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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

After 3 tries, I finally got 2-stars on Great Magical War using this strategy:

As the video creator said, the timing is important. You want to retreat Nenya as soon as she fires her ice at the goblin, and then place another lord witch before the one wolf rushes out of her range. I failed the first time because I retreated Nenya and placed the Lord Witch too late, and the second time I failed was because Adelle's cost of 16 was one point too much, so I had to position my mouse cursor myself to deploy Belinda (cost 14) quickly.

Though, I'm curious if it's possible to 3-star this map with a team that doesn't include Despia now that we can awaken our units. Hopefully getting Belinda awakened will power up my team of witches enough to put an end to the Great Magical War along with the unsanctioned, illicit Golden Wolfboy pageants held at the Rural Gate Nightclub. Wolfman pageants. The wolfboys are beautiful, and the betting is heavy. Otherwise incorruptible Mayor Christopher ignores our kingdom's by-laws, and presides as the lone judge at these lurid contests. He picks the Golden Wolfboy, makes or loses fortunes for those patrons in thrall to the vice of gambling. Trotting, trotting, trotting. On parade for the Mayor. On parade at Rural Gate. Purebreds one and all. What does one have to do to be named the Golden Wolfboy? What is beauty? Who knows; that's for Christopher to decide. Desire. Selecting the lucky one. The one. The Golden Wolfboy. The Mayor Christopher era will end in 177, when scandal erupts over the high number of Golden Wolfboys holding down golden jobs at City Hall.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Congratulations~ welcome to the end game club.

After counting, it actually takes 4 shots for a 456atk Sorano to take out all the red gargoyles
By 3 shot, I mean 3 shotting the red gargoyle. In terms of timing, it does take practice. Yet you have to agree that it is the best opening for 60 Undead due to 4 units only and no unit wasted.

After 3 tries, I finally got 2-stars on Great Magical War using this strategy:
Congratulations, I haven't 3 starred Great Magical War either, since witch class is my weak point. *looks at Shiho and Kaguya*
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

As a new player without a lot of resources I have to ask:

I read somewhere earlier in this thread that...uh, rephrasing.

Is there a way for class-change to keep the unit's skill rank (so it would still be 2/5 before and after)? Because for whatever reason I keep thinking that there isn't one.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

As a new player without a lot of resources I have to ask:

I read somewhere earlier in this thread that...uh, rephrasing.

Is there a way for class-change to keep the unit's skill rank (so it would still be 2/5 before and after)? Because for whatever reason I keep thinking that there isn't one.

Skill keep the lv if it stay the same after CC, like if a silver have power boost I before and after the CC it will keep the level, but if a Gold have power boost I and it become power boost II after CC then it will lose all the level.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game



So...of the two modifiers we can have before class change, there's skill up and cost down.
Does cost down modifiers keep after class change?
Say, I have the...silver heavy knight lady (I don't japanese very well) whose cost is 18 -> 21 upon class change.
If I reduce her cost does that mean her cost will be 17 -> 20 if her class gets changed?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Cost reduction keeps, though it will still raise whatever the amount it goes up upon CCing. So its only whether a units skill changes you have to worry about.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


After examining my roster I realized I had a grand total of zero units above silver that had skill boosts, so yay(?) on cost reduced silvers and all that.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Update on AW Passive Mechanics:
Draa: Multiplicative (2388.5) versus Addictive (2387.8) versus Passive Bracket (2373)
Draa: Ash, go do Rural, with Prince and Laila out and active Laila's skill (no Uzume skill)
Ashurmen: 877
Ashurmen: skill 3/5
Ashurmen: 2333 (Draa: with Skill Activation, Prince, and AW Aria+Uzume in deck)
Draa: I assume you have both AW Aria and AW Uzume out right?
Ashurmen: in the deck
Draa: Ok, let me do a quick calculation (2333 doesn't match with any of calculated numbers)
Draa: It's possible that 2.2x isn't 2.2x
Draa: Ash, can you temporarily take out AW Aria and AW Uzume?
Draa: On the next run, no Prince, just skill activation (I need to calculate the exact boost of the Berserk III Lv3)
Ashurmen: ok 877 without (normal)
Ashurmen: 1885
Draa: 2.15 (Turns out Berserk III Lv3 is 2.15x boost)
Draa: So that screwed the calculations, gimme a sec to adjust
Draa: Multiplicative (2334) versus Addictive (2333) versus Passive Bracket (2319)
Draa: Looks like it's addictive, proof isn't perfect but close enough

For now, assume all AW stats passive adds together before being applied. Class passive hasn't been tested yet, assuming they are added as well as opposed to multiplied.
Either way, the difference, even at 2333 damage is just 1. Hence it won't make a difference unless a new AW character have x1.05 boost.

Draa: 1% + 3% + 5%. Then +5% for class specific. For a total of 14% boost addictive boost. Rather than calculation like x1.01, x1.03, x1.05, x1.05 for x1.147 (14.7% multiplicative boost)
Draa: 14%* versus 14.7% boost
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

1: Gold Armor x 2, Plat Armor
2: Gold Armor x 4
3: Gold Armor x2
4: Gold Armor x3

Love the new gold armor daily. Not sure what the plat armor drop rate is but they are so extremely helpful, it's worth it even if the drop rate is low.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Has anyone tried using a Roana on the first lich of 100/2? I'm considering using my level 40 Roana (1596 HP, 419 atk) instead of level 50 Themis (1252 HP, 390 atk) on it.

Edit: It hardly makes a difference.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game


To put my reaction is perspective, if 60/3 Golden Armor Daily is a Lv1 Kaga.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow, grats D: I need me some drops like that, just pretty much averagining 3 golds a run and still just that one plat armor (Off natural regen). Nice to be able to maintain 400+k gold even without a money maker. I hope I can awaken that elf mage girl for that. Still need to CC her...Cutest mage though so it's worth it.

P.S: Sorano practically solos the final rush herself on that map, love her there. I've been using her more and more, she's growing on me.

Edit: Well got 100 red gems waiting now. Just gotta get all my Christophers to 30 to cc em on each other. This is a lot of work just to make Iris as good as Shidisu, lol. At least she'll be able to take a hit~ Ah I should get another mage too, don't wanna lose my silver female mage. Soon I can join the ranks of people with awakened units~ Rather get Carry first but fuck that awaken daily.

Lv70 HP: 930, Attack: 430 (550), Defense: 145 (193)
2/5 skill, -1 cost
Lv80 HP: 1664, Attack: 390 (498), Defense: 153
1/5 skill, no cost reduction

Need Iris copies x.x
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally got 4 gold fairies so I could feed a platinum armour to Aria and then class-change her. I had some rather rotten luck getting those fairies to drop; did 5 consecutive trips at Giant Enemy before I got my first one. I was so sick of that map that I went to farm the 60/5 Sorrowful Magic Fencer Extreme map since I also needed a silver heavy armour to CC Chloe (currently lvl47 5/10 -4 Cost with 10 copies left). My lvl31 Artemis Spica can 2-shot the red gargoyles on that map with her 3/5 skill activated (looking forward to getting an Artemis Nanaly).

As for awakenings:
Hina 50CC70; 2/3 Silvers (need 1 more silver witch, unless I want to sacrifice Chloris.)
Berenice 50CC60 0/3 Silvers (need 4 heavy armours...)
Iris 50CC60 3/3 Silvers (need 80 more magic crystals.)
Mehlis 50CC60 1/3 Silvers (need 2 more mages, and 2 witches.)

Platinum Armours: 4
Platinum Fairies: 2
Black Fairies: 2 (2/10 until I can awaken Nanaly.)

Right now, I'm mulling over which platinum units I should focus on next while I get Aria and Chloe ready for the god-tier map. I have Dahlia, Adelle, and Sedis ready to be fed platinum armours, and still need to work on my lvl47 Lilia, lvl41 Echidna, CC43 Mariebelle, and CC48 Belinda so they're also ready to be fed (I'll work on Charlotte and Ada when their respective events revive unless I have nothing better to work on). Dahlia and Belinda are the ones I want to awaken, but Lilia and Sedis both provide the most benefits if I raise them to lvl70.

I'm nearly reaching the point where I have a nice variety of units that can handle just about any map. Though, I'm lacking a High-DPS melee unit like Lyra, Thetis, or Sherry. I'm hoping that Dahlia will be more useful once I awaken her, since she's currently slower than Lilia at defeating 300DF enemies (Lord of the Dead, Liches, Efreets, etc.).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Guys what's the idea behind the Blue orb daily maps..? I tried 2 of them, one which had Nanaly, I managed to do it perfectly, then she came, murdered my whole team alone... And the other one was one with 3 soldiers rushing, then other units, at a point a Unicorn Knight comes and solos my Rean with a healer backup.

I have 12/15 50CC units, but they are not max level, they are 30-50 so I'm not missing a lot of stats I think.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Guys what's the idea behind the Blue orb daily maps..?
I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you asking about their purpose, or how to complete them?

If it's the former, these maps drop awakening orbs that you can use to awaken gold+ units (2nd class-change) that are at their max class-changed level. For example, a 30~50CC60 Gold Valkyrie will need a single unicorn knight awakening orb, 200,000 gold, 3 specific CC silver units or 3 non-CC gold units, and an awakening fairy (100 magic crystals) to be awakened. If you don't have any max level gold+ units, then you can safely ignore these maps for now.

If it's the latter, then you need a strong tank (a Battle Master Berenice is really good) with at least 2 strong healers to distract Nanaly during the ending rush; the same goes for Crissa. The easiest awakening map is on Thursday.

Got Chloe to level 50 (Skill 6/10; -5 Cost; 9 Copies Left), and Soldier Chief Aria to 50CC30. Now to diligently farm the Sorrowful Magic Fencer Extreme map again for the silver heavy armour (any gold fairies I collect will go to class-changing, and then feeding Julius to Aria) as a change of pace from this:

Got a Lean, Gold Fairy, and Platinum Armour on my first visit. Guess it's back to Rural Gate with my farming implements...

Someone figured out how to 3-star farm Rural Gate with a silver soldier Rosalie and a silver archer (11-17):

The reason this works is because Rosalie has a better attack speed than the other silver soldiers.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Someone figured out how to 3-star farm Rural Gate with a silver soldier Rosalie and a silver archer (11-17):

The reason this works is because Rosalie has a better attack speed than the other silver soldiers.

I'm not getting the point here. Rosari costs 5 as a min, a Rogue costs 4 and does the same so.....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm not getting the point here. Rosari costs 5 as a min, a Rogue costs 4 and does the same so.....

It's that they're using an un cc'd archer. Pretty much any CC'd archer + melee unit can do rural, but without a sniper, I don't think as many (Or any for that cost) work. So that archer could be 6 cost, 6+5 = 11. Kind of pointless since I don't know why you'd keep a max cost reduced silver archer un cc'd, but it's new anyways. I guess if you really want to be able to save a few seconds on placing two units out on rural :p It's probably the lowest cost to finish rural right now.

Hard to tell if a silver rogue could do the same in that position, it's pretty close on the big goblin rush to call. Ah no they can't, because silver rogues have HP/Def affection bonus, they can't reach over 300 attack to kill goblins in 2 shots. So that is now officially the cheapest way to beat Rural (I believe, dunno bout awakened units.)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm not getting the point here. Rosari costs 5 as a min, a Rogue costs 4 and does the same so.....
The point is that min cost is 5+6 = 11 cost (No need for CC) as opposed to 4+9 = 13 cost. This is significantly lower than 13 cost due to 1 sec afk rural gate.

If this was discovered before the start of Awakening, it woulda started a revolution of epic proportions. Translating into Rosary = best soldier period.

However, due to the addition of the 3 Legendary Farming Gear: Rural Gate Princess Betty, Bandit King Laila, and Priest of Gold Noel, the above is a moot point.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's that they're using an un cc'd archer. Pretty much any CC'd archer + melee unit can do rural, but without a sniper, I don't think as many (Or any for that cost) work. So that archer could be 6 cost, 6+5 = 11. Kind of pointless since I don't know why you'd keep a max cost reduced silver archer un cc'd, but it's new anyways. I guess if you really want to be able to save a few seconds on placing two units out on rural :p It's probably the lowest cost to finish rural right now.

Hard to tell if a silver rogue could do the same in that position, it's pretty close on the big goblin rush to call. Ah no they can't, because silver rogues have HP/Def affection bonus, they can't reach over 300 attack to kill goblins in 2 shots. So that is now officially the cheapest way to beat Rural (I believe, dunno bout awakened units.)

The point is that min cost is 5+6 = 11 cost (No need for CC) as opposed to 4+9 = 13 cost. This is significantly lower than 13 cost due to 1 sec afk rural gate.

If this was discovered before the start of Awakening, it woulda started a revolution of epic proportions. Translating into Rosary = best soldier period.

However, due to the addition of the 3 Legendary gears: Rural Gate Princess Betty, Bandit King Laila, and Priest of Gold Noel, the above is a moot point.

Lol, missed she was archer and not a sniper :p
2 secs gain.... even multiplied by 1000 rurals a year I lose more time fingering my nose :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

However, due to the addition of the 3 Legendary Farming Gear: Rural Gate Princess Betty, Bandit King Laila, and Priest of Gold Noel, the above is a moot point.

Noel doesn't need to be deployed and not everyone has a Betty/Laila, so it's still valid. 11 cost also translates to no down time, since you'll have generated that 1 cost by the time you put down your first unit and moused over your second.

Btw Wednesday AW map is too stingy on bishop orbs, took me 7 runs to finally get one.