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[DMM] Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

is there someway to make my SR card always have its heal ability? I swear it used to have a heal skill but it changed to some sort of buff I think
also what do the percents next to the skills mean
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Are passive skills(SR version and above,limited to leader only)good?
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

the sure-fire way to learn a skill is sacrificing a card that already knows it. Once you pick the "learn skill" button and get to the sacrifice selection, there are 2 buttons. One of them is for random learning skills: You have a chance (the chance shown next to the skill name) to learn the skills of the sacrificed card. The other button is for handpicking a skill the sacrifice already knows, with a 100% (i believe) success.

Im not sure how deleteing skills work, but im think when you try to learn a skill and dont have more room, a random skill you already knew is forgotten.

You can also manually delete a skill, but that's another story...
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I got a few questions so I'm gonna try to section them off

1) I gave a couple of my cards the rare level hp stealing ability but how to I make my cards have 2 or 3 skills because the thing I've been doing seems to overwrite the current skill most of the time.

2) I've been reading this wiki via google translate so its a bit hard for me to understand some parts and it sounds like leveling up eggs and then feeding them to your cards is the fastest exp but I'm not sure if I should be evolving them also or just only getting them to lvl 15?

3) Is using the bingo monster cards the best alternative to eggs since the eggs only spawn for like 2 hours a day?

4) almost forgot the most important question when I'm combining cards to evolve them I only need to max the main card and not the materials? from what I see on the wiki and what I've noticed so far you can immediately evolve rare cards once but as long as you max them before the 2nd time they are evolved they pretty much will eventually get their maximum status just they wont be any stronger till after the 2nd evolution
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Lets see...

1: The number of skills a card can learn depends of it's rarity: 1 for N, 1 or 2 (im not sure right now) for R, 2 for SR and 3 for HR, as fars as I know, there are no means to get extra skills slots.

2: Yea, eggs are the best choice, and leveling them with normal cards pays off very well (they require few XP to hit max level). About evolving... I'm not sure. Until a while ago I have been short of scratch tickets, it wasnt worth, but now its a matter of checking how much Xp a maxed egg grants, and how much XP an evolved egg grants. Personally I wouldnt go for it unless the evolved grants more than twice the normal.

3: Last tier bingo monsters are level 15, so unless you have advanced a lot in story mode (the drops there also increase progresively, but im still stuck in lvl 10 drops :p) ther are the best alternative. The only problem is that there are only 3 colours of lvl 15 bingo monsters.

-Just in case you didn't knew, sacrifices of the same affinity grant bonus XP, 50% if im not wrong.

4: The sacrifice can be any level, it doesnt count. For the main card, be sure to max it's level in each stage, as it greatly increases the stats of the next evolution: as an example, I rushed the evolution of last event's SR card, and she has less than 200 HP/ATK in her SR++ stage. Then I picked another one and maxed it's level, She has 400/300 in her SR+ stage (unfortunately I ran out of sacrifices to max her evolutions :S).

I hope this helps ;)
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

was helpful thank you but now I'm wondering if this new event is a timed thing like the egg paradise because it has "Rush" on the entry buttons just like the egg paradise buts its been an hour and its still going
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

nvm I guess that event likely isn't timed its been up for hours I think I need to get higher in the normal dungeon the treasure chest monsters from the new event aren't so great exp since they seem to randomly pop out lvl 1-10 instead of always lvl 10 like the bingo monsters were
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I'm feeling pretty stupid right now.

I was lazy this week, so just collected the login bonuses and didnt played the game, thinking that I could rush the last day to spend all my bingo tickets but...

Well... I messed up with the calendar, 30 bingo tickets to the rubbish bin ><
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

lol same,5bingo cards to dustbin,together with SR++ red hair girl,i love her artwork :( (left 1 more card to get her SR++ version)

moral of the story: lazy brings nothing but regret
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

This new event seems like the standard treasure event that was going on 1 month ago. Cool if someone needs SR cards, but it's pretty tough to get anything more...
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I got my HR and a bunch of SR in last event of this kind, so my morale is pretty high ^^

Also, just in case u dont know. In the same stage, the chests of each quality always drop cards of the same affinity (If the golden chests of a stage drop darkness affinity, they'll always drop darkness) keep that in mind for farming specific cards.

I myself will probably just farm someplace with golden holy, and try to evolve my HR
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

was it the fact that its 1/31 in japan already that threw you guys off? that got me once in my other game but now I make sure to look up exactly when events by the hour
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Also, in this event you may get some unique cards from the chests. So keep your spirit up!
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I kinda like this card best thing I've gotten out of the treasure chest so far also I think it has a skill that isn't on the wiki the one that has 1% on it, btw are the 5 HR on the wiki the only HR in the game so far?
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

I kinda like this card best thing I've gotten out of the treasure chest so far also I think it has a skill that isn't on the wiki the one that has 1% on it, btw are the 5 HR on the wiki the only HR in the game so far?
i wonder what the second skill does
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Anybody know the element/type of the blonde girl added on this event(the one with the violet dress to the right of the event banner) I love her design.

I put someone on the friend slot with that girl (or maybe looked like) but forgot to check the type, looks like dark or red/sword.
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Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

Anybody know the element/type of the blonde girl added on this event(the one with the violet dress to the right of the event banner) I love her design.

I put someone on the friend slot with that girl (or maybe looked like) but forgot to check the type, looks like dark or red/sword.

she's dark type,with rank N
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

she's dark type,with rank N

Really? i was hoping she'd be R at least how sad, anyway this game is fine thou i need a better undestanding of the skills still i like it so far.
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

man that bingo event I didn't realize how good it was until its gone you cant do anything in this game without those scratch tickets and that thing was giving out like 3-5 of them a day? now Im stuck with no way to get them other than grinding the normal missions but theres only 32 normal mission stages right? I feel like I hit a dead end with game now that there isn't such an ample supply of the scratches being given
Re: Goddess of the Iron-Clad

yea...hope the next event will give us more scratch cards,though the chance might be very low as the previous event has given players lots of scratch card (10 or 13 maximum a day)

so now i barely scratch for R or below rank cards,except those which give event bonus(demon key in this event)

btw is anyone get the event girl(magic,rank SR,she wears a blue hat, has bonus in attack and hp in this event)from magic version demon box?