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Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

I saw somebody has already passed 300 kills. Currently 204 for myself. What could I do with massive those friend point and money? lol
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Was wondering anyone know where they can see a list of quest objectives?
The wiki i check doens't seem to post event quests and I'm usually aimlessly killing to complete them.
Currently on 5th event quest with mirror as prize
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Was wondering anyone know where they can see a list of quest objectives?
The wiki i check doens't seem to post event quests and I'm usually aimlessly killing to complete them.
Currently on 5th event quest with mirror as prize
By aimlessly completing them, do you mean you can't read the Japanese text on the screen, or you don't know which maps you need to do? If it's the latter, just look for the maps that have "~討伐対象出現~" (Subjugation Target Sighted) beneath the item list.

I think the last one had the lightning and wind scorpion as their target, but I'm not 100% sure. If you would like, I'll be sure to catalog the event quests in the future for you.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

After I fail to beat a boss, wich options actually ask for help from my friends?
I don't wanna be giving up on the battle accidentally.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

After I fail to beat a boss, wich options actually ask for help from my friends?
I don't wanna be giving up on the battle accidentally.

The left call your friends. Middle is for friends and guest. Right one is just get out for another fight. No give up though
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Wow, over 40 boss kills in a day. Today was a good day.
I thank my friends who let me kill some of their marks.
Unfortunately, now that the weekend is over, any chance to repeat that is gone. XP

Still, got all 8 event cards and, thanks to all FP and XP books, got the girl in her top form already.

Except for the 250 and 300 kills reward, this event has been the most doable for me lately.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

By aimlessly completing them, do you mean you can't read the Japanese text on the screen, or you don't know which maps you need to do? If it's the latter, just look for the maps that have "~討伐対象出現~" (Subjugation Target Sighted) beneath the item list.

I think the last one had the lightning and wind scorpion as their target, but I'm not 100% sure. If you would like, I'll be sure to catalog the event quests in the future for you.

Thanks for the advice. Im illiterate when it comes to japanese =(. Found out from google translate and comparing the name of the monsters in the [] of the quest details. Basically they were the light and wind harpy.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

so, is there a reason i cannot progress through normal? its just stuck at the last level and says area clear, and is not showing the next one.

another question, what does the mirror do? looks like i cannot combine it with cards?
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

so, is there a reason i cannot progress through normal? its just stuck at the last level and says area clear, and is not showing the next one.

If you can't progress then it just means you've reached the end of the normal dungeons. None left!

another question, what does the mirror do? looks like i cannot combine it with cards?

You can use the mirror as a substitute for evolving cards (instead of using a copy of whatever card you're trying to upgrade). The idea is that it gives you a chance to evolve cards that you don't have copies of, like gold gatcha cards or event cards and the like. The mirror you get for completing the quests is used to evolve a R card, and the two mirrors from boss kills will evolve HR and SR, respectively.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Despite having a 120 minute time limit to finish off a raid boss, most of them don't last for a minute or two. Though I did have a friend who generated one, and it somehow stuck around for 90 minutes, which is both amazing and probably the longest one of these things has lasted while circulating among friends and guests.

It's really annoying how I have to check every minute to see if there's a raid boss available. I'm even more annoyed by the people who go full power on the weak bosses I'm starting to generate instead of using a weak party so everyone can take a shot at it. These people, these people...

I currently have 183 raid bosses defeated, so I could probably get the 250 reward in time, though I would like to get the 300 reward so I can save my R and SR mirrors for something else (if I get an HR Dio, then I could use both of them to get an UR Dio, or use the SR mirror to get an UR Sumie).

Got 200 kills. I'm going to start keeping track of my friends that overkill my bosses to see if they ever generate ones for me. If not, then I'll remove them from my friends list so I can maintain a list with people that know how to cooperate like civilized human beings for future raid events...

Got 250 kills. Most of these came from these two friends of mine who—despite already having UR Tette—are both kindly spawning all three raid bosses constantly. Actually, everyone I know who has decent manners are friends of these two. They're like a league of gentlemen.
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

What's your DMM nick, Petite Soeur?
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

What's your DMM nick, Petite Soeur?
My DMM nick is "タルビ".

My friends list is currently full though I'm investigating the behaviours of these fellows to see if they're just selfish, greedy pigs that need to be removed:

Otherwise, I generally remove R-HR friends who haven't logged on for 3 days.
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

So, how do I see when a friend last logged?
The number usually marked with "days" in my friends list tells how many days ago they last played?
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

So, how do I see when a friend last logged?
The number usually marked with "days" in my friends list tells how many days ago they last played?
In your friends list, below their level and title, it says "最後ログイン日" (Last log-in day), and then it will list things like x日前 (X days ago) and x時間前 (X hours ago).

A very useful feature is to click the drop down menu and select "ログイン遠い" (Furthest Log-in) to sort your friends who haven't logged in for a long time to the front of your list.
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)


I remove a bunch of guys who had stopped playing for over a month. Some for over 3 months. XP
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Finally subjugated 300 raid bosses. Ugh... I'm exhausted. I hope everyone else can reach 300 without having to click the raid boss menu every couple of minutes to help their friends before some overzealous lunatic jumps in and goes bonkers.

Maintenance begins on the 2nd at 15:00 and ends around 17:00, which brings the event to an intermission until the 9th where the latter half of it begins.

I'm not 100% sure if I understand this, but the subjugation number, RP BOX Gacha collected characters and items, progress, and AP recovery items will be resumed in the same state as they were on April 2nd at 15:00. So everyone might still have another shot at Astea and Tette on the 9th. I'm guessing they'll also introduce new subjugation rewards, which means I can't take it easy yet, ugh... No wonder my UR Tette friends are still grinding this event.
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Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

I'm not 100% sure if I understand this, but the subjugation number, RP BOX Gacha collected characters and items, progress, and AP recovery items will be resumed in the same state as they were on April 2nd at 15:00.

According to the community notice (which I'm sure is what you're referencing), that's correct. It also states that the end of the event is on the 16th, and that the boss kill count will cut off at the same time. So yes, presumably new rewards, and another week of event.

I'll be glad when this is over, I'm up to my goddamn ears in skill books.
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

what do you guys mean? at 9th, my boss kill count will be resumed?now my boss kill count is at 0.While at 16th,the event will be ended?
Re: Dungeons and Princess (DMM)

Ended with 380 raid bosses defeated. If the new subjugation rewards start at 600, then I'll have to defeat 220 before I can reach them.

Hopefully it'll be easier the next time around. I only removed one friend called "梟夜" for overkilling my bosses, and not providing any. The other ones either calmed down a little bit, or at least spawned bosses for me to help with.

Aureliya said:
I'll be glad when this is over, I'm up to my goddamn ears in skill books.
I have 74 pages of junk in my present box, and this is after leveling up, and maxing out all of my available cards. This event completely, and utterly broke the game.

The event is at an intermission phase. Everything will be restored on the 9th, so we can continue the second phase of the event until the 16th.

For anyone interested about the current Hanami event:

The new light-elemental Claire will appear in the event dungeon, and can be drawn from the 11-draw and single draw gold gatcha, which are half-priced (single draw is half-priced one draw per day).

The non-elemental Tamami can be traded in for cherry blossoms quest rewards (700 for an R-ticket, 1500 for an HR-ticket, and 5000 for an SR-ticket). The only other cherry blossom reward of note is the R-mirror (1000).

Both of these characters will have an effect-bonus against the upcoming raid bosses after the 16th. The current petal quest will last until the 16th. So, it's going to conflict with the raid boss second phase event that starts on the 9th...

Of course, you can buy items from the shop to increase the appearance rate of Claire, and to increase the amount of cherry blossoms that drop in the dungeons.
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