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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

That sound as if i were the guilty of all this incident. Ashley complain softly, more or less aflicted by how Angie could be thinking than it was her fault. Thanks Angelique, please take care of my little one. Elizabeth said pleased with the angel's words before put her attention at her daughter. Of course not sweet heart, we arent blaming you. However you will be completely safe if you marry someone, it dont need to be Lord Cardigan, i will be happy with anyone who you choice and also i will let you to learn some of this magic to protect yourself, even when is not common than a lady learn it.

Sure, i will do my best to learn to use magic as fast as possible.


The Angel compliments soon make Ashley turn to a side for calm herself. Im still not sure what to do with my life and try to be a chef would be a hard path if that is the best dish than i can do. Said in an attempt to dodge the sweet words than Angie has said, however the next ones made her be unable to answer as she wanted. I...i just... im amazed than you... can eat that. She looks to had been caught out guard and she was not sure what to do now, maybe she was close to get out the room, but soon Angelique change of topic what made her stay there. Well, i had some money ready for when i could escape of this town, but is not so much and i used some of it a little ago... it must be enough for these two books than you are talking, if we find them in a good price. About work, i dunno what could i do, ehm i mean im very good in a lot of things but i never had looked for a work. Ashley said softly frowning and starting to sweat a little before continue. Uhm, are you sure than you want to use noble's dresses? The merchants will try maybe to increase their prices, they also are a pain to wear and there is not a reason on this world than will make me wear a corset, maybe we should just use formal dresses than arent so luxury.

Once Angie get up and walk away of the dinner room, Ashley clean the table and then answer her. Lets first train a little, it must be more easy for you to rest a little more before try to go to the market, it could take us some hours walking around. Said this she invite Angie to go to the park first and as it could be a little bothersome wear a dress there she remain dressed like she was now, unless Angie would preffer to wear the dresses now.

The park was mostly a place where the people meet and rest bellow some trees, kids playing and dogs doing wha t they want, there were squirrels and others little creatures, a pair of guards, some food sellers and a little at the distance was at the view the center of the town where some shopd could be noticed, there were some fountains and Ashley was walking to a far one at the corner where both could have privacity

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"It's as your mother says Ashley, it isn't your fault, it's merely the way things turned out. But miss Elizabeth, it isn't so much that if she marries someone that she'll be safe. The spirit told me that it was more if she found true love that she'd be safe, so until she does, I'm willing to teach her what I know of magic to protect herself when I'm not around. But I don't plan on leaving anytime soon now that I know these things. I feel that I would be abandoning you all if I did so," Angie told Ashley, then Elizabeth, nodding her head when stating that she didn't plan on leaving just yet, at least until she was sure Ashley would be okay on her own.


"Well why wouldn't I be able to eat it Ashley?" was all Angie asked about the food afterwards before changing the topic.

"I wouldn't mind finding a little job doing something somewhere around town to make and save some money up to buy a few things to help train you with Ashley, save your money that you've been saving for now unless we absolutely need it. I'll also try and find a way to restore your family's name if I can, which is one thing I believe teaching you magic will help to do," Angie said about getting the spell books she would likely need to train Ashley with. "And I only meant that we should take a couple of your better dresses if we end up leaving town, so that you'd have something really nice to wear when you go to someplace fancy or have occasion for wearing a fancy dress. And corsets are alright I think, so long as they aren't very tight ones... at least that's what my papa always told me, that mom looked good in a corset I mean," Angie added about the dresses and corset and whatnot.

Once they were on their way to the park, with Ashley leading the way, Angie just walked on in silence unless Ashley wished to talk some more along the way. When they arrived there, Angie saw the park and the area around it, following Ashley off to a corner so they'd be left alone. As they passed the last fountain there, Angie ran her hand through the water idly and when they reached a private place she looked up to Ashley.

"Now Ashley, the best thing to remember with magic is focus. If you haven't got any focus or patience at all then magic isn't going to be an easy thing for you to learn, if you'll even be able to learn it at all. So come and sit with me for now," Angie said to Ashley, sitting down on the soft grass of the park and gesturing to Ashley to join her. Once Ashley was sitting in front of her, Angie continued. "Alright now close your eyes, and relax. The first thing I'm going to teach you is to how to sense magical energies, and after that I'll teach you how to visualize and use those energies. Anyway though, just relax, then reach out with your mind and open it up. You shouldn't have much trouble with this despite the fact you have no magical training yet, because with me around you you'll be able to sense whatever is emanating from me since I'm so close," Angie went on to say, waiting until Ashley was relaxed before starting to coach her on what to do in order to be able to sense any magical energies, taking everything slowly and having total patience with Ashley, giving her encouraging words if she failed to manage any progress, saying that she was sure that she'd do better the next time. She would also stop their session after an hour if there was no progress, telling Ashley that they should check around to see if there were any suitable spell books for her to write her spells in once she started learning them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hm...N-nevermind, i will just try to make something more ediable the next time. Ashley answer crossing her arms and looking to to other part before both focused on others topics. Well, you could work on the temple, with the person in charge of take of it already death there is nobody taking care of it at the moment or you could work as a healer here at the town, also you could make normal works or hunt monsters. I mean there should be these available and if all fail you could work as a maid or something like that. She continued with an unconcerned tone before sigh frowning before turn to Angie again. Fine, you can wear a corset, but dont expect than i will use one, even more now than... my body looks to still be affected by what happened some days ago, anyway i hate all related to them from the start.

When they reach the park, Ashley guided the angel to a private zone, there she just sit on a bench and heard all what Angie needed to say about what they will do now, but soon she had to follow the angel instruction on sit at the grass what she do slowly trying to find a safe place without bugs or nasty objects. Oh, then it will be easy for me, i had endured a lot of things than anyone would had obligate them to get out of here some years ago. Answer a little sarcasticaly before sit and heard the next.

Uhm... so basicaly this is just a meditation class Ashley answer with her eyes half closed, maybe expecting something more amazing. She tried to close her eyes and focus, but then softly open them and blush. Please, just dont look at me too much Angie, its making me feel a little uncomfortable. She said and then tried to focus again until some bugs were biting her, the first minutes passed like this with the noble girl mostly getting distracted by small things.

So basicaly what i must feel? Asked after an hour mostly. I cant sense anything new, im trying but i cant focus with all this place invaded with bugs, kids, dogs, birds and all mostly. As more i try to focus these things appear more. Angie notice than she said this with her eyes closed as she killed three mosquitoes than werent so far to her face and were flying at a feet of her.

Ashley tried to focus again, but then a bird decided to lay at her lap, then other at her shoulder and finally a last one at her hair, they were singing loud what was making the girl press her eyes closed and bite her lower lip before scare them away, then tried again and a huge gold retriever jump out the brushes and started to cuddle at her, she half smiled until this lick her and then after whimper sometimes get over her and start to pleasure himself with her back. She tried to push him away but then another dog come and both jumped over her with a very clear need of fuck her right there. Angie!! take them away! Damn dogs, go fuck yourself and let me alone!!! Ah help, they are tearing my pants!!

Angie and the dog owners manage to help at time, mostly Ashley looks pissed for what had happened here, the owners said than they naver had done this before and were well trained. Fortunately hre clothes werent so damaged and she dont need to change of clothes, yet her white panties could be seen a little at a rag at her pants and also a little of her bra. Once alone, Ashley confess than she never had loved to be close a dog because this.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Yes basically this is meditation, to learn control. I had to learn it just as all other mages in my homeland did. For total control it can take years sometimes to master it, but to get a basic grasp of it with which to actually use spells should only take a few weeks. And I may very well work at the temple or as a healer here in town, as those two jobs would probably suit me best, but I'm good at household chores too. I should probably also be a hunter for monsters and stuff too, to help safeguard the town as much as I can, plus that'll help me strengthen myself more as I recover my full power," Angie said to Ashley as she began the girl's lesson on control.

"Those things are but background noise Ashley, things you must learn to shut out in order to feel the magics in the air around you, and in yourself as well. I didn't say it would be easy though, and I seriously doubt you'll manage it on the first day... though if you did manage it I would be greatly amazed. It's hard to describe what it feels like though, but you'll know it when you feel it is all I can say really," Angie told Ashley after the hour as Ashley started to complain about not being able to concentrate good because of all the animals about.

As they sat there with Ashley starting to focus again, trying to do this, Angie saw some birds land on her, one in her lap and another on her shoulder, then a third on the top of her head. She smiled at this, feeling that Ashley was starting to connect with nature out here which would help her to get her focus for magic when she at ease with her surroundings. When the dogs both came out there, Angie intervened on Ashley's behalf and stood up and whistled at the dogs angrily as their owners came to get them, with Angie releasing a bit of energy into her voice to compel them to listen to her words as she was much stronger. "Bad doggies, get away from her right this instant. Now sit," Angie called out to the dogs, pulling Ashley to her feet and waving a hand at the dogs as she ordered them to sit while their owners came over.

"Well that was intriguing to say the least Ashley. Hmm... I didn't expect that to happen honestly, and I've never known of animals to do that during lessons like this. So perhaps when we continue this lesson we should do do it at your home or something," Angie said after the owners took their dogs away from them, with Angie noticing the damage done to Ashley's clothes. "Hang on, let me see if I can repair that for you, it shouldn't be too hard on me at the moment," Angie added, holding a hand out and pushing her power through it to repair the clothing she'd been wearing just as she'd done to the walls and gate a few days prior.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hmm, we could ask around for more information about these jobs, maids dont earn too much money for what i heard but you could know important people, of curse than maybe you get lucky and get someone than give you more than any other job, certainly mom could find you a good one, maybe she could help for the others jobs but not the hunter one, i guess. Answer Ashley before start to focus on her task.

The time passed and Angelique words were ust making all more confusing for the noble girl. Yeah, sure i can feel a lot of things, but there is not anything new and i think than this is just a bad day. Im trying really to focus but each time than i close my eyes you are there looking me, it feels gross and... something, nevermind, maybe is just my imagination to think than i cant focus in something more than you and all this pests.


The incidents passed and once the dog owners apologize to the girls, something than Ashley leave to the angel because she was mostly frustrated and tired of all this. Once all calmed the two girls were soon alone again. Sure, i dont want than that happen again, i cant understand it. When i was a child i loved to sleep at the park and all the animals were normaly friendly with me, but for some time each time than i try to just get a calm rest something bother me, not only at the park, but also the forest or the lake. Just that other time before the flying women when i tried to wait for that strange woman. I needed to scare some chipmunks, a huge snake and a deer, if Tybi werent there i dunno what to do with the snake. Ashley said pissed, as Angie tried to restore her clothes, she ntice than she needed to use her own little magic reserves without any help of the magic around except from the one than she could manage to take from Ashley. It was not only that, she could feel than her body was not getting too much energy from what surround her.

However, she had a moment ago enough energy to stop the dogs easily and the breakfast has given her a good amount of energy, or maybe has been something different between when she start eating and going down the kitchen where she has started to feel better. With her powers not completely restored she is at the moment unable to feel anything around her, except Ashley's aura who looks to had increased.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I'll talk to your mother about it shortly then, so don't worry, I'm sure that we'll figure out something to do for money, and I'll even try to figure out something to help your family reclaim their status and wealth too if I can," Angie told Ashley, patting her on the shoulder. "And don't worry about not being able to focus properly, that'll be something to figure out shortly as well, what's hindering you in it. I'm not sure why you'd be focusing so much on me though honestly, unless maybe it's because you keep hearing my voice from coaching you," Angie added with a smile before going back to helping Ashley a little more before the birds and dogs started troubling her.


After the dogs were gone with their owners and that'd been cleared up Angie turned back to Ashley as the girl spoke again. As she repaired Ashley's clothes, Angie found that she wasn't getting quite as much energy from the land and air about them as she should have been, which was quite worrying to Angie to say the least. The only thing she could really feel out was Ashley's aura, which was pleasant to say the least, but still the same it worried her that she couldn't feel any other energies out. Maybe she should try and absorb some of the natural energies around the area to strengthen herself back up, but for now she figured they should head on back to Ashley's place for the moment before she tried to do anything else.

Once they arrived back at Ashley's place, Angie went through and out to the backyard while Ashley went to do whatever, where when she was alone once more Angie sat down and focused her mind as she was taught growing up. She reached out to grasp at any magical energies in the air and ground around her, pulling some into her body to regain her energies some, at least enough so that she could go and find Tybi hopefully, while Ashley stayed here and continued trying to focus for a bit.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley was not so interested in the promise to recover her wealth or position on the town, however she just nodded and smile giving a soft thanks. After the little incidents and after had restored the noble girl's clothes they returned to Ashley's home, it looks like her mother havent returned yet from her usual walk and bussines at the town, so Ashley let the angel do as she pleased. The backyard was a little huge, yet not so well cared, even then it was only needed some little work to return it to a former glory, Angelique sit and focus on take as much energy as she could, it take her some time, but at the end she manage to get enough energy form her surrounding to fight for a while.

Just when she could not take more from this place she heard a loud thump at the second floor, she went there and notice Ashley resting on the floor completely uncouncious at her room, close the window. She looks to be just exhausted but maybe she will get recovered after some hours at her bed, as Angie could notice her aura slowly getting recovered as she get closer, even with some of her power recovered she cant find another aura around them growing like Ashley, the garden dont show any and even the animals around dont looks to be releasing as they must, it was like a void with just their two forces in the middle.

Even uncouncious, Ashley softly opened her mouth making a small whimper, she soon mutters the angel name some times, like asking her than she could get closer.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie saw that Elizabeth didn't seem to have returned just yet either from her business out and about, so it was just the two of them it seemed. Ashley's backyard didn't seem to be well kept from the looks of it Angie could tell as she sat down there and began her absorption of the magical energies around the area. She decided that she would tend the backyard for Ashley while she stayed here, but when she returned from looking for Tybi at least, that must come first. Angie was deeply disturbed about the fact that she wasn't able to absorb as much in the way of energies as she'd been able to before, but all thoughts of that faded when she heard the thump from upstairs in the house.

Getting up and rushing upstairs, Angie found Ashley laying on the floor next to her window, which startled the young angel quite a bit. She quickly moved over to get her up and lay her in bed to rest for now, since that seemed to be all she needed for now. The virtual void around the place with just the two of their auras in it also disturbed Angie greatly, and the fact that there were no animals or anything around also did, but Angie tried to ignore that for now and lifted Ashley up and put her on the bed, covering her up as the girl mumbled her name.

"Don't worry Ashley, I shall do what I can to protect you. But rest for now, I must go to check on Tybi," Angie whispered in Ashley's ear as she covered the girl up.

As soon as Ashley was covered up, Angie laid a hand on the girl's belly and pushed forth a bit of power to perform a protection barrier around her while she slept, reinforcing the spells upon the girl a bit for the time being. Once that was done, Angie would close the door behind her as she left the room, then she went downstairs again and went on out, making sure to lock up behind her as she took a spare key with her so she could get back in upon her return, assuming Elizabeth wasn't back yet or Ashley wasn't up just yet. She spread her wings and flew off to the temple to look around for Tybi, intending on going to the bed she remembered leaving her on, but heading back to Tybi's cave after that if she didn't find her at the temple.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

With some ffort Angelique lift the girl and place her on her bed, even in her state Ashley aid the angel on the task hanging at her as she was moved. She stay whispering the angel name and then Angie get closer to whisper her some words. Suddenly the pink haired girl turned to the side where was the angel and push her to her using one of her hands as Angie was focused on cover her. The mortal carnal sweet lips pressed against the ones of the angel who could sense a warm feeling as both were united on a sudden kiss, a pleasant feeling made her stay more time than she would had expected but soon the moment to let the uncouncious human rest come and Angelique softly pull herself away. Ashley looks to be now peacefully sleeping and the angel could still feel the warm of her friend's lips pressing against her, she was now refleshed, with energy to fly and over all having a huge need to feel another kiss like the last one.

Once she placed her spell and take one of the keys than she has noticed where were hide after Ashley had opened the door when they returned, the angel prepare herself to fly and leave the town, expecting than nothing will happen as she leave it.

The trip to the temple was peaceful and also strange, the sky was completely clean and there was not too much air, all was silent bellow at the forest and a strange dreadful feeling could be noticed everywhere. There was a pair of persons on the temple, most likely the place looks to had been attacked by some creature at the food storage and all were scared to continue checking inside after the unknown dead of the old man and the missing key than should remain secured so the door from deep inside the temple catacombs remain closed. These two people looks to be some kind of guards or adventurers, they were focused resting after a long night guarding the place and only one notice the angel fly toward the temple. The man stop her and said her the previous info to Angie, saying her than it was dangerous to get inside.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When Ashley kissed her as Angie set her down on the bed, Angie felt a surge of energy course through her from the sweet lips of Ashley, like a second wind. She doubted the energy came from Ashley directly, but she wasn't sure exactly where it did come from, but either way she went on after performing the spell on Ashley to protect her while she was gone, her lips still tingling slightly from the kiss she'd just received from the girl. "Rest Ashley, I'll be back shortly," Angie whispered as she left the room.

On her way to the temple, Angie could tell the forest beneath her was completely silent for some reason, though she couldn't tell why, but it was a bit strange she thought, and she also felt a feeling of dread throughout the forest as she passed overhead. When she arrived at the temple, deciding to not come down until she arrived, Angie saw a couple of people there at the entrance, too scared to move on inside it seemed. When she came down the one guard guy stopped her and told her what was going on, where she then bowed her head to him and looked back up.

"Thank you for the warning, but it is partially my fault that all this happened. So it should be me that goes in and seals the place up again and keeps it secured. Plus I must find a young girl in there, her name is Tybi, and I promised her that I'd keep an eye on her until her mother came back, so that's another reason I'm going in," Angie told the guard with a look of determination on her face as she stepped forth, and if the guard stopped her again then Angie would produce the key and show it to him, telling him that the old priest left if for her to find and keep for now, which was what she assumed he'd meant to happen anyway.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The man looks to soon start to wonder things after heard what Angelique said. We have orders to deny the entrance of anyone until this get solved. The man was preparing his weapon, maybe ready to try to ask politely to Angelique to follow him to a confy jail until they had gotten all the truth from her, but then Angelique show the key and with her determination gaze made the guard let her get inside, even when having the key make her looks more guilty to his eyes of all what had happened and made her be seen as the possible murder than take the life of the only man in charge at the temple.

Once inside, Angie notice the lack of the usual calm aura at the temple, all was silent and a little filthy by the lack of someone cleaning as also the dust from outside thanks to the new hole at the wall than she produced when she leave. The corpse was not there, so maybe the guards had taken care of the old man remains, the food storage was more likely empty, there was not too much of food there and just an opened flour small bag was at the floor, there was not sign of the rape or Tybi at the first floor, with the door broken Angie could notice the lack of a door caused by herself at the room with the trap door, mostly all was there yet someone looks to had moved it all and taken a pair of things of there, yet as Angie havent checked it she was unsure of what was missed.

With the trap door still opened thanks to her she could explore more going down, also she could check and read what is at the room or just leave ato check the monster girl cave. Also she dont know what could be thinking the guards outside the temple.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I understand that you have orders to deny entry, but all the same I must go in anyway, regardless of the danger, but I assure you that I am not going in there to do evil of any kind, for I am an angel and I wish to sanctify this place if possible. I may even reside here until such time that a new priest or priestess can take over again, so please allow me entry," Angie said to the guards as she showed them the key, where they let her go on inside thankfully without any trouble.

The calm feeling about the place was no longer there she noticed once inside, and the place was a bit dirty since nobody was there to clean it up any. She didn't find the old priest either when she entered the room she'd left him in, which made her assume that the guards had taken him out and buried him, so she'd need to ask about that once she was done inside here. Checking around the place showed that most of the food had been taken out and used, though a bag of flour was laying on the floor busted open, so obviously somebody had been in here taking things, though who that person was she didn't know.

Angie decided to check all of the upper floor area first before heading down into the catacombs any to explore and look for Tybi, assuming she didn't find the girl up here first, in which case she'd repair the door if she could and seal it back. She'd call out for Tybi as well in her search for the young girl each time she entered a new room, looking around inside thoroughly and behind all of the objects inside that Tybi could hide behind. "Tybi... Tybi dear are you in here? It's Angie from the other day. I'm sorry I haven't already come back for you sweetie, but I was unconscious for the last three days and didn't even know what all was going on, so please forgive me," Angie asked and said as she looked for Tybi, so if the girl could hear her she'd hopefully understand why Angie hadn't returned sooner like she promised.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Understood, but you cant just turn at a priest of this temple, for that you must talk with the mayor of the town close here. The man said leting the angel get inside, mostly unsure at his possibility to block her path without anyone else to support him.

Once inside Angelique look the first floor, but there was not sight of the little girl, but there was still the little empty cage as also the one than Angie could had been used if she havent awakened of the trio enchantment. The door and the wall before the trap door were made a mess, brokened appart by the potent fly of the angel some days ago, even then she pass a while repairing them, but maybe she should dont use her powers at any time.

Dont having luck this time, she went down trhough the trap door and continue calling for Tybi, however she was having problems finding the right place where she meet the spirit. The apron was still at the same place close the ladder and she could pick it up to give it to Elizabeth or use it herself to boost some of her skills. Whatenever she choiced to do with it, she continue her path across the difficult catacombs, it was strange than she was having problems finding her path here, as she cant feel any remain f the spirit to find her way, the wood was more root and were some more webs at her way, she was sure than this was not the right path and soon a hiss made her have more proofs of it. She found herself surrounded by a bunch of spiders of a very interesting huge size and not good mood.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Then I'll talk to him about it afterwards sir, thank you," Angie said politely to the guard as she stepped on into the temple.


Deciding not to go ahead and repair the walls she'd destroyed and crumbled some in her flight to save Ashley the other day, at least not until she was ready to leave this place, Angie searched around and found no sign of Tybi at all on the main floor of the place. That meant she was going to have to head on down into the catacombs, which she did, and once down at the bottom of the ladder she found the apron from before. She decided to bring it along with her, though she didn't go ahead and put it on just yet. As she walked along the catacombs, Angie was finding it tough to navigate her way as the spirit was gone and not aiding her with directions. Soon in her travels down there she found she'd stumbled into a nest full of spiders that were quite large to say the least, and they looked none too happy to see her in their nest either.

"Come now, I mean you lot no harm, I'm merely passing through. Surely you don't really want to attack me," Angie said softly to the spiders as she edged towards the way she'd come, though if it looked like she wouldn't be able to edge that way then she'd do so in the direction she was going to begin with. If any of the spiders attacked her, then Angie would blast them away from her before they could get close, aiming to hit as many at one time as she could manage while not damaging the cave walls around her, because she didn't want a cave in that would kill her, but nor would she just give up and let these spiders do with her as they pleased... which she figured they wanted to eat her as big as they were, and she definitely wasn't going to allow that.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Maybe they have theirs eggs close or they had heard what the angel said and they dont see her as menace. It was just unknown why the spiders dont attack her at all and just escort her outside their possible nest, the hisses slowly fade as the angel go back and soon she lost the nest at the darkness of the tunnel, managing to see some huge shining big eyes a little more away of the spiders and the webs blocking the path.

The feral noises at the deep dark corridors made her avoid possible creatures and in a lucky event this made her find her way to the opened door than let her get inside the room with the lagoon. In that place she found a lot of food and others things like clothes and monster remains, as also a little comfy bed made of some cleric dresses and others things, there were also some bags raged to expose the inside, showing some remains of equipments, coin bags, some knifes than looks to be not well made for fighting monsters by being short, some pictures of humans and even some flowers bitten a little. There was not any single remain of the spirit in that place, but there were still some of her treasure bellow the water.

The lagoon was connected to an underwater tunnel and also if she walls at the edges she could follow a small path to a dark unknown area, yet she could also fly instead taking the corner paths.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Amazingly the spiders seemed to have heard and understood her words and decided to allow to pass and escorted her on back out of their nest. She walked calmly back with a couple of the large spiders, making sure not to make any sudden movements that would agitate them anymore than they already were or anything. Once she was out of their nest, Angie turned towards them and bowed deeply in thanks to them all. "Thank you kindly for not attacking me, I am very sorry for intruding on your nest, and I shall do my utmost to ensure that nobody else stumbles into it as well and will try and make sure it is left alone," Angie said to the spiders as she exited their nest, heading back the way she'd come without any more trouble from the spiders thankfully.

After some traveling underneath the temple, Angie soon came to the lagoon room where she'd met the spirit before, where she took a better look around now to see what all she could see now that she had the time to do so. She saw the remains of the treasures the spirit's room had in it as well as the bed and other things laying about it, and Angie thought to herself since she was here she might as well grab some of it to give to Elizabeth as a token of thanks for helping her and letting her stay there, and she could use some to get Ashley a spellbook too she thought. Looking around for a bag to store some of the stuff in, Angie would use the largest bag she could find and stuff as much of the gold and jewelry into it as possible, and she also grabbed a couple of the clerical dresses and the coinbags that were laying about too, grabbing a second bag to carry the clothing and coinbags in if need be.

After she was done collecting things, Angie looked around for other paths and take the bags of treasures back to the top of the ladder and into the temple proper, stuffing them underneath the bed she'd left Tybi on before for safekeeping so she didn't have to lug them around the whole time. Then she'd make her way back down, retracing her steps to get back to the lagoon room, where she would take the fly up to the corner and start down that path to see what was down it, returning and trying the small dark path to the unknown area she hadn't been to yet.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Looking to all the possible useful things at the altar room, Angelique decide to take the bigger bag and star to fill it with as many jewels and gold than she could find at the goddess room. There was some small quakes suddenly as she ended to fill the first bag, also the catacombs looks to be more alive than before, maybe the creatures were fighting against each other. The angel just take another bag and continue collecting what she could of this room, after end she just tried to return to the outside. The place looks to be more dark than before after leave the room filled with shining lights from the lagoon and treasures, her little trip made her kick some bones than make her turn down, she noticed a old sword at the floor close a decayed squeleton still holding a broken bag, it was hard to notice what the dead humanoid corpe has been holding until suddenly she fill a small object like a dart hit her neck and as she tried to take it a soft breath make her shiver before she received a bite from the other side of her neck. Her body at the instant was unable to support her and she fall like a rag doll over the old golden coins than the dead thief has tried to take away of this place.

Each of her muscles were tense and rigid as her erect member, it was a fortune than she has not broken her glasses at the fall, but she cant let escape any word, she could feel the heat from her neck impregnate her body as the venom at her circulate everywhere, her eyes were having problems to see now and the last thing than she saw were a lot of shining eyes sorrounding her and some giggles were the last than she heard before fall uncouncious.

When she manage to awake, she could feel an intense pain at her head, the breeze at the place made her feel cold what soon afirmate than her clothes has been turned into just useless rags over her exposed breasts, her brossom hurts too, swollen by maybe some strange substance inyected at her at her sleeps, her member has also been victim of the unknown creatures and remain painfuly erected, her legs were spread but tied what leave her privates exposed to all. All her limbs and winds were struck in a sticky substance, but out of the many bites on her she has been untouched for the moment.

Angie could notice a pointed broken bone close her nude back, as also moves at the dark room where she is. A small creature with haired little legs climg over her, it was at least a little more big than her hand and moves directly to her lower holes, where it stop and two of its legs spread her lower lips.

Virgin? so lucky we are. A female body come from the other side of the room.

Its so strange than you havent killed it quickly to end her suffering, you know the rules. Another girl quitescolding the other come.

I only do that with the males, also i have my own reasons to let her alive, but i could change my mind if she ends to be a bitch. The first answer and soon two more creatured rest over Angie's body, one on her chest and another at her head, it was then than she notice eight long legs on these creatures. Be the way, we must remember her to the new one to take more care of her territory. A new voice come from a closer room, these girls looks to be busy talking so even with the poison on her Angie could be fine enough to move or try anything.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As she was filling the bag she'd found with gold and gems, Angie looked around when there were some small tremors in the place around her, the feeling of such being a little worrying to say the least, because she didn't want one of these to perhaps cause her to be trapped down here thanks to a cave in or something. Taking the first bag and filling it up, Angie filled a second one and started on out, and she found that the catacombs seemed... darker, more spooky. On her way back through the cave system, Angie stumbled over some old bones from a long dead corpse and just as she was about to check and see what it'd been holding other than the old rusted sword, she suddenly felt a pinprick in her neck as a dart struck her there.

Angie's body seized up as a bit as she let out a gasp, though she was unable to do anything at all as she felt something bite her on the other side of her neck, where her body went completely limp on her and she collapsed to the ground. Thankfully her glasses didn't break in the fall she thought after she landed, though they were a little shifted from their normal position. The venom coursed through her body and the heat from the bite was expanding ever outwards through her, causing her penis to harden up painfully so, the erect member throbbing ever so slightly from just how hard it actually was.

She felt her consciousness fading fast, but before she was out cold Angie saw eyes shining in the darkness of the caverns all around her and giggling that sounded like it was from girls. She couldn't speak, and hadn't been able to since the dart struck her really, but that didn't matter any longer it seemed as her eyes shut. She idly thought about calling out to Ashley for help through her mind and using a bit of magic to try and send a message telepathically, but that would only make things worse she thought, for Ashley knew no magics and wasn't overly good with a sword with which to come to her rescue. So she would have to wait until she woke back up... if she did, and then figure a way out of this predicament, Angie thought as she fell unconscious.


Some time later when Angie woke back up, she woke to a splitting headache, a dull throb of pain as she opened her eyes, groaning slightly in pain. The blurriness in her eyes faded after she felt the cool breeze upon her body, which she soon noticed was completely exposed to the elements in the caves. She saw her breasts were larger and swollen, as if they were full of milk ready to be fed to a baby, and her penis was still painfully swollen and hard as a rock, still twitching ever so slightly every little bit. Shifting around in her bindings to test them and see how strong they were, Angie found that she couldn't really move much, and they'd even tied her wings down with the same sticky substance that was binding her arms and legs, the latter of which were spread wide and pulled up a bit to ensure her tender virgin folds were laid out perfectly, ripe for the picking to be plundered by whatever had captured her. She had a fairly good idea though of what had captured her though considering the sticky bindings holding her down against the ground, her back against a sharp little bond jutting up, which meant she must have not been moved much if any at all really.

When the spider crawled across her and made for her crotch, Angie tensed a bit and when it spread her virgin folds open a bit and the woman's voice came, Angie gasped, which would let whoever it was know that she was awake now. Listening to the exchange of words between the female voices frightened Angie quite a bit, and as soon as they were done talking Angie raised her head with a groan escaping her lips. "E-Excuse me... w-what's going on? Why am I tied down like this? If it's for entering the spider nest earlier, I spoke aloud and peacefully left it, making my intentions quite clear," Angie asked aloud to the female voices around her, unclear as to where they were coming from exactly. "I haven't done anything wrong, so please untie me. I'm sure we can talk this over. Or at least get this webbing off of my wings please, it's extremely hard to clean sticky things out of them without ruffling my feathers," added in a soft calm tone.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The creatures close her stared to hiss when Angie aloud talked, causing the one at her neithers bite her erogenous zone until it get calmed when the angel stop talking, the others remain just really stressed and ready to follow the first but the woman soon answer back.

Of course not, it was not for enter my nest, maybe i should havent order to let you go away if i would know what you would had made later. The woman said slowly getting closer, mostly loving the moment now than the angel is awake.

See? you would had avoid all this useless talk if you had ended with her. The other said, for what it looks still resting at the other room.

Just say her to wait and remain quiet, we should wait the others to decide what to do with her and any other intruder. The last voice looks to have some problems having Angie here, it looks to be a little worriedsome and stressed even when she want to just stay behind the others.

Angie heard both voices what used the first one to hide herself from Angie at the shadows, just surprising her when she hold her manlike's member, causing a strange pleasant feeling at Angie, as her hammer get rubbed. Uhm, so you cant find it out? The rules placed on this lands is very explicid on the fatal paidment than you should have for your actions when you mess with the shinny things of the big one, even when she is not here.

This place has been a true Anarchy in just some days, these caves were so peaceful before and now any stranger come to do as they wish. The last interrupt.

Well, i have the honor to have the right to do as i wish with you because i catch you, Babe. How about if i ask you a little favor and if you accept i could let you free?

No,no,no! We need to wait for the others and then decide. She looks to be dangerous.

Oh please, we could just finish her and end this, but i guess than Ary will not let this happen if she get sattled sattled. It was then than Angie manage to see the blonde arachne face as she get closer to her member and even lick it as she waits the angel's answer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

After asking her questions of why she was tied up and whatnot, Angie gasped and bit her bottom lip to stifle the groan of pain some that came as one of the spiders bit her around her nether regions. After speaking up again, this time more softly so as not to upset the smaller spiders again, Angie listened to the one girl reply to her words. Angie listened to the other two speak up as well from elsewhere as the one spider woman came forward to her that seemed to control this specific area of the catacombs. She wasn't sure what the other two had against her, but she didn't like the fact that one seemed to think it better to have killed her, while the other wanted the great one to deal with her, whoever that great one is.

When the woman, whom Angie believed to be a drider as soon as she saw her, grasped her member and began gently stroking it, Angie's eyes shot open and she let out a soft squeal of both delight and surprise at the touch, the feeling of the touch like lightning to her sensitive nerves at the moment. "I... I didn't know those were being kept by anyone in particular, unless you mean the spirit lady that was in the room with it all and protecting these catacombs. S-She and I helped each other out the other day, a-and I allowed her to reside within my body and empower me to save my friend in the nearby town. I didn't come to fight with you all I swear, I came to find a young girl, and I noticed the gold and gems still there, so I figured I'd get some of it to use and help some of the people out in town," Angie said to the spider woman after they were all done speaking to each other, pleading her case to them, but before the spider woman licked her member.

When she did lick Angie's member, the young angel clamped her eyes shut and squealed louder than when she was grasped and stroked, unable to control her body as she jerked a bit in her bonds, her mind racing to come up with a way out of this mess in case she couldn't talk her way out of it. Angie was finding it harder and harder to ignore the heat in her loins now after that, as her body was leaning more towards one thing while her mind was telling her differently. Thankfully she was able to keep her composure and remain calm for the time being, though it was tough on the young inexperienced angel.

"W-What do you want me to do? A-And might I at least know who and what you all are exactly since you aren't going to let me down yet? And please don't talk of killing me, because I do not wish death on any of you, despite the situation I'm in," Angie asked after that, trying to keep the drider or spider woman talking for now, whichever she was, and trying to steer them away from wanting her dead for whatever their reasons were.

She idly wondered if the spirit woman was still out there and knew what was going on. She reached out mentally to speak to her, hoping she would hear her and come to her aid, though she was seriously doubting she would hear her and help. It was worth a try though while she spoke to these beings, so she tried to reach out with her mind to speak to the spirit woman, asking if she was there, and proceeding to ask if she could help if there was an answer.