a giddy smile. If an expression could say something to the effect of, "this is it!" then the one that the green-haired girl wore right then would match the sentiment perfectly.

By the time Hiri reached the small group, she'd find that her friend's apparent excitement was not unfounded. Just about everyone there was above average--at least. Provided, Brenn and Arianne made quite a lovely couple themselves, but the four boys present were easily amongst some of the most attractive specimens in the Academy that Hiri had laid eyes on--about on par with Alahan if not better. Perhaps she had spent a little too much time on a ship amongst often unkempt and stubble-chinned sailors, but either way, the new faces could serve as eye candy even if a few turned out to be like Trilbin.

"Hello, all," announced Arianne. "I'm sure you remember Wenille, right? This is her new friend, Hiri--straight from Talea to the west, but also a member of the Leamoss family. Surely you can all introduce yourselves?"

The first in the half-circle was a young man, perhaps only a year or two older than Hiri, with reddish brown hair kept in a neat and tight arrangement, as if following some sort of military specification. Of them all, he looked like one of the two most physically capable, excluding Brenn, and carried an aura of calm authority. Still, he managed to crack a smile upon being introduced to Hiri. "The name's Rancent Stratton," came his self-introduction along with a firm nod of acknowledgement.

"He's a Wind major, just like us--and even enrolled in Elynsor's naval officer program," remarked Wenille with a smile.

"It's still a few years 'til I go underway, though," corrected Rancent. "So you are from Talea? It's quite the journey. I've never been quite that far, but I do plan on making the trip sometime."

The second was nearly as tanned as Hiri, with jet-black hair that was kept slightly longer than that of Rancent's, but still short enough overall to look proper for someone who could be in Elynsor's general military ranks. "Mirto Villegas," he said with a courteous bow. "The pleasure is mine."

"Oh, but don't leave out the details!" Arianne chimed in, turning her gaze to the half-Talean afterwards. "We ARE in a fairly exclusive party for a reason, after all. Mirto here is one of the best duelists currently in the Academy when it comes to single-spell, one on one slinging. You absolutely must see him duel sometime."

Indeed, the young man's air didn't lack in confidence. "My family comes from a long tradition of Grisalescan duelists," he explained. "But enough about me--the new girl surely has many stories to share with us, hm?" added the duelist with a grin, seeking to crack open Hiri's shell if she cared to maintain it at all.

The third to be introduced had amber-colored hair flowing past his shoulders and a soothing voice that relaxed even Hiri. "I'm Galseth of Mirtea. Good to meet ya." His clothing was slightly more eccentric than the others, though still presentable, and the Lei Tan heiress could tell that this particular bachelor's character was more of an artistic type. A lute was strapped across his back, but it certainly wasn't for show, as a few of his fingers bore the callouses that experienced players tended to have. "Likin' the drink so far?" His gaze wandered to the beverage in Hiri's hand.

Wenille gawked when she saw Galseth, then turned back for a moment towards the bar before looking back to him. "Oh, by Erion! That's actually the guy who mixed all the cool drinks!" she whispered in Hiri's ear. "AND he paints, plays and composes music, and is also really good at chemistry or something like that--suuuper talented at anything he puts his mind to!"

"Seekrits. So, I can hear ya," Galseth interrupted with a grin, and Wenille paused with a blush.

To that, the long-haired lute player simply chuckled. "Not even worried, though. But now that we're sort-of properly acquainted and all, if you girls are ever having a really rough time, just hit me up at any of these parties and I can fix something that takes the edge off."

"He likes 'em drunk," quipped Brenn.

Galseth took it in stride. "I'll take anyone who knows how to have a good time."

"Yes, it's thanks to him that we have all these wonderful drinks," added Arianne.

The last male in the group, a somewhat effeminate but handsome one nonetheless, had dark purple hair, with bangs kept just short of his chin. If the 'air' about the people in this group was something that Hiri was keen to read, she would find his to be the most approachable and inviting. Perhaps it was also because he was he least physically intimidating.

"Hi! I'm Davend Illiust," said the youth with a kind, warm smile. "It's nice to meet you. We really don't get many students from outside Elynsor all that often, but now I see it's something of a shame, if you're any indicator..." he trailed off in a sly compliment. "Anyway, welcome to our group," said Davend cheerfully.

"Yeah, your roommate was giving her a real headache earlier," said Brenn. "We had to kick him out 'cause he was starting shit. I swear, your luck with roomies sometimes..."

Davend's mouth crinkled. "Really? Oh, geez... I'll have to talk to him about it."

Brenn shrugged. "I wouldn't bother. Just don't bring him here again and I think we'll be good."

"I'm really sorry about that," said Davend to Hiri. "He doesn't have too much experience in these kinds of gatherings, so I thought I'd give him a bit of a chance, but... ah, I guess it was too soon."
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Hiri felt like wincing when Wenille blurted out her familial connection to the Leamoss house. She didn't want to exactly sell herself as a part of that crowd without ever having met her maternal grandparents. She didn't even know if they would acknowledge her, being born of a match that obviously her mother thought they disapproved of. She felt no real shame in being a Lei Tan anyway. One of the most successful and rich families in all of Talea, she thought it merited its own weight at a prestigious school like the RMA, but perhaps an Elynsoran nobility held more sway with the nobles here. She just hoped that this crowd would judge her on her own strengths and not her mixed blood.

"Thanks Arianne. It's nice to meet you. I'd love to be introduced," Hiri said, trying her best to say as little as necessary. Her mother had told her that when in doubt, it's best not to say too much around strangers. 'Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt,' her mama had said. Apparently it was something grandpa Roland had told her many times when she was a kid.

She listened as the four handsome, older boys introduced themselves, finding her interest piqued in each of them.

"A sailor? You must know a lot about ships then. I've been sailing with my father and mother since I was able to walk. I'm sure we could share stories." she told Rancent.

To Mirto, she attempted to meet his bow with a curtsy, though it was not much more than a dip, as her dress was not a traditional gown that allowed for a grand sweeping act of recognition.

"A duellist? So does that mean you're the sort to fight for a woman's honor and go about challenging fights to the death for perceived slights?" Hiri quirked her lips upward to show that she was not very serious. "The Talean sailors liked to tell me such tall tales of Elynsorans, but I never do know what to believe. As for me - there isn't much to say. Wenille says I'm of the Leamoss clan, but I've always identified with my father's family, the Lei Tan family of Talea. My grandfather owns one of the largest merchant fleets on the archipelago and my father currently commands our flagship. I'm hoping to complete my wind mage training like my mother, so that I can join her in being a Windfinder for the fleet. I've been on the seas as much as I've been on the land, so really I guess you could say I'm a fish out of water in this big city."

So much for keeping silent and not sounding like a fool. Sorry mama.

Hiri held up her hands in faux helplessness. "So if I'm a little clueless, try not to judge me too harshly. Fortunately, Wenille's been a big help. She got me to this party after all."

Shrugging and finding she had not much else to say, she brought her drink to her lips and took a sip to give herself an excuse to stop talking. This gave Galseth his moment to take up the slack in the conversation, and it was revealed that he had mixed the drinks.

"Mm, yeah, yum. It's good. I'm not the biggest drinker, but it's nice."

She giggled at the exchange between Galseth and Wenille, who didn't understand how loudly her 'whispers' carried. When it came time for Davend to pay her his compliment, Hiri just smiled demurely and murmured her thanks. She would perhaps have taken the sly comment better had the boy's roommate not also tried to slip in those compliments so blatantly. It was nice to know she was thought of as looking pretty tonight, but it also made her more self-conscious about things that went beyond mere introductions. She was just looking to have a good time tonight, that was all.

"It wasn't a big deal to me," Hiri said by way of soothing Davend's need to apologize. "Trilbin just seems to have a lot of ideas and not much common sense. If he did, I doubt he'd take a swing at Brenn. I'll give you both the benefit of the doubt." She smiled and winked at Davend, to put the matter to rest.

She sipped again at her glass until it was empty, and she felt the beginnings off a light, but manageable buzz work its way through her system. She stood next to Wenille, unless any of the others gave her reason to move away, and then removed her glasses to clean them, looking up to the men through slightly blurred eyes, to let them see her face without the spectacles.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Yes," replied Rancent. "My father is a captain in the Elynsorian fleet, so I intend on making naval exploits part of the family name. I can't see myself doing anything else," he added. "And sure, that would be great."

"Ooh, from Talea, are you? I was wondering about that... well, it's certainly nice to discover that the stories about their women being absolutely stunning is true," said Mirto in response, returning her grin to show that he had picked up on her lighthearted manner of speaking. "And to think that you're an heiress of such a prestigious company, at that. Well then, if you perceive anyone to have slighted you, I wouldn't mind fighting them for such."

"I gotta ask... do you trade in fruits, then?" inquired Galseth. "Like ralonas, pabakkoes, or maybe domelons, that sort of thing. I've been meanin' to get my hands on some of the more exotic varieties from Talea, but have had little luck thus far."

"I'm not much of a fruit guy, but I'll try any kind of food at least once!" commented Davend. "If I could travel the world just eating various delicacies, that would be something. I guess you could call it research of sorts for my cooking." His supposed appetite betrayed his somewhat slender frame, though Hiri could likely guess a strong metabolism to be the reason.

"Yeah, so if you want a sucker to take your 'eat this' dares, you know who to choose," joked Brenn.

"I prefer to think of it as being culturally open-minded!" replied Davend with a chuckle.

The sight of Hiri without her glasses earned her some looks from at least two of the boys around her, though it might be difficult for her to notice.

Arianne giggled. "Now that you've been acquainted with the most important people in this party, I do recommend mingling a little more. Don't be shy--believe me, I'm sure there are many here that would be honored to make a friend like you. And feel free to ask if there's anything you need," she assured Hiri.

"Guess I'll get to it, then," said Galseth, before taking his place upon the makeshift stage with three other unnamed males from the crowd and providing some music for the festivities. He was indeed talented, and Hiri could see how he might attract a girl or two if only by the sound of his voice and his apparent gifts.

This left Hiri to socialize a little more as the alcohol chipped away at her inhibitions.

"Soo, whatcha think?" whispered Wenille with a giddy look on her face. "You're in! I mean, basically. I can tell they like you a lot! But be honest--if you had to pick one to be stranded on a desert island with, which would you choose?"

From there, the Wind Major could opt to have more in-depth discussions with anyone she had previously met--Brenn, Arianne, Davend, Mirto, Rancent, Tria, Anwen and Frey. If she sought to further broaden her scope of friends, there stood a group of three boys off to one side and four off to another, with a mixed one in between. Alternatively, she could simply watch Galseth play.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Hiri shrugged at Rancent's reply. It seemed simple and logical enough to want to follow in the footsteps of one's parents. That was certainly what Hiri had decided to do, or at least intended at this point. Sailing and trading was the only life she had known up until now, but maybe after meeting the people here, she would discover other careers that might interest her.

Mirto's response managed to catch her off guard. She had not been expecting so blatant a compliment, and so instead of playing it cool she found herself smiling and standing a little taller at being told she was 'stunning.' "Oh... aren't you the charmer." She managed to get out after a long second. "Great. I'll consider you my champion should anyone start tossing insults my way."

Smooth, she thought, and rushed hurriedly along to Galseth's question. "Fruit? Yes, fruit, among other things. Talea is a very flowery place, with each island having its own specialties and plants. We don't often sell them this far from our lands because they would spoil, but we take them to the bazaars in southern Honrai, and in some cases we will trade seeds to interested cultivators. Though I am told they grow best in our hot, wet climate. They're good for cooking too." She added for Davend's benefit.

"Open-mindedness is a good thing," Hiri said, holding her elbow in her other hand as she said so. She certainly hoped that these people here were being nice to her because they were open-minded, as opposed to knowing that she happened to be from a rich family. She couldn't help but wonder what they really felt about her looks, and the color of her skin.

When Arianne spoke to her again, Hiri was just placing her cleaned glasses back on the bridge of her nose, and seeing clearly again. "I'll do my best. Thanks for taking me around for a bit, Arianne. This was nice."

She gave a small wave to the party organizer and the group of the so-called 'important people.' Hiri returned to sipping her drink and found herself both smiling and buzzing when Wenille leaned in to whisper conspiratorially to her.

"I'm in? What do you mean? Just like that?" She giggled and took another sip of her drink, putting a hand on Wenille's shoulder as she did so.

"Stranded on a --? Oh Wenille! Is that all you were thinking about back there?" She looked over her shoulder at the boys, smiling stupidly and turning quickly away if any of them caught her looking. "I... I don't know. They all seem nice. I'm not going to be able to tell just from a few words and some compliments -- though wasn't Mirto nice? Hee hee. What about you, Wen? Which one do you fancy?"
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Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Nnnnnnnn... oooooo, not like THAT," said Wenille. "Not uhm, necessarily anyway. I'm just saying, if you HAD to pick at swordpoint, which would you go with? 'Cause I mean, outside of Alahan and maybe a few other um, okay but less normal guys, there's not too much selection in our class, don'tcha think? Hmhmhm... that's why you gotta go to parties like these to find any of the good ones!" she explained.

She made a funny face, a somewhat mischievous one that was on the very tip of a smile, but not quite, in response to Hiri's answer to her desert island inquiry. "I think so too--those Greybournian guys really are something, huuh? But I think Galseth is probably more my type. I mean, isn't it really cool for somebody to be good at anything they put their mind to?" The green-haired girl couldn't help but slowly look over to the stage where the bard-like student was playing. Of course, she wasn't the only one; a glance around showed that the long-haired lute player had managed to gather quite the following.

She then turned her gaze over to Hiri and took a deep breath as some of the excitement in her expression faded just a notch. "Actually, I've sorta known him and the people here since like, the start of the school year, but I just haven't really had the chance to... y'know. It's kind of hard when someone's so popular, y'know? Or, busy, or whateverr..." she trailed off quietly, her eyes soon following a crowd of three moving towards the exit. The trio consisted of two boys and one girl in the middle, the latter of which seemed terribly drunk, as she barely managed to stumble her way across the floor while hooking one arm each around the shoulders of those flanking her. In stark contrast, those with her seemed to be much more sober.

"Ehehehee... where we going~?" slurred the girl, her eyes wandering slightly before being able to focus, just barely, on the one to her right.

"Somewhere fun," he replied.

"Does he have to come too?"

"Uh... yeah. You'll see."

With that, the group made their way to the exit, and from the sounds of their footsteps, seemed to slowly be heading upstairs somewhere as opposed to making their way outside.

Wenille hid a giggle. "Some people really can't hold their liquor. But there's no way I'm going to pass up all these drinks! If I end up like that, you'll hold my head up for me, right? I mean, maybe if someone really nice-looking drags me away, then I'll give you a special signal or something--like a wink? Like this?" She tried to make an exaggerated winking motion, which was far too obvious to go unnoticed, but it went to show how much of a buzz was already affecting Wenille as well.

Just as Wenille finished her sentence, they were approached by two young men--not quite the studs that Hiri had just met, but easy on the eyes nonetheless. One was of taller and somewhat slimmer build, with hair a darker shade of blonde to contrast just slightly with a very light complexion. The other was slightly more tan and shorter than his cohort, with dark green hair and an easygoing air about him.

"Would you two care to dance?" asked the latter, his eyes mainly on the Talean beauty.

A look around would reveal that the others in the room had already begun to follow suit for the most part. It was a more refined sort of dance than the more free-spirited expressions that Hiri had grown accustomed to in her homeland, but on the other hand, she was already getting so much positive attention from these Elynsorians--and these two, whom she had never met before, probably didn't know about her connections to the Leamoss family to judge based on that alone. Whether she would accept his offer, or make an excuse in the hopes for holding out for another one, however, was up to her.

The other Wind Major glanced sideways at Hiri, deferring to her in this case.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"I don't know, I guess I haven't given it much thought," Hiri said. "So you like Alahan, huh?"

The half-Talean grinned slyly at Wenille before hearing about her friend's crush on Galseth. The lute player did seem like a fun and popular guy. Hiri could see the reason why Wenille and a whole bunch of other girls would find him interesting. He was worldly, talented, and had a range of interests that made what he did and what he had to say interesting. He was tall and handsome too, which helped. Mirto and Rancent seemed to be of a more powerful build, reflecting their military training backgrounds. While Rancent was a sailor and probably had like interests when it came to the sea, Hiri had been around men of the sea all her life, so Mirto's more dashing mannerisms held the foreign islander's interest. Despite what a man of Cendrick's disposition could do to disillusion her, Hiri didn't mind the idea of a man in uniform, especially if he had a personality to go with it. As for the fourth boy, Davend, while he seemed nice, she had a few initial doubts about him that she couldn't quite put into words.

"The chance to what? Talk to him? Isn't working up the courage to do that why we drink this stuff?" Hiri postulated as she rose the glass in her hand and pointed to it with the other. She chuckled a bit.

"Though yeah, I understand what you mean. It's not that easy to just go up and say hi. I mean... it sounds easy, but..." Hiri trailed off, not really certain what her developing mind wanted to articulate. It was enough that Wenille was nodding and seemed to understand the same unspoken truth that she was getting at.

She looked at the drunk girl being led off by the two guys, not really being affected by the sight. To someone older and more experienced in the ways of the world, it might have set off some alarm bells, but to her, it just seemed to be normal, especially since the room seemed to be a bit more shiny in the candlelight and her face had gone a bit rosy. She was more concerned with her own ability to stand up to the alcohol than any other girl's state of mind.

"Wen, if you get like that, I will find a nice corner for you to keel over in and I'll make sure to prop you up on your side. Thaaat's about it! I've seen enough drunk sailors to know that it isn't pretty, so just keep yourself under control okay?" She admonished with a grin.

Her forewarning done with, Hiri would turn with Wenille to face the pair of young men that had approached them. She found the offer to dance amusing and fought to suppress a grin. Then there was the realization that she knew nothing of Elynsoran dance custom.

"Uh... I don't exactly know how," she said, looking over at Wenille who seemed to be deferring to her. She wasn't exactly opposed to dancing as a concept however, and if Wenille wasn't giving her any negative signs, Hiri felt she had no real reason to refuse.

"I guess we could try if you want," she added, finally glancing over at the boy in front of her. She didn't exactly know what to do next. Was she suppose to offer her hand? She would wait for the unknown boy to take the lead and show her what to do.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Alaha--wha... no! I don't LIKE-like him, I just think he's better looking than most of the guys in our class. Which probably isn't saying much overall, sure, but hey, it doesn't hurt to look right?" Wenille blurted out, to clarify her view of the popular Earth Major. "And as for uhm, Galseth," she continued, lowering her voice, "let's just say I haven't gotten really wasted enough to be that forthcoming about it. I was a little afraid to drink that much before, when I didn't know people quite as well... buuut, if I have someone watching out for me, tonight might be my lucky night, huh? Never know! It's good to know that you have experience with drunkards, because I honestly don't know what kind of drunk I am yet. The real question is, are you ready to find out?" She finished the rest of her glass with a single gulp.

It was around that time that the girls received their invitation to dance, and Wenille returned Hiri's look after sizing up the boys. The green-haired girl shrugged with a slight smirk, saying, "Oh, why not? I don't intend on being a wallflower all night!"

"Don't worry, I can show you how," offered the stranger. He placed his palm up towards her with one graceful motion, as if requesting her own to be placed in his. After she obliged, he would give her a courtly bow of his head and lead her to the floor, where several other couples had already gathered in a fairly tidy formation. "My name's Harlin. From the sounds of it, they're doing the Faire Stalle... so I'm guessing you're not from around here? Relax and just follow my lead," said Hiri's new partner in a calm voice. "I think you'll get it in a minute or so."

The group they were in formed two lines facing each other, with women in the first row and men in the second. Compared to the more free-spirited Talean dance, it was certainly... orderly and restrained. As with before, the bespectacled beauty met Harlin in the middle, joined hands with him, and made a brisk few steps down before taking their places just right of the other couple--Wenille and the tall blonde gent. The other couple then rotated towards the outside in a spinning flourish, then joined hands and walked down the middle in the direction opposite the path that Hiri and her partner originally walked. Then, Wenille and Harlin traded places diagonally from each other, before Hiri followed suit with the lanky one. The four would follow by joining their hands in a circle, spinning a few times in a very mild yet whimsical manner. Wenille couldn't help but smile at Hiri as they did so, her face blushed thanks to the effects of the drink. Still, the buzz wasn't enough to cause her to trip, as the steps seemed simple enough.

A slight shift would move them down the line, where the process would repeat. Though Hiri was coupled with Harlin for the most part, finding herself consistently face-to-face with him, by moving down the line she would also join hands at least momentarily with everyone in it, taking turns walking down the rows with each of the males involved. There she saw many of the people she had met earlier in the party; Rancent, Mirto, Brenn, Davend and apparently even Galseth, as well as the girls Arianne, Tria, Anwen and Frey. Passing by each of them earned her various reactions. Rancent was as stoic as ever, while Mirto winked and Brenn nodded. She could feel Frey's eyes scanning her during the initial pass of trading places with her, though the girl would try her best to be discreet about it afterwards. Meanwhile, Wenille could be seen nearly stumbling when she joined hands with Galseth, earning a few giggles from those around. Not that she minded, as she was too dumbfounded with the sight and touch of her crush. While it wasn't quite as wild or free-spirited as some dances Hiri might have enjoyed in Talea, it was still a good opportunity for her to socialize with those at the party.

Before too long, the dance came to an end, and Harlin gave Hiri a courteous bow. "Thanks. That wasn't so bad, was it? You're a natural. So are you new to the Academy? Can't say I've seen you at these gatherings before..."

Meanwhile, Wenille hadn't stuck around her dance partner for long. She gravitated towards Galseth, and even managed to strike up what appeared to be a lively conversation with him, though Hiri couldn't quite hear what it was all about. At least she was doing well, if nothing else.

The blonde, for lack of a better place to go, came up beside his darker-haired friend and finally introduced himself to Hiri. "I'm Arbis. Looks like your friend has it bad for someone, huh..."

A young man in what looked to be some sort of waiter's outfit with fiery red hair and a tray full of empty glasses made the rounds, stopping momentarily upon reaching the place where Hiri stood. "Dellin Ale, is it? Need me to refill this, or would you care to try something else?"
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"What? Wenille! Don't drink it that fast!" Hiri hissed, her eyes going wide with incredulity as her eager companion downed her alcohol faster than was advisable, and with complete lack of regard to what the consequences would be. "I never said I was any good at keeping others out of trouble when they're drunk you know! Please, pace yourself!"

Her plea hadn't seemed to sink in before the two of them were asked to dance, and swiftly the wind majors were out on the dance floor, standing with two strangers. Not wanting to seem rude, Hiri had taken this Harlin's hand and allowed herself to be led out and walked through the basic steps. Having no other alternative, she mirrored his steps and hand motions, following the unspoken instructions and interacting with the other dancers as well when the time came. Through it all, she found it to be an amusing experience, if a little quaint. Eventually, she was smiling gaily and nodding to her fellow dancers, both girls and boys, as they held hands and passed one another.

She smiled at Wenille's stumble, though not with any malice. If she played her cards right with Galseth, maybe the boy would find her missteps to be cute and adorable, rather than tiring. It wouldn't do though if he smelled too much wine on her breath.

When the dance came to an end, Hiri politely clapped for the performance of her peers, and with a beaming smile, nodded at Harlin.

"You're kind to say so. It's different than what I'm used to, but it was still fun. Thanks for taking me through it." Hiri went on to explain to Harlin, as she had with the other boys, that she was new to the academy, originally from Talea, and that she had an Elynsoran mother who was a graduate of the RMA.

When Arbis joined their conversation and commented on Wenille, Hiri tried to assuage him with a light laugh. "Yeah, sorry about that. She's a good girl, Wenille, but subtlety hasn't been her strong suit. I wonder if Galseth realizes it or not? As for you, I wouldn't worry about it."

When the waiter appeared next to her, Hiri looked down at her glass, becoming aware that it was empty. "Ahm... no. No thank you. I'm fine."

Maybe she was being too much of a wallflower by not taking a second glass, but she figured that with Wenille being so into the party, it would be better for them both if one of them kept a level head.
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

"Pfffhaha, whyyy? Do I look like a troublemaker to you~?" cooed Wenille sweetly in response to Hiri's warning. Her most recent drink was only a way to guarantee her drunkenness, as she was already far past the point of simply being buzzed. Whether it was the alcohol itself or just her own self-assurance, the green-haired one's inhibitions were clearly gone. Her single-minded focus on Galseth was almost impressive, as Hiri's presence (as well as that of everyone else) suddenly became much less important when the other Wind Major finally got her chance to engage her crush in prolonged conversation. In spite of her apparent inebriation, however, Galseth seemed to take quite well to Wenille, or at least maintained a good level of politeness as he responded to whatever queries she directed his way.

This left Hiri alone with the two boys that they had danced with. Harlin listened to her explanation with interest. Her background wasn't the typical story for a student of the Academy, which gave him good reason to be impressed by it all. Arbis seemed to find a bit of comfort with Hiri's consolation. The blonde was definitely the more reserved of the two, with Harlin initiating most of the topics. "I'm a second generation mage, myself. It's just nice to have gatherings like these in the first place, let alone an entire school for people like us. Every time I try to talk to someone else about the stuff, like say, a commoner, they give me a blank stare like they have pretty much no idea what I'm talking about," he explained.

"Probably because they really don't," added Arbis offhandedly. His gaze went off towards the crowd in general, though he occasionally stole a glance at Hiri when she didn't appear cognizant of it. However, it wasn't that hard for her to notice.

"But on the other hand, a lot of people here have pretty important connections or backgrounds... I'll be honest--it was kind of intimidating at first, since some people like to ride on it more than others. Shame, too, since a lot of girls here don't even need to do that for me to find them interesting." He gave a slight grin.

Unless Hiri made any overt moves to call out to others passing by--Anwen, Tria, Frey, and the like--she'd have the two boys to keep her company while Wenille continued to chat and laugh with Galseth. It looked as though she was doing quite well, in spite of her intoxication.

"Looks like your friend's doing pretty well," commented Harlin. "Can't help but wonder what kind of guy you'd be approaching with a bit more drink in your system?" he asked somewhat testingly, curious of her answer.

From there, the night went by quickly enough. Harlin would invite her to just one more dance of the two that proceeded, which she could accept or decline. As the party went on, drinks became much more available with the various servers traveling to and fro. Harlin remained cordial and outspoken as always, if a bit flirty. However, the festivities would peter out after another hour and a half, as newly formed couples began to filter out. Wenille could be spotted with Galseth. Apparently, she had done more than just a few things right to gain the lute player's interest, and could be seen moving upstairs with him, hand in hand, to some unnamed dorm above. Hiri could follow or try to say something to her friend, but she would have to be quick about it.

"Since this is the boys' dorm and all, I don't imagine you live here. What building are you in?" asked Harlin. "We'll walk you home."
Re: Thought is the Wind, Knowledge the Sail (BlueSlime) GMed by Takimaru

Hiri would have to side with the quieter Arbis in the case of 'commoners' not understanding magic.

"I don't think they could really be expected to understand magic and gate theory any more than you could say..." she regarded Harlin for a moment, then said, "Know the intricacies of butchering a wild pig for eating. Unless of course you'd had people take you through the process several times, and assuming you were comfortable with animal guts."

Hiri winked at Arbis conspiratorially as she said this, but then from the way he looked at her, she wondered if she might have just given him a wrong impression. The conversation then switched to Wenille.

"Yeah, seems so. I guess I shouldn't disturb her then. What's above us anyway? Just more rooms? Do you think she'll be all right to get back to her dorm by herself?"

Hiri listened to the two boys' opinions on the matter, but she didn't want to interrupt Wenille when she clearly had struck gold with the older boy. She decided that Wenille could tell her all about it on the following day in class, and if things went poorly for her from this point, well it wasn't Hiri's fault that Wenille had got drunk on purpose, just so she could get close to Galseth. A mother, Hiri was not, and she didn't intend to be a buzzkill for Wenille. She would dance again with Harlin if he wanted, and Arbis too if he worked up the nerve to ask her. She did feel a bit bad for him that he'd been so blatantly ignored by Wenille earlier.

"Oh yeah, I guess you two could walk me back, if you like." Hiri told them her dormitory and if they were so inclined after knowing where they'd be walking, she walked out into the night air with them, still feeling in control of herself, having not drunk anywhere near the amount of alcohol that her friend had consumed.