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ACT [ ankoku marimokan] [ アンコクマリモカン ] SPLATTER BEACH / スプラッタービーチ ~横スクロールエログロアクション~ RJ123292

Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

Ok...the zombie chick with the tentacle tongue in the second level was kinda fucking weird and kinda fucking hot hahahaha

Not really a big fan of guro and there seems to be a good deal more in this game than the last. Or maybe it's just me. =/
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

I took the plunge with this game, and I must say, there is sex, but it's mostly a lot of guro. I would say 30-70, sex-guro, and probably I'm being generous...I think what kept me playing was my love for Dead Island :(
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

I'm having this weird issue. I have the japanese setting on, overwritten the savefile but if I launch the game I cannot move the cursor on the menu, what is the defaut key mapping? because my keyboard doesn't work for the menu navigation. Keys like F2 to restart the game or ctrl+s ctrl+m for music and sound works, just cant use the menu itself o_O
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

First of all... You can find a full save file in folder.
Second: Well, since guro became a mainstream, this game is pretty good.
Of course it has some terrible mistakes, like, for example, you can't save your progress(I couldn't do that), hitbox is awful and it requires you too concentrate on battle like in dark souls(close, very close, lol).
A-a-and thats all.
Too much guro in game with guro? Meh, guys, it's a guro game, it can not be too much guro in that kind of games. It even has sex scenes for people, who wants to fap ;/
I wish Vosmug game was kinda same... I mean, sex scenes.
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

he means a save that unlocks the dot gallery also.
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

Yeah I don't like guro. I like horror and I like hentai, but mixing them is just weird for me. Still, I like this guy's games enough to overlook the guro parts.

The big problem I have with this game is the no way to save your progress bit everybody else is talking about. Making a hard game is great, but that's a shitty way to prolong it by forcing anybody who can't finish it in one sitting to have to replay it completely.

That and I had a wicked bug that forced my character to get knocked back constantly (Around the porta potty, I kicked out of it and got hit by something around the same time), luckily running into the vore tentaplants stopped it, but a glitch like that sucks. I remember his other game had some bad semi-game breaking glitches like that as well. I think he needs to bug test more.

I got to the 2nd secret girl and failed to save her, I didn't read the guides (and don't want to quite yet) so I don't know if what I did made things worse. Now I really don't feel like replaying everything AGAIN, since I could fail to save her again. Knowing that there are similar girls down the line that I may fail to save for the good ending and be forced to replay everything again...ugh.

I love hard games, but this is just meh. The gameplay itself isn't all that difficult, it's just the being forced to replay parts over and over again that you've already cleared that blows. Funny how not having the stage select open after each level can ruin a game so quickly. Maybe I'll come back to this when I have an incredible amount of time to waste...but for now I don't feel like finishing it.
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Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

he means a save that unlocks the dot gallery also.
If people can't be bothered to look though a measely 6 pages for the answer, which is there, then I don't feel obliged to give an answer more than a snide comment or :rolleyes:.

*edit* Sorry, 7 pages now...
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

Yeah I don't like guro. I like horror and I like hentai, but mixing them is just weird for me. Still, I like this guy's games enough to overlook the guro parts.

The big problem I have with this game is the no way to save your progress bit everybody else is talking about. Making a hard game is great, but that's a shitty way to prolong it by forcing anybody who can't finish it in one sitting to have to replay it completely.

That and I had a wicked bug that forced my character to get knocked back constantly (Around the porta potty, I kicked out of it and got hit by something around the same time), luckily running into the vore tentaplants stopped it, but a glitch like that sucks. I remember his other game had some bad semi-game breaking glitches like that as well. I think he needs to bug test more.

I got to the 2nd secret girl and failed to save her, I didn't read the guides (and don't want to quite yet) so I don't know if what I did made things worse. Now I really don't feel like replaying everything AGAIN, since I could fail to save her again. Knowing that there are similar girls down the line that I may fail to save for the good ending and be forced to replay everything again...ugh.

I love hard games, but this is just meh. The gameplay itself isn't all that difficult, it's just the being forced to replay parts over and over again that you've already cleared that blows. Funny how not having the stage select open after each level can ruin a game so quickly. Maybe I'll come back to this when I have an incredible amount of time to waste...but for now I don't feel like finishing it.

First girl;
Kill the zombies!
Second girl;
Kill the Drill! then kill the zombie.
Third girl;
Use the levers to kill the buzz saw. Really quite tricky, actually. First lever moves the upper-arm left to right and back again, second lever rotates the arm. You want to get the hand on the arm above the girl's head and pointing at the buzz saw, when it's about on it, hit the third lever that makes the hand go grabby. Do this a couple of times and it should break the buzz-saw I think?
Fourth girl;
Press the button on the right to move her to the left. Do not let the slowly moving morning-stars bludgeon her to death. Sounds complex, is actually pretty simple.

There's a post a little way back saying where to find them (which is where most of the above info comes from anyway).

I'm not sure it's really that hard a game. I think it was balanced pretty nicely actually. I forget, but didn't Splatter School have limited numbers of lives/continues or something? Makes a hell of a difference. The bosses in this were generally pretty fair and interesting I thought, with only anorak girl being of the type where simply laying the smack down as hard and fast as possible is the only obvious strategy.
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

Meh, I've lost all desire to play games like these. I'm all for zombies, but the gore gets the better of me.
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

Meh, I've lost all desire to play games like these. I'm all for zombies, but the gore gets the better of me.

Gameplay isn't even all that great anyway...controls are responsive and all but the moveset for her is at such a short range that you get hit half the time since your range is the same as most your enemies. So you either have to dummy them into attacking and then counter them or you just spam jump kick...which works for like 80% of the game.

There were only like 3 or 4 h-animations that I actually liked. Way too much guro.
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

I'm having this weird issue. I have the japanese setting on, overwritten the savefile but if I launch the game I cannot move the cursor on the menu, what is the defaut key mapping? because my keyboard doesn't work for the menu navigation. Keys like F2 to restart the game or ctrl+s ctrl+m for music and sound works, just cant use the menu itself o_O

press Ctrl Y and then when the tick tack toe boxes come up all the x's need to be in the bottom column. just click the 1st rows lowest box(the only one with the x at the top) and hit ok and ok. The feature doesn't save so you'll have to do it again if you keep starting over or you keep going back to the start screen.
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

Thanks for the game is good but how I can save my progress? when I go to stage 2,3. Because if I leave the game being playing in the stage 2 and get back into the game
where it says Stage Select, I can not play in stage2. How I can record? to play where I stay.
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Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

Thanks for the game is good but how I can save my progress? when I go to stage 2,3. Because if I leave the game being playing in the stage 2 and get back into the game
where it says Stage Select, I can not play in stage2. How I can record? to play where I stay.

I think you can't save your progress. In splatter school when you beat the game you unlock the stage selection so you can visit the previous stages but that's all. I wish you didn't have to start over to see the cgs. I think it would of been alot better if you died that you get to automatically see the cg without having to restart.
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

ok. Thanks friend.
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

I think the guns are rewards from rescuing the girls.

Strange, didn't seem to get anything from the first two girls. Only really needed guns for the last boss anyway, which I just cheated for in the end.
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

where cn i download the full version, because i dont undersand japanese in blog?
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

Anyone where scene 70 in the dot gallery can be found (stage/monster etc.)
Re: OMFG Dead island H-game!!SPLATTER BEACH

Gameplay isn't even all that great anyway...controls are responsive and all but the moveset for her is at such a short range that you get hit half the time since your range is the same as most your enemies. So you either have to dummy them into attacking and then counter them or you just spam jump kick...which works for like 80% of the game.

There were only like 3 or 4 h-animations that I actually liked. Way too much guro.

Yeah, I think the one with the lab coat guy was pretty good. Oddly enough, when the zombie fucks her while she's hanging, and in the stall are pretty hot. The weird cyclops horse wasn't bad either. I saw most of them in the gallery though, don't much like seeing my fap material being grinded to dust, torn to pieces, or choked until she pisses herself.

That's just me. I like their art style, if they only dedicated themselves to full-on H. That would make me much more of a fan.