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Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows (ALPHA)

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Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Lanric merely nodded in agreement, and followed.

Once back in the entry hall, the woman from before dismisses the servant, then leads the group into an ornately decorated study. Sitting in a high-backed leather chair is an older man with the bearing of a powerful mage, clad in a black robe with icy blue highlights. He smiles as the group enters, and the woman takes up a place behind and to the side of the man's chair.

"Ah, thank you, Amalyn... Welcome! I believe that you are the first ever to escape Ironscar Prison. Well done! Of course, you did have some outside help," The man's initially words seem bright with praise, although a wicked smile creeps in at the last part.

His tone turns to a more business-like one next. "But enough with the pleasantries. I'm sure you're curious as to why I chose to help you. Rest assured, it was no act of random altruism. Although there are additions to my initial plan, I brought you here for a reason. I am Nathandar Drakenhof, last of the great necromancers left in all of Tamberlyn.

For the insipid pride of those arrogant 'justice'-worshipping fools, I would see the same people who would imprison and condemn you suffer. For I understand what it is that you've been through."
At this, Nathandar raises his left arm, allowing the sleeve of his robe to fall and reveal his own brand. "I intend to see Tamberlyn burnt to the ground, and from its ashes forge a new kingdom that understands there is more to the world that blind zealotry towards a single deity's ideal. But I can not do this alone. I require assistants capable of mighty deeds and delicate tasks. Have I found them in you?"

Without waiting for a response, he rises from his chair, eyes flashing with fire and fury. "Join me! Serve well, and I shall raise you high in the eyes of gods and men. I will make you lords in the new realm. Put aside forgiveness and I shall give you vengeance. Put aside mercy and be made powerful. Put aside peace and become my harbingers of war. What say you? Will you swear your allegiance or will you burn with the rest of the blind fools?”
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

A single hand ripped into Gilfer's hair, revealing the previously covered section of face was heavily bloated with pustules and misshapen weight and matter as he stared at Nathandar, his eyes glittering with fresh pain even as he spoke, a tinge of pain coloring his words with a more direct quality. "We all know the empire disdains necromancy. One of their main accepted religions refutes it. They dislike whatever I am as well, and my friend, the lovely lady here, has murdered one of them. It's quite clear that accepting is one choice, but who are we to trade one set of chains for another set of far more long term shackles? Oh, don't get me wrong, I know well that your business is all about people, but your desire to keep animate individuals is perhaps less-so then the efficiency of your individuals who were once animate, so, why keep us? What stops you from betraying us in three hours when the amusement of having some new pet freaks who were assigned to burn wears off? You've got a pet vampire, and it must be fed, and you've got servants who seem to not be vampires, who in turn must be fed, and we both know supplies are not eternal. So, tell me, enemy of my enemy, what makes your offer better then my enemies offer, given you both, at a dealer's estimate, offer death, oh last -true- necromancer?"

Gilfer said that aloud, but his thoughts were different, his thoughts were far, far more simple. This individual is offering me my best possible chance at revenge. I owe it to my family to try to take advantage of this scenario, even if it risks my life. He has done me no wrong yet, but these compatriots, and his servant, are the only ones to have done me right, thus far. I need to know what he himself is capable of, and why he chose us, who have not shown any real capacities yet.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

At Gilfer's response, Amalyn starts to cross the space between the chair and him, only to be caught short by a mere gesture from the mage. Once she returns to her previous position, the necromancer sits down chuckling slightly. "Ah, haggling. Don't be surprised, I've made enough deals to know it when I hear it. So, you worry that I might not value living servants enough, is it? Be at ease, then. Those tasks for which I best need servants such as you four are less amenable to the use of undead, or at least non-intelligent undead servitors, as they are to living ones. Of course, if I'm correct, at least two of you already seem to be on the path towards such a state. But no matter. I did foresee such concerns, and have prepared certain contracts for just such an occasion. Key amongst the clauses within are ones that assure that I will not take harmful actions towards those in my service unless I am certain of harm towards myself. That includes turning any living in my service to a state of undeath without their agreement."
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Mekel smirks beneath his mask at the necromancer's response. "So you won't turn us into mindless zombies if we help you? Sounds like a good deal to me. Where do I sign?" he asks, stepping forward and uncrossing his arms to let them rest at his side. "Though you'll have to pardon me. My name changes often enough to invalidate any contract I sign." he says, laughing from behind his mask.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Gilfer shuddered, the blood between his teeth spraying out for a moment as he almost winced, stating quietly "Ugh, was hoping that the pain would be enough." for an instant before stating, in a slightly more amused voice "Oh, this one will work alongside you, in the sevenfold paths to eliminating an Empire we both hate, but, this one still disdains the lack of knowledge imparted. Questions are to be asked, and minds to be burned, but in the end, when one cannot speak, other cannot answer, and blood is to be boiled to be receiving knowledge from ether. Still, one must recall that the blood must flow. The bones must break, and the flesh must stretch, and if it doesn't, one must look to one's own on what will happen in that matter, or at the very least, provide the jester with an extra hour outside to laugh and frolic and play."
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Elise remained silent at first, letting the others voice their concerns while she simply watched, the necromancer mainly, but the vampire as well, when she lunged.

"And what of the intelligent dead, if they're on the road already, as you say? She's one, and you seem to hold whatever leash is around her neck rather tightly, by all appearances." She asked softly, waiting for a silent moment to let her voice carry.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Nathandar seems to be waiting, and acts as if he will address each comment in turn. He turns to answer Elise first. "What few intelligent undead I can deal with are mostly abroad elsewhere, gathering resources and information outside of Tamberlyn, due to the high number of hunters of undead within the kingdom. As for Amalyn, she has quite the temper, so I keep a close eye on her to prevent... complications."

Turning back towards Gilfer, he adds to him. "There will be more information coming once the compact is made. I can understand your concerns about lack of information, but I did not survive this long against the hounds of Reichert by being free with infomation."

Finally, he turns and addresses Mekel. "As for the issue of your name, that will be handled through the actual signing of the contract. Such matters are traditionally signed in blood, after all."

Although he'd been quietly listening throughout the meeting, Lanric finally spoke up. "Alright, I'm convinced." With that simple statement, he stepped over to where Mekel was, signalling his acceptance as well.

Nathandar claps his hands, and a nearby table animates, shifting over to situate itself between him and the group. On it are two pieces of parchment made of some manner of leather, along with a quill and a small knife, not unlike what might be found in a healer's kit. Once again, Nathandar fixes Elise with his gaze. "Well, now. You seem to be the only one not yet decided. What, then, is your choice?"
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Mekel steps back a half-step when the table animates itself, then returns to his previous stance when it had setled. "Well then, that makes this even easier." he says, grabbing at the knife, inspecting the blade. Just before he presses it to his thumb, he stops, and his head slowly turns to face the others. "Maybe we should read it, just in case. There's this nagging feeling in my head that tells me a deal sealed in blood with a necromancer is bad. And I have no idea why."
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Elise frowned some at the response, but nodded, falling silent again until the table walked over for them, the contracts on it. She stood, walking over to stand between Lanric and Mekel, checking the contract over. She knew well the power of blood pacts, and didn't enter into them lightly. "And If I refuse?" She asked gravely. "Choose to stand not with you or against you, but simply aside?"
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Nathandar shrugged. "I'm afraid that, even at this point in time, you really know too much to be let go. And if you were capable of lasting this long given what you've recently been through, holding you prisoner isn't exactly an option."

As for the contracts themselves, two identical copies lay on the table, and they read as follows:

Be it known, that on this day, a perpetual Compact is made between Nathandar Drakenhof (Hereafter referred to as the Master) and those who would enter his service as agents (Hereafter referred to as the Bound). Both the Master and the Bound shall hold fast and true to this Compact through all trial and tribulation. By blood and soul the Bound commit to the Compact and swear that it shall never be undone.

The Bound shall know and understand the Four Loyalties.

The First Loyalty is to their goal - the destruction of the Kingdom of Tamberlyn, and the removal from power of the House of Reichert. The Bound shall do all in their power to the furtherance of this goal.

The Second Loyalty is to their master - the necromancer Nathandar Drakenhof. They shall do the Master no harm and obey his every commandment as long as those commandments do not clash with their First Loyalty.

The Third Loyalty is to their companions – the other Bound who serve alongside them. The Bound shall deal with each other fairly and honorably as long as doing so does not clash with their first or second loyalties. All treasure, wealth and reward garnered in their exploits will be equally shared with all of the Bound who aided in its acquisition.

The Fourth Loyalty is to themselves – for those that would walk the pathways to power should strive to become great and powerful in the Master's service as long as doing so does not clash with their first, second or third loyalties. By their weakness, ye shall know the unworthy.

The Bound swear that they cleave to and uphold the Four Loyalties even in the face of death and damnation.

The Master swears that as long as the Four Loyalties are upheld, he shall reward the Bound as they deserve for their deeds, neither harming them, nor changing their state so long as they loyally serve.

Thus it is written, and thus it shall be.

We being of sound mind and free will do so swear and let they who violates this Compact know all the wrath of darkness inescapable.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Mekel reads the contract, before looking over at Elise, then back at the contract, before setting it down on the table and running the knife in his hand over his thumb, and pressing said thumb right next to the "Signed," with almost no hesitation. "Contracts aren't really my thing, but long as I can lay about comfortably in my spare time, you've got yourself a Reaper, mate." he says, setting the knife back on the table and crossing his arms. "Job's a job, and I don't leave a job half-finished."
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Gilfer read the contract, his head tilting ever so slightly as it read the words, one by one, a reddened drop travelling across his teeth, fresh blood from his tongue that he had so ripped into throughout the conversation, it twisted back and forth across his teeth, spiraling slightly, as the teeth had already been blooded so often the liquid found it easy to travel, and his head twitched back and forth, always keeping it on the canvas his ivory bones had made, reading through the contract carefully to make sure he understood it. After a moment, he stopped twisting his head, and the droplet he had been fighting so hard to hold in place fell to the paper, onto the dotted line.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Elise's expression went from a simple frown to a look of disgust and anger, the more of the contract she read. When she finished, she raised her head to glare at the man, her words practically spat out. "This." She said, planting her hand on the paper for emphasis. "Is the most disrespectful, flagrant, abusive attempt to make allies i have ever seen, or indeed heard of." She said, pausing. "Tell me. Are you as bound to the letter of this compact, as it is written, as you expect me to be?"

If she has that assurance, she's remove her hand from the paper, glancing over to his pet vampire once before returning her gaze to him. "You had better make this better than it looks on paper." She told him, reaching down for the dagger and slicingthe base of her thumb with it, dripping four drops on each page before stemming the flow, leaving the dagger point-first in the table for Lanric.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

The only audible response from Nathandar is an amused snort, though his expression and body language clearly indicate that his assurance.

Lanric follows suit with Elise, although he refrains from making any comment at all.

Once all have signed the contracts, Nathandar collects one of the copies for himself. "Well done. The other copy is for your little group. Your first command: Prepare yourselves. For the time being, you must remain within the manor. The patrols of Tamberlyn are still searching for you, and as of yet, it would be a wasteful suicide to send you out from safety. Equipment shall also be procured for you. For soon, your training shall begin."

Upon the conclusion of the meeting, the group was lead back to their rooms. In each of the claimed rooms, a tray bearing a short note, a sheet of paper with writing materials on it, a handbell, and what seems to be an iron circlet lay.

The note indicates that the circlet is a gift for signing the compact, and that the blank sheet is for writing down a list of any necessary items that need to be purchased. In addition, it mentions that the circlet is enchanted to allow the wearer to alter their appearance as needed, with a brief description of the boundaries of its power to do so. The bell is mostly for signalling the servants if they were needed, such as delivering the lists.

You may request items as if you were making a third level character, with the same rules on spending and master-work item limits as in character creation for the other storylines, with the following exceptions: One magic item or weapon, excepting healing potions and the TCs. TCs are one per person. Healing potions are limited to ten per character. Otherwise, availability is as for Masterwork item limit is increased to four.

As for the circlets, they act as the hat of disguise magic item. With the small added bonus of circumventing the brand's unusual ability to ignore shapeshifting.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Gilfer picked up the blank piece of parchment, the quill, and the inkpot, moved over to the middle of his room, and got started writing, tongue held inbetween now entirely human teeth as he seemed direly focused on it.

"Dear Santa,

I've been less then good this year, I've made mistakes, and done rather awful things, including trying to eat a person, which I told you I would never do, that said, parents told me to write a note to you with requests for the early Christmas coming up, and I've been trying my best, and so I am!

1 (One!) Bag of Tricks
1 (One!) Jester's costume, preferably poorest most ruddy quality possible
5 (Five!) Bags Caltrops. Non-poisoned, non-special, just fun, pointy bits of metal.
5 (Five!) Vials, empty. No need for any of that liquid stuff!
1 (One!) Spyglass.
1 (One!) Musical instrument, preferably stringed. NOT high value, poorer quality is better!
Extra flint and Steel. Because fire is never bad.
1 (One!) Set pastel dyes. Preferably more solid colors, amount given determined at time of receiving, can use empty vials for dyes.
1 (One!) Set colored chalks.
1 (One!) Tin crown.
1 (One!) Transmission Crystal, cozy range.
1 (One!) backpack to hold this stuff in
2 (One pair!) REALLY poorly made, ruddy, old, preferrably bell-attached, shoes

Best Wishes
Gilfer X"

(Treat dyes, chalks, and costume as a very, very limited disguise kit, along with the tin crown if in doubt)
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Mekel inhales, and then sighs as he sits down and reads the note, taking his mask off long enough to rub his face, before placing it back on and writing down a list of items he will need, before setting it down and picking the circlet up in his hands, staring at it for some time, before setting it down and deciding he couldn't wear both it AND his precious mask, then ringing the bell for the servant to come and pick up his list, before plopping down on the bed and staring up at the ceiling. Now was the part he hated the most: Waiting.

The List, for the GM and people interested:

1x Frost Greatsword
1x masterwork Breastplate
1x Tent,Large
2x Waterskin, preferably full
1x Backpack to store the tent in
1x set of Fishing Tackle
2x Belt pouches
1x coffee pot, and coffee grounds to brew into coffee.
1x Handheld Transmission Crystal
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Lanric quickly wrote down his list, before examining and testing his circlet out. After a couple of quick tests, he set it aside, and waited.

Bastard Sword, preferably masterwork
Chain Shirt, preferably masterwork
Shield Cloak
Badge-style transmission crystal
Gear Maintenance Kit
One coil of silk rope
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Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Elise glanced at the note given, running her fingers over the circlet before putting it on. A moment of focus, and the brand on her arm disappeared. Smiling, she took up the quill and started writing.

A wand to heal my summoned creature with.
A wand to heal myself with.
Waterskin, filled with water blessed by the dark gods.
Transmission crystal, badge-sized preferred.
Hairbrush, soap, nail file, and other such grooming items, in a leather wrapping.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

In short order, the lists were collected. As the servants were doing so, each member of the group was relayed a message from Nathandar. They were to be ready for a training session to take place the next night. Little of note occured for the rest of the night, or during the day. Should service be requested, the servants were prompt to answer.

As promised, the group was called to meet with the necromancer the following night, and sent to one of the mansion's cellars which had been converted to a sort of small dungeon or maze. The task they undertook there pushed their resources, but it was successfully completed, although some minor injuries were taken.

Upon returning to their rooms, the group would find two major things: First, the items they'd requested had been delivered, sitting in neat piles next to their chosen rooms. Second, a tray with four glasses of a reddish-colored wine were on a tray sitting on a table.

Lanric looked at piles, the tray, then back towards the other three. He shrugged, then picked up one of the glasses and drank it... And it would soon be obvious that wine wasn't the only thing in those glasses. What few wounds he'd taken were healed immediately. He glanced at himself, then shrugged again. "Useful, that. Not a bad wine, either."

The wine contains the effects of a cure light wounds potion. It will handle the mentioned wounds, so no need to worry about amount of damage from the training.
Re: Shadowed Path - Into the Shadows

Elise wandered over to the pile of gear that held things she recognized asking for. Smiling, she picked through it, sorting the few items into the backpack, then going for the glass of wine. She had suffered less than the others, the creature she fused into herself taking the brunt of the punishment, but the wine eased the few bruises she had earned herself.

"Well then, what now?" She asked, swirling the last bit of wine in the glass before emptying it fully.
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