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[ ぽに犬 ] Way'' RJ123273

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Re: [新作]Way2

I've figured out that the 1st skill depends on the male seeding. But the unique classes won't produce one -- that includes all main characters and Shadow Hero manifestations of them -- not unless there's some condition I haven't met yet, so Marielle, Yeadow and Selica will always produce Omusubi.

I'm don't know what the factors are, only what they aren't. It's independent of both male and female class; the same male will always produce the same 1st skill with any girl, and two males of the same class won't produce the same skill, or at least don't have a high probability to. It's independent of score, seed, spirit sealed, elements, acme or not.

It baffles me that there is no table of attribute changes on the whole wiki. The class article obliquely leaves off at 'getting the right attributes', with no mention of how to go about that other than getting [stability], not even a link to a reference chart. Even swapping wood and water in the table on Haro's wiki leaves a lot of discrepancies, and unless I can see some confirmed and independently verifiable documentation, I'm not certain we're playing with the same data.
Re: [新作]Way2

I've figured out that the 1st skill depends on the male seeding. But the unique classes won't produce one -- that includes all main characters and Shadow Hero manifestations of them -- not unless there's some condition I haven't met yet, so Marielle, Yeadow and Selica will always produce Omusubi.

I'm don't know what the factors are, only what they aren't. It's independent of both male and female class; the same male will always produce the same 1st skill with any girl, and two males of the same class won't produce the same skill, or at least don't have a high probability to. It's independent of score, seed, spirit sealed, elements, acme or not.

It baffles me that there is no table of attribute changes on the whole wiki. The class article obliquely leaves off at 'getting the right attributes', with no mention of how to go about that other than getting [stability], not even a link to a reference chart. Even swapping wood and water in the table on Haro's wiki leaves a lot of discrepancies, and unless I can see some confirmed and independently verifiable documentation, I'm not certain we're playing with the same data.

Add Ninya to your list, although admittedly I have yet to create a 3-girl hero with Ninya at the top of the list. I'm quite sure a girl scoring over 2000 on the ecstasy scale has a much better chance of creating a hero getting the really good skills compared to one who didn't. None of my heroes have ever combined two "ultimate" skills from Haro unless they scored over 2000 on the scale (though that might be small sample size).

There are two attribute charts I've found. One is (which you referred to) and the other is .

From what I can tell these are the same. Even the author is convinced that post 1.41 the element chart follows Haro. For your calculations, bear in mind that multiple ejaculations (during a finish phase) only impart the corresponding element ONCE unlike in earlier versions. If the limit per element is 5 as it was in Haro, then a lot of work with pen and paper is needed to REALLY prove that you're right and everyone else playing the game (including Ponidog) is wrong.

Also from the wiki: 現バージョンでは精力0で射精した場合でも属性が付きますが、内部データではフラグがオンになっていません

The above is definitely something I've experienced with and without 「安定」 equipment. If there's a discrepancy, take a closer look especially at the final finishing phases.
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Re: [新作]Way2

Add Ninya to your list, although admittedly I have yet to create a 3-girl hero with Ninya at the top of the list. I'm quite sure a girl scoring over 2000 on the ecstasy scale has a much better chance of creating a hero getting the really good skills compared to one who didn't. None of my heroes have ever combined two "ultimate" skills from Haro unless they scored over 2000 on the scale (though that might be small sample size).

There are two attribute charts I've found. One is (which you referred to) and the other is .

From what I can tell these are the same. Even the author is convinced that post 1.41 the element chart follows Haro. For your calculations, bear in mind that multiple ejaculations (during a finish phase) only impart the corresponding element ONCE unlike in earlier versions. If the limit per element is 5 as it was in Haro, then a lot of work with pen and paper is needed to REALLY prove that you're right and everyone else playing the game (including Ponidog) is wrong.

Also from the wiki: 現バージョンでは精力0で射精した場合でも属性が付きますが、内部データではフラグがオンになっていません

The above is definitely something I've experienced with and without 「安定」 equipment. If there's a discrepancy, take a closer look especially at the final finishing phases.
I thought Ninya could be unlocked for the village guard once she gets over 40 max lust. Is she still on her island at this point in the story?

I have multiple girls scoring over 2k frequently, but their skills never combine, it's always the highest score's skills. Some of the more powerful heroes do provide compound skills, though.

I may have actually mis-edited the table of attributes when swapping wood and water, but I'd really like to see, for confirmation, exactly the page that everyone is one, not the one they used to be on. Considering I've already announced I may be playing with and distributing a corrupt ain, I don't know how you could've possibly gotten the impression I thought everyone else was wrong, not unless you tried. This is what I meant by deliberately obtuse -- I don't know of of any disability that hobbles basic powers of observation yet leaves critical faculties intact, so I think you're just grasping ham-handedly to insult.

For now, I've found a very good trinket with stability on it, but still not getting fit combos anything like the list. I also have a bookworm girl (活字少女) to play with, but if I can't be sure my ain file is legit, then I can't contribute my findings to the wiki.
Re: [新作]Way2

I thought Ninya could be unlocked for the village guard once she gets over 40 max lust. Is she still on her island at this point in the story?

I have multiple girls scoring over 2k frequently, but their skills never combine, it's always the highest score's skills. Some of the more powerful heroes do provide compound skills, though.

I may have actually mis-edited the table of attributes when swapping wood and water, but I'd really like to see, for confirmation, exactly the page that everyone is one, not the one they used to be on. Considering I've already announced I may be playing with and distributing a corrupt ain, I don't know how you could've possibly gotten the impression I thought everyone else was wrong, not unless you tried. This is what I meant by deliberately obtuse -- I don't know of of any disability that hobbles basic powers of observation yet leaves critical faculties intact, so I think you're just grasping ham-handedly to insult.

For now, I've found a very good trinket with stability on it, but still not getting fit combos anything like the list. I also have a bookworm girl (活字少女) to play with, but if I can't be sure my ain file is legit, then I can't contribute my findings to the wiki.

If you've finished the game, then Ninya is available. She's just like Mariel in that her chastity rating only allows 影英雄 unlike the more promiscuous Semirama and Haine. She will NEVER sleep with the members of the squad. What I meant about Ninya never topping the list basically referred to her not having anywhere near as much onigiri as the other girls in order to keep her role as a class-setter.

I take it you haven't started translating the storyline yet, but once you get round to it you should have your answer as to whether Ninya is still on her island after her arc ends.

That's indeed how the system works. It does mean there's a fair bit of control in that you can use the preview to decide if the top girl's skills are worth a go or if she needs to be supplanted/replaced altogether.

Ham-handed insults? It might seem that way to you. To me, it's someone who takes on a line of argument on some game aspects which are simply wrong. Yet for reasons known to yourself there is no acknowledgment on your part that you've misunderstood or made mistakes. It might just be me reading too much into the few replies you've been posting defending yourself though.

One of the links to the Haro elements page I've provided in my earlier post is definitely current, since that's the Japanese wiki for Haro which English users are not guaranteed to know about. You could doubt my word on this as you have done so for countless other disputes, or you could cross-reference the info in the Japanese Haro wiki with that on the chart in the other link I provided. By the way, the English Haro wiki (assuming it still exists) used the chart version I provided in Japanese as its own reference. Make of that what you will.

Just in case you DO doubt my word (and I'm convinced you do), I've made a copy of every hero that has a unique element combination on the wiki chart. They ALL match, I'm not going to bother with the classes 剣闘士、神官戦士、戦士、馬賊、包茎剣士 and 傭兵戦士 since they're easy to create thanks to their multiple elemental combinations. If YOU don't get an exact match between what you see on your interface and the final class choices available, it might be something relating to flags not properly activating when ejaculation is performed at 0 hearts.

You said yourself your copy wasn't directly from DLsite, still there should be no reason for yours to be special and have deliberately messed-up elemental interactions unless you perhaps made a mistake when performing your own cross-referencing of values.

I don't create custom girls, so I don't know if just-fit combos outside of the default harem and the custom girls already provided work or not. But from my own playing experience, anything that's been included in the Japanese wiki that doesn't have doubts associated with it (for example Semirama's combinations) DEFINITELY gives a just-fit combo per the colour given. So for example 234, 1236 and 12356 on Semirama for 奉仕 is definitely a just-fit on the card interface and has never failed to give me a green jewel when I use one of the 3 combinations at the close. Off the top of my head, I think there was just ONE instance when a just-fit combination that was on the chart failed to fire on my end, but that was a mistake on my end which I later corrected.

Perhaps you could start by providing screenshot examples of where your discrepancies regarding elemental allocations lie when using equipment that doesn't provide 安定, otherwise all I can say is you might be making a mistake, your game is pre 1.41 and you're not aware of it OR everyone else including myself, the game developer and everyone else with the game isn't aware of what is potentially a game-breaking flaw in the elemental chart. A quick scan of the Q&A with Ponidog on his webpage doesn't reveal any problems regarding class allocation from players due to misplaced elemental attributes.
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Re: [新作]Way2

One of the links to the Haro elements page I've provided in my earlier post is definitely current, since that's the Japanese wiki for Haro which English users are not guaranteed to know about. You could doubt my word on this as you have done so for countless other disputes, or you could cross-reference the info in the Japanese Haro wiki with that on the chart in the other link I provided. By the way, the English Haro wiki (assuming it still exists) used the chart version I provided in Japanese as its own reference. Make of that what you will.
I've known about both those wikis for a long time; the tables on the English version was drawn from the walkthrough in the second link, the wiki on first link came after the English wiki. I had them all open in tabs from the moment I realized attribute changes weren't matching up to what I remembered. When you said water switched with wood, I did a global swap of them, and they still didn't consistently match up, so my guesses as to why are 1) I've got a buggy ain 2) the element switch wasn't uniform, and no one is clarifying which wood and water were switched; the active row or the passive columns?

Just in case you DO doubt my word (and I'm convinced you do), I've made a copy of every hero that has a unique element combination on the wiki chart. They ALL match, I'm not going to bother with the classes 剣闘士、神官戦士、戦士、馬賊、包茎剣士 and 傭兵戦士 since they're easy to create thanks to their multiple elemental combinations. If YOU don't get an exact match between what you see on your interface and the final class choices available, it might be something relating to flags not properly activating when ejaculation is performed at 0 hearts.
No, stability has clarified some things. I already translated that bit about ejaculation at 0 times; the only times I've done that were intentional, to keep from upsetting my attribute balanced with the mandatory choices available, and I figured out myself that it wouldn't work.

I had been using Yeadow for my testing, but stability didn't seem to work consistently on her. For example, fire still removes sun, wind and earth still block fire; I saw a couple examples in a row from the time I put on the stability charm, but didn't have the same problems with other girls. Since then I've noticed a whole lot of other problems with Yeadow make her unreliable as a test girl: her love gauge is frozen and won't increase, she had negative loot even though she had never bought anything at all, with or without loot, and none of her fit combos give me the fit message or bonus. I think the wiki says the combos activate as soon as the spirit appears, and based on the color tile when it appears, but I've tested every combo on her list in order from the time the first spirit was sealed-- no fit bonus, and nothing breaks her limit. Forget the jewels, how it affects the seeding is all that concerns me now.

I don't create custom girls, so I don't know if just-fit combos outside of the default harem and the custom girls already provided work or not.
Apparently no one has created a bookworm type -- there's nothing filled in for her fit combos on the wiki. But like I said, how can I add my results when the results on the rest of the page don't match my experience?
Re: [新作]Way2

I've known about both those wikis for a long time; the tables on the English version was drawn from the walkthrough in the second link, the wiki on first link came after the English wiki. I had them all open in tabs from the moment I realized attribute changes weren't matching up to what I remembered. When you said water switched with wood, I did a global swap of them, and they still didn't consistently match up, so my guesses as to why are 1) I've got a buggy ain 2) the element switch wasn't uniform, and no one is clarifying which wood and water were switched; the active row or the passive columns?

No, stability has clarified some things. I already translated that bit about ejaculation at 0 times; the only times I've done that were intentional, to keep from upsetting my attribute balanced with the mandatory choices available, and I figured out myself that it wouldn't work.

I had been using Yeadow for my testing, but stability didn't seem to work consistently on her. For example, fire still removes sun, wind and earth still block fire; I saw a couple examples in a row from the time I put on the stability charm, but didn't have the same problems with other girls. Since then I've noticed a whole lot of other problems with Yeadow make her unreliable as a test girl: her love gauge is frozen and won't increase, she had negative loot even though she had never bought anything at all, with or without loot, and none of her fit combos give me the fit message or bonus. I think the wiki says the combos activate as soon as the spirit appears, and based on the color tile when it appears, but I've tested every combo on her list in order from the time the first spirit was sealed-- no fit bonus, and nothing breaks her limit. Forget the jewels, how it affects the seeding is all that concerns me now.

Apparently no one has created a bookworm type -- there's nothing filled in for her fit combos on the wiki. But like I said, how can I add my results when the results on the rest of the page don't match my experience?

Water and earth switched = What should add an element for earth instead turned out to add an element for water. From the Q&A:


From the author: [安定]がない場合は属性変化による消滅はあるかと。他の要因でデータが消える場合はまあ、属性以外も消えてると思います。

One complaint from another user about non 安定 artifacts failing to grab the desired class; later resolved due to error on the player's part.

Just-fit combos work independently of spirit presence. If you're playing the right area and have the right combination of seed tiles in, just-fit SHOULD be taken into account by the score once a hand is formed after the extra card has been played. I'm sure you're already doing this, but just checking. Info from , specifically 点数計算.

Yeadow might be for some reason or other broken on your system, but what about the other girls from the default harem/bundled with the game? I had a similar experience with Haine once after she was pregnant, fortunately I managed to back up the game to its original state and fixed Haine from what seemed to be an unrecoverable position.

Yeadow defaults at 3,6,10. If you want to exceed 999 orgasm, you need the 3 lights on green to be lit (露出狂 affects what combinations you need). The same for blue but the catalyst is a just-fit combo when playing blue either in cards or at the finish.

. Note the info in 羞恥レベル and 初期素質. Adjust values where necessary dependent on your equipment characteristics.
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Re: [新作]Way2

Doh! That's seed combos. I thought seed combos were inclusive and I habitually throw em all in, so I thought the numbers were for elemental combos. I think the only times I got fit combos on Yeadow was when I was somehow out of mana in the late stage and couldn't get the full collection into the nutsuck. Great, now I can throw out all these rejects I've been trying to scrape out fame and loot with and get her some proper spawn.

I think whatever bug struck her must have happened so long ago, and so many pregnancies ago, that I'd have to give up a lot of progress to back up to it. I still get the coupling effect, so I guess her love gauge is as high as it needs to be.

Btw, the help file alludes to seven spirits that the wiki speculates on, but the ald files only contain these six.

Also, there's a full sized image of who I believe to be Arujyu/Arrju/Arrgieu, whatever spelling he feels like using. The smaller version is on the Red Bonus Card, but I don't recall ever seeing her appear in the story. I think she was supposed to handle the shop until ponidog decided to use Aroa instead, because they're bundled into the same .jaf. There's also a few orphaned lines from her and Claribel in functions that were deprecated but not deleted.


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Re: [新作]Way2

Doh! That's seed combos. I thought seed combos were inclusive and I habitually throw em all in, so I thought the numbers were for elemental combos. I think the only times I got fit combos on Yeadow was when I was somehow out of mana in the late stage and couldn't get the full collection into the nutsuck. Great, now I can throw out all these rejects I've been trying to scrape out fame and loot with and get her some proper spawn.

I think whatever bug struck her must have happened so long ago, and so many pregnancies ago, that I'd have to give up a lot of progress to back up to it. I still get the coupling effect, so I guess her love gauge is as high as it needs to be.

Btw, the help file alludes to seven spirits that the wiki speculates on, but the ald files only contain these six.

Also, there's a full sized image of who I believe to be Arujyu/Arrju/Arrgieu, whatever spelling he feels like using. The smaller version is on the Red Bonus Card, but I don't recall ever seeing her appear in the story. I think she was supposed to handle the shop until ponidog decided to use Aroa instead, because they're bundled into the same .jaf. There's also a few orphaned lines from her and Claribel in functions that were deprecated but not deleted.

Hopefully your misunderstanding(?) has been cleared up. I suppose it pays to read the wiki a little closer rather than throwing everything into the auto-translator and reading what comes up.

Yeadow's guaranteed the coupling effect from the start once you unlock her. Just as well since it's not guaranteed for Semirama and Haine unless you noted which classes did grant the bonus.

You should get more jewels with all the girls now if I'm right in reading that you only ever fluked just-fit combos when short on mana.

No idea who the girl with the red background is since I've not seen her in the main storyline at all. It might be a character Ponidog wanted to introduce but later scrapped for various reasons.

This month's Christmas bonus is coming up. Once I get it I'll probably be close to retiring from this game until new content is introduced.
Re: [新作]Way2

Hopefully your misunderstanding(?) has been cleared up. I suppose it pays to read the wiki a little closer rather than throwing everything into the auto-translator and reading what comes up.
Yeah, google translate is making me lazy. I probably would've gotten it if I'd translated the graphic pop-ups since I have to handwrite every kanji I don't recognize in IME, instead of throwing blocks of text into the blender and picking out the errors that catch my eye. In fact, I should probably do that before finishing the tutorial section.

Semirama and Haine only get the coupling effect with the nameless man (who I suspect is the Majin,) but Semirama still doesn't get it with the guard who she has 3 hearts for now. Marielle and Semirama still make the sturdiest and strongest characters; even though Yeadow is now posting 2700+ scores, the heros she makes are still fragile. She and Koakuma just need to catch up to the furniture upgrades Mari and Semi have.

Aruju's design may have been around since Haro; I could swear I saw the icon-sized image before this game. The .ald actually has a lot of graphics from previous games that aren't used in this one.
Re: [新作]Way2

Yeah, google translate is making me lazy. I probably would've gotten it if I'd translated the graphic pop-ups since I have to handwrite every kanji I don't recognize in IME, instead of throwing blocks of text into the blender and picking out the errors that catch my eye. In fact, I should probably do that before finishing the tutorial section.

Semirama and Haine only get the coupling effect with the nameless man (who I suspect is the Majin,) but Semirama still doesn't get it with the guard who she has 3 hearts for now. Marielle and Semirama still make the sturdiest and strongest characters; even though Yeadow is now posting 2700+ scores, the heros she makes are still fragile. She and Koakuma just need to catch up to the furniture upgrades Mari and Semi have.

Aruju's design may have been around since Haro; I could swear I saw the icon-sized image before this game. The .ald actually has a lot of graphics from previous games that aren't used in this one.

Funny how what I understand regarding aspects of the game is only taken seriously after you've run out of options. At any rate, you've figured out what was wrong on your end and can make more progress now that the issue has been understood and resolved. I'm not even sure I get any credit for helping you with your problems, since all I get in return are brickbats and criticism for being "obnoxious" and "insulting".

I'm quite sure coupling (heart mark) is determined by the class of hero doing the copulation. I've never failed to score a heart mark with the Nazgul and Semirama for example. Some of my older classes like 影の剣 also paired well with Haine but I've stopped using those for some time. Once I've picked out which of the power breeding classes matches a particular girl well, I simply use that hero exclusively to guarantee the match.

Are you planning to translate ALL of the storyline using google translate or some such? I'm not sure how that's different from other players dumping the text into some 3rd party tool and reading the results themselves.
Re: [新作]Way2

Are you planning to translate ALL of the storyline using google translate or some such? I'm not sure how that's different from other players dumping the text into some 3rd party tool and reading the results themselves.
Have you actually read any of my translation? No, I don't just drop it all into translation. I wrote what I actually do right here in this thread, but selective obliviousness strikes again.

You'd get more cookies if you weren't such a jerk. Can you go back over this thread and count how many statements you were incapable of completing without an ad hominem attack or a bitter jab over perceived slights?

Anyway, thanks for everything.
Re: [新作]Way2

Have you actually read any of my translation? No, I don't just drop it all into translation. I wrote what I actually do right here in this thread, but selective obliviousness strikes again.

You'd get more cookies if you weren't such a jerk. Can you go back over this thread and count how many statements you were incapable of completing without an ad hominem attack or a bitter jab over perceived slights?

Anyway, thanks for everything.

It won't be for my benefit, but good luck with the reviews from the users who do use your translation. However it turns out, it had better be more accurate than what you relied on to figure out the wiki page.

Getting cookies from you? Perish the thought. I prefer getting the brickbats if they boil down to your repeated misunderstanding of how the game works and how you take it out on me when I try to correct you. You and I have better things to do than to keep score, so get on with what you have to do with your girls and your translation and I'll do the same.

Or do you really want me to count and quote exactly what mistakes you kept expounding to trigger the "ad hominem attacks" and "bitter jabs over perceived slights"? Depending on your next reply, I'll be more than happy to do so if it suits you.
Re: [新作]Way2

If Rikaichan, zkanji and TextPad were integrated, I wouldn't need google translate. It's not that I rely on it that much, it's that an incorrect translation leaves its impression even when I know it's wrong. Even out of the 10% of the time the machine is right, I still have to find rewordings that sound natural in English, and/or fit the context and the format I'm constrained to. It's really not that much of a time-saver, and lately I've been submitting more correct translations than I'm getting out of it. Crowd-sourcing is a really bad idea for developing a translation tool, and it explains some words only have idiotic translations to choose from.

So no, I do not read the wiki with a translator, I skip to what's pertinent and comb over it with Rikaichan. I did understand the block of text above the 'fit' table, I simply saw nothing that would correct my assumption that seed combos were inclusive rather than exclusive, not there or in the glossary.

I'm only about JLPT-6, 5 under the old system, so I do need translation tools. I must have wasted my youth learning Latin and German, but at least I'm giving Japanese more effort than most, and at a pretty late stage of life. So you can stop getting shitty with me over my lack of proficiency.
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Re: [新作]Way2

If Rikaichan, zkanji and TextPad were integrated, I wouldn't need google translate. It's not that I rely on it that much, it's that an incorrect translation leaves its impression even when I know it's wrong. Even out of the 10% of the time the machine is right, I still have to find rewordings that sound natural in English, and/or fit the context and the format I'm constrained to. It's really not that much of a time-saver, and lately I've been submitting more correct translations than I'm getting out of it. Crowd-sourcing is a really bad idea for developing a translation tool, and it explains some words only have idiotic translations to choose from.

So no, I do not read the wiki with a translator, I skip to what's pertinent and comb over it with Rikaichan. I did understand the block of text above the 'fit' table, I simply saw nothing that would correct my assumption that seed combos were inclusive rather than exclusive, not there or in the glossary.

I'm only about JLPT-6, 5 under the old system, so I do need translation tools. I must have wasted my youth learning Latin and German, but at least I'm giving Japanese more effort than most, and at a pretty late stage of life. So you can stop getting shitty with me over my lack of proficiency.

German's a fine language, boot's on the other foot if this game was in that language.

Since you missed it, this is why you didn't understand how Just-Fit works the way everyone else understands it. I'm 99% sure you won't bother reading what follows, but I'm going to make my point here.

From the manual - 本気種付: 女の子別に設定されたジャストフィットする肉棒形状があります。

Further down the page:

Not quite sure what you read and understood from the above, but it's clear that each seed tile changes the shape in various ways. Tile repeats give the same effect as a single tile, but the wiki warns players to be careful from bonus tiles earned from mini-orgasms and special tiles which unlock and alter the final combination when an ejaculation option is selected after a Hanafuda round.

The above info from the Just-Fit wiki page: たまぶくろに詰まる特殊種全てが形に影響する

Also on the same page: 魔法を並び順で以下の通りとする

Looking at the 6 pictures that follow, Match the pictures in the following order:


Ignore the description that follows afterwards, completely irrelevant since all players need to know is which combination of seeds is required to get the bonus. Or did this extra bit of info trip you up?

If you didn't get what the colours for each set of numbers meant, one comment from the feedback column stated:


You don't rate any ad-hoc translation from me above that of a machine, so the above you can figure out on your own. Cross-reference the numbers in the above comment with the same numbers in Yeadow's table. Notice a pattern?

The table has actually grown since I first read it. At one point all players thought Yeadow didn't have ANY blue combinations at all.

This game was never going to be easy, but missing out info from the manual just makes it harder. You could go on about it's difficult to transfer every single bit of information from the manual into a translator, but the game and its target market wasn't written with English speakers in mind. I read a request on the Hongfire forum asking for impromptu translation of some of the manual pages since the info couldn't be dumped into a machine, but the pages lifted were absolutely worthless for answering the question posed.

As I said from the start (which you dismissed anyway), I'm completely ambivalent on an unofficial English translation. Those who have zero Japanese proficiency want you to continue, Ponidog hasn't given any indication of a translation from his end so you're free to do as you please.

I will take umbrage if anyone argues a point about the game mechanics which they don't fully understand and dismisses any argument off-hand I put up to defend myself. Look up posts #124 and #127. I'll elaborate if you don't understand why the info there convinced me trying to be civil with you was pointless. Post #147 is the only time you've admitted to an error on your end, I had to write the same thing twice (first in post #144 and later in #146) before you finally bothered to read what I wrote. Whether or not you have a JLPT rating doesn't bother me at all, if you're going to do a translation you'd be more convincing if you knew what you were talking about instead of trying to blame any problems with language conversion on your end to anything info I've procured and reference from the manual and the wiki which is what ALL players should be working from.

But in the end, it's your game and your time. Anything from me on this forum has evidently not contributed to your work since I'm dismissed as "obnoxious", "insulting", "ham-handed", "selectively oblivious to criticism" etc.
Re: [新作]Way2

Yeah, all of most of that was already clear, the rest became clear as I was probing the bookworm's combos, so the bold was an unnecessary as the content you had to bold. You should understand from my previous post that translation for me takes time, and time dedicated to poring over the wiki is time taken away from what I set out to do; translate this game. I could delay this translation, the very thing I set out to do, to read the wiki in-depth, or I can continue flying a little blind and spot-referencing the wiki as I deem necessary. What I've chosen to do is MOVE THE FUCK ALONG!

So moving along...

I'm translating the ExtraChar tutorials and template scripts even though fewer ppl are likely to use them than to use this translation. Mostly to figure out how scripts work enough to translate some of the main Heroines script files, but I'll also include a script reference for anyone to follow. I gotta say, ponidog's organization is pretty scattershot. His narrative is stream is pretty good, but if it were anything like the way he writes tutorials and text it would be like this, "Oh, and that cave I mentioned two paragraphs ago? There was an unavoidably huge monster in front of that." It's more understandable when the tutorial is coming from Chucky, but he does the same thing in his manuals and help files!

EDIT: Found an undocumented feature. Usually F1 doesn't do anything but turn on Touch Text for touch interfaces, but if you hit it in Meatpot Mode (fondling), it generates a DickText.txt file in your Data folder, and opens the folder of the character you're fondling. It outputs current motion layer configuration, probably for debugging, along with extra documentation on the commands that I haven't seen in any file other than the .ain.

So translating that wasn't completely pointless. I couldn't translate all of it because if I edited the tags it would break motion configuration unless I tracked down and changed every usage of the tag in the scripts, both main heroines and extra chars.
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Re: [新作]Way2

Does anyone know of a place to pick up the earlier patches still? I'm having a terrible time finding anything other than 1.23. I'd get everything legitimately but it's still not available on the english version of dlsite, and I can't even find it on dmm.
Re: [新作]Way2

Does anyone know of a place to pick up the earlier patches still? I'm having a terrible time finding anything other than 1.23. I'd get everything legitimately but it's still not available on the english version of dlsite, and I can't even find it on dmm.

Off the developer's official website? It's in Japanese but the opening portal has links to the patches required to get up to speed with the latest official version.
Re: [新作]Way2

Does anyone know of a place to pick up the earlier patches still? I'm having a terrible time finding anything other than 1.23. I'd get everything legitimately but it's still not available on the english version of dlsite, and I can't even find it on dmm.

put it there got some patch up Like IT!
Re: [新作]Way2

On the jungle to snake boss. Was it suppose to restart my soldiers and progressing every time in quit or exit the game?
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Re: [新作]Way2

I am probably just being really stupid about this whole thing, but here it goes:

I downloaded the vanilla version from the link in the first page, (http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=510575&postcount=6)

I assume that it is a 1.23. To use the patch provided by the incredible enkephalin ( ), I need the version 1.50 of the game, yes?

Now here is my question: Can I just donwload the 1.50 patch up in this link ( ) and install it over the version I downloaded in the post I mentioned earlier? Or do I actually need to go version by version from 1.23 to 1.50? If so, is there somewhere I can get those 17 patches? Because I can't find any patch below the 1.47 except for the 1.24.

Sorry if this was confusing, English is not my first language and I was trying, maybe too hard, to be clear with this post.
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