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[PIXEL FACTORY[ parasite in city (RJ123294)

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Re: parasite in city

reviews are opinions, that's why you should read as many as you need to get a clearer picture of the game, they are facts relayed through the "goggles" of the reviewer.

just look at it as journalism, the job of the journalist/reviewer is to pass on the most information that he feels is relevant for people to get a mental glimpse of sorts of the game, and decide if he likes it/will buy it/play it.
but ask any journalist, and he will tell you that any reporting requires to be as biased detached as the journalist can report.
I've still not played this game cos hate spoilered content (same as Ariadne and Dungeon and Prisoners) hoping to play a good game.

Wel...my contribute to OT here:
Personally i've never taken in consideration reviews of all games i played. ((Reviews spoilers contents and make games less fun to play.).
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Re: parasite in city

I really hope you can still click on the insects to kill them in the full game. Those things are way too hard to hit with anything other than the mouse.
Re: parasite in city

I tried the PayPal route and still haven't received anything.
Re: parasite in city

Looks like you can send him a paypal transaction. If you send 13 dollars or more, he'll personally email you your copy..
Question is, I don't really understand his instructions. He says to include your transaction number and stuff like that.. Does that mean we need to send a separate email to him with the transaction number from paypal or..?
Re: parasite in city

Someone shouldn't be reviewing a furry game if they don't like furries. Same thing if it contains futa, insects, bestiality, undead, yuri, or anything else they might not be interested in. Because if they try and review it objectively it's hard to take them seriously because their own personal preference gets in the way..

Wouldn't you also have to say then that people shouldn't review games with fetish content that they do like? Lol. How about let people review however the fuck they want to, and hopefully they mention that they aren't fans of the fetish content beforehand so people can ignore their comments against the fetish.

When I review something, I usually mention what fetishes it has that I'm not a fan of, but I still can judge the game fairly. I don't think many people have trouble with that actually... It's usually pretty obvious when people let their distaste of the fetish content cloud their view of a game, and thus it's easy to disregard their review if you do enjoy the fetishes.
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Re: parasite in city

I've done the donation and I've tried sending the information directly to his gmail. Other than that I'm lost ._. At the worst case I'll pm him directly here.
Re: parasite in city

Wouldn't you also have to say then that people shouldn't review games with fetish content that they do like? Lol. How about let people review however the fuck they want to, and hopefully they mention that they aren't fans of the fetish content beforehand so people can ignore their comments against the fetish.

When I review something, I usually mention what fetishes it has that I'm not a fan of, but I still can judge the game fairly. I don't think many people have trouble with that actually... It's usually pretty obvious when people let their distaste of the fetish content cloud their view of a game, and thus it's easy to disregard their review if you do enjoy the fetishes.

When you review a game, you are supposed to put personal bias aside and review it from an objective standpoint. It's pretty much an impossibility to not have SOME personal bias come in, but definitely possible to minimize it's impact on your thoughts.

That's how it's SUPPOSED to work anyway.
Re: parasite in city

Yup...even though it isn't even out yet, I've bought and received it.

You better know what you are talking about before trying to be a douchbag dude,
and this kind of shitty comments doesn't help anyone yourself included. . .
Re: parasite in city

Looks like you can send him a paypal transaction. If you send 13 dollars or more, he'll personally email you your copy..
Question is, I don't really understand his instructions. He says to include your transaction number and stuff like that.. Does that mean we need to send a separate email to him with the transaction number from paypal or..?

you!!! evil!!!

if someone send paypal to me

i know already his email!!!! never send mail personally!!!

my mail is now blow up!!
Re: parasite in city

you!!! evil!!!

if someone send paypal to me

i know already his email!!!! never send mail personally!!!

my mail is now blow up!!

ok so if I donate $13 you will send me a copy of the game? Has anyone received one yet?
Re: parasite in city

There's always a part of me that doesn't want the heroine to get violated. I am aware I am missing the point of an h game, but I think If I get this I might try to beat a level or 2 without getting snatched up.
Re: parasite in city

Yeah I sent $15 eight hours ago from this post, still nothing. Will update when received.
Re: parasite in city

you!!! evil!!!

if someone send paypal to me

i know already his email!!!! never send mail personally!!!

my mail is now blow up!!

I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. I don't really understand what your instructions are trying to tell me. Which isn't your fault, English isn't your first language after all.

Would you be willing to clarify, if you can?

Edit: I do find it interesting people tried doing that when all I was doing was asking for clarification.
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Re: parasite in city

if you send money(13$) i will send you 1day later
Re: parasite in city

so I will see my copy of the game in 24 hours time? :)
Well, maybe still earlier than getting it on dlsite.

I forgot to do it, but when people donate money to dot_slave3, they could specify a Title to donation. Like "I purchase the game", and dot_slave3 could send the game to that...(email-address attached to the paypal account. since he can see it)... Hm, seems like it doesn't actually show :(
OH well I guess I have to email dotty aswell :)
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Re: parasite in city

YEEEEEEEEEE now I can barely contain myself.:D:D
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