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Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"As you wish, milady." Yue replied with a content tone. Then, trying to get Moss to rouse, Clara would find much resistance from the opposing side as the succubus groaned in great complaint. "Just give us the same as last time! That's not so hard, is it?" she asked Clara. Meanwhile, Yue searched for a moment, before fetching a wooden bat that happened to be laying nearby. With both hands, he held it vertically on display for Clara, presenting it to her in case she wished to use it.

"I hate to be so insistent milady, but the smell is but the beginnings of the problems I have with this place. This woman is infuriating!" he stated.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Clara figured the woman would continue to be lazy, but hadn't thought that it would be quite this bad. She was beginning to lose her temper like Yue seemed to be as he grabbed the wooden bat and muttered what he did to her. "I understand Yue, and if she's this lazy, then I doubt many of them would actually be willing to do anything about it if I beat the mortal hell out of her," Clara whispered quietly to him, smirking as she stood up again.

She looked back to Moss and smiled at her before reaching over and taking the succubus' hand, then she pulled Moss up, not overly roughly or anything, but enough to get her up whether she wanted to or not, then she pulled her along with a suggestive wink to entice her to not complain much about it. "Come along darling, I know you're comfortable, but I must do this, I simply can't stand it any longer. You're the leader here and all, so I just have to have you here in my lap," Clara said as she did, flopping back into her seat from before and pulling Moss with her down into her lap. "Now dear, I'm glad you're here in my lap, because you are quite beautiful to say the least. But there's something that I must do now that you're here," Clara would then say to Moss, glancing over at Yue and winking before looking back to Moss. If it took her doing so however, then Clara would drag Moss over with her a bit rougher than she might have originally wanted to.

Clara would then throw Moss around and over her knees, yank her pants down to show her ass to all if she wasn't already naked by chance, and then she swung her hand out to slap her hard across the ass, hard enough to hurt a good bit, but not as hard as she possibly could. "Now lady Pandora... said to tell you all... that she... isn't going... to grant another request... for food... until you all learn... to start being self sufficient... instead of being... lazy as hell... and expecting... to be given... everything on... a silver platter," Clara said to Moss more than loud enough for everyone else in the place to hear her, a hard slap on Moss's ass sounding every time Clara stopped talking for a second as she administered Moss's spanking for all to see since she seemed to be the leader here, shaming her would go a long way towards getting them all to listen without talking back. "Now having fun is alright, and you should enjoy life yes... but that's no excuse for laziness of this magnitude. You can't expect to survive while doing nothing but sleeping and fucking, and letting someone else bring you food to eat and doing all of the work. Now all of you, get up and clean this messy Inn up right this instant. Or do I have to spank every one of you? Because I will if I have to, I was told to break you of your laziness and to get you working and being helpful members of society for Pandemonium, and that's what I intend on doing. You all may hate me for this, but it's better I do this here and now rather than lady Pandora sending a group of armed soldiers or even worse a Dullahan to force you to do this, because I saw one of those in lady Pandora's court and she may send one of them next time if you don't straighten up. I'm much nicer than they might be, and you can bet that they'll spank any and every one of you if you don't heed them," Clara yelled to Moss and the people inside the place so they all heard her and would be able to tell that she meant every word she'd just said to them all.

Moss's butt would likely be a little sore and quite red from the spanking, but Clara wasn't sorry she'd done it, though she would tend to her and gently caress it a little once they heeded her words, though if the succubus in her lap didn't then she would resume spanking Moss, saying, "Now you are acting like a spoiled little brat, and need to grow up. Or am I going to have to treat you all like you're six years old? I don't want to, but I will if you force me," Clara would yell at Moss first, then to the other people in there, a look on her face that said she'd make good on that threat, and what with her being an angel, she was likely more than a match for every one of these people in here and then some, and she was sure that they knew this surely.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
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Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Moss went with a complaint, being pulled up while Clara had to support most of the slob's weight. Taken to a place for Clara to sit down, Moss didn't put up much of a fight as she was laid out, and then spanked by the fallen angel. Mind, she didn't seem to be suffering all that much. "Oooooh~!" she moaned as she was spanked. "Aaaah! Oooh! Yes!" she moaned each time she was spanked, cooing with pleasure as she was struck. She didn't seem to listen to Clara in the slightest during her spanking, only focusing on the spanking itself. "More~" she demanded, while the others spread their legs and showed off their butts to Clara. "Spank me next~" one demon beckoned. "Noo~! Me!" a man then pleaded, until all the men and women of the messy Inn were begging to be abused.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

As she spanked Moss, Clara found that the succubus didn't seem to mind the spanking all that much... hell she even seemed to be enjoying it. When she'd stopped and found that Moss nor anyone else in there had listened to a word she'd said, Clara looked back over at Yue in disbelief as many others in there prepared for their spankings. "What the..." Clara began saying, looking around at the sight of everyone in there trying to get her to spank them next.

She knew that she needed to come up with something fast to handle this situation. Think Clara... what can you do to force them to listen without maiming them? She pinched Moss on one of her asscheeks to try and get her attention before yelling to the crowd. "Quiet all of you," she shouted at everyone to quieten them down before looking back to Moss. "Now listen to me Moss, I'm only going to say this one more time before I take more drastic action. If you don't listen to me here and now, lady Pandora is going to send soldiers or someone else in here to beat the living shit out of you lot and make you heed her words. I'd like to prevent anyone getting hurt if I can help it, but you're going to have to listen to me," Clara went on to say to Moss, though if she didn't listen then Clara would raise her up to sit in her lap where she'd slap her across the face with the back of her hand to get her attention, not hard enough to knock a tooth out or anything mind you, but hard enough to hurt and definitely get somebody's attention, then she would repeat herself if Moss hadn't listened the first time.

If that still didn't get Moss's attention, then Clara would really start to get fed up with it as she stood up, simply rolling Moss into the floor from her lap. "Alright everybody, you all are really starting to get on my last nerve!" Clara would yell as her power began flaring menacingly enough to scare even Yue. She would use her power to pick up Moss like she was nothing, and then she'd chuck her out one of the front windows near the door, dragging her over towards it to do so. "No you lot are going to learn how to take care of yourselves instead of letting everyone else do it for you, you lazy sacks of shit, if it's the last thing I do you will learn. And if you don't heed my words, then I'll make sure that none of you can have sex again... EVER! NOW UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE THROWN OUT INTO THE STREET THROUGH A FUCKING WINDOW, GET YOUR SORRY LAZY ASSES IN GEAR AND OUT THAT FRONT DOOR THIS INSTANT AND LINE UP IN FRONT OF THE GODDAMN INN! AND I SWEAR IF ANY OF YOU RUNS AWAY I'LL CHASE YOU DOWN AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU... NOW MOVE IT!" Clara would scream at the inhabitants of the Inn, putting some energy into her voice to make them know she meant business this time. If anyone tried to even speak out against it, she'd chuck them out the next window, and if anyone attacked her... whew boy, then she'd first punch them in the face to stop them from touching her, then she'd chuck them out a window. She also had Yue make sure nobody ran away once they were out in the street, while she chucked them out the windows

Once she had everyone outside, one way or the other, whether they were naked or clothed she made sure all of the lazy bastards were out there and lined up. Anyone that gave her any lip about this after they were all outside, she'd slap them right across the mouth with her hand a bit harder than she had Moss earlier. "Now listen up everyone, lady Pandora said to tell you lot that you aren't gonna be given any more free rides. You're going to learn how to take care of yourselves and help Pandemonium out since you're living here, because the other people that live here do the same thing, and you lot aren't any special cases. You'll either do this or you won't get to eat. Now I know some of you may have lost loved ones and whatnot and for that I'm sorry, but that doesn't make you any different than anybody else around here. Do you all hear and understand what I'm saying? If you don't shape up listen to what I'm telling you all, then you'll get someone else that isn't quite as nice as I am trying to be about this, someone that gives literally zero fucks about beating the shit out of each and every one of you until you listen to them... now I'd like to keep you all from getting hurt, but you're going to have to listen to me," Clara said to everyone once she had them all out there, speaking in a serious and stern but not an unkind tone.
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Moss was lifted up, and given a firm smack across her face. She seemed unresponsive the first time, but following a second smack, she seemed to be adjusting to reality. Then she was chucked out of a window. Everyone was looking at Clara now, so she at least got their attention as she began growling threats and the like. As far as her threatening aura, Yue didn't look terrified, but he did back away from her to give her space in case she tried something that might catch him in the crossfire.

They stared, and remained staring until Clara finished. Then, they continued to stare. After a moment, one of them spoke. "... We aren't tragedy victims. We're just lazy." a man replied. "Isn't there any way we can be lazy and perform a job at the same time?" an elf inquired. "What if'n we paid some one else ta do our job, and we just took some o' da cash?" suggested a lazy orc. "Brilliant!" cheered a lazy harpy. Then, they all looked to Clara.

"Could you go find someone who will work for us?" they all asked her, too lazy to even be lazy.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

She chuckled as Yue got out of her way while she worked and got everyone outside and lined up in front of the Inn, her personal servant seeming to not be scared of her overly much, though he was probably just getting out of the way so he didn't get caught in the crossfire of her chucking people about. When she got everyone out there and got Moss standing back up again, she listened to everyone else speaking up after she was through shouting at them all with a look of disbelief, while any passersby likely giggled at the sight of what she'd done.

"H-How can you all be this fucking lazy? I mean seriously, you all have barely even reacted to what I just did, and now you're wanting someone else to do the work for you. The only ones this lazy are those that are..." Clara asked incredulously before continuing and trailing off a bit angrily, the power of Wrath starting to get to her before she calmed down and remembered the power of Sloth in the place that she felt earlier, then she turned to Yue. "Yue can you have word sent to lady Pandora that the influence of Sloth is very great in here for me? I can attempt to break the influence myself, but I fear it could affect me the same as it has them if I try to do it alone, unless I take a lot of precautions. So see if she can send someone to aid me, or a few someones rather in case I end up affected too," Clara went on to say to Yue, letting him find a random guard to take said message or take it himself, whichever he decided to do.

Clara then turned back to the people in front of her and sighed softly, feeling a little bad for chucking these people around, though she knew that they deserved it mostly for being so damn lazy. "Look everyone, the influence of Sloth is affecting you all pretty hard, so I suppose you can't very well help it that much and I apologize for being so harsh, but you've got to at least try. Now I'm going to try and get rid of Sloth's influence for you all so you aren't so damn lazy anymore, but I can't do you all at once. So I want you all to split up into ten to twelve smaller groups and I'll do it like that, but we aren't going back inside that Inn until you are healed of Sloth's influence," Clara said to everyone and began grouping them off until she had them split up like she wanted them, then she got Moss's group together and began letting her power flow through her since she was absolutely teeming with it at the moment. "And after you've been cured you'll go back in there and clean the Inn you haven't been taking care of," Clara added in a very serious tone as she gathered her energy.

Clara remembered her healing powers and began focusing on removing the influence of Sloth from Moss and the group of people with her. Clara focused her powers so that it would heal Moss and the group of people with her while doing her best to prevent Sloth's influence from moving in and infecting her too, because that was the last thing she wanted to say the least, and it would likely make Pandora think she couldn't be trusted to handle even a task such as this. If the influence of Sloth did try to infect her, Clara would stop and pull her energies back and retreat back a little bit to keep it from hitting her enough to truly infect her, though she was confident that she could handle at least a small group of people at a time like this, but it was good to be cautious when doing this sort of thing she knew.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"As you wish," Yue would nod and do as he was asked. Meanwhile, Clara would have to work at organizing all of the lazy inn dwellers, mostly by helping move them all around herself into the groups she deemed to desire. One by one, Clara's power would wash through the laziness that seemed to be everyone in the Inn. As sure cured them, they were each rather surprised at their actions. "What... Was I doing? Oh god! The Inn is a mess!" a woman cried. Each one she cured went to work on cleaning the filth as if their lives depended on it. The presence of Sloth was thick, but was eventually purged at the expense of having a little bit of Sloth infect her as well, though it was manageable. However, it did come with the expense of most of her energy, so Sloth had enough influence to make her want to sit down for a while once she had cleansed the Inn and it's workforce. Yue soon returned with a Dark Priest and a Dullahan behind him. The Dark Priest put her hand to Clara's back, before she felt the last of the sin curse vanish from her soul, replaced with the aura of Pandora's energies. While acting like a sin's curse itself, Clara would feel that it didn't change her at all. Rather, it was almost as if it's presence was simply there to keep other forces out.

"You did well," the priest said. "Your partner here said you might need some help, but you look like you can handle yourself."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Nodding to Yue as he went on to carry out the orders she gave him, Clara proceeded with her attempt to purge the corruption of Sloth within these people, knowing the risks of what could happen, but feeling she needed to do it anyway. Slowly but surely, Clara's healing managed to cleanse the power of Sloth that flowed through these people, going through each person separately after setting them into groups. Seeing the fact that they were all quite surprised of what they'd been doing, Clara figured that they had been hit so hard by the power of sloth that they simply couldn't resist its influence before. When the one lady cried out that and ran off into the Inn, saying it was a mess, Clara assumed she was one of the original workers there at the place and was now free to work once more.

Finally after a while she was done with the cleansing, using much of her energies in the process, which made her feel slightly lightheaded, but she stood firm and leaned against the wall of the Inn for support. She also noticed Sloth infecting her as well as she finished up with the last person, which because of her exhaustion made her sink to the ground after a few moments of leaning against the building. "Whew gods that was exhausting, makes me feel like laying down for an entire day to sleep it off," Clara said, unable to stifle a yawn from both how tired she was and from the power of Sloth going through her now.

After a few minutes Clara noticed Yue returning with a couple of people behind him, one of which she recognized instantly as a Dullahan, while the other was what looked like a priestess if she had to guess. As the priestess placed her hand on Clara's back, the fallen angel looked over at Yue and nodded her head in thanks to him, because she doubted she could get back without help at the moment. She felt the curse of Sloth leaving her body soon after, the feeling of it burning away a great feeling, then she felt it replaced with something else... something that was almost a mother like protection in a way it seemed. It was a nice feeling to have with her, Clara thought, because she knew that it was Pandora's energies that were there now to help protect her from another curse.

"Thank you, and I thought I would need some help before, but I managed to do it myself somehow. I'm weak though after that, but I believe I can walk on my own still. I have something I need to do however before we go," Clara replied to the priestess before getting up and heading into the Inn to look for Moss, because she felt an apology was in order after slapping her and tossing her out the window, even if she did kind of deserve it that is.

After finding the succubus, Clara would go over to her, looking quite weary from before, where she would nudge her to get her attention. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier, I hope I didn't hurt you when I uh... you know... chucked you out the window and all, I just... haven't gotten used to being fallen yet and my anger gets the better of me sometimes, I'm am very sorry Moss," Clara would say to Moss when she got over to her, looking quite apologetic about the whole thing.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

The priestess would nod at Clara. "I'll inform Pandora of your success in advance. She will be happy to hear of the changes you helped bring about." she said pleasantly.

Then, finding Moss, the bat-headed demon looked to be feeling more of the impact from Clara's hand on her ass than she had before. On that note, she didn't want to sit down anywhere. "No... It's fine... It was my fault the influence of Sloth infected me. Running the Inn was such hard work, and I nary had a holiday to take some time to myself. So... I got a little selfish, took time off more than I should have... And let it fester." she sighed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"Very well, thank you, for that and for healing the bit of Sloth that entered me from this whole ordeal," Clara replied to the priestess, thanking her and shaking her hand before heading on into the Inn to look for Moss.

When she found Moss and told her what she intended to, she listened to the succubus' reply without interrupting her, still feeling a little bad at how much the girl's ass must sting from the spanking she gave her before. "That's a bit true, though I could feel it when I came inside, I shouldn't have been quite so harsh on you all. I just... I'm still adjusting to this... new me and it's tough to say the least. I wouldn't mind making it up to you a little bit though, just... without the laziness involved from our last meeting. Maybe I could treat you to dinner somewhere... or better yet the next time you're off you can show me around some since I'm so new here and all. Because I haven't really seen any of the sights of the place yet. What do you say huh?" Clara said to Moss, tenderly caressing her butt where she'd spanked her and pushing forth a tiny bit of healing energies to make it sting less for the succubus.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Moss seemed to find Clara's proposal interesting, mostly because, given they were both magical beings, the phrase 'go out to dinner' wasn't one used very often in common talk, usually a reference for something else, such as actually nibbling on someone else's soul. When Clara was an angel, it wouldn't have meant anything. Angels almost never ate any human food, and their existence was fueled while within the lands of God. Still, Moss seemed to conclude that Clara meant going out to eat mortal food.

"Dinner...? Well... I admit to not having had much but sweets since I was here... Sure." she agreed. "I wouldn't mind trying something delicious."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"Alright then that settles it, we'll go out for a.... What was it that young woman told me on the way here it was? Ah yes when you're free next we'll go on a date. I have become quite fond of some of those mortal foods and find myself hankering for a steak. I tried one along the way here to Pandemonium and just fell in love with the taste of it," Clara told Moss, giving the succubus a seductive wink as she finished, then after finding out when a good day would be to do their date, Clara bid her farewell and told her that she was staying at Pandora's castle and she could find her there if she needed her for anything, to just ask where Clara was at and she should be directed to her quarters.

After leaving the Inn, Clara went on back to the castle with Yue, looking rather pleased with herself. "Hah... well that went better than expected I think, I was worried I'd be infected a lot more than I was," Clara said with a weary look on her face.

When they arrived back at the castle, Clara would head to see Pandora and speak with her, and also ask where she could get herself a recharge of energy so she didn't wear out Yue on their first day together or anything.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Moss seemed to pale when Clara suggested steak. "You want to murder an animal and harvest it's flesh for meat!?" she exclaimed. Yue soon came to inform Moss that steak is often served after the animal has been killed. Still, she appeared not to like meat, instead suggesting they go eat sweets. Though she'd go if Clara really insisted.

On the walk back, Yue nodded at Clara. "Asides from you throwing that woman out a window, you did perform rather well." he acknowledged.

Then, back at the castle, Pandora looked very pleased to hear the good news. "It's great that they're functional citizens again!" she cheered. "Though if you're looking for energy, Yue is there to be your go-to source. You can look around, but you had better bring good trade if you wish to use another source of energy. You can easily find someone looking to sell around the kingdom, but it's usually men." she declared, looking at Clara as if she knew something about her that has gone unsaid so far.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Clara was a bit taken aback at Moss's reaction to her thoughts of where to go and eat on their little date. "N-No I don't want to murder an animal like that. A steak is a cooked piece of beef though, from livestock that I'm sure the humans have around here on any farms that are around these lands," Clara said to Moss, to explain her suggestion. "I ate a couple along the way here with the people I traveled with, they said it was good and I... kind of liked the taste of it myself too, though I like sweets as well so we could get that instead if you'd like," Clara went on to say, shrugging her shoulders.

After leaving Clara smirked at Yue's comment before looking over at him. "Well I confess I had a bit of wrath in me then because of just how lazy Sloth was making them. Sorry if I scared you any back there," Clara told Yue along the way back to Pandora's palace.

When they arrived and she informed Pandora of the situation, she looked absolutely pleased with Clara's getting them back to work without real bloodshed. "Aye I suppose in that case, if Yue is up for it that is, then I shall take some of his," Clara said, glancing over at Yue to see his reaction.

She didn't mind getting it from Yue really, she just didn't want to have to resort using him on her first day here, but it was true he was meant for her to get energy from if she needed it. Deciding it best to replenish her own energies just in case something happened, Clara stepped over to Yue gestured for him to follow her to her chambers.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Yue chuckled at her explanation of herself. "No wonder why Wrath is regarded as the most powerful sin. It can overwhelm all other emotion so easily." he commented on a theory of why Wrath's power is so great. Though they'd be before Pandora, and Clara would be told of the situation. Clara's acknowledgement of using Yue to restore her strength was met with a side glance from Yue himself. While walking by her side, marching towards her chambers with intentions obvious, he was flushed, looking like he had something to say. Eventually, whether Clara inquired or not, he said it. "... I'm sure you can afford a woman. Loans are available in various locations..." he suggested. "You just struck me as a girl's girl, that's all..." he said slowly.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"Aye, I've heard that said before as well that it is," Clara commented on the mentioning of Wrath being the most powerful of the sins, which in many cases it pretty much was as far as she knew.


On their way back to her chambers from the great hall, Clara glanced over at Yue and noticed he was a bit flushed, and she also saw that he was wanting to speak, but like he couldn't find the right words or something and hadn't yet. She decided to break the silence not long before they got back to her chambers but he beat her to the punch and spoke instead. She listened to him talk and blushed a bit herself as he did. "I... well I do prefer girls more, but... I don't really know where I could go to find any, but I think I could manage until I did find someone. Where could I go in order to find someone willing to part with a bit of energy?" Clara said to Yue, not ashamed to admit her preferences, but sounding just a bit surprised at Yue's words or rather the way he spoke.

With that, Clara would follow Yue's suggestion of where to go to if he had one, though if not then she'd head to the baths to clean up after sweating so much earlier during all of the ruckus at the Inn.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

Yue went silent following her question. He didn't really seem to have much of an answer. There were plenty of girls looking for energy, but hardly any were just walking around, handing it out. That, and human girls being the only option was an extremely tall order. The amount of human girls offering themselves for energy are likely to be counted with one hand in a kingdom full of tens of thousands of people. Otherwise, mamono offering their energy would force Clara to remain bedridden while her body coped with the imbalance of magic within her soul. With that, he seemed to drop the topic immediately.

"I'll wait for you in bed, my lady." Yue announced with a neutral tone, almost as if he was moving on business. There was no beating around the bush, Yue was her only reasonable option. It was clear he didn't want to perform his responsibilities, and it was clear she'd prefer a woman. Yue looked as if he thought this wouldn't be pleasurable for either of them as he gracefully stripped down, before crawling under the covers, laying down to relax as Clara cleaned herself of her sweat.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara)

"Well it seems we have no choice from the looks of it Yue, I apologize, but I do need some energy. But don't worry, while I do prefer women, I certainly wouldn't say no to a man that can serve just as well for both pleasure and energy," Clara told Yue after the look he didn't seem to have much of an answer as to where she could go for some fun and feeding of energy.

Once they got back to the bedroom, she watched Yue strip and climb into the bed and under the covers as he waited for her to go ahead. Clara watched with a slightly amused expression on her face as he did so, smirking some when she saw him naked before he climbed in. She undressed as well, baring all as her clothing fell to the floor at the foot of the bed, where she flapped her wings lightly out a couple of times before flapping them harder to bounce into the air to land on the bed next to Yue. She waited for him to relax a bit before she did anything else though, knowing that he didn't seem to want to do this and letting him prepare himself however he felt he needed to.

When he was ready, Clara looked him straight in the eye and smiled again. "Don't worry Yue, I am not cruel by any means, and I shall not harm you if I can help it. I am ready when you are. But I feel I should ask this at least. Would you be more comfortable on top or bottom? I find myself wanting to be on bottom this time as I'm a bit low on energy at the moment. Do you mind indulging my request?" Clara said, asking him in a friendly tone his preference on position to let him know she cared more than anything, as she wanted them to at least be friends since it was obvious that he didn't want to be her lover and she didn't want him either in that way, with this being only because she had no other choice at the moment. Though she would request that he take the top, but would do so herself if he didn't really want to, as she wasn't gong to order him around like a common servant regardless of the reason he was serving her right now.

When he answered her question of whether or not he wanted to be on top or bottom, Clara would move around accordingly and either climb on and straddle Yue, or she would lay down on her stomach and raise her ass into the air and wiggle it back and forth enticingly at him. "Well Yue, let's make this fun and pleasurable at least and something to enjoy, since we'll probably be doing this quite often if today was any indication. We'll just be sex friends rather than lovers," Clara would tell Yue as she either mounted on top of him and began grinding her lower lips along his shaft, or wiggled her ass at him from the bed.

If Yue had any trouble getting ready from how apprehensive he likely was should he indulge her request and take the top position this time around, then Clara would help him along by gently grasping his shaft in one of her smooth hands and softly stroke it some as she brought her feathered wings around to tickle his sides some and excite him as much as possible. Then she would lean down and run her tongue up his rod before taking it in her mouth and sucking on the head, swirling her tongue around it a few times before swallowing his entire length a couple of times to lube him up and prepare him for their fun. Once he was ready, she would turn back around and wiggle her ass at him again and wink seductively at him.

"Hmhm, I saw you and that girl earlier when I was coming out of the bath, so why don't you do to me the things you wanted to do with her. I am freely offering it after all, so why not indulge a bit since you know that. You know that you want to. Just don't pull on my wings okay," Clara giggled at Yue, enticing him to take her, as she was a bit horny now that she was in bed with him and all, despite preferring women normally.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

There was little way around it. When she flapped, and landed in bed, he seemed to tense up immensely. A state of pure relaxation seemed a far stretch of a goal for the feline man. He'd glance back at Clara, a blush on his cheeks. Listening to her words, it seemed Clara would not be getting her preference unless she insisted. "Yours looks incredibly tight. It will take all of my willpower just to lay on my back and endure it." he stated. Though Clara seemed intent on granting his request. With a bit of encouragement, Yue turned and laid on his back, his length half-limp at first, but once the covers were off, and Clara felt herself naturally letting her corrupted essence flow out in an aura of sexuality, he quickly became stiff underneath her. Even more so as she took his length into her hand, making Clara shudder with the sensation of her soul latching on to him and capitalizing on his pleasure. Every stroke of her hand Clara would feel her heart become warm, and a small rush of giddiness flow through her. This sensation amplified as she used her mouth, taking his manhood inside of her lips.

As if his essence were a drug, a powerful sense of euphoria crashed through Clara's senses. She'd also discover something while feeding from him using her lips, based on the taste of his soul. He was 'prepared' for this. A process of injecting magic into a man so that his soul will become more plentiful and nourishing, making the energy she drew from him taste like the elixir of life. And to top it all off, Clara felt her power returning rapidly. By the time she was done performing oral on him, Clara would find her heart racing, and her nethers moist from the effects of his soul.

He looked beyond ready when Clara finished. He was panting heavily, and his face was deep red. His hips were actually twitching with need after the fact. If Clara insisted, and got on all fours, wiggling her butt, he'd climb on top of her. But otherwise, he'd hold her legs as she crawled on, eager to be received into her body. "She... Initiated on me...!" he defended himself against the case with the unknown girl. "But... Kissing!" he declared, before suddenly taking Clara's offer, and kissing her on the lips, just as their sex joined together, Yue moaning loudly as Clara felt herself wrap snug around his manhood.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Clara was a slight bit disappointed at Yue not already being ready to go, but she figured that she couldn't really blame him much considering and so quickly went to work to remedy the situation after telling him to lay back for a minute or two. Once she had Yue hardened up and ready for action, with her essence wafting off of her almost like perfume, Clara then took Yue's length into her mouth and began suckling and swirling her tongue around the head of it to coax him to full mast. The taste of his soul as the energy rushed into her gave her a high feeling momentarily as it coursed through her, which in turn made her suck harder on him as she pleasured his with her mouth, suckling on both his member and the energy which he gave her. She was already almost back to full strength in only a short amount of time, her heart pounding in her chest as she let him go finally and prepared to go further.

"I'll let you see just how tight I am Yue, and I'll make this good for both of us, because you're absolutely teeming with energy and I need some. I didn't know just how much you had until now. I... underestimated you, forgive me," Clara said as she bent over and shook her ass at him enticingly, grasping his length and guiding him inside of her tight wet folds. "Now come on and show me just how much of a man you are, and I won't let any other girls touch you again if you don't want them to," Clara added as she leaned back and turned her head enough to kiss him, grabbing one of his hands and guiding it to her breasts to squeeze them while his other did whatever he wished it to do as she began pushing her hips back against his to increase the pleasure they both felt.

Clara was now looking at Yue in a whole new light, though at the same time her mind was a bit foggy from the euphoria she was feeling from the taste of his energy. She would stop feeding once she was back up to full... and a bit extra for a rainy day that she'd keep in reserve, as she still had enough of her senses left to know that she couldn't just keep going feeding on him despite how good it felt and tasted to her. Once Yue started getting into it and began thrusting and got a good rhythm going, Clara would begin moaning to let him know that he was doing a good job, her wings flapping slowly and lazily up and down as they went because she simply couldn't keep them still really.