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RPG RPG Maker [OneOne1] The Lewd Quest of Breeding Soldier Sera / 大絶頂出産RPG (RE095512) (RJ095512)

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Re: 大絶頂出産RPG (RJ095512) [OneOne1]

iunno what the fuck i'm doin here
Re: 大絶頂出産RPG (RJ095512) [OneOne1]

anybody got a way to translate this pc game, eg chiitrans, or other similar programs, i would greatly appreciate this, Translation Aggregator 0.4.9 doesn't seem to be working with this game, thanks
Re: 大絶頂出産RPG (RJ095512) [OneOne1]

yay, i got Translation Aggregator working with this game, finally, whew, at least i can understand more than before even if translator isn't perfect
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