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RPG [ShinX] N-Wrestle (Demo W1 0.3) RPGMaker

Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

Preparing last adjustements to the new demo.

Stay tuned, release very close (not today, tought).
Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

NEW DEMO!!! (and stuff)

Here we are... in some seconds i'll share with you my new demo of the game. But before I do it just a couple of things.

The demo covers the first day of Kyoko's journey. The story will follow a series of events in fixed locations. Once you'll have do all in the location where you are you'll trip to the next one automatically. Once you had the chance to explore the location talk with all the NPCs or search a little to find characters related events or some secrets.

I rather a similar approach avoiding the usual walk trip between locations.

Lewdness and Affinity
In game choiches can raise Kyoko's lewdness level. Being a hentai game I think I don't need to explain how. Kyoko's lewdness will lead later in the game to different approaches to various situations, beside granting the girl more Xp during the N-Wrestle matches.
About affinity. Kyoko will develop in the game a strong bond with several NPCs. The affinity level with them will be really important about the events that NPC will trigger, and for the game endings. So try different approaches to the game characters.

Most RPG part of the game. Every dungeons will ends with a boss fight. I've diceded to don't implement a GOR for normal enemies, lose with them and you'll see a game over screen.
If you fight the boss and lose you'll see a juicy GOR but the game will continue. However, winning with the boss could grant you some benefits, so don't just lose to see the por sisters raped ;)
The Dungeons shall be even the only places where you could send the girls walking around naked. Every dungeons will have several events that could be different if the girl trigger them naked or with dress on. You cannot strip the girl manually, let the rapists do it for you.

Ok... play the game and share your feedback.
Obviously reports bugs and similar, but don't do with typos... i'll do the Language check in the future.
The strange bug making Yoko comes suddendly in the RPGs battle is still there. I cannot find the error in the code. Will fix later (maybe).

Take link from the right and have fun.

Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

I will wait until it gets put on a different host, the one from deposit files won't finish it keeps stopping saying it can't be verified and it may be harmful so either deposit files is broke or the file itself is infected. I've never had any other problems with deposit file from other sources.
Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

I will wait until it gets put on a different host, the one from deposit files won't finish it keeps stopping saying it can't be verified and it may be harmful so either deposit files is broke or the file itself is infected. I've never had any other problems with deposit file from other sources.

Maybe you're clicking the download link that uses their download manager instead of a regular download.

I do think that depositfiles isn't the most friendly of file-sharing sites and if the file size gets to a couple hundred, it would be inconvenient to download it with the capped speed. Please consider other sharing hosts(Mediafire, Zippyshare/MEGA come to mind) if possible.
Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

nah I don't have the download manager selected, it does download but stops, most I've gotten is 87% before it stops with the warning saying someting is wrong.
Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

Here's a mega link

Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

The non n-wrestle parts of the game were alot better this time around. I would prefer a slant toward sex attacks being used against you in n-wrestle more. I am not sure why you game over if you lose the match though. Seems like you should just "oh look im fighting the same person at the end of this tournament, what a coincidence" and fight again.

It seemed like 4 enemies were on the board against you basically every time in the alleyway. I think if there were a way to balance how many street thugs show up against you, there should be fewer with higher frequency. Escaping works 100% of the time it seemed. You would think that you should not be able to escape 100% success every time.

I like where it is going. I would like the training area (dojo) to allow you to n-wrestle whenever.
Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

Great demo! I like the fact that even at lvl 10 the first dungeon mobs can still hurt you. The one thing I came across that "muddled" me was the XP drinks. On the stat sheet after drinking one it changed nothing I could see. Is that a bug?
Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

The XP shown in the exploration map is labelled wrong, that should be MP.

The XP that is restored is the XP that is drained when you are being raped. I believe the only way to see that value is the monitor item.
Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

Ah, okay, that makes sense. Thanks Freeko.
Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

I gotta say, I did enjoy the first battle with the white haired girl. After that however...ehhhh. But then again I'm not really an aficionado of RPG hentai games. I do know that I'd rather the whole game be based around the girl on girl fights.
Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

downloading the demo now.
Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

is english not your first language?

you could probably use a spellchecker.

you mispelled "Strength" as "Strenght" almost every time you used it, and a couple of other things that i don't remember right now.

I remember the line about getting dressed after you wake up threw me for a moment,

other than that, its a good game.

the only problem I had was with the dialogue options, I kept skipping past them pressing enter too quickly. when I was redoing scenes.

In most RPGmaker games you can hold CTRL to skip text, then whenever you get to an option, it stops, but because you have to spam Space/Enter manually in this, it's easy to miss stuff.

also, because theres no skip, even in battle, it makes the dungeon segments feel really slow.

Finally, in the dungeon segment battles, you need to move the character portraits somewhere else (to the left would probably work) because having them directly over the white HP/MP bar makes it impossible to see your own hp (or just turn the stats black)
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Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)

found a bug, not sure if reported.

using an Xp potion in battle will miss, accomplishing nothing

the way clothes only block one sex attack makes them basically worthless.

a clothing damage system that includes one or two rips before it comes off would be better.

also, the boss of the demo "blackman" is hilariously racist.
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Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 released)


Listening to some of the feedback I got in the last days I've slightly improved the demo.
Several people asked for a better resistance of girls dresses and a lesser occurrence of the in-battle rape. Now the dress of the girls will resist the first attack showing a intermediate image with thorned dress. A second sex attack on the ripped dress will leave them naked and ready for the rape.
I've left the frequency of the rape Attacks the same (hell... is an hentai game!!!) but differently from before the initial state of the attack will show the girl grounded by the assailants with those ready to violate her. So if the escape is successful there's will be no penetration until the second step of the sex attack.

I've decided to left the mouth rape the same as the last demos.

Last change: using the items "Dress" you can now decide to dress or undress the girls.
That way should be easy accede to the in-dungeons events either in naked or dressed version.

Anything else...

Yes... the demo this time stops after the encounter with the blackman boss (either win or lose) with Kyoko at the end of the day in her house. Once there you could use her computer to read some backgrounds facts about the game's world.

Last... some people wrote me about Yoko's character, telling me she should be more... "innocent"!
My answer is... why should she?!?
That's an hentai game!!!
Moreover I've never gave the hint she would be an innocent girl.

Look the updated demo and comment if you like.
This shall be mi last post for a while since I have my girlfriend visiting my place for the next ten days. Time to dedicate myself to others kinds of... "Hentai"!!!
See you soon



Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 updated)

Hopefully not dead yet are we? Been a little longer than 10 days and nothing has been updated. I am ususally not the type to poke the wasp's nest like this, but I would like to lknow if this got abandoned already or if it is still being worked on at least?
Re: N-Wrestle (DemoD1 updated)

Hello guys, I've just updated the blog with useful info about the gameplay and future plans of release for a new demo. Read it... and happy new year.

Re: N-Wrestle (a little update)

I've wrote a little update on the blog about the current state of work.
see ya!!!

Re: N-Wrestle (a little update)


Why lolling?
Because I've realized I worked more on the game in the last four days than in the last month!
Who creates something likely know how productive can be these "full of grace moments".

Did a lot of sex scenes for the game, completed the CG for the second match (finally) and designed new events.
About that... ideas keep crowding my head... some good, some less.
Though I've already rejected some... others sound really good to not be implemented.
The result is that I keep adding more and more work to the project, even at a long term (just have a great idea for a surprise secret ending, for example)... with the resulting extension of development time.

Sometimes I really wonder if I should cut ideas, plot twistes, and CG numbers to make slimmer the game... but... hell... I realized I'm the developer!!!

I want people enjoy my game, but first of all I need to be satisfacted from it.

So... anyone want to complain about the plot, the gameplay, the use of 3DCustom Girls (I can't draw!!!), or others.

That's my game and I will develop at my way!
All of you are welcome to play or not...our choice.

See you soon!
Re: N-Wrestle (a little update)

Resource request

Hello, some of you kind fellows could tell me how to find or share with me a 3D custom mod with a furnished classroom or the mod with the school desk.
I have them somewhere, but cannot remember where.

Thank you