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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie could freely touch the scorpion girl nice booty at her hearth content, Selkie attention and cold eyes dont losing any second of the action in front of them or the woods in case than anything could attack them. I had lived with all kind of similar events happening in front of me my whole life, you should get used to them or you will only think on this the whole time. Selkie cold tone said, not reeally answering the angel, maybe her tail push softly the angel's arms from ehr rear, but it looks than out of bother her, the sweet drew on her fondled rear show some more of what she is talking.


Sammantha outline a brief smile by how her student react and talked by her touch on her sacred key, dont fighting back she slowly let Angie sit close her and later make Sammantha rest again in the love nest. Of course than i want you now, young one. Sammantha answer inviting the young woman to take her, Sammantha's hands rubg Angie's cheeks and her own breasts, trying to make this something more than a wild fuck. As your mentor, i love you and need to teach you how to let out for all that endless love inside you.

Maybe the blonde angel wanted to say more, but her mouth softly let out a kind moan, so delighful than Angie could not endure more the needs to get inside her instead rub lovely her hard tool on her wet lover lips. Sammantha let her student wild instincts work and fuck her almost without control, both angels moaning as the sluts than they are in front of Selkie who needed to remain calm to protect the naughty duo. With the red winged angel letting hold her wrists and mouth, Angie had the whole control of this, letting to Sammantha's tongue and hips be the only things on Sammatha than could increase even more her lust, then her nude sexy legs were placed around Angie to pull her closer as her precious baby tunnel press the fertile phallus making it get out all the cum possible direct to her womb, now than the soft move at Samantha's face show than her cervix was pressed against such huge member, making both cum together.

Angelique manage to notice the tattoo bright intensely as her cum was taken and then Sammantha's belly get a buldge than show than she was filled of cum or impregnated. It take some moments, but then Sammantha who many times have the strenght of a simple mage angel, placed in some kind moves the young angel in her back with her futa mamber still looking high to the sky.

I had in mind do this ritual tomorrow after try some tests to know more of you Angelique, but i dont need my experience to easily notice which Deity you direct serve. Sammantha said, softly caressing Angie's hair and looking her directly on her eyes where Angie dont see more than the needs for Sammantha to make her get stronger and yes maybe a little of pleasure in what will come next.

In the service to the Archangel Sammael, i Sammantha Zachriel command you, Angelique Ashford to continue your service sharing your love with each of the creatures of this planet and protect theirs lives with all your soul. Her words were filled with a divine power, cleaning the sky of any cloud and filling the whole place of divine ray lights who in turn increase the beauty in her own body, making Angie more in need to fuck her again as the ritual looks to be, but such power and the vows made her focused in answer back, mostly affirmative.

If Angie accept what mostly would happen, Sammantha will then start to move up and down her body, taking whole inside the member with her now more tight walls. I havent seen an angel of love so close and gifted by her patron, Angelique you are pure love and life, so you must seek for share this with this world and place in second hand the sattle of any pleasure on you, than bring happiness and peace to the world get to be your only reward, if you follow my words and your heart you will never lost your path.

With each thrust, Angie's heart was reacting and earning more magic from Sammantha and the world until this power focused in her whole self and crave deep inside her wings, making her moan in full bliss and cum as never inside Samantha where her cum never leave. In her state she could see bright light of gold color turning into soft wings and laying in the floor and forming a sacred ritual circle, before the light shine a last time and both angels remain taking some deep breaths with Sammantha over her body, the objects who were used as a love nest still get purified and blessed with that heaven magic, than all together formed the best bed on the world for what Angie could suppose.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I just... I'm unused to seeing such things right here in the open like this where everyone can see. It's just so, sexy," Angie said softly to Selkie, slipping her arm around the other girl and holding her close, gently petting Selkie's tail as she watched, though she remained as watchful as she could of their surroundings with Selkie just in case.


As soon as Samantha's body tensed in climax, Angie would cum hard inside of her, hilting and holding herself there until her orgasm tapered off and her seed stopped spurting out. Laying there on top of Samantha, Angie kissed her as she recovered, licking her neck and nibbling on it to leave hickeys. As she lay there, Angie noticed the glowing from Samantha's belly where the tattoo was at and could only assume that it meant she was now pregnant as the high angel's belly swelled some.

"Thank you lady Samantha. I'm proud to serve our lady goddess, in all things. Especially this. For it seems that this is what she has graced me the most with being skilled at sex, and making me one of her angels of love who enjoy the pleasure of it and the joy it brings her followers," Angie said softly as she was gently rolled over by Samantha so that her superior angel was atop her now. "I so solemnly vow to do this lady Samantha, have no worries there," she went on to say, vowing to do just as Samantha asked of her.

Angie lay there and let Samantha begin riding her more gently than she'd gone before. Though now that she began to feel the power coursing through Samantha and into herself, Angie knew that she had to bring love, pleasure, and joy to the world, and she had to protect those she brought these to as well. "Oh goddess... I can feel your power lady Samantha... I can feel it flowing into me. It feels so wonderful," Angie panted as Samantha rode her, with Angie's hands roaming up and down Samantha's body.

Samantha kept going until they both neared their peaks, and Angie noticed the light shining about them brighter and brighter until they did both cum. Their orgasms washed over them like a tidal wave of passion, with Angie unable to hold her seed back as her body arched in absolute bliss as she gripped Samantha's butt.

After her second orgasm with Samantha ended, Angie lay there panting madly, unable to do much but think about making love to Samantha again under the sun as it shone down upon them. "Lady Samantha, I can feel the power of our lady goddess, and I want to show you what I can really do when it comes to making love," Angie told Samantha, raising up before she had even fully recovered from her orgasm and looking Samantha right in the eye before gently rolling her back over again and pulling out.

Angie leaned down and kissed Samantha on the lips and trailed down her body, kissing her every inch or so along the way, stopping at Samantha's breasts to kiss both nipples before continuing. When she reached Samantha's slit, Angie leaned in and kissed it several times before darting her tongue out to lick up the length of the other angel's divine folds, not caring that her seed was still leaking from them as she did. Angie didn't stop licking and kissing Samantha's divine pussy until she saw her superior angel's body quaking in orgasm, where she would then raise up and slid her member back inside, taking Samantha slower and more passionately this time around until they both reached their peaks again.

"Ahh... was I much better and passionate that time Samantha?" Angie would ask softly with a smile on her face as she kissed Samantha again.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Both angels needed a moment to recover after that intense ritual, maybe this was something new for Selkie who as she said to Angie meanwhile this enjoy the bug's back see creatures having sex in the forest was so comun, mostly as time ago before the recent conflicts the whole land was filled with life and of the most lustful certainly.

Sammantha loved the touch and grip on her back, with a soft cooes conpletely different of Selkie who tried to remain cold no matter how much the futa angel tried in her advances.

Very well young one,let me see how you share that love with the others. Sammantha said back when Angie wanted her a third round with her superior. The blonde's angel let again all the dominance on the new love angel, still both slighty tired of theirs two last peaks. Hmhm, not bad. she manage to say as her mouth tried to hold any moan so Angie could focus, maybe Sammantha was amazed how the young angel tried this time to focus to increase the pleasure of other without the use of her sacred sword.

Each place than Angie kissed was giving her a taste of Sammantha sacred scent, but more than increase Angie's pleasure for this, she could feel how her inner self rejoice once Sammantha's orgasm get close to come.

Looking than her minutes pleasing the sacred entrance of her mate were close to get the superior angel close to a climax, Angie placed her holy key inside, Sammantha cant hold it any longer and after a gasping breath her lovely moans started to grow, her eyes than were doing all to focus on register all the moves than Angie give were close to get shut closed by the potent and well created long orgasm than she shared with Angie after some moments later.

With a sudden motion Sammantha reached Angie's lips and close shut in love so this could end into a more passionated way than they moan aloud as animals, her four red wings closed around them as theirs peaks last for a while, fully covered and protected of anything around them. The loads of fertil seed continued filling the blonde's belly causing the mark grow a third time until her pregnant belly looks as a six or sevent month of gestation. The soft rubs of the red wings over Angie's own wings was strangely new for Angie who instead tickles she was pampered by soft pleasure in each of her wings who get the rubs.

Angelique asked still covered in the warm feather coccon, the two looking at each other what made Sammantha smile again and rub softly Angie's hair before nod. You are really talented and skilled for your age, Angelique. Yes, this is how you must do it from now on and focus on be better each time.

Her hands then went softly down to touch Angie's wings what shivered softly and made both chuckle or giggle. As the time pass the color and feeling of your wings will change, dont fear as this is normal in an ascended angel.

If im correct, a love angel will get a silver shinning color on them, bright and warm very different of a grey opaque tone, then after some years you will get a new set of wings. As this goes you will learn to use your wings in yours spells and duties as love angel.
Sammantha then expose both to the world again making her wings rest on her back again with both girls getting ready to get up, of Course than the last minutes were really boring for Selkie, but she only got amused by how quickly Sammantha's belly has grow and this looks to only fill the elder angel with more grace than the usual.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hearing Samantha's praise of her abilities, Angie smiled brightly and hugged her superior close, nuzzling her face right between Samantha's breasts with a happy look on her face. "I will lady Samantha. I'll be the best angel of love out there. I will instill passion and love in all those I meet. I shall reunite lovers, rekindle desires, and a little bit of lust, for you cannot have love without some lust. And when I am around those in need of it, I can marry lovers, and grant blessings of fertility and passion upon them. And no matter what, I will always protect love from those that wish to destroy it," Angie told Samantha as she raised her head back up.

As she felt Samantha's hands touching her wings, Angie giggled softly and lay her head down on her fellow angel's breasts to rest for a few moments, listening to what Samantha had to say next about her wings. "So, my wings will turn silver then? Why are your wings red though if we're both angels of Marianna?" Angie asked Samantha curiously while they were inside the barrier that Samantha's wings created around them.

Just before she unfurled her red wings, Samantha would find Angie's lips pressing against her own again in a hot passionate kiss. "Should I go again lady Samantha? It looks like if I do then you'll be ready to give birth as soon as we get back down in the catacombs," Angie asked as their barrier was opened and Selkie could see them clearly again, and if Samantha wanted to, then Angie would do so, taking her slow and passionate the entire time, and seeking to do even better than last time.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Sammantha let to the young angel to enjoy her ample breasts as much as she want, not looking to get unconfortable and instead she embrance her as a mother would do with her children. They remain resting softly covered in that red wing shield and before opening Angie asked some more questions than made the blonde angel giggle before kiss Angie's forehead. We both may serve Marianna, but i was born to give courage, wisdom, order and help the humans to rise up to protect the ones than they love. That is why my wings are red instead silver, so few angels manage to have wings far of white and the ones than manage it have a natural different color.

We are so few Angelique, but certainly there are others silver winged angels and red ones, few really.
The superior celestial then rubs Angie's hair and wings to calm her before open her own wings and prepare both to return with the others.

Selkie was starting to get closer when Angie come with the idea of continue and this made Sammantha place her hand on the young angel rear to grope it softly. Why dont we gather all the blankets and continue this inside? Miss Ashley and the others would get worried if we dont return with them soon. Also Miss Cathleen has been praying for our safety all this time.

That would be the best, in that way i can check where the blue creatures are hunting for females, we should see than they dont hurt anyone in the forest or the town for just sex. Selkie add, really still having her doubts with Sapphira's people.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Hearing Samantha's answer, Angie nodded and sighed softly before laying her head back down until the wing shield was opened up. After they did come out and into the open air again, Angie nodded as soon as Samantha suggested they head back inside if they were to continue. "Aye, that might be a good idea. And Selkie, please be careful okay, and don't hurt any of them if you can help it. I trust you to make the right choices," Angie said to Samantha and then Selkie.

Angie moved over to Selkie, still covered in sweat and both of the angels sexual juices, where she hugged Selkie and kissed her on the cheek. "That's for luck and to help bring you back to us Selkie," Angie told her with a smile before moving on back to the temple with Samantha to let the others know they were alright, with Angie not bothering to put on her clothing as they went and merely carrying her clothes.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

When Angelique get close the bug girl, this let her hug her, not showing any disconfort of have the celetial naked sex juiced drenched body pressing against her. Fine, i will do what i think is correct. Why dont you meanwhile check than both of you are really fine after touch them? Selkie said after the kiss before softly push Angie so she could start her search of all the blue race.

Sammantha let this all happen and helped what she could to lift with her advanced pregnancy status. They then get inside, completely naked as the day that they born, theirs bodies sometimes still letting soft drops of theirs juices wet the floor below them. When the door get opened they found Cathleen at her knees on the floor, soft red tunes at her cheeks remain as she looks to other side. Is all of you right? Where Miss Selkie is going?... ahm, both should be able to dress now, i can look to other side...

Sammantha giggled softly, finding some intersting info between the nun words but leaving all hidden for the moment and just softly shake her head. Im not sure than i could wear something until this end and without a bath Angelique's clothes would get dirty... Also she is now a love angel so wear clothes is a choice for her.

Certainly Cathleen would have problems with the reasons given, but her attention to the pregnant woman come first , so she take all the weight than Sammantha tried to place on her body and help them to place the blankets in a safe place to clean them later.

The door to get at the temple get closed by the nun, it was already late and it would be better for them if the blue girls were still there, without know of the others maidens protecting the place, it was a normal thinking.

Once all was ready to go, the three women went down to the cattacombs where Cathleen was waiting for any upcoming evil creature than could jump at them, fortunately for her all the depraved beasts were talking in the reunion room, making to Ashley pass some hard moments. Angie could go with them and talk all what happened or continue with her bussiness with Sammantha. She can almost bet than all the remain maidens were there except the lamia who huge body made her be unable to get inside the room, so she talk from the next one.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Alright Selkie, I will. You be careful though okay. It would break my heart if something were to happen to you," Angie told Selkie before heading back with Samantha, smiling at her as she turned to leave, helping Samantha to her feet before heading back.


"It's alright Cathleen, we're both alright, and Selkie is too. She's making sure those blue skinned ladies aren't hurting anybody or taking anybody against their will," Angie told Cathleen gently before looking over to Samantha and nodding when her fellow angel spoke after that. "Aye, we're a bit too dirty to put our clothes back on without them getting dirty. After we bathe though we can put everything back on I think. And I shall wear clothes when I need to, but when I'm relaxing here or wherever I'm allowed to, then I may not wear anything. It depends really," Angie went on to say once Samantha was through talking.

After Cathleen and Samantha were both ready to head back down into the catacombs, Angie followed them down and helped Samantha, letting the other angel put as much weight on her as needed. As they went down into the catacombs, Angie noticed that Cathleen seemed to be jumping at even the slightest little noises, and she couldn't help but giggle about this. "Cathleen, it's okay, nothing is going to get you down here. The other ladies down here are nice and won't try to do anything unless you want them to," Angie assured Cathleen.

After a couple of minutes, Angie noticed Ashley and the others in the big room from before that Nyami couldn't fit inside of. "Hey, I'll meet you both in the bath soon, I want to let Ashley know I'm okay and stuff real quick," Angie told Samantha and Cathleen.

Angie detoured into the room with everyone else, still naked as the day she was born. "Hey everyone, I'm back. And gods I feel so good, so full of life now," Angie said, walking over to Ashley and scooping her up into a hug, spinning her around and kissing her on the lips as she did.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Yes, i guess both are right, for now we must take care of Lady Sammantha... how can she be pregnant now and that strange symbol... i havent seen one like that one before in any book. Cathleen said accepting than both could be naked by what they had passed in the last hours, but seen that change on Sammantha called her attention. All will be fine Sister Cathleen, there is not darkess or evilness than caused this, soon maybe this get resolved. Sammantha answer motherly like rubbing her pregnant belly what looks to be giving pleasure back to her act, but she soon stop and they walk to the catacombs.

I can sense creatures nearly Miss Angelique, many small and others huge... are you sure than they arent monsters invading this place? The nun ask, but neither of the three could sense dark energy so it must be spiders from the spider maiden.

When Angelique asked a moment to both so she could say hi to the rest of beautiful ladies in that room, Sammantha wnods and prepare to look for a place to bath herself, but Cathleen softly smile and still doing her best to dont see direct to the naked body of the angel add. Dont worry Miss Angelique, i can take a bath later, first i think than is better meet who live here so dont think as me as an intruder.

Angie later get inside the room where the maidens were chating and getting a little animated, mostly Mize and Tezzy were talking more than the rest and she could notice than Ashley was really quiet, maybe thinking or paying attention. The noble girl jump softly when Angie talk to them, mostly all the girls turning to her aroused nude body. All can see it~ Mize said back with some giggles pointing softly to where the hard member of the angel is, this made Ashley be specheless and easily taken by her lover, quickly returning the passion back to the angel to show how happy she was than she was fine.

Sorry to interrupt this meating, i came to this land to solve some issues related to the temple, my name is Sister Cathleen and would be an honor work with all of you to retun the peace to this land. Quickly Cathleen introduce herself, fortunately the frog girl was not there or she would maybe escaped or at least hide behind someone. The two lovers were very focused in their passion. I missed you...is that your...? Ashley talk and ask about the object close her intimate part between lover like kisses, Angie could maybe with some more lust place Ashley on the table and Ashley certainly would let her, then in that small moment Angie noticed than Ashley already have the apron blessed by Sammantha, it was more precious but Angie know than would look better without that dress below.

We were talking about her wedding dress, maybe a white corset, white gloves, perfect heels, lingeries, thights... she would look so gorgeous and all will be unable to stop to see her. Mize giggle and then Ary. Yes, i could do most of the dress, except the heels. Ashley whimper and blush really not so confortable with all that talk right now when they were loving each other and Cathleen looks to dont get crazy with the view of all the naked ladies except Mize who looks sexy and ready to seduce at the streets with her great small dress.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, no they aren't monsters Cathleen, they're my friends that live down here. At least I think that's the ones you're talking about anyway. I'd say though the one, or ones you're sensing right now are Ary and her babies. She's an arachne, and has many babies. In fact I'm still carrying two of hers inside me right now," Angie told Cathleen reassuringly with a smile. "And that would be fine I think Cathleen. It would be better for you to meet them now rather than later I guess, that way you'll know how kind they all are," Angie went on to say when she headed for the great hall where the others were.

Heading for the place, Angie wrapped an arm around Cathleen and walked towards it, forgetting completely about being naked as she did so. She didn't care that Mize pointed at her still fully erect penis as she scooped Ashley up and hugged her, kissing her so passionately that their love literally radiated from their bodies for all to see. "Is that my what love?" Angie asked Ashley curiously in between kisses.

Angie had eyes only for Ashley right now, curious as to what her fiancee meant by her words as they kissed. "And I think that would be a lovely dress indeed. Both your mother and mine would love to see you in it I'm certain," Angie told Ashley, kissing her again and taking a seat with her and setting Ashley in her lap so her member was rubbing up behind Ashley and planted firmly between her butt cheeks.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ah, yes spiders... that is the reason of all these webs. They are so many? I respect any life, but im not a huge fan of spiders. Cathleen said still looking at some webs before Angie placed an arm around her and guide her to the next room, causing a squeak from the nun who was still affected by a nude person being so close to her and that sex scent after hours of sex was not helping.

Of course, Ashley dont care of any sex fluid over her lover, her dress getting coated on her vestiment was not important, not even a little at the side of have Angie safe and at her arms again. Ahm...you know, she... Ashley answer embarrased, her weak tone almost as a wishper and hand going down for a moment to rub the angel's member. Please, i had been teased for hours... your... dick, is so hard and press close...you know where. Angie noticed Ashley turning softly her eyes where Mize and Ary were looking with a lust gaze to the mate, the sight of that passion mostly turning on most of the maidens.

Soon Angie decide to take seat and make Ashley sit over her, no matter the dress on the human, both were so addict to the other than Angie could notice the lovely panty rubbing at her member and getting deep inside Ashley, the human's perfect butt pressing instintively back, making Ashley shiver and press her legs to endure the lust growing on her, easily just in this possition Angelique could sense the possibility to use her lover to cum at her back easily with a little more stimulation.

We also talked of that human meeting before a wedding named "stag party", i dont see an use of one, as we mostly have one every day. Mize add, mostly having fun with the poor sex life of the humans.

So... what could be useful and fun, we think and pow come to my mind "No sex for a whole day" Ary said with a tone than show so hard task to succeed, her humanoid hands rising up for a moment when she named the strange ritual.

Oh! you mean... i still cant get to the idea, i can endure some hours, but a day!? wow. Tezzy add, quickly of course Mizze nod touching the slug girl rear to invite her soon to relax

I know, that is why it will be only a night and an half day to dont do it with your fiancee, so when the time come an intense fire appear. Ary words show her excitement and what she could do to stop both of fuck each other that day

The problem is than, i cant be without Angie and her... touch. The human still giving soft wiggles at her rear to pleasure her lover said with a soft arousal tone

DICK, pennis, cock... choice one, is easy Ashley, i know than you want to shout these words aloud. Mize suddenly interrup, making not only Cathleen get red, but also Ashley.

No...please...is enough, Mize. Lady Cathleen sorry, for let them talk like this. Ashley soon add

Hmhm, as you wish baby scales... there must be also a banquet, but no one of us is really good cooking human food and all of us will be in the wedding with the humans, so we will grow flowers in the trees and the temple, it would be gorgeous

We only need a date, it would be soon, right? Nyami suddenly ask at the back room, still trapped protecting the many rivers under the lands with her magic.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I know that it's so hard Ashley, it is my dick after all, hmhm. And I can't help it. When I see you, she just springs up even from being completely limp," Angie replied to Ashley with a giggle, hugging Ashley back against her soft angelic body.

Angie didn't care that her love and passion for Ashley was arousing the others, for she had eyes only for Ashley at the moment. The young angel shivered right along with Ashley as she sat there, her penis trembling against Ashley's butt. When the maidens spoke and mentioned a party before their wedding, Angie smiled at them and nodded.

"Of course we'll have a party everyone. I think it's called a bachelor party in my case, though since I'm a girl for the most part I think it would be more a bachelorette party," Angie told them with a very happy smile. "A whole day huh? I think I can handle that easily enough. I mean I went eighteen or nineteen years before my first time not too long ago remember. I could probably even go for two or three days, maybe more," she went on to say with a confident look in her eyes.

Angie hugged Ashley from behind as her fiancee wiggled her butt back and forth against her naked erection, a soft moan slipping from her lips. "Oh Ashley, you might as well call it a penis at least. Because that's what it is after all. You shouldn't be scared to call something what it is. My cock, is so hot and hard right now for you Ashley, hmhm," Angie whispered seductively in Ashley's ear, though loud enough for the others to all hear her as she ground her hips forward against Ashley's.

Angie just held Ashley there in her arms however and didn't press her for sex, simply holding her beloved being more than enough for Angie. When Nyami spoke however, Angie's attention turned to her, as she didn't know she was there. "Oh of course Nyami. I'm thinking in a couple of weeks, maybe a month at most. That will give me time to get my family and as many of my friends down here as possible, and I have a friend who's really good at cooking, and my mother is as well. Don't be too surprised though ladies if my papa makes any attempts to sleep with any of you. She is quite the lusty one after all," Angie said back to Nyami, and the others when giving the warning about her papa, who was a futanari angel like herself that greatly enjoyed sex, and was always flirty.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

By the angel words, the noble human blush and hug tight. Really? it get hard for me? She wishper blushing as she softly smile, her leg getting up softly the enough so her thigh rubs agains tthe angel's leg, so this could notice the wetness on her. I was not like this until you hug me. She softly smile and let then be taken up softly so Angie could sit and then Ashley in the angel's lap.

OHOHohoh, that sound as a challengue, Angie. Ary said, the idea of tase the angel in that party was just making her have many ideas for the challengue.

Yes, you resisted years, until know our little baby cousin... now you are a horny being like us and i have my doubts... really can you hold yourself? Mize add, her eyes shining with a lustful smile at Ashley.

Heh, i cant wait to meet your papa, Angie... Or i would call him Papa too? As you impregnated everyone of us, im sure than your pervert progenitor can have some fun with us too~ Nyami said as she giggle, the idea made Ary and Mize follow the chuckles and Tezzy hold her ones muffing her mouth with her slimy hand.

W-wait, i cant allow that, think in all yours childrens than all will or have with Miss Angie. It would be inhuman, the mix of blood with the time will bring sickness to your offspring. Cathlenn placed her opinion, of course than have her Papa impregnate any of them would not cause any similar blood mix.

Please girls... You first Ashley, you are a maiden like us, i can sense than your fluids are doing a mess there and maybe you wish to be taken now, in this stone desk or in the floor. Mize make all turn back to them and everybody noticed Ashley's clothes on the tacle as the succubi fold the dress.

Kyaaa! Ashley scream as she look down after see the dress, no doubt than some magic was used just now, because she now as only using her underwear and blessed apron. Bring it back, Mize!

Why?, you are so wet and is a so cute dress to let your own powers destroy it if you not release yourself soon, just beg for some baby cream, you are so inocent and i love that, but also you are like us Ashley... just accept it and pull down your panty so that poor thing get inside you~ The succubi tease was trying to help the human to accept herself, Angie know it, but not all on the room

I have enough, please stop... i wanted to be kind but i will need to place this in order... Cathleen said as she get up, ready to spank someone, maybe something similar, who know as Ashley quickly get up and stop Cathleen.

Please, dont hurt them... they are saying the truth... Im not exactly a human, i wanted to hide it, but my body still looks to be changing, more slowly with Angie at my side. Ashley then slid down her panty and sit back at Angie's laps so theirs flesh nude bodies could rub against each other. Her hand guide one of the angel's hands to where the back start to loss its name. Do you feel them? im so sensitive there in the middle, i could wet by just touching that place. Angie could notice than the skin in that place feels different, as baby's scales like Mize always tease Ashley.

Is maybe the start of a tail, a cute one... but dont fear, almost all of us can transform and hide most of ours cute things than make us special. Tezzy said more calmed and trying to be kind.

Mom can turn into the wind, a storm... anything really and a sexy human woman or monster girl, as it change slowly you will be able to get used and hide it or let it grow faster. Maybe can take you time to accept this, but is part of you, even before you born in this world. Nyami said lending inside her hand to touch the human softly what indeed was enough to make Cathleen faint hard, but catched by Nyami who place her softly in the floor. I guess than nobody prepare her to meet me, right girls? its not fun than this always happen with ours guests

Now with the sloppy nude sexy lower body of Ashley pressing against her lap and dick, Angie could get the idea than Ashley was so in heat as herself.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Of course it got hard because of you honey. Did you think I'm lying about that? I'd never lie about that kind of thing, because I love you so much," Angie said softly in Ashley's ear.

"Yes Mize, I'm sure I can hold out that long," Angie said to Mize with a look of confidence, though she was smiling at Mize, knowing that the succubus would try to keep her from making it as long as she claimed she could.

"My papa is a futanari like myself, so it would be she technically. And... I don't know if you girls should call her papa or not. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you did, considering," Angie told Nyami, winking at her before Cathleen jumped in and spoke her mind.

"Cathleen, just having sex while they're pregnant won't hurt any of the babies. And besides, my papa and I are both angels, immortal blooded beings. It will be okay I'm sure," Angie told Cathleen in a soothing tone to calm her down.

When Ashley's dress was magicked off of her by Mize, Angie simply sat there and enjoyed the sensation of feeling Ashley's bare flesh against her own. She hugged her from behind and reached around to grab one of Ashley's breasts, giving it a light gentle squeeze to see her reaction. Ashley jumped up though before too long after Cathleen got up and spoke again, looking like she was about to start spanking them or about to threaten to do so. Angie whined a bit until Ashley dropped her panties and sat back down, where her penis slipped in between Ashley's butt cheeks again.

When Ashley reached down and pulled Angie's hand to where she wanted it, Angie giggled playfully and reached down with her other hand and squeezed her butt possessively while her right hand touched the strange place. "Then maybe I should touch it a lot Ashley, hmhm," Angie giggled in Ashley's ear as she did just that repeatedly, gently tickling that spot with her finger.

When Nyami spoke again and reached out to gently touch Ashley, Angie watched as Cathleen fainted and fell into Nyami's large hand. "Oh goodness, is she okay Nyami? I thought I'd told her about how large you were. I'm sorry, it's my fault. Now I feel bad," Angie said, looking sadly over to Cathleen as she lay on the floor, unconscious. "Well, at least now she's not going to get angry at us for doing this. Mize, could you please take Cathleen to rest in one of the beds? I'd appreciate it very much if you did. And after Ashley and I get done, I'll talk to you all about what happened above not long ago," Angie added, leaning in and kissing Ashley on the neck.

Angie lifted Ashley with one hand, then grabbed her dick to aim it at Ashley's pussy with her other hand. She lowered Ashley back down and impaled her fiancee upon her shaft, moaning softly as Ashley's pussy gripped her all the way down to the hilt. "Oh goddess yes, I love you so much Ashley. You feel how my cock twitches and throbs inside you? That's because I love you so much, and because she loves being inside of you too, hmhm," Angie giggled lustily as she began bouncing Ashley slowly right there in front of everyone, not caring that she was being watched.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angelique could sense how Ashley' body shiver by the passion at the angel wishpers, her arms hug more on the celestial nude form pressing more the hard dick until Angie could sense her body almost as if the dress where not between both of them. I heard than Angels cant lie... i love you soo much too, with all my self. She wishper too and let the angel place her on her laps after sit.

With the talk growing, Angie should suppose than not only Mize would try to make her fail when that day come, but even when all of them tease her, the idea of dont be close Ashley was what more worry her, not for her but for Ashley safety, would be the human able to endure all that time without her lover?

I dont see why dont call her Papa... After all we will have yours childrens too and who know maybe your Papa get some luck too~ Mize soon coment and looks to enjoy a lot the idea than Angie's progenitor have some fun with them

Even if we find out her name, the more correct would be call her Papa, i always wanted to have a Papa for myself and yours is enough pervert to fit with us Tezzy add, her left hand looks to be busy below the table.

There was not much time than Angie wanted to lost once Mize remove Ashley dress, the whole human's body was so exquisite to focus on something more than enjoy it. Her wet rear only made Angie press and cuddle closer on her lover, pressing so much her dick between the human's buttcheeks than the skimpy lingerie covering the human's lower holes was getting translucid by the wetness and get pressed inside her, with each move of the dick the panty pressed her front hole too, making her whimper and press her legs so her moans never get formed until Angie decide to hug her and pull up softly her bra to enjoy the whole of the human left breast. It was needed all Ashley willpower to just cover part of that cute squeak, her lips pressing harder closing her eyes as her body enjoy all what Angie made to her being, maybe making her best to dont cause more troubles to Cathleen.

It should had been hard for the noble lady escape of this lust so she could stop the nun of do anything against the maidens, it must be also hard for her pride pull down her panty in front of all even a religious woman, but she made this sacrifice to make both parts remain in peace, all that shame remain restained, but Angie made all more difficult for her once she sit again close so needed meat rod.

With only that moment than Ashley guide her hand and touch her for first time, the angel noticed the shiver and wetness on Ashley grow, it was like she were fucking her with just touching her there. Eh? n-no, im not sure Angie, is so sensitive...i dont...ahh...please...no so...rough... Ashley manage to mutter in a eak yet high lustful tone, her body softly bouncing by the pleasure earned in each rub, her pupils get dilatated and her breath get some small vapor from her mouth, her body lost slowly the streght to stay firm and soon get reclined at the table in front of them.

It should had taken some few minutes for Tezzy and Nyami say some words to confort and inform Ashley of what is happening to her body, so warm scene make Cathleen blush and get petrify looking at the lovers what helped to take the nun by surprise when the huge hand get out the hole as entrance to caress the human.

Thanks to Nyami speed the nun dont hit the floor and this event give to Ashley time to recover herself a little when the angel get worried of the nun safety. Uhm? Aw, but its starting to be fun this meeting is so... well, i will need to get some fun soon, so we should talk of that too Angie, you need to pleasure all of us too~ Said this the succubi lift easily the nun and carry her to a place to recover, leaving the others three lick theirs lips with the performance of the lovely pair.

Angie get her full focus on Ashley again, the human already was softly coated in sweat, her white bra was of not use now by the transparence earned and her apron dont add any defense and easily could be placed away of her delicious chest, so the apron was just an accesory to make Ashley look more sexya and cute with all the ribbons and magic on the piece. The human was with the eyes closed, resting on the table when she noticed her body lift she turn around feeling the angel's hand at her butt lifting her easily and giving to her only the enough time to wide open her eyes when she look the hugh member get in position, she gasped and a mix of need and worries stun her before get released.

Ashley's body arch in pleasure moaning, her hands holding with a grip on the table and her toes pressing hard too. Her thigh hole making wet noises in each pounce, all this lust only get worse when she remember the monster trio looking the whole time, hearing each of her moans and even Tezzy maybe pleasuring herself... her slimy pennis already making some little drops of precum sound as these fall on the floor.

Yes... i feel it.... Ashley manage to say after a huge serie of lustful cute moans, her breasts lovely bouncing and soft drolls of saliva slowly slide out her mouth. Its so huge... and warm... i can feel it pass.. all the way... even when it touch... make my insides press harder... because...because... my pu-ssy loves your dick... but not as much as i love you~ The moans and indecent sounds were haivng her problems to say her true self words, Ashley was completely ahsamed of be able to asnwer Angie in that way in front of the three monster girls, her moans were getting louder and as she has said her inner walls were pressing more to deep milk the delicious cock inside her. Angie could soon cum inside or out her, the minutes would pass and with them the pleasure will make Ashley needs to place her body to rest on the table unless Angie hold her in place and enjoy the whole of her precious being. The angel could suppose than the maidens were getting so hot than they mostly were waiting their turn to enjoy the Heaven's door key on theirs wet and needed gates.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, it's not that we can't lie at all sweetie, but more that we just don't like to lie," Angie told Ashley with a giggle. "And I would never lie to you honey," she added reassuringly to her fiancee.

Angie was worried about the bet she'd made with Mize and the others about not having sex with Ashley for an entire day or more leading up to their wedding, which Angie was now wanting to happen as soon as possible, within the next month or if possible within the next week or two, assuming they could get everyone and everything together by then that is.

"Well I don't mind if you call her papa, and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you did either. My papa's name though is Aria, and my mother's name is Clara. My sisters names are Lilia, Leah, and Ivy. All three of them are younger than me, and Lilia just came of age recently I believe," Angie told Mize and the others.

Seeing Ashley's reaction to her touching the place on the young human's lower back, Angie giggled mischievously and continued touching and rubbing it to drive more pleasure into her fiancee, not caring that Cathleen could see what she was doing. When Cathleen hit the floor though, Angie happily continued doing it to make Ashley moan more, loving to hear her voice. "Don't you worry Mize, I'll make you all feel good, but only after Ashley though, because we're going to get married and she needs it so bad," Angie told Mize as she took Cathleen off to a bed to rest, with Angie winking at her as she went.

Angie reached around and took Ashley's bra off as it was no longer even hiding her breasts from view thanks to how wet with sweat it was. Angie decided to leave the apron on Ashley though, simply liking the looks of it on her because it made her look like the sexiest maid ever. The lewd wet squelching sounds coming from Ashley's pussy as her dick entered her made Angie's lust run wild as she began bucking Ashley up and down on her dick faster and harder.

Angie's hands reached up and grabbed Ashley's breasts as she bucked her hips up into Ashley's, driving the pleasure into both of them as the maidens all watched on with looks of lust and likely a slight bit of jealousy. When Ashley told her how much she loved her, Angie's heart skipped a beat and suddenly she exploded in climax, her seed spurting out and filling Ashley's womb again as Angie sat there looking a bit stunned at her sudden climax.

"O-Oh goodness. I'm so sorry Ashley, I didn't mean to cum so fast. Just... hearing you say how much you loved me made me, l-lose control," Angie panted and moaned softly in Ashley's ear, looking around at the others for a few moments before looking back to Ashley. "I love you so much Ashley. Please marry me, a-and... have my babies too Ashley. I want to have babies with you, the most beautiful little angels ever," Angie said aloud for all to hear her and not caring what they thought about them.

Angie got a second wind as she spoke to Ashley and lifted her up in her arms. She moved over to the largest seat in the room that had the best view where the others could see them without any troubles. Sitting in said seat, Angie would keep Ashley facing away from her as she spread her legs wide with her hands to present the maidens and Samantha if she was still in there with a full view of where she and Ashley were joined together. Angie would then bounce Ashley up and down, not holding herself back as she came several times inside of Ashley, losing herself in the body of her beloved fiancee.

"Oh Ashley, I j-just can't hold back with you. It feels s-so good being inside of you like this. I... I'm cumming again Ashley. I... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" Angie said, crying out her last words, which were filled with her passion and love as it radiated around the room and likely helped to arouse the others further.

Angie stood up again after that, carrying Ashley over to the table and bending her forward over it and taking her from behind and squeezing Ashley's breasts as she did. The young futanari angel couldn't maintain any control over her pleasure and kept cumming, at least once per minute as she took Ashley again and again. "Ashley... y-you're just too good for me. I can't... I can't stop cumming Ashley. I hope that you feel as good too," Angie panted in Ashley's ear as she kept knocking away with wild abandon.

Finally, Angie rolled Ashley over and maneuvered her into one final position, taking her missionary on the table for all to see. Angie moaned and squealed out with nearly every thrust into Ashley, completely losing herself in the pleasure that being joined with her beloved Ashley brought Angie. Her wings were lightly flapping behind her as she went, and each time she climaxed they stretched out to their fullest as her butt trembled before she began thrusting again.

Angie lost count of the orgasms she had, but not once did she pull out, that much she remembered when finally collapsing on top of Ashley, her hips aching and worn out from thrusting so much. She lie there atop Ashley and sighed softly, kissing Ashley on the lips and wrestling her tongue with her own a bit before letting Ashley defeat her. Looking up, Angie would find that she'd curled her wings around them both in a protective shield, and also to give Ashley something soft to lay on so it wasn't just the cold hard table. She slowly unfurled her wings to allow everyone to see them again, looking like she was back in heaven again.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

With each Angel's thrust on the thigh noble lady's hole, Angelique could only increase her joy by the attempt of such precious walls press more and more at her horny sword, her moans and the ones of her lover soon join together, every breath and palpitate were filled with love for the other. Angie's words placed on the human's ear created a shiver on the mortal one, her blissful pussy suck more hard the dick inside in answer. Its fine Angie, i cant hold myself too... after such words of love and your touch... i cant do more than come. Ashley said trying hard to stop her soft lustful words so she could express her love and how much good was Angie to make her cum. Yes, lets marry soon, i-i love you so much Angie, please... give me the joy to pass the rest of my life with you and give you the most prescious angel babies. Ashley was so filled in arousal to do more than rest as the angel's member remain inside her babymaker hole, her womb letting get inside all the cream than it could, as her cunt remain fully wet to be ready to be used more byt the angel.

Recovered the enough for more, Angie decide to take her fiancee to the biggest seat, maybe used by Nyami, but now than the naga needs to remain in the next room this one was ready to get used. Already the maidens looking them were so aroused to do more than pleasure themselves, trying to remember when such dick impregnate them, filling theirs insides with the divine meat, Tezzy soon fall at her kness, holding herself on teh table with a hand as the other continue maybe rubbing her wn cock. Ary and Nyami at the other room moan softly once Ashley found herself showing her naughty parts to them, her legs almost in a "V" shame and her apron being pulled back the enough to only softly cover the up part of her belly, such cloth let expose her whole cunt and breasts which last ones started to bounce softly when Angie started to piston at her. At the start of this exhibitionism the human's face couldnt stop to blush and soft whimpers were mixed between her moans, she could see the eyes of the lust maidens looking at her, almost hearing what they were thinking, but Angie's dick give her so intense pleasure to ask her to stop, she wanted so baddly to continue and her actual state make her only get so horny than she cant understand why. Angie meanwhile was unable to hold herself anymore, by the pleasure placed on Ashley, the human's hole and such sexy breasts were so much to hold her releases.

After a long time and endless releases, Ashley and Angie were just so deep inside in their carnal pleasure to care to be seen anymore, both girls now moan aloud, giving words to show their love from the other from time to time and this pleasure at the maiden's eyes, filling almost the whole catacumbs with tehirs moans. Unable to control easily her body and by have her mind so drenched in lust and pleasure after many peaks without a rest, Ashley just moan softly and cooed when Angie lift from the cum covered seat and place Angie to rest face down on the table, the human only have enough strengh at her arms to hold herself in place, as her legs like her whole body were completely in bliss.

Hearing than Ashley love her and how her hole blade made her cum happily only made the angel increase her pace, finally after so much cum inside Ashley and the many fondles on her breasts, Angie manage to make her lover start to lactate small drops of milk, it was like a divine announcement to dictate her heritage already be carried by her lover, Ashley divine bloodline already helping to show the first signs of her future pregnancy. I-i love you too...im cumming, i cant...cant stop cumming...ahhh... i-im goin to cum again, my body cant stop to CUM!! Her voice already weak scream aloud in bliss, only earning some rest when Angie roll her so all could see such perfect fiancee for a lustful angel like her.

Ashley was at Angie's mercy, her body only earning endless love and pleasure in each thrust, her figure out of be naughty reveal part of such love between them and that beautiful apron only improve the view than the others could see on her, so delicate and beautiful body being used as a proof of the true love between them. Slowly the wings on Angie covered the mates, giving to both soft privacy as Angie finally release the last of her seed inside the already impregnated womb of her lover, there was soft brighness in her feathers, but for now only Ashley was in her mind, her celestial rod let inside her white mana before her face meet with the one of the noble girl, both tongues dancing instead struggling, there was not wresting in the guide of Ashley delicious tongue, both taking more time in tehir long kiss than the expected, Angie let herself embrance in such kind kiss until both finally get softly recover of such passion, Angie couldnt have enough of her fiancee, but she could feel her body exhausted completely after all the love than she show to her loved ones.

Out of be fully tired, Angie was just fully in bliss. She needed to sit soon and she could let Ashley to rest on the table or help her to find a confortable seat to rest until recover the enough to walk. The presents couldnt hold themselves and applaud after such demostration of love, theirs eyes show than they were wishing to be used again by the angel. Ashely was trying to recover her breathe when suddenly Tezzy get close and give her a deep kiss, there was a muffed whine by Ashley, she certainly was not expecting this. I almost cant hold myself Angie, i can still remember when you were just a prune virgin and now wow, you could just pleasure almost all of us in a night. Ary said getting close enough to huge the celestial and enjoy such warm and scent after that sex. Ahm, dont fight back Ashley, Tezzy is just trying to give you some of her saliva to recover faster, but it will be our turn soon~

Why dont we talk in this room where im? we could also make a bed here and so we could some time all together. Im starting to get tired of be the only one here dont having some daily fun. Nyami complain in her always seductive tone, just in that time after all that long mate Mize returned chuckling and with soft giggles from place Cathleen in a bed. Ohm, so sweet scent and all teh moans... I hope than i feel the same soon Angie, ours babies in my womb need to feed of their papa dick milk daily~

The maidens were giving soft whispers to Mize soon, Angie could heard them, as they dont care than all heard their chat, mostly how many times Angie make Ashley cum and make her moan, they really could be proud of Ashley or just having some fun of her, it should be the second mostly because they soon make Mize whine and complain of not be there to look the perfect performance. Now after a brief rest, Angie could talk with them of anything or let them bring the needed to make a bed and so see again the poor Nyami who request some love too.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie backed over to the large seat again with Ashley still in her arms, where she sat down and pulled Ashley down with her. Her poor member was still inside of Ashley, throbbing like mad as she sat there recovering as she held her fiancee. Angie couldn't help but giggle a bit when Tezzy leaned in and stole a kiss from Ashley. "Oh girls, I don't think I could go anymore today even if I tried. It... it's so sensitive and raw right now I'm afraid I'd explode the instant I slid inside any of you. But, if you really need me, then I think I could manage at least one good one for each of you. But don't be surprised if I cum several times before you do," Angie told them all after finally recovering her breath after she had all spoken again.

Angie gently lifted Ashley up, where her now only half hard penis fell from Ashley's tight wet folds. Angie let out a soft gasp followed by a low moan as she sat there, setting Ashley back down in her lap to let them both rest for now. "Oh Ashley I love you so much. That was magnificent, just... incredible. There aren't any words to truly describe it," Angie told Ashley as they rested, while the others informed Mize of what had happened, as she had just returned.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The young human manage to dont faint after such perfect mating, her mind was not broken or affected too by the pleasure, she was just in bliss by have her lover inside her, theirs eyes and senses still focused in each other as they recover the breath. Tezzy's kiss made her then notice the world around them and her surprised muffed whimpers follow a soft struggle until heard than Tezzy only wanted to help her in some way than she dont know yet.

Soon the angel sit on the huge seat again, taking Ashley with her and her dick still feeling the pleasures of such thigh walls., the sweet sweat and juices at both were as an aphrodisiac for the mate, theirs bodies cuddle and hug for a moment until Angie could recover the enough to turn Ashley to see the rest of needed girls in the room. I-i dont have words to express how i feel, Angie... every time is so magic and perfect, i will treasure every moment in my mind forever. The noble human said as she still try to recover her breath, the kiss from her also made her blush by the strange feeling in her inside, her tunnel was pressing harder on the lovely meat rod until this leave her hole. Without any clue of the fact than she has recovered her hymen and energy after Tezzy's kiss

Hmhm, i could enjoy to see you cum endlessly inside me, Angie. You must daily bath ours babies in your thick cream or my reserves wouldnt be enough for them. Mize said between giggles, Angie could see some jealous on her face and needs to have the celestial spear impaling her body.

It could be better to give some time to Angelique to rest, i propose than we eat something, get some rest and then we could enjoy a long night together, if all allow me to join, of course. A voice from the tunnel behind them call theirs attention for a moment until they get than it was Sammantha the one who was talking, her four red wings cover her body which was almost dry after the bath than she take, between her wings she have the poor Heki still resting at her arms, maybe the blonde angel was already thinking in enjoy the night with all after heard all the moans from the mate.

Uhm, im not sure if the rest of us can make a decent dinner for a Human, we are a little out of normal ingredients. Tezzy said pondering as she caress her lips provocatively.

Ashley has prove herself to us than she is more than just a human, some special homemade cooking could help her body to mature faster. Nyami add, making the noble press more her back against the sensible torso of her mate, such move made soft moans get out Angie by her half hard dick loving the delicious folds.

Indeed, we must help Miss Ashley to control her powers and guide her to find her way to help this world, maybe she could help Miss Nyami for a while in some days or we could help the town to recover too, there are a lot of things to do.

Angie could notice some deep sigh in Ashley, her worries could be growing as her responsability will grow soon. Angie could decide what to do now before rest with the rest of the girls.
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie merely sat there and listened to the talk between everyone, not really caring too much on what they decided to do at the moment so long as she got to rest a bit. "I don't mind what we do, just so long as we can do it together and have fun too," Angie said softly, looking around and smiling at everyone as she laid her head against Ashley's shoulder.

Once she had calmed down a bit finally, Angie lifted Ashley up again and slid out from under her so she could get up. As soon as Angie was on her feet again, she looked around again as she stretched her body, her wings unfurling as far as they could. "Ashley and I both need a bath before we eat though. So we'll go take one while you all decide on what to eat. And we angels can eat just about anything that you can make," Angie said before scooping Ashley up in her arms and carrying her to the baths, where she would sit down in there with Ashley and help clean her up after their lovemaking.