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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm all bout that teaching people to fish.

Go to the wiki:

Translate the page if you have trouble navigating it, find the daily you're interested in, copy the Japanese name. Search it in youtube or nicovideo, find dozens of videos of the map. There are often multiple people who do low cost/easy strategies for every map. Nasu Games is the most reliable guy I know (Though he does over explain things).

Finding videos for new event maps may be difficult for a while, but any older maps like those should have plenty of variety.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I gave it a search and yea these videos are helpful. Plus at the very least I have another week to prepare.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow that last map I choked hard stupid sand maps.

With the addition of another Valk to the game I have to ask does anyone use valks?

I only use them Rarely like the Subjugation map thats up now and even then its only for like the first wave.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Nice change to classes, gives them more focus. Does 'initial attack up' for AW rogues mean that they start their progression with higher attack or that they do more damage on first hit? If the latter, it would be a very nice change, improving rogues specialization.

As for new Valk ... Holy Awakening works great for Mariabelle, but mostly to allow her to get absurd defense values. When it comes to attack, Emilia would likely be better off with 'normal' attack strength and 1.8 multiplier from attack up III. On the other hand it is not that common for an event unit to be able to break 1k attack w/o prince buff. Stil, main Emilia power is her tankability. With prince buff alone she can go to almsot 800 def, which is nothing to sneeze at. Her sucky AW ability only adds to that.

All in all I think at first glance Emilia looks a bit meh, due to how OP premium valkyries are. Compared to other event units she should open some options. Too bad, she is mostly a competition to our beloved Carrie.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think Aegis noticed most people don't like spending Goddess Crystals on charisma, haven't they ramped down the charisma cost of event maps lately?

Wow that last map I choked hard stupid sand maps.

With the addition of another Valk to the game I have to ask does anyone use valks?

I only use them Rarely like the Subjugation map thats up now and even then its only for like the first wave.

Valks are amazing. They have extremely balanced stats, recover sortie on kills and have pretty fast attack speeds, as well as magic resist. Among 1 block duelists, they're still one of the best and most reliable unit types. There are occasionally maps where sortie doesn't recover automatically, leaving you with only valks and soldiers as a way to summon other units. I'd recommend pretty much any team have at least 1 valk for that reason on blind runs (Same with soldiers).

Even on normal maps, getting sortie quicker = stronger units out sooner and sooner to afk farming :p Not to mention valks are now all basically free units since they recover most or all of their deploy cost when you retreat them.

P.S: My totals from the 1.5x drop event:



1: Rainbow Fairy x1, Gold Fairy x1, Plat Fairy x2
2: Gold Fairy x1, Black Fairy x1, Plat Fairy x1
3: Gold Fairy x1, Black Fairy x2
4: Gold Fairy x1, Plat Fairy x1
5: Gold Fairy x1


1: Silver x1, Gold x1, Plat Fairy x1



1: Gold Armor x6, Plat Armor x1
2: Gold Armor x6
3: Gold Armor x5
4: Gold Armor x6
5: Gold Armor x6, Plat Armor x1
6: Gold Armor x6



1: Gold Fairy x1, Black Fairy x1, Plat Fairy x2
2: Gold Fairy x1, Black Fairy x2, Plat Fairy x1
3: Gold Fairy x1, Black Fairy x1, Plat Fairy x1
4: Gold Fairy x1, Black Fairy x1, Plat Fairy x2
5: Gold Fairy x1, Plat Fairy x1
6: Gold Fairy x1, Plat Fairy x1, Black Fairy x1
7: Gold Fairy x1
8: Gold Fairy x1, Plat Fairy x1, Black Fairy x1
9: Gold Fairy x1
10: Gold Fairy x1, Plat Fairy x1


2% affection drops from Rogue

1: Flowers x3, Gems x2
2: Flowers x3, Gems x2, Diamond x1
3: Flowers x3, Gems x2, Ruby x1
4: Flowers x3, Gems x2, Ruby x1, Diamond x1
5: Flowers x3, Gems x2, Diamond x1


3% affection drops from Monica

1: Magic Crystal 3 x5
2: Magic Crystal 3 x4
3: Magic Crystal 3 x3
4: Magic Crystal 3 x5
5: Magic Crystal 3 x5
6: Magic Crystal 3 x5
Not sure if I'll run the MC daily anymore before it ends, I don't really need any them right now. Maybe if I wake up before it ends. I should probably get Janna down to -1 cost anywho.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Carrie is a traitor!
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Game trolled me, I just AWed my Shiho yesterday ~~

Now I gotta AW Kaguya as well. (Oh well, min cost max skill can use anyways)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Finished all the event maps. 100/2 map is not too hard but it is difficult to manage unit order as well as timing.

OMG! The first Aigis's doujin ever got scan and uploaded :eek:

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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hmm can't decide, max cost down Marie vs -1 Sailor Veira. Marie's AW ability puts her attack about on par with Veira. I can't tell how significant Veira's AW ability is, she doesn't seem much faster. Doesn't help that the wiki doesn't have Marie's final AW stats. Well I already have Marie near max, Veira is still level 1 as well (I haven't fed her her copy yet).

Going to guess Marie has about 150-200 less hp at max which kind of blows, and her defense is quite a bit lower. I wanted to CC/AW Janna first but I don't have the materials, noticed about the only class I could AW soon is a sailor. I need some extra aoe from somewhere. Just Noel and Odette may not cut it anymore soon.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well here is my "stronger" roster after almost a year (can't remember when I joined, I think it was during the last days of the original Maribelle event).


But as I said, being a collection whore I put more emphasis on quantity than maxing units so I have a lot of 50cc50 event plats :p


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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wish charlotte had the same skill as that silver magic sword drop it seems only the premium summon magic fencers do. Should I spam the 40/5 map for copies of the new platinum instead of the 55/7 map so I can get platinum fairies also or should I just do the 55/7 map if I can? I ask because I have a hard time finding platinum fairies from phalanx 2 and I can't beat the high tier fairy rescue.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Should I spam the 40/5 map for copies of the new platinum instead of the 55/7 map so I can get platinum fairies also or should I just do the 55/7 map if I can? I ask because I have a hard time finding platinum fairies from phalanx 2 and I can't beat the high tier fairy rescue.

I wonder about this too. In the past sometimes the penultimate map had decent drop (proportional to stamina), but for some events all maps but final had terrible drop rate for event unit. Surely I would like to get plat fairies instead of even more silver priests, which I have tons from Karma event.

I think I will try firming the 40/5 and if I have terrible drops or drop rate gets spoiled/calculated by jap community, I will switch to 55/7.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wonder about this too. In the past sometimes the penultimate map had decent drop (proportional to stamina), but for some events all maps but final had terrible drop rate for event unit. Surely I would like to get plat fairies instead of even more silver priests, which I have tons from Karma event.

I think I will try firming the 40/5 and if I have terrible drops or drop rate gets spoiled/calculated by jap community, I will switch to 55/7.

Unless u are also interested in the silvers, I;m pretty sure you would get better drops by doing 55/7 and fairy daily today and on tuesday.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Im so mad that I can't beat the 55/7 map mostly because my witches and archers arent 100% affection and Im not sure if my unawakened katie can handle the top right melee spot either her affection is low too. I guess I either have to spam phalanx 2 for rubies with the few crystals I have left or stay in the 40/5 map
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So I decided that I should awaken one of my valks for those events where I actually use one, now my problem is which one would be the most useful in most situations.

All my valks are at minimum 50cc20.

I have black valk kurissu 20 cost.
Plat valk lily 17 cost
plat valk deliha? The purple brown valk 18 cost
plat valk emily the new one 17 cost can try and get 15 cost rng permitting.
And gold valk carry 15 cost she is also ready to be AW.

So anyone have any suggestions for best all rounder to AW, I have no real preference.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

AW the platinum lily (I believe she is called Thetis right?) Anyways, it's the platinum valkyrie which has Immunity on AW.

Also she is the closest to black unit. She has attack IV and can't be stunned or poisoned.

To put it in simple terms, Kurissa CC80 is good enough for most situations, you can AW her if you have extra resources, but she's fucking OP even without (Black units are black units, they're always a friggin class of their own and cannot be compared to other units).

In terms of all the valkyries you listed, the most urgent Valkyrie you need to AW ASAP is the Platinum white lily, she gains the ability IMMUNE TO ALL NEGATIVE STATS upon AW.

Yup, she's immune to everything and anything. How goddamn OP is that? Never again will you have to cringe in pain when blocking stupid vampires or suffer from poison loss.

In short, I would only use Platinum Lily and/or Black Kurissa. Use Lily when dealing with special units or special dungeons that has negative effects. Use Kurissa for any other situations.

It's well known some Platinum units are almost equivalent to black units in terms of usefulness. The following are...

Valkyrie - White Lily
Witch - Belinda
Archer - Spica
Healer - Sedis/Saria (they're both excellent, but situational on how you want to use them, Saria for faster heals versus Sedis' larger range and high power heal)
Heavy Armor - Maribelle

Any other units that might be missing from this list could be my poor memory, and also the factor that some classes don't have black units hence I won't mention them.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks Hybras white knight lily / thetis it is.
A shame about her AW art though such a drastic art change.

In regards to the other units you listed.

Witch -
I have black witch despunia with max skill rarely ever need other witches and my maxed yuyu will normally cover.

Spicia -
Only use her for her archer atk bonus I have nanally and a 50ccAW90 12 cost Bashira who is my all time mvp.

Sedis / saria
Sedis is a staple of most of my teams along with iris, is saria the small chested priest with short black hair I think?

Great unit glad I farmed her max cost reduction.
Then again I have the black HA so shes a second HA if I need to take her.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think there has been another major change this update (though likely not announced, as it is a bugfix) - Apparently now Aegis uses server time, rather than local time, and works properly without setting local time to Japanese. This has been verified by me and Aneali, using Android version (for which it was most important, as having timezone set to Tokyo on phone takes some using to).
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Noticed that Charlotte's skill was "Magic Sword", which got buffed. Though, it seems she still isn't satisfied:

Note that the above is a viable strategy, since the characters that get bitched about the most are also the ones that get buffed, irrespective of whether or not they truly need to be buffed. For example, when Princess awakening became available, everyone complainted about High Princess Lilia, so in the last update they essentially doubled her base regen rate (12HP 0.5s, or 72HP a second with her skill). What I'm learning from this is that when someone says that your favourite character is weak, just roll with it. Even if it's not necessarily true, there's a chance that character or their skill/ability will get buffed. *smile smile*
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Noticed that Charlotte's skill was "Magic Sword", which got buffed. Though, it seems she still isn't satisfied:
Then there still hope for Emilia, I would be happy if they at least give her a def close to Daria or 300-400 HP so Emilia can survive until her skill is ready.
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