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A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter) GMed by Rathuris

Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 123/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, +20 Body (Greater Strength) Upkeep = 1, grappling the woman with big tits

Woman: Taken 24 damage, robe at 0/25 TP, spent 11 EP, Wind Armor, grappled

The woman refuses some more. Tori buffs herself.

Weakness: No turn loss.

Attack: Hit.
Resistance (Wind Armor) : 20 + 8 + 10 = 38 vs 24 = 4 + 20, Tori wins!
The woman is grappled.

The woman uses Gust on Tori.
Casting: Success.
Grapple: Tori wins, so the attack doesn't happen.

Even though she seemed ready to defend herself, the woman's prepared spell didn't quite manage to go off before Tori's whip lashed out at her once again. This time, possibly because she was seemingly gathering a wind attack, the woman's magical protection didn't stop Tori's whip from reaching her body. Her target let out a startled gasp as Tori's chain wrapped around her waist, dragging her forward a step and causing her to stumble. That in turn caused her spell to miss, a wave of wind blast over Tori's head and disrupting the trees over her but not bothering her in the slightest.

"Nnn! Get... Let me go!" she whined, but it was clear that she wasn't so confident now that Tori was dragging her closer and her magical wind could no longer protect her. All Tori had to do at that point was get her a bit closer and those magnificent swinging globes would be within reach, and as she stumbled her shredded robe fell further away until it only covered her shoulders, revealing that the redhead hadn't had anything on under her robe, a well trimmed patch of hair in the same auburn color as her hair standing over her bare crotch.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori's chain secured itself on the women's waist just as she began to gather magic once more, slicing through her protective wall of wind, she began reeling in the witch tossing her off balance releasing the spell..."Wow. you weren't kidding Tits that would have hurt."

The dangerous part over with Tori massed her pool of slime in front of her already a bit smaller. She began walking forward sauntering really letting her chain be re-absorbed into her a constant small tug on it.

"Now Tits and what amazing breasts you have, I'll say again just to remind you Tits. Why would I let you go? You were... not-agressive, lets forget that last attack you tried I'm in a fondling mood." Tori waves at the air with her free hand.

"So I'll ask you a few questions and worship your Tits for a while, with a full body massage and maybe more if you ask nicely."Tori winks at the women hands twitching in a weakening restraint a change flickers over her body. Bright blood-crimson scales nearly invisible to the human eye erupts from Tori's 'skin'. Would the woman continue struggling eventually one would note further change sees these scales polished and 'waxed' yet dulled to an earthy red an simulacrum of an red skinned person, albielt with blood red crystal sclera on dark red pupils.

"after which you can ask some questions of your own and I might grant them, heal you from my mistake." I point to the cut across her formerly unmarred skin. "Then I can decide on where to go next leaving you in peace... If naked personally I find you better looking in that dress. Though seeing that hairless muff is worth the lose of that dress."Tori scans her captive as she moves up close to her. "I really suggest on accepting Tits. Oh and maybe your name I'm Tori or Mistress if you must."

Tori Reels in to Melee range with the women.
-Tori uses Shapeshifter 2EP for Odd Skin(Fluff:Tiny Scales) and for the next (possible) three rounds until the Woman stops resisting Soft Skin x3.

Should the Women call Tori anything else besides Tori or Mistress once Tori has told her her Name the first 2 times Tori will remind her of her name the third time Tori will deliever a dose of Aphrodisiac Fluids into her mouth and remind her to call her Tori, 4th time would result in slime covering her mouth and another dose of A. Fluids.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 122/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, +20 Body (Greater Strength) Upkeep = 1, grappling the woman with big tits

Woman: Taken 24 damage, robe at 0/25 TP, spent 11 EP, grappled

As I said in my last PM, you can only get one instance of a mutation at a time via shapeshifter.

The first turn Tori takes to shapeshift and close the distance, and the sorceress tries to escape to no avail.

Next round, allegedly also one in which Tori doesn't do anything, the mage gives up.

"What... Nnnn... Get off me dammit!" the woman demanded, still trying and failing to squirm free of Tori's grip. Her struggles fruitless and her situation increasingly untenable, the busty magus eventually opts to stop squirming as Tori drew nearer. "F... Fine! Just... Do what you want... Just don't... Kill me... Nnnfff!" she replied, eventually going silent with a huff as tears appeared in her eyes. "My name... Is Maryanne," she replied with a stoic note appearing in her tone, though it was quick to crack as she seemingly feared what Tori was going to do to her next. Her massive breasts stood unprotected on her heaving chest, practically being offered to the lustful slime, their tips hardened and ready for attention that would allow Tori to feed.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Had Maryanne paid attention to Tori's face she would note an expression of glee and horror. "Kill you!? That is what you think I would do after going through all this trouble is to Kill you?" Tori lets her Magic Strength fade from her form while at the same time channeling more of her self to make her new 'skin' more pleasant to the touch.

"I'm offended you think think that, yet I admit my... introduction was less then... friendly. Which reminds me..." Tori draws into her stores to cast an Healing spell and a Diagnose afterwards to ensure no further wounds remain on her newest Cap- Partner... "There I think I got everything from my excitement earlier. Now then Question Time! Hope you don't mind talking to nothing." Tori giggled after delievering that launching her 'body' at Maryanne, Tori hugs the witch's captive form and begins 'stretching' for the lack of a better word around her. The pool about their feet crawling up her legs, removing any footwear she may had worn replacing it with a scale covered 2-inch 'heel' slipper and removing the remaining cloth on her person. Within moments the witch is seemily by herself only she was now clad in a skintight scaled-bodysuit of scarlet. 'Padding', in the form of slime under the layer of scales, protected her 'modesty' making one think of an barbie doll. The suit ends at her collarbone.

Once Maryanne had calmed down she'd note that all AGAINST her skin wasn't the expected cool wet feel of slime but, the silk touch of more gel-hardened scales and that the valley between her breasts lacked some depth to it. Should she attempt to move around she'd note she couldn't feel the chain which drapes around the scarlet suit's hips in a decorative fashion rather then its previous utility, her arms and legs were hobbled both encountering resistance should she attempt raising her hands past her bust, wagging her fingers and hands for anything besides opening and closing her hands, trying to run or opening her legs further apart then needed to walk, and should she speak she'd note her voice was muffled by a scaled mask.

"Don't mind the mask I can still hear you just fine."Tori waits to see what Maryanne exactly thinks of this set-up before asking her questions.

"Now lets see... Where is the nearest human settlement from here?"
"How big is it do they have any Arti-? Artfi-?... people who can look at magic things and tell what they are."
"Better yet you know of anyone who can do that?"

During her question time Tori has applied light pressure to Maryanne's breasts forcing them together and engulfing her hidden core in the burgeoning titflesh losing herself to the solid and yielding sensations against her nexus, Tori loved breasts not simply because of their size it was the fact they were like her yet solid. The silky smooth pilable feeling mixed with the solid feeling of most living creatures combine with the dry inner heat this is what drove her mad with large breasts this is what she loves the intimate truly solid-to-solid contact she wished.

The entire suit shakes and shivers in pleasure for a few seconds. The inner 'skin' contracts, the slime inbetween the skin expanding slightly. the twisting and turning scales on flesh across Maryanne's entire body at first feels like being in latex ,if she had ever been in latex a constant pressure on her skin to contract into itself. This lasts several seconds, "oops eheh sorry about that I got ahead of myself there. Can you repeat that last one?" Tori doesn't stop the rythmic 'pulses' and sudden 'silk' covered hands that now roam across Maryanne's breasts nor the 'wet' kisses that sporatically occur on them and the vaccum effect combined with phantom tongues playing on her nipples and aerolas.

Tori attempts to get Maryanne into a Submission Hold Free Grapple check.
-Grapple check to deal Foreplay Damage to breasts.
Shapeshifter Soft Skin 2EP
Diagnose and Lesser Healing Touch.
Stops upkeep of Buff[Body]
And asks her the Questions 3.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 185/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, grappling/submissionholding/molesting Maryanne

Maryanne: grappled, submission hold, being molested

Due to my relative laziness, I won't bother rolling pleasure or whatnot and just have it resolved via the RP. Tori will regain a set amount of EP from ye woman anyway, assuming she drains her down to 0 and no further. That number is 65, for future reference, and I've gone ahead and put that up in Tori's current EP.

"Because you're a monster!" the captured woman would spit back at Tori in response to the slime's incredulous response to her suspicion that Tori would kill her, obviously still both furious and terrified. Those emotions would switch to surprise when the slime suddenly healed her, a single spell enough to repair the tear in the woman's side and her second spell leaving her sure that her victim was uninjured. "What are you.... Gah!" Maryanne muttered in confusion, before letting out a gasp of surprise as Tori started slipping up her body, removing her slippers and replacing them with heals of slime that were incredibly unstable, making it difficult for her to even keep her feet under her. The journey up her body was soon complete, leaving the busty female encased from head to toe in Tori's slime, a fact that inspired some squirming from her captive before Maryanne went still again as Tori finally closed over her face.

"What are you doing?" she demanded, but then Tori had finally situated herself and started asking her questions. "Khargan," she replied to the first question, "but Ironrose Monastery and plenty of other small villages are nearby too." To the second and third, she would hesitate for a moment before replying; "None of the places near here are large, even Ironrose isn't that big.... But there are plenty of artificers there." She seemed to be holding something back, but as Tori was no longer paying attention to her words that omission would be easily missed.

In the meantime, the slime would be able to enjoy herself with the woman's impressive bust, first squeezing her core between the pillowy orbs and then beginning to worship them properly. Tiny flecks of energy began to flow into her from her victim, and though she bit her lip to silence any moans that and the way that the sensitive tips hardened against her touch told Tori that the woman was feeling pleasure from her attentions. The rosy nubs upon which she applied her phantom mouths proved exceptionally sensitive to her touch, hardening quickly and then responding to even the slightest bit of attention, but after a few moments of attention something strange would happen. A bead of thick, white fluid would appear at each of them, the nutrient rich milk easily absorbed and - at least to the slime's unusual senses - quite tasty. Squeezing her bosom further around her core would only cause more of the fluid to appear, and added suction to those vulnerable tips would likewise produce a plentiful supply of the substance for her to acquire.

"I... Already.. Nnff... Told you! There are artificers at Ironrose! And at Khargan! And... And at Bira! The sorcerer's village! They're all nearby!" Maryanne replied, seemingly desperate to do anything that would get the slime to leave her alone. The phantom mouths, tongues, and hands being applied by the slime had produced a noticeable flush on the woman's face and skin, signs of arousal that Tori could readily recognize even without feeling the slight dampness starting to form at her petals.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori mentally shrugged her shoulders Maryanne was correct in that she was a 'Monster' and she did admit her... 'Actions' didn't warrant a special case. Tori did mull over the choices given to her for a 'artificer' making up her mind she asks her erstwhile captive. "While I thank you for the answers one last question. Mind telling me the direction of 'Ironrose'?" Tori also regretably removes the heel of slime she had placed on the scaled slippers, 'Mou maybe when I stronger that would work.' Fortunately a pleasant surprise awaited Tori in her Partner's breasts, a sinful delight to the slime one that drives her into a state of bliss.

'Milk!' a surprising find for her the creamy decadent flavor makes Tori redouble her efforts on withdrawing more of the rare treat, a seal is formed around the mammaries and another around the aerolas. Costant 'vacuum' in the second Seal lets Tori enjoy pure milk while the first is filled with aphrodisiac fluids merely causing a 'warming and tingle to the exposed skin more scaled hands join in caressing the titflesh.

In a truly epic battle of will Tori focuses on this wonderful lady. Scales creeping up her cheeks and slime creeping into her scalp. "The suit is for your Full Body Slime Massage(TM) silly. Before we start I suggest finding someplace to lay on... Before your legs give out honey." Tori cuts off any protests before they can start. "Not taking no as a answer, well I can... But, I'm still going to have at your breasts just relax somewhere because I'm going to...

Scales move over her hair, a 'seal' of scales at her hairline prevent the slime from her scalp escaping, joining to her back Maryanne's hair gathered and flatten giving the view of a cowl of scales. "Make"

Scales move to cover her ears the second 'skin' absent letting the slime to engulf the ears, thankfully not entering her ear canal. "You"

Further scales move to cover Maryanne's nose only two thin 'slits' can be made out under the 'mask' now covering almost her entire face. "Love It."

Whether or not Maryanne decides to rest somewhere or Tori puppets her into a piece of furniture a 'ring' of scales tighten around her neck sealing her body from her head, at the same time the skintight fit of Tori loosens a little but, before Maryanne can wonder why this slack is filled by aphrodisiac fluids.

The fluids both warm and set the women's body tingling most pleasantly, instants after dozens of scaled hands go to work on the woman. Every centimeter of Maryanne's body is kneaded and caressed by these scaled velvety hands Tori's amazing knowledge of the body is shown. No muscle group is left out knots and kinks melt away. Tori removes most of the restrictions on Maryanne except for any attempt of leaving where ever she had lain was met with resistance.

This continues for the better part of an hour, the assault on her breasts continue until it stops giving milk the seals on them dissolving and fluids wash over her nipples hands rolling, pinching, and caressing them. Tori's voice comes to her "Now this is going to startle you a bit but, bear with me and close your eyes." Slowly scales begin to come alive once more the remaining skin of her face begins to disappear under its march, at the end a smooth featureless mask is left. Under it Maryanne can feel the 'second' skin layer wick away and the ever present 'wet' sensation of slime overtakes it no matter what she asks / does Tori doesn't answer her and she finds her body is unable to move once more. She can notice though that she has air and has free range of her mouth.

Slowly Maryanne notices the slime is gently vibrating its vibrations get stronger over time, yet never above a gentle hum. Eventually the seal on her neck is removed and her entire body is rocked by the vibrations fluids having at some point been replaced with slime all along her body the 'inner' scaled skin was removed the outer layer changes shape into a cocoon, a featureless oval, scaled hands still caress and worship her body.

When Maryanne becomes unconcious Tori ceases her minstrations dismisses all of her transformative properties. Tori slides both off the furniture onto the floor where she forms herself into a 'bed' and canopy decompressing herself to achieve this feat, her crimson color lightening to a simple red. The canopy opens occasionally to allow Maryanne to avoid going into shock from rapid 'enviroment' change. By the time she awakes only the 'bed' is left.

Upon waking the next morning... Should nothing bother them that night. Tori greets Maryanne. "Ah! so the Princess woke up! How are you today Maryanne?"Tori draws up her Avatar, coreless avatar if she notices. She may also note that withdrawing from her bust, rather slowly is said core and the cessation of an suckling sesation from her chest. "Now that your awake I guess I should be going. If I'm ever nearby _kll be sure to drop by and mol- massage you again!" During this Tori sets the woman on her feet and prepares to run away after hearing Maryanne's retort.

Tori does quite alot of things but no sex.
Tori Pays X EP where X is Hours till Maryanne sleeps*8EP.
Advance to next morning unless interrupted.

OOC: So Mad lost a copy to ULMF error ugh. This version isn't the same less details but, ehh I'm happy with this molestation. Not sure if [Physican] works quite like that but, I wanted some fluff to add to the massage part which was originally going to be the making her horny and sex part. I'm sure I can make up for lost sex later.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 178/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Maryanne: Augh a Slime!

"West! Nnn.... West and North!" Maryanne replied, and if Tori didn't know directions she would try to point her in the appropriate direction. Once Tori had discovered the delicious fluid that the massive breasts she was toying with could leak, the method she employed in sucking the delectable substance from her subjects breasts proved not only effective in drawing it out, but apparently in pleasuring her given the widening of the stream of energy that she was sucking from her victim's soul.

Her subject would squirm uncomfortably as she was further restrained, piece by piece being sealed up as Tori promised to make the woman love every moment of having her breasts fondled, and with no other option Maryanne would obey her earlier command and amble blindly over to a nearby chair and sink down into it. Soon enough a tight seal is formed around her neck, the added pressure making the helpless woman cringe, and for a few moments the combination of discomforts is enough to override the sensations rising up from her breasts. That moment is brief, however, as the slime soon loosened her hold just slightly and filled the added space with her potent aphrodisiacs, leaving her victim's flesh tingling as the chemicals slowly seeped into it through her skin.

A few moments later a different sort of pleasure was applied as Tori began to apply pressure wherever her highly attuned senses detected a tightness in the woman's muscles, the slime's ability to pinpoint the clenched tissue greater than any messeuse of flesh and blood could ever hope to replicate. Moment by moment her victim's discomfort lessened as the massage and aphrodisiacs took effect, and after a little while her squirming was purely pleasurable again. For the next hour or so Tori would be able to steadily drain the woman's milk, her suction quickly turning her dribbles into small streams, and the more of it she drained the more the one providing it seemed to enjoy her attentions, at least up to a point, but even when she'd hit the woman's plateau she would find the auburn haired witch shivering. A few moments more and she would gently arch her back, her mouth parting in a series of long moans as Tori felt her cum just from the stimulation offered to her bosom. Each of her nipples would unleash several streams of milk as she orgasmed, but after that her body would seemingly be dry, as her bust had shrunk slightly and she would only release drops of milk from that point onwards.

That peak also ensured that Maryanne was exhausted, with her energies fed to Tori to strengthen the slime until they were completely spent, and after that she would barely move or react to Tori's change in how she was held. All too soon she was unconscious completely in the slime's grasp, giving Tori only a little more time to enjoy her squirming and moaning from the worship of her body, and the softness of her core being encompassed in between those massive breasts. Nothing would bother them through the night besides insects, a few mosquitoes coming in to feast on the comatose human's blood and a few moths fluttering around curiously before flying off again.

When she awakened come the dawn, Maryanne would slowly open her eyes with a low, groggy groan, though a dark scowl appears on her face when the slime greets her. She is slow to react, the effects of being drained similar in many respects to a hangover, and thus misses the opportunity present as Tori slowly pulls her core back from between the mage's breasts, the fleshy jewel the slime's most vulnerable point. No vengeance was to be had, however, as she seemed intent on ignoring Tori as she slowly got back to her feet. She checked her pot first, examining the contents and frowning sadly. The fire under it had burned out overnight and the water had cooled, and after a few moments of examining it she heard the woman mutter; "It's ruined.... All ruined.... All that work." Turning to Tori, she would frown darkly at the slime, and to her parting remark she would reply; "Well, I'll have to hope that you don't stay in the area then.... Goodbye."

And with that, she would turn and stride back into her home, slamming the door shut behind her, leaving Tori to go off and do as she liked once more.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori stares at the woman, having expected at least a barb comaparing her to last night, today she was surprisingly subdued. 'Hmm, maybe she really wanted whatever she was focusing on with that pot?' The slime moves over and peers into the cauldron, not fearing poison due to her biology she sticks a tendril to poke at whatever is inside the pot, should it prove not corrosive or taste vile Tori would begin absorbing the contents. After which she would begin heading North.

I LIVE... sorta expect another dropping off the face of the planet within the week. Sorry for the length getting used to typing again.

Inspect and consume mystery pot's contents. (why not)

Head North
-Walking Pace
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 178/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

Not really rolls, so much as Tori gaining a new thing. Having absorbed a ruined batch of medicine, she takes on its properties. Essentially, she gains a modification to her Aphrodisiac Fluids that I will label Healing Fluids, allowing people to heal 2d6 HP and gain a +10 bonus to Resistance checks against poisons and diseases when they ingest her fluid. The healing can be done repeatedly, but the bonus does not stack and lasts for 24 hours.

Tori also gains 2 exp.

Gathering up and eating the ruined contents of the pot prompted a very confused look from the woman she had assaulted last night, but it wouldn't prompt her to say anything before Tori wandered off. It had tasted rather minty, really.

Heading off to the North, the slime would require a few moments to orient herself correctly, and would then find herself wandering through fairly dense jungle. For a little while she would wander around, seeing only wildlife while sliding across the terrain, never being bothered by any natural creatures, but eventually she would see a wide section cleared up ahead and come upon a large flat area where the jungle had all been cut away. Crops had been planted, the swampy area turned into rice patties and the flatter sections used to plant various vegetables.

Humans were wandering around going about various tasks, mostly in the ragged clothes of peasants but a few were clad in light armor and carried spears instead of farming tools. She was out of sight off in the jungle, but even from a place of hiding she could see that many of the people were moving sluggishly and appeared fairly sickly.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori having cleaned out the cauldron of fluids was surprised, having found the contents agreeable to her and the 'taste' of it unlike many other questionable fluids she had found in her travels before was good. 'Huh, this woman can cook well, I need to come back here sometime and have more of this stew.' Only she didn't know what exactly she 'ate', never the less she left the clearing heading North. 'Odd I don't remember the sun being north...' After a quick check of where North was.

Eventually Tori notice a change in her uninterrupted trek across the forest floor. Given that her first clue was the sudden, to the easily distracted slime, appearance of large bodies of water with small plants in them. Tori hid behind one of the now sparse trees assuming her humanoid form. Due to her most recent dalliance, Tori's 'human disguise' was now a solid 5ft instead of the 4ft and change from before. peering into the town Tori saw mainly 2 types of humans, those which carried weapons and clad in dried animal skin and occaisional metal or those wearing plant woven fibers. The proper names for the items came to her after, she still futher noticed that a majority of those people she saw seemed to be sick or ill in some fashion.

Never one to pass up weakened pr-, Never one to pass a mystery. Tori wished to interact with these people, so she does her tried and true. She looks around the clearing for a building or a thicket nearer to the town. Where upon finding one she begins looking for a solitary person to grab and begin interrogating. Sure of her plan she begins scanning the town.

Tori searches the town for a nearby shed/thicket in which to hide in closer to town.
-Tori casts {B} Strength Greater [Body] on herself.
--If she does find one she begins hunting for a isolated person to drag back to the spot[Grapple Check?], if the spot didn't already have someone there in the first place.
---If Tori manages both hiding spot and source of information she attempts to interrogate the captured person as for the reason of all the sick people. After forcing the prisoner to drink a Dose of [Aphrodisac Fluids] to help 'loosen' them up. Reapplying as needed until they spill what they know in return for Tori helping them achieve release.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 170/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, +20 Body (Greater Strength), grappling a victim

Casting: Success.
Tori gets 5 * 4 = +20 Body.

Stealth: Tori wins.
The dice determine that the person that Tori grabs a big titted woman who is not sick.

Sneaking into a nearby shed, Tori would lie in wait for a short while, preparing to grab someone to question. A few moments after taking up her hiding place, a healthy looking peasant woman would approach, clad in a long blue skirt, a white blouse, and wooden sandals. Her bust was fairly large, not quite as big as those on the last woman Tori had grabbed, but big enough to be fun. She approached the shed directly, and Tori could grab her silently without apparently being seen with only a muffled cry of surprise and fear sounding before she was hidden within the shed with the slime. A moment later her mouth was being filled with the slime's aphrodisiac-laced fluids, leaving her shivering with need after only a few mouthfuls.

"P... Please! Oh gods... What? P... P... Plague! There is a plague here! Disease!" she replied, leaving Tori to pick how she wanted to relieve the woman's sexual suffering. Her spirit was weak, but she could regain a decent amount of power from feeding on her anyway if she chose to do so, and draining her to the point that she passed out would ensure that she didn't raise any sort of alarm.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori found not only a hiding spot but, also a convient source of info on the Village the fact she had breasts large enough for Tori to bury herself in was only a bonus. Applying her special brand of interrogation techniques, or well technique had earned Tori the reason behind the sickness. "Plague hrm... I don't think I can catch that..." As the slime mulls over the possibility of entering a Plague Town the restraints holding the woman begin shifting around tentacles shift her blouse out of the way, one more goes under her skirt moving aside any undergarments she may have.

One tentacle begins covering itself in nodules and 'raised' patterns. "Tell me how much time before someone notes your missing? I wouldn't want to alarm the town over you being passed out here because I went overboard in rewarding you." No matter the answer Tori had already decided on her course of action. Her magical Strength once more leaving her Tori repositions the woman so she is lain out on her stomach on a bed of slime, reducing her to her former child like stature, the still un-named woman would find that her legs for the most part cannot be seperated or lifted off the slime bed, should she push herself up she'd find that Tori's 'avatar' would straddle her waist and push her back down.

Now... I'm sorry I didn't ask for introductions, I'm Tori. Can I ask your name before we start?" If the woman complies or not Tori continues. "Now I need you to relax this will take a some time, while I do mind answering a few more of my questions?" After getting confirmation. "Good, now I need to know how... err Tolerant? is your town of sapients who aren't exactly normal, yes like me. Tori waits a for the answer her core floats away towards the bed of slime. Okay, Does any of your line... oh err 'family?', yea family is affected by the plague? Tori's core slips under the woman slime parting then squeezing lightly the woman's breasts cradling her core, the slime ripples in pleasure.
Should the woman say that yes one of her family is afflicted with the plague the slime would ask who and ask no more questions.

If not, the slime thanks her and asks no more questions.

The textured tentacle slowly sinks into the slime bed reappearing infront of the woman's nethers it slips into her pussy slowly inflating until its a 'snug' fit, he length of the tentacle is until it 'kisses' the womb, not causing discomfort to her partner and begins to slowly piston in and out of her. On Tori's end she begins to massage the woman's back with her avatar's 'hands' legs and hips gain their own 'phantom' hands to assist in the massage.

Tori resists the temptation to drain this woman. Her own stores were... fine for now and she needed her yet. After the woman's first orgsm Tori slips an tapered tentacle past her rosebud, where it inflates inside her cleaning out sight her insides once done it deflates yet every quarter of an inch an small ball of slime an inch across is left on the otherwise thin tentacle these balls begin moving along the tentacle towards her rosebud as one passes through another is created inside an endless congo line of beads slipping out of her ass each one coated in Tori's Aphordisiac Fluid.

Tori drapes herself across the back of the woman, "I intend to test something with you usually I dine and dash feeding on magic inside of people. This time I intend to see how long you last without feeding." Tori pecks her cheek, "It will be an experiment for both of us!" One the slime fully intends to savor.

Tori asks a few questions and proceeds to almost screw the woman into the floor stopping before she would pass out or after the lady's 4th orgasm.
-Aphordisiac Fluids stops after the 3rd Orgasm.
--Stops paying Greater Strength [Body].
---Tori accepts PP damage after the Woman's first orgasm.

-Woman's Name
-Will people of the town kill her on sight?
-Does anyone in her family have the Plague?
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 170/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, grappling a victim

"I... Nnnn... Was only supposed to get a shovel!" the woman replied desperately, "I... I don't know! Maybe they would.... Ahhnnn~ Please! I... I need it! Y... Yes! My... My sons have the plague!" With her answers given, Tori was free to ask where they were, to which the woman would reply, "nnn.... With... With the other afflicted.... In the temple! Near the center of town! Ahh~"

From that point on her needy gyrations would intensify and she could conjure no more words. She was easily stripped and laid down onto the bed of slime, where Tori's core could nestle between her soft, heavy breasts while she raised her ass eagerly toward the slime tendril heading for it. Even the single intrusion with the woman's flower with the bumpy slime tendril was enough to have her moaning like a whore in heat, and it took very little effort for Tori to make her cum the first time.

Massaging her back with her humanoid form and sliding a series of slime orbs of soft slime into her ass only made her proceed even faster towards her second peak, after which Tori would cease feeding aphrodisiacs into her system and work her up to a second. Spent, the woman flopped onto Tori, still highly aroused but exhausted, leaving the slime free to do as she liked. The woman wasn't over her slime's effects yet, and hadn't passed out. She would last for another three peaks before finally passing out if Tori wanted to truly test her limit, but would be satisfied from the aphrodisiacs after only two more.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

'Hrm I think I may have overestimated the dosage.' Tori was quite put out while the woman descended into a lust-fueled frenzy 'meh, I'll need to question who ever they send if she doesn't wake up in time...' The slime looked down at the woman who was quite eagerly waving her rear towards Tori as one of her tentacles were taking advantage of the offer drilling into the woman's flower.

Simply talking to herself as she mulled on what she did learn massaging any knots she came across. "I had hoped humans wouldn't be so darn cryptic all the time, people like you are so compilant and easy to understand yet others refuse to just accept things as they come. You know? I mean if I had wanted to kill people I wouldn't go out of my damn way to make you all so comfortable. I mean I might be a tad ham-handed in my methods-" The woman shudders in release a second orgasm taking her. Tori merely waited till the woman subsided slowly bringing the woman down before ramping up once more. "Eh, still there is still the problem of getting to the center of town. If all your sick are together then me trying to heal them runs into the problem of getting there without being stopped. Your race isn't the nicest you know, and I had it with arrows being shot at me."

The woman of course still under the influence of Tori's bodily fluids gave no answer but, more moans of pleasure. At this point the slime was pretty sure the term being fucked into the floor would apply, so Tori let her senses loose into her body, almost immetiately Tori lost herself to the haze of lust. Her massage turned from relaxing to sensual hands darting to and fro pressure points and erogenous zones were touched and teased. Her tentacle in the woman's flower grew a bump on it one the brushed across her g-spot and added even more pressure on the beads going out of the woman. Tori took herself and the woman to heights the poor dear would likely not reach again with a nromal human lover due to the slime's extensive knowledge on humans, Tori rode the woman under her till the slime's orgasm getting off as the woman had her 4th filling her partner with the jelly-like ooze that passed for cum in slimes. Tori's avatar loses its cohesion sloughing off the woman's back her two tentacles also loses their cohesion rushing out of her orfices along with the excess cum. Had anyone walked in at this point Tori would be hard pressed to notice them must less act against them leaving. An terrible itch that was pressing on the back of the slime's mind disappeared vanished after she had orgasmed.

Not bothering to reform her avatar Tori simply gathers together her slime into a sphere with the woman 'bundled' into the center an tentacle parts her lips and two smaller offshoots plug her nose forming seals around them,, should she breathe she'd find them hollow allowing air into her lungs. "Mmm. Oh that was nice. Its almost worth it to not drain you. Now just rest there for a few minutes. Once your strong enough to walk about- oh you likely can't understand me can you honey? Well it hardly matters." Tori's core exits its fleshy prison, it moves to the 'highest' point inside the sphere and simply rotates there. "I can wait till you come around. Oh though... I hope you like red least the blouse will still match the undergarments. Your skirt is... well purple is very becoming on people I'm told." Indeed Tori had simply shifted aside the woman's clothing during their activity, it had been exposed to the surface of Tori for the better part of an hour and now held in supension for how ever long it took the woman to regain her senses from 4 orgasms. The former wooden sandals had fortunately been kicked off sometime during the fun, that had lasted until she uncompressed and spread herself out on the floor of the shack the now decidely pink stained sandals sat outside the sphere sitting next to her.

Once the woman regained her senses Tori would carefully allow her out of the impromptu bed before compressing herself back down to solely her avatar form. "Now that we aren't begging for a good roll in the hay anymore, I'm curious of this plague that's here for solely selfish reasons I wish to help at least studying it. Seeing as you have personal reasons to see a cure as well I think we can both benefit from working together." Tori decided to lay her cards out for the woman. Either way Tori wished to earn the trust of these humans, helping during a plague outbreak should gain her a small measure of it. Her goal of finding out what happened to her when she merged with that book back when she had newly fissured and changed color would be one step closer.

Tori Grapples Woman till she is clear of status effects.
-Tori then asks her to help her either sneak into town to the chapel or bring to her one of the plague victims.

OOC: Mostly fluff lots of monologue and highlights of sex.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 170/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, grappling a victim

Eventually letting the heavily stained woman down after thoroughly enjoying her, Tori would find the woman largely motionless for a few moments, panting weekly. Eventually, however, she would look towards her slime-coated clothing as Tori mentioned them, a feeble frown appearing as she looked over herself. "I'll have to change," she muttered, though then she would look oddly at Tori while trying to adjust her soaked clothing to regain a bit of decency. "Why do you want to... Help us? I don't even understand what you want," she said, and then began to climb to her feet, "who are you? What are you?"
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori 'blinks' at the woman looking herself over incase she had edited her form again, "Uh, it's not clear looking at me? Pardoning the pun, I'm a slime I admit I'm much more then my counterparts in the forest, but I think I still count as one." The slime morphs infront of the woman shrinking slightly after a moment a perfect blood-colored copy of the woman stands infront of her. "As for helping you I require the services of a... artificer? I think that's the word... um damn I can't remember exactly. Anyways I believe one requires an object called money or coins to which to pay lest they refuse to preform their prescribed service." Tori briefly recalls a few past sightings of humans trading shiny chips. She stretches in her borrowed form not really needing to but, to give the woman a good look if for nothing else then to see if she can get a reaction. "Honestly by attempting to help your village I'm hoping to gain either. Maybe get a few more good lays before I go out and continue.

Tori turns away from the woman reverting to the first form she had. "I'm doing this for myself, If it helps you and yours then that is just a added bonus."

Tori continues talking.
Not sure what I put here =P.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 170/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine, grappling a victim

"Why would I even know what that is?" the woman snapped back angrily, "I thought slime was... Inanimate." Pausing, she continued to frown and pant slightly, frowning darkly as she looked over her own heavily dirtied clothing, "there are no artificers here, and as for.... You know what, it's not even my place! If you.... Oh, just come on!"

Frustrated, the woman picked up her sandals and stormed out of the shed, leaving Tori to follow or not as she liked.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

'Buwh? I thought it was common knowledge at least no one before...' Tori had at that moment had flashes back to every time she met a person over the past few days each one seeming interested in WHAT she was. If a slime could blush she would be coloring herself a nice deeper red.

"I kno-" The slime watches the woman walk off in a huff. "Hey! Wait you just can't tell people about me right? I mean isn't there like things against monsters or something?" Tori rushes after the woman shifting back to her larger form she attempts to walk on two feet forgetting she didn't have a pool about her, falling and pooling she reforms not breaking stride letting out a small pool of slime to properly 'walk' on. She doesn't impede the woman having accepted this is her best chance to see who ever is willing to pay her.

After walking in silence for a short while Tori lags behind a bit to remark. "You know looking at you now you really do have a nice ass. I didn't get a chance to say it before while I was on it but, its definitely one I won't mind having again." The slime disliked the silence and thus tried to break it whether for good or ill.

Tori goes along side the woman.
-At least until she tries to make small talk.
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Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori: EP = 170/109, PP = 83, Status = Fine

The woman turned back and glared, pausing to let Tori catch up. "If they see that you're not alone, it should be fine! I'm only doing this because you might actually be able to help us, otherwise I'd let the guards deal with you for attacking me!" she said, and then continued, though Tori's compliment to her shapely backside would earn a brief sputter of surprise, "uhhh.... Right.... Thank... You?"

The human woman blushed for a good minute, a noticeable sway now in her hips for a moment before she apparently remembered that she was covered in slime. People quickly took to staring at them once they broke out into the public view. They were quickly approached by guards with spears and crossbows ready, but the woman that Tori had attacked explained, "no, it's alright! It's just... Strange. And, errrr.... Affectionate. Anyway, it's supposed to be magic, so maybe it can help with the plague!"

Some of the people who had formed into a crowd behind the guards looked hopeful at that, but others merely shook their heads, and some even looked disapprovingly to the woman as she led Tori through. Eventually, the slime was led in front of a larger and more ornate structure than most of the others, no doubt that temple that she'd been told of, and inside there were many people laying in beds on the ground, with people in masks moving between them, tending to them. Many were either old or very young, but some were adults, and all had nasty looking boils on their skin and were flushed with fever and unconscious, only lying abed and moaning in discomfort.
Re: A Young Slime's Journey (Bloodshifter)

Tori had an gigawatt smile on her child like simulacrum. Not even the fact her guide only intended to use the slime didn't lessen it an iota. The small show she gained from her first successful post-coitus conversation. 'mmmh I like that, I should try to leave my partners awake more often if they all give sh- aw she stopped.'

Tori had only begun to enjoy the senusal stride her latest partner when it had just as suddenly died. Pouting at the lost the slime began to look around, she noticed that they had begun to attract attention of other town people. She subtlely changes her skin from its see-through blood red crystalline form to an opaque form the slime appears to be made of blood, she also draws her sapphire crystal chain forming two bracers wrapped around her arms.

When halted by the guards Tori places the woman between herself and the guards, the slime prepares to run incase someone decides they didn't like her quite as much as they say they did. Tori felt relieved her partner had spoken up for her, even as Tori had begun copping a feel of her butt.

It wasn't an large surprise that the statement she could help the sick was met with an wide assortment of emotions. Tori took offense that she was simply 'magic', she took pride in her stolen knowledge! Even if it wasn't hers!

The slime pulled deeper on her memories intent on finding an spell to wow the gathering, she had found one. She began to cast the spell, her core lights up in a great crimson light with no way of seeing it no one would notice the internal lightshow except the sapphire chain glowing an deep purple. "I'm not Magic, I can do Magic." the slime releases the spell after casting. "There is an perfectly reasonable explaination on how slimes were created that doesn't involve our ancestors being created and then eating a wizard." Tori brings herself to her full 4'5" "Maybe."

Once inside the temple Tori took in the scene. It was worse then she had thought, 'that's a lot of people.' she hadn't think the town had this many people. Despite shattered misconceptions Tori moves to one of the nearest sick patient. A couple of quick spell let's Tori see if the cause can be poison, a normal infection, or magical in nature.

Tori gains Mutation Odd Skin for 2EP
-Tori attempts to Cast [Regenerative Aura] while outside shortly after she is called 'magic'.
--Tori Cast [Diagnose] and [Examine] on a patient.
---Should Examine show an magical effect Tori attempts to discern its effect.
----Should Posion be found she informs one of the mask men if they knew that the plague was caused by a posion before Cast [Greater Restoration]
-----Should nothing ping on either spell Cast [Greater Restoration]

Base Casting: 14+10(Body Only)+10(-20 Dodge)