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Mook Quest (The Godslayer's Tower)


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Recently I picked up DMing again and because I've got a reasonably rail roady campaign already lined up and made I figure anyone who wants to can help progress through behind the players.

You will not be the heroes though, you will be an endless line of mooks (for simplicity sake treat this as though there is always three of you, but you are each endlessly replaceable), with skill relevant when necessary and the ability to defend yourself as much as reasonable. At the end of the day though, if you want to survive the tower you are going to have to use your wits.

You awaken to find yourselves lying face down in a circular, domed room. You are not sure how you got here and the last thing you remember was that you were outside on your dirt farm (the real pc's where each doing their thing), farming the dirt.

The room is about 45ft across with walls of a compressed dirt that no matter how hard you scrape at it you can't seem to make a dint. The ground is covered in a thick layer of fog that seems to form an impenetrable barrier obscuring your feet and shins, covering the entire floor except for a 10ft pit in the center of the room that the fog seems to endlessly flow into.

The cavernous dome has four doors, one in each, for all you can assume, cardinal direction. The doors are made of a thick, heavy oak that has sustained large amounts of water damage and is quite mossy and decrepit.

The decidening begins now!

The Captain:
Long Stick
Shiny Rags

Number 2:
Heavy Stick
10ft Rope

Re: Mook Quest (The Godslayer's Tower)

That pit looks ominous...

Let's check out the south door. Everyone knows dungeon entrences are always at the south end of the map!
Re: Mook Quest (The Godslayer's Tower)

Must survive! Eat the dirt
Re: Mook Quest (The Godslayer's Tower)

Number 2 attempts to pry dirt from the wall but only manages to get a few crumbling pinches of it before shoving his fist into his mouth. it tastes remarkably like dirt.

The captain walks towards the southern door, taking extra care to not go near the pit. He grabs the handle and pulls to find that the door opens directly onto a compacted earth wall, similar to the rest of the rooms walls.
Re: Mook Quest (The Godslayer's Tower)

Head butt it, it is clearly a false wall and using ones head is the way to go
Re: Mook Quest (The Godslayer's Tower)

lol, another vote for the head butt. Also, lament about not being an adventurer.