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An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

Aust: "I...I am not a puppet! I found a man that connected with me on a deeper level then just hobbies or passions!" She stamped her foot down, sounding equally angry, the words coming out just as Cyril expected. She wanted to say something else but she wasn't sure she could.

RJ: "WE LOVED EACH OTHER BASED ON MORE THAN THAT DAMN YOU!" Udon roared as a nearby guard pointed their gun at Udon, causing him to sit back down. "I know it's a lie. I know it. I know it, Sena. I read all of that nonsense he wrote. He's your true soulmate? Boarshit. He has done something to you, I know it. I will save you, Sena."

Aust: "And what makes you think it's a lie?! Save me how?! Why do you think I need saving?! So I can go back to your camp and get abused because I'm not "strong" enough?! It's like hitting a moving target and I'm always missing! I...I just..." Sena began rambling as she buried her face in her hands, quite frustrated with herself. She wanted to say so much more.

RJ: Her words struck Udon. Facts hurt the most of all. Powerless, Udon hung his head. Silent. "... You truly love this... Man... Over me?"

People were gathering outside. Cyril was getting the crowd ready for the wedding.

Aust: "I...Well...I just...Can't..." Her head was twisted. On the one part, she had more or less sworn her life to Cyril, ready to give herself to him completely. But seeing Udon stirred up something inside her. She wanted to push it down. To silence it and just go on with her life. But she couldn't bury it. She clenched the sides of her head, almost ready to scream before she stared at Udon, her regular voice finally breaking through. "U..Udon...help...me...I...I can't stand it!"

RJ: Her desired words fought with Cyril's power. Thrashing about, ready to scream as Cyril's influence kept her trapped. But she was barraged with memories of Cyril and his words to her. It was no coincidence that she came so quickly with him when compared to Udon. Her mind filled with her vows told to Cyril, and Cyril's words to her. The contest of will resulted in her struggled words. "U... Udon... Yes..." she replied, her actual desired words leaving her mind as she thought them. Words left her mouth before she'd even realized she spoke them. "I love him with mind, heard, body and soul." As Cyril said she did. "He completes me. I'm going to marry him." she said, before the next thing she knew, she was no longer in the cells. All memory of after she spoke those words was gone. Now she stood in her dress, walking up through the concrete building holding a bouquet of flowers given to her by a mage.
Her feet moved on their own, she walked up towards Cyril, and joined him at the top. He ran his hands along her body, stopping to feel her ass. The crowd chuckled, seeing no harm as the hard pinch of his fingers brought her pleasure. Udon sat in the audience, bound and sealed so he could do nothing as he watched with a defeated expression, his beloved being groped by that man. "Cyril, do you swear to love and to hold Sena for the rest of your life, till death do you part?" a man wearing fancy clothes (for Crolia) inquired. "I do." Cyril said. "Sena...." The man began. His words flew over Sena's head, much the same as Cyril, but as a devoted wife. "... Till death do you part?" he asked her.
That's when Udon picked up his head, and watched. Sena suddenly felt different. The magic had faded. Just for this moment, she was free of the enthrallment. Cyril grinned as if this was all part of his plan. Udon, as if the letter to him contained it, somehow seemed to know as well that Sena was free. However, despite the magic that faded, Cyril lost none of his charm. As he smiled at her, the inner realizations that be within Sena's mind would realize that Cyril lied not. All the feelings she felt were her own. It made her obey, that was all. Sena was here willingly. She had agreed to marry him of her own free will.
"Will you marry me, Sena?" his words echoed through her head. It wasn't a command. He didn't command her.
"I will. Make us one."
The final question hung in the air. Everyone waited for Sena to say, "I do."
"Do you understand now, Sena, my love?" Cyril whispered to her. "You always wanted me, since the very beginning when we made love."

Aust: What happened between her time in the cells after speaking those words and her standing in a dress became a complete blur. Here she was, dolled up for the crowd and ready to swear herself to Cyril. She had to admit, she never thought she'd be wearing any sort of dress in her life, nor holding such a lovely bouquet of flowers. It was like something out of a dream and she was living every second of it. She ignored the fact that she was moving without realizing it, that he was openly groping her during the ceremony and that the vows were being exchanged. Her turn came up and this caused her to pause. Something was stopping her from saying yes and she wasn't sure what. She glanced for a moment to see Udon staring at her as a moment of realization came over her.

She was freed. No magic or anything was holding her down and she was more or less her own woman again. But Cyrils expression told her he knew this too, or at least that's what it seemed like. She wasn't afraid of him, or repulsed by him. She in fact really did have feelings for him, the decision to be here was hers. He wasn't giving orders or commands and he was just gloating now as if to bring forth a point.

But her own head was a very different story. It was as if two very different versions of her were having a debate about her future. About who was right and who was wrong. On the one hand, it was the old her: a boisterous, confident warrior with a habit of getting in over her head but having her heart in the right place. She was wearing her armor and was standing strong and confident again the version of her now: kowtowed, submissive, dressed in a flowing gown, an entirely different woman who was willing to submit to a man she felt completed her.

Armored Sena: "You can't seriously think this is a good idea, do you? You're free! Tell the man off, grab Udon and run!

Bride Sena:"What good would that do?" The dress version of her asked. "You two are alone, deep in enemy lands. Udon is sealed, you don't have weapons. You'd be recaptured in a heartbeat. Udon would be killed on the spot and Cyril wouldn't give you a second chance. You'll be a public toilet by the end of the month"

Armored Sena:"Better to fight then to let that bastard win! He raped us! Twisted our minds into thinking we loved him. How else can you explain all this?! You married Udon for more then the physical attraction or the similar passions. You loved him because he didn't talk down to you, lectured you on every mistake. He respected you for your abilities and only wanted to make you better! How can you think Cyril won't just turn you into a walking baby factory or something!? You'll never hold a sword again and become little more then a submissive housewife. We Crolians don't bend that easily!"

Bride Sena:"You did. You fell apart completely when Cyril fucked you, hell you're practically begging for it. You might be free, but you'll wander back to the cock that satisfies you the most. Hell, Udon would much rather pass you around to animals then spend time with you!" The brides words grew more intense.

Armored Sena:"And what if he does! Even Interceptor had more respect for us then Cyril! That man is a manipulative, demented lunatic and he's going to ruin your life and if he gets his way, Natalie's! Do you want that on your conscious?" The two would continue yelling, the argument progressing beyond the means for many to understand.

Back in the waking world, the question still hung in the air, the crowd waiting for Sena to say yes. But a small fire still seemed to burn and she was going to act and see what happened. "I...I do...not! You...you manipulative pig!" She tossed the flowers back at him and would make her way over to Udon in the hopes of freeing him. Yes, she was weighed down by the dress and her stomach, but it was worth the risk. Yes, a part of her did love Cyril for what he offered, but she still had fond memories with Udon and she couldn't abandon them. She just hoped the gods would listen to her for once and grant her the strength to succeed today.

RJ: A moment's hesitation, and Cyril seized it. Sena said 'I do' before Cyril kissed her on the spot. A cheer erupted from the crowd as Cyril took her lips. A delightful rush hit her when he kissed her, the same as always. Her body and soul reacting only in the best way for Cyril. The man who asked the question on the side declared them husband and wife, before Cyril showed Sena a tattoo that he gave her at some point during her blackout. Right above her breasts was Cyril's name permanently drawn onto her flesh. "You don't fight when I kiss you. When I fuck you. It's true, Sena. You cannot live without me." Cyril said, and all of his words held true. His very dominant kiss left her feeling wet. And wrapped in his arms, she was his plaything. Before Sena could say anything more, Udon was being taken out of the large hall as Cyril kept her lips silent with the kiss. Once he was gone, he let her go.

Aust: That second. That second of breath between do and not condemned her. That moment of weakness and hesitation that essentially sealed her fate as he locked lips with her and froze her in her tracks. Her body wasn't listening to her brain and it would not budge as the declaration was made official. She looked and saw the tattoo on her breast, his name blazed on her skin like a brand. His words stung and stung deep with a hint of truth to them, but she could swear this wasn't what she truly wanted! He still had some magical sway over her! It had to be it! She couldn't even speak as Udon was dragged from the room, no doubt absolutely shattering him.

When she was finally let go, Sena burst into a run to head outside, throwing the lowers to the ground at Cyrils feet. For what felt like the first time in forever, she was crying. So broken and torn between the two men who held sway over her heart. One for his kindness and affection, the other for his domination and passion. "No. No. No. No! Get back here!! In the name of the gods, please!"

RJ: When Sena ran outside, Udon was many yards away, being escorted out by the guards. Meanwhile, Cyril was walking outside, moving to join with Sena as she could not move quickly in the heels she wore. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders once she got outside. "What shall we name the child?" he inquired with a grin, looking to Sena's pregnant belly. "And... The many more children after that?" he asked, his smile wider. Intent on breeding her he was.

Aust: She saw Udon being led away by the guards, but she couldn't get very far very fast in heels and this allowed Cyril to catch up, acting like nothing happened. "You won't touch this child. This was between me and Udon. You won't claim this one, you son of a bitch!" She'd furiously flail her body to break away from him and continue running towards Udon. This may well be her last chance to tell him anything.

RJ: Cyril grabbed Sena and held him close in his arms, one hand running down and pinching her breast. Sena's body locked up as Cyril captured her. "Sena, isn't now a poor time to be having second thoughts? After all, you know in your heart that you cannot resist me. You're weak, I am strong. Someone like you always needs direction, and it's direction I have for you. What would you do without someone to tell you what to do, Sena?" he inquired. "Isn't the most frustrating thing of all when you 'fail' because you cannot do anything on your own? Think of how we met, you fool. You walked right into my hands. You're a horny bitch in denial." His grip got tighter, as his other hand went down to fondle her crotch. "You run your mouth, lie to yourself daily.
But even when I was nothing more than your rapist, you spread your legs for me. You were begging for someone to DOMINATE you! Because you're nothing but a useless bitch!" he declared, before pulling Sena away from the open scene of the town, and back to their room.

His grip was strong, he wasn't wrong when he said he was stronger than her, as he could easily manhandle her back to their room. Bursting through the door and closing it with his foot, he threw Sena onto the bed, before throwing his clothes off. "Put up a fight, Sena." he commanded her. "I will dominate you every hour of every day. I will pound my dick into you. I will make you scream with pleasure until you lose the illusion that you actually have a choice." He declared, removing his pants to unveil his massive stiff rod. "Your pretend game is over, Sena. This is your life, as my bitch!" he said, approaching her with intent.

Aust: She paused momentarily as he grabbed her, her efforts amounting to nothing against his grip. Man must have been the spawn of a god. "Shut up! You stopped me before I could finish back there! Jumped at a pause in my voice! I survived just fine without anyone giving me direction. Not you, not the orcs. Not anyone! I was my own woman!" She continued her now vain struggle as he spoke, not wanting to believe another word of his lies. Everything he had done to her brought her to this point. She had no control over what his powers did to her.

They'd eventually move inside, Sena being tossed on the bed as little more then a rag doll. She'd pull herself up, a look of rage on her face like one she hadn't had before. "Nothing is over! It's never over! So long as I live and breath, I will hate you with every fiber of my being!" She'd climb off the bed and frantically look for some sort of improvised weapon. A lamp, a heavy book, anything. No longer enthralled, her will to fight was coming back. She was not going to waste this chance.

RJ: "Just like when we first met, huh Sena? You know how this ends." He said. As she grabbed a chair with intent to hit him with it, Cyril simply shoved her back down onto the bed and grabbed her dress, savagely ripping it off with his hands and exposing her naked body underneath. Her heart began to quicken, her body responded. "You did, did you? You did just fine? How did you end up with the orcs, Sena? Was it because you're capable? How did you end up with me? Again, you're capable, right?" He inquired, before grabbing the chair in her hands and holding it tight. "Wrong. Now spread your legs, bitch. I'm going to be fucking you all day."

Aust: "It will not end that way, so help me." She said as she grabbed the chair with the intent to smash it over his head. But he would simply shove her back onto the bed and her clothing tore, bearing her body fully. At the same time, her heart raced and her body began reacting. Not the best time for this. Even held down, she'd still fight. "I am Sena Hillguard! Warrior of the Hillguard tribe and though my body has been warped by your machinations, you have not won!" She would not follow his orders, trying to wretch the chair from his grip. She did this not just for herself, but for those not yet born. Their future was in her hands and she could not fail.

RJ: Cyril laughed. "Your last name isn't Hillguard anymore." he stated. Struggling, Sena failed to win against his grappling ability. Especially so as he lined up his cock with her pussy. As his tip touched her entry, Sena felt as if her body was revolting against her. Her inner desires fighting against her, denying her. Desiring him. "Your body is so honest, Sena. Just look at how wet you are. You know you will fail, so why lie? You know you cannot win against me, Sena..." He said to her with a sadistic grin as he leaned in and whispered to her. "Because you WANT to lose!" he declared, before shoving his cock into her waiting folds. "I don't need your confirmation to know I'm right." he said, leaning back and holding her waist. Her arms were free to strike him, but his cock felt so good that she couldn't move her arm. Cyril got his feet up on the bed, drilling directly into Sena's pussy as his heavy balls slapped her ass. "I can tell by how pathetic you look. A whore for my dick." he declared,

Aust: "It is, and I will be buried under that name, you freak!" She spat back as she attempted to struggle and pull the chair away from him but failing. But when his tip touched briefly at the entrance of her pussy, her body began betraying her again. Her desires were rising to the surface and stopping her from fighting back to the fullest of her ability. Even if what he said was true to an extent, the lack of anything truly controlling her was making resistance possible. She didn't want to lose! Her whole life had been nothing but fighting and struggling and the past few months alone was the most fighting she had ever done in all her days.

But him thrusting into her waiting folds changed things drastically. She didn't want this but he was forcing this on her and making further resistance quite difficult. "I...I...I am not...pathetic!" She screamed amidst the constant thrusting and sounds of sex. Though she couldn't move her free arms, she'd continue to try to get them to move, wanting to land a good punch square against his face. If not that, she'd settle for just shoving him off her. Maybe find the chair again.

RJ: Sena truly could do nothing. Her strength was gone. Now that her body was getting what it wanted, it held control over Sena's denial with an iron fist. "Ah, I love dominating you, Sena. And the feeling is mutual, I know~" he cooed, filling her up with his dick rapidly, moaning as he drilled into her effortlessly, not even bothering to hold her down since she could not put up resistance. Sena quickly felt herself approaching climax, while Cyril grinned. "Ready to become mine again, Sena?" he inquired.

Aust: Her strength was gone. Her last font of resistance was tapped and her body would not give her anything back, given it had what it wanted. "S...shut up! Shut up! It's not! I...I am strong!" She said, at least wanting her words to remain her last bastion of strength. But her body was reacting to all this pleasure and she even moaned slightly as she felt herself approaching climax.

"I will never be yours! I will kill you with my bare hands! Snuff the very life out of you and turn your body into scraps for the pigs!"

RJ: He fucked her right to the brink, and held her there, shoving his dick in all the way as he leaned forward, his face to hers. "Then kill me. Or can you not?" he said, taunting her, grabbing her hands forcefully and putting them to his neck. "You stupid fucking bitch, you keep running your mouth. I'll fuck you to tears. I won't let you cum. I'll have you apologize for your stupidity." he declared, before her need to cum hit that ever familiar and ever frustrating barrier. He just began thrusting into her pussy again, fucking her wildly and bouncing his hips up and down as Sena was held in a state of pre-orgasm. Her fingers wouldn't close around his neck because the torturous pleasure was too great. The need to cum was overpowering. "If you hate this so much, then why did you get captured in the first place? Did you think you could take all of us on with your stupid ragtag group of useless orcs? Stupid fucking bitch. Stop lying to yourself and admit to how much of a pathetic and needy whore you are."

Aust: Just like before, he built her up and stopped in his tracks, torturing her with this pleasure wall. He even gave her an opportunity to snuff out his life, wrapping her hands around his neck. But something stopped her from squeezing down and finishing the job. His words just echoed in her ear and reminded her all too well of her position. She said nothing this time, just letting him work her into a frenzy before jamming on the breaks again. All she did was glare, defiant.

Even if she couldn't seal the deal, she kept her hands where they were, letting him talk and waste his breath. She turned her head away, trying to catch her breath that was getting sapped away from the near constant fucking. He'd keep up this pace until she yielded, which meant she would have to stifle herself the whole time, biting her lip, to suppress any sound.

RJ: The rape continued until either Sena gave in, or was reduced to a drooling mess.

Aust: It was no use. No matter how long she held out she just couldn't win. At this rate, she wouldn't even be coherent enough to speak let alone resist. With great reluctance and after what felt like hours, she scream. "Please! Please! Let me cum for the love of all that is holy! I'm sorry! Please have mercy! I can't...I can't take this anymore!"

RJ: "No," Cyril replied to Sena flatly. "I don't see a single look of regret on your face for speaking out to your master! Your husband! I've always given you the satisfaction your whore body desires! Made you cum over and over, smothered you with my attention and affection! No, Sena!" the man declared. "This time, Fuck You!" he shouted, somehow slamming her harder than before, making her ass turn red from how hard he was hitting her with his crotch. "Why should I let you cum? What have you ever done for me, your beloved husband!?"

Aust: Given everything else he's done to her today, she found herself in awe that he would find a problem with what was going on. He tore her away from Udon, forced him to watch as she gave her life to someone else and wouldn't even let her say goodbye among other things. He was taking this too far, but he was also her bodies key to finding some measure of satisfaction. She even yelped as he slammed into her to punctuate his last remark, causing her to whimper in defeat. "I've...I've given you pleasure. B...but I could do so much more for you, just please. Give me release before this drives me to madness!"

RJ: "You've given me pleasure!?" Cyril roared. "The one who's been cumming is you, bitch! You've had all the enjoyment and satisfaction before you tried to return to that orc once you were done." Cyril declared. "You think you did me a favor with this shitty performance!? Who the fuck do you think you are!?"

Aust: "P....please....stop. Please." Much like earlier, she was openly weeping, feeling as helpless and weak as a newborn babe torn from it's mother. She now knew what it was like to be absolutely powerless again, and she wished for it to end. For it to all have been just one terribly long dream. But it wasn't. "W...With my heart of hearts...I b...beg...forgiveness."
Re: An Eye for an Eye (Aust; GM'd by MAF)

RJ: Cyril slowed his thrusts, leaning down and licking the trail of tears that ran down from her single eye. "Yes, that looks like true regret. The face of a woman who knows she did her beloved husband wrong, who cares for her and gives her such pleasure." He declared, before his face softened a bit, his thrust slowing so the need to cum was still there, but nowhere near as overpoweringly torturous. "You wanna cum, baby? Lemme hear how much you love me."

Aust: Mercy finally being shown, she had this chance to get in his graces again. To admit she was at fault and truly sorry. Though she still despised him for the torment he was causing her, she still couldn't deny the feelings her body was going through "With all my heart and until death tears me from your embrace."

RJ: He checked her face thoroughly as she spoke. Then grinned. "Good~" he cooed, before gliding his dick in one last time, and letting her from his magical grasp, allowing her to cum the most slow and stress relieving climax she ever had in her life. She was left feeling weightless in his arms once she released proper. "That's when I love you the most, Sena. When you're actually fucking honest. When I ask you a question, and you don't give me that stupid ass expression like you're gonna tell me off or, hah, fight me." He shook his head. "We're gonna be together for a long time, you know? Best we get your denial out of the way." he said, before kissing Sena's neck and starting anew, jack hammering his dick into her pussy as wet slaps filled the room.

Cyril fucked her true to his word, for hours on end. The daylight turned to darkness before Sena eventually passed out from exhaustion. He knew how to rock her world in every which way, while she had the opportunity to learn how to pleasure him as well...

(Psudo experience. Sena may learn Kama-sutra in exchange for Fetish: Submission - Sena takes more pleasure damage when being dominated sexually.)

Aust: Pleasing him with her words, she was finally allowed relief in the form of a rather slow burning climax that washed all of her stress away, so much so she felt weightless. A few whispered words from Cyril and a kiss were all that she remembered before he began working anew, wanting to make good on his promise.

It would take many hours and the day turning to night, but eventually he'd make good on his word and exhaustion would take her. She'd pass out and doze into a deep sleep, pondering ways that she could satisfy him much like he did for her.

RJ: Every morning henceforth began with Sena feeling Cyril on top of her, moving his hips back and forth, shifting his dick in and out of her pussy. She awoke and soon came around his cock several times before he released inside of her. After the mess of the night before, Sena would always find a bath to clean up for the day and get the copious amount of seed out of her and off of her body. Speaking with Olga and other officials in the town in meetings Sena wasn't allowed to attend, Cyril would return every evening to take his clothes off and dominate her again. Resistance or not, it didn't matter. He pinned her down and fucked her as if she were nothing but a hole to him. She learned every intricate detail of his cock, down to every vein. She know the size and weight of his balls by heart. Every dream would be a lewd one in his presence.
Sena chose to accept her place. She learned how to please his cock. She found Cyril moaning far more as she moved her ass in tune with his thrusts, taking him deep inside of her pussy. "Ooh, yeah~" Cyril cooed, slapping her ass and making her yelp with pleasure. She was on her hands and knees, taking his big dick inside of her while his ripe balls danged between her legs. "You're getting good at this, bitch." he complimented her, rewarding her with another slap as he pounded into her like a savage animal, and Sena kept up with him all the while, now used to being fucked by him. However, she was still outmatched sexually, as he made her cum several times, making her pass out as he released his seed into her pussy.
One week later... Sena woke up that morning to find Cyril wasn't there to release his morning wood inside of her. He even let her rest the night before, so this morning was one where she didn't feel covered and filled with sticky seed. Though as she lay nude in bed, the fur blanket spilling over just enough to reveal Cyril's name tattooed onto her chest, someone came to the door, and opened it. It was Cyril, and he was not alone. He walked in with a four-legged companion. A white wolf with sky blue eyes. A beauty of nature by default, he looked well-fed, and well-groomed. "Guess what, bitch?" Cyril said as he walked in. "I didn't forget about your sick fetish. I got you the best lookin' dog this part of Crolia." he declared. The dog sat down, wagging his tail, and that's when Sena saw it... The dog had a massive cock and balls to pair with it. It wasn't as big as Cyril's pony sized dick, but Cyril had been finding it hard to fit inside her anyways with the growth of the orc baby inside of her.
Speaking of, it was almost time to give birth. The mage said it was going to be a girl.

Aust: What began now was what could very much be called a new routine for Sena as she awoke every morning to find Cyril atop her and thrusting back and forth, forcing her to cum several times before breakfast. She was washed extensively but had little else to do beyond remain in her room and wait for Cyril to return from his meetings (Ones she wasn't allowed into for whatever reason.), the moment he did beginning the cycle of domination all over again. Nothing Sena did or could do would stop it and she simply grew use to feeling him inside of her, learning every detail about his cock and balls.

In her new position, she would eventually learn to better please Cyril and getting more of a reaction out of him each and every time they were together, earning her a few compliments and slaps on her ass which did get her to jump a little each time. But all her efforts and he was still better then her in everyway shape or form and she would pass out from each session. Still had a long way to go.

A week would pass and today seemed somewhat different then the days that proceeded it. Cyril for one, wasn't on top of her and he had actually let her rest and relax the night before. Another surprise. This left her lying nude in bed, the sheets slipping down enough to see the tattoo, a grim reminder of her station. She'd look at it until she saw Cyril enter and with a rather beauty of a dog. White fur, sky blue eyes, well fed, groomed to perfection. He really was a fine specimen. Even Cyrils rather scathing words wouldn't change her feelings. "He's quite a lovely beast." She'd idly comment, having a good idea of just what he wanted out of this. After all, it had proven difficult to fit fully inside her given how far along she was. And she'd also learned the child would be a girl, brining with it a whole set of concerns. Besides, maybe she could have some fun with this wolf. She was quite use to dominating animals.

"Well, might as well break him in." she stated with a slight grin and throwing off the sheets to show her nude and pregnant body.

RJ: Cyril laughed. "Yeah, whatever. He ain't got no diseases. Clean as a whistle." Cyril said, before moving over to kiss Sena's lips and give the side of her ass a good smack. "I'll have something for you to do in a few days. Olga won't let me put your ass to work while you're pregnant." He grumbled. "First order of business would be to teach your useless ass to fight proper." He said. "I gotta go make preparations. You enjoy him. He's yours. Or you're his. Whatever." he said, before shutting the door as the dog trotted up to Sena, his nose going right to her pussy, as if smelling the scent of a bitch while licking her exposed pussy.

Aust: "I had no doubt about that, I know you wouldn't do that." She returned his assurances before the kiss and smack and the report of her potential status in the group. Seemed Olga was blocking him from putting her to work until the pregnancy ran it's course. And like many before, they'd feel the need to teach her to fight, ignoring the fact they captured her while she was trying to fight them. The fate of her personal equipment was in question and until she was able bodied again, she'd never know. Cyril would leave in time and the dog made his way over to the exposed Sena, getting a good whiff of her body.

"Well, hello there. Like what you smell? You wouldn't be the first." She'd comment as the animal explored her a little. She'd gently stroke his fur as he got her scent. "Wonder what I'll call you...I was never great with names."

RJ: The dog's tail wagged as he was pet. First impression seemed to be a good one. She still had the amulet to talk with animals. It was among the few person effects she had that aren't being held by the ones who captured her, even if only because they didn't rip it off when raping her.

Aust: Remembering her amulet, she seemed to focus for a moment on him as she spoke to him again. "Well, is there anything you want to be called? You seem like a smart one. It's the least I can do for the first real friend I've had here." She'd continue to pet the dog, lying back a little in the bed to make sure she was comfortable.

RJ: The wolf thought her question odd. Mostly because he could understand her, but also because she was asking him for a name. However, leaning back, his thoughts seemed to be completely occupied with her scent as he dove back in and began licking her slit over and over, getting all of her taste all over his tongue. Then he became occupied with the idea of lust. Sena's mind was filled with his mental images of rutting her as he jumped up on the bed and got his paws over her shoulders, thrusting his hips as his cock peeked out of his sheath. It seemed that, unlike her other partners, he wasn't skilled in mating with a human. In fact he looked so sexually deprived that Sena might be his first time.

Aust: Sena couldn't help but feel for the young wolf, as he only seemed to have one thought on his mind. It started with her scent which he drank in and licked her slit until her was satisfied. Once he got that far, his thoughts turned to lust and her mind was filled with what she would guess was his fantasy for her. He joined her up on the bed and got his paws over her shoulder, giving her a good look of his cock as it peeked out of it's sheath.

Then she realized that unlike her other partners, this wolf seemed very inexperienced in the ways of loving a human mate. Hell, it might even be his first time all together and she'd be his first true companion. "You poor baby. I guess it's my task to show you a thing or two." From her position, she'd bring one of her hands forward and she'd grip his slowly growing cock. Much like with Cyril, she'd stroke him up and down with a firm but comfortable grasp, making sure he was ready for action.

RJ: The wolf went still and looked at her directly as she grabbed his dick. As she started to stroke him, he rolled over on his side and lifted up his leg. He allowed her full control over stroking him off as his leg twitched with her stroking of his length. Excited, he was already leaking copious amount of precum all over her hand and the bed. His balls were red and painfully full as if he'd never cum since he emerged from his mother's womb with all the other pups. In this situation now, Sena could hear his desperation to cum through the amulet.

Aust: Seeing him in his current state brought forth some rather interesting feelings in Sena as the young wolf seemed almost ready to burst at her handiwork. She'd go into a whisper, trying to calm him down. "Shhh. It's ok. I know you're excited, but just take it easy. Just let me get...just right..." She'd remove her hand and gently push him off her so she could get to her hands and knees, her rump facing towards him. "Go on. You should know what to do. Let instinct take over."

RJ: The moment she bent over, the dog got up and was on her instantly, bucking his hips. His thrusts were wild and untrained, trying to find her pussy as she felt his cock grind all over her ass, finding all the wrong spots before finding the right one. Her ass became coated with his leaking precum before she felt him slip right in. His front legs wrapped around her sides tight, not wanting to let her go as he began thrusting wildly. He obviously wasn't skilled like Cyril, but his size and speed made up for his wild and aimless thrusts that sometimes hit a sweet spot. All the while, she could feel him squirting his seed into her pussy, cumming even while fucking her. Rapid wet sounds came from the dog thrusting into her wet tunnel.
His knot quickly formed, and sealed itself inside of her pussy. She could feel the fat meaty bulb locked inside of her body, pressing hard against her clitoris from the inside and giving her intense pleasure even while he wasn't moving. The dog breathed heavily, letting out small whines as it was apparently overwhelmed with relief from finally getting off for once in his life. Copious amounts of unused seed poured into Sena, leaving her feeling full immediately as his large and full canine balls pumped over and over, pushing glob after glob of thick, syrupy cum into her body.

Aust: Like with any kind of virgin or desperate lover, Sena understood that he young wolf would be having some trouble at first as evidenced by his untrained and wild thrusts hitting everything but her cunt. He'd eventually hit home while his front paws wrapped tightly around her side. She had to admit this whole effort was rather adorable. Though he lacked in skill he made up for in enthusiasm and speed. He'd occasionally hit her in the right place but she wasn't so worried about her pleasure. He'd eventually cum , but he would only keep going before his knot finally slowed things down.

The tight seal inside her and rubbing up against just the right spots, Sena was beginning to feel some measure of satisfaction from this. She could hear the whines from the young animal, no doubt relieved for what felt like forever. The generous amount of seed he had kept spilling into her, the young woman feeling quite full. "Good boy. With some practice, you'll be a real lady killer. "

RJ: After a few minutes of him constantly cumming, the dog rotated, and got off of Sena even though they were still connected. His knot rotated inside of her, causing her an incredible mix of mostly pleasure with a little bit of pain as his balls now rested against her ass. She could feel him cumming still, his eyes closed as he faced away from her. Droplets of love juice came from her pussy which gave just a hint of reveal to the large swollen bulb inside of her body.

Aust: In time, the beast would reposition himself and inadvertently send a strange jolt of pleasure and pain through her body. It was an odd feeling and one she'll admit she wasn't quite used to. He was still going this whole time, his cum still filling her. Goodness knows how long he'd actually be at this rate. Though at least she was comfortable.

RJ: It took quite a while, a good time passing, before the canine's cock suddenly popped out of Sena's pussy with a loud wet squish. Cum gushed out of her freed hole, getting all over the bed where she and Cyril sleep. The dog turned around to inspect the hole he just fucked and filled, licking Sena's sore pussy.

Aust: She'd find herself waiting for quite some time before her companion eventually removed himself, to her relief, and causing the load to spill from her body and staining the bed. Well, she'd have to clean that when she was finished. But it seemed her new friend wanted to at least comfort her a little, sweetie tat he was. "Well aren't you...oh my... aren't you a gentle one?" If he'd allow her, she'd give him a moment before climbing out of bed and requesting he do the same.

RJ: And so the doge climbed out of bed.

Aust: The bed clear of any foreign bodies, Sena would begin work to clean it up, not sure if Cyril would be upset or not about the mess. But it seemed like it'd be some time before he got back and it left her plenty of time. Once finished, she'd wash herself up just so she wouldn't be leading cum from her body all day

RJ: After cleaning up the bed and getting herself cleaned, a knock came to the door.

Aust: Who could that be? If it were Cyril he would have barged in without even a second thought, so it must have been someone else. Finding something to make herself decent, she'd open the door to greet her guest. "Yes?"

RJ: She'd open the door to find a man that looked to be the adventuring type. He was wearing a cloak and hood of white color. He had short brown hair tucked under his hood and a full smooth beard that formed a thick layer around his face. It looked like a cozy face warmer. "Pardon, but are you the former orc slave of Korgoths?" he inquired.

Aust: At the door, she was greeted by a man that was looked the part of an adventurer. Beard must be great to have in weather like this. "Yes. Until a short while ago I served under Korgoth as one of his soldiers and junior commanders. Why you ask?"

RJ: "Would you have happened upon a wealthy chested woman with blood red hair?" the man inquired. "You see, I'm looking for a certain woman on the move with such features, and I'm wondering if she's been captured."

Aust: Thinking back, Sena was having a little difficulty recalling if she had seen any woman looking like that among the various supply of women at the camp. "I'm sorry, but at the top of my head I can't recall seeing anyone like that. Would you happen to have a name? I may have met her but just forgot what she looked like."

RJ: "Svana? Or perhaps her daughter, Kavika."

Aust: "Svana, I have had the...fortune...of meeting in my time at the camp. She was actually part of Korgoth's upper ranks. Even gave Korgoth a son. Said something about her and Svana producing a superior heir. I have only heard rumors of Kavika unfortunately, but Svana spoke highly of her skill and ability. The warlord intended to capture her for a number of reasons."

RJ: "I'd imagine." the man hummed. "Thank you for your time. Sorry for bothering you." he said, before heading down the hallway to proceed outside. Meanwhile, the dog was laying on the cleaned bed, wagging his tail.

Aust: "No trouble at all. The company was very welcome in fact." She added as he left before returning to the comfort of her new home. Her dog meanwhile was lying on the bed, no doubt worn out somewhat from their little tryst. Seeing if he'd actually say something, he'd speak to him again.

"So be honest with me, was that really your first time with a human? "

RJ: The dog seemed to confirm that such was the case. Twas his first time in general from the way of things.

Aust: "Well, don't just go around doing that to any women. Not everyone is so keen on bedding animals." She sighed, quite bored given that she finished with him much faster then expect. But at least he was polite. Thinking of something to occupy her time, Sena would stand in the center of the room and do some stretches to try and loosen herself up for when she got back into the fight. If they'd let her get that far.

RJ: Sena was eventually checked on by some female caretakers who urged her not to move around too much while carrying the baby. A good thing, since later on that day Sena went into labor, giving birth to a healthy baby orc child. Cyril wasn't present, while the helper girls gathered around Sena and helped deliver the baby into Sena's arms, a bit repulsed by the green skinned child even as they asked, "What... Shall you name her?" she inquired.

Aust: A little surprised by the concern, Sena would heed their request for the sake of the child. The time came however and it was time for her to give birth, the child coming out healthy and happy. Cyril was not around and the helpers would eventually deliver the child to her arms. She had to think of a good name. A strong name. She then recalled the stories her mother told her of the heroes of old. One in particular stuck in her mind. "Sigrun. And she'll be stronger then her namesake. "

RJ: Cyril didn't appear for the rest of that day, leaving Sena alone to coddle her child. The next day however, Sena would find not her child in her arms, but Cyril himself, who held Sena's weary body in his arms while Sigrun slept on a bed adjacent to theirs. "So, you named her Sigrun. Quite a manly name, don't you think?" Cyril commented in the morning rays of sunlight, oppressing her yet again with his ever dominant aura.

Aust: Cyril would remain absent for the rest of the day and she'd get to spend all day with her new child, a bright spot for her. But the next day she'd find the child replaced by Cyril, who was once again in a position of power over her. The child was in the bed nearby, removing some concern from her mind as she responded to his comment. "I don't think so. Sigrun was the name of a female warrior of old. A woman of great strength and conviction. I wanted to preserve that little bit of my peoples history in her. "

RJ: "She's an orc in Crolian human hands. Do you think she'll be able to make honor to her name?" he inquired.

Aust: "She could if given the chance...She's no harm to anyone here. An outcast. Teach her right from wrong early and she'll fit in, in time."

RJ: "No man here will want to get along with an orc, Sena." Cyril declared. "Best we raise her like a slave. You can protect her if she is your servant, but do not set her free and independant. She will not be treated well, by her own kind, or by ours."

Aust: "So we just write off her future as a lost cause? Whose to say others won't get along with her if she behaves properly? It'd feel wrong to simply turn her into a slave and sap her of any potential before she's even a month old."

RJ: "Would you prefer to brave the consequences, Sena? Would you rather protect her, or unleash her to the hounds?"

Aust: "I want...I want to protect her..." She said with a sigh of defeat. Any other situation, she'd put up a bigger argument, but given who she was talking to, it would be a losing battle before it started. "I want what's best for her..."

RJ: "Yeah you do," Cyril said, pushing himself forth to kiss her neck, before slipping one hand down to part her legs open as he rolled over on top of her, getting his hips between her legs as she felt his rod hardening against her.

Aust: It was strange. Normally, her body would be a little more resistant to such advances, but at this point she was so broken in that she really did little as her legs were parted and she felt his rod hardening against her. "Already? I just had a baby yesterday."

RJ: "Our bodies are of the same feather. Why else do you think you're not ruined after having my big dick inside of you?" he inquired, before testing her folds. Indeed, she was already back to her original shape and responding to his advances. He wasted little time, thrusting his hips and penetrating her in full, now able to take the entirety of his dick without the baby as he began bouncing up and down with loud wet smacks, fucking her into the bed.

Aust: "I guess that makes sense. Just a little worn out still, I guess." She said rather idly before bracing herself for a new round. She'd feel him testing the waters, getting a feel for her body before her body reacted to the advances, given him the opportunity to thrust away same as before. He was now fully able to enjoy her, give she was no longer carrying the child and she could feel every inch of him. She had to admit, it felt good. He began thrusting, driving her into the bed and causing her to grip the sheets tightly the whole time.