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Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Yue would seem to be making good on his description. Clara's tight folds were quite an ordeal to penetrate. Despite how gentle she was, even Clara herself would feel the result of it. Her folds were tight around Yue's length, though hardly was a bother to her at all while Yue himself was squeezed. At first Yue didn't move at all. His length throbbed inside of her as Clara slowly moved herself up and down along his shaft. It was all Yue could do initially to endure, which is more than most men would be able to do under such tension. He didn't seem to have much to say in reply to her words, instead seeming to eventually focus on the sight of Clara's pussy swallowing up his manhood, eyes fixated with the way his entire manhood vanished inside of her, swallowed up.

One hand directed towards her breast, the other rested against her leg. Yue didn't move much for the first few minutes, but eventually began to contribute to the love making. It seemed hard for him to move though, leaving Clara in most control of the pace, especially so as he quickly began to show signs of climax. "Clara...!" he cried out, before quickly following up with the climax in question. Clara would feel his whole body twitch, and his length throb inside of her, spilling a great amount of energy inside of her to such a degree that Clara would suddenly feel as if she were on fire with power, a purple flaming aura suddenly surrounding her of no taste nor physical temperature. Clara, for the first time in her life as a fallen angel, would feel like she was overflowing with pure, raw power. The kind of chaotic and deadly force that could level a five story building or take on a giant dragon, ripping apart it's scales.

All that power came from one host, who now looked rather pale, with a drained but blissful expression on his face. Compared to before, now at full potential and beyond, Clara was five times as strong as she used to be. To be sure, Pandora's presence would seem less intimidating, despite the fact that she was a god. Still, Clara wasn't quite at her level.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Smiling as she bucked her hips back against Yue since he seemed almost too stunned to even move at how tightly she was squeezing him, Clara started energetically bucking her hips back after a minute or so and he'd gotten as used to her folds as he could before starting his own thrusting. After a few short minutes into it, with Clara making sure to stay at a slower and steadier pace for the most part, she noticed that Yue was near release, which disappointed her slightly, because she felt extremely good right now and wanted to keep going.

"Go ahead Yue, don't hold back... fill me up!" Clara cried in response to him when he reached his peak, her tight folds spasming around him and clamping down around his length, milking his climax out of him as her back arched in her own climax.

When he came, she felt another rush of energy flowing into her from Yue, which was so great that her black feathery wings that had been lazily fluttering went taught back a bit just to either side of Yue, her eyes wide as well. The aura of power coursing through her was so intense that she couldn't help but feel it flaring up in the form of purplish flames that danced across her body as Yue finished pouring both his seed and his energy into her. She felt incredible, Clara thought to herself, and was now definitely not going to let anything happen to Yue, nor was she going to shy away from feeding upon him when the need arose. He seemed to have enjoyed himself quite a bit from the looks of it in any case, and she'd definitely enjoyed herself as well, and she wouldn't mind indulging him some if he had any requests to ensure he remained happily and willing as her butler as it were.

"Oh gods yes... fuck yes... I've never felt so full of energy before, so alive," Clara said giddily, the power coursing through her causing her to have a bit of a high from it, then she looked back at Yue to see a rather pale look on his face which snapped her out of her pleasure/power high. "Oh no... Y-Yue. Are you okay Yue? Did I take too much? Oh please forgive me if I did, I'm still new to this. H-Here lay back and rest for a minute," Clara quickly asked as she looked him over and slid his length out of her sopping wet folds, where his seed slowly leaked out of her while she gently pushed him back to lay down and rest, an obviously worried expression on her face as she fretted over him, fluffing a pillow up behind his head to make him more comfortable just before laying him down.
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Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

With his cock finally slipping out, Yue gave a deep sigh, before passing out on the spot. His presence was far less pronounced now than before, a sign of just how much Clara had drained him. However, it seemed that he was built for this, and such appeared as if he'd easily pull through after some rest. Clara could also bring water and light food to him if she wished, provided she desired to be so kind.

Meanwhile, after their session, Clara would find some alterations to the man's genitals. Her energy seemed to coat his lower half, as if marking him with her spiritual residue. As a result, few would have too much trouble telling who shared an intimate moment with him, and his manhood seemed to change as a result of Clara's desires, changing shape and size in a way that more appealed to her. Clearly, it seemed that his body changed more to match her ideal, what she truly wanted out of her partner...
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Seeing that he'd only passed out and not worse than that eased Clara's heart, as she'd thought she might have drained him a little too much, but thankfully he looked to be built for that, or conditioned perhaps was a better term. After making sure that he was in a comfortable position, she got up and fetched a pitcher of water and a couple of glasses, along with some finger foods that he could pick at in bed when he awakened, setting both aside on the bedside table.

After she returned and slipped back down onto the bed, Clara reached down to pull the covers up over them and noticed her energy coating his penis, as if her pussy had marked it as her's and no one else's to have without her permission. She also saw that his member had enlarged a bit in both length and girth, so that he could hit her deeper and split her open better, which pleased her, though she wasn't quite sure if he'd like that or not. But what man wouldn't like having his thing larger, Clara thought idly to herself as she pulled the covers back up over them both and laid next to Yue while he rested and recovered, keeping a close eye on him just in case. She idly wondered how much more his body would change as time went on, unsure if since she preferred girls herself if he would eventually turn into a girl himself. That thought made her chuckle to herself at the very thought of it as she shook her head a bit, thinking that would be silly. While she lay there waiting for him to wake back up, Clara was almost tempted to slide down under the covers and suck him off without taking any more energy to see if that perked him back up enough to wake up, but she decided that he needed rest more than sex right now, despite how good she'd likely make him feel by doing it.

When he woke back up, he'd see Clara laying next to him, her right wing spread out behind her while her left wing lazily flapped over his body to push a breeze down onto him. "Hey there sleepyhead. Feel better now? I certainly hope so and that I didn't take too much or anything. But you seemed to have enjoyed it quite a bit yourself nonetheless from the looks of it," Clara would say to Yue when he woke up, then she'd smile and gesture at the water and whatever foods she could scrounge up for him.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Though her words were of course true, Yue seemed of a mind not to spoil Clara with praise of her sexual ability as he first went for a drink to wet his throat before talking. "You should be a bit more gentle." he scolded her. "You could have ripped it off."

He'd then partake in the finger foods, eating them quite heartily. The loss of energy seeming to spark a rather great appetite in the feline man. "I'm famished because of you!" he exclaimed, scarfing down what he could hungrily. "And just look at your waves that you're giving off!" he accused her. "First Sloth and then Gluttony! You're on your way!" he said, commending her for already showing characteristics of two well-known Sins.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Hmhm, sorry Yue, remember though that I am still very new to sex and feeding and all that. So please forgive me if I hurt you any," Clara replied with a slight chuckle, apologizing sincerely to her butler. "Uh... well I wasn't trying to take so much and go so hard you know. But... from now on I shall... hold back a bit for your sake, at least until you're more used to my body, because I don't want to hurt you," Clara added, looking a bit offended at Yue's words as she gave him a light playful punch on the shoulder as they laid there.

"Should I show you lust next then Yue? Or would you prefer sloth some more for now and rest for a while longer?" Clara asked with a grin as he snacked. "Seriously though Yue, thank you for the energy, and the sex, they were both great and delicious. If you're still hungry though I can have an actual meal brought up for you, along with some wine and whatnot," Clara added in a more serious tone, leaning over and kissing Yue on the cheek in thanks before getting up and getting him another glass of water to drink and then going to have a meal brought up for him if he wished.

"So Yue, tell me please because I'm curious. How was I? Better than any of the other girls around here? Not quite as good? I'd like to know how I am in comparison if you wouldn't mine. I mean I seriously doubt I'm as good as Pandora, but I'd just like to know," Clara said curiously after climbing back into the bed after getting Yue some more water, and after having one of the castle servants sent for a meal to be brought up for Yue if he wished for a more substantial meal.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"First timers can be forgiven," was what Yue had to say at first regarding Clara's apology. "You just have to be aware of what you are. You literally devour a man's soul. Keep your jaws in check and don't bite off one chunk too many." Yue advised her.

"I'd prefer it if you chose Avarice, if you had to pick one. At least then you'll still be bringing in a profit, being useful." Yue said, finishing off the last of his food, and indeed desiring some more, which the maid would go fetch, soon coming back with refreshments.

When asked how good she did, Yue adopted a coy expression, as if he planned on playing with her a little for asking that. "Well, to be honest, you were better than the few who didn't know what to do with themselves, or didn't do foreplay first. You're better than the losers, for sure~" he declared with a smile, licking his lips when more food came, this time it was freshly cooked meat.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Aye I understand, and I won't take so much next time, I assure you. I'll talk to someone else who has to feed such as I do and learn how to better keep from it if I can't manage it alone. And greed is a good one if I wanted to bring in profit that's true, but I'd be greedy and wouldn't want to share it after I got it though I would think," Clara said, assuring Yue she'd not feed too deeply on him again enough to hurt him. "And thanks, I've not actually had anyone tell me just how good I am at sex yet honestly, so I wasn't sure if I was actually doing good," she added, laying back and watching Yue eat for now and resting for a minute or two herself while he recovered and ate.

After a couple of minutes or so, Clara raised up and stretched before going over to the balcony and standing on it as she looked out over the city from the palace, wondering what all there was out there she could do really. She idly wondered if she really could make a new life here, a peaceful one, or at least as peaceful as she could get with everything that was going on at the moment like it was. She also wondered what her old friends were doing and if they'd found her message, if they believed her if they did or understood why she'd done what she did, and if any of them were hunting her or wanting to kill her for falling.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Yue was happy to get lots of eating done while Clara took a step out onto the balcony. Clara would know enough about how Heaven functioned to understand that her companions would have the choice of either falling, dying, or hunting Clara down. All were extremes, but one was an obvious choice. Becoming a fallen angel is terrifying to most. It's being truly abandoned in a dangerous world, forced to feed as monsters do. Being slain was on no one's agenda, and so that simply left hunting down the one who betrayed. As likely as that was, it was combined with the fact that Clara's note was hard to find, even for those who might know of it's whereabouts. Heaven would do it's best to ensure no angel would identify or sympathize with a member of the fallen. All of the cards were stacked together, and the angels higher up were likely hoping that Clara would vanish into nothing but a memory.

Eventually, Yue would go quiet. He'd eaten most of his food, before suddenly falling asleep. His body no doubt wished to regenerate it's energy after Clara sucked most of it out. This left Clara alone and to her own devices, undisturbed by anyone.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Smiling inside at Yue as he dug into his food while she thought about things, Clara knew inside that there was every possibility that she'd end up having to fight her old friends at some point, or have to try and talk to them only for them to all pretty much tell her they despised her and the very ground she walked on. Nonetheless though, she figured that when or if that time came, she'd have to just do her best and live with whatever the outcome happened to be, which may or may not be a good one.

"Maybe they'd understand why I did what I did... I hope," Clara murmured to herself as she stood on the balcony.

By the time Clara looked back in on Yue he'd finished eating and was asleep, which really left her with nothing to do at the moment, and she wasn't tired nor really needed that much sleep if any at all. Heading back inside, Clara kissed Yue on the forehead before going out for a bit to explore the castle and the town, leaving Yue a note telling him when he woke that she'd gone out and about for a little while and would be back shortly.

Heading out of her room, Clara decided to just go around the castle and see where everything was at mainly, before heading out into town to look around a bit and see what all sorts of shops and places she could have fun were there to go to.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Exploring around the castle, Clara would find Pandora's domain to be both a peace loving and militant one. The mess hall was full of good smelling foods and merriment from the human men and women eating there. There were also a few odd mamono eating there as well, most were not of magical bodies and so needed food just like humans, but those like Clara who didn't need physical food seemed to just be eating the special foods, things unique or especially delicious.

The garden seemed to be a peaceful place. All kinds apparently coming here for general peace of mind or peace and quiet. There was a demon reading her book under a tree, and a human man laying on his back asleep on the grass while his significant other, a dullahan, laid next to him. It wasn't entirely quiet though, however that's not to say that the noise was distracting. It was just some unintelligible conversation going on that wasn't too loud and restricted to up close conversation.

If the garden wasn't quiet enough, then the study perhaps would be. The only sound to be heard within Pandora's massive library were the sounds of light footsteps and the shifting of paper. Bookshelves lined the area, almost every section fully stocked with just about any book you'd want to read, be it for knowledge, entertainment, or both. And there was no lacking of variety either. If the first floor didn't have what you wanted, then there was the second, third, fourth, and even fifth floor, all of which were accessible via a pair of spiral staircases that lead up to each intimidating floor. Each floor had their own connection to the castle as well, so the library was literally accessible from everywhere. If climbing up from the first floor to the fifth wasn't appealing, then there were even magical lifts on the sides of the library to use, which seemed to be in fairly frequent use. Operated by a pair of humans each, they weaved their magic, and rectangular purple platforms with circular designs would lift up from the 'frame' they were sitting, and levitate to another floor, either to catch a waiting passenger, or deliver someone who stepped onto it.

The athletic area had just about a little of everything. It was a section dedicated on it's own to being in shape, and had various areas to play different sports, including a tennis court and a field in the middle of an oval track for runners. A few were in play in the tennis court, about half a dozen people were jogging on the track, and a dozen women were in the field tossing around an oval brown ball decorated with spikes. Above the field read, "Blood Bowl," in gruesome bloody text. Compared to the other sports, that one seemed to have the most hype. There was also swimming and weight lifting available. However, given Clara was a magical being, the only thing she could train was skill. Her actual power depended on the strength of her soul. Going off to do some weight lifting would be a pointless and energy consuming process.

There were many other areas, but none worthy of note. The medical area, the guest area, a gathering area (where Clara met with Pandora), and an odd assortment of peculiar areas... Including a door to a room with a label overhead that said, "tentacle enthusiast club."

Then, in the town, Clara would come across various markets, as well as a wide variety of shops and clubs. Places were people dance together, places where people sat and listened to speakers like comedians and entertainers. Shops for regular food, shops for junk food, shops for sweets, shops for pastries, shops for sweets and pastries, shops for all of the above. It seemed that the town had a little bit of everything that a common populace could ask for. And if you wanted something more glamorous, there was always Castle Pandemonium.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Going around the palace and seeing what sights there were to see, Clara came across many different places, the she liked the most likely ending up being either the athletic area, or the library. When she went out to the athletic area, she was tempted to try and get in on one of those Blood Bowl games, but decided against it for now since it seemed a tad bit dangerous, and she didn't want to spend any time in the infirmary. After spotting the last place before heading out into the town for a little bit, the tentacle enthusiast club, she made a mental note to come back here after she was wanted to relax and have a bit of fun later on.

Heading out into town, Clara looked around and took in the sights out there as well, so she'd maybe find a decent spot to take Moss on their date later when they went on it. Spotting a few pastry and sweets shops, Clara figured that one of those would make a good spot for them to go as she continued roaming about town and mostly just seeing where everything was for now before heading back to the castle.

When she got back to the castle, she'd check on Yue to see if he'd woken back up yet before heading to the library to look for any books that might tell how to better control her feeding on people so she didn't exhaust them every time or hurt them. She'd ask the librarian for help in finding books that had what she was looking for, or ask them if they could direct her to anyone that might be able to help show her if there were no books to be ha on the subject.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

There didn't seem to be any immediate books for the topic Clara was looking for, though thousands upon thousands of books and so many on each floor left her with little other option than asking a librarian for help. The librarian over the counter was a young boy with an academic appeal to him, but was quite clearly an introvert who no doubt spent more time reading books than developing a social life.

"Wha...?" he seemed confused at first. He wore glasses, which helped to contribute to his appearance. His voice was also awkwardly shaky, hardly used to conversation, let alone with the opposite sex. "Uh... Y-you want a book like that? Um... I-I don't think... But... Maybe..." He seemed uncertain. Despite being a nerd as it was, he didn't seem to be very good at being a nerd. He flipped through some papers, apparently referencing to the material that they had. Eventually, he'd look back to Clara, using one hand to adjust his glasses. "T-third floor... Um..." He looked back to his papers, before quickly looking back to Clara. "Aisle G, section 3047." He announced, though he took a moment to write all that down and hand it to Clara, in case she forgot.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Looking about the library on her own proved fruitless, so she went to the closest librarian she could spot who turned out to be a young man. Asking him what she was looking for caused him to get flustered and from the looks of him he was obviously not used to women or other people in general.

"Yes I would like a book that could detail those things for me. You see, I'm... rather new to having to feed and all, and I'd like to learn how to not... drain my partners so much, I don't want to hurt them you know, because then I would be hard pressed to find anyone to feed me in the future," Clara said, stating her reasons to the young man, hoping that there were books detailing how to control herself somewhat at least. Waiting for the young guy to write it all down after directing her which way to go, the fallen angel bowed politely to him before leaning across the counter and kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you kindly young man I really appreciate the help," she'd tell him before heading on to the aisle he'd specified.

When she got there, Clara looked around for any books regarding what she was looking for though she wasn't too sure exactly where to begin really, so she figured she'd start in the A's and go on through alphabetically until she found what she sought. Hopefully it wouldn't take her too long to find anything about that, but she had plenty of time to look really, as she didn't really need food like normal people did, so she could search for a lot longer at one time than any normal person.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

"Y-you're... Welcome..." The youth said nervously, as if Clara's open social nature was intimidating to him.

Up on the third floor, the section described to hold the kind of books Clara was looking for seemed a bit more open ended as far as her question went. The books within the section weren't just about how to properly feed, many books were often enough glorified Kama-sutra books displaying different methods of feeding. Though there were a few books that seemed to be along the lines of what Clara wanted. Their abstract sections suggested as much as well.

"The Dos and Don'ts of Loving Your Man." It was a book about how to properly care for a man that a mamono may have recently caught, including tending to their needs and keeping them happy while making sure not to abuse them in various ways.

"The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly: Moderation, Temperance, and Gluttony." This book seemed to discuss why taking too much and too little were both bad aspects for a demon, and that taking just the perfect amount was best. It seemed to contain little practical knowledge though, seemingly best for developing common sense, and the first few pages went over what Clara already knew.

"Demonic Sex: Dangerous Discoveries." This book was apparently written by a human who was a demon enthusiast. It seemed to document his discoveries.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Finding several books that told a bit of what she was looking for, Clara took the three and looked through them, seeing if they would give her any sort of knowledge on how to control her feeding. She doubted that the books would tell her specifically what she'd need to do, but it was a start at least, and she figured that she'd talk to someone about it later on after reading about the concept of how to control herself since she was already here after all.

Reading what all she could learn from the three books she'd picked out for now, Clara would then head back out of the library some time later once she was done with them and put them back. Now she'd need to find someone to talk to about putting these concepts into action and learning them herself. She figured it best to talk to the one that had welcomed her into Pandemonium and went to find Pandora herself if she was free at the moment and had the time to talk with her.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Spending a good amount of time inside of the library, Clara would eventually be silently joined by Yue, who would sit across from her with his back straight and a small book in one hand. The book he was reading was written in the universal language, and it's title, "Green," did not give much indication of what the book's contents were. It was Yue's duty to always attend Clara, so naturally he'd get into trouble if not by her side. So he joins her in the library, keeping quiet and seeming to be little more than another patron of the written archive, only speaking when spoken to.

When Clara would go attempt to see Pandora, she'd actually find a line of people waiting to do the same. Many of them were squabbling in the halls over their personal matters. Honors were violated, sacred teachings were insulted, territory was breached over vague circumstances that they couldn't settle alone, so they rely on Pandora's final word. One pair near Clara were particularly loud, but seemed to have a better reason for being there. "The political matters involving the welcoming of the Chosen are just, you fool! It is by Pandora's very nature that we welcome them into our walls! Where they're safe!" announced a vigorous Dullahan. "When your neck was sliced, you must have suffered brain damage!" groaned a demonic woman in black robes. "The walls won't protect us from what Pandora invites! What's more, the damn elf refused protection! Let her stay outside and get abducted without inviting the wicked into our lands of prosperity! If she doesn't want protection, let her die!" she shouted.

The dullahan stood firm in her beliefs that welcoming the 'chosen' was the right thing to do while the elf furiously resisted the idea under the suggestion that it was too dangerous to keep the chosen because of the powerful forces that sought them. Whether Clara liked it or not, she was included in their argument as the priest looked at her. "Another one! The latest!" she made a 'shoo' gesture with her hands. "Get out! You invite danger wherever your kind go! It's your problem!" she insisted, while the dullahan defended Clara. "On your way, miss. I apologize on this fool's behalf." she said while seemingly acting as a shield for Clara.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

While doing her research, Clara noticed that Yue had joined her only when she looked up and rubbed her eyes after staring at one of books for so long. Smiling and giving him a nod she whispered to him what she was looking for and why, stating she didn't want to devour too much of his energies when she fed, since that wouldn't be good for either of them really. When she was finally done with the third of the books she'd gotten, Clara figured that the best thing to do now was to talk to someone who had experience in such matters, and Pandora was the first person that she knew here that popped into mind, so she went to see her and ask if she could teach her or knew someone who could. Putting the books up, Clara led the way out of the library, thanking the young librarian guy that had directed her before on her way out.

Spotting the crown of people waiting to see Pandora as well, Clara was a bit amazed that so many were waiting for an audience with her. Hearing the argument nearby made Clara want to just go over and bonk them both on the head and tell them to shut up squabbling and acting like children, but that wouldn't be a good idea she knew. The longer they argued, the more likely she knew that she'd be drawn into it considering what the two were arguing about and all, and she really didn't want to have to get involved with something that she didn't feel concerned her much really.

When the elven priestess made her shooing gesture at her and said what she did, Clara regarded her curiously for a moment before speaking up when the dullahan girl said what she did to her as well. It seemed like she was being brought into this regardless of her own wishes. "Look miss, I don't know what your problem is with me, but I came here because I have nowhere else to go now because I went against my own kind to protect a group of humans, many of whom were children. Where would you suggest I go besides here huh? If I leave here I will likely die, one way or another," Clara said to the priestess in a neutral but slightly defensive tone, nodding to the dullahan respectfully in thanks for coming to her defense in this matter. "If you wish for me to leave though, then you'd have to kick out a great many people I suspect. I will fight to the death to defend this place if I must, for it's the only home I have now. My kind have spoken at times of attacking this place, but there are simply so many powerful beings here that stand together that they know it would leave them too weak to defend themselves against anyone else even should they win against us here. Casting out the chosen as you call them would be detrimental to the defense of Pandemonium in the long run, and that is why lady Pandora gives us refuge here. At least that is what I think, you needn't listen to me of course and can remain close minded if you wish, but lady Pandora sees the bigger picture and I'd trust more in her wisdom if I were you than you apparently do," Clara went on to say to the elven priestess in the same neutral tone as before.

Unless the priestess had anything more to say to her, Clara would stay there quietly until it was her turn to see Pandora, though if this conversation continued then Clara would try to keep the elven priestess from getting all pissy towards her for what she'd said.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

The dullahan managed to keep the priestess occupied enough to prevent Clara from receiving too much more flak. Without even seeing Pandora, the pair walked off together to continue their argument after some guards informed them that their argument was something that Pandora had already taken into great consideration long ago, and that she had already made her choice in the matter, hence the current actions taking place in regards to the current Chosen staying in her territory.

Then, Pandora's personal guard went to Clara. "What reason do you have to meet with Landy Pandora? Please ensure whatever reasons you have are important. We live in controversial times and Pandora is too busy to deal with petty matters." The guard didn't seem to know who Clara was, so knowledge that she was a Chosen would likely help her case.

From where she was standing, she could see into the throne room. Pandora was sitting in her tall throne while leaning forward with her hands linked together and her face resting in them in a most exhausted gesture. Before her stood a man with pointed ears and a red vest with brown trousers. He wasn't an elf, so likely a demon. "I appreciate everything you've done." He said to Pandora. "She can be a handful."

Pandora sighed. "No kidding... It seemed like there was no pleasing her. Is my best not good enough? I'm only trying to maintain the balance, yet it seems that the world and everyone in it wants to tip the scales and ruin the natural order. You cannot hide from fate, and I have no clue how to tell her that. I feel she'd ignore me entirely."

The man bowed at Pandora. "She's made good friends. They'll protect her, as much as they can. But the worst of it all is inevitable. The others move in their first collaborative effort. They will come for her, and for the others. She can hide no longer. She must fight."

"It's fine if she doesn't fight... I'll convince her to stay here. I'll protect her. I don't need the chosen to do anything other than stay out of the battle. Once all the land's fighters are killed or wounded, the world will return to it's peaceful state. Otherwise, only one will rule... And in most cases, the ruler will not be fair. The defeated will suffer the torture of defeat, shame, and slavery for generations. I can keep the balance." Pandora insisted, rising up from her throne, the happy smile Clara always knew her to have was gone, replaced with a frown.

The man chuckled. "My daughter is crafty. You cannot keep her here even if you used malicious methods. I have a plan to steer this all in the right direction. I can help guide her path. Trust in me, Pandora."

Pandora shook her head. "I don't want to, and I'll fight you every step of the way. She'll find my logic convincing, I'm sure of it."

The man simply made a graceful bow to Pandora. "So be it. I bid a most respectful farewell to you, milady Pandora." he said, before leaving the chamber.

"Yes, yes..." Pandora sighed, flopping back into her throne limply, as if the conversation they had only further added to her stress.
Re: Welcome to Castle Pandemonium (Clara;Flayer)

Seeing that the two she'd gotten dragged into the argument with heading off after a couple of minutes more, when another guard told them that Pandora had already made her decision on the matter they were arguing about, Clara was more than happy to wait quietly for her turn to see Pandora. When Clara was asked by one of Pandora's personal guards what she was there for, Clara looked around back at Pandora for a moment before answering.

"Well... I suppose anyone could help me with what I need. You see I just arrived here earlier today when lady Pandora allowed me in and she really is the only one I know personally that could help me with this matter I think. It might not be what you would consider an important matter, but I consider it one, and I believe she might as well. However I don't have to speak to her necessarily if I could be directed to someone else that could help me out, if she's too busy," Clara told the guard, letting her know what the problem was that she needed help with, as she didn't want to add more to Pandora's stress if she could help it, but she was the only person she knew of that could probably help her out with this at the moment. "You see I'm trying to find someone to teach me how to keep from feeding so... much on my attendant here. I don't wish to harm him and need to learn how to control my feeding," she added to the guard.