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Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Adaavi rested comfortably on a sloping hill, just ten feet or so from the burbling brook that ran along the edge of the Acadamy grounds on Tython. The meditation grounds were near, with the scattered training circles between those and the acadamy itself, the large building with it's swooping architecture dominating the small valley it resided in.

Her lower hands were propping her up, the others perusing a datapad she had loaned from the library, detailing the great Jedi Library at Ossus, destroyed since the great Sith war, long before her time. Technically she should be simply relaxing, not studying, but she found history so interesting. Her home planet was somewhat isolated, There wasn't many texts on the galaxy at large, and she had left at a young enough age that she wouldn't have been able to study what there was in any case. The instructors said that she should be more mindful of her inquisitive nature, and she swore up and down that when it mattered, she would. But this was free time, and she so enjoyed learning.

"Hey Nikarn, Want to spar later? I found reference to a saber technique in here, I think maybe we could puzzle out how it's done." She asked, leaning her head back to glance at the other padawan.
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Nikarn had been nearby, of course, practicing various ways he knew of for sensing things through the Force. Granted, he was rather used to certain ones given the anatomy of Miraluka, but he still ran through the exercises, in order to be certain that he could handle not being able to rely on a particular technique.

"I suppose we can. I'll just make sure to have my medical kit nearby, just in case something goes wrong."
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

"Still nervous, hmm?" She teased back gently, rolling over to lay on the hill, looking at him. "It was a slip, I admit, but it was ages ago. I didn't even catch flesh either, just that little shear off your ropes. There's actually a form of sparring where that's considered success, you know."
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Nikarn shook his head. "Not really nervous, to be honest. I'd just rather be prepared if something did happen. Accidents can occur, and there's no harm in being ready for injuries to happen, even if they don't."
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Adaavi gave a short nod, tucking her braid back behind her ear, the rest of her hair tied in a loose ponytail behind her. "Bring it then, just in case. I'm sure we'll be fine, though." She said confidently, stretching out on the grass fully, even putting a cheek to the earth. "I want to head out to those ruins again, at some point. I wish they would clear out all the droids at the larger places, though. There must be fantastic things in there, that nobody has seen for ages. Holocrons, relics, can you imagine?"
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Nikarn stopped, head in his usual considering pose.

"It's possible... However, with as dangerous as those droids are, there's also the chance that either whatever is there has become so damaged as to be unreadable, or is encoded in some fashion that we won't be able to access it. Some of the Masters around might, but from your tone, that's not what you want, I'm guessing."
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Adaavi chuckled. "Well, I wouldn't mind reading the reports second-hand, but..." She paused, smirking a bit. "It would be so much better to be there, don't you think?"
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Suddenly, you both receive a message. Oddly enough, it's text-only, directing you to an unused corner of the Temple's landing complex.
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Nikarn's brow furrowed. "Odd."
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

"Indeed..." Adaavi agreed, the mirth gone from her voice as she checked her commlink to see if the message had a labelled sender. Whoever sent it, she doubted it was any sort of prank, or false message, or mis-sent to them instead of someone else. Such things just didn't happen around here.

Stadnding and giving a long stretch, she made sure her hair was in order, including the tight braid just behind her left ear. "Well, shall we?"
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Nikarn nodded, then began heading towards the designated area. "Yes, might as well."

As they passed by a storage area on their way, Nikarn stopped suddenly, as if by something else. "One moment..."

Ducking into the storage room, he grabbed a towel, then came back out. "Not sure why... But I just suddenly got a feeling that this could be important."

Without further comment, he moved on to arrive at the designated spot in the landing complex.
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Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

As you exit into the landing area, you see a supply ship beginning to unload.
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Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Adaavi gives a shrug at Nikarn's odd hunch, moving along once he had tucked the item away.

Once they made it to the landing pad, she looked over the bay, curious to see where their Master was. "Think he's in the ship, perhaps?" She asked, looking over to her companion.
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Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Nikarn frowned slightly. "Things are a little cluttered just right at the moment..."

Of course, that had a slightly different meaning coming from him than it would from someone else.
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Deemak felt the ship landing, but he was still far from finished fixing the device he had found. Figuring that, since it was broken, nobody would mind him taking it with him, Deemak tucked the device into his robes and waited for the cargo doors to open.

He had a sudden idea, what if the people weren't nice people and were more likely to shoot him first before he had a chance to explain the mix-up. Deemak hurried behind one of the crates in the back of the hold and hid behind it, at least until he could tell if these people were good people or not.

Hide roll result 24, if needed.
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Adaavi saw the look of concentration on her fellow padawan's face, and simply nodded. He was much more in-tune with the force than she was, at least externally, so she trusted his senses. Though she still found it odd that their Master wasn't waiting for them when they arrived, she doubted there was truly anything to be concerned about.
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

See Force check: , Ranks 4, Wis Mod +4

Result: 25

Nikarn frowned slightly. "Wait, there seems to be someone else in with the cargo... They're not moving like a crew member."
Re: Day 1 - Tython, Jedi

Adaavi frowned at that as well. "And you would recognize if it was the Master." She said, not asking so much as thinking out loud. Striding forwards, she intercepted one of the crew milling about. "Excuse me. Do you have any crew in the cargo hold itself? Some reason for someone to remain in there, perhaps?" She asked in a pleasant tone, not wanting to alarm the crewman overly much.