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RPG [ShinX] N-Wrestle (Demo W1 0.3) RPGMaker

Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMOOOOO!!!)

no bugs, i got the two other end of the date...
i just suck at seducing that guy!
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMOOOOO!!!)

interesting game ..i'm wondering just how far you will go with this hell even a forced tag match with kyoko and yoko against the n-wrestler tag team champs would be awesome.
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMOOOOO!!!)

:mad: god damn it was enjoying this game but downloaded only the 1 day demo downloading 1 week now
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMOOOOO!!!)

The only "problem" I have with this game is that the sexual moves seem to just not show up as often as I would like them to. More so with Nanami than with Kitty.

When Kyoko hits Kitty with her special move, the clothesline, it mistakenly says that Kyoko loses the hp when it is Kitty that is being hit.

When Kitty does the tombstone and then does the follow up pussy licking, even if Kyoko escapes the hold the orgasm sequence still runs.
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Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMOOOOO!!!)

Definitely the first hentai game that i'll be buying in a long while. Looking forward to the finished product!

Things i'd like to see:

One of the four being someone who plays really evilly ( Maybe trying to slip Kyoko some aphrodisiac stuff, or tries to bring handcuffs and stuff into the ring )

Female enemies in the dungeon-type levels, or futa-type enemies..

..Anyways, keep up the good work! Don't get rushed and stop adding scenes in days sometimes! ( The latter half of the week felt rushed )
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMOOOOO!!!)

All i gotta to say is that fight with first four star was HOT AS EFFFF! Totally diggin it.
Hope there's more like that in the future installment :D :D
Re: N-Wrestle (Check blog for new info!)

I have not much time for work on the game since the last demo. Anyway the game development is still on.

If you are interested check my blog for the last info about my plans.

Thank you


Re: N-Wrestle (Check blog for new info!)

like i said before...i suck at seducing that guy...i always get frustrated and decide to pay in the end
i liked the match with kitty though...she's my favorite XXD
Re: N-Wrestle (Check blog for new info!)

tried the demo download but said the .dll file was not found even tho it was clearly present in the configuration file.
Re: N-Wrestle (Check blog for new info!)

can't.seduce.that.guy! "Why you do this to me game"!can someone help me?
Re: N-Wrestle (Check blog for new info!)

Long time no see, guys.

Even If I did not post anything here the game is still in development.
Still I have nothing major to share at the moment, but if you still care about the game could check my blog for teasers and share your (always welcome) opinions.


Re: N-Wrestle (Check blog for new info!)

can't.seduce.that.guy! "Why you do this to me game"!can someone help me?

i don't remember well but probably it's something like this:
talk -> student
talk -> no nice...
drink( or maybe 1 drink only)
talk -> try to cheer
talk -> incite him; why not?
Re: N-Wrestle (Check blog for new info!)

Coming back after a looooot of time to annouce the release of a new demo.
The first week of play is now completed with the humiliation times for both the girls and a whole mini-adventure dedicated to Kyoko's sister.

Check my blog for info and link

Thank you
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

Well, I tried to play the demo but the moment I launched the game it told me that RGSS102E.dll could not be found and refused to open. Is there somewhere to go to obtain this elusive file or am I missing something here?
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

need the rtp for RPGmaker XP or Google for the missing file.
Re: N-Wrestle (Check blog for new info!)

the seduction guide didn't work,but thanks anyway
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

ok the file missing is the RGSS102E.dll file.
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

That kitty humiliation time and ending are just...so...freakin...good. Nothing beats a good cunnilingus moves for me in a yuri hentai game XD

Thanks a lot for the demo Shin :)
Re: N-Wrestle (NEW DEMO)

Ok guys... one week after the demo release.

What do you think about it?

Please share some feedback about the game and if you like or not the direction it took.

What do you think about the new balance in the Kitty match and the introduction of the overdrives?

What do you think about the new events?

Did you like the mini-adventure?

Let me know your feeling about the game please.


I would like to know hom much scenes you found in the mini-adventure.