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[PIXEL FACTORY[ parasite in city (RJ123294)

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Re: parasite in city


Can someone explain to me what this is? Based off of what google translate says, it seems its a game made by someone else? Any help would be appreciated!

You can see that the developer himself answered that its a game being developed by another guy, but, they share the same DLsite's circle.

only two circle

my game 2 guy

he have only one

we using same dl id
Re: parasite in city


Can someone explain to me what this is? Based off of what google translate says, it seems its a game made by someone else? Any help would be appreciated!

it may good... if they discuss and create a game together.
I guess we can get a good result if that happens.
Re: parasite in city

Re: parasite in city

ugh i can't handle another fapfest - i just had one today. my penis looks like an old ad for arbies.
Re: parasite in city

my penis looks like an old ad for arbies.

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Re: parasite in city

Hey broes! New demo released! but you have to dl it with the Mediafire link he gaves on his blog cause it seems than Dlsite don't want or can't update the previous Demo.

(here is the new demo link for those who lost the blog link):

it seems that the final game is being released too on DLsite but that will take some time. If some of you plan to buy it, don't forget to share ;D

I can't buy in Japan dlsite and if the game please me I will try to buy a copy just to "donate" in dlsite english if he release it there.
Re: parasite in city

Friend, if you do not have the creators consent, do not make direct links.

Here's the link to the blogpost where you can find the mediafire link.

Re: parasite in city

I just played the new demo. The vocals are pretty good, but I have to say my favorite new part is the Omake 'lair' -- good work with that one!
Re: parasite in city

so in new demo we can just play Stage1 right? when can we expect the full version for sell? :)
Re: parasite in city

are those three stages are playable yet or it is just stage 1?
Re: parasite in city

for some reason the download isnt working. Clicked on the download button and it doesnt start. Retried several times. Anyone else try the dl link now to see if it works for them now? I know for some it works for them previously. Just trying to see if its just my end.
Re: parasite in city

just download it with the media fire link the author posted on his blog, seems that he has problems with dl site.

Edit: I tried the media fire link and it does work fine for me.
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Re: parasite in city

Yea thats what I was talking about. The mediafire link. Forgot to mention it.

EDIT: tested with my crappy IE. Seems its dling on that. Seems that it may be an issue with firefox for some reason.
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Re: parasite in city

when i open the game, a window pops up and "caution, bla bla, 18, bla" and after this i can see a white box (its right edge is itching) with black background
after that i get a white screen.
locale japanese doesnt work
and right click->graphic processor->execute with high performance processor doesnt work either

but when im on the white screen i can hear her moan quietly and when i press up/down i get click-sounds :confused:
any suggestions what to do?
Re: parasite in city

Seems that the game is working (cause in the first sequence the girl does some breathing background sounds). Maybe try to launch it at administrator, or use compatibility for an anterior version of windows (maybe the game isn't compatible with Windows 8 if its the one you have?).

The game doesn't need Japanese App locale.
Re: parasite in city

are those three stages are playable yet or it is just stage 1?

only stage one, you finish stage one by finding the right tunnel in the sewers that lead to a wooden block that when you kick drops a box for you to climb up unto the streets, you have a glimpse at stage 2 just before the demo ends.
you get the omake mode (a cage where you setup how many of each monster is let into the cage with the poor heroine) stage 1 monsters ( zombie and fly), the first GO animated CGI in gallery mode and ofc the full stage 1.

this will easily be the best hentai game to come out once done, considering all its "competitors" will most likely never get finished.
Re: parasite in city

considering all its "competitors" will most likely never get finished.

Whose games are you talking about? (I am always trying to find moar games like this one)
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