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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I haven't used premium for a month, only did it when I first started but didn't get event card or anything.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My luck states my 5 premium gacha nets me 4 silver and 1 gold! Let's swap luck elfloren +_+

Calliope,Fignelia and Despia.
Phalanx 2 is much easier then you think if you have the right unit.
To be honest, I can clear it with 3 units. Soldier (Rein 3) + lord witch + warlock. Done. No skill activation except first soldier's Reinforcement 3

I usually do Soldier, Lord Witch, Warlock, Prince though. Safer.
The key is the position of the witch and the raw fire power of the mage. Witch is ok with just 200 attack, and doesn't have to be a lord witch either. But the demand on the warlock is a giant 450+ atk without prince. Hence, the only thing you need on that map is a gold 50CCed->30 warlock.

Status for Reference to where I first cleared it:
Platinum Soldier 11 cost, (+15 Reinforcement Cost)
Silver Witch 10 cost, (Lv40, 25% affection 200ish dmg)
Gold Mage 35 cost, (Lv50CC->30, 50% affection, 450ish damage)
Prince, 10 cost, (Lv54 with Hero title)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I thought I was unlucky to never get a black unit, apparently not. Makes me want certain black units a lot now though :/
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No problem for Warlock my Mehlis has 500 atk without prince, promblem lies with the witches Despia having 183 atk the highest for my witch...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I thought I was unlucky to never get a black unit, apparently not.
7 Premium Gacha => 10% platinum 3 times out of the 7. Please swap luck with me *bows head*

Joking aside elfloren, you were ridiculously lucky in your gachas.
The following has no proof: Has to do with beginner's luck they implemented in this game. The first 5~10 premium gacha, you have a boosted chance to get high rarity unit. At least my first few premium gacha got me a plat princess lilia, a 3 gold, and a silver.

No problem for Warlock my Mehlis has 500 atk without prince, promblem lies with the witches Despia having 183 atk the highest for my witch...
Incorrect concept, your Melphis is the one doing all the damage. The witch is used to bunch the red armor together for Melphis to kill. Hence damage doesn't really matter. Do the following with your wasted time at the minimal. (As soon as you have enough cost, add it in)
L Platinum Soldier
P Silver Witch (Pre-CC)
T Melphis Warlock (Post-CC)
K Prince
J Heavy Armor if needed

For me, since I have a decent lord witch, I moved witch to Q and warlock to S so the map gets cleared a bit faster.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I see thanks for the advice I'll try it after recovering some stamina.

The advice really works and it doesn't require a heavy change in unit which I'm really bad at, Once again Thank you.

Tried looking at the magic battle video it really is a very hard one without a high level rare witches and I only saw a video 2 star clear.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Refer to attached " " for the tactic I mentioned (humor version)
Outside of Melphis who has very high level+100% affection, rest are at 0% affection and low level.

Lesson learned #1: Do not put a dragon soldier to do a heavy armor's job. Use a rogue next time.
Lesson learned #2: When the prince needs to retreat, he needs to retreat.

Update: Not a problem, I am just laughing at my own video cause I got my min cost dragon soldier & my prince killed by stupidity and accident respectively.

Great Magical Battle wise, I have nothing for it. You are limited to witches and only witches and it's near impossible to 3 star clear without black witch at Lv50CC->30 with boosted damage and the white witch with it's range extend.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Also got level 20 dragon soldier with reduce cost but never used it,keeping it as a dragon pet, but it doesn't really look like a dragon but more like a lizard man.

White witch....another limited event unit....(looks at Anya's pic) and the only witch with range enhancement.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

White witch....another limited event unit....(looks at Anya's pic) and the only witch with range enhancement.

*Looks at Anya's Picture as well*
Aniya~ *sheep bawing, please ignore*

Yeah, we are missing out on a lot of event units, and things are only going to get worse. Though to be honest event unit wise, I only wanted the following:

Order in terms of what I wanted most:
封印されしドラニア, 竜姫アーニャ, モルディベート, 聖戦士マリーベル (More copies for cost reduction)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I also want those event unit but chance obtaining them is very low(if they'll do the same event like other games to give chance for new players or other kind of event them as price or bonus) or never.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

*Looks at Anya's Picture as well*
Aniya~ *sheep bawing, please ignore*

Yeah, we are missing out on a lot of event units, and things are only going to get worse. Though to be honest event unit wise, I only wanted the following:

Order in terms of what I wanted most:
封印されしドラニア, 竜姫アーニャ, モルディベート, 聖戦士マリーベル (More copies for cost reduction)

You are masochists to keep thinking about this stuff, haha.

Look on the bright side, we won't be missing any future event girls ever again as long as we play~ Hopefully >.>

I know I'm so much more ready for the next event than I've ever been. I think I won't have to crawl along and just barely scrape by in the next event like the last one, unless it's some super end game player, all cc'd units type of thing. Starting to 50cc most my main team now. If I could just get some mages, I'd be golden x.X I could probably clear some maps that I couldn't in the last event already, short of the ones that needed CC'd mages. Echidna does make for a pretty good mage replacement though, I think I could have 3 star all but 60/1 now.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You are masochists to keep thinking about this stuff, haha.
If you ever read my post in Maidensnow Eve, you will realize I am a hardcore M when it comes to gaming and gaming difficulty.

Look on the bright side, we won't be missing any future event girls ever again as long as we play~ Hopefully >.>
Magazine unique serial code required~
Web Money > $20 for this unit~ (though last unit is also available from the gacha)
Magic Crystal > 400 required for this unit~ (all too possible since they did it last time. That's one unit never hitting minimal cost without a time fairy)

I could probably clear some maps that I couldn't in the last event already, short of the ones that needed CC'd mages
Take some time to 2 star 34 (王城奪還), and then clear map 40 (残党退治3 -> Watch video and follow that tactic, it's an easy map if you have some soldiers/archer to stop the rush), and you will get your valerie to CC your mage from Map 54 (竜の狩場). Stay away from 47 (炎の竜) that map is bs when you do it for the first time to due to rushes, 54 is a much easier map. (And you can try 47 when you have excess charisma and going to level soon)

Note on 王城奪還:
With Echidna available there's a different set of tactics for that map due to Echidna replacing the healer against black armor and then shifting to mage to knock down the red gargoyle, removing the need for extra witches & archers and overall making the map much easier in the early stage.

I would emulate it for you, but I have most of my extra units became feed due to too much fairy. Bank at 5389 gold at the moment *Sakuya playing super mario type of fish eyes* I will see if I can do a equivalent, but it's gonna be kinda of hard. (Echidna's skill at 1.7x and doing over 830 damage isn't exactly reproduceable ...)

Update: Equivalent failed, my Mischa is at 0% affection and hence cannot 2 hit the goblins *tears*
Update 2: Then I run Phalanx 2 forgetting my platinum soldier, 3 stamina down the drain *bloody tears*

Order of unit reinforced matters, a hell of a lot. Follow the order exact:
F Valkyrie (~11 deployment cost, must 2 hit goblins, 3 hit red goblins)
Q Archer (~7 deployment cost)
H Soldier (~6 deployment cost)
P Echidna
R Witch
Activate Echidna's skill (Delay as needed for Priest)
T [CC]Priest
E Prince
Q Retreat Archer, Reinforce Mage
S Healer
G Bandit
O [CC]Priest
H Meat Shield #1 (> 1100 HP)
Wait until Red dragon dead and start of final rush
Activate all skills (minus bandit and Echidna's)
Activate Echidna's skill when the armor are engaging
Activate Bandit's skill when engaging the lich
Retreat Meat Shield when needed, you do not have to retreat your G bandit
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yeah I accidentally used two crystals in the last few days. One I wasn't paying attention to my charisma because I was sleepy, one earlier where I used the crystal stamina restore instead of a chocolate out of habit, so I know the feeling of wasted resources x.X Down to 9 crystals now. Just hope I can get back to 10+ before next event.

Now I'm kind of not sure who to work on, tons of stamina and charisma and no idea who to level/cc next. All my main team is maxed on affection too (Except Carry. who is rarely in my roster anyways).

1st Soma has -1 cost, Julian has -1 cost, Berserker Fu has -2 cost, Mischa has -1 cost, 1st Cecily has -1 cost, Alisa has -1 cost, 1st Crave has -1 cost

Will probably get 1st Carry, 1st Daniela, and all the other 24+ characters to 35/40 soon, but I'd like to 50 CC some to get rid of some of my copies, I'm really tight on space. Now that I got my main healers and HA CC'd, it's difficult to know who will be most useful in coming events x.X I'm thinking Bandit since I don't use Motima at all and have 2 of them. I wish I had a better Valk to CC... All those Elaine's I'll never use just sitting there, waiting to be eaten for CC food, lol. I really want to CC Soma too but I don't know how useful she'll be, especially with the increased cost.

I don't even want to know what all of your inventories look like >.> Haha. Me and my non rares team~
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My inventory is very filling -> food wise

I'm thinking Bandit since I don't use Motima at all and have 2 of them
Update: Analysis got a little long:
1) 駆け出し海賊モニカ
To be honest, I would focus more on 50CCing your Monica, just cause a captain has 300 range and a lot of damage. Even with the slow firing rate. At least it's an excellent solution to any problem involving red gargoyles. Especially with 50CC->30 with 100% affection, you are looking at > 500 attack. (With Lv70 Prince & Lv3 Attack III -> 928 attack) After class change and lv30, feed her 2 copies of your silver dragon with gold fairies, it will get her to lv42 or so, hopefully with Lv3 Attack III (1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 respectively, hence Lv3 Attack III is your goal. *looks at last silver dragon* keep that one for memory sake, until another event pops up with him)

2) 狂戦士フューネス (Monica uses gold fairy, Fuunesu uses silver fairy, they don't get in each other's way)
Motima is food/cc material, hence I am thinking for 50 CCing your lv40 bandit as well.

3) 槍騎兵キャリー
Carry isn't a bad valkyrie to CC (even early CC) but isn't a good one to 50 CC. Alternatively a plat valk requires a silver soldier, silver heavy armor, and a silver valkyrie, and noticeably more exp. Hence having Carry 40~50 CCed isn't a bad idea if you are desperate for a duelist. Which you are, hence work on her with silver fairy after Monica's done.

4) 弓兵ソーマちゃん
Soma-chan shouldn't be CCed, you need her cost-reduced instead, hence feed soma herself copies. You have Monica, hence you will never need a CC-ed Soma-chan.

For now, I would suggest focusing on Monica and 狂戦士フューネス.
Leveling wise, Rean -> 30 and then focus on CCing Monica and 狂戦士フューネス. After that Arisa -> 40, Echidna -> 40, everything else.
Do not cost-reduce male characters. You will regret it later. Use them for CC material.

I would personally suggest you waste 6 crystals/choco and get 400k gold and use it all to roll for silvers (and likely > 1 gold/plat unit). That will solve all your problem except box space. But you can use those silvers to cost reduce your current silver unit, so that's a plus. In fact, you will likely find a silver mage during those 200 rolls at basic gacha. (I might be doing 100 rolls and recording the result for the sake of doing 100 rolls and recording the result, rest I am saving so I can use iron unit for exping instead of selling them for gold)

Note: Goddess crystal spent on expanding your box is NEVER wasted. The more box you have, the more freedom you have in terms of what units to keep. This is especially true for CC materials. Hence, go expand and keep silver units.

Update: Inventory attached, and I only have 1769 gold left *dead eyes*


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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My inventory is very filling -> food wise

Update: Analysis got a little long:
1) 駆け出し海賊モニカ
To be honest, I would focus more on 50CCing your Monica, just cause a captain has 300 range and a lot of damage. Even with the slow firing rate. At least it's an excellent solution to any problem involving red gargoyles. Especially with 50CC->30 with 100% affection, you are looking at > 500 attack. (With Lv70 Prince & Lv3 Attack III -> 928 attack) After class change and lv30, feed her 2 copies of your silver dragon with gold fairies, it will get her to lv42 or so, hopefully with Lv3 Attack III (1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 respectively, hence Lv3 Attack III is your goal. *looks at last silver dragon* keep that one for memory sake, until another event pops up with him)

2) 狂戦士フューネス (Monica uses gold fairy, Fuunesu uses silver fairy, they don't get in each other's way)
Motima is food/cc material, hence I am thinking for 50 CCing your lv40 bandit as well.

3) 槍騎兵キャリー
Carry isn't a bad valkyrie to CC (even early CC) but isn't a good one to 50 CC. Alternatively a plat valk requires a silver soldier, silver heavy armor, and a silver valkyrie, and noticeably more exp. Hence having Carry 40~50 CCed isn't a bad idea if you are desperate for a duelist. Which you are, hence work on her with silver fairy after Monica's done.

4) 弓兵ソーマちゃん
Soma-chan shouldn't be CCed, you need her cost-reduced instead, hence feed soma herself copies. You have Monica, hence you will never need a CC-ed Soma-chan.

For now, I would suggest focusing on Monica and 狂戦士フューネス.
Leveling wise, Rean -> 30 and then focus on CCing Monica and 狂戦士フューネス. After that Arisa -> 40, Echidna -> 40, everything else.
Do not cost-reduce male characters. You will regret it later. Use them for CC material.

I would personally suggest you waste 6 crystals/choco and get 400k gold and use it all to roll for silvers (and likely > 1 gold/plat unit). That will solve all your problem except box space. But you can use those silvers to cost reduce your current silver unit, so that's a plus. In fact, you will likely find a silver mage during those 200 rolls at basic gacha. (I might be doing 100 rolls and recording the result for the sake of doing 100 rolls and recording the result, rest I am saving so I can use iron unit for exping instead of selling them for gold)

Note: Goddess crystal spent on expanding your box is NEVER wasted. The more box you have, the more freedom you have in terms of what units to keep. This is especially true for CC materials. Hence, go expand and keep silver units.

Thanks, good things to consider. Any extra excuse I have to level/cc Monica is good with me (Probably my favorite unit I own tied with Echidna, I'd love to know her dialogue). I was trying to finish up most my main silver units before messing with my golds since it's less stamina to get their fairies though.

I didn't consider expanding my inventory box either, I was hoping to get a few good units from 5 gacha first, but it could be helpful.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Monica/Echidna's H dialog or Non-H dialog? The non-H I don't mind translating, but you can do it with google translate to a certain extent as well.

The H dialog I am going to pass on, feels akward. Monica I don't have, Echidna's H-scene doesn't require much explanation. 2 thing I don't have at all, a non-silver witch, a pirate of any shape form or size.

Favorite list? Rank wise Kurisa is highest since she's my first black. Nanaly is next due to pony tail and silent type, then Echidna due to being a dragon girl
Kurisa, Nanaly, Echidna, Lilia, Soma-chan, Melphis, Arisa
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Monica/Echidna's H dialog or Non-H dialog? The non-H I don't mind translating, but you can do it with google translate to a certain extent as well.

The H dialog I am going to pass on, feels akward. Monica I don't have, Echidna's H-scene doesn't require much explanation. 2 thing I don't have at all, a non-silver witch, a pirate of any shape form or size.

Favorite list? Rank wise Kurisa is highest since she's my first black. Nanaly is next due to pony tail and silent type, then Echidna due to being a dragon girl
Kurisa, Nanaly, Echidna, Lilia, Soma-chan, Melphis, Arisa

Monica's H and non H dialogue. Echidna's is kind of easy to figure, but Monica's personally is a bit more unique it seems. Monica seems like maybe she's more playful or tomboyish? Just guessing by her affection words translations on the wiki.

Lilia, you mean the plat Bandit or the plat Valk? Both are close but I don't see a Lilia translation. I like Laila the Bandit a lot... Tough girls <3 I'd gladly take the black Valk/Archer as well.

Oh and goodluck everybody with the Monday event, I'm sleeping now and will be on for it later. Thanks for all the tips everyone.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Monday event
I am gonna *** it and get rich. *Determined look*

Lilia, you mean the plat Bandit or the plat Valk? Both are close but I don't see a Lilia translation.
My bad, make that Princess Riria (リリア). Though in her case, non-h only.

Monica: Touch girl act -> Dere dere in progress
0% やれやれ、まさか。王子様の御一行に加わるなんて。
12% 駆け出しでも結構強いのよ。確かめてみる?
25% 王子ってけっこういい男よね。好きになっちゃいそう。
50% アタシは海賊よ。欲しいものは王子だって奪ってやるわ。

0% I would have never imagined this, to be actually joining the Prince's party.
12% I might be a fledgling pirate, but I am pretty strong. Do you want to try me?
25% Even though you are a Prince, you are quite a handsome man. I might end up liking you.
50% I am a pirate. If I want something, even if it's you Prince, I will snatch you away.
Spoiler tag for actual spoiler:
60% アタシの初めてが王子で良かった……。
80% もっと王子のそばに居たい……だめかな?
100% ずーっと一緒だからねアタシの王子様!

60% I am glad that my first time is with you, Prince.
80% I want to be be closer to you Prince... please?
100% We will always be together, my one and only Prince! (or if you prefer: the Prince that belongs to only me)

CCモニカlv37、好感度100, 王子救世主バフ込みスキルレベル4で攻撃力1064, 赤ガーゴイルを2発で撃沈を確認
CC Monica, lv37 with 100% affection, with Prince's buff & level 4 skill, attack = 1064. *fp* Red gargoyle dies in 2 hits.
Realistically, Lv30 with 100% affection, with Lv70 Prince's buff & Level 3 skill, you are looking at ~950 attack.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is there any hint on wiki for the next event ?
I mean :
- Crystal event ? (i hope no)
- Regular event ? (Maribelle like)
- Dragon like event ?
- Gold rush event ?
- New surprise event ? (still waiting my "Dragon king paladin juggernaut warlock of hell")

Maybe we need to start stocking ressources again; and yes using goddes crystal for inventory is a good idea. (max inventory space is 118)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Is there any hint on wiki for the next event ?
None what so ever. The management's horrible in terms of giving out notice, don't expect anything until Monday at the earliest.

Gold Event is here, going to grind until I drop/run out of choco/goddess crystals.
From the ashes of 1769 gold, I shall be revived as a rich man. *Determined*