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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I had best luck on first 100/2 using this strategy:

I don't have enough healers for Dragon strategy (however, check his interception of two black goblin archers, it's really hawt if you struggle with that). And the 'gold only' strategy mentioned above is very strict on unit levels.

I had two issues with that strategy. One is, that your Chloe needs to be strong enough to solo Lich during her skill activation. On skill level 5 I do it with 50cc40 + max affection + prince buff. This is close, as when in some attempts prince died, she could no longer finish Lich off.

The other issue here is to babysit your prince when he is dueling the two goblin warlord avengers. Noel and Kagura skills need to be used carefully (though maybe that is just because my healers suck. I have Sidis, skill level 1 Alise and un-CCed Doreka).

From what I have seen so far it should be easier to complete the event by getting three stars from first 100/2 rather than hoping to get even 1 star from second 100/2...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally reached rank 140, so I decided to try Heated Battle Extreme 100/2. I got the completion bonus on my first try, and I had to try again for 3-stars since I made the fatal error of trying to retreat Immortal Princess Karma as soon as her skill aura wore off (should've counted to 7-8 strikes and then retreated her while it was still up), which was coincidentally the moment the lich blasted her. Fortunately, I got 2 black fairy drops for my troubles.

Currently have 115 Dragon Crystals after feeding Aria a CC-ed copy of herself to get her to 50CC51; -1 cost; 3/5 skill. I'm tempted to purchase a 2nd copy of Aria to quickly level up to 20 and get my main down to -2, but I fed Rosalie her 2nd copy without a skill-up or cost-down, which gives me a sense of foreboding.

Now that I have 15 Stamina, I can farm the Tuesday map. I'm 21/100 magic crystals away from my third awakening fairy. I want to get it now, and then save it for Iris if the next event brings back vampire-type enemies; otherwise, I'll save it for Hina as soon as I get one more silver witch. I saw some strategies for doing the hardest challenge quest map, and all I need is either a cost-reduced soldier chief or a cost-reduced master monk, and a cost-reduced assassin to be able to farm it for black fairies (Awakened Hina wrecks that map, since she can still reach all 3 lanes despite the range reduction).

If you already got 3-stars on 8 of the 9 maps, then you don't really need to do the last one unless you want the completion bonus, or the sacred crystal. Personally, I'm going to save it for when this event gets revived in the future.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Resulting-from-weak-japanese-skills question time. Help, as usual, appreciated.

1) Is it possible to gift DMM points to someone?

On my account I am unable to delete my credit card data (wtf...), so I am sort of reluctant to buy someone points directly from her account. A trans-account gift however should work nice.

2) Is it now known what exactly does the priest awakening passive do? Or we need to wait for some vampire event, and if we don't have an AW priest by then we are effed...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Resulting-from-weak-japanese-skills question time. Help, as usual, appreciated.

1) Is it possible to gift DMM points to someone?

On my account I am unable to delete my credit card data (wtf...), so I am sort of reluctant to buy someone points directly from her account. A trans-account gift however should work nice.

2) Is it now known what exactly does the priest awakening passive do? Or we need to wait for some vampire event, and if we don't have an AW priest by then we are effed...
1) You can buy your friend a gift card, and have them use that. For example:

I believe I read elsewhere that you can't use the same credit card for multiple DMM accounts.

2) They haven't introduced any enemies that deal status ailments yet, so how the passive works exactly is unknown. EDIT: Though, just to be clear, vampires paralyze a unit for a certain period of time, and a Saint class unit just shortens the ordeal. The best way to deal with paralysis is to avoid it with an evasion-based unit. The shortened length could be something like 50%, so it would make things easier for players who want to use a berserker or a unicorn knight, but it's still better to use an evasion unit.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

千年戦争アイギス 灼熱の戦場 強敵スルーして☆2 マリベ以降+シーディス

Refer to the above for getting 2 star on the last map.

Apparently, because I used up 35 goddess crystal to make my video, someone decided 2 star is good enough. *sweat drops* Joking aside, it's a good video to refer to in order to get 24 stars. (Get 2 stars on both 100/2 and your set)

One of these days, they will make "Hell Mode" where you only have 1 life. Then we can all smile brightly and take torches and pitchforks to kill the devs.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Millennium War Aegis Limited Goods Set:

This is like the Limited Goods Set that costed 11,000 yen during Comiket last winter, which gave out a serial code for the black pirate Minerva. This limited goods set can be pre-ordered online for 11,000 yen, and it includes:
Dakimakura Cover (160x50cm 2Way Tricot)
Clearfile (A4 Size)
Multipurpose Desk Mat (30x60cm)
Serial Code for a Black Summoner

Considering that I haven't seen anyone give out the serial code for Minerva. Probably because the few people who are willing to pay 11,000 yen are probably not the generous-type, or gullible enough to believe the lies that sharing the code would result in them getting banned, there's a likely chance that the same might happen with this code.

On another note, the previous Comiket Goods Set had a dakimakura with Anna on it if no one knew about it. I thought I saved an image of the final version, but I couldn't find it in my Aegis folder (either I didn't save it, or I saved it somewhere else), so you'll just have to imagine someone hanging the finished version of Anna on the wall so she can stare disapprovingly at their masturbation habits:


  • pic_d_0023-310_02.jpg
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Sorano with Black Summoner on the field...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Can't even 1 star the last 60/5 and first 100/2 T_T

My duelists eventually die as they don't hit that hard.

Btw, that video is a little absurd, who has 2 leveled Thetis???? 99.99999% of players with 2 lvl 50+ copies of her would have at least a Plat to fill the same spot XD
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Can't even 1 star the last 60/5 and first 100/2 T_T

My duelists eventually die as they don't hit that hard.

Btw, that video is a little absurd, who has 2 leveled Thetis???? 99.99999% of players with 2 lvl 50+ copies of her would have at least a Plat to fill the same spot XD

Yeah, I was creative with replacements, but I didn't impose any limits on myself. Even tried out my 50cc33 Chloe but that didn't turn out that well :p A cc'd bandit should work ok for the second lich since you just need to stall him. The important part is to make sure the first black lord dies before the second gets to the HA in the upper left... Got burned there once :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

My experience on last 60/5:

I only have 1 CC'd bandit so I used it on the middle lich.
-> try sending Roana on the right lich
-> she takes forever poking it
-> left lich walks so far it kills one of my mages up top
-> lil black goblin just walks by

And I end up with a 1 star. I should've just used my maxed Carrie with level 4 skill instead of leaving her for the last lich. I suck so much at this. T_T
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

That one video that uses Kagura as a temp healer for the first 100/2 is actually extremely close to possible for me.

Problem is I'm using Shiho there, so that makes things more difficult since her skill takes longer to refresh. I think all I need to do is level up my Charlotte and I should be able to do it (She just barely got sniped to death before my Shiho got her heal off). So if Charlotte has a bit more defense/hp, should work. I'm excited, 2 more days and all I really need to do is get 3 more plat fairies and use my last plat armor on Charlotte. Well I planned to awaken her early anyways since she's so useful/jack of all trades-y. Should be a good companion for Carry.

Side note: Chloe is a beast at high level. That she can kill bosses like Karma, mmm. She can tank the red armors on the 3 cost plat armor daily like a boss too. I can't wait to see what she awakens into...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finally reached rank 140, so I decided to try Heated Battle Extreme 100/2. I got the completion bonus on my first try, and I had to try again for 3-stars since I made the fatal error of trying to retreat Immortal Princess Karma as soon as her skill aura wore off (should've counted to 7-8 strikes and then retreated her while it was still up), which was coincidentally the moment the lich blasted her. Fortunately, I got 2 black fairy drops for my troubles.


If you already got 3-stars on 8 of the 9 maps, then you don't really need to do the last one unless you want the completion bonus, or the sacred crystal. Personally, I'm going to save it for when this event gets revived in the future.

Grats on 140 :) 15 stamina is way more convenient than 14... 16 would be even better :p As for the last map, I sort of want the can since the daily yesterday hated on me pretty bad. Too many black fairies from the first 100/2 that need something to feed my Kurissa ;p

Edit: Welp, 3 starred the Decisive Battle in the Dark thanks to rush leveled 50CC40 Christopher to take the 4th healer slot. Done with Horus, will take a look at Scorching Battlefield to see if it's worth 1 starring or not. Not too stamina costly (read: it will mostly cost me some rurals) so might try...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Welp, 3 starred the Decisive Battle in the Dark thanks to rush leveled 50CC40 Christopher to take the 4th healer slot.

Bros carrying the day! W00t!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hym, do we have someone in Japan to buy the set? Maybe we could pool for it - I could participate.

Awakening brought us a huge re-balancing of classes. While having entire team awakened is long way off for majority of us, awakened units are probably much better balanced than our current lineups. One of a huge beneficent of that rebalancing is generally dismissed tactician Ren. Her main issue in non-awakened form is that she both has poor damage and provides a poor buff to the party. Post awakening she gains increased range and double attack, which means her damage potential is greatly increased. She can solo a mummy during current event ( though this is on a lvl 90 Ren, dunno how she would perform on more reasonable levels). In the party buff department she now provides party-wide 3% defense increase as well as 30% cooldown reduction. For units like Sorano or Chloe this is a very meaningful reduction. Her skill (10 - 20% def increase for entire party) wasn't bad in the first place, though it's duration is a bit short, for over a minute cooldown.

Now, a lot of units look great post-awakening, but Ren's power relative to other units has greatly shifted. What are your thoughts on reevaluating her usefulness?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hym, do we have someone in Japan to buy the set? Maybe we could pool for it - I could participate.
WankoP confirmed that they're using unique serial codes that only work once, and won't work on other people's accounts. However, this means you can purchase multiple copies of the black unit, which is actually a bad thing because preorders have been filled out since seven hours ago.

They might do a second shipment, but I'm hoping that they will reveal the character design of the unit before then (or at least give the name of the illustrator, so I can look at their other works).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Got this from my daily free draw today:


Not bad. I needed something nice after all these runs without a single plat fairy drop x.x Getting 3 plat fairies, suddenly surprisingly difficult. I've never gone this many runs on that 3 stamina cost fairy mission without a plat fairy drop I think. Dat timing to have bad luck.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I've never gone this many runs on that 3 stamina cost fairy mission without a plat fairy drop I think. Dat timing to have bad luck.
Farm 2nd 60/5 for platinum fairy. I have too many and they are taking up space ._.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Got this from my daily free draw today:


Not bad. I needed something nice after all these runs without a single plat fairy drop x.x Getting 3 plat fairies, suddenly surprisingly difficult. I've never gone this many runs on that 3 stamina cost fairy mission without a plat fairy drop I think. Dat timing to have bad luck.

Or I am trapped in bad luck hole or Phalanx2 and even mid tier daily fairy got nerfed on plat fairies..... of about 60 stamina I got only 2....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think they reduced the drop rate on plat fairies in Phalanx 2. Weeks before, I would run it 8 times per day and get 3-4 of them.

Now I run it 8 times per day for many days and I'm lucky if I get even 1 each day...